Korg Trinity Audio output Masterclass (with pics)

Korg Trinity Audio-Outputs Masterclass

Topic: Utilising all four audio jack outputs.

To access analogue output channels 3 & 4 in Sequencer mode you will need to make use of the Send 1 & 2 channels. Send 1 & 2 are normally used as auxiliary buses to send audio to the master global effects (the last effects in the chain, accessed via the screen on "P8"), but to use the Sends as individual outs (for channels 3 and 4) you may need to rethink your master effects usage for channels 1 & 2, as these may be blended with the 3 & 4 outputs unless you use extreme settings (isolating them away from the Sends).

If that sounds a tad complex, don't worry, here's a quick tutorial:-

* Hook up all four main jack outputs from the Trinity to individual channels on your external mixer or multi-channel soundcard.

* Open the Sequencer screen on the Trinity (screen P1). If you look directly above the volume faders on each midi channel you'll be able to see the pan control.

0x01 graphic

1 (L) - 0x01 graphic
- 2 (R)

This pan pot sends the patch to just the Trinity's main outputs 1 and 2 only (it is NOT connected to outputs 3 or 4 in any way whatsoever).

If you select the panpot to be "C064" (ie. "central" as shown above), the sound will be sent to BOTH the main outputs 1 & 2 equally. If you select "L000" it will pan the sound to hard-left (and send the sound JUST to main output 1 on its own. - Output 2 will remain silent). Similarly selecting "R127" pans the sound to hard-right (sending the sound JUST to output 2 on its own, while output 1 remains silent).

Selecting "OFF" mutes the sound from both outputs 1 AND 2.

So what about outputs 3 & 4?....

* Press the "MIX-1-8" tab on the bottom of the screen it takes you to the page where you can specify "Send 1" and "Send 2" amounts. Just bear this in mind, briefly, as these are the key to the Trinity's two extra main outputs (outputs 3 & 4).

0x01 graphic


* Now press the "P8" button, and it'll take you to the master effects page.

0x01 graphic

On the left you can see where the Sends go (if you follow the arrows). "Send 1" goes through the Master "Modulation" effect and then goes to another pan control ("Pan 1"), while "Send 2" goes through the Master "Reverb/Delay" effect and goes to a second pan control ("Pan 2").

This time, panning hard-left (L) routes the audio to output 3, and panning hard-right (R) routes the audio to output 4.

Oddly, the default configuration is that Send 1 & 2 are both panned hard-left (L) hence both are sent to output 3.... So, in order for Send2 to be routed to output 4, change "Pan2" to be hard-right (R).

* Now go back to the "Mix-1-8" screen where you can select the Send amounts for each track:-


0x01 graphic

Now, if you want a track to be routed to output 3, raise the value of Send 1 to maximum. Similarly if you want a track to be routed to output 4, raise Send 2 to maximum. Raising both of them for the same track will route the track to both output 3 & 4.


In conclusion, to get four different sounds to come out of each of the Trinity's four main jack outputs, set up four tracks in the sequencer with different sounds. For an example, I'll have four different patches set up on four tracks:-


0x01 graphic

^ Look at the pan settings:

Track 1 is routed fully to the left (for output 1)

Track 2 is routed fully to the right (for output 2)

Track 3 has the panpot turned off (outputs 1 & 2 are muted for this track)

Track 4 has the panpot turned off (outputs 1 & 2 are muted for this track)

Then go to the Mix-1-8 tab:


0x01 graphic

Track 1 is not routed to Send 1 or Send 2

Track 2 is not routed to Send 1 or Send 2

Track 3 is fully routed into Send 1, but not Send 2

Track 4 is fully routed into Send 2, but not Send 1

Then go to the Master effects page (P8):

0x01 graphic

Send 1 is routed fully to the left (output 3)

Send 2 is routed fully to the right (output 4)

And there you go!


Lastly, cautions. It goes without saying you will likely have to sacrifice the Master Modulation and Reverb/Delay effects for all tracks and outputs if you want the patches routed to outputs 3 & 4 completely `dry'. Outputs 1 & 2 can't use the Sends (and therefore the Master effects) at all if you wish to avoid "spill" between outputs. However, you can usually set the "wetness" of some master effects for outputting the sounds already destined for outputs 3 & 4.

Also beware of the check-box inbetween Send 1 and Send 2 on the last picture (Master effects), as it routes Send 1 into Send 2, so output 3 would spill into output 4 too.

Lastly, beware of any Sends used in the Track Effects (P7) page.

Er, hope you got all that. ;) It can be a bit of a rats maze if left untamed, but otherwise can be quite creative.

Timo ;)


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