skills test units 25 32 a

Skills Test A - Units 25-32


1 Listen and circle the correct answer - A, B or C.

Track 8

0 Bill's mum is happy because she's going to see her son in a play.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say

1 Bill's mum is wearing a big hat.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say

2 People don't usually wear hats at Ben's school.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say

3 Bill's mum doesn't want to take photos in the play.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say

4 Ben's mum's camera is big.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say

5 They are going to be late.

A) True B) False C) Doesn't say

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2.Listen to the dialogue. Match the names with the statements. There are two extra statements.

Track 9

0 John __A__

1 Mr Smith _____

2 Ben _____

3 Tiza _____

4 Mrs Brown _____

5 Julie and Jake _____

A) He was washing up.

B) He was looking for his dog.

C) She was buying a newspaper.

D) She was digging in the garden.

E) She was watching TV.

F) He ran to the plane.

G) She was in the cinema.

H) They were swimming.

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3 Read the text. Complete it with the sentences A-E.

Dear Sally,

Have you ever been to Morocco?0___F__ I went there last year with my brother. I really loved the country! We visited lots of interesting places and we had lots of adventures. I want to tell you about our adventure in the mountains.

The mountains near the Sahara Desert in Morocco are called the Atlas Mountains. 1_____ They were very friendly. They invited us to their house. It was small but very comfortable. They gave us lots of food. In the Atlas Mountains it is polite to give people much food. 2_____ There was a house behind the trees - and the house was on fire!

We ran to the house. The fire was spreading very quickly. 3_____ It was a small girl. She was shouting for help. There were lots of flames in the room. The window was high and the girl was too scared to jump. My brother ran to the house and climbed to the window. 4_____ My brother is really fit! I had my mobile phone with me and I wanted to call the ambulance, but the girl was fine. She was only scared. 5_____ I called the fire brigade. The firemen put out the fire. Then the parents came. They were really thankful!

Have you had any adventures like this?

Best wishes,


A) He pulled the girl with one hand and carefully walked down.

B) Her parents were not at home when the fire started.

C) Suddenly we saw somebody in the window.

D) We were laughing and eating when suddenly I saw smoke behind the trees.

E) One day we were walking in the mountains when we met some children.

F) Morocco is a country in North Africa.

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4.Read the text. Match the questions with the paragraphs.


AScotland is a very beautiful country. There are some fantastic landscapes, some interesting cities and the people are friendly. Scotland is popular with tourists, especially the cities and the islands. It has a lot of visitors every year.

BEdinburgh, Scotland's capital city, is very old. There are a lot of historical buildings in Edinburgh. The most famous is Edinburgh Castle. Some people say there are ghosts in the castle. You can go on special ghost tours! In the summer Edinburgh is very busy especially during the Edinburgh festival.

CGlasgow is Scotland's other big city. Some people say it is Scotland's “cultural capital” because it has even more interesting museums and art galleries than Edinburgh. If you get tired of the city you can see some of the most beautiful scenery in Scotland nearby. Loch Ness is not very far away. People say that the Loch Ness monster still lives in Loch Ness!

DThe West Coast is one of the most popular places for tourists in Scotland. There are some lovely islands. The weather can be wet, and some people say there are too many insects. But in the spring there aren't usually any insects and it is warm.

EThen there is the far North of Scotland. This is called the Highlands. There aren't many people living in the far North. You can go on some long walks on the empty beaches and up the mountains. The air is clean and it is peaceful here.

0 Do many people visit Scotland? __A__

1 Which place should you visit if you hate crowds? _____

2 Which place should you visit of you are fond of painting and sculpture? _____

3 Where should you go in the spring because of good weather? _____

4 Which place is interesting for people who are fond of history? _____

5 Are people nice in Scotland? _____

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5 Write a brochure for tourists. Use the information in the box. Write 50-70 words.


Ankara - capital • not the largest city • interesting buildings and museums

Istanbul - largest city • famous Haghia Sophia Museum • beautiful ornaments

Mermaris - popular with tourists • beautiful beaches • hotels and discos

Climate - very hot and sunny • doesn't rain often in summer

Shopping - famous markets • to buy: blue eyes (kind of jewellery), carpets, sweets











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