skills test units 1 8 b

Skills Test B - Units 1-8


1 Listen to the dialogue. Tick ( V ) true. Cross ( X ) false.

Track 1

0 Jo enjoys camping. V

1 Jo's family ate in a tent on her holiday. *

2 They didn't eat fish every day. *

3 Jo swam in a swimming pool. *

4 Jo's sister slept in her parents' tent. *

5 Jo used a torch to read. *

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2 Listen to the dialogue. Circle the correct answer - A, B or C.

Track 2

0 Ben is polishing the pictures.

A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

1 The vacuum cleaner is very small.

A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

2 Ben always cleans the house.

A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

3 Anna is watering the plants.

A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

4 Ben took the rubbish out.

A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

5 Ben wants to make a cake.

A) Right B) Wrong C) Doesn't say

/ 5


3 Read the descriptions and complete.

Greek creatures

A long time ago, in ancient Greece, people told stories about amazing creatures and monsters. They loved these stories - and we love them, too!

One of the interesting creatures from these stories is Cerberus - a big dog with three heads. It lives in Hades. In Greek stories, when somebody dies, they go to Hades. When they want to go out, the horrible dog stops them. People are scared of Cerberus!

The Cyclopes are huge monsters. They haven't got two eyes like people - they've got only one big eye! They are very strong. When Zeus wanted to make storms, the Cyclopes gave him tools for that!

In Greek stories we also meet women. Some of them are very pretty, but Medusa is not. When she was a young girl, she was very beautiful but Athena didn't like her and changed her into a monster. She hasn't got hair, she's got a lot of snakes on her head and her face is horrible. Now nobody wants to look at her.

Mermaids live in the sea. They are very pretty. They've got a woman's head and the body of fish. They swim in the sea and sing. Their songs are very beautiful. They are dangerous to the sea people. When the fishermen hear the songs, they look for mermaids, and when they finally find them, mermaids kill them!

Also Nymphs are pretty women, but they are not dangerous! They are always young: they've got pretty faces and long hair. They live in different places: in the mountains, in the sea, near rivers. They are good to everybody.

0 She's got snakes on her head. __Medusa______

1 He's got more than one head. _______________

2 They are very pretty and good to people. _______________

3 When it's stormy, it's because of them! _______________

4 They are great singers. _______________

5 She is very ugly. _______________

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4 Read the story. Put the events in the correct order.

It was a beautiful spring day. Fiona and Mark were in a boat on the sea. The weather was good. There were no waves.

`This is wonderful!', said Fiona. She closed her eyes.

Mark closed his eyes, too. He didn't want to sleep, but...

Suddenly he woke up. The wind blew. The waves were high.

`Wake up, Fiona!', he shouted. `There is a storm.'

`Oh, no! I'm scared!', said Fiona. `Let's go home!'

`But I can't see the harbour.', said Mark.

`The wind is blowing, I can't hear you!', said Fiona.

`I said, I can't see the harbour!'

`We need help', said Fiona. `Let's use your phone. We can telephone for help.'

`Oh, no! I left my phone at home!', shouted Mark.

`Where are the paddles?', asked Fiona. She pulled the paddles from the boat but suddenly there was a wave and the paddles fell in the water . `Oh, no!', she shouted. `Our paddles!' They didn't have lifejackets. Fiona was really scared.

`Let's swim', said Mark.

`Don't be silly. It's too far! And I can't swim.', said Fiona.

`Oh, no!', said Mark. `Help! Help!', he screamed.

`Look!', said Fiona. `I can see a fishing boat. It's coming. The fishermen can see us.'

She waved. The boat came near to Fiona and Mark. But it was not a fishing boat.

`Those are not fishermen', said Mark. `Look. They are green and they've got strange eyes.

`Who are they?', asked Fiona.


Mark woke Fiona.


They shouted for help.


They lost their paddles.


Fiona saw a fishing boat.



The storm started.


Mark didn't find his phone.

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5 Write the ending to the story in Exercise 4. Write 50-70 words. Use five nouns and five verbs from the boxes. Use these words to put events in order: first, next, after that, finally.

Nouns: selkies / seals / friend / woman / food / drink / parrot

Verbs: find / take / help / swim / sail / rescue / run / hunt





























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