I am writing to inquire about your advertisement In the … i would be grateful if you could send me further details.
Firstly, I would like to know what.. I also require information on the cost of the course, when it will commence and
how long it is likely to last. I look forward to receiving details about the… thank you in advance for your help.
I am writing to apply for a place on the course which commences this September at.. I am 22 years old and I have
completed a master's degree in WAT, where I received first class honours. Prior to this I was a pupil at high school
where obtained first class honors. Since the completion of wat I have spent two years working as assistant…
on a side in.. during this work I have participate many project. This work was extremely enjoyable and I am now
anxious to specialize by gaining further qualifications before embarking on my chose career in this field. I enclose a
detailed curriculum vitae in the hope that you will consider my application for entry. I look forward to receiving your
response in the near future.
I am writing to complain about delivering the T-shirts ordered on 29th January 2004. The delivery was supposed to
have been on 29th February. However, the T-shirts have not been supplied yet. On 1st March, I talked to Sales Rep.
John Jones. He ensured me that 500 T-shirts would be delivered on 8th March. I issued the invoice and transferred
$270 to your bank account. However, the deadline has been missed again and the ordered goods are not still in my battalion.
Consequently, the final delivery date has to be 30th March. If you fail to meet this deadline again, Iwill have to demand a full refund.
I insist you give this matter serious consideration and I look forward to your urgent reply
Subject: Delay in repay 1. the aim of this memo is to describe my strong dissatisfaction about servicing the vehicles.
2. repairing of vehicles will take two months. I have arranged it to be repaired immediately. 3. vehicles will be
necessary on Monday so I propose to borrow some cars from the 6th battalion. 1. the aim of this memo is to
describe an incident between fighting of soldiers. 2. there was a battle on the company between two soldiers.
One of them has a broken leg. They have agreed about their place of birth . 3. I propose to control more often
barrack rooms to avoid such situations.
Could you tell me when the last message in this matter came Are you sure where this plane is flying to
I'd like to know if the price includes breakfast I'm calling to find out why you haven't given back us our money yet.
I'd like to know who I have to send the registration form to. could you tell that the dates for the conference are