exs of exams Autumn 2010

> 1. The ligamentum teres hepatis
> is one portion of the lesser omentum
> extends from the porta hepatis to the superior part of the duodenum
> *is the obliterated umbilical vein
> bounds the omental foramen
> all statements are correct
> body = nok = 0
> 2. The lacrimal apparatus
> the lacrimal gland is located between the superior and medial walls of the orbit
> *the lacrimal gland is divided to the palpebral and orbital parts
> the lacrimal gland opens by one excretory duct to the superior fornix of the conjunctival sac
> tears are drained into the middle nasal meatus
> no statement is correct
> body = ok = 1
> 3. Sebaceous glands
> are most numerous in the palms and soles
> *produce sebum into hair follicles
> do not occur in the face and scalp
> in the puberty their secretion activity decreases
> all statements are correct
> body = ok = 1
> 4. Correct statement is:
> skeleton of the leg is formed by tarsal bones (ossa tarsi)
> calcaneus has not a sustentaculum tali
> *talar sulcus (sulcus tali) is located at the plantar surface of the talus
> sharp edge of the medial cuneiform bone (os cuneiforme mediale) points plantarly (is there narrower)
> no statement is correct
> body = nok = 0
> 5. The geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve (CN VII) contains:
> *the sensory neurons
> the motor neurons
> the sympathetic neurons
> the parasympathetic neurons
> no answer is correct
> body = ok = 1
> 6. One statement is correct:
> *left principal bronchus (bronchus principalis sinister) is longer than right one
> right principal bronchus (bronchus principalis dexter) is narrower than left one
> left principal bronchus (bronchus principalis sinister) forms a direct continuation of the trachea
> lobar bronchi (bronchi lobares) are divided into terminal bronchioles (bronchioli terminales)
> no statement is correct
> body = ok = 1
> 7. The pronator teres muscle
> is one of the forearm muscles
> arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus
> arises from the coronoid process of the ulna
> is attached to the middle of the lateral surface of radius
> *all statements are correct
> body = ok = 1
> 8. External urethral orifice of the female:
> *is located in the vestibule of vagina
> is located in the vaginal orifice (ostium vaginae)
> is located in the fornix of vagina
> is surrounded by internal urethral sphincter muscle (m. sphincter urethrae internus)
> no statement is correct
> body = ok = 1
> 9. Find correct statement
> the terminal branches of the brachial artery are the deep brachial artery (a. profunda brachii) and the ulnar artery (a. ulnaris)
> the brachiocephalic trunk divides into the right external carotid artery (a.. carotis externa dx.) and the right subclavian artery (a. subclavia dx.)
> the axillary artery passes through the quadrangular foramen (foramen humerotricipitale)
> the axillary artery passes through the fissura scalenorum
> *no statement is correct
> body = nok = 0
> 10. Choose a correct name of the red line:
> *Midclavicular line
> Parasternal line
> Ventral thoracic line
> Sternal line
> No name is correct
> body = ok = 1
> 11. Mesovarium:
> originates at the ventral circumference of the ovary
> it does not contain the uterine tube
> is attached to the broad ligament of uterus (lig. latum uteri)
> is a part of perimetrium
> *all statements are correct
> body = nok = 0
> 12. Ductus thoracicus
> *begins bellow the diaphragm at the level of the L1
> runs through the diaphragm together with the inferior vena cava
> conveys the lymph from the entire body to the left venous angle
> receives the ductus thoracicus dexter before its end
> no statement is correct
> body = ok = 1
> 13. The tributaries of the portal vein (vena portae) do not involve
> the left gastric vein
> the superior mesenteric vein
> *hepatic veins
> the splenic vein
> all mentioned veins are tributaries of the portal vein
> body = nok = 0
> 14. The testis
> the right one is bigger and heavier
> it has the anterior and posterior poles (extremitas anterior et posterior)
> connective tissue septa (septula testis) divide it into 20 - 30 lobules
> the germ epithelium of the convolute seminiferous tubules produces testosterone
> *no statement is correct
> body = nok = 0
> 15. Right coronary artery:
> supplies only the right half of the heart
> is a branch of the coronary sinus
> *is a branch of the ascending aorta
> is a branch of the arch of aorta (arcus aortae)
> no statement is correct 

Sam's test

1.which of the following vessels supplies the parotid gland?

Superficial Temporal Artery


2.Lymph from the 3rd molar tooth of the maxilla drains into ?

Submandibular lymph node


3.choose the wrong answer:

the Horizontal fissure of the right lung separates the superior and middle lobes


4.which of the following is not part of the basal Ganglia?

Red nucleus (nucleus Ruber)


5.A question about the gracilis:

all the answers were correct


6.which of the following is an abductor of the Vocal cords?

Posterior Cricoarytenoid


7.which of the following muscles is not a facial muscle of expression?

Medial pterygoid


8.The superior salivatory nucleus gives preganglionic fibers to?

Lacrimal Gland


9.The cephalic vein pierces which fascia?

clavipectoral fascia


10.which of the following is present in the temporal bone?

External acoustic meatus


11.A question about the cremaster muscle:

No answer was correct


12.a question about the lung

the answer was that the inter lobar bronchi branch into terminal bronchii?


13 A question about the nail! so learn that properly!


14 Ureter :

located Retroperitoneally


15.A picture about a point at the 9th rib where the midclavicular line and mid axillary line meet

point for gall bladder

Example tests 2010

1.The proximal radioulnar joint (articulatio radioulnaris proximalis)

is the pivot type of synovial joint

is a part of the elbow joint (articulatio cubiti)

allows supination and pronation

its fibrous capsule is a part of the fibrous capsule of the elbow joint

*all statements are correct

2.The geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve (CN VII) contains:

*the sensory neurons

the motor neurons

the sympathetic neurons

the parasympathetic neurons

no answer is correct

3.One statement is correct:

posterior ethmoidal cells (cellulae ethmoidales posteriores) open to the middle nasal meatus

middle nasal meatus is located between the superior and middle nasal conchae

nasolacrimal canal opens to the middle nasal meatus

sphenoidal sinus opens to the middle nasal meatus

*no statement is correct

4. The hepatoduodenal ligament

extends from the hepatic porta to the descending part of the duodenum

*forms one portion of the lesser omentum (omentum minus)

forms a lower margin of the falciform ligament of the liver

is the obliterated umbilical vein

no statement is correct

5. The skin of an adult person covers the area about

0.5 m2

1 m2

*2 m2

3 m2

no statement is correct

6.Ductus thoracicus

*begins bellow the diaphragm at the level of the L1

runs through the diaphragm together with the inferior vena cava

conveys the lymph from the entire body to the left venous angle

receives the ductus thoracicus dexter before its end

no statement is correct

7. The right kidney:

touches the stomach

touches the pancreas

is located intraperitoneally

*is located about 2 cm lower than left one

no statement is correct

8. The deferent duct

*is a continuation of the duct of the epididymis

passes through the lacuna vasorum

runs bellow the ureter

opens into the spongy portion of the urethra

no statement is correct

9. Correct statement is:

the linea aspera is located at the ventral side of the femur

the linea aspera is located at the dorsal side of the tibia

the linea aspera includes the intercondylar eminence (eminentia intercondylaris)

*the proximal continuation of the lateral lip (labium laterale) of the linea aspera forms the gluteal tuberosity of the femur (tuberositas glutaea femoris)

no statement is correct

10. The middle coat of the eyeball is composed of (choroid, cil body, vasc tunic)

the sclera, the chorioid, the ciliary body, and the iris

the choroid, the ciliary body, and the cornea

the sclera, the choroid, and the iris

the chorioid, the ciliary body, and the retina

*no statement is correct

11. Apex cordis is located:

*caudally, to the left side and ventrally

caudally, to the right side and ventrally

caudally, to the left side and dorsally

cranially, to the left side and dorsally

no statement is correct

12. The gracilis muscle

is the most superficial of the adductor group of thigh muscles

arises from the body and inferior ramus of pubis

is attached together with sartorius and semitendinosus muscles to the medial surface of the superior part of the tibia (pes anserinus)

is innervated by the sciatic nerve (nervus ischiadicus)

*all statements are correct

13. Which of the following arteries is not the branch of the external carotid artery?

the ascending pharyngeal artery (a. pharyngea ascendens)

the facial artery (a. facialis)

*the mandibular artery (a. mandibularis) (inf alveol art)

the occipital artery (a. occipitalis)

all mentioned arteries are branches of the external carotid artery

14. Ovarian fossa (fossa ovarica):

is located dorsally to Claudius´s fossa

*ventraly is bounded by broad ligament of uterus (lig. latum uteri)

ventrally touches the ureter

caudally runs the suspensory ligament of the ovary

no statement is correct

15. Great saphenous vein (Vena saphena magna)

receives deep femoral vein (v. profunda femoris)

passes anterior to the lateral malleolus

enters the popliteal vein

runs posterior to the lateral ankle

*no statement is correct

Czech 2010

1.Ganglion geniculata n. VII include:

* sensory neurons

motor neurons

sympathetic neurons

parasympathetic neurons

No answer is correct

body = ok = 1

2nd For meatus nasi medius holds:

vyúsťují into cellulae ethmoidales posteriores

lies between a superior concha nasalis media

vyúsťuje into canalis nasolacrimalis

vyúsťuje into sinus sphenoidalis

* None of the answers is correct

body = ok = 1

3rd Gomposis ranks between:

* syndesmosis




does not belong in one of these groups

body = ok = 1

4th For the epidermis holds:

contains blood vessels under the skin

nemyelinizovaná containing nerve fibers

consists mnohovrstevným squamous epithelium

surface layer epidermis rohovatějí

* All answers are correct

body = ok = 1

5th Ductus thoracicus:

* usually begins as a coming cysterna

passes through the foramen vena cava

sap away from the body to the angulus venosus sinister

before the port to take in ductus thoracicus dexter

none of the answers is correct

body = ok = 1

6th Right kidney:

affects stomach

affects the pancreas

is intraperitoneal

* is about 2 cm below the left kidney

No answer is correct

body = ok = 1

7th Epiorchium is:

výchlipka tunica albuginea testis

rest of the Wolff duct

derivative, m. obliquus abd. int.

* lamina visceralis tunica vaginalis testis

No answer is correct

body = ok = 1

8th True that:

linea aspera is on the ventral side of femur

linea aspera is on the dorsal side of tibia

part of the linea aspera eminentia intercondylaris

* continuation of the proximal lateral edge of the linea aspera is tuberositas glutea

None answer is correct

body = ok = 1

9th For the olfactory tract following applies:

* located on the ceiling and adjacent parts of the bulkhead and lateral walls of the nasal cavity

has great importance in human

regio olfaktoria contains olfactory sensory cells and secretory cells

a deep pink color

No answer is correct

body = ok = 1

10th Apex cordis aims:

* down, left, forward

down, right, forward

down, left, rear

top, left, rear

No claim is not correct

body = ok = 1

11th Which of the following muscles rods striking face to the teeth:

m. masseter

* m. buccinator

m. risorius

temporalis m.

m. mentalis

body = ok = 1

12th A. coronaria cordis dextra:

nourishes only the right half of the heart

As a branch from sinus coronarius

* is the branch of the aorta ascendens

the branches of the arcus aortae

none of the answers is correct

body = ok = 1

13th Ligamentum hepatoduodenale:

   runs from the porta hepatis pars descendens of the duodenum

* As part of the omentum minus

   the bottom edge of the falciform ligament hepatis

   As obliterovaná vena umbilicalis

   Neither answer is correct

body = ok = 1

14th Fossa ovarica:

the cranial hole of Claudius

* front leagues around it. latum uteri

front adjacent to the ureter

caudally through the leagues. suspensorium ovarian

No answer is correct

body = ok = 1

15th Vena cephalica:

runs the ulnar side of forearm

* empties into the vena axillaris trigonum deltoideopectorale

runs along the ventral side of the forearm

on the left arm into the vena brachialis

none of the answers is correct

body = ok = 1

15 Fev 2008

1.Mesovarium - incorrect - lig latum is anterior

2. costocervical trunk - a. subclavia

3. lymph of kidneys (lateral aortic nodes)

4. Surface Anatomy - picture of ureteric points

5. superf temporal+maxillary veins - retromandibular vein

6. male - ejaculatorial ducts open to prosthatic part of urethra

7. kidneys - incorrect - said right one is 2 cm upper

8. shoulder joint - head of humerus in glenoid cavity of scapula

9. basis of heart - cranially, right, dorsally

10. skin - 2m2

12. origin/function of obturatorius internus

13. gastrocolic ligament - omentum majus

14. - pontocerebellar

15. tympanic cavity - the tympanic plexus of nerves lies on the promontory that is located on the medial wall

16. not in post mediastinum - trachea

Choose an incorrect statement:

The submandibular triangle is bordered by the mandible and two bellies of the digastric muscle

The submandibular triangle contains the segment of the facial artery

The submandibular triangle contains the submandibular gland

The submandibular triangle contains the submandibular lymph nodes

*Borders of the submandibular triangle are formed by the mandible, posterior belly of the digastric and superior belly of the omohyoid muscles

At points A, B, C, D, list valves in this order:
* aortae Valve, Valve atrioventricularis dex., Valve atrioventricularis sin., pulmonary valve trunk
Pulmonary trunc Valve, Valve tricuspidalis, bicuspidalis valve, valve aortae
Pulmonary trunc Valve, Valve atrioventricularis dex., Valve atrioventricularis sin., Valve aortae
Valve atrioventricularis dex., tricuspidalis valve, valve bicuspidalis, Valve atrioventricularis sin.
None of the answers is correct


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