Lesson plan speaking

Lesson plan

by Iwona Bakinowska

Level: Elementary

Age: 7

Aims: to practice asking questions with Do you like...?,

Objective: learning how to ask about likes and dislikes, practice new vocabulary.

Materials: flashcards and word cards with words: cheese, bread, fish, pasta, yoghurt ,rice; photocopy of questionnaires, class books, CD, CD player..


Timing of stage

Elapse time





Anticipated problem and solutions

I Introduction

II Presentation

III Practice

IV Production



10 min

15 min

10 min

10 min

5 min






T to Ss

T to Ss

Ss to T

Ss to Ss

Ss to Ss

T to Ss

To revise vocabulary from previous lesson.

To present story in the class book

To practice saying

Do you like...?

To practice asking question Do you like...?

To give homework

  • Put six flashcards on the board, face down.

  • Do the same with word cards

  • Divide class into groups and play with them in memory game.

  • The team which matches more pairs wins.

  • With their books closed Students listen to the story and see which food are mentioned

  • T. asks Ss to open their books and look at the pictures now. T. plays the story again.

  • After listening T. asks children What does hungry mean? T. asks Who is hungry?

T. asks Does Tina like cheese?

Does Spike like yoghurt?

  • T. plays the story again. After each frame, invites Ss to repeat the dialogues.

  • T. puts the six flashcards on the board in the line and draw incomplete face below each card.

  • Invite Ss to ask you questions using Do you like...? Some volunteer adds sad or smiley mouth to each face whether T's answered is Yes or No.

  • T. gives each child a photocopy of questionnaire.

  • T. holds up her photocopy and point to the dotted lies, reads the words Names at the top of the table. Then asks children What is your name? Ss should write three names of their classmates that they are going to ask about food they like or don't like.

  • if the answer is yes they put tick, if it's No they put cross.

  • T. tells children to move around the classroom and find three persons to interview.

  • T. tell children to ask their parent at home what do they like and bring their results for the next lesson.

  • T. praises Ss for the nice wok and says Goodbye.

Word cards and flashcards with

cheese, bread, pasta, rice, yoghurt, fish.

Class Books

CD and CD player

Six flashcards with: cheese, bread, fish, pasta, yoghurt rice.

Photocopy of questionnaires for each Student

Do this stage with quick and lively


If you feel Ss need some more practice you can interview some volunteers.

T. monitors and checks that everyone is following T's instructions


Spike: Ooooh! Look on the table!

Ruby: Mmmm! Cheese!

Ruby: I'm hungry!

Spike: Yes, I'm hungry, too!

Spike: Do you like cheese, Tina?

Tina: Oooh! Yes!

Spike: Ok. Watch this! Whee!

Tina: Be careful, Spike!

Spike: Oh, no!

Ruby: Do you like yoghurt, spike?

Spike: No!


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