When Fitzy met Lizzy

When Fitzy met Lizzy --Section I

By Laura

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Section I, Next Section

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Act I Scene I

Posted on Saturday, 03-Oct-98

Author's Note: Based on the movie "When Harry met Sally".

Characters stolen shamelessly from Jane Austen and Nora Ephron

External (Ext.): Beautiful vivacious brunette driving old, battered Ford Pinto. Heading into downtown Chicago. Bopping head to upbeat melody that is playing on car stereo.

Said to the man at the railroad station I want a ticket just for one.
He said, "well if you insist where you wanna go, Miss?"
Oh destination anywhere east or west, I don't care.
You see, my baby don't want me no more.
This old world ain't got no back door.
He looked at me with a funny face and said,
"Are you sure you wanna go just any place?"
I said "If you've ever loved someone the way I love that man surely,
Mister Ticket Agent, you should understand destination anywhere, .......

Elizabeth Bennet pulled up in front of the formidable building that is the University of Chicago, located just outside Downtown Chicago. As was discussed upon, she would be taking a her best friend's boyfriend clear across to Boston. Having just graduated one week ago with a degree in Journalism, Elizabeth was feeling quite high and mighty, indeed.

She turned left onto the neighboring street and saw her best friend in a tight liplock with her boyfriend. Elizabeth stared for a minute, then turned her head to allow the privacy that was needed. After a couple of minutes of staring at herself in the rear view mirror and watching the traffic that passed by, she cleared her throat. When that didn't work, she honked the horn.

Her friend peeked over her boyfriend's shoulder and waved to Elizabeth, "Hello Lizzy, we've, ah, well, been waiting for you. Lizzy, this is William."

Elizabeth nodded her greetings and informed him that the trunk of the car was open for his luggage. "Hi Summer. Don't worry about him, he'll be fine," Elizabeth cracked.

William gave Summer yet another long and languorous kiss, making even Elizabeth blush the brightest crimson. She honked the horn yet again. Summer sneaked yet another kiss as he got into the car and cried shamelessly as Elizabeth took off; not looking back.

'Cause if it did, it would swing both ways
And we'd go back to happy yesterday's
When I loved him tenderly and all he needed was me.
As I stared through the window of the train,
I thought I heard my baby call my name.
But it was just the conductor saying
"Which stop would you prefer?"

While on Lake Shore Drive, William finally ventured to speak to his driver. "Have you known Summer long?" he asked in a clipped British accent.

"Yeah, we roomed together freshman year. How long have you known her?"

"We started seeing each other at the beginning of term, nice girl that one. Great legs."

"Oh, is that all she is to you, a pair of great gams? Are you always a pig?"

He shot her a condescending look. "Oh, so now I'm a pig, am I?"

She wrinkled her cute pug nose at him, "Yes, you are a pig. Thank you." She kept her grasp firmly on the steering wheel, although a slap across his pigheaded face is where she would've like to put it. He looked at her profile noticing how very cute she was.

About an hour outside of the city, he ventured to make small talk again. "You know you are a very attractive woman."

"Are you coming on to me?"

"No. I just mentioned that you are a very good-looking woman." She pulled the car into the parking lot of a small diner.

"Well you can't just say that. You are dating my best friend. How would she like it if she found out that three hours away from her, you are already hitting on another woman."

"Wait. I'm not hitting on you. I just mentioned that you were attractive."

"But it's out there now."

William was confused. "What is out there?"

She moved her hands into a wide circle indicating to him a huge space. "This -- that you -- you know like me."

"I never said that. I said that you were attractive. Where did you get that I like you? Right now, you are annoying me."

She headed into the diner. "Yeah, but next thing you'll be asking to sleep with me." William stopped short as the diners collectively stopped talking at the same time. Elizabeth looked around the room to her dismay, and went on to the nearest empty booth.

"I never said I wanted to sleep with you. But…"

"But… It's there isn't it. Always there. Men always want to sleep with women. Right?"

William was surprised by this woman's forthrightness. It was refreshing, to say the least. "Yes, that is true. Men and woman cannot be friends, because men will always want to have sex with them."

Elizabeth was astonished, she wasn't quite heading in that direction. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard…" A tall waitress came up to them and asked for their order. William ordered cheeseburger, rare. Fries and a coke.

"I'll have the chef salad, with tuna on the side. Also for desert I'll have the apple pie a la mode -- heated. With strawberry ice cream instead of vanilla -- on the side. If you have no strawberry then just forget it."

"The pie?" the waitress asked annoyed.

"No, I'll have the pie, but not heated."

William looked at her in shock. Elizabeth took her napkin and cutely put it on her lap, while giving him a beatific smile. "What?"

"Nothing," he said while smirking.

"There is something. What?"

"You have the most beautiful eyes."

"Are we back to that again. Listen buddy, it's a long ride back to Boston. So let me tell you now. We will not sleep together. Geez, you are my best friend's boyfriend!"

End of Scene I

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Act I Scene II

Interior (Int.): Same car. William now driving. On major highway heading east.

"I don't understand why you find it so difficult to believe that men will always want to sleep with a pretty woman."

"I happen to have plenty of male friends that I have not slept with," she smiled smugly.

"But they want to sleep with you--that is what I am saying," he continued to focus on the road ahead of him.

"Do you make your views known to complete strangers all the time?" she countered.

"I'm just trying to make you see reason, actually. You are an attractive woman, and men will want to sleep with you."

"And ugly women, men want to sleep with them too?"

"No," he glanced sideways at her and smiled. "Yes, we pretty much want to shag them too."

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Same Day (S.D.): Elizabeth now driving; pulls up in front of the Archway to the Boston Public Gardens and let's William out. His room is at the Ritz Carlton.

"One more question, Mr. Darcy?" he slung his luggage on his back, and went to the driver's side window.


"If you are so rich, why didn't you fly to Boston."

"I wouldn't have met you, now would I. Good luck with the Boston Globe. I'll bet you'll be an ace reporter in no time."

"Yeah, you too. I mean with Fidelity. Quite the company to work for."

"Ah, the Eighties should be good to us, Miss Bennet. You working for a wonderful paper, and I working for Peter Lynch. Should prove interesting."

"Well, good-bye."

Elizabeth gunned the engine and pulled off before the yellow light turned red. William laughed as she took off quite fast.

End of Act I

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Act II Scene I

Posted on Saturday, 03-Oct-98

Five Years later

Int. Logan International Airport; Terminal C -- United Airlines departing gate.

Elizabeth is in liplock with handsome blonde gentleman. Another very handsome gentleman walks around the kissing couple, and wonders where he knows these people from. Elizabeth sees said gentleman watching her and gently pushes away her kissing partner.

"Joseph Reed?" William Darcy asked.

"William, how are you?"

William smiled and shook the gentleman's hand. Elizabeth turned around so as not to catch his eye. She did remember him and blushed furiously. Joe turned around and introduced Elizabeth to William.

"William, this is my fiancée, Elizabeth Bennet. Liz, this is the one and only William Darcy. Fidelity's best financial advisor around." William took her hand and held onto it longer than was necessary. She pulled her hand away abruptly and quickly wrapped her arm around Joe's.

"You must be the Elizabeth Bennet who works for the Boston Globe? You write the editorials that have been crushing my views on the foreign markets."

"I write as I find Mr. Darcy."

William noticed that now would be a good time to walk away, but not before giving Elizabeth a look and then a small smile.

Joe took Elizabeth's face in his hands and kissed her again. "I love you."

"No, I love you." She said in return.

"I love you more."

"Ah, but I love you most."

The announcement of Elizabeth's flight was called on the P.A. system, and she tearfully pulled from his embrace. "I'll see you in one week's time, Joe. I'll call. I'll send you a postcard."

"Elizabeth, you are only going to New York. I don't think I need a postcard from the big apple, honestly." She smiled at him, and he kissed her nose.

Elizabeth sat at her seat on the airplane watching the plane ascend into the air. The gentleman right beside her started asking her inane questions causing her to sigh and twist in her seat. No relief in sight.

Sitting behind her was none other than William Darcy himself. He leaned over the chair and acknowledged her.

"Miss Bennet, I remember who you are."

"Do you?" she said archly.

The man to Elizabeth's right asked if William would like to change seats, and he agreed. Elizabeth wasn't thrilled.

"I do remember you, Mr. Darcy, but I prefer to forget you." She hissed.

"So you are engaged to marry Joe?"

She sighed. "Yes. Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Darcy?"

He laughed at her. "Of course, not. I'm getting married myself."

She turned to look at him finally and gave him the biggest smile. "Are you going to marry, oh what is her name… That girl, you know, my former roommate. Hmm.. why can I not remember her name?"

"You mean Summer, I presume."

Elizabeth slapped her brow, "Yes, Summer -- that was it!"

"Actually, I never saw Summer again. No, the woman I am marrying is a corporate lawyer. Her name is Autumn Morgan. She works for Hale and Dorr."

"Very nice. I'm very happy for you. May you be very happy in all your future endeavors."

William looked at her strangely, then had a thought. "Well since the two of us will be in New York, why don't you have dinner with me. So we don't have to eat alone, and we can talk about the wedding plans."

She eyed him suspiciously.

"Please, Miss Bennet?"

"Oh well, what's the harm. You are a friend of Joe's."

"Great. Dinner at Tavern on the Green. Say tomorrow night around eight o'clock?"

She smiled. "Sounds fine, Mr. Darcy," she leaned in closer to him, "but I still will not sleep with you."

End of Scene I

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Act II Scene II

Posted on Sunday, 04-Oct-98

Int. Dimly lit Tavern on the Green.

Elizabeth slowly walked into the restaurant and immediately went to the Maitre'D. She looked around to see if she could see the gentleman whom she was meeting, but the lighting did not cooperate. She gave her name to the man.

"Ah, Miss Bennet. We have been expecting you. Follow me this way." He took her coat, then motioned her towards the table. William Darcy arose from his seat when he saw Elizabeth walking towards him. He pulled the seat out for her and watched her amazed face as she noticed the rose on her plate. He admired her form in the black cocktail dress that she was wearing, and she noticed his dark Armani suit looking quite fetching on him.

"Oh, this is so unnecessary, Mr. Darcy. I cannot accept this."

He smiled demurely. "Think of it as a well-wishing for a long and happy marriage to Mr. Reed. And please, I beg of you to call me William. Mr. Darcy reminds me of my father and grandfather." He mentioned good naturedly.

"Very well then, you may call me Elizabeth." She smiled back at him.

Dinner was a marvelous affair with excellent food, interesting conversation and just the right music in the background. They talked on such a broad range of subjects to shock even Elizabeth. They spoke of the unrest they thought would take place shortly in Romania, to President Reagan's trickle-down economics and the stock markets shaky existence of late.

After dinner William noticed people getting up to dance, he asked Elizabeth if she would like to take a spin out on the floor.

"I don't think.. I'm really quite terrible." He stood up and held his hand out to her. "Why not? But forgive me now if I step on your feet."

"You are already forgiven." He said earnestly.

There was a big band playing old hits from the '40s. Elizabeth had never danced so much in her life. She was having a great time, and she didn't even step on his toes once. They danced to Glenn Miller, Harry James, and even some Duke Ellington tunes.

"You are a wonderful dancer, Elizabeth. You mislead me."

She laughed at him. "I think it was the wonderful lead I had." He spun her out, and this time she came in a little too fast and right into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as she stared into his eyes.

"I think I just got a little dizzy. Maybe we should go back to the table and have some coffee." He led her off the dance floor.

After drinking two cups of cappuccino and eating tiramisu, Elizabeth was back to her old joking self. She asked him about his fiancée.

He sighed. "Autumn was helping Fidelity with some contracts for a new fund that Peter Lynch wanted to start up. They had asked me to be one of the fixed-income managers on it, but I thought it too risky. Although, I did help with the contracts, I didn't want my name on anything. Bonds are a tough area in the financial world, and if you mess up just once, your career can blow away.

"So anyway, Autumn and I started working closely together, and one thing led to another, and now we are engaged and soon to be married. And you? How did you meet Joe?"

"Well Joe works for the Boston office of the Wall St. Journal, and he was doing an article on the Boston Globe. I was asked to cater to his every whim. Oh, that doesn't sound too good, does it?"

William shook his head and smiled. "Elizabeth, I had a wonderful time tonight. I would like to ask your forgiveness for my earlier attitude when we drove from Chicago. I berate myself on that issue every time I think of it. I would like to be friends." He stuck his hand out, and she took it.

"Well I do understand what you meant by men and women not being friends, and sex always intruding. I think you are right on that aspect. But we can prove the theory wrong by remaining friends, right?"

"Exactly. We should get together after the weddings are said and done, and have dinner with each other, and the spouses too."

Elizabeth looked away. He caught the sadness in her eyes. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh, no. Not at all, it's just that Joe and I -- well, we were hoping for a long engagement. We are in no rush to get married just yet."

"Oh. I understand. Well, after my marriage then. We can still get together and have that dinner. We could introduce our significant others."

Elizabeth's eyes lit up. "That would be nice."


She cocked her head, "Yes?"

"You still have beautiful eyes."

End of Scene II

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Act II Scene III

Posted on Tuesday, 06-Oct-98

Int. Three days later. Lobby of Elizabeth's hotel.

William Darcy strode into the hotel and made his way to the receptionist. He waited while she tended to an irate customer on the phone. When she was able to give him her full attention, he gave her his deadly dimpled smile. All was lost for the young woman.

"How may I be of service to you, sir?" she asked prettily.

"Miss Elizabeth Bennet's room, please." She frowned slightly, and he seemed amused.

"Let me ring her, and see if she is in." she turned her back to him and made the necessary call. "She said to go right up. Room 1212."

"Thank you." William went to the elevator, and went directly to Elizabeth's room. The door was opened when he made it there, and said hello to acknowledge that he had come up.

"I'll be with you in a moment, William. Have a seat." She called out to him.

After a couple of minutes, she ventured out of the bathroom and shook William's hand. "What do I owe this honor?"

"I had nothing to do, and was checking the horrible New York Post when the cinema section grabbed my attention. Across from Central Park is an old movie house showing Casablanca, and I thought I could tempt you into being my date for the afternoon?"

"How did you possibly know that this is my favorite movie of all time?"

He smiled enthusiastically. "What are friend's for? Come on and get your coat, there is a chill in the air."

Once outside, they headed in the direction of Central Park. Elizabeth shuffled through the fallen leaves, kicking up beautiful hues of red, gold and brown. "I just have to love Autumn in New York, don't you."

"Hmm… very much so. It's quite lovely walking through this park. But with you, the inducement makes it even more lovely."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Your coming on to me again?"

He quirked an eyebrow, "I wouldn't think of ruining a friendship by bringing up romantic feelings. I've never quite had a platonic relationship with an attractive woman before. Most of them generally just throw themselves at me. But your different…"

"You sound quite high and mighty admitting that women lay down at your feet. I have always been the type to go against the grain. Though most women would throw themselves at you, I would never condescend to do any such thing. I would not want to be part of the norm."

"And that is what is so irresistible about you. Your cute nose, your annoying eating habits, or better yet, when you order food. Always on the side. 'Is there Mayonnaise on that?' 'Could I have it on the side?' You are very funny."

"You have a lovely accent. Very proper and debonair, that is what drives the women crazy. For if they really knew you, they would be disgusted by you." she laughed, then picked up a handful of leaves and threw them at him.

"That is not fair, you had the element of surprise!" he said, as he threw some more back at her. They continued on through the park whipping leaves at each other. Her cheeks and nose were red from the nippiness in the air. Her eyes sparkled as they finally entered the movie house.

"Would you like to go all out and get some popcorn and sodas?" he asked. She nodded her head in assent, and he placed the order.

Once ensconced in their seats in the theater, they became oblivious to each other and lost themselves to Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart.

They took a more subdued walk through Central Park watching couples strolling along arm in arm, some stopping to kiss each other; others to just admire the person they're with. Elizabeth spied a children's park in the center of Central Park and headed in that direction.

"Do you mind watching the children for a minute?"

"Not at all, do you like children?" she turned her back to him and answered affirmatively. Then told him that she didn't want children right away. But watching them and playing with them always appealed to her. William came up slowly behind her. Watching her.

"And you? Do you like children?" she ventured.

"I do. But I take your philosophy, play with them then send them home!"

"William, this is perfect. The weather, the children, the color of the leaves and Casablanca. I've always hated New York, but today I love it. Absolutely love it."

The intoxicating scent of the herbal essence from her shampoo played tricks on his mind. At that very instant, he had the strangest urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her. But a true friend wouldn't allow romantic feelings to get in the way.

End of Act II

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Act III Scene I

Posted on Tuesday, 06-Oct-98

Three Year's Later

Int. Boston. Isabella Steward Gardner Museum Atrium Restaurant. Music in Background is Rach 2. (Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2)

Elizabeth sipped her red wine and listened to Charlotte Lucas and Jane Bennet, who pulled a rolodex out of her huge purse, thinking it would help her sister overcome her failed engagement.

"Here is a good person Stephen Wilson, Lizzy."

"Jane, you tried to set me up with him six years ago! He was a drip. Listen, I don't need to go out on a date to fulfill my empty life right now," Elizabeth reiterated.

"Now Lizzy, you are in denial. You have to jump back in the pond again," Charlotte chastised.

"Char, I haven't jumped out of the pond. Joe and I just grew apart. I guess a long engagement wasn't what we really needed."

"Here it is. The perfect man for you. Carl Forster, handsome and young, and quite well off. He works for Bank of New England. A vice president." She whispered the last part to Charlotte.

"He also got married last year. Jane, put away the rolodex."

"Married." She said in awe as she dog-eared the index card. She changed the subject. "You know I saw Harvey's American Express bill. He bought his wife a brand new nightgown. After he told me he was leaving his wife."

Elizabeth was exasperated, she'd had enough and wanted to leave. "Jane, Harvey will never leave his wife."

"But still Elizabeth, he did tell me that he loved me." Elizabeth sighed. "Lizzy, what did happen between you and Joe?"

"I didn't want children, and he did."

Charlotte piped up. "Men. They think we are supposed to be a slave to them and do what they command. I hate men. All men!" she nodded her head matter-of-factly.

Elizabeth shrugged off Charlotte's moment of feminism. "So what do you guys have planned for the holidays? Any New Year's Eve parties?"

"Yes, Lizzy, at Marie's we go every year. Remember?"

"Nothing different." She looked around at the shocked faces. "Joe and I went every year, for me to show up without him will be strange, to say the least. And what if Joe shows up!"

"He won't, I have it on good authority that Melissa won't let him." Charlotte turned bright red at the implication. Elizabeth felt her body go hot and cold.

"He's seeing Melissa Russo?"

Jane took Elizabeth's hand and rubbed it soothingly. "I'm sorry, sis. We just found out about it."

"I'm thirty-one years old, and I'm going to end up an old maid. I should just get used to it. Men don't want to marry me." She said dejectedly.

"Oh hush, Lizzy, you are a beautiful vivacious young woman. Men go crazy over you. Wherever you go." Jane admonished.

"That gentleman certainly has been staring at you, Lizzy." She motioned to a table with a man and a woman.

Elizabeth put on her glasses to see better. "I think I know him. Hmm… Can't place the name though."

Jane saw the man get up with his female companion and head towards the table. "Well Lizzy, you better think of something fast!"

Elizabeth wracked her brain, but still could not put name to face. She blushed profusely when he stopped at her table.

"Miss Bennet?"

"Yes, hello." She said tentatively.

He picked up on that she didn't remember him. "You never were one for names, Miss Bennet. Let me reintroduce myself. Darcy. William Darcy."

Jane giggled and asked if he like to be shaken or stirred. Elizabeth gasped. "Jane!

"You must excuse my sister, Mr. Darcy, she momentarily lost her wits. Now I remember you." She smiled to him.

"I believe I have too. Forgive my rudeness, let me introduce you to My fiancée, Winter Goodwin."

Elizabeth looked perplexed. She tried hard to remember who he was supposed to marry three years ago.

"Winter, very nice to meet you." Elizabeth stood and took the other woman's hand.

"Likewise. We've been looking at the pretty pictures today. Quite an amazing woman that Isabella was. Wills dear told me that Henry James actually wrote a book about her. Called Portrait of a Lady. Amazing isn't it. That she would have a book written about her?"

Elizabeth was highly amused by this woman. She realized that the overprocessing of her hair had seriously affected her brain. William seemed to wince as soon as she opened her mouth. He thought by taking over the conversation would silence his fiancée.

"Miss Bennet, have you and Mr. Reed finally tied the knot."

She flashed him a semi-ironic smile then looked beatifically at Winter. "Actually Joe and I have called off the engagement, Mr. Darcy."

He seemed momentarily discomposed, then reiterated his regrets, and left with a huge grin on his face.

Jane spoke up first. "Where have you been hiding him? He is to die for!"

"He is the most disagreeable man I have ever met. Really Jane, 'which do you prefer shaken or stirred'." They all burst into hysterics.

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Act III Scene II

Posted on Wednesday, 07-Oct-98

Int. Morrissey Blvd. Boston Globe News Office and Devonshire St. Fidelity Headquarters.

Elizabeth stared at the typewriter trying to come up with the by-line that would make people want to read her article. However, nothing came to mind. What did keep popping up was her meeting with William Darcy at the museum over a week ago. Some how he disconcerted her.

"Liz, you have a call," Lou Grant yelled from two desks away. "Some guy saying you needed a quote for your article. Hey, since when did you start doing financials?"

"What line, Lou?"


"Liz Bennet. You have a quote for me?" she asked hurriedly.

"I do." The voice was unmistakable. "A quote and lunch."

She smiled. "Well, tell me what the quote is, and how it could possibly pertain to my story. Lunch is a given." She teased.

"What month is it?"

"It's October."

"What day of the week is it?" he laughed.

"It's Monday. You're losing me here."

"All right, I'll clarify. Word on the street is that the market will tumble today, a huge nose-dive. What do you think about that?"

"Let's see October 19, 1987, October 29, 1929. You think there's a correlation?"

"If I'm wrong, no lunch. But if I'm right, then you have lunch with me tomorrow. I can easily send a Fidelity car to come and pick you up."

Elizabeth took the phone away from her ear. "Lou, check the markets, what's it doing?" William laughed.

"Market's down 130 points. Why?"

"Just a hunch." She returned her attention to the phone. "I'll watch and phone you at 4pm. What about Winter?"

"Don't you worry about her. Can't wait for tomorrow." And he hung up the phone.

At four o'clock that day Elizabeth went to the wire room to check on the status of the stock market. She shrieked when she saw the final outcome. The stock market plummeted 22.6% or 508 points.

Lou asked her why the long face. "I lost a bet, and a lot a money." When she returned to her desk her phone was ringing. She picked it up; however, before she could say hello, the caller spoke:

"The car will pick you up at noon, Miss Bennet."

"Fine, Mr. Darcy. I'll see you tomorrow at noon."

He interrupted her before she hung up. "I seem to recall a time when I was William and you were Elizabeth, has that changed?"


"I'll see you tomorrow, Elizabeth."

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Ext. Walking through Boston Commons with Jane.

"I have a lunch meeting with William Darcy tomorrow. I've lost a bet, and he called me on it."

Jane laughed. "I think you should, he's too good-looking to pass up."

"It's nothing romantic just two old friends having lunch. He's engaged, remember, to Winter."

Jane looked her sister over and frowned. "She's an airhead. I can't possibly see him actually marrying her. You'd be perfect for him. You two have that chemistry."

"What chemistry? We said hello, that is all. He is engaged." She reminded her sister.

"He seemed quite pleased when you told him the engagement was off."

"Jane, have you finally dumped Harvey?" she asked, changing the subject

"Well I told him to make a decision regarding our relationship. It's either his wife or me. He'll have to make the call."

"Who do you think he'll choose?" Elizabeth asked gently. Jane looked troubled.

"His wife." Elizabeth put her arm on her sister's shoulder.

"Oh Jane, you and I are just unlucky in love. But I feel that the tides will be changing for us. We must remain positive."

"Lizzy, you have that gorgeous man practically drooling over you, and you are so nonchalant about it all. I don't understand you!"

"My rules, Jane. My rules."

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Ext. Fidelity Car parked outside Boston Globe News Offices on Morrissey Blvd.

The driver of the car stood outside the passenger waiting for his client. Elizabeth hurried out the front door and rushed into the car.

William sat in the opposite seat.

"The thing about limousines is that one never knows who's going to be inside of it." She joked.

"I thought of surprising you last minute. We have reservations at the Bay Tower Room."

She laughed. "Did you suffer huge losses yesterday?"

"Million and a half."

"Oh Lord! That is staggering."

"I have enough." William said soberly.

"So you have made quite a name for yourself at Fidelity Investments. You should be very pleased with yourself."

He looked at her in earnest. He fought the urge to put up the partition between driver and occupants, and just kiss her. He shook off his gravity. "And you, do you play the markets?"

"Very little. I don't quite have the play money you do. Columnists aren't paid millions, like financial advisors. How is your little fiancée, Winter, right?"

He grimaced. "I believe she is fine. She's vacationing in Bermuda this week. Or should I say honeymooning." He was amused at her confusion. "She married a man a little bit wealthier than me."

"You don't seem so sad. And how quick! I only saw you a week ago."

"Actually, it was a relief. I would've called off the engagement. I found her too fickle for my well-being."

They arrived at Sixty State Street and went to the top floor for the restaurant. William pulled out Elizabeth's seat and helped her into it. A single rose graced the fine china.

"Déjŕ vu." he whispered.

"I don't recall friends giving friends roses."

"Not even particularly special friends?" he questioned.

"Whatever happened to the corporate lawyer you were to marry. Again, the name escapes me." She noted that changing the subject was a pastime with her.

"Ah, Autumn Morgan. When I came back from New York, things had changed between us. Well to be truthful, I fell in love with another woman."

"Oh, the poor woman. Did she take it hard? And couldn't I call you fickle, also. Falling in love with another woman! I just found out that Joe is dating a woman that I know. It's difficult."

"I was surprised that you and Mr. Reed had split up. I had heard that you two were very close and tight."

She looked down at her plate. "That was a long time ago, I don't think I want to discuss this anymore. I'm sorry about Winter and Autumn." She laughed, shaking off her gravity.

Changing the subject drastically, he tried a more lighter approach. "Why would a study on males exciting females be in a paper as renowned as the Boston Globe?"

"Slow news day, I believe. Did you not care for the article? I know that the particular gentleman who wrote it had quite the experience interviewing people about gratifying one's lover."

"The article referenced that more woman fake excitement. I find that hard to believe. We do know when women are faking. We know when we are being played."

Elizabeth laughed out loud at that one. "Do you? Pray tell, what signs do you look for when a woman is faking it?"

"Not a sign in particular, but one can tell by how involved she is."

"And you are trying to see how involved she is? Aren't you more agreeably engaged?"

He laughed. "Yes, but… one can tell."

"You seem to be at a loss for words, William."

He blushed. "It's just something that I know." He said adamantly. The waiter came by and took their order.

"I'm saying that you're wrong. You couldn't possibly know the difference." She smirked at him.

"You're feeling quite good about yourself right now aren't you? I'll prove you wrong."

"And it would imply that…"

He cut her off. "Not necessarily, madam." He smiled sneakily at her.

The waiter brought out her salad, and she started working on it. After taking a couple of bites, she put her fork down and started moaning. Softly at first.

"Elizabeth, are you okay?" asked William.

Her moans became a little bit louder and more sensual. He looked oddly at her. She brought her hands up to her hair and said a breathless, "yes!" William realized at that instant what she was doing and went along for the ride. She worked herself up into a frenzy moaning and groaning. Moving her hands up and down. Slamming them on the table. "Yes! Yes!" The restaurant patrons stopped eating and stared at Elizabeth. The waitstaff looked on amusedly.

When all was said and done, she picked up the fork and began again on her salad.

William's face was flushed red, yet he was laughing. "Was it good for you?"

She smiled prettily at him and continued eating.

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Act III Scene III

Posted on Thursday, 08-Oct-98

Int. 3.00a.m. Brookline Village apartment and Beacon Hill Townhouse.

Five Days Later

Elizabeth had been sleeping quite soundly when the ringing of the telephone awoke her. She felt around in the dark for her phone on her bedside table.

"Bennet, here." She said sleepily.

"Good morning, Elizabeth."

She groaned. "William, do you realize what time it is?" she looked over at her alarm clock. "Goodness, it's three o'clock!"

"I need to talk to you. Now. There is a car waiting outside your apartment for you. Can you be ready in ten minutes?"

"I think not, sir!" she realized something important. "How did you get my phone number and address?"

"I'll tell you when you get here. Please, it's quite important. I have the coffee all ready."

"This better be good." She hung up.

Within fifteen minutes, she was settled in the car and heading into Beacon Hill, cursing herself for saying yes. The ride took all of fifteen minutes due to the bare streets at that time of the morning. The driver asked her some questions, she answered and wondered what William could possibly have to say to her at three-thirty in the morning.

"Did Mr. Darcy tell you why you had to come and pick me up?"

"No, ma'am. He just gave me the order to pick you up."

"Does he do this often?"

"Oh, I've picked up many women before for Mr. Darcy. Brought them home too. I bring more women home, than pick up though." He laughed. Elizabeth colored at the thought of what was going through the driver's mind.

"We're just friends." He turned and winked at her. The driver pulled onto Joy Street and told her which house was Mr. Darcy's. He indicated by the front porch light that was illuminating the part of the street. William who had been watching from the window proceeded to open the front door.

"Elizabeth." He smiled.

"Do you know what this looks like?" she hissed at him. "Your driver seems to think that I am yet another conquest." She berated him once inside the house.

"I doubt that he said that. I told him that we were friends. I have coffee in the kitchen. My housekeeper is already up and about this morning." He smiled at her. Trying to loosen her up.

"Coffee would be perfect right now. Then you tell me what is going on." He nodded. She followed him into the kitchen and marveled at the décor. All white with splashes of vibrant colors. Very modern decorations she noted. Most likely a conquest helped decorate.

He poured out two heaping cups of hot coffee and asked if toast would be to her liking; she declined. They both sat down at the table across from each other.

"So…" she started.

He took a deep breath and a long sip of coffee. "I'm being transferred."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "And…"

"Elizabeth, I'm being transferred to the Tokyo office. They want me to head up the fixed income group there. I'll be leaving in two weeks."

She bit the inside of her cheek and looked thoughtfully at him. "So…"

He seemed a bit exasperated. "So? I thought we were making great strides in our friendship, and wanted you to know that I'm leaving."

"And this could've waited for breakfast time or lunch time. Really William, this is wonderful news. It's a great opportunity for you."

"That is all you have to say?" he tried not to sound hurt.

"William, this is a wonderful news. Of course I'll miss you. But with modern technology, we can phone each other. Or we could write letters."

"I actually had another thought in mind, really." He laughed.

She laughed. "What?"

"Well in Japan, they are quite adamant about men being married. Very adamant."

"Different culture, I understand."

He got up and paced around . Elizabeth looked at him in wonder. "What is the problem, William?"

He sat down again, but this time beside her and took both of her hands into his. "Elizabeth, I know that... And I've been… And you know… Your being a columnist and such, and having absolutely no money. We don't exactly move around in the same social circles; but the more I get to know you, the more I know how much… I ask that you consent to be wife. It would look good if we got married fairly quickly, Fidelity is willing to pick up any expense to expedite this. It would be quite prodigious of you to say yes."

Elizabeth pulled back her hand angrily. A tumult of thoughts crossed her brain, but she needed to gather her thoughts before she could whole-heartedly deny him. She had never felt so insulted in her life.

"I believe that most women of your social circle would jump up and wrap their arms around your neck, and give you a passionate kiss at this moment. But I cannot. I have never desired your love and you have bestowed it most unwillingly to me. I wanted a friendship, and you couldn't do it. I knew you wanted to sleep with me, but I wouldn't allow you the gratification. No, Mr. Darcy, I cannot and will not marry you."

"And this is the reply, I am to expect? I have bestowed my heartfelt appreciation to you; and you deny me because I pointed out the rather obvious obstacle regarding our union."

"You insulted me, William. How could I possibly accept the hand of the man who tells me that it would be prodigious for me to say yes."

"It would have been prodigious of you. Think of the wealth and jewels and vacations you would have. You would have no need to work anymore."

Elizabeth stood and headed out of the kitchen. "Good bye, Mr. Darcy. I hope that all works out for you in Japan." She headed out the front door and into the waiting car. Tears spilled down her face as she waited for the driver to start up the car.

"Take me home."

William went to the front door and watched the car pull away.

End of Act III

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Act IV Scene I

Posted on Thursday, 08-Oct-98

Ext. Boston Public Gardens

Nine Months Later

Jane hurried through the crowd of tourists on her way to take a ride on the Swan Boats with Elizabeth. She was already running twenty minutes late. Elizabeth knew that time was money, and was not happy being kept waiting.

She finally saw Elizabeth sitting on a bench staring at her watch. "Elizabeth!" she called out. "I'm here. Finally. The subway was all backed up and it was so crowded. People pushing and shoving."

"Jane, I understand. I bought the tickets. But I see you've forgotten the popcorn."

"Oh, right. Well we don't need to feed the ducks and swans anyway. They're overfed as it is. Look at how fat some of them are. They need to diet."

"Hmm.. dieting ducks; interesting." They both laughed. "Charlotte is worried about you, Lizzy. She said you haven't returned any of her calls in two months."

"I don't have anything to say." Elizabeth walked a little ahead of her sister and took her place in line.

"Elizabeth, you've been not yourself for a while now. You're always internalizing everything, and one of these days, it will explode and no one will be around to help you, because you push everyone away," Jane lectured.

"I don't. I just don't have much to say to people. Work is keeping me busy, this is an election year, you know."

It had been months since Jane dared to broach this subject. "Have you heard from William?"

She glared at her sister, then the thought of him brought back all good times they had. Her little performance at lunch and his reaction to it.

"Was it good for you?" he had said. Then his concession to her. He told her that if she was really like that, he'd be one lucky guy. She should've seen it as a come on. He was just chatting her up, like all the other women he decided to be the "one".

She also thought way back to Central Park. Autumn in New York. Ironic how he had been engaged to Autumn at the time. She remembered. She always remembered. Summer, Autumn, Winter. But yet he asked an Elizabeth to be his wife. Rudely, but he asked. She couldn't have married him anyway. Joe was always in the back of her mind at the time. Cripes, she had just broken off her engagement. She couldn't and wouldn't rush into a relationship. She needed time to heal. Time to be alone and enjoy the single life. Timing was all wrong. Was she starting to rationalize?

So many things had gone on, and she would have loved to be able to ring him and tell him. Her interview with Caspar Weinberger. Her time on the local news. Interviewing Fawn Hall. Paying attention to what was going on in the land of Bonds. She wanted a friendship. He wanted more.

"Elizabeth, where are you?"

She snapped out of it. "Oh, I was just thinking about an article I'm working on."

"Oh!" she tried to say in an upbeat manner, but it sounded more croaky.

"Can I cancel lunch with you? I'm not very hungry right now and I need to make a phone call."

"But what of the Swan Boat ride."

She started dashing off, "It'll keep." And she was gone.

End of Scene I

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Act IV Scene II

Int. Logan International Airport. That evening.

"Are you sure the housekeeper will have everything all set for us?" she questioned her partner.

"Yes, everything will be ready for our arrival." He reiterated.

"And everyone knows about me. You didn't forget to tell everyone that you have a wife."

He smiled down at her. "Of course not. Everyone is only the housekeeper, dear."

"How long are we here for?"

"Two weeks, Spring. Don't worry about it. You'll love Boston."

William's driver appeared with a big smile on his face. When he introduced the woman as his wife, his face dropped. "But what about the other one…"

He gave him a stern look and helped his wife into the car.

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"Lou, what's the time difference between Boston and Tokyo?"

Lou shook his head, "I give, what?"

"I'm asking you." She shot at him.

"I dunno about eighteen hours?"

"So it should be early morning, good time to call the Fidelity office in Tokyo?"

"Yes, I guess so. But why?" he asked

"Just a hunch." Elizabeth smiled.

Elizabeth dialed the Tokyo office of Fidelity. With every intention of… What? What could you possibly say to him. I'm sorry. She smiled to herself. That'll do.

"Hello." The accented voice said softly.

"Hello, I'm calling from the United States. I'd like to speak to William Darcy." Elizabeth felt her face grow hot.

"Hold, please." Elizabeth held for a couple of minutes. "I'm sorry, Mr. Darcy is out of the office. He's on holiday in the States."

"This is a personal call would you be able to tell me where he is vacationing?"

The woman on the other line ruffled through some papers. "Yes, it says that he is in Boston."

Elizabeth smiled broadly. "Thank you. Thank you, very much." She hung up the phone.

"Lou, I'm going home for the night. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll see you bright and early. And stop flashing those pearly whites, you're blinding me!"

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Elizabeth called for a cab and gave the driver 16 Joy Street as an address. She leaned her head against the window and watched the cars that whizzed by. Her heart started beating faster and faster every time the skyline of the city came into view. She knew that it would only be a couple of minutes before the cab was stopped in front of his townhouse.

She could give him a proper apology for her attitude all those months ago.

The cab pulled up to the parking spot in front of his townhouse. Elizabeth paid the driver and took a deep breath before heading out of the car.

She opened the rod iron front gate and headed up the stairs. She knocked on the door and turned around admiring the tulips and roses that graced the small front yard.

She heard the door open and hesitated turning around. At that instant, she regretted being so unpredictable. That was so unlike her. Slowly she gathered up her courage and turned around.


"Hello, William. I phoned you in Japan, they told me you were home. Can I come in?"

He held the door open for her and escorted her in and brought her into the living room. "Wait here for a moment."

If her heart was racing, his was doing double time.

William went into the bedroom and informed Spring of their guest. "How did she know that we had just come here?" she asked.

"She phoned the office in Japan. Come down and meet her."

She pouted at him. "William, it's been a long flight, I don't feel like entertaining right now. Can you have her come back."

"No," he said slowly, "She has come tonight. You will join me downstairs in the living room. Now." She rolled off the bed and trudged slowly beside her. Exaggerating her movements. He shot her a furious look.

Elizabeth was admiring some Ivory Elephants on the mantle over the fireplace when William escorted his wife into the room. Elizabeth gave him a bright smile, but it faded when she saw the woman behind him.

"Hello?" she said quickly.

"Elizabeth, let me introduce you to my wife, Spring Darcy. Spring, Miss Bennet is a reporter for the Boston Globe."

Elizabeth felt as if the smile was permanently on her face and wouldn't leave. Married!

"How lovely. I'm sorry, Miss Bennet we've just arrived home and are quite jet-agged. You must forgive me for not appearing in top form tonight. We were expecting to spend a quiet night at home." William nudged his wife.

"Oh, I'm very sorry. I'll let you two recuperate. I'm sorry for intruding. William, enjoy your time in Boston." She took her leave.

William headed out to walk Elizabeth out. "I've read all your stuff. Very impressive."

"You had the Boston Globe in Japan?"

"It was a piece of home. I guess this would put a strain on our friendship now, wouldn't it?"

She swallowed the lump in here throat. "Not really." She lied. "She seems like a lovely woman."

He didn't say anything.

Elizabeth held out her hand to him. "Well, good-bye."

"You were right," he said quickly, holding onto her hand. "I shouldn't have let my feelings intrude when it came to you."

"Don't," she pulled her hand away. "I just came to apologize, and see if we could still remain friends."

"I had hoped as much, Elizabeth."

"It will be difficult when you go back to Japan, when you have children, and when you decide to go on holidays with your wife. Most women don't like their husbands to be particular friends to other women. Cardinal rule number 1."

"I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong, I did."

End of Scene II

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Act IV Scene IV

Posted on Thursday, 08-Oct-98

Int. Sullivan Stadium - Foxborough, MA New England Patriots game.

One Year Later

Charles Bingley walked back to his seat with William Darcy holding two beers, hot-dogs and pretzels. The first quarter had just ended and Steve Grogan was being replaced by Doug Flutie. William cursed the change.

"Damn McPherson has no clue what he's doing, replacing Grogan with Flutie. Stupid, stupid mistake. We're down a touchdown!" he swiped the food out of Charles' hand.

"Take it easy, man! It's only a game." William stared at Charles.

"I've had a lot on my mind lately."

Charles nodded. "You're back in the Boston office, that's good."

William nodded. "Yes. I didn't realize how much I missed Boston, until I wasn't here."

"And Spring? I recall she hated Boston."

William winced. "I remember Spring hating everything; including me. She came home and told me that she would be subletting a coworker's apartment."

"That bad, huh?"

William nodded his head. "The thing is Charles, I really tried to love her. I gave her everything I could possibly give. The kicker is, the day she tells me she's planning on leaving, the movers show up. They had her moved out in half an hour. And she took my art."

"It's for the best, William. She sucked the life out of you. You just were not happy with her."

"I lied, Charles. She left me for another man."


"She told me that she could never love me. She said my hang-up with another woman made it impossible to live with me. She took my art work, and she wants half of my money."

Charles shook his head. "Tell me you had her sign a prenup?"

William shook his head in the negative.

"What were you thinking! This is the eighties! All women want half of everything! Why do you think I've stayed single for so long?"

"Because you repulse women?" he teased.

"Not quite, William." They both got up to do the wave.

"So who is this woman that you pine for?"

"I don't pine for anyone." Charles stared at him with an evil eye. "Ten years ago, I had a ride from Chicago to Boston with an ex-girlfriend's former roommate. We didn't quite hit it off, actually. She thought I was coming on to her by mentioning that she was attractive. Well we got into a discussion about men and women and my being a pig."

"Ah, so it was love at first sight." He cracked.

"I didn't see her after that for five years. I was engaged to Autumn, and she was engaged to a mutual friend. We ended up on the same flight to New York, had dinner, shared Casablanca, and I fell totally and madly in love with her."

"And you didn't do anything about it because…"

"Because she wanted friendship only. I had to prove to her that I could be her friend, and not her lover."

Charles laughed. "Are you crazy, man! You find the woman that you think is the "one", and you let your gentlemanly behavior get in the way."

"She didn't seem interested in anything other than friendship. I couldn't scare her away with my resolve, if she only wanted to be friends."

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, William. Did you ever, once just tell her how you felt."

"I thought we were here to watch the game?"

"Forget the game, I want you to answer my question."

"I wanted to tell her, so many times. We seemed to be separated more than anything else."

"Why did you marry Spring again?" he pushed on.

"It looked good in Japan. They were quite insistent on my getting married. I know it was the worst thing I could've done."

"Has she filed for divorce yet." William again nodded his head. "And obviously you are not contesting it."

"Good God, no! I want to be finished with this as soon as possible."

"And this person, have you tried to call her or see her."

"I haven't seen her in a year."

Charles looked thoughtful for a couple of minutes. "Give me her phone number."


"I'll ask her out on a date. I'll tell her I have a friend, and if she has a friend, we can double up."

William looked aghast at Charles. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard!"

"But you will do it. You want to see her, and I get to check out her friend." He smiled slyly.

"She would not be happy, and I'm too old to play games."

"Her number?"

William relented and wrote it down on the back of the receipt that he had in his leather bomber jacket.

"This is not going to work." William said decidedly.

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Act IV Scene IV

Elizabeth paced up and down her apartment. Who the hell is Charles Bingley, and how did he get my number! she said over and over again. She waited by the phone for Jane to call. She was sure that she had given this man her name and she was ready to murder her.

Twenty minutes after Elizabeth beeped Jane she called. "What, sis? I was eating dinner with Harvey."

"I thought that he was back with his wife?" she said annoyed

"Well he was, but he couldn't live without me."

"Oh Jane, you are setting yourself up for a big fall. But enough of that, who the hell is Charles Bingley, and why did you give him my phone number?"

"I don't know a Charles Bingley. Maybe it was Charlotte Lucas?"

Elizabeth groaned. Whoever it was, she was not happy about it.

"This man called me. Would not tell me who gave him my number asked me out on a date. Asked if I had a friend, and if I could bring her too. I thought he was looking for a menage ĺ trois. He has a friend that he would bring. Jane, will you be the fourth person. Please?"

"But Harvey?"

"Jane, the jerk is married! Please. It's been a long time since I've been on a date." She whined.

"Fine. When did you schedule this all-around blind date?"

"Friday night. We are having dinner at the Ritz Carlton."

"Hmm… some blind date. I don't think men who take women out to the Ritz are looking for a menage á trois."

Elizabeth laughed. "You're right. I didn't think of that."

Jane hung up the phone.

Elizabeth called back Charles Bingley and set the time, and what she would be wearing. She gave the name of her sister as the person she would bring.

William stood by while Charles chatted some time with Elizabeth. It killed him to see his friend talk so easily with her. When every word that came out of his mouth was labored. Charles finally hung up.

"Jane Bennet?"

"Sister, very good-looking. Blonde, petite, and cerulean blue eyes."

"A veritable angel, would you say?"


End of Act IV

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Act V Scene I

Posted on Friday, 09-Oct-98

Int. Brookline Village Apartment and Beacon Hill Townhouse

Friday Evening

Elizabeth ran around her apartment looking for her Joan & David shoes to go with her pantsuit. She opted out of wearing a dress so as not to be predictable. Jane came over looking ravishing as ever.

"Remind me to tell you after this night is over that I hate you," Elizabeth said running from room to room.

"Now, what?"

"You always look gorgeous, and I somehow look like a dump truck."

"What time are we supposed to meet them?"

"I was smart and scheduled dinner for eight-thirty." She found her shoes and walked into the long hallway. "So, how do I look?"

"Lizzy, you could've given him some leg," she laughed. Elizabeth cuffed her sister on the shoulder. "I think brown looks good on you. It does something about your eyes. They look richer."

"Okay," she rolled her eyes.

"So… should we call a cab? I don't feel like driving on Newbury Street on a Friday evening."

"Fine. The number to the cab service is on the fridge."

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William tried explaining again and again why he would be showing up forty-five minutes late for dinner, but it was to no avail. Charles decided to be pigheaded at the wrong moment.

"Charles, just explain that I was tied up and couldn't break free from having drinks with a business client," he sighed in frustration.

"We have reservations. If you don't show up, William, I will…"

"What? I'm just trying to… Charles, just explain that I'm running late and will be there."

He walked his friend to the car. "Enjoy your date with Elizabeth." He said strangely.

"I can't wait. You never did tell me what she looked liked."

"Give Jane my apologies, but for God sakes, don't make it seem as though I am standing her up!"

"Ah, the veritable angel."

"One other thing, as blonde as Jane is, Elizabeth is much darker in coloration and countenance," William quickly walked away, and left Charles shaking his head.

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The doorman helped Jane and Elizabeth out of the cab. Elizabeth pulled her coat tightly together and took Jane's arm as they headed into the hotel. She felt the butterflies in her stomach, and didn't think she'd be able to keep any food down.

"I don't think I can do this, Jane." She whispered.

"Hush, Lizzy, of course you can. Stop acting like a baby. Remember, I'm doing this for you and you only. Listen, I'm going to the ladies room, wait in the lobby on the couch, just like he told you. He'll find you."

"You can't leave me now." She pleaded.

"Elizabeth, go!"

Elizabeth quickly checked the coats and waited in the lobby for her date. Charles saw Elizabeth from the distance. Very nice, he smiled to himself; however, he had this ironic feeling that by the time this night was over, she would have absolutely nothing to do with him.

He took long strides and reached his destination with seconds. "Miss Bennet? Charles Bingley." He smiled brightly to her.

"Hello, Mr. Bingley." He took her proffered hand and lightly kissed it. "Are you alone?"

His smile faded slightly, "I am but, my friend will be joining us at nine-fifteen. He had drinks with clients that he couldn't get out of. And you, are you alone?"

"Oh, no. Jane is powdering her nose."

"Ah," was all he managed to say. "I did manage to change the reservation. I thought we could have drinks before he arrived."

"So what is the name of this fourth person, by the way?" She asked as Jane sauntered over.

Charles turned to Jane. "Hello." Charles took her hand and kissed it. She looked shyly away.

"Very nice to meet you, sir." She drawled softly. Elizabeth watched with astonishment the transaction between her sister and her date.

"Should we head in and order our drinks?" Charles took Elizabeth's and Jane's arm and led them to the bar.

For some unknown reason, Elizabeth felt as though she was the outsider. Jane had managed to monopolize most of Charles' attention. Elizabeth was able to explain life at the Globe, and how she felt the Presidential election would go.

Every five minutes, she checked her watch, and wondered when and if she could bail out on them. Elizabeth tried to rationalize that Charles smiled to much and was way too happy. You couldn't bring him down. He found fault with no one. Elizabeth did like the idea of someone catching Jane's fancy other than Harvey. She smiled and sipped her drink.

Charles realized how bored Elizabeth looked and tried repeatedly to bring her into the conversation. When he checked his watch, he noticed the time and smiled with the knowledge that William would be there shortly. The host walked over to the bar and told them that their table was ready for them. Charles helped Jane into her seat first then walked Elizabeth to her seat. A single white rose graced the fine china.

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William arrived at the hotel at nine, and paced outside the restaurant. He wanted to turn back and forget this. This was ludicrous. He could hear her denounce him and he could see the anger on her face. At least she would acknowledge him. Negatively, but it was an acknowledgment. He straightened his tie, brushed off his suit and calmly, yet quickly, walked into the restaurant.

Elizabeth thanked Charles for the rose, and noticed a pink carnation sitting on Jane's plate. Charles seemed momentarily taken aback. He had no prior knowledge of flowers being placed on the china. Elizabeth sensed his confusion.

"White. For friendship?" Elizabeth questioned.

"Ah, oh yes, for friendship. Jane, I hope you do like pink carnations."

She smiled meekly and lowered her eyes, flirting with him. "I do, very much so."

"Good, good. Well, my friend should be here anytime now. I readily expect him to walk in that door." Elizabeth turned around to see if anyone was coming. With the way Jane and Charles were practically pawing at her, at least she'd have someone to talk to.

William was escorted to the table by the Maitre'D. Before the table came into view he took a deep breath and exhaled.

Charles brightened when William came into view. "Ah, I see that my friend has finally arrived." Charles stood and greeted his friend. William sat down beside Jane and across from Elizabeth. Who was momentarily stunned and speechless.

"Good evening," William said cautiously. Jane gasped. Elizabeth just stared. Nothing was in focus, everything sounded muffled.

Suddenly everything came into focus and the sound was crystal clear. She could hear people chattering in the background. She heard a fork hit the bare floor. Her thoughts became unmuddled, and before she knew what was going on, she spoke:

"I think this is cruel joke to play on two unwitting people." She turned to Charles. "Is this your idea of making fun of my sister who has been dating a married man for four years, by setting her up with a married man?"

Jane cringed, "Elizabeth!"

Charles expected this and was ready. "I did not set her up with a married man. And whether your sister is dating or seeing or sleeping with a married man, I don't think that is my business, nor does it need to be public. I asked you to dinner to see William and talk to him."

"Why would you ask me out on a date with the pretense of…" she glared at William.

Charles tried again, "I would never willingly hurt anyone." He turned to Jane and smiled. "Especially a beautiful woman like your sister. Now we can have a nice dinner, have some drinks and dessert. Some wonderful conversation. And Elizabeth, just for the record, William is in the process of getting divorced."

"Oh that's terrible, Mr. Darcy," Jane said soothingly.

"It's for the best." He said not taking his eyes off of Elizabeth. She was staring at the white china plate sitting in front of her.

A waiter stopped by and took their drink order. Elizabeth shocked all by ordering a straight scotch. The rest of the party stuck with white wine.

"White rose, William. What does that represent?" Elizabeth asked hotly.

"Friendship." He answered quietly.

"Pink carnation, William?"


"Why should I stay?" she said right to him.

"I would like you to stay."

"Anyway, I will stay. I am on a date with Charles Bingley, am I not?"

William smiled, "You are indeed. Charles, are you willing to keep your date with Miss Bennet?"

Charles seemed confused, "Which one?"

"Elizabeth Bennet."

Charles smiled. "So you'll stay?" She nodded.

"Jane would be upset if I pulled her away now. Besides, I'd like to hear why Mr. Darcy is getting divorced."

"I can answer that easily," Charles said happily, "Because Spring was a …"

"Charles." William gave him a stern look. "It didn't work out. Sometimes one marries the wrong person." He said simply.

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After dinner and dessert, Charles thought a walk down Newbury Street would help the digestive system. After a couple of scotches, Elizabeth wasn't really willing or able to argue with anyone. She felt good, if a little drunk.

Jane and Charles walked ahead of William, while Elizabeth fell behind watching the cars, and people scurrying to nightclubs in the area. William stopped and waited for Elizabeth to catch up.

"I was hoping we could talk," he said hopefully.

"Speak." She said loosely.

"Are you feeling okay?" he said in a concerned manner.

"I feel fine, although I may need another drink soon." She laughed. He offered her his arm, which she took, surprising herself and him.

"I would like to have my friend back. I could use one right now."

"I don't know." She finally said.

"Elizabeth, please. I've hurt you, I know that. But it wasn't done purposefully at all."

"But how do I know that you won't want more than just friendship?"

"You won't. I would eventually like to be more to you. But I realize that I must take baby steps."

Charles and Jane slowed down considerably, and told the two of them that they decided they wanted to finish the evening together and they quickly hopped into a waiting cab.

"Well, it looks like we've been dumped by our dates." They continued walking down the street; crossing over to Boylston Street.

"Do you remember when I told you that you were an attractive woman, all those years ago?"

"How could I forget. I called you a pig."

"It was the beginning of this strange friendship."

"Very strange friendship. I think Jane and Charles hit it off." She shivered, and he took his coat off and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"How would you like to go for that drink?"

She agreed.

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Elizabeth sipped her red wine. William sat watching her.

"You still have the most beautiful eyes, Elizabeth."

She bit her lip and took another sip. "I still will not sleep with you."

He laughed. "Can you perform for me like you did last year?" he winked at her.

"I've given up my drama class. I still cannot believe I did that!"

With every sip she became the old Elizabeth, funny, witty, incredible to be around. And William found himself in the same predicament as always, wanting to kiss her. But he knew that he couldn't, no matter how badly he wanted to.

Yet, he did let it slip out that he wanted to be more to her than just friends. Did she hear him or was she willingly ignoring him. People got up on the dance floor to dance to fast songs and slow songs. William asked Elizabeth if she would dance with him.

"I'm still a lousy dancer, and most likely, I will step on your feet." She laughed.

"Doesn't matter." He held her hand out to her. The first song was a fast upbeat tempo song that had William and Elizabeth laughing and moving all over the dance floor. She was a good dancer. After several fast songs, the DJ finally played a slow song on request. William asked Elizabeth if she would dance this one with him. She smiled at him and gave her hand to him.

What would you think if I told you
I've always wanted to hold you?
I don't know what we're afraid of
Nothing would change if we made love.

Elizabeth smiled up to him. "I'm really sorry about your marriage, William." She said softly.

"Shhhh." He whispered in her ear.

So I'll be your friend
And I'll be your lover
'Cause I know in our hearts we agree
We don't have to be one or the other
Oh, no, we could be both to each other.

Yes it's a chance that we're taking
And somebody's heart may be breaking
Oooh, but we can't stop what's inside us
Our love for each other will guide us.

Elizabeth moved her hands behind his neck, and he gently stroked her back. She started playing with the back of his hair.

"I shouldn't be doing this, should I?"

"Shhhh." He whispered again.

So I'll be your friend
And I'll be your lover
'Cause I know in our hearts we agree
We don't have to be one or the other

I've been through you
You've been through me
Sometimes a friend is the hardest to see
And we always know when it's laid on the line
Nobody else is as easy to find

William softly brushed his lips against her neck. Causing her to shiver.

"We shouldn't be doing this. Oh," she said, as his lips found the spot behind her ear, that reduced her to nothing. The impulse of the moment made her bring her lips to his neck, and she gently kissed it.

So I'll be your friend
(I'll be)
And I'll be your lover
Cause I'll be your friend
(I'll be)
And I'll be your lover
'Cause I know in our hearts we agree
We don't have to be one or the other
Oh, no, we could be both to each other.

"Love me, Elizabeth." He kissed her passionately.

End of Scene I

Act V Scene II

Posted on Friday, 09-Oct-98

Int. Yolanda's Bridal Shoppe, Waltham, MA

Three Month's Later

Jane stood on the pedestal as the woman took up the hem to the wedding dress. Elizabeth sat looking through magazines, looking thoroughly bored. She sipped her cold tea. A young woman kept handing Jane different headdresses.

"I can't believe after only three month's you're actually marrying the guy," Elizabeth said for the hundredth time.

"We saw, we came, we conquered. We fell in love, Lizzy. It happens to normal people, you know."

"But what of Harvey? How did he handle all this?" What the hell am I saying!

"Harvey took it hard, and I tried to be gentle. He thought that we could still see each other after I was married, but I told him that it was over. He seemed quite put out, though. He said that he nearly sacrificed his marriage for me."


Jane turned around and faced Elizabeth. "So, what do you think?"

Elizabeth felt tears come to her eyes. "Oh Jane, you are so beautiful. Charles is one lucky guy to get you."

Jane stepped down from the pedestal and rushed to hug her sister. "Elizabeth, I love you to pieces. But you have to find someone."

"I know, I just don't know what I want."

Jane sighed tiredly, "Elizabeth, there is one person out there who would go to the end of the world for you -- and you push him away, every time."

"I prefer to not talk about him, thank you. We are not compatible."

She quirked her eyebrow at her sister. "Go and try on the navy blue dress. You do realize that William is going to be the best man at the wedding. You will have to endure him."

"You couldn't elope, could you?" she grinned at Jane before heading into the dressing room.

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Charles tried on several cummerbunds and vests, each time not liking anything. He didn't think this was going to be as difficult as it was. But he wanted to look perfect on his wedding day.

"You know it shouldn't be this difficult. But I have absolutely no clue what color I want, or if I want a vest or cummerbund. Was it this difficult for you, Will?"

William came out of the clouds, "What?"

"Your marriage to Spring. When shopping for tuxedos, did you agonize over colors and styles?"

"I got married in a navy-blue Armani business suit, by a Japanese Justice of the Peace or equivalent."

"We are having people over to the house within the next two weeks, we would like you to be there. However, Elizabeth will also be there, too."

"I can deal with her," he said resolutely. "Can I bring a someone?"

"Oh really, a date?"

"Sort of," he smiled.

"I don't see why not. This wouldn't be to make Elizabeth jealous would it."

William shot him a horrendous look, "Listen, I'm done with her. She made it well known that she does not want a relationship with me."

"But you did get pretty far with her that night."

"No Charles, she slapped me and accused me of taking advantage of her in her drunken state."

"Do you love her?"

He made no answer.

"I said, do you love her?"

"I don't know anymore. She drives me crazy. She makes me mad. I feel like lashing out at things. I actually yelled at one of the administrative assistants the other day. I mean I really screamed at her."

"Well bring your date. We'll tell Elizabeth that we are inviting couples; because originally it was just you and she who would've been coming solo anyway. She'll be forced to find a date for the evening herself."

William needed to change the subject quickly, "So has Jane finally dumped that married man?"

"Like a hot potato." They both laughed.

"I think you should go with the navy blue, Charles."

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One Week Later

Elizabeth stared at the new monitor of her computer screen, watching the wavy lines go up and down, up and down. Lou watched as Elizabeth seemed to be daydreaming.

"Bennet, what the hell are you doing?"

"Thinking of a great story, Lou. Why?" she asked defiantly.

"Because you have a visitor."

"Who is it?"

"What do I look like, your secretary? Go downstairs and find out."

Elizabeth sighed and headed to the elevator. She walked to the front entrance and at the door stood her soon to be brother-in-law.

"Charles, this is a surprise."

"I thought we could have lunch, is there a cafeteria here?"

"Do you want to live long enough to get married?" she cracked.

"Yes, I guess I do. Listen, it would be better if we got out of here anyway. Do you have a preference."

"How about Kelly's Roast Beef in Revere, traffic is light at this time of the afternoon. We can eat in your car." Charles smiled and agreed with her.

It took less than fifteen minutes to go to Revere Beach. However the chill in the air, made Elizabeth stay in the car, and she sent Charles out to get the food. Elizabeth was looking forward to her clam plate.

Ten minutes later, the two sat companionably in the car eating.

"So why did you take me out to lunch?"

"You will tell me if I'm meddling right?" she nodded her head. "I wanted to tell you, before I told Jane, that next week at the get together Jane and I are throwing, William will be bringing a date. I wanted you to be forewarned. And I want you to bring someone too."

"Oh." She dunked her onion ring into the tartar sauce. "Well, okay then, I guess I can find a date. But who to bring, I mean I have men just knocking down my door." She said sarcastically.

"Elizabeth, you have a man who is so in love with you and has been for years! You are the most infuriating person, how can you be this way. How can you treat William this way!"

"I wanted a friend, Charles. He said men and women cannot be friends, and you know what he's right. He let his romantic sensibilities get in the way. He's the one who got married…"

"And that marriage ended, and he came back for you! Dammit, Elizabeth. I now know why he says you drive him crazy!"

"He said that?" she said soberly.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that. Find a date, please. I don't want any problems at this party. Think of your sister."

Elizabeth fought back the tears. "Fine."

End of Scene II

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Act V Scene III

Posted on Sunday, 11-Oct-98

Int. Jane and Charles' Back Bay Brownstone

One Week Later

Jane and Charles welcomed five couples to their brand-new brownstone. Keith came with Amanda, Paul came with Sarah, Thomas brought Sam, Jeff brought his wife Angela, Marty had Mary tagging along…

…and William brought Fallon. Jane tried her best to be civil to Fallon.

"So Fallon…"

"Oh, please call me Fall. Everyone does, no one calls me by my Christian name."

Jane turned to Charles and shrugged her shoulders. "Well Fall it is. William, would you help me in the kitchen?" Charles took Fall and introduced her to everyone.

William followed Jane into the kitchen and looked around. Everything seemed to be in order, his confused look made Jane speak.

"Are you planning on bringing her to the wedding?"

"I hadn't thought of it. Why do you ask?"

"Why did you bring her?" she questioned. Her tone harder than she had originally intended.

"Do I need to justify what I do in my private life? And to you?" he said angrily.

Jane slumped into a chair. "I'm sorry, Will."

He interrupted, "I know you love your sister. But I have to go on with my life too."

"She's a damned fool, Will. A complete fool. I don't know what to do to make her see reason anymore. But I need to know. Please be honest, do you still love her?"

William wiped his face with his hands. "I can't answer that, Jane." She looked at him for a long time.

"I don't know who's more stubborn -- you or her. Go back to your date. Elizabeth should be here shortly. Also, I've heard that she does have a date."

Charles came into the kitchen after William had left and wrapped his arms around Jane. "It won't work, darling. They have to come together on their own. We can't force anything."

"But I know that my sister does love him. Why she won't admit it, is beyond me."

"Don't let it worry you. Let's enjoy this party." He gave her a long kiss and helped her with the appetizers.

Elizabeth arrived half an hour late. Jane was very happy when she did show up. Charles greeted her and her date, Joey Tribbiani. An extremely good-looking man from Newton.

"Elizabeth, we were to beginning to think you weren't going to show up." Charles said when she entered the living room.

"Oh, we were a bit tied up." She smiled. Joey squeezed her closer.

"Isn't Liz beautiful tonight?" Joey remarked.

Elizabeth did indeed look incredible. She wore a short sweater dress that accented her svelte curves. Elizabeth laughed and kissed Joey. "He's too kind."

"How long have you known Miss Bennet?" a male voice asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch who asked that?" Joey turned around to the guests assembled in the room.

William raised his hand. "I did. I was wondering how long you've known her."

"We've known each other for a couple of months, Mr. Darcy." She smiled to him. Elizabeth leaned into Joey and whispered who he was. Joey smiled and said hello.

"Elizabeth, you haven't met William's date." Jane remarked, as she pointed to a pretty brunette sitting beside him. "Lizzy, this is Fall." Elizabeth looked at William and smiled prettily to him.

"Fall? That is an unusual name."

The other woman laughed. "Well my name is Fallon, but everyone has called me Fall since I was knee high to a grasshopper."

"Indeed. You seem to round things out completely." She smiled and sat down beside Joey who had taken a seat on the sofa. Fall looked strangely at her and turned back to William who gently smiled to her.

Charles passed around glasses of champagne to make a toast. First he toasted the best man and maid of honor, William and Elizabeth. Then he toasted his fiancée. Who gave him a big kiss.

After dinner, Charles brought out the large easel and explained that Pictionary would be the game that would be played. As the last time, Trivial Pursuit was taken out, and a fight broke out.

Teams were announced, and Elizabeth was the first person chosen to play. Jane was timekeeper.

Elizabeth went to the easel and started drawing circles connecting them.

"It's a monkey, It's a monkey!" Joey yelled out. "It's monkey see, monkey do!" She turned to him and shook her head no. "It's an ape. Going ape."

She connected some more circles - with it making more sense. "It's a baby," Fall guessed correctly.

"Planet of the Apes." Joey yelled out.

William retorted back, "How can it be Planet of the Apes if she said it was a baby. How about planet of the dopes." Elizabeth glared at William. "Mick Jagger's lips." William said.

Charles piped up with: "It doesn't actually look like a baby." Elizabeth had arrows shooting out from the lips connecting it with the baby.

Keith commented, "big mouth baby."

William said, "Baby's breath."

Someone yelled out baby boom and kiss the baby.

Joey guessed, "Baby fishmouth, baby fishmouth!"

William antagonized, "What is a baby fishmouth?"

Paul pleaded, "Draw something resembling anything."

Jane interjected. "fifteen seconds."

Elizabeth hecticly drew on the tableau, getting clearly frustrated.

Fall jumped in, "Yes sir, that's my baby."

William laughed, "No sir, I don't mean maybe. Rosemary's baby." He added.

"Time." Jane announced.

Elizabeth turned to the crowd, and said, "Baby talk."

"Where does it look anything remotely like baby talk?" Joey asked.

Darcy glared at Joey, and said, "Oh, and baby fishmouth is sweeping the nation."

Elizabeth headed into Joey's open arms. "I can't draw. I'm terrible."

"You were perfect" he kissed her nose. "What's up with that guy?"

Elizabeth looked squarely in William's eyes. "Nothing. Just ignore him. That's the best advice I can give you."

Jane came up to Elizabeth. "Will you help me with the coffee?"

"Sure." She kissed Joey again and headed into the kitchen with Jane.

Once in the kitchen, Elizabeth pulled a cake out of the box, and Jane got ready the coffee.

"William's girlfriend is very young." Elizabeth remarked.

"Yes she is. But she is very accomplished."

"How can someone so young, be so accomplished?"

"Well she makes about two thousand chocolate orgasms * a week."

Elizabeth stopped what she was doing, "You mean she owns Rosie's bakery?"

Jane nodded her head. "That young thing is Rosie?" Again, Jane nodded her head.

"So William does indeed get his orgasms then." She smiled. Jane gasped. "Sorry, private joke." She laughed.

"Elizabeth, don't you think you are overdoing it with Joey?"

"No. Joey and I enjoy each other's company."

"So why were you late?"

Elizabeth smiled. "He helped me pick out the dress."

"You are heading for meltdown, Elizabeth. You will crash and burn and no one, absolutely no one will be around for you." Elizabeth poured a glass of wine.

"Jane, enough."

William and Charles headed into his library as he wanted to see the new collection of leather-bound Shakespeare that Charles ordered.

"Who is that Joey person she is with. Does he use only one-fourth of his brain."

"I would imagine that you are jealous of this person."

William turned away from the bookshelf. "Hardly. But they do seem quite intimate."

Charles pulled a book off the shelf and handed it to William. He gingerly admired it with his fingertips. "Why don't you just admit that you still love her, and that it is killing you watching her kiss another man."

"I'm not that transparent, Charles. You are grabbing at air here."

"No. I've known you for many years. Eventually you two will come together. I have a feeling."

"Well keep your feelings to yourself." He thought he saw the wheels turning in Charles' head. "You don't have any surprises for us at the wedding, do you?"

"No, of course not." Charles said.

After several hours of the potpourri of guests, Elizabeth headed out to the terrace to clear her head. The wine was starting to affect her, and before she could do anything to embarrass herself, she thought it wise to be alone for a while.

She leaned against the railing, not realizing that William had been out on the terrace for fifteen minutes. He hid in the shadows, watching her. The music that Jane had put on had wafted out onto the terrace and slowly, Elizabeth started swaying. She pulled her hair down and fluffed out the curls.

Still swaying in time to the music, she said softly, "Oh William, if only you knew…" she closed her eyes and envisioned him wrapping his arms softly around her waist. Gently kissing her neck. Slowly turning her around to kiss her lips. She brought her hands around her waist and hugged herself tightly. She remembered his kiss. Their first kiss. Their last kiss. "Elizabeth, you are such a fool." She said to herself. She slowly turned and sat down on the chaise bringing her fingers to her lips in remembrance. She closed her eyes.

She turned back around and looked out over the Charles River. Moving more slowly to the music. Closing her eyes again, she imagined dancing in this manner with him. Closely, hips moving in time. His lips finding her neck, her cheeks and her lips. Elizabeth moved her hands to her hair. William slowly descended from the shadows.

"Don't stop." He pleaded.

She whirled around. "Oh. I didn't know you were here." He came closer to her.

"Elizabeth, dance with me."

She gave her hand willingly. He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems,
the feeling of belonging to your dreams.
And there are voices that want to be heard.
So much to mention but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic, the beauty that's been when love was wilder than the wind.

She rested her head comfortably on his shoulder.

He took a deep breath. Hoping it would kill the urge to kiss her. He failed. Elizabeth looked up to him and smiled serenely.

Another song came on, it was the same song that was on when they kissed.

So I'll be your friend
And I'll be your lover
'Cause I know in our hearts we agree
We don't have to be one or the other
Oh no, we could be both to each other.

"Your date will be wondering where you've disappeared to." She said finally.

"She will keep. Elizabeth, I have to tell you -- I love you."

"Do you realize that you have never once told me that you love me." She smiled up at him. "You demanded from me. You begged me to love you. You kissed me without applying to me first. But you never once told me that you loved me."

"May I kiss …" She pulled his face to hers and kissed him before he could finish his question. He lifted her into his arms. "Can we leave?" he said quickly. She nodded her head. "I'll take you to the townhouse. Meet me downstairs in five minutes."

"But Joey and Fall?"

"Elizabeth, right now, I don't care."

"I know what to do. I'll meet you downstairs in five minutes."

Jane called out to Elizabeth, who had fallen asleep on the chaise.

"Elizabeth, you must be freezing. We wondered where you had disappeared to. The guests are leaving."

"William -- is he leaving with Fall?"

"Well he did come with her. Elizabeth, are you okay?"

Her heart felt a little heavier. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll come in and say good-bye."

Elizabeth stared thoughtfully at William as he helped Fall on with her coat. She gave him a small smile which he returned.

"Good night, William." She said, as she held out her hand for him. He bent over and kissed it.

"Good night, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth thought fast. "Oh William, you left your gloves in the other room. I saw them on the table in the conservatory." William looked strangely at her. Fall was talking with Jane and didn't notice William walk back to the conservatory. Elizabeth followed behind. She shut the door behind her.

"Are you taking her home or to your home?"

He seemed momentarily stunned. "What?"

"Do you have plans with her tonight?"

He laughed nervously. "I don't see where that would be any business to you."

"I thought maybe we could have drinks tonight. After we sent home our dates."


"If I told you now," she said quickly, "then drinks wouldn't be necessary. Please, William?"

"I'll have Henry pick you up at eleven thirty. Elizabeth, what are you expecting?"

She smiled sweetly, "Nothing. Just friendship."

* Author's Note: Chocolate Orgasms are Chocolate brownies with frosting, nuts, etc.. It's the best selling item in Rosie's Bakery.

End of Scene III

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Act V Scene IV

Posted on Monday, 12-Oct-98

Int. Fidelity Car parked outside Elizabeth's Brookline Village Apartment.

Elizabeth rushed from the house and into the waiting car. She smiled when she saw William sitting inside.

"The thing about limousines is one never knows who's going to be inside of it." She teased. He smiled at her.

She noted his long legs stretched out comfortably. He was dressed differently than he had been earlier. More relaxed. Cream colored turtleneck sweater and light gray trousers. He was also wearing wire-rimmed glasses. Elizabeth was glad that she decided against wearing the same dress, and put on a red cashmere sweater and black pants.

Elizabeth turned to the driver and said hello. The driver initiated small talk while William watched Elizabeth joke and laugh with the driver.

"Well miss, you are certainly a sight for sore old eyes." Henry said.

"Oh, but doesn't Mr. Darcy keep you busy picking up people. Especially at all hours of the night. I wonder at when you get any sleep." She turned to William and laughed at him.

"That man hasn't used me in months. I was surprised when I got the call tonight. I was even more surprised when I was given your address." He indicated for her to come closer. "He looks good tonight, no?"

"Indeed, he does, sir. But then again, he always does." She whispered back to him. She spoke in a more normal tone. "But Henry, didn't you pick up and drop off Fall?"

William moved agitatedly in his seat, and decided to end this tęte-ŕ-tęte. "I thought about taking a walk along the shore, rather than getting you, undoubtedly, extremely inebriated."

Elizabeth laughed. "It's the middle of December. I could see if you wanted to do this in August or July, but not now."

"It's a mild night. Perfect for a walk. Henry, take us to Marblehead." He now spoke to Elizabeth. "We can go to the lighthouse, I've just purchased it."

She sat back and watched him closely. This was going to be more difficult than she had planned. Henry put on some soft contemporary music and raised the partition and hoped that these two lovesick puppies would finally get it on.

"Did you enjoy your time at Charles' and Jane's?" Well that's a stupid question, Liz.

"It was nice. You seemed to have a wonderful time, with that Joey person. He seemed to be enjoying your company." He wished he hadn't said that.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "He's a very nice person. Fall must be a very interesting, a baker."

"She is an entrepreneur, not a baker, Elizabeth."

"Entrepreneur - baker, columnist - reporter. It's all the same, isn't it."

"Did you want to see me to question my taste in women?"

She shot him a furious look, then softened a bit, "No. I'm sorry." He seemed to relax a bit more. "You were watching me tonight." She said matter-of-factly. "You were out on the terrace, and you saw me dancing."

"I did."

"But yet you stayed hidden in the shadows. Until I fell asleep and you kissed me."

Henry had come to a sudden stop and Elizabeth fell into William's arms. He subtly managed to pull her just a little closer.

Henry lowered the partition. "Are you two okay back there? We've come up to some construction in the road. We should be moving along anytime now." Elizabeth reluctantly disengaged herself from his grasp.

"Are you all right?" he asked softly.

"Just a little stunned. I'm fine. Henry, we're fine back here. Just give a us a little warning the next time, okay?"

"You've got it. I'll put the partition up again. Do you like the music?"

"It's beautiful, Henry." Elizabeth said.

Henry put up the partition. William had opened up the moon roof and was staring at the illuminating stars. He'd had her in his arms -- exactly where she should be, and he did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Elizabeth had similar thoughts running through her mind.

A silence came over the car and whether it was comfortable or not, it was interminable to both passengers. Henry silently yelled at William for passing up a chance opportunity with the pretty little lady. He listened to the quiet in the back. He knew that if Mr. Darcy knew he had had the intercom on and was listening to the two of them, he would be very angry. But something had to give.

Henry pulled into a darkened parking lot in Marblehead, and told the two passengers that they were at their final destination. William alighted from the car first and then helped Elizabeth. She wrapped her scarf loosely around her neck.

"Don't forget your gloves, William." She teased him as he was putting them on. "Wonderful night for a walk, it must be twenty-eight degrees out here."

"Wait a minute." He headed to Henry and had him pop open the trunk and pulled out a small woolen blanket that he wrapped around her shoulders. "Warm enough?"

"A roaring fire and some red wine would have been more to my liking."

"Now, you tell me." He laughed. She grinned at him and started walking.

William couldn't look at her. Because he knew if he did, all would be lost and he'd be begging her to love him and to let him love her. Elizabeth sensed the distance that he exuded and started speaking:

"You must allow me to apologize. I have treated you horribly. I do want to be friends. I value your friendship more than anything right now. It would be nice to have your friendship around the holidays."

"I see."

"William, I haven't been involved with anyone." She stopped walking. "After the engagement ended, I gave up. I'm too old and most men don't want a thirty-two year old woman, when they have twenty-five year old women instead. Like you and Fall. I became scared, and closed off my heart. It seemed easier that way. I had to prove that I was in control of my emotions, and that I wasn't going to let Joe get to me."

He looked thoughtfully at her. She continued on:

"When you proposed to me, I thought it all wrong. The timing and your attitude. Had you waited until I had time to heal, and come to an understanding that my relationship with you was slowly changing. Even though I fought it. I didn't and couldn't get involved with you. I really always valued your friendship. However, I believed that all changed when I met your wife. I knew then that I was destined to live in a state of perpetual stoppage. Never really going forward or backwards. I don't want to spend another Christmas or New Years wondering if I'll be able to have my friend back."

"I never left Elizabeth."

"But you did. Please, just tell me that we can be friends. Remember what you said about baby steps. Please?"

End of Scene IV

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Act V Scene V

Posted on Tuesday, 13-Oct-98

Int. Devonshire St, Boston, MA Fidelity Hdqtrs and Morrissey Blvd. Dorchester, MA Boston Globe Hdqtrs.

William Darcy rushed out of his meeting, and quickly ran to the nearest phone.. He dialed the number and cursed that it took so long for it to be answered.

"Bennet, here."

"Elizabeth, finally." He said urgently.

"William, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's all right that's what it is." He laughed.

"You're not making any sense. What are you yakking about?" she laughed back.

"I have absolutely wonderful news. No scratch that, it's two-fold."

"Okay, you have my full attention. Now tell me."

"The good news or the wonderful news? Which do you want first."


He couldn't contain his excitement. "All right then, the good news. You are now talking to the new Managing Director of the Fixed Income Group -- Domestic desk."

"That's incredible! I'm so happy for you." She furrowed her brows together, quite clearly confused. "But isn't that wonderful news?"

"It gets better, Liz." He had never called her that before, and liked the ring to it.

"Well, it must be if you're calling me Liz. What?"

"I'm a free man. My lawyer called, the divorce is final; and what do you say about the two of us going out and celebrating -- two-fold!"


He paused for a moment. "I have a better idea. Can you leave work early?"

Elizabeth looked at her calendar. "I have no meetings or deadlines, so yes, I can."

"Let me ring you back in ten minutes, okay?"

"William, you are so strange today."

"I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I'll ring you right back."

William called Giorgio Armani's on Newbury Street and gave them Elizabeth's address, and told them to outfit her in the sleekest dress they had. He also wanted Elizabeth dripping in diamonds tonight. He knew exactly what pieces would be perfect for her. The sales lady at Armani's coordinated with the salesman at Tiffany's and were told to be at her place at four-thirty.

He called her back in twenty minutes. Gave her the outline of what to do and where to be. But gave her no indication as to what they would do that evening.

Surprise was the order of the day, as soon as she walked in the front door, a delivery van dropped off four dozen winter white roses. Soon after the flower guy left, a representative from the top fashion and jewelry stores arrived. Reluctantly she let them in.

The sales lady from Armani pulled out a short black dress with mosaic beads in burnt orange, reds and browns. Elizabeth adored the dress, saw the price, then laughed. She was in tears when she saw the price of the diamonds.

The sales lady had to practically force Elizabeth to try on the dress. "That man must love you a lot if he knows your size. He was one hundred percent dead on -- a perfect size six."

"But I still don't understand why you are here."

The Tiffany's salesman explained to her that Mr. Darcy called and said to dress up the best friend he's ever had, and that was exactly what they were doing. Elizabeth excused herself while she phoned him.

"What are you doing?" she tried to say calmly into the phone.

"Elizabeth, just get dressed. We have dinner reservations at eight-thirty, and it will take us a while to get there. I'll pick you up at six-thirty. Just look deadly okay?"

"Deadly? Oh, you have lost it. So where are we going?"

"Why can't you just be surprised?"

"The element of surprise scares me. I like things meticulously plotted."

"Okay, I have meticulously plotted. But you don't need to know yet. Just get dressed." And he quickly hung up the phone.

Elizabeth went back to the intruders and tried on the dress, which did indeed look deadly on her. The diamonds complemented perfectly. Nothing too big, nothing too small. Just perfect.

Jane had stopped by to surprise her sister and ended up being surprised herself when she saw people hemming and hawing over her sister.

"William?" was all Jane could say between laughing.

"I'll kill him, when I do see him. This is ridiculous."

"Lizzy, you look beautiful. Enjoy it, most men don't dress up their women."

"Jane, he called me Liz." She said seriously.

"Oh Lizzy, he's finally loosening up. Just enjoy the evening, you never know what might come out of it."

"Friendship, maybe. He'll be here shortly, can we continue this later?" Jane hugged her sister and wished her good night.

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William arrived punctually at six-thirty. Dressed in black tuxedo with white braces and tie. Elizabeth felt her heart skip about three beats. Beautiful, she kept repeating over and over. Along with he's just a friend, he's just a friend. He was also making this more difficult than it needed to be. William wasn't afforded the luxury of seeing the dress; it was hidden under her satin swing coat, but he knew it had to be black if she was wearing black patent leather pumps and the sheerest black stocking. He gazed at her shapely leg, as he helped her into the car.

Henry beamed at the two of them. "Who's getting married?"

"No, Henry, we are celebrating a divorce. Mr. Darcy is free to play the field." She realized what she had just said and looked blankly out the window.

"What, Elizabeth?" He comprehended what she had just said, and squeezed her hand. "No playing the field for me. So do I get to see the dress?"

"Not quite. Tell me where we are going."

William leaned forward to talk to Henry. "How long before we get to Logan?"


"Yes, we have reservations for dinner in New York

"You are whisking me off to New York?" he nodded his head.

"Will you describe the dress for me?"

She laughed and playfully hit his leg. "Henry, no sudden stops tonight. Don't want Mr. Darcy thinking I'm throwing myself at him."

Henry looked through the rear-view mirror. "Well if you switch seats, then Mr. Darcy can fall into your arms."

"Hmm… that's not such a bad idea." She winked at William.

Bantering between Henry and Elizabeth brought much joy to William. He enjoyed watching the old coot try his best in bringing Elizabeth around. A reason that William noted to himself as the reason why he used Henry more than he needed. Henry had them safely at Logan Airport within a couple of minutes, and soon they were in the air.

Landing at LaGuardia at exactly eight, William hailed a cab and gave an address rather than give away the name of where they were going. Elizabeth refused to remove the coat, but William had a better time gaping at her legs. He was tempted from time to time to stroke it. But better judgment took over impulse.

"I think you should tell me where we are going. You played the game this long."

"Not yet. You must be patient."

She sat back in the cab and waited for their final destination to come into focus.

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Elizabeth looked up at the sign and felt tears sting. "Tavern on the Green?"

"We can dance, have great food, wonderful ambiance, company and conversation. Elizabeth, I really am very happy." She gave him a hug, took his arm and walked into the restaurant with him.

Elizabeth shyly removed the satin swing coat, and to the amazement of most men in the room showed a lot of décolletage. Her spaghetti strap dress hung low over the curvature of her front and came just above the knee. William nearly tripped over his tongue.

"Do you not like it." She stared at his blank look.

"No, no. It's just that… you look… incredible. Absolutely incredible."

"You did say deadly." She smiled up at him.

"I'm slain, and all the men here are jealous of me." He grinned to her. "Elizabeth, you are the most beautiful woman."

"I still will not sleep with you." She teased.

Happily seated and talking animatedly, William and Elizabeth realized together that a friendship could be just as important and even more so, than love.

"…And Lou says something like, well women shouldn't be allowed to do anything remotely dangerous like fight a war. They should stay home and have babies."

"And Elizabeth says…"

"Oh, I let him have it. Soon, women will be on the front lines with men."

"I don't think they belong there either."

"And do you think they should be home birthing babies." She said indignantly.

"No. But war is war, it's for men."

"Even if there are very capable women out there, and isn't that a demeaning thing to say. Women can do things much better than men can. It's a proven fact."

"You're not going to start moaning and gyrating are you?"

Elizabeth realized what she had just said and laughed. "You will not let me live that one down, will you?"

"I had too much fun with it. I will finally admit that I was mortified that you did it at the Bay Tower Room. I'm glad I didn't see any clients there."

"Shall we dance, Will?"

"Will is it?"

"You called me Liz!"

"I like Liz."

"Oh just give me your hand so we can work off this rich food."

Heading out to the dance floor, a woman grabbed William's arm, and asked if she could have at least one dance. Elizabeth smiled sweetly and backed away. Luckily for William he was able to convince the woman that his dance card was filled. Not two minutes later, Elizabeth was using the same excuse.

Taking her in his arms, he felt her bare skin for the first time. And that touch was explosive. He placed his hand on the middle of her back. Wanting to go lower and lower, but stopping himself.

"I think if Henry could see you know, he'd try and take you away." William whispered in her ear.


"Elizabeth, you have made this the best day. Thank you." She just smiled up at him.

For the next song, he pulled her just a little closer, and she placed her head comfortable on his shoulder.

It seems we've stood and talked like this before.
We looked at each other in the same way then.
But I can't remember where or when.

William closed his eyes. He had to tell her that he loved her. He couldn't play this friendship charade. He wanted and needed her. She completed him. The resolve was there, but it frightened him. Surely, she would understand. Surely, she could understand…

The clothes you're wearing are the clothes you wore.
The smile you are smiling, you were smiling then--
But I can't remember where or when.

"Elizabeth, I have to tell you..." He whispered again in her ear. A tapping on his shoulder made him stop dancing and turn around.

"Hello, William."


Elizabeth opened her eyes and looked right at the former Mrs. Darcy.

Some things that happened for the first time
Seem to be happening again.

"Spring, you remember, Miss Bennet."

"How could I forget her. You never did." William took a deep breath. Elizabeth grabbed his hand for support.

"So what brings you to New York? I thought you were in the South of France."

"Well I came to sign the divorce papers, obviously. What brings you to New York?"

William smiled contemptuously to her. "Dinner."

"You flew from Boston to New York for dinner."

"Yes. It was a special dinner."

Elizabeth piped up: "Yes, our engagement." She flashed the diamond ring. William shot her a shocked look. "William and I are officially engaged. We are celebrating. We were having a romantic evening."

"Well you certainly waste no time. You've only become divorced today."

"Why should we wait if we love each other. Actually we've waited ten years, so I don't think we rushed into anything."

"I see." Spring said.

Elizabeth saw the man beside Spring. "Wouldn't proper etiquette be to introduce us to your partner."

Spring became flustered. "This is my fiancé, Shawn McManus. He's an officer in the Marines."

"And when did you two become engaged?" Elizabeth continued on.

"Today." She said softly.

"I see. Well enjoy the rest of your evening. I would like to get back to mine." Elizabeth pulled William away from his ex-wife and started dancing with him again.

And so it seems, that we have met before --
And laughed, before --
And loved, before --
But who knows, where or when
Who knows where or when...

After the song ended, William laughed.

"You're perfect."

"She's wasn't worth it. Really."

"Do you want…"

Elizabeth quickly grabbed his face and kissed him.

End of Act V

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Act VI Scene I

Posted on Tuesday, 13-Oct-98

Int. Brookline Village Apartment and Beacon Hill Townhouse

January 30, 1990

Elizabeth stared at the phone and wanted to call him. She needed to call him. The tears wouldn't stop. She couldn't eat. She couldn't sleep. She was a mess. She was a spinster. She had finally entered spinsterhood. Destined to live alone forever. She loved him too much, but yet, she was so afraid to give in to him. She was terribly afraid of giving him her heart, only to have him break or worse -- shatter it.

He never would; he loved her too much, and for too long, she tried to rationalize. He treated her so well. Flying her off to New York at a moment's notice. Dressing her up in fine cloths and jewels, that normally, she'd never even look at. But material things didn't impress her. His simple love was what impressed her. She never felt this way around anyone. Not Joey, not the man she almost married.

The man who just called her twenty minutes ago, and told her that he was getting married. To Melissa Russo. A nor'easter had hit over the weekend closing down the city of Boston for two days, no phone service for two days meant no talking to William. She climbed the walls; he was too, wondering if she had enough food, electricity -- heat!

And as soon as the phone service was restored, Joseph Reed called her to tell her the news. Why it bothered her so much, she knew not. What went through her mind was her life alone with maybe seven cats; she hated cats.

With the phone service restored, she gathered up the courage and dialed William's number. She tried to control her voice. She didn't want him to know that she was suffering, yet. She'd wait until he was here in person. Then she'd tell him.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hi, it's me." She said faintly.

"I've missed you. Are you all right? Do you need anything?"


"What, Liz?" he said lovingly. He had been using the diminutive a lot lately. He loved calling her "Liz".

"Can you come over, please?" she sniffled into the phone.

"Elizabeth, something is wrong. Out with it."

"Will you be my friend, and come over, please?"

"Sure, the roads are passable. I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

"Thank you." They both hung up. William looked at his phone, and thought her very subdued. Which was very odd.

He took out his Jeep Wrangler and headed west down Rt. 9. Some cars were still abandoned on the roads, so maneuvering around them and some traffic was difficult. Thirty-five minutes later, he knocked on Elizabeth's door.

Her eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks tear-stained, and his heart was breaking seeing her walk around listlessly in a tattered bathrobe. He pulled her close to him and gave her a big hug.

"Elizabeth, what has happened." He looked around her apartment and saw used Kleenex all over the floor and tables. "How long have you been crying. Did someone hurt you!" he got angry.

"No one hurt me." She wailed. "It's just that. I'm old and unattractive." He sat her down on the sofa.

"Elizabeth, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. You have an incredible body and you have a wonderful sense of humor. Men stare at you all the time. I know, I see it."

The tears spilled from her eyes. "Oh, William. I'm a complete screw up."

He looked at her. "What happened, Elizabeth?

"Elizabeth, you must tell me what happened. I can't help you unless you do."

"He's getting married." She cried some more.

"Who's getting married?"

"Joe. Joseph Reed is marrying that Melissa Russo." Elizabeth got up and headed into her bedroom. William noted more tissues on the floor.

"But it's been over between the two of you for a long time."

"But she was supposed to be his transition, not the 'one'." She fell back on her bed and William cradled her.

He brushed her curly hair off her face, and pulled her closer to him.

"I haven't dated. I took time to mourn. What is so wrong with me."

"Elizabeth, there is nothing wrong with you. Maybe a little stubborn." She laughed.

"I'm too structured. I'm too difficult."

"No, you're a challenge. Would you like some tea?"

She shook her head. "Would you just hold me. Please."

"Shhh. Of course." She looked up at him and smiled. She looked right into his dark brown eyes. And saw something that she hadn't seen before -- hope.

"I'm a terrible person. Horrible person. Destined to live life alone, and I'm gonna be forty."

He looked strangely at her. "When will you be forty?"

She cried, "Someday." He laughed.

She held on to him tightly. "I've been so cruel to you." She snuggled closer to his neck. She placed a leg over his.

"Shhh, Elizabeth. Don't think about that." She snuggled closer to him. Smelling the soap and his cologne mixed together.

He brushed more of her curly hair back away from her face. He noticed her starting to calm down with every stroke. Her bathrobe fell open and revealed everything that he desired. He moved his hand inside the robe and started rubbing her neck and shoulders. She closed her eyes and let him massage her. Her breathing became more regular, and she started to smile.

He moved his hand to her shoulder and down her back. Lightly tracing the outline of the shoulder blades.

"Hmm.. don't stop, feels wonderful." She whispered. He arranged his body to give him more access to her back. A powerful emotion -- love -- took over, and he started kissing her neck and moved up to her cheeks. Kissing her nose, her eyelids and her ears.

She moved her hands up and down his body, searching. She found his neck and kissed it. Working her way up to his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids and his ears. They both sat up and grabbed at each other and they finally found each other's lips. Hungrily and passionately kissing each other until they thought their lips would be bruised. He slowly pulled down her robe and kissed her shoulders and her back.

"I love you, William." Elizabeth said faintly.

After nearly eleven years of wanting and needing, a night of rhapsody was to finally take place.

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Elizabeth awoke the next morning in William's tight grip. Her curly hair cascading over his bare chest. She lifted her head and saw his smile on his face.

"Good morning." He said happily pulling her closer to him.

"Morning." She pulled the sheet around her and got out of the bed. "I'm so sorry, William."


"Last night, I took advantage…"

"Elizabeth, this was ten years in the making…"

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave." She sat on the edge of the bed. He took down the sheet, and started stroking her back. She got up and away from his touch.

"I don't want to leave. I don't ever want to leave. You told me last night you loved me. I love you. Love me, Elizabeth.. Just love me. I've loved you for so long."

"Please, William, this was all wrong. It shouldn't have been that way."

End of Scene I

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Act VI Scene II

Posted on Wednesday, 14-Oct-98

Ext. William's Jeep Wrangler; Int. Jane and Charles' Back Bay Townhouse and Elizabeth's Brookline Village Apartment.

Later that morning

William sat in his jeep for a long while wondering what had happened. He thought he'd finally broken through. She admitted finally that she loved him. Why did she close her heart again? He ran his hands through his mop of curls cursing the moment. He stared up at the window to her apartment and hoped that she would come to the window and signal him to come back. But she never did.

All she did was open the door and escort him out.

Elizabeth frantically dialed Jane's number, fumbling three times before she finally made a connection. Charles turned to his phone then told her it was her phone. Jane groggily answered her phone on her side of the nightstand.


"Did I wake you?"

"No, no. I'm usually up at," she turned to the clock, "eight-thirty. What's wrong."

Elizabeth started crying again. "Oh Jane."

The other phone started ringing and Charles reached over to grab it.


"I blew it Charles. She hates me."

Both Charles and Jane looked at each other. "What happened?" they said simultaneously.

William and Elizabeth each told them about sleeping with one another.

"They did it!" Jane and Charles said to each other.

"Elizabeth, that's wonderful. We knew you two would finally get together."

"She forced me to leave, Charles. It was the best night of my life, and then this morning she closes her heart again." William told him.

"Did he not perform adequately?" Jane asked. Charles looked strangely at Jane.

"Jane, it was absolutely wonderful. I mean he was… Absolutely incredible."

"So what's the problem?" they both said in unison.

"She hates me."

"He'll hate me."

"Is Charles on the phone with someone?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, that's the morning news."

"Elizabeth, I don't know what to say. But you have to work this out on your own."

"William, eventually she will come around. You two are meant for each other. See you at the wedding. February 14. Don't forget."

"Great." William said unenthused.

They all hung up.

Jane moved into Charles' arms. "Tell me I'll never be out there ever again."

"Darling -- never, ever."

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William thought he would be showing up to work a very happy man. But what he did instead was have his assistant book a trip (alone) to the Italian Riviera. After the wedding, he would get away from Boston, work and her.

Elizabeth sat staring at the monitor. Her mind a complete blank. She couldn't work. Nothing interested. Lou's abrasive manner -- irked her. The newsroom was a bunch of guys who loved to tease her and today she was in no mood. She chewed out the mailroom person and nearly ran over another woman in the hallway.

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Int. St. Paul's Cathedral, Boston, MA

February 14, 1990

Charles paced nervously in the Sacristy. William was getting more annoyed. He had a ten p.m. flight out of Boston, and he was looking forward to the sun, the beach and the solitude.

"I can't believe today is the day." William gave him a wry grin. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. Just looking forward to my vacation."

Charles looked at his watch. "Well, I believe it's time."

William followed behind Charles and stood a little to the rear of him at the altar. The organist started playing the Bride's theme. Elizabeth walked down the aisle first, keeping her gaze lowered, she ventured up to see Charles and gave him a small smile.

Jane came next.

The ceremony lasted roughly forty-five minutes. Interminable for William who couldn't look at Elizabeth; and Elizabeth who couldn't look at William.

Jane and Charles did note the coolness between the maid of honor and the groomsman; and wondered what would happen when the two of them had to dance together.

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Everyone admired the bride and groom at the reception. Jane glowed and Charles couldn't stop smiling. William stayed in the corner, nursing a strong scotch and soda.

Jane and Charles danced together as a married couple, then the wedding party was asked to come into the dance. William drained his drink and headed off for Elizabeth's hand. He said not one word to her.

As chaste as a dance could possibly be, he kept a good distance between him and her. He looked out over her. While she tried looking over his left shoulder.

Some people can love one another for life… How about us.
How 'bout us, baby.
Some people, can love one another for life.

After the dance ended, the newly married couple breathed easier, but the gap was growing. No longer friends, and certainly not lovers, William and Elizabeth went their separate ways.

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Int. Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester, MA Boston Globe Hdqtrs.

February 28, 1990

Elizabeth sat down at her desk and lazily glanced over the competition's newspaper, The Boston Herald. The screaming headlines and gory front page just grabbed one's attention. No wonder why the Herald was fast becoming the biggest selling morning paper in Boston.

Elizabeth mainly looked at the Herald for the gossip. She liked to see who they ragged on in the society page. Or what they considered the society page. John F. Kennedy, Jr.., of late was a darling among the gossipmongers.

However, today a grainy picture caught more than just her attention. It crushed her heart.

Fidelity resident hunk, William Darcy, who we last thought

was nursing a broken heart, has seemed to get over the hurt

very well. Seen on several occasions with a pretty blonde

at dinner and swimming in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.

Our spies tell us that the other half of the broken heart

is none other than a celebrated columnist over at the Boring

Broadsheet....Geez, this is the woman who got the Armani....

The fuzzy picture showed William putting suntan oil on the pretty blonde.

End of Scene II

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Act VI Scene III

Posted on Thursday, 15-Oct-98

Int. Coffee Shop near Herald Square, Boston Herald Headquarters

March, 1990

William Darcy had seemed to replace, temporarily, JFK, Jr. in the society/gossip column. Boston became enthralled with his European jaunts and wanted more. William Darcy seen with Cindy Crawford. William Darcy hobnobbing with Prince Albert of Monaco.

…And William Darcy hugging and kissing the same blonde.

Jane was on honeymoon, so Elizabeth couldn't go to her. Elizabeth kept all the press clippings of his trip. She was thankful that she wasn't being tagged by the hounds at the Herald. She was asked for a quote on her reaction to his flagrant behavior. She laughed it off. "Gayle, you know that what a grown man does on his vacation is his business. And we commoners shouldn't really care what he does."

"And we are to believe that his extended trip to Europe isn't bothering you at all, Liz? C'mon, I've known you a long time. We kept quiet when he kept showing up at the Globe, now the city is loving his exploits."

"Why, do you think that he only came to see me?"

"Am I wearing a stupid tag on my forehead? The word around town is that guy is crazy mad about you. Liz, we can out you. Then you'll have everyone prying into why you dumped that gorgeous guy."

"Gayle, and you'd have a lawsuit on your hands faster than you could print it."

"Hey we're in it for the news."

"There is no news. Leave me be, and leave Mr. Darcy be. Let him enjoy his time away from work."

Gayle Feeney walked out of the coffee shop not happy, but she knew that sooner or later, she'd put the pieces together regarding William Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.

Elizabeth went through the motions of day to day business, but her heart just couldn't be in it most times. With Jane still on her honeymoon, she felt more lonelier than ever. Charlotte became a diversion at times, but even then she preferred to stay home and watch sitcoms. Listening to the radio was horrible as every song brought back many happy times with him.

But now he was spending happy times with a pretty blonde. In a wonderfully romantic setting. Grainy pictures showed him happy, carefree and relaxed.

The Herald even went as far as to speculate that he may return to Boston married. Of course, he told Elizabeth, once bitten, twice shy. He would only marry a person who was extremely special. He would never dare to rush into the matrimony state again.

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March 14, 1990

Elizabeth picked up the Herald again the next morning. She combed the gossip page for any bit of information on William Darcy and there it was, a photo of him smiling with blonde female companion at Logan International Airport.

Fidelity super hunk, William Darcy, blew back into Boston

last night looking well-rested, tanned and happy. Hunky

Darcy seemed perplexed by the amount of reporters around and

asked why he had a welcoming party. This reporter explained

that his exploits in Europe garnered much attention here in

the city. When asked who the beautiful woman was and if she

was to be the next Mrs. Darcy, he laughed. And let me tell

you ladies, he has a glorious lilt of a laugh. Our spies

tell us that at the Boring Broadsheet, one celebrated

columnist is probably crying in her coffee this morning.

Tsk, Tsk… You were fairly warned. So ladies, it looks like

we are back to hunting John-John again. {weep}

Elizabeth studied the picture to see the picture of her, but she had turned her head at the most inopportune time. Elizabeth cut the picture out of the paper and stashed it in her drawer with the rest of them. One day she'd have courage to burn them.

"Hey, Bennet?" Lou called.

"Yes?" She answered.

"What the hell is this?"

"What the hell is what, Lou?"

"Why is Gayle Feeney standing outside demanding to see you?"

"I don't have a clue." Damn her!

"Are you the celebrated columnist that has Boston in an uproar?" he asked waving the other newspaper in her face.

"Now, Lou, do you think I'm a celebrated columnist. First of all, I'm a reporter; I don't have a column. That's Mike Barnicle. Maybe he's the person they're really after."

"You think Mike Barnicle -- you know, plays with the big boys."

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, then bit her lip to stop from laughing out loud. Elizabeth turned on her radio, partly to drown out the sorrow she was feeling and the droning of Lou on one of his tirades.

Those happy hours
I spend with you
That lovely afterglow
Most of all
I miss you so

Elizabeth wanted to shut it off; it hit too close to home. But she got lost in the lyrics and felt a sort of comfort in them

Your sweet caresses
Each rendezvous
Your voice
So soft and low
Most of all
I miss you so

She missed everything about him. They way he smelled, and they way he spoke. With that incredible British accent, that sounded more Bostonian everyday.

You once filled my heart with
No regrets
No fears
Now you'll find my heart
Filled to the top
With tears

I'll always love you
And want you too
How much,
You'll never know
Most of all
I miss you so

The guitar solo felt like her heartstrings being plucked with all the hurt that her heart held. The piano notes represented all the tears that she had cried. She closed her eyes and thought about how to correct a wrong. Could she possibly see him. Would he want that…

You once filled my heart with
No regrets
No fears
Now you'll find my heart
Filled to the top
With tears

I'll always love you
And want you too
How much,
You'll never know

Most of all
I miss you so

I'll always love you
Most of all

I miss you so

Elizabeth had an idea as to what to do. But didn't think she could execute it.

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Int. Beacon Hill Townhouse

William Darcy ran out to the corner store and picked up the Herald. He ran back to the house in an outrage.

"Lies! All lies! And to drag Elizabeth into this!"

"William, you must calm down. It's not as bad as it seems."

He shot her a murderous glance. "What do you mean it's not as bad as it seems. This is definitely bad. Fidelity hunk! I'll sue. I'll take that damn rag of a newspaper down the toilet."

"William, you are ridiculous, it is not as bad as it seems."

"And are you going to tell me why?"

"It gives you an excuse to see her. To apologize, and to finally tell the bloody woman to wise up. Jane, Charles and I have already discussed the matter, she will come around."

"First of all, why must I apologize, I didn't do anything wrong. I loved her, that is what I did. I opened up to her. I wore the heart on my sleeve, and she rejects me."

"Let me talk to her." She offered.

"Georgiana, I think I can fend for myself."

"By the way, what size diamond would I have got, if this wasn't an incestuous relationship."

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Int. Brookline Village Apartment

Elizabeth woke up the next morning to banging on the door. She tumbled out of bed and padded to the door.

"Who is it?" she whispered loudly.

"Elizabeth, it's Jane and Charles. Open the door, we have donuts."

Elizabeth smiled and threw the door open. She ran into her sister's arms.

"Oh Jane, I missed you so, so, so, so, much."

"Oh did you?" she teased.

"Does your new brother get a kiss or at least a hug?" Elizabeth kissed Charles on the cheek.

"You two look great. Well, how was it? Did you take lots of pictures?"

"Yes, a ton of pictures. We had the most wonderfully romantic time, Lizzy. Being with Charles was pure heaven."

He kissed her sweetly. "It's too early for the mushy love stuff, okay?"

"Goodness, you've guys been gone for a month!" Elizabeth remarked.

Jane became serious when she noticed the disarray state of the apartment.

"Elizabeth, do you ever leave this place? And clean it."

"Ha! I never cleaned it before. And I do go to work everyday, so yes, I do leave it."

"Have you heard from William, yet?"

"Yet? I think he's having a good time with the pretty blonde he met in Europe and brought back to Boston with."

"What are you talking about?" Jane asked, then Charles nudged her.

"Liz, it's probably nothing, just a fling on his part. He's entitled. As are you, so, did you have a fling while we were gone?" Charles asked.

"Oh please, like I have time for a fling. That's funny."

"Well anyway, thanks for the donuts, but I have to get ready for work. I'm really glad you stopped here first. I did miss you, guys."

"Listen, have dinner with us tonight. Nothing fancy, just pasta, some good wine and great conversation. You can see honeymoon pictures."

"Sure, fine. Tonight. Ah, one other thing, will William be there?"

Jane looked to Charles, and he answered. "Possibly."

"Well then, I'll think about it. I'll call you this afternoon."

End of Scene III

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Act VI Scene IV

Posted on Friday, 16-Oct-98

Int. Boston Globe Headquarters

Elizabeth did indeed think about dinner, and couldn't possibly face him. She phoned her sister to decline much to Jane's chagrin. She couldn't possibly face him while he was living with a woman.

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Ext. Fanueil Hall

July, 1990

William Darcy pulled his sister through the throngs of people. Most locals knew to stay away from the biggest tourist trap in all of Boston, but Georgiana wanted to finally enjoy the sights of Boston that had been eluding her. The pushing and shoving and extreme heat, she could live without. But the excitement of it all, was thrilling.

She stopped at a street clown who was performing magic tricks for the small children. She stopped to clap and laugh and watch the little ones squeal with delight.

"He's going to want money when his little performance is done." William said nonchalantly.

"So we give it to him. He's charming." Further down the gravel walk, an Indian group were performing sounds of the Incas.

"They want money, too."

Georgiana turned to her brother and gave him the evil eye. "Why don't you just enjoy the music and the clowns and the magicians. At least they have the gumption to actually perform for people. They are all equally wonderful. This place is great!"

William thought so too. He always enjoyed watching the street performers, and thought it quite noble of the students to actually perform to pay for school.

The oppressive heat started to wilt Georgiana. She begged to go inside the cool air-conditioning of a local seafood restaurant. New England seafood was the best. Happily situated inside, Georgiana felt the life coming back to her.

"I'll be right back, I'm off to the ladies room." Georgiana informed her brother.

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Int. The Union Oyster House

Elizabeth and Lou Grant opted to go into the city for their meeting. However, Lou decided to push one back, and that turned into four too many.

"Listen, Bennet. This Governor's race will sheat hup." He slurred. "And I need you in top condition to deal with Silber and Weld."

Elizabeth sucked on her mineral water with lime. "I can handle it, Lou. Don't you think you've had enough."

He chose to ignore her. "Weld and Silber, this is going to be a tough fight. To the bitter end, do you understand?"

Elizabeth rose, "I fully comprehend. Now if you would please excuse me, I must run off to the ladies room."

Elizabeth walked away shaking her head realizing that going out to lunch with him was ridiculous; he drank, did absolutely no work, and usually ended up staying at the bar for the rest of the day.

Elizabeth, not paying attention, walked right into the woman coming out of the bathroom, knocking her down and bloodying her nose.

"Oh God! I am so sorry. I didn't see you." Elizabeth cried. Georgiana saw the blood and nearly fainted. "Is it broken?"

Georgiana, too stunned to talk, shook her head.

"I am so sorry, can I help you back to your table?" Georgiana nodded her head. Elizabeth ran to grab some napkins. Elizabeth informed a passing waiter to figure out what table she came from. Gingerly helping Georgiana up, she walked her over to her table.

William saw the blood on the front of her shirt. "Good God, what happened!" Then he saw Elizabeth standing behind his sister. "Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth stood looking dumbstruck, this wasn't good.

Georgiana slumped into her seat, "I don't feel so good." and passed out.

End of Scene IV

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Act VI Scene V

Posted on Sunday, 18-Oct-98

Int. The Union Oyster House

Elizabeth blushed the brightest red, but acted quickly with Georgiana. Pulling her from her seat and off of the floor. She held her head up and pinched the nose to stop the bleeding. Both William and Elizabeth reached for the water glass on the table, lacing fingers with each other. Elizabeth looked up and tried to shake off the feeling of momentary bliss she felt.

William brought the glass of water and a napkin to Elizabeth. The manager of the restaurant came over to the scene. He was fearful that people would think that the poor woman was poisoned by something that she had eaten.

"I really must take down your names. We wouldn't want any bad publicity getting out about this."

William shot the manager a horrid look and quickly gave the names: "William and Georgiana Darcy."

Elizabeth looked up at horror at William. She nearly spilled the whole glass of water on the invalid. "I'm -- I'm -- Ah, oh. Georgiana?"

"Your name is Georgiana, too?" the manager asked.

"Her name is Elizabeth Bennet." William offered.

Georgiana started coming to and tried sitting up. Elizabeth still looked on horrificly at the two people. The manager was clueless. Elizabeth cleaned up Georgiana, apologized once again and explained that she must be off.

"You still haven't explained what happened?"

Elizabeth couldn't look at him or her. She felt her heart had been ripped out from her chest and didn't want to talk. No, she preferred to crawl under the nearest rock.

"I'm sorry Mr. Darcy, I didn't mean to... I really must go. Your wife can explain everything to you."

"William, my nose." Georgiana cried. He gathered her in his arms.

"I know. I know." Elizabeth turned and walked away.

Georgiana just understood what Elizabeth had said. "William, she thinks I'm your wife."


"She just said that your 'wife' will explain."

Elizabeth was heading to her table, when William called out her name. "Wait, please. Come back." She turned around, but still could not look at the two of them.

"I'm sorry Mr. Darcy, I know that I've created a big mess right now, but I can't exactly stay here. I... No, this is just a little bit too difficult."

Georgiana was well enough to sit up in a chair and implored her to come back.

"I really can't."

"Don't you think that you take this just a little too far?" Georgiana started. "My brother is so in love, and you don't see it. Stop being so blind and just allow him the luxury of loving the one woman he has wanted since the beginning of time."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not following here. Your brother really means nothing to me. Mrs. Darcy, I think that..."

William cut her off, with a smile. "Miss Darcy. Not Mrs. Elizabeth, Georgiana is my sister."

Luckily for Elizabeth a chair was right behind her, and she managed to fall into it. Lou Grant came upon the scene and hollered to Bennet to get her act together and get back to work.

End of Act V

Act VI Scene VI

Posted on Monday, 19-Oct-98

Int. Brookline Village Apartment.

July 3, 1990

The first time she phoned, she allowed the phone to ring two times then hung up. The second time it rang three times. The third time, the answering machine picked it up. Elizabeth left her message:

"Hi, it's Liz. Charles, Jane and I are going to the Esplanade early tomorrow for the annual Fourth of July Boston Pops concert. And, well, I was wondering if you two would be interested in going? It should be fun. John Williams is excellent, and he always does the ET theme and Star Wars. We will be packing a picnic basket with cheese, wine, crackers, finger sandwiches, etc… I'm rambling here, sooooo, call me, and let me know if you'd like to join us."

Elizabeth had run out to the grocery store, and when she returned, there was this message:

Hi Liz, it's Will. Sorry I missed your call. Georgiana is looking forward to hearing the ETtheme. The fireworks display should be amazing this year. Let me know if we should bring anything; perhaps a blanket? Oh, and I'll coordinate this, but come here first, and we can walk over. See you tomorrow."

Elizabeth called Jane and Charles, and left this message on their machine:

Hi you two sick lovebirds! William called and said that we should meet at his place and walk over. What do you think? Ah, and Jane, remind me I still have to kill you for neglecting to tell me that she was his sister. Love ya, Charles! Talk soon."

Now it was time to panic, she just realized what she had just done, and didn't know if she could go through with this after all. She did want to see him again. But after what she had done to his sister… Luckily the nose was just bruised and not broken; however, Georgiana received a decent black eye out of it. Elizabeth was just about to hop in the shower when the doorbell rang.

She ran to the door trying to wrap an extremely short towel around her body.

"Hello?" she said tentatively

"Elizabeth, it's William." He said from the other side of the door.

"Oh, what can I do for you?" she asked from inside the apartment.

"Can you open the door?"

"I can't really."

"Why?" he said

"Well, I was just about to take a shower. You've really come at the wrong time."

"I'll wait, if you let me in."

"The thing is William, I am only wearing a towel right now."

"Oh," He smiled mischievously on the other side. "And you don't trust yourself in just a towel?"

She laughed. "I trust myself; but can I really trust you?" She realized what she had just alluded to and became embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"Liz," he said softly, "will you let me in?" he put his forehead on the door; and at that moment she opened the door causing him to fall against her, pulling down the towel. Luckily, she managed to pull it up in time.

"I'm so sorry. Bad timing for me to lean against the door." He smiled sheepishly.

"What brings you here?" she said trying to hold the towel up and cover certain aspects of her. He did a body check, causing her to blush.

"You." He moved forward, and she moved backwards. "I thought maybe we could have dinner and talk."

"I don't know."

"Elizabeth, you have to tell me what the problem is. I need to know what is wrong. I can't live in a holding pattern--"

She cut him off. "Nobody asked you to."

"Elizabeth, I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my feelings for you on a friendly basis, but don't deny me what I want because I gave in to my feelings. Elizabeth, I fell in love with you a long time ago."

"I was the reason that you never married Autumn." The pieces were starting to fall into place. He nodded his head. "And Winter?" again, he nodded his head. "But there aren't seasons called 'Elizabeth', just hurricanes. William, I'm named after a hurricane." He laughed and enveloped her in his arms.

"Well, we can try and weather any storm."

"That was really bad." She looked at him seriously. "I can't rush into anything."

"I wouldn't say that this is exactly rushing into anything. Elizabeth, I want to marry you." He said frustratedly.

"Marry! When did this come into the equation?"

"When I told you that I loved you. Elizabeth, I need you." She turned away from him. He walked right up to her, slowly turned her around, put his hand under her chin and softly kissed her lips. "I love you, Elizabeth."

"You have the advantage here, William. My resolve is down. I'm standing in the middle of my apartment in a tiny towel, and I have you trying to tempt me. We can't just think everything is all right, because it's not. You want more than I'm willing to give right now. I wanted to take it slow."

"And eleven years isn't slow enough for you?" he said angrily. "Elizabeth, you are being totally unreasonable. I have never met anyone as stubborn and difficult as you. If you want me, want me now; because later I could be gone."

"Don't make me make that decision. It's too hard and not fair."

"And your denying me the woman that I want is fair…"

"I never said you could have me. I'm not something that you snap your fingers and can have at a moment's notice."

"I hope that I never made you feel that way. Elizabeth, we are disagreeing over something trivial. Why can't you just admit that you love me. Stop pushing me away and allow me to love you unconditionally."

"Because you will break my heart."

End of Act VI

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Act VII Scene I

Posted on Tuesday, 20-Oct-98

Int. Same day; Brookline Village Apartment.

After Elizabeth's declaration, William -- stunned, fell back onto the sofa. "Elizabeth, why don't you take that shower, and then we'll go out for dinner and talk about this." She bridged the gap between them and reached out and stroked his cheek.

Elizabeth came out of bathroom fully dressed in a red and white sun-dress, her tresses laying softly on her shoulders. William smiled when he saw her. "You are by far the most beautiful woman, Elizabeth."

"Can we take a walk through the Public Gardens before dinner?" William assented and led her to his Jeep. He navigated through the narrow streets until he came to Beacon Street. Traffic was light and zipping into the city was a breeze. He parked the Jeep in his garage, and the two of them walked to the Gardens. He carefully put his arm around her waist. The two of them strolled through the park watching mothers wheel their babies, rollerbladers, and many lovers.

William stopped walking and turned Elizabeth to face him. "Elizabeth, I love you. I would never hurt you, ever. If I ever hurt you, it would be unintentional. I remember a little quote, that I think applies to you perfectly. 'Dance like no one's watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like no one's listening, live like it's heaven on earth.' You can't keep closing yourself up, and between you and me, we can make that 'heaven on earth'."

Elizabeth looked up to him, "I've been nothing but trouble for you since the first time we met. Why do you want me? You said yourself that I am stubborn and difficult."

"Because I love you. Utterly, completely and unconditionally."

"I didn't know you had a sister. For eleven years, you never once told me you had a sister."

"I've never met your parents." He added.

"I've never been to England. And I would not want to excite your anticipation regarding my parents."

"We can change that." He smiled. "I have a beautiful home in Derbyshire."

"How rich are you again?" she laughed.

"Very rich. Elizabeth, could you and do you love me?" The expression in his eyes bored deep into her. She knew she loved him. She knew that everything he said to her was the absolute truth. But something still held her back. She couldn't quite give herself to him now. It had to be special. She wanted it to be magical. He looked so imploringly at her. Willing her to answer the question in the affirmative. Wanting her to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. She started walking ahead of him. "Why must you always close your heart to me when I declare my love to you."

"Is that what you think I'm doing? Closing off to you?" she asked impertinently.

"You're walking away. What would you call it?" he asked not unharshly.

"You're frustrated, Will." She laughed.

"And you're not? I could unfrustrate you. Quite well, in fact."

"I know you can. I've been there before, remember." She decided to play with him now.

"Oh yes, I do remember." He smiled. "But one thing has bothered me since you and I were together?"


"Did you or didn't you?" he laughed and came closer to her.

"Did I or didn't I, what?" she teased back.

"Okay, then did I do a decent job."

"A decent job?" she said incredulously. "In what do you mean?"

"Elizabeth, you know exactly what I am talking about. I've been curious to know if you faked it or not. If you can convince me in a restaurant, and make it sound as if you have been having the grandest steak of all time, yes, it has bothered me that maybe you lied."

"Ah, so your ego needs a little stroking. So if I did lie or fake it, what? Do you combust?"

"No. Can I kiss you?" he said out of the blue.

The shocked look on her face made him smile. "Now?"

"Yes, now."

She nodded her head and he gently leaned into her and kissed her lips softly. Then a steady urging and passion developed. He wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted her up gently. She put her hands through his equally curly hair, and tousled the hair at the base of his neck. "Can we go back to the townhouse?"

"Now." She said softly.

"Yes, now." He smiled. "Elizabeth, I really need you now. Tonight, tomorrow, and last night. Please?"

She took a deep breath; he kissed her again, hungrier. "I think we must take this back to your townhouse, the neighbors will start talking." She giggled.

His eyes shone. "Does that mean you'll…"


"All I want to do is love you, Elizabeth."

William and Elizabeth walked quickly back to 16 Joy Street. As soon as they entered the house, they were all over each other. They went from room to room, kissing, knocking things over. He unzipped her dress, but did not take it off. She unbuttoned his shirt and, likewise, did not remove it. He stroked her back and she ran her hands up and down his back. He kissed her neck and listened to her moan in delight. It drove him wild.

She played with his hair. Stroking him and teasing him. She went wild for him.

"Now?" he asked. She shook her head 'no'. "When?" She made him follow her into the living room. Looking quickly through his CDs, she selected one, put it in and hit the play button to the stereo. Slowly she started moving to the music, as he sat down and watched her dance. She came closer to him and pulled him up. She moved up against him. Dancing with him, just as in her dreams. He wrapped his arm behind her waist and together they swayed to the music. She pushed him back down on the sofa and moved behind him. He stood again.

I don't want you to be no slave
I don't want you to work all day
I don't want you 'cause I'm sad and blue
I just want to make love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you

Elizabeth moved sensually to the music; bringing a smile to William's face. He sat back down and watched her.

I don't want you to cook my bread
I don't want you to make my bed
I don't want your money too
I just want to make love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you

She lowered one strap down and gave him a big smile. She moved her hips to the beat of the fast music. Enticing him.

Well I can tell by the way that you walk that walk
See by the way that you talk that talk
Know by the way that you treat your girl
I could love you baby till I cry in shame

Elizabeth now came upon him and removed his shirt. Kissing his neck, she asked, "What about dinner?" He made to grab her, but she was too quick and went behind him. Stroking him. He reached his arm behind him and pulled her face to his and kissed her.

I don't want you wash my clothes
I don't want you leave the home
I don't want 'cause I'm sad and blue
I just want to make love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you


Elizabeth extricated herself from his kiss and moved in front of him. She lowered the other strap to her dress and slowly let it fall. He sat up and admired her form. This he could get used to. An impromptu striptease. Elizabeth gyrated slowly and teased him unmercilously.

I don't want you wash my clothes
I don't want you leave the home
I don't want 'cause I'm sad and blue
I just want to make love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you, baby
sweet love to you, baby
love to you, baby
I just wanna make love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you, baby
love to you
I just, I just want to make love to you, baby
I just want to make love

In one movement, he had her in his arms, his lips hungrily devouring hers and brought her to the sofa. "Now tell me that you love me." He urged her. Covering her body with his, he urged her to admit defeat and tell him that she loved him.

"And if I don't?" she teased. She kissed his lips.

"No more kisses." He said seriously.

"Oh, that's blackmail." He nodded his head. "I love you, William."

Not hearing the soft sweet nothings between the two, Georgiana walked right into the livingroom.

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Act VII Scene II

Posted on Tuesday, 20-Oct-98

Int. Beacon Hill Townhouse

The Same Day

Mortification reigned supreme for all parties. Georgiana was hysterical, William livid and Elizabeth shocked. Doing his best to shield Elizabeth, he immediately ordered Georgiana out. Once it was safe to do so, Elizabeth jumped up and put her dress on. "Oh this does not bode well. William, go see to your sister."

He quickly put his shirt back on and heeded her advice. "Just don't leave, please."

Georgiana was sitting in the kitchen with face in hands sobbing. He put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a hug. "I -- I hadn't a clue you were here. I never heard you."

"It would've been worse ten minutes later." Georgiana laughed, then cried again. "So when do you two get married?"

"That is a little premature. She may have already left." He shrugged his shoulders.

William couldn't hide the fact that Georgiana did indeed ruin the most perfect moment, and he knew that trying to get it back with Elizabeth would be difficult. Every time he managed to break through, he stumbled upon a roadblock, and it was starting to affect him. This was not normal. Elizabeth was thirty-two and he was… Soon to be forty -- someday. He smiled recollecting Elizabeth telling him that she was to be forty someday.

"Listen, William, I'll stay in a hotel. It's really no problem, that way you can have your privacy. I've overstayed my welcome for too long as it is. I really should be getting back to Pemberley. I've been gone for a while." Although he adored his sister, it did sound perfect. Elizabeth and he could always visit her at Pemberley.

He smiled at the thought. "I've a better idea." He ran into the living room and saw Elizabeth sitting on the sofa. "Liz, come to England with me. I want you to see Pemberley."

"Pemberley?" she questioned.

"My home in Derbyshire. We can leave as soon as possible. Please, Elizabeth, please say you'll come."

Elizabeth thought about it. "I don't have a passport."

"We can get you one."

"Where would I stay?"

"At Pemberley. There are more than enough rooms for you."

"Why should I go?"

"Because one day it will be your home and you should check it out and see what sort of decorating you'd like to do to it." He smiled to her. "Because, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, soon you will be my wife, and I demand, no, I ask of my wife to visit each and every home that she will live in and be comfortable in."

"You are very sure of yourself. I seem to recall a similar proposal several years ago. And then your rushing into a loveless marriage. Didn't Spring redecorate Pemberley and..."

He cut her off. "She never knew of Pemberley. She only knew of this house and the one in Japan. I never told her of the other houses." A thought came to mind and a big smile. "Let's go for a ride."

"We still haven't had dinner."

"We can be alone. We can pick up some wine and some carryout." He reached down to caress her cheek. "Alone, Elizabeth. No Georgiana. Just you and me."

"Sounds good."

"And we can…"

She quirked her eyebrows suggestively.

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Ext. Jeep Wrangler heading north on I95

"Is the wind too much for you?" he had to yell over the traffic. Her hair was blowing in every direction and she was trying to keep it out of her eyes. "I can pull over and put the soft top on, Elizabeth." She took to pencils out of her bag and put her hair up in a twist. He had turned on the radio but the hum of the wind and traffic drowned it out. "Amazing how women can do that." She grinned at him. He kept a hold tight of her hand for the whole trip. A comforting way of never letting her go this time.

Quickly grabbing a French loaf and salad stuff at the local grocery store, William headed to his final destination. The sunset on the horizon glowed a bright orange. Elizabeth smiled to him. William pulled into a long driveway and parked the car. After grabbing the food and wine from the back, he helped Elizabeth out of the Jeep.

Elizabeth looked up in amazement at the massive lighthouse. The flood lights were starting to come on and a foghorn sounded in the distant. She noticed the plaque on the side of the lighthouse, Elizabeth's Cove. She turned around to him. "Did you name this?"

He sheepishly grinned and nodded his head. "I knew you'd be here sooner or later. It's fully furnished, come on in."

They walked in together and he took her on a short tour. He brought her upstairs to the actual lighthouse and showed her how it stayed operational.

"I will have people living here year round who will monitor the boats in the harbor, but I haven't found decent tenants yet."

"I can't believe how big it is." She said in amazement.

"Let's go down and eat, I'm famished."

After dinner, they both sprawled on a blanket looking up at the stars and listening to the sounds of the harbor. Tightly in his arms, Elizabeth felt happy and safe and loved. She rolled onto his chest and looked into his eyes.

"I'm too happy, and I'm afraid it won't last. For me it never lasts." He slowly rubbed her shoulder and kissed her neck.

"I love you too much, Elizabeth."

"Maybe too much. It's not natural." He quieted her with a kiss.

"I loved your dance, and you didn't once step on my feet." She smiled

"When did you first fall in love with me?" she asked.

"In New York. At Tavern on the Green, at Casablanca, throwing leaves at each other. I wanted to take you in my arms and kiss you. But we had just promised to stay friends. You wanted to prove that men and women could be friends and not ruin it by love."

"We failed miserably."

"But we gained so much." He slowly unzipped her dress again. "I told you earlier that I wanted you." He whispered in her ear. "That still hasn't changed."

"You only have one thing on your mind tonight."

"It's been every night for eleven years, Elizabeth. Making love to you is something that I have wanted for a long time."

Elizabeth felt the warmth course right through her. She told herself to take the chance. Go to England and make love to him and not push him away.

Elizabeth stood up and held out her hand to him. He slowly brushed himself off and walked into the house with her.

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Elizabeth awoke early the next morning. Head on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around. She smiled at him.

"I had a déjŕ vu that you were about to tell me that this was all wrong, and I should leave."

"Actually, wrong person. I'm the one who must leave."

"But why? Elizabeth, what is it with you. I had an incredible night. I told you before I refuse to let you go."

Elizabeth laughed at him. "Actually, we both have a concert to go to today. It's the Fourth of July. John Williams is waiting for us."

William pulled her back down to him and did everything to her that is totally unmentionable.

End of Scene II

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Act VII Scene III

Posted on Wednesday, 21-Oct-98

Int. Beacon Hill Townhouse

Fourth of July

Charles and Jane came over at exactly ten a.m. and with them they brought the morning Herald. Jane couldn't contain herself and pulled out page 11 and showed William and Elizabeth.

Our spies saw Fidelity hunk and Boston Globe reporter mucking

it up in the Boston Public Gardens yesterday. They were then

seen walking very quickly back to his palatial townhouse in

oh so posh Beacon Hill. Hmm...wonder if the silk sheets were

used. File this... under the bed.

Picture of William and Elizabeth in tight liplock.

"I'll kill her." Elizabeth fumed.

"Is this a professional rivalry?"

"She's been trying to figure out what has been going on between William and me for ages. She once threatened to out me."

Jane pulled Elizabeth aside. "So what is going on between the two of you. You never went home last night. I phoned several times."

"He took me to his lighthouse."

"And…" Jane said impatiently.

"And we ate dinner, watched the stars, then we fell asleep." However, the gleam in her sister's eye told an entirely different story.

"Oh Elizabeth, I've wanted you to be happy for so long. He will make you very happy. I've never met a man so in love before. However, you are strange, Lizzy. Are you in love?"

"I do love him. Very much so."


"I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like he could disappear at any moment. I feel as though I'm in a dream." Jane studied Elizabeth closely and started to say something, but decided against it.

William came up behind Elizabeth, lifted her hair off her neck and kissed it. Jane smiled and blushed at the public display of his affection. Softly he whispered in her ear, "Do we really have to go to the concert. I can think of better things to do today."

"I think we must go to the concert." She stated laughingly.

"Help me get together some things?" she nodded her head. "Elizabeth, your eyes are shining and are even more beautiful than I ever remember." He took her hand and led her to a closet to get blankets. Then quite suddenly, William very backed her up against the wall and kissed her. "I've waited so long for you, darling."

She smiled back at him and kissed him just as fervently. "When do we go to England?"

"As soon as possible. Elizabeth, will you marry me in England?"

"You haven't been divorced a year yet. I thought you didn't want to rush into another marriage?"

"With anyone other than you. Elizabeth, you are the only person who I want."

"I don't know. You're not giving me much time to think this through. Just last week I thought you were married. This is going much too fast for me."

William sighed. "It's either you know you want to marry me or you don't. I don't think that eleven years, like I've said before, is rushing into anything. Do you love me?"

"I love you. I've loved you for a while, too." She smiled. "But let me get used to the idea of the two of us being a couple. I'll go to England, check out this Pemberley place, we can get engaged, and then, I'll consider marrying you."

"I refuse to get married in a blue Armani suit again."

"And you want me in a virginal white wedding dress, looking like a meringue?"

"You'd be the prettiest bride. No, the most beautiful bride." He moved his hands slowly up her back. "No, zip, too bad. I could've taken you here." He smiled mischievously.

She blatantly pushed him away. "Oh you are incorrigible!"

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Int. Heathrow Airport

Three week's later

Elizabeth and William deplaned and headed towards the cab stand. William thought a nice train ride through the countryside would turn Elizabeth into a self-professed Anglophile. While Boston was a beautiful place, small and cozy, Derbyshire and the other shires around the area, were magnificent. William was extremely happy bringing home the only woman he deigned worthy of Pemberley. Elizabeth was amazed at the size of the airport. It was a veritable shopping mall.

She chatted happily the whole way on the plane. Even though it was an overnight flight and William was exhausted, he kept her amused with tales of his and Georgiana's early years. Elizabeth nearly jumped out of her skin with the way the cab driver drove, she thought her life passed before her eyes at least a dozen times. William tightly wrapped his arm around her, protecting her.

Once they were out of the cab and safely at Victoria Station, Elizabeth relaxed a little. William rented a whole train car for the ride into Derbyshire, and the Pemberley staff would have the Rolls Royce waiting with Champagne chilling. It would be perfect. Once inside the train car, Elizabeth laid down and quickly fell asleep. William watched as her chest heaved and dropped, he softly stroked her hair, silently declaring to always protect her. He felt his eyelids become heavy and fought off the ensuing sleep that was pulling him. But he lost.

The conductor came by and woke the two of them up at their final destination. Elizabeth seemed a little panicked that she fell asleep. William took everything in stride. The luggage was being unloaded, the car was waiting, all that was left was to bring her home.

Elizabeth laughed again when she saw the Rolls. She had never, ever thought in her lifetime that she would be in a Rolls. It was always too pretentious. William ushered her in and told her that it was about a fifty minute ride from the train stop. She noticed the champagne chilling and handed it to him to open. It opened with a loud pop. William quickly poured the chilled beverage into two stemmed crystal glasses. Made a toast, and they both drank up.

"You will tell me when we see the house, won't you?"

William laughed at her. "Oh, you'll see it." He smirked.

"Why do I think you are making fun of me?"

"I would never do anything remotely cruel to you."

She narrowed her eyes. "Am I missing something in your cloaked words."

"I've cloaked nothing." He laughed harder.

"Gravity makes an entrance. How did you manage to keep Spring in the dark about your houses?"

William fidgeted nervously in his chair. "This is beneath me, but I never told her about them, and when the lawyer told me that I really should have had her sign a prenuptial agreement, he said I could protect myself by putting most of my finances in Georgiana's name. Spring got about half of my base salary and the artwork. Two Gaugin's and one Monet. I hid the rest in Georgiana's name."

"I'll sign a prenuptial, if necessary."

"We don't need to discuss this now. You are to enjoy your vacation away from Gayle Feeney, Jane and Charles, and the irascible Lou Grant."

She smiled brightly at him and snuggled closer.

Pemberley loomed large in the distance, and William smiled when he saw it. The driver drove slowly down the winding driveway over the bridge and finally through the arched gateway announcing Pemberley. Elizabeth was so intrigued with the vast woodlands and parkland that the house escaped her notice. Which couldn't have been more perfect for William. He wanted to present Pemberley and Elizabeth to each other in his certain way.

He helped her out of the car and turned her around to face the massive ornately carved stone building. Elizabeth stumbled when she saw the massive size of the house. All in all, William told her there were roughly one hundred rooms, including the servants area. The parkland itself was ten miles around.

"Who mows the lawn? Not your every day twelve year old." She joked.

"Do you want to see inside?" She nodded her head like a small child in a candy store.

Mrs. Reynolds rushed outside to greet William and Elizabeth, and he nearly swept her off her feet and she demanded that he put her down.

"Let me present Miss Elizabeth Bennet." The older woman shook her hand and told her how happy she was to have her at Pemberley.

"This place is incredible. I was expecting your ordinary, run-of-the-mill house. William neglected to tell me he grew up in a palace."

Mrs. Reynolds shook her head and wagged her finger at him. "You. Unpretentious as always. Baker will show the young lady to her chamber. You, Mr. Darcy, have quite a few letters you need to look at."

William rolled his eyes to Elizabeth and watched sadly as she ascended the stairs, and went out of his sight. William headed into the study to check up on the letters that had been piling up. Nothing of import and most he could bring back to Boston and work on them there.

After being away from Elizabeth for twenty minutes, he ran up the stairs two at a time and stopped at her bedchamber. He knocked and waited for her response. When it wasn't forthcoming, he knocked again. Finally she opened the door.

"How are you finding everything?" he asked nonchalantly.

She pulled him into her room. "You. You deliberately held this from me. How could I possibly redecorate anything as grand as this. Absolutely not one thing is to be touched. It is perfect the way it is."

"That is why I love you. Because even if this was a run-of-the-mill house, you'd still adore it anyway. Did you notice anything else about this room?"

She looked around. "No, should have I?"

He walked her over to a door and opened it.

"Your room?" He nodded his head enthusiastically. "So shall we just keep the doors open, and that way it would seem as though we are sleeping together?"

He gathered her up and kissed her. "Wrong." He laughed. "Very wrong."

End of Scene III

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Act VII Scene IV

Posted on Wednesday, 21-Oct-98

Ext. Pemberley Parkland

Two days later

Elizabeth was finally able to view the outside grounds and relished in her moments alone. She knew that once she stayed here, it would be difficult indeed to leave. Her days were wonderful with Mrs. Reynolds showing her every aspect of the house. And her nights with William were completely magical. It just felt right with him. She loved waking up with his arms woven tightly around her.

Elizabeth walked down by the pond and saw all the different types of fish swimming around. She sighed contentedly and knew then that she would not want to ever go back to Boston. Yes, she would miss her sister. But the telephone and the airplanes solved the problem easily.

William quietly came upon Elizabeth and softly wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck and whispering nearly a thousand 'I Love you's'. Elizabeth turned around quickly and kissed him with such passion and abandon, that it really shocked him.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" she asked breathlessly.

"Not on your life, Elizabeth."

"William, now, I need you now." She slowly removed her shirt.


"Yes, here. Now, Will, now." William brought her to a secluded spot in the gardens and removed his clothing. Elizabeth smiled happily at him and allowed him to do things to her that made her realize that it was not a dream.

"I love you, William." She said breathlessly.

"Elizabeth, now will you marry me?"

"Oh, yes."

"I do have a ring for you, or I should say waiting for you." She reached up and kissed him again.

"Can we spend tomorrow together, just the two of us. Preferably in our bedchamber?"

He smiled broadly. "Anything you want, darling. I could send the servants away, and the two of us could have the house to ourselves?"

"William, as long as I'm with you, nothing else matters."

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The next day

The phone rang incessantly and William groggily reached over to grab it.

"Hello?" he said harshly.

"William, it's Jane, I'm sorry if I woke you."

He got his bearings together and apologized. "I'm sorry, Jane. Yes, I was sleeping."

"Is Elizabeth keeping you on your toes?" she joked.

"Something like that." He smiled.

"William, there is a bit of a problem here in Boston. But I don't want you to get excited okay?"

"What happened?" William whispered, trying not to wake up Elizabeth.

"Gayle Feeney has published your divorce papers in the paper, and it turns out that Spring has decided to sue you for more alimony."


Elizabeth rolled over and gave William a big smile. Then realized he was talking on the phone.

"Who're you talking to." She said sleepily.

He mouthed "Jane." Elizabeth smiled and lazily turned over.

"I'll call my lawyers here, they can figure something out. Has Gayle mentioned Liz in anything?"

"Will, they are saying that she is the reason your marriage broke up. Spring has been condemning her in the press."

"Oh God! I'll take care of it here. Did you want to talk to her?"

"No, no. Just you. William, please protect her. She can be quite vulnerable."

"Don't you worry, she's in good hands. Thank you, Jane."

Elizabeth rolled right into his arms, and he pulled her close to him. "Elizabeth, this is where you belong."

"Mmm.. right here. I don't ever want to leave."

"Nope, we are staying the whole day in this bedchamber, and I've given the servants the day off. Which also means we must fend for ourselves for food."

Her eyes twinkled.

"Right now, I think you are what I want. Coffee afterwards." She smiled.

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Act VII Scene V

Posted on Thursday, 22-Oct-98

Int. Pemberley House

Same day

They both ventured down the stairs at noon and headed into the massive kitchen. William stared at Elizabeth realizing that her state of undress would have shocked the servants. Her clingy, sheer peignoir left little to the imagination, but that she felt comfortable walking around the house, or castle as she so-called it, in it, brought a small satisfactory smile to William's face.

He sat her down at the breakfast bar and proceeded to look for food. Quite a comical sight, as he had neglected to ask where they kept the food. He was able to locate the refrigerator and pour her a glass of orange juice. Couldn't locate the coffee maker or find a kettle for tea. He couldn't even find bread to toast.

"We could venture forth and eat out?" he said.

"But that would require my taking this off and putting on clothes. But I am hungry, so why not." He bent down and kissed her nose.

He chased her up the stairs and had an uncommonly good view of her taut legs and thigh muscles. She took the stairs two at a time to beat him to their room. Although the servants had given Elizabeth her own room, she never stayed there. The first night she swore she heard ominous footsteps and the settling of the house frightened her. And she told William that that was the story she was sticking with should the servants ever come in and see them wrapped tightly in each other's arms. Ghosts at Pemberley, William had echoed. It worked for him.

Elizabeth put on a long button down brown skirt and cowboy boots with a taupe sweater. She again put her hair in a twist with two pencils. William took her hand and led her out to the car. His sporty 1964 MG flew down the narrow and twisty roads. The leaves were starting to turn a beautiful hues of orange and red and gold; and it reminded Elizabeth of Central Park in New York.

"We should go back to New York, Will."

"It works for me. I'll have to stop at my lawyer's while we're in town. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Oh, it's nothing of great importance. Just a couple of post-divorce issues and pre-marital issues." He smiled.

"What sort of post-divorce issues? I thought it was over and done with."

"Listen love, it is over and done with. These are minor issues, so don't you worry your pretty little head over them."

"Condescending jerk."


"I called you a condescending jerk."


"Don't worry my pretty little head? I'm sorry, but one does not talk to Elizabeth Bennet in that manner." She shot him a suggestive smile which he understood and gave one back.

William pulled into a small dirt parking lot and both alighted from the car. He led her into a small dinerish-type of pub, that was bustling with people inside. He found a small, corner table and sat down. The waitress came over and gave him a big hug.

"Why William Darcy, gracing us with your presence. What brings you, lad, to Lambtonshire?"

"Ah, the food, Sam. And Pemberley." He smiled. "Sam, this is my fiancée, Elizabeth Bennet." Sam checked her finger and saw no ring.

"Isn't she missing something?"

Elizabeth laughed. "He told me that I should be getting it soon." She leaned closer to the waitress. "But I think he has to purchase it."

Sam laughed. "Yes, William Darcy is the type of person to just run out and buy everything. You have a good man there. Hearts are breaking all over the county." She turned to William. "And you, Will. She is a feisty one. Good breeding and nice figure. She's a tussle under the sheets."

Elizabeth blushed a deep crimson, and William laughed at Sam's forthrightness. She had quite hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head. Sam came back and plunked down a pot of piping hot coffee and crumpets to start off with.

"So what think you of England, Liz?" he said while stuffing a crumpet in his mouth.

"It's wonderful. This part of the country is just so breathtaking, I don't think I want to go back to Boston. I could do some freelance writing for the local newspaper."

"You've already started thinking about staying here?"

"Well, yes. Isn't that what you wanted me to do. Fall in love with Pemberley and stay here forever?"

"Yes." He said slowly. "But my bond fund at Fidelity is white hot now, I can't just pack up and leave Boston."

"Okay, you stay in Boston, and I'll live at Pemberley." She smiled.

"We wouldn't see each other much."

"Oh, I could live with that. What with one hundred rooms to occupy my time, and freelancing for the local newspaper, you'd hardly be missed." Her eyes twinkled with the white lies.

"And nights alone in a haunted house?"

"Baker would be there to keep me company. He is quite dashing in his butler digs."

"And would he share your bed, too?" he leaned over the table coming within inches of her lips.

"Possibly…" he immediately kissed her making her blush all over again. Sam cleared her throat and asked if they were ready to order food.

After brunch, Elizabeth and William walked through the small town arm in arm. The whole town greeted William and commented on the beautiful woman that he would not part with. Everything was quaint and small and lovely. And Elizabeth felt more and more like an outsider. What with the American accent and her way of dress, she felt like an outsider. When William would talk to old friends and neighbors, his British accent would become so thick that even she had a difficult time understanding what he was saying. The Bostonian/Britishness about him seemed to seep away. Here he was in the north country and here was home.

He felt her pull back and become a little closed up when she was being introduced to people. She would smile prettily, maybe say something witty then walk ahead. It dawned on Elizabeth that she did not want to share him. She wanted him for herself, only. William brought her to a small boutique and told her to buy anything that her heart desired. He wanted to go see his lawyers and fix the Spring problem and Gayle Feeney's problem.

"We had them fax over the articles that were in the Boston papers. William, it's not looking good. It seems that this Miss Feeney person has been checking out your finances for about four months. She disclosed to your ex-wife that you had more money than you admitted to. She now wants you to make one hundred thousand dollar monthly payments."

William chewed the inside of his cheek while listening to the lawyer. "What exactly is being said about Elizabeth."

"It seems that there has been a rivalry between Miss Bennet and Miss Feeney for a couple of years. Miss Bennet has the job that Miss Feeney wanted, etceteras. Your ex-wife has been calling her a trollop and husband-stealing tramp, it's been plastered all over the paper. Your friend's wife protected you when she called."

The lawyer showed him four days' worth of newspapers. His picture plastered on the front page along with Elizabeth Bennet's. "Here we are about to invade Iraq, and this is more important? Unbelievable! Have you talked to Spring's henchmen?"

"Not yet, we wanted to hear from you first. Any thoughts on how you want to proceed?"

"I'll pay her. But not what she wants, and can we get retractions from the paper?"

"Can you get blood from a stone?"

"It shouldn't be that difficult. I'll deal with Spring. Ring her lawyers and tell her I'll give this amount." He wrote a figure on a small piece of paper. His lawyer gave him a questioning look. "Just give them the amount. And for God's sake absolutely no negotiating." He walked out of the office, and headed to get Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was surrounded by ladies attending to her every need. Hat boxes surrounded her feet and old fashioned a-lined and empire-waisted dresses were draped over two chairs. William laughed when he saw the bemused look upon her face.

"Enjoying yourself, love?"

"Not particularly. Can you become my knight and shining armor and rescue me?" He helped her down off the pedestal and explained that they would make the purchases on a different day. Because of who he was they weren't terribly put out, just mildly so.

The bright sunshine was quickly being replaced by tremulous storm clouds, and William thought it necessary to head back to the house. Quickly taking the winding roads back, the first splatter of raindrops hit the windshield. Then as if the heavens opened, a drenching downpour came about. William pulled the car over to the side of the road and waited it out.

"Are you going to tell me what you had to do at the lawyer's?"


"Did it have anything to do with me?"


"How 'indirectly'?" she asked, now getting annoyed with him.

"Very indirectly. Liz, it's not important." He reached over to squeeze her hand and kissed it softly. Playing with her ring finger (the wrong hand, mind you), he remembered the ring he wanted to give her. Tonight would be a perfect night to finally become engaged to the woman who stole his heart nearly twelve years ago.

End of Scene V

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Act VII Scene VI

Posted on Friday, 23-Oct-98

Int. Pemberley Conservatory

Mrs. Reynolds set the room to the exact specifications that William had asked her to do. If he was to propose to Elizabeth, it was going to be the most memorable night of hers and his life. He had what he sought for so long, and it gave him peace of mind to know that they would finally legalize the union.

Elizabeth had been kept in the dark regarding this room. William had purposely asked the staff to close off the room to her, as this was the one room that would be the most romantic setting to profess an undying love. He looked over the indoor garden and waterfall. Rubber trees and huge ferns made a pathway to a small fountain and the table exquisitely set for two. William kissed, then placed a long-stemmed red rose on her plate. After making sure everything was perfect, he headed out of the room to wake Elizabeth.

Elizabeth groaned and stretched lazily after William lightly shook her to wake her up. He scooped her up in his arms and held on tightly, slightly squeezing her.

"I'm not going anywhere, Will." She said softly.

"I know. I just had the need to hold you."

She leaned back against his chest and sighed contentedly. She had been wondering of late why she fought him for so long. Obviously at first when she started having feelings for him she was engaged to Joseph Reed, and it wouldn't have been right to think of one person, while living with another. But William did it. He loved her, even when he was engaged and married. She suddenly remembered his first disastrous proposal. Three-thirty in the morning, drinking hot coffee, and his eyes full of love; and she didn't see it. His transfer to Japan did make her feel a sort of emptiness. His arrival back with a wife in tow, she thought would destroy her. She snuggled closer. She could hear the rhapsodic rhythm of his beating heart and it lulled her into a serenity that she had sought for so long. Elizabeth reached up and over, drew his face to hers, and kissed him softly.

"Perfect." He said while smiling. "We must dress for dinner. Mrs. Reynolds laid out your clothes on the bed in your room."

Reluctantly releasing her, William helped her off the bed and shooed her into her room. Elizabeth froze when she saw the clothes that were laid out. The Armani dress stared back at her. She recalled not packing it; however, Jane had been rifling through her closet… she put two and two together -- William.

After showering and other toilettes, Elizabeth put on the dress, stockings and shoes. Fluffed out her mane of curly hair, spritzed it with spray. After nearly an hour of waiting for her, William came to her door and asked for her hand. She readily gave it to him; however, his hand went up her arm, across her shoulder, down to her breastbone, and then softly down her back. She jumped slightly at his touch. The electrical impulses that his fingers released, still made her tingle all over.

"The skin is soft as silk, the color of peach, and as clear as stilled water." He kissed her neck. "You are dangerous." He whispered into her ear.

"Are we dining out tonight?"

He smiled mischievously at her. "Something like that, but it will be just the two of us."

"I can't wait."

William led Elizabeth into the library and through a hidden door in the paneled wall. Wall sconces lit up the ornately decorated hallway as she looked around in wonder at the detailed artwork that lined the walls. Tightly holding her hand, he stopped her at another ornately carved mahogany door, bent down to lightly kiss her. Then standing behind her, he reached around, opened the door and led her into the indoor garden. Small angel lights illuminated the trees and vegetation. The soft rumble of the waterfall gave an exotic feel to it.

Elizabeth turned around to face William and beamed so brightly. "Oh William, this room is incredible. How did you…" She buried her head into his chest. He noticed the tears and softly brushed them away.

"No tears tonight, Elizabeth. Tonight we are fantastically happy." She laughed. He explained to her how the room came to be and where the plants were imported from. A hired servant came around with two beautifully fluted champagne glasses and gave them each a glass.

William toasted her, clanked her glass and the two of them staring deeply into each other's eyes, took a sip. Another servant came around with hors d'oeuvres: warmed goat cheese over bruschetta, spinach and feta cheese pinwheels and your basic shrimp cocktail. Elizabeth tried everything and loved it all. That this was all for her, made her feel wonderful.

Sounds of soft beautiful music came from the corner, and Elizabeth spied a small band. She looked directly into his eyes with as much love as she could possibly muster and not give in to the tears that were welling in her eyes. It was all so much, and just for her, it was difficult not becoming emotional. William saw her fight back the tears and brought her over to a lover's bench.

"If you must cry, do so. Don't hold anything in, love." Elizabeth laughed, then the tears flowed freely down her cheeks. He pulled out a beautifully crisp handkerchief and softly wiped her eyes, then kissed them. Wiping her cheeks and kissing them. After drying her face off and putting the handkerchief away, he pulled out a small jeweled box. Going down on one knee, he took hold of her left hand and quietly placed the engagement ring on her finger.

"Elizabeth, you have been foremost the most important person in my life for the past twelve years, and I have waited for this day to take place for just as long. Knowing that I have your love, you have made me the happiest man. I would go to the ends of the earth for you and with you. Accept this ring as a token of my undying love and respect for a most beautiful woman."

The tears came fast and furiously and trying to look at the heirloom ring was difficult, but she did manage to wrap her arms around his neck and hold onto him tightly, giving him small loving kisses all over his face. Again, he took out his handkerchief and wiped her face, whispering 'I love you'.

When she was finally able to look at the ring, she gasped. The platinum band was simply set with a marquise-cut diamond surrounded by tiny mother-of-pearl.

"How were you able to get this back from your wife?"

"She never had it. Elizabeth, we never need to think of Spring again. She was a mistake that we need never, ever think about. Right now, tonight is about you, me and the rest of our lives."

William led her over to the table for dinner. Roast lamb in a mint sauce with potato and baby-candied carrots was the entrée. Elizabeth sat down and cried a little more when she picked up the rose.

"Tavern on the Green, red rose and we danced. You've loved me ever since?"

"I fell badly. When I was away from you, it became torture. I finally rearranged my schedule just to come and visit you at your hotel. Casablanca playing at that old movie house really was a fluke. After walking through the most romantic park of all time, I wanted to kiss you and love you. As soon as I got back to Boston, I told Autumn I couldn't marry her. I told her that I fell in love with another woman."

"She probably took it badly." She held onto his hand. "You don't have to tell me this." She said sweetly.

"No, I want you to know. She did not take it badly, it seems she wanted to call off the engagement anyway." He smiled at her.

"I have always been curious about Winter. She didn't have a brain in her head. What attracted you to her?" she laughed.

"She was a momentary lapse of better judgment. We were together for a month, and next thing, she is begging to get married. I obliged her, and then the rest is history."

Elizabeth looked down at her ring again. "This is incredibly beautiful, where did you find it?"

He took a hold of her hand and singled out her left ring finger. "This ring has been in my family for over two hundred years. You are the only woman I thought worthy of it." He looked deep into her eyes.

The soft strains of a violin solo interrupted William. He listened with rapture to the music. He had pulled off the most successful night of his life so far. The food was delicious, the champagne and wines were wonderful. Elizabeth was absolutely sparkling.

Finishing up dinner, William applied to her for a dance. She readily agreed. He held her firmly in his arms and the two of them danced for most of the night.

"You have turned me into a princess tonight. I don't think I'll ever forget this." He spun her out and this time she purposely came in a little too close. He wrapped his arms around her, and gave her such a passionate kiss that her knees grew weak and he had to steady her.

"I think the princess needs to go to bed?" his eyes shone.

She said not one word; just took his hand and the two of them headed to the bedroom.

End of Scene VI

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Act VII Scene VII

Posted on Sunday, 25-Oct-98

Int. Pemberley -- Elizabeth's and William's Bedchamber

Elizabeth rolled over into his arms and felt an emptiness. She moved her hand to the left and felt nothing. She lazily lifted her head off the pillow and focused her eyes to look about the room. She sat up quickly and looked down to her hand. Had she dreamed the whole thing? The ring was there. Nervously she called out his name. No answer. A little louder she called out his name, and he came running into the chamber.

"Are you okay?" he said soothingly.

She put her hand to her heart, then held her arms out for him. He quickly went into her arms and gave her a kiss.

"I thought I dreamt it all. Everything."

He took her face into his hands and kissed her nose. "No dream, love. We are together."

"Where were you?"

"I had to check the fax machine I was waiting for the lawyers to send me some documents. It's nothing."

"Is it the prenuptial agreement."

He shook his head. "I don't want you to sign one. No, just some documents concerning Spring."

She looked at him, then asked. "Will you tell me, please?"

He sighed, the held her tightly. "Spring found out that I have more money than I led her to believe, and she wants more alimony."

"She left you, right?"

"Yes. She left me."

"And she wants more money?"

He nodded his head again. "Did you realize what you were marrying when you did it? How much is she asking for?"

"How much is not important."

"Will, I am to be your wife, you could let me know these things. I can help you out." He smiled at her and squeezed her.

"I have it under control. Do you really enjoy Pemberley?"

She nodded her head enthusiastically. "This place is paradise for me. I adore it here, why do you ask?"

"I was thinking about giving Georgiana the Beacon Hill townhouse and moving here."

"But what about your white-hot bond fund?"

"I'll see if they'll let me transfer it to London. I have a townhouse in Leicester Square also."

"Will, that would be perfect. Oh no!" she said suddenly.


She laughed. "I forgot to call Jane and tell her about us."

"Liz, it's the middle of the night in Boston."

"So…" she twinkled at him. He raised an eyebrow and handed her the phone.

Charles answered the phone groggily, then handed it over to Jane.

"Lizzy, how nice to hear from you. Are you enjoying Derbyshire?"

"Yes, very much. Jane, I did it." She said mysteriously.

"Did what? You married him!"

"No! But we are getting married. He asked me, and I accepted."

Jane whooped it up on the other side of the Atlantic. Charles came on too. "Elizabeth, it's about time." William saw the amused look on Elizabeth's face.

"Hold on, you two." She turned to William. "Can you hit the speaker button, and we can all talk?" William did as asked.

"Hello, Charles." William said; Jane and Charles acknowledged him.

"Congratulations, you two. Have you set a date?" William and Elizabeth looked at each other and laughed. That was the one thing they didn't do.

"Not quite. How about right now, we set a date." Elizabeth said. William nodded his head. "December 31. New Years."

Jane spoke: "Where in Boston or England?"

Elizabeth looked at William, and they both gave each other knowing glances. "New York."

"New York!" Both Charles and Jane said. They could hear William give Elizabeth a kiss. "Why New York?"

William now spoke: "That is where we fell in love."

Jane yawned, "Listen you two, we are very happy. But it is very late and we have an early morning. Lizzy, I'll call you later this afternoon."

Charles reiterated what Jane had just said and they all hung up.

"You know what that means now?" Elizabeth said cheekily.


"We have to leave Pemberley so I can look for a wedding gown." William looked at her with as much tenderness and love; but regretted the decision to get married in New York. He wanted to protect her from the mud slinging of the ex-Mrs. Darcy, that was gathering much press in Boston.

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Int. Logan International Airport

September, 1990

William and Elizabeth arrived back on American soil as two people deeply and madly in love. They had already planned that Elizabeth would quickly give up her Brookline Village apartment and move in to the Beacon Hill townhouse. Georgiana had decided to travel to Greece while her brother was at Pemberley.

As soon as they headed to the arrival gate, reporters and photographers were at the ready and flashes were blinding the people getting off the plane. Elizabeth turned to William and gave him a questioning look.

Gayle Feeney stood slightly behind the crowd, Elizabeth saw her and immediately went up to her. "What is the meaning of this?"

"You've become quite the celebrity, Miss Bennet." Miss Feeney said facetiously.

"What does that mean?"

"You destroyed his marriage and then you go off to shack up with him in England."

Elizabeth laughed contemptuously. "You are being absurd."

Gayle noticed the ring on her finger. "So you're engaged. The tramp and the playboy." Elizabeth raised her hand to slap her, but William saw the transaction and grabbed her hand before she could do anything.

"She's not worth it, Elizabeth. Come, let's go home." Elizabeth pulled back slightly and whispered to him, shaking all over. "Tramp. She called me a tramp."

"Ignore her, Elizabeth. Let's just go home. I'll have Henry come back for the luggage. We need to leave now."

Rushing her down the corridor (practically jogging) as the photographers were chasing, Henry had the door opened and got them in the car quickly.

"Sorry, Mr. D. It's been a nightmare out here. Miss Bennet you are indeed a sight for old sore eyes." Normally she would have given him her bright smile. But she couldn't, the word tramp resonated through her ears.

Elizabeth moved into William's arms, and he held onto her tightly. "What is going on?"

"It's Spring, love. She's being extremely vindictive. I have everyone working on it."

She pulled away. "You knew about this." It dawned on her. "That is why you had to go to your lawyers. To fix this problem. What exactly has been said about the two of us."

"Liz, it's all lies. Just ignore them."

"Tell me, now."

William took a deep breath and pulled out of his briefcase the press clippings. Pictures of Elizabeth and William together and pictures of Spring and William, kissing and looking very much like the happily married couple. That one picture brought tears to her eyes.

She read the accompanying articles and gasped. She was portrayed as your basic home-wrecker who did everything possible to ruin a most loving marriage.

"How could they possibly print such out-and-out lies? How is this going to look at the Globe. They'll fire me, William."

William looked down at his feet. Henry knew what had been going on and always maintained that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was the best person and the only person for Mr. D.

"So Miss Bennet, I understand you and Mr. D are officially engaged. Well if you allow me to congratulate you, I knew that this would happen."

She smiled to him. "Henry, thank you. But for some reason, I can't see Mr. Darcy actually marrying a tramp and a homewrecker."

He shot her a furious look, and then bellowed. "That is enough, Elizabeth, those are all lies. I have known you longer than any other person. I have loved you longer than any other person. I did not love Spring. You were always in my mind. That is why she left me because I couldn't stop thinking of you."

"And now it seems she wants you back…"

He cut her off, "And she will never have me. You -- You are the only thing that I need. I love you, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth turned to look out the window. "Henry, can you take me back to my place, please."

End of Act VII

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Act VIII Scene I

Posted on Sunday, 25-Oct-98

Int. Brookline Village apartment and Beacon Hill Townhouse

September 28, 1990

Elizabeth checked her machine and yet another message from William. She archived it. She had been home for two weeks and doggedly followed by paparazzi everywhere she went. Her neighbors were not happy, and Jane and Charles did everything they could to bring William and Elizabeth together. For two solid weeks, he tenaciously called her three times a day. She refused each and every phone call. He stopped by, she ignored him. He had flowers sent, she didn't accept them. She sent the ring back, by bonded courier. He sent it back to her. He refused to break off the engagement.

Spring was running out of things to say about Elizabeth; because that woman had maintained a respectability about herself, most people were calling Spring vindictive, nasty and a woman scorned. When Elizabeth was stopped by nosy reporters or photographers, she would go on her merry way. She answered no questions. If she wore a scarf, it became her protector. She found herself putting on big sunglasses and large hats to protect herself. Only when she came home to the sanctity of her home, did she allow herself to fall apart. She must have listened to William's messages at least a hundred times. She wanted to be back at Pemberley.

The comings and goings at the Beacon Hill Townhouse were quite the water-cooler topic of the day. Georgiana rushed home when she heard what had been happening. Jane and Charles offered to have Elizabeth stay with them. But she refused. Georgiana called, and she was refused. Joey Tribbiani called and she was able to talk to him, and he allowed her a shoulder to cry on.

Elizabeth climbed the steps to the statehouse for her interview with William Weld. He was the GOP party candidate for the Governor's seat in Massachusetts. As she entered the door, she saw William walking out. He smiled brightly when he saw her.


"Mr. Darcy." She acknowledged.

He pulled her aside, "Elizabeth, this is ridiculous. I love you. What on earth is this Mr. Darcy stuff."

"I'm late for an appointment. I can't really talk right now."

"You can't seem to talk quite a bit. Spring will be gone soon, love."

"Execution or sniper?"

He laughed, "Actually not a bad idea. I miss you." He leaned down to kiss her, and she was tempted, but right when his lips were to touch hers, she gave him her cheek. He picked up her hand and stroked it lightly. William looked around, and saw the camera angling to get a good picture. "Kiss me now, Elizabeth."

"What..." She said, and it gave him the opportunity to kiss her so passionately. He kept one eye-trained on the photographer. When he saw the photographer finish up, he pulled her closely him. "What are you doing?" she pushed him away.

"Photographer wanted a good shot. We gave it to him. Elizabeth, have dinner with me. Come home with me. Marry me."

Elizabeth looked at her watch, "I'm meeting with Weld right now. I'll come by tonight."

He gave her a big smile. "I'll send Henry to pick you up?" she nodded her head. "Liz, have you missed me?"

She nodded her head, and quickly went to her appointment.

Henry waited outside at eight-thirty and escorted Elizabeth into the car. She was half expecting William to be in the car as he was wont to do, but she was alone. It worked perfectly for Henry. He wanted to talk to her.

"Hello, Henry." She smiled to him.

"Hello, Miss Bennet. Georgiana has headed to New York for a couple of days, you and Mr. D. will be alone." She blushed at the implication. "Have you been wearing that glorious ring?" Elizabeth nodded her head and turned to look out the window.

"He's been terrible without you. He's not sleeping, up at all hours, at the office working and screaming at lawyers. He offered Spring five million dollars; she took it, the cunning witch. I never did like her." He added.

"I don't think you should be telling me this, Henry. But he offered her how much?"

"He told her and these were his exact words, 'If you don't leave Elizabeth alone, I will see to it that you are deported back to Japan, and you will see absolutely none of the money that you want.' She's a cruel woman."

"How did you hear all that?" she said sounding intrigued.

"It took place right here in this car. He went to see her. He told her in no uncertain terms, was she to call him or you; and that if one more derogatory remark was in the paper about you, he would pull the funds faster than she could blink."

"He can't have anyone deported." She said realistically.

"Oh but he can, she doesn't have a green card. She lost it when they got divorced. They weren't married long enough." He laughed.

"Henry, why are you telling me this."

"Because, Miss Bennet, that man loves you more than anything, and he will never be happy without you. Go to him and tell him that you love him too. You two have the same hollow look about yourself. And two beautiful people like you should be sparkling and bright; not melancholy and dull." Henry pulled up in front of the house. Elizabeth leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Henry. You are very sweet. I don't think we'll be needing you tonight." She smiled brightly to him. William came to the car and helped her out. He walked her to the door and saw Henry drive away.

"Now, where does he think he's going?" he scratched his head.

She tossed her head to the side, "I sent him away." She took a hold of his hand. "I told him we had no use for him tonight." He felt the ring on her finger and beamed the brightest smile.

"I love you, Elizabeth."

"I love you, too, Will."

End of Scene I

Act VIII Scene II

Posted on Monday, 26-Oct-98

A Short Transitional One

Int. Morrissey Blvd. Boston Globe Hdqtrs.

October 20, 1990

Elizabeth finished the by-line of her article and rushed to hand it to Lou. He looked skeptically at her. This was ridiculous, he thought. She couldn't pull it off, it would be suicide. He read the article over and was very impressed. He guffawed at her, though. She had talent, good talent and a knack for words. But he would never let her know that.

She had discussed it with William, and he thought it a brilliant idea; although he did question her whether Lou would go for it, and so William and Elizabeth came together and wrote the article together. Which ended in a horrible fight when he wanted to use a word that she thought was ridiculous. He conceded naturally, to her. She reiterated that he dealt with money, whereas, she worked with words. He silenced her words with a kiss.

Elizabeth and William were still the darlings of the gossip columns in Boston and the New York Post even picked up on it. John F. Kennedy, Jr., called William personally to thank him for being so interesting of late. William told John he owed him and his fiancée a drink. When William told Elizabeth, she nearly swooned, but quickly got over it after he gave her an eloquent look.

Elizabeth looked to Lou. "So?"

"Well, give me time. It needs editing." He said irascibly.

"It does not need editing." She said, raising her voice.

"So now you're Miss high and mighty, because you are marrying Mr. rich man."

She came up to Lou and gave him a hug. "I have always been Miss high and mighty."

He nodded her off. "Well let me bring this to the publisher. Editorial page?"

She nodded her head, then called William. "It's all finished. Editorial page, tomorrow morning."

"I can't wait to see the reaction of the populous. Can we have lunch today?"

She thought about it and the silence on his end of the phone was deafening. "Well, Liz?"

"Hmmm.. Why?"

"Because it's an anniversary of sorts." He said cryptically. "And I really want to see you."

She laughed. "We see each other every day. Will, we live with each other. And what sort of anniversary?" She racked her brain and for the life of her, she couldn't remember.

"Ah, your failing memory again, October 19, 1987 the stock market crashed. I won a certain bet. The next day on the 20th , we went to the Bay Tower Room, where you proceeded to put me in my place."

"And then you proposed to me, disastrously…"

He quickly cut her off, "But you remember that? Humph! Have lunch with me. I have reservations at the Bay Tower Room at one. Henry will come by to pick you up. I'll walk over."

"Fine, Mr. Darcy, one o'clock it is."

"Fantastic, soon to be, Mrs. Darcy."

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Int. Fidelity Car outside of Boston Globe Hdqrts.

Elizabeth rushed from the door into the car, and sitting opposite was William. He quickly pulled her into his arms and gave her a most ardent kiss. Henry saw through the rearview mirror, and smiled quite happily to himself.

"I thought you were going to walk over and meet me there?"

"I needed to see you." He kissed her again.

She eyed him suspiciously, "You're becoming a little too needy lately. What gives?"

He pulled some papers out of his briefcase and handed them to Elizabeth. She looked at them and became confused. Handing them back, she said:

"I have no clue what those documents are?" He laughed at her, then Henry laughed at her.

"Elizabeth, that is the deed to Pemberley. It's yours."

She looked astonished, and said not one word. "But Georgiana?"

"Georgiana, wanted you to have it. When Spring found out about Pemberley, she tried to take it. Elizabeth, this is my wedding gift to you. We will be moving to Pemberley after the honeymoon."

"But you're just using my name to protect your family estate."

He shook his head, "No. It is yours, however, I know that you will still keep it in the Darcy family." Her eyes twinkled at him, and she did throw her arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. So passionate was the kiss, that Henry had to honk the horn to separate them and tell them that they were at their final destination.

William helped seat Elizabeth and she picked up the red rose that graced her plate. "How do you do it?"

He smiled at her. "Do what?" She traced the flower down his cheek.

"The flowers, every where we go, there is a flower on my plate."

"I own a flower shop."

"You do not!"

"You're right, I don't. But this is my secret, let me keep at least one secret." She leaned over and kissed him. "Elizabeth, we need to talk about children. I do want them."

She smiled brightly. "I do too."

End of Scene II

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Posted on Tuesday, 27-Oct-98

October 21, 1990 Boston Globe

by Elizabeth Bennet and William Darcy

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts was founded in 1620 by a group people fleeing religious persecution in Europe. Later in the 1600s, the citizens of the Commonwealth started persecuting its own with the Salem Witch Trials. And again in the late 1960s and early 1970s, African Americans were persecuted because of race. And now because two people love each other, they are persecuted and condemned in the press.

Tolerancy and the right to privacy in the Commonwealth is seriously lacking.

As my esteemed co-author is originally from the British Isles, I leave it up to him to explain the Britishness way of life in the Commonwealth. As for my own opinions, the Press Corp of late has been intrusive, combative and intolerant to the feelings of this person. As a person whose life is the press, I find myself in a catch-22 scenario. I am one who will report the news, unfortunately, being the quarry takes on a life of itself. As an extremely private person, to be inundated by phone calls, flashing cameras and the horrible name-calling that was first presented in the other paper, I was mortified that my so-called colleagues would and could stoop to a level of tarnishing a reputation that was considered by myself tarnish-free. My life is in words; and I have learned firsthand that certain words can be damaging and destroy lives. It nearly destroyed a happiness that took eleven years to find.

The happiness that I allude to -- spending the rest of my life with a man who has completed so many aspects of me, and taught me to take a risk or two. From the moment I met William Darcy in Chicago, I despised him. Five years later, by chance, we met again. He fell in love; however, I did not. We enjoyed a lovely friendship that lasted several years. Japan intruded, and there, he met and married the ex-Mrs. Darcy. She did not last long in the marriage, and wanted out, Mr. Darcy gracefully accepted her terms, and dissolved the marriage. Where all this becomes news? Escapes me. Personally, for eleven years, I fought off any advances of the aforementioned person, and only because of his tenacity (and a tenacious tenacity at that!) did I finally give in to the passion that he brought out in me.

Why must I get personal? It does beg the question, does it not? And to put it in simple terms, because we stayed quiet long enough, and now the silence must be broken. I, no, we have done nothing wrong. Before the ex-Mrs. Darcy got hold of his finances and my good name, we lived quiet, boring lives. Lives that we want back. I now turn this over to William.

Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation. -- Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde knew what it was like to be laughed at in the press. He knew what it was like to be ridiculed by colleagues. A brilliant man reduced to despondency due to a way of life. Unlike Oscar Wilde, I had a great woman, who although, hurt by accusations that were terribly false, managed to retain a most worthy dignity about herself. It wasn't until she was gone, did I realize that life would be hell without her. Hence the above quote.

The progress that you made in the time that our lives became the center of the other newspapers headlines, not much. Kuwait is still invaded by Iraq. William Weld is still leading John Silber in the polls. Progress should be important to the people of the Commonwealth. Are we going to the Mideast to fight Saddam Hussein? Will the stock market take a tumble after doing fairly well? I could answer those questions, but it would be letting the public off easy. Something I'm not willing to do. Although Miss Bennet gets personal above, it is only because she wanted to set the record straight. But I will tell you in shorter terms, that she has never been a tramp, nor did she break up a most loving marriage.

Miss Elizabeth Bennet has been the symbol of hope that our Commonwealth should aspire to have. She turned her back on the negativity that followed her, and she continues to inspire and amaze me. Something a woman hasn't done for me. Ever. A woman of utmost delicacy, decency and forbearance. That inspires me. It behooves me to understand why a vindictive woman would garner so much press when young children are being gunned down. When women are being beaten by their husbands or boyfriends. How our economy is lagging and the President hasn't done one thing to help out the American people? And some of you are probably saying, 'Why should he care? He's not even American.' America represents happiness and fortitude and longevity. I think the longevity should now be equated to the tabloid department.

No where in history does it state that the private life of two people should become public consumption.

Now as an end-all and be-all of this hell that we have been a part of, we are formally announcing the upcoming betrothal of Elizabeth Bennet to William Darcy on December 31, 1990. Married couples are never very exciting.

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Act VIII Scene III

Posted on Wednesday, 28-Oct-98

Int. Jane and Charles' Back Bay Brownstone

October 22, 1990

The pouring rain did not let up all day, but William and Elizabeth were not about to let torrential downpours ruin their moment of glory. The editorial had been a resounding success. Patrick Purcell, publisher of the Boston Herald issued a very public apology to Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. William Darcy. Gayle Feeney was suspended for two months, and would be sent back to the street beat. Gossiping was no longer her cup of tea. The well wishes that poured in from the people in the city of Boston shocked the both of them; Lou Grant fielded phone calls all day, and was not pleased about it.

Everyone thought it very brave of Elizabeth to finally reveal what they had speculated about for a couple of weeks. The mailbag for Letters to the Editor was overflowing with acknowledgment as to how savvy Miss Elizabeth Bennet was and how Mrs. Spring Darcy should be ashamed for what she did. Some of them even thanked them for the brief history lesson.

Running from the car into the open warmth of Jane's and Charles' welcome home, Elizabeth and William laughed as they tried to run in between the raindrops. Jane stood prepared with towels and hot coffee.

"Lord, do you think this rain will ever quit. I swear there is at least two inches on the street." Elizabeth exclaimed, while toweling her hair, which became even curlier.

William took a long sip of the hot beverage and grinned happily to Jane. "Hmmm. French roast."

Jane smiled. "Only the best for Will." He gave her a nice kiss on the cheek.

Charles greeted William at the door to the library and indicated for him to come in. Jane and Elizabeth rolled their eyes as they both knew that once firmly ensconced in the library with Fielding, Shakespeare and Dickens, you couldn't get those two boys away.

"So the article went over well?" Jane asked walking Elizabeth to the sitting room.

"Very well. My phone never stopped today. Lou was none to pleased." She laughed. Elizabeth became more serious. "I gave my notice today. Lou sort of just took the letter and placed it on his desk. Never even read it."

"What did you expect? He is losing a very valuable writer. Elizabeth, he's going to miss you."

"Right. I think not, he's glad to be getting rid of me." Elizabeth looked downcast at the thought. Jane came up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Lizzy, you'll be doing freelance work, if an article is good enough send it on to the Globe. You can be a guest writer or columnist. Have you thought of asking Lou that?"

Elizabeth smiled through the haze of tears, "No, I didn't. Oh Jane, what am I going to do without you. I'll miss you everyday. I won't have you to comfort me." Jane had Elizabeth nestle against her and finally the two sisters realized what Elizabeth's marriage to William meant. That Elizabeth would be moving away. Far away. Charles and William had heard the two women crying and instantly appeared in the doorway. Each moved by the sight they saw. Jane looked up at William with pleading eyes, begging not to take her sister from her. William shot a confused look to Charles who sidestepped his questioning look, and turned away.

"Hey what are all these tears about?" William tried to ask good-humoredly, but the wails became louder. Charles bit his lip, not quite knowing how to handle the episode. Elizabeth released herself from Jane's tight grasp and hurriedly went into William's waiting arms. Jane followed suit with Charles.

"Elizabeth, you can come back to Boston whenever you want. Jane and Charles have an open and standing invitation to Pemberley."

Elizabeth sniffled and smiled at him. "You are too kind." However, the tears came again. William used the sleeve to his jacket to wipe her tears. Elizabeth laughed. "Do I look that foolish?"

"Of course not. You and your sister are extremely close, its delightful." He gave her a small kiss. "But I do think we need something stronger than French roast coffee." William looked over to Jane and Charles and saw that they were in the middle of a most passionate kiss, he quietly led Elizabeth out of the room.

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Int. Morrissey Blvd, Boston Globe Hdqtrs

December 30, 1990

Elizabeth finished putting most of her reporter's life into the small box. She looked around the office and saw Lou hunched over his desk. He had barely said one word to her today. She went into the newsroom and the usual happened, the men would comment on her legs, her shirt or the lack of tightness in it. She went to the mailroom, to give small gifts to the people who put an extra effort during the editorial backwash. Tears prickled at her eyes as she thought of this being the last day here. Last day technically in Boston.

Elizabeth threw her plastic coffee mug into the box and sat down heavily in her chair. Lou had been watching her, but it was difficult for him too. She had proved herself time and again; she dealt with humiliation with dignity. Hell, she dealt with him and that meant something. He, too, felt the sting of the saltwater that clouded his eyes.

"Bennet!" he called out quite loudly.

"Yes, Lou?" she asked, trying to hold back the tears.

"What the hell are you doing; you are still on payroll, no dilly-dallying."

"I wouldn't think of it, Lou." She said crestfallen. He still hadn't acknowledged that she was leaving.

He got up and lumbered over to her. His pot had grown in the ten years she had worked with him. He watched her grow from an uncertain reporter, to a distinguished reporter who had the respect of all who she dealt with. Elizabeth leaned on her hand, blinking back the tears.

"Bennet, what the hell are you doing?" He growled loudly.

"Nothing, Lou."

"That's the problem with you brides, your minds are constantly elsewhere!"

"That's not true at all. I was just reminiscing."

"Well, reminisce on your own time." He softened his look. "C'mere."


"C'mere, Bennet." Elizabeth did as a ordered. Lou took her down the narrow corridor to the cafeteria, where Jane, Charles, Charlotte, William, Her parents, and all her co-workers came together to give her a bridal/going away party. She turned to Lou and then was finally able to allow the tears to spill out that she had been holding back for hours. Lou gave her a big hug and allowed his tears to spill out too.

"Listen Bennet, I don't do this for just anyone, and don't think your special or anything, but Bennet, I'm gonna miss ya."

Lou presented Elizabeth with a beautifully mounted calligraphy copy of her first published article and a gilded framed calligraphy copy of the Editorial written by Bride and Groom.

Elizabeth saw William's laughing eyes and lightly cuffed his arm. "You knew all about this?" He smiled down at her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Henry standing in the corner. Leaving William to his laughs, she headed straight for the driver.

"Henry." She shook his hand.

"Miss Bennet, congratulations."

"You are the one who should take the credit for everything. How'd you know about the two of us?"

"Miss Bennet, can I tell you a secret?" Elizabeth nodded her head enthusiastically. "Mr. D could not stop talking about you. I knew he was besotted a long time ago. I used to yell at him after dropping you off, for his inaction with you. 'Why didn't you kiss her.' 'You had her in your arms and yet, you did nothing.' He hated me there for a while; Oh, the dirty looks he received from me when he had other women in the car. One girl was convinced her name was Elizabeth." She laughed mortifiedly at that. He smiled back at her. "You were the only woman strong enough for him. And you presented a challenge, he enjoyed that. You still present a problem because you are so strong-willed and opinionated."

Elizabeth leaned over and kissed Henry's cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a congratulatory hug. "You and he will be extremely happy."

William came up to Elizabeth, "Liz, I told you he would try to take you away from me." William shot an amused look at Henry.

"Not at all, sir. She would only be happy with you." And quietly he walked away.

"Very enigmatic soul." William said looking perplexed.

"He's been very good to us. Very, very good." She said, then he kissed her nose.

"I love you soon-to-be-in-twenty-four-hours Mrs. Darcy."

"You forgot to add finally." She teased.

End of Scene III

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Act VIII Scene IV

Posted on Thursday, 29-Oct-98

Int. Beacon Hill Townhouse, Boston MA and Four Seasons Hotel, NY

December 30, 1990

Elizabeth settled nicely in the sitting room, sipping on cognac and listening to Puccini's arias. She had the house to herself and it felt strange being in his house with him gone. Losing herself to O Mio Babbino Caro, she pulled the blanket tighter and enveloped herself in the drink, the music and the warmth of the generously stoked fire.

She had sent Jane home earlier and was glad for it. This was a peace that she had sought for so long. She wasn't worried. Even when Yolanda's called to say they needed to do one minor alteration to her gown, it bothered her not. The wind outside howled, but not a cold howl. More of a soothing howl. Snowflakes started falling earlier and whitewashed the streets. If this is bliss, I don't want it to end, she thought whimsically. Pulling her away from her thoughts, the phone rang.

"Hello," she said extremely quietly.

"Hmm… You're sounding quite content."

She stretched in her chair and spoke quietly again. "I am. I feel very content. Cognac, Puccini, a warm fire. Only thing missing is you. How was your flight?"

"Uneventful. It's snowing like the dickens though."

"A winter wonderland wedding. Couldn't ask for anything more perfect. Are you in our suite?"

"No. They have me in very cramped room. Only three rooms." He joked. "Is everything okay with the gown?"

"It's nothing. Tomorrow, Henry will take me to Waltham to pick it up, and then I'll hop on a flight to New York. Will, I can't wait."

He smiled. "Neither can I, love. I hear Pavarotti in the background, Nessun Dorma, I saw him perform it live in Italy. Powerful experience."

"Listening to it on your stereo equipment makes me feel like he's singing in front of me, trying to guess my name. It has an incredible sound."

"Turandot." William said quietly.

"No, darling. That is not my name." She said quietly.

"Elizabeth." He whispered with much love.

She smiled and gave him a kiss through the phone. They continued on until the cognac got the best of Elizabeth, and she begged to go to sleep.

They both dreamt of what the morrow would bring.

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Ext. Fidelity Car; Yolanda's Bridal Salon; Logan International Airport.

December 31, 1990

Henry caught the sparkle that glowed from her being. Nothing would bring her down today. Not even five inches of snow on the ground. She opted to sit up front with Henry and chatter to him. The usually forty-five minute drive to Waltham, today took one hour and fifteen minutes, but it bothered her not. Henry thought differently. The snow was coming down at faster clip and thought it wise to call Logan. Flights to New York were still running.

Once inside Yolanda's, the seamstress quickly put the dress on Elizabeth, made the change, then bundled the gown for her to take. Everything was running smoothly; however, Henry still had reservations. Carefully, putting the dress in the back of the car, Elizabeth again, sat up front. She checked her watch, ten forty-five in the morning. Plenty of time for a five o'clock wedding.

They were stuck on Route 128 for two hours. Still she didn't worry, a flight from Boston to New York was forty-five minutes to an hour. She could dress on the plane, if necessary. Although her hairdresser wouldn't be around, she could do something to make it look presentable. Henry shot her a worried look, but she didn't see it. Nothing was going to bring her down.

Finally at Logan, Elizabeth made her way to the gate, flight was still taking off, and with no delays. Henry breathed a sigh of relief. It was now one o'clock, still more than enough time. Elizabeth boarded the plane and took her seat in first class. With a crazy, beatific smile on her face, the other passengers looked at her strangely. The attendant came up to her and handed her a red rose, a white rose and a pink rose. A card was attached and read:

For my wife, friend and lover. -- Love, Will

Elizabeth brought the card to her lips and settled back, waiting for the plane to take off.

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Int. Four Season Hotel, NY

William paced nervously in his room, the weather outside was looking nastier by the minute. He was fearful for Elizabeth. Traveling in such weather. He knew that he should have waited and come with her. But she wanted to be traditional and not see him before the wedding. Her stubbornness. Charles and Jane tried several times to calm him down, but to no avail.

"This is mad! Has anyone rung LaGuardia to see what time her plane is due in?"

Jane sighed. "William, we've phoned them four times. The plane is in the air, and will be landing at three-thirty. She will be here." He continued to pace. Charles offered him wine to calm his nerves, he refused. A brandy, was also refused. Nothing would give him peace of mind until Elizabeth was firmly on the ground.

"William, don't you think you should get dressed? You have to leave for the church soon." He stopped pacing and looked at her. Jane and Elizabeth were so different and yet, so alike in some respect. When Jane would turn her head a certain way, it was Elizabeth through and through. He took her instruction and headed off to put on his tuxedo.

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Int. NY Shuttle

The flight was rough due to the turbulence and on more than one occasion the pilot came on to explain what was happening. Elizabeth, tired of looking out the window, put on the headphones and listened to the music. Trying to drown out the chatter around her, she didn't hear the ding of the captain's bell. She was startled when the attendant who had given her the flowers, rudely shook her.

"Ma'am, we need to take the earphones back, the pilot has to land in Hartford." Elizabeth looked at her in horror.

"We can't land in Hartford. I'm getting married in New York, not Hartford."

"Ma'am, they've shut down LaGuardia. I'm sorry there really isn't anything I can do." The attendant started to walk away then turned to Elizabeth and smiled gently. "You can hire a car at the airport to drive you to New York." Elizabeth looked around wildly. "My gown, I need to put my gown on." The attendant led Elizabeth to a small area where they usually get dressed. Luckily she had taken the gown on board with her, and hung it up in the closet meant for staff only.

Dressed in gown, she smiled happily when the consensus was that she looked incredible. She couldn't wait for William to see her. Sitting back at her seat (and shocking the other passengers, in the meantime.), Elizabeth waited for the plane to land in Hartford.

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Int. St. John's Church, NY

Jane looked at Charles in horror after hanging up with the airline. How could she tell William that Elizabeth was rerouted to Hartford. Charles took Jane aside and gently prodded her.

"How do we explain this to him?" Jane asked. Charles took a peek at William and watched him wear out the carpeting with his pacing.

"Let me talk to the priest, and see if he'd be willing to hold off. She could get here by six?" Jane looked skeptically at him, but thought it the right thing to do. Luckily it was a small enough church, and not too many people had been invited. Asking them to hold off for a little while, shouldn't present a major problem.

Georgiana stood by William and pleaded with him to stop pacing, but it only fell on deaf ears. He checked the window at least a hundred times; he even stood outside in the snow, damning it. His heart told him that she would be there. Would that he had not left her yesterday. Would that he had the dress shipped to them. Of course in hindsight, everything is 20/20. Closing his eyes, he envisioned her gliding to him. His sweet tender kisses covering her dewy face. Finally calling her Mrs. Darcy after a dozen years. He sat down heavily and put his face in his hands.

Jane tentatively walked to William and quietly explained what she knew. To say that he was relieved that she would be landing, is appropriate. To say that he was anxious, that he knew she was okay, is even more appropriate. Jane soothed him as much as she could and as much as he would allow.

"She will be here, Jane."

"Indeed, she will." She smiled at him.

End of Scene IV

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Act VIII Scene V

Posted on Thursday, 29-Oct-98

Int. Hartford Airport

The flight attendants allowed Elizabeth off the plane first, and she hightailed it to the limousine service in the main lobby of the small airport. She begged, pleaded and was at the mercy of the Darcy name to get her anything. Absolutely nothing was available. Checking her watch, it read four-ten, she became desperate. Trying to phone William on his cellular, she cursed him that he either didn't have it with him or neglected to turn it on. She knew of one person that could possibly help her in Hartford. She phoned Henry.

Henry explained that a state of emergency had been declared in four northeastern states, finding a cab would be difficult, and he couldn't make it in time. Elizabeth refused to give in to the tears that were starting to form, she would make it to New York, and she would marry him tonight. As if a savior from above was sent to her, a lone cab driver pulled up in front of the doorway.

"Can you take me to New York?" she asked breathlessly.

"I sure can. It'll cost ya." He smiled a toothless grin.

"Ok, I need to get to St. John's Church…" she proceeded to give him the address, and finally relaxed against the seat. The driver started to light up a cigarette.

"Oh, no! You can't! You'll make my dress smell. Please, I'll give you five hundred dollars to not smoke!" she silently prayed that William was carrying that amount with him.

"Well for five hundred dollars, I think I can deal without this vice." He looked at her through the rearview mirror. "So you're getting married?"

She smiled, "Yes, and I'm going be late. I have forty minutes to get to New York City, and become Mrs. William Darcy."

"Honey, I don't think we'll make NYC in forty minutes with this snow."

"Just do the best you can, please?" he nodded in agreement and turned the radio on for her.

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Int. St. John's Church

William went out and explained that due to the weather, Elizabeth was running late, but everyone should relax and wait; unfortunately, he couldn't practice what he was preaching. He was a nervous wreck. Having no clue where his bride-to-be was, and beating himself up, again and again, for not ignoring her stubbornness and forcing her to travel yesterday. He went back into the Sacristy. The priest was able to quickly go to the rectory and bring over some refreshments for the wedding party. William sipped warm soda and ate stale crackers.

Jane stared at William and watched the nervousness rise then cease, over and over again. If only he knew where she was.

"She's okay, William. A little snow would not stop her from marrying you."

"I put her danger. I should have made her come here yesterday when the roads were still clear."

"William, this isn't you feeling sorry about yourself right now, is it?" he smiled at her. "Elizabeth, will come traipsing through that door at any moment, wondering why everyone is just moping around. This is your wedding day -- smile!"

He gave her a false smile, and she allowed it, but for this time only. "Will, where is your cell phone?" He indicated to the tux jacket that he had taken off. "Is it on?"

"I don't know. I think so."

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Elizabeth continued staring out the window cursing the falling snow. Ordinarily, she would be fascinated by the snow, but today, it was ruining the one day she had lived for. She refused to allow the tears to get the better of her.

Checking her watch for the hundredth time, she willed the snow to magically disappear and the sun to appear. But that would not happen.

I don't know where my baby is
but I'll find him, somewhere, somehow
I've got to let him know how much I care
I'll never give up looking for my baby

She heard Lisa Stansfield croon from the radio.

Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him

She started laughing at the song. It was too perfect.

We had a quarrel and I let myself go
I said so many things, things he didn't know
And I was oh oh so bad
And I don't think he's comin' back, mm mm

Except for that verse, she hadn't had a quarrel. They were not mad at each other and she knew that he would come back and would wait and would love her. If only she were there. She lost herself in the song, ignoring the sad verses and only singing the chorus.

Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him

The cab driver kept a constant eye on Elizabeth, hoping that he wasn't making her too late for her own wedding. But who would get married during a snowstorm to begin with? He watched the clock on the dashboard, she was now officially five minutes late for her own wedding.

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Henry was finally able to get through to William and told him that Elizabeth was safe on the ground and heading this moment to NYC. William gleamed when he heard the news. Although still upset that this was becoming a nightmare. However, he reprimanded himself by saying that he would have a good laugh about this in fifty years.

William went out and told the congregation what was going on. That some of them were a little peeved, was natural. That some of them were getting hungry, most definitely. Georgiana offered to run out and buy pizzas for everyone. William laughed -- pizzas at a wedding.

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At six-thirty, Elizabeth finally entered the city of New York, and the sigh that escaped from her was enough to even make the ascerbic cab driver laugh. And laugh he should, he was suffering from a nicotine attack, but five hundred dollars was great inducement to withhold.

Traffic was at a standstill. Elizabeth was horrified. She was moving nowhere, and from irate drivers most of them had been in the gridlock for hours. She sat in the stalled traffic for half an hour, trying not to scream at someone. Two hours late for her own wedding and most likely everyone gone. An incredible idea came to her.

"Can you still make it to the church?"

"Not in this traffic, ma'am."

"Okay, can you go to the Four Seasons later tonight and ask for the Darcys? That will be my name soon. I'm gonna walk to the church from here."

"But that's twenty blocks away, at least three miles. And what about my money?"

"If you come to the Four Seasons, you will be duly paid. Has a bride ever lied before?" she pouted to him.

"You don't have a coat." He said resignedly. "Ya, I can meet you tonight at the Four Seasons." She smiled a bright smile to him.

"I'll be fine, luckily the dress has long sleeves. Thank you for you kindness and generosity. You will be well taken care of." And with that she hopped out of the cab. Hiking up the skirt to her dress, she took off at a run, being extremely careful not to slip and fall in the freshly fallen snow.

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William finally nodded off in the chair, all that pacing had worn him out. Georgiana had pizzas delivered to the church, and the priest thought this the strangest affair, he'd ever been a part of. Charles stayed close to Jane and shook his head in amazement. This was the weirdest wedding he had ever partook of.

"What time do you think your sister will finally show?" he asked laughing.

"It's not funny, Charles. God only know where she is."

"I'm sorry. This has been the strangest day. We have a missing bride, a sleeping groom and the guests eating pizza!" Jane had to admit it was quite funny. And started laughing softly so as not to disturb the sleeping groom.

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Elizabeth couldn't believe how cold and wet it was. Forget about even trying to look decent. But people still honked their horn when they saw a lovely vision in antique white flash right by them. All that was going through her mind was that he better be at the church. Some guys offered to marry her; some women told her that Halloween had been over for a while. Continuing at a pace, that had there been no snow, she would have made it there in at least half an hour. Checking her watch she saw that it was close to eight.

Who's crazy idea was it to get married in the middle of winter! she thought as she continued her run.

End of Scene V

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Act VIII Scene VI

Posted on Friday, 30-Oct-98

Ext. Streets of New York. Int. St. John's Church


Elizabeth continued running through stalled traffic, down sidewalks, on the street when the sidewalks were too messy. Wet and cold, she refused to give up. Throngs of people were out waiting for the big apple to fall in Times and most of them commenting on Elizabeth's style of dress. Trying to get through Times Square proved to be the hardest. Drunk men grabbed at her and young girls asked her why she was a princess; she had no time to answer any of them. Her one thought was getting to the church. The snow started to lighten up, but there had to be at six to eight inches on the ground. The only thing that gave her any comfort was the thought of being in his arms tonight -- warm and cozy and safe.

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William awoke with a start and jumped out of his seat. Jane rushed over to him and told him that she still hadn't arrived. She did everything she could to comfort him, but nothing would calm his fear. He was resigned to the fact that he would not be getting married tonight. Jane couldn't help but shed tears for him. Inside the main church, the crowd, although restless, were being crooned by the vocalist.

I'll be seeing you;
In all the old, familiar places;
That this heart of mine embraces;
All day through

William rose and starting his pacing again. He checked his watch and let out a strangled moan. Charles tried to explain that everything would be fine and Elizabeth, although late, was on her way. Georgiana tried not to cry for her brother, but seeing his thus, disturbed her.

"I'm going for a walk, if I stay here one more minute, I'm likely to explode."

"Do you want Charles to go with you?" Jane asked.

In that small cafe;
The park across the way;
The children's carousel;
The chestnut tree;
The wishing well.

"No. I need to be alone." And with quick strides he was gone.

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Elizabeth found herself within blocks of the church, but found herself tired, hungry, and extremely wet. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath and brush the snow out of her hair. She fairly well looked like a dark-haired Q-TIP. She looked down at the her gown. Her beautiful gown that was intricately covered in pearls, was unlike anything he could imagine. Simple, but elegant; not pouffy, but straight; empire-waisted and long sleeved, beautiful squared neck, he would've loved it. No, she thought, he will still love it, because he loves me.

A policeman spied Elizabeth cleaning herself off and walked over to her. "Do you need help, miss?"

She looked at him and allowed the tears that she had been holding back to spill down her cheeks. He looked at her warily and waited for her to calm down.

"I'm late. I was supposed to get married at five and it's now eight. I've run about sixteen blocks, been grabbed, harassed, and told that Halloween has been over for months now. My fiancé has probably left the church thinking I've stood him up. And I waited twelve years for this day."

"What church do you need to go to?" She gave him the information in between crying. He put a warm blanket around her and escorted her into his car. He turned the heat on full blast to warm her up. He even offered her his just-bought coffee, which she gratefully accepted. Turning on the sirens, he made his way to St. John's Church.

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William walked from one corner to the end of the street, daring not to leave in case she arrived. After pacing up and down the street, he stayed firmly put on the front steps. Watching and waiting.

I'll be seeing you;
In every lovely, summer's day;
And everything that's bright and gay;

Willing her to be okay, he stared up at the white sky. Hoping that at any moment she will turn the corner or a cab would usher her down the street.

I'll always think of you that way;
I'll find you in the morning sun;
And when the night is new;

Cars slowly drove by and he strained to see if she were in them. It all came to nothing. Jane watched him out of the window. Charles came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her away.

William brushed the snow off of him and listened to the sirens in the distance. Closing his eyes, he remembered the first time he met her. He smiled to himself. A pig indeed! Then here in New York, when he was so besotted with her. Fighting his romantic feelings. When he was with her, he finally found that peace wash over him. It took so long for him to penetrate, and when he did, it was 'heaven on earth'.

The siren sounds came closer, and he tried to block it out. He was enjoying thoughts of her. He remembered the first time they came together. He must thank Joseph Reed for that incredible night. The night that they spent at the lighthouse. Even more so incredible, because she was his, and he was hers.

He hoped that she was thinking the same thoughts right now. That somehow he could telepathically send his thoughts and love to her.

She was thinking the same thoughts. The policeman told her one more corner and she would be at the church. Her heart started beating wildly. A huge smile came to her face. Please, please, just be there, she willed.

The policeman knew that the car would not make the narrow street and asked if she would mind hopping out. She didn't care, she had finally made it.

William left the stairs and started walking to the end of the street. Elizabeth started running down the street. She hadn't seen him. She made it to the stairs and saw a shadowy figure walking dejectedly up the street. Straining to see his face, she couldn't make it out. But she knew his walk.

"William!" She called out.

I'll be looking at the moon;
But I'll be seeing you.

End of Scene VI

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Act VIII Scene VII (Conclusion)

Posted on Friday, 30-Oct-98

Int. St. John's Church

8.30 pm

William couldn't get to her fast enough after she had called out to him. Almost slipping in the snow, he picked her up, kissed her and spun her around. Not quite realizing that she was pretty much soaked through and through. Not one word was spoken between the two for ten minutes, but a kiss that lasted just as long. Only when she shivered, did he manage to break free and see that she was wet.

Putting his tuxedo jacket on her, he quickly escorted her into the church. Jane was relieved, Georgiana happy and Charles ecstatic that she finally made it. William held onto to her tightly, while Jane went to retrieve towels to dry off her wet sister.

"Darling, what happened?"

She looked at him and started to cry. "I've ruined everything."

He stroked her hair and try to calm her down, he whispered into her ear, "Shhh. Nothing is ruined. You are safe and sound. That is the only important thing right now." Jane arrived back with the towels and wrapped her hair in one.

"The priest is still willing to marry you two. I've asked him to give us an hour so you can dry off and eat something, Lizzy." She nodded her head and William was in agreement.

Elizabeth spoke quietly to William, "I ran sixteen blocks. The traffic was horrible and I wanted to get here. And the plane…" she started crying and buried her head in his chest. He pulled her into a small room off the Sacristy and sat her down. Kissing away her tears.

"Don't, Elizabeth, don't. We will be married tonight."

"I'm a mess. I look horrible. I've ruined any plans you had." He silenced her again with another kiss. "I love you, Will. Only you are willing to put up with me."

"I love you so much. I was crazy here without you, wondering where you were, and if you were okay. I can't live without you. In one hour's time, you will be Mrs. William Darcy, then I am taking you to our suite at the Four Seasons and get some warmth and nourishment into your body. You're shaking all over."

He rubbed her arms trying to warm her up. He moved his nose to her nose and rubbed it in Eskimo fashion.

"William, I owe the cab driver five hundred dollars."


"I told him that if he didn't have a cigarette from Hartford to NYC, you would give him five hundred dollars." He laughed at her and she laughed; and inside the Sacristy, it was a wonderful sound.

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Elizabeth's father waited for her to finish up in the ladies room. Semi dry and with the help of a blowdryer and Jane's makeup. Elizabeth was presentable. William told her that he would've married her in the towel if need be. She said she would never, ever get married in a towel. Jane fixed the dress and took care of any splatters on the bottom of the skirt.

Waiting for the trumpeter to begin, (she decided against the traditional wedding march) strains of Stanley's Trumpet Voluntary filled the church. William stood at the altar with Charles right behind, waiting for the woman he loved to make her way down the aisle.

Elizabeth stopped at the doorway and gave her sister and father a kiss, before taking up her father's arm. To say that a collective sigh of relief took place, is not too far fetched. After her father shook William's hand, he softly kissed his daughter and proceeded to sit in the pew. William offered his arm to her and she took it. The two of them heard not one jot of what the priest said. They were too busy staring at each other, smiling, and waiting.

Charles stood by with the rings. William kissed Elizabeth's diamond encrusted wedding ring before placing it on her finger as he said his vows. Elizabeth followed suit, kissed his ring and slowly placed it on his finger. Looking deeply in his eyes as she said her vows. After the rings were exchanged, William surreptitiously stroked her hand and held onto it firmly. After ten minutes of listening, or not listening to the priest, he quietly turned to William and told him that he may kiss his wife. Cheers abounded from all quarters. After kissing his wife, the priest formally acknowledge the newly-married couple. Charles shook William's hand and Jane kissed her sister. William quickly grabbed his wife and kissed her again.

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Int. Four Seasons Hotel

Elizabeth soaked in the hot bath, slowly trying to work out all the knots and aches and extreme cold that her bones felt. William stopped in and brought her a glass of champagne, coyly asking if she wanted or needed any company. She surprised him by telling him no. She wanted to soak for a couple more minutes alone, then she would come to him and eat dinner.

When done with the bath, she put on the lovely negligee that Jane had given her as a wedding gift. A creamy ivory colored silk with matching robe. Putting her hair up in a twist she lightly spritzed a natural light scent over her and headed into the dining room.

William gazed at her with as much love as one could. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her the gentlest of kisses. Quietly walking over to the table, he helped seat her. She picked up the red rose that graced the fine china.

"So, Mrs. Darcy how was your day?" Her eyes lit up when he called her "Mrs. Darcy."

"Fairly uneventful, Mr. Darcy. Are you trying to come on to me?" he nodded his head and laughed.

Elizabeth prepared a plate for her husband and then served herself. She was finally able to tell him what had happened without breaking into fresh tears. He told her how anguished and mad at himself he was for allowing what happened today, happen. They both agreed to not discuss the events leading up to the actual wedding for a while.

After eating, William headed to the stereo and put in a CD.

"Would you like to take spin out on the floor, Mrs. Darcy."

"I think you like my new name."

"Indeed, I do. It only took, oh -- a dozen years to change it!" he said happily.

Before she could come back with something witty, the phone rang. The cab driver had come to collect his earnings. William shot her an amused look and counted out six one hundred dollar bills.

"Just think what comes with that five hundred dollars." She said seductively. After paying the driver and tipping him extremely well, William rushed back to his wife. She sat on the sofa with a come-hither look, and he did.

Finally able to extricate himself from her grasp, he reminded her of their dance. Holding out his hand for her, she told him. "I'm still a lousy dancer."

"My wife is the best dancer there is."

"I think you just say that because I will sleep with you." She joked. She smiled to him and put her hand in his. "William, did you ever think that from the day I drove you from Chicago to Boston, that we would end up here, married!"

"Always." He grinned at her.

The soft soothing sounds of the music, made her move closer to him.

How can I tell you what is in my heart?
How can I measure each and every part?
How can I tell you how much I love you?
How can I measure just how much I do?

"This is my song to you, Elizabeth." He whispered in her ear.

"Shhh." She said.

How much do I love you?
I'll tell you no lie
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?

"I've waited a long time for this night, love."


How many times a day do I think of you?
How many roses are sprinkled with dew?

He bent down and kissed her. Softly stroking her back while she played with the curls at the base of his neck. She softly kissed his neck.

"Love me forever, Elizabeth."

"I will, forever." She whispered back.

How far would I travel
To be where you are?
How far is the journey
From here to a star?

William kissed her neck and found the spot behind her ear that still reduced her to nothing. Thrillingly running his hands up an down her back and up to her shoulders, she moaned in delight.

"Love me, William."


And if I ever lost you
How much would I cry?
How deep is the ocean?
How high is the sky?

Gently picking up his wife, William proceeded to the bedroom where he did everything to her that is totally unmentionable.

The End....

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Epilogue Scene I

Posted on Saturday, 31-Oct-98

Author's Note: It's me again, I cannot let these characters go away!!! They are firmly ensconced at Pemberley and Elizabeth made Will bring Henry. He will be useful!!! I'm so glad that he is a great character, Oh and onto the show and opening credits (I just really like this song).

I was alright for a while
I could smile for a while
then I saw you last night
you held my hand so tight

when you stopped to say hello
you were wishing me well
you couldn't tell
that I'd been crying over you
crying over you

and you said "so long"
and left me standing all alone
alone and crying, crying, crying, crying
it's hard to understand
that the touch of your hand
can start me crying

I thought that I was over you
but it's true, oh so true
I love you even more than I did before,
oh darling what can I do
No you don't love me and I'll always be
crying over you, crying over you
Now you're gone and from this moment on
I'll be crying, crying, crying, crying,
crying, crying, over you

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Int. Pemberley Conservatory

December 31, 1991

Elizabeth sat in Pemberley's conservatory listing to Roy Orbison and rubbing her now huge stomach. She was a week over due and felt clumsy, fat and ugly. Even William's loving and gentleness, didn't make her feel any better. She wanted the child born and born soon. It was hard to believe that just one year ago today, she was running in the middle of a blizzard trying to actually get married. She could hardly believe it. She has been Mrs. Darcy for one full year.

William knew exactly where to find her. Since he proposed to her in this room, she always came here to think or to relax. Many times, she and William would close the room off and make love listening to the rumble of the waterfall. Their first child had been conceived in this room. It was the first room he dared to go to when he was searching for her.

Mrs. Reynolds was ecstatic with the upcoming arrival and couldn't wait either. To have the pitter-patter of small feet gracing Pemberley again, was wonderful. Since Elizabeth came, the house has never been livelier. They gave few big parties, but preferred small ones; with only certain people. Many people commented on William's free-spirited wife. She would take out the MG and fly down the narrow streets, most of the time with the top down, letting her hair get all wild due to the wind.

William was able to transfer his white-hot bond fund to the London office, but he had a complex office set up at Pemberley, so he was away minimally from his wife. She wasn't too thrilled with London and always wanted to go back to the haven of Pemberley.

William came in undid his tie and loosened the button to his shirt; Mrs. Reynolds told him where to find Mrs. Darcy; she also handed him some fruit and milk for Elizabeth. Elizabeth's eyes were closed, and he was afraid of waking her up. He quietly padded over to her and gave her a soft kiss on the brow. She opened her eyes, after the kiss.

"Hello, darling."

"Hello, love." She sat up and gave him a proper kiss.

"I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep." She brought his hand to her cheek and closed her eyes again. He gently stroked her cheek and played with her hair. His short strokes always seemed to comfort her. He looked down at her swollen belly and smiled. He took his fingertips and lightly massaged her stomach. The baby always moved when he would put his hands on her stomach.

"I wish the child would make an appearance, Will. I'm so tired of carrying this bundle up front with me."

"I know love. It shouldn't be much longer. I would say you have at least a couple of hours." He smiled assuredly to her.

"Oh Lord! Darling, happy anniversary." She remembered.

He pulled out a small elongated box and handed it to her. She carefully opened it with wide eyes. She pulled out a beautiful diamond studded tennis bracelet and he clasped it on her.

"William, this is absolutely beautiful."

"For a beautiful woman. Do you realize that you have made me the happiest of men, Liz?"

She sat up and took him into her arms. He was careful not to hurt her protruding stomach. She started laughing when remembering what she was exactly doing one year ago.

"I still can't believe, through a blizzard, I ran to get married to you. Through the streets of New York City, in a beautiful wedding gown, I ran to you."

"I waited twelve years for you. You needed to suffer a bit, just like I suffered."

"Suffered! This coming from someone who dated five seasons. Let's see: Summer, Autumn, Winter, married Spring, then made me jealous with Fall."

"Fall wasn't to make you jealous, love."

"Oh no? Then why did you bring her?" she laughed.

"Why did you bring Joey Tribbiani? The man with no brains." Elizabeth took offense.

"He did too. He is a very sweet man."

"He wanted to sleep with you, Liz."

"So, didn't you?" She retorted back. He grinned at her. "I was told by Charles that I had to bring a date. Joey was willing to put up with that crowd." She caught his look. "I never slept with him."

"No, but he did kiss you a lot."

She sighed. "You weren't making any moves then." She remembered later that evening. "But you did, when I fell asleep, you kissed me so tenderly."

"How did you know, I meant to ask you."

She laughed, and tousled his hair. "I was in the in-between stage of sleep. I dreamt that you and I were leaving our dates. The kiss is what made me want you."

He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her. "Like that?" her eyes blazed for him. But sadly, she couldn't reciprocate. "I miss having you, Liz."

"I know, darling. But like you said not much longer."

End of Scene I

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Epilogue Scene II

Posted on Saturday, 31-Oct-98

Int. Pemberley Livingroom and Lambtonshire Inn

January 2, 1992

William left his home office and checked in on Elizabeth several times during the day. She was officially nine days overdue and worried. She had seen her midwife, and she told her that everything was fine, baby's heartbeat was normal, she was healthy. It was just a matter of time. He spied her watching a British talk show, chewing on a pencil.

"What's the matter, love?"

"I'm bored, Will."

He looked at her and tried thinking of something they could do to alleviate her boredom. "I've got it. Why don't we go out for lunch? I can ring Henry, and he can take us to Lambton?"

She flashed him a bright smile and lumbered off the sofa. "Let me change and try to look presentable?"

"Liz, you are absolutely beautiful and glowing."

She wobbled over to him and hugged him. "You are too good to me."

Henry had the car ready for them in ten minutes; he and William helped Elizabeth into the car. Getting up and down was harder and harder for her. She joked to him that she was carrying at least a fifteen pound baby. William would laugh and say that a baby that weighed a stone came from good stock.

"Hello, Mrs. D. and how are you doing this fine afternoon." Henry said happily. He was very happy to stay on in the employ of the two nicest people.

She gave him a stern look and told him, "Fat, Henry. Fat."

Henry drove quietly to the Lambtonshire Inn, he had too much fun watching William soothe his wife and put his arms around her large stomach. Elizabeth quickly, as usual, went into his arms.

"I've been mean and nasty, Will. Do forgive me." She said quietly.

"I will do nothing of the sort. You're nine month's pregnant and extremely uncomfortable. I only wish there were something I could do to alleviate it." She settled comfortably against him. "Are you sure you don't mind having the baby at Pemberley, love?"

"Will, we've discussed this. I have no problem with the midwife. I've had an extremely healthy pregnancy, I'm strong, the house is comfortable. You'll be there and that is all that matters."

Arriving at the restaurant, Henry and William, again helped Elizabeth out of the car. The local folk did like seeing the extremely pregnant Mrs. Darcy. She always had a huge smile on her face. She was always trying to be very active in the local rotary club, and made quite a name for herself doing freelance writing for the local newspaper. Since her time to deliver was drawing near, she couldn't participate until after the birth of her firstborn.

"Good Afternoon, Mrs. Darcy, and how are ye today?" Mr. Wilton came up to her.

She smiled gently to him, "Still lumbering along; how are things going with the paper? Was Lou Grant able to give you the information you needed about the new printing presses?"

"He did, indeed. But we must thank your generous nature for the funds to purchase it." William shot her a look, and she ignored it with a smile letting him know that she would let him in on it later.

"It was nothing, Mr. Wilton. This newspaper is very important to the community. How is Mrs. Wilton doing. I understand she's out of the hospital." He smiled brightly to her.

"Yes'm, she came home about a fortnight. She's doing well. Foot will be in a plaster for a while, but other than that, no immediate danger."

"Very good to hear." She turned to William. "Well, Mr. Wilton, my husband looks famished, we will talk again." She took William's arm and went into the restaurant.

He helped seat her and she picked up the red rose that graced the china. "Will this continue forever?"

"Do you not like it?"

"No! I love it. I just thought after thirteen years, you'd get tired of it."

He looked at her dubiously, "Elizabeth, something is bothering you. What is it?"

"Will, like I told you earlier, I'm bored. I can't do anything until this child is born. I'm a prisoner in the house and can only go out with you or Henry. It's not fair."

He know knew what it meant to have a hormonal wife. "Elizabeth, this child will be here at any moment. You don't have to wait much longer."

"That is easy for you to say, you're not carrying the extra load up front. In fact, you look damn sexy in that double-breasted suit. And I like that you are wearing your glasses more and more. Makes you look more studious."

"Are you coming on to me, Mrs. Darcy?"

"Hmmm... How much would I love to actually. This is complete madness." She looked down to her stomach. "Is there something good in there, and that is the reason you don't want admittance into the real world."

William laughed at her. Then he quickly stroked her cheek. "Because you are so passionate, I love you. Because you care about things, I love you. Because you are you, I love you."

"But I want you, Will. I mean want you." He saw the longing in her eyes, and he felt it too. He wanted his wife, too.

"What did the midwife say?" he placed his napkin on his lap.

"She said of course we could. We would have to try different positions."

"So what's the problem?" he said with sparkling eyes.

"Me." She said plaintively.

"Are you afraid?" she nodded her head.

"Then we don't. Liz, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Right now, you comfort is the most important thing to me. I listen to you."

She sighed, "Will, I love you. Way too much." He took hold of her hand and gently kissed each finger.

"I think you will have this baby anytime now. And when you are ready, you and I will get together and please each other in ways that are unimaginable."

"Oh, don't tease me." She cried.

"Ah, I tease you not. We will come together and make that 'Heaven on Earth' again." He grinned at her. Then reached over the table and kissed her.

End of Scene II

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Epilogue Scene III

Posted on Monday, 02-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Game Room

Later that afternoon

William set up the card table for Elizabeth's amusement and proceeded to shuffle the deck. Elizabeth sat down heavily and sighed a sad sigh. He found her to be more amusing as the minutes ticked away. She nibbled on the celery and carrot sticks that William had prepared for her.

"It's not that bad, Liz. Honestly."

"Maybe this was a mistake."

He looked at her, "Playing cards?"

"No, having children. I'm no good at it. Ahhh…" she grimaced.

He continued dealing out the cards. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You haven't even given birth yet and already your questioning your ability to be a mother?"

"But I can't even give birth on time. And then when the time comes, I'll probably be very bad at it." She tried to make herself comfortable in her seat.

"You're just nervous. Listen Liz, I'm scared too, but this child is brought forth because of two people who love each other senselessly." He threw down a card and took one from the pick-up pile. "Of course we're going to make mistakes, but we'll learn from it."

"You make it all sound so wonderful. Ooh..." William checked his watch.

He laughed. "What?"

"The baby kicked hard." She picked up a card from the pile after throwing one down also. "Why do we always play poker. I hate poker."

"Because Liz, it's the only game you know how to play." He smiled loftily to her. "And quite badly indeed. What's in your hand." She showed him a three of a kind and a queen and king, of the same suit.

"Not too badly, dear. Hmmm…" she fidgeted in her seat. William surreptitiously checked his watch again and smiled.

"Baby kicking again."

"Must have been the food I ate. The baby is having a field day in there. Oh dear…"

He wrote down her score and reshuffled the deck. "Another game." She smiled wearily to him and agreed. The sighing, the fidgeting, and the need to get up and walk around from time to time, brought a smile to William's lips. He found the need to check his watch every seven minutes.

"How long did that kick last for?"

"A long time. Very active football player in there."

"American football, love."

"Or Soccer player."

"No, footballer."

"Or ballerina. Ouch!" Elizabeth said hastily. "Oh dear, with strong toes."

William stroked her hand. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Baby is extremely active tonight. What time is it?"

"Six-thirty, love."

At that instant, Elizabeth looked at him with wide water-filled eyes, gripped the table and exclaimed, "Good God!"

"I'm phoning the midwife. I suspected you were having contractions." William dialed the midwife's number and she told him that she would be right over -- to keep her active and walking and no more food. However, small sips of clear liquids would suffice.

William helped Elizabeth walk around Pemberley. Mrs. Reynolds was notified that it was time and the house went into an uproar. Georgiana, Jane and Charles were phoned in Boston. Elizabeth managed to talk for a little while to her sister.

After walking around for half-hour, the midwife showed up. She gave Elizabeth a bright smile, then admonished her for her lack of focus and breathing technique.

"William, what sort of coach are you, if you make your wife hyperventilate. Liz, take deep cleansing breaths. Like this." She showed her the correct way, and both William and Elizabeth followed. She turned to William. "What room will she labor in?"

They walked up the stairs, but after taking three, Elizabeth couldn't make it so William carried her. "I don't want to do this. I'm afraid." She whispered in his ear.

"Shhh, Elizabeth, you're doing fine. I'm scared too, love." In between contractions, she gave him a small kiss.

The midwife told William to wash up thoroughly and put on clothes that he didn't mind getting ruined. He would be a helpful participant in the birth of his child. Elizabeth laid on the bed on her side, trying to master the art of breathing correctly. Had she been graded on it, she would have failed.

"The pain is too much, Will. I can't breath."

The midwife came within inches of Elizabeth. "Liz, you must focus. Go to that place that makes you the happiest and think of that. Think of warm water covering your body -- soothingly. Think of making love to your husband, and how that makes you feel."

"That is what brought me here." She cried. Both the midwife and William laughed.

"Oh, blame me, why don't you." He grinned to her.

Elizabeth rolled onto her side, and William started rubbing her back. The midwife sat in a chair reading a magazine. Elizabeth craned her neck, "At least someone is relaxing."

"Elizabeth, it's going to be awhile. Why don't you try and sleep." Mariah, the midwife commented.

"With this pain. How could I possibly relax."

The midwife got up and pulled William to the side to talk to him. He looked at her with a dumbfounded expression after she told him what he should do to help her relax. "Are you sure?"

"Will, I have been doing this for over twenty years. It works."

"And are you supposed to stay in the room?"

She laughed. "No. I will leave and give you the privacy you need. You look skeptical, you think this is farfetched?"

"Well, an ordinary obstetrician wouldn't tell me to get into bed with my wife."

"That is why I am not a doctor. Stroke her and tell her that you love her -- Softly and soothingly. If it brings her pleasure, even better."

William looked at her and laughed. A skeptical laugh, but he was willing. It was going to be a long night, and he would do anything to help Elizabeth relax.

End of Scene III

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene III

Posted on Monday, 02-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Bedchamber

Two hours later

William laid beside his wife listening to her calm breathing, softly rubbing her back, talking her through the worst of the pain. She was able to handle the worst, by his soothing touch and voice. If she felt any pleasure from his soft touch, she wasn't letting on. But she was grateful that he took the time to concentrate on her back, that was where the pain had concentrated. Sometimes when she let him he would move from her back and rub her hard stomach, but most of the time she was so sensitive he dared not try.

"Do you remember Italy, Liz?" he said quietly into her ear.


"Remember hearing Nessun Dorma performed live. Pavarotti was magnificent, wasn't he?"


"Remember after walking through the square, looking at the moon, and I remarked how the moon reflected brilliantly in your beautiful eyes."

A contraction came and she couldn't answer, she breathed through it and tried nodding her head. "Do you realize that right now I love you more than anything. You're doing great, love." Contraction ended, and she lightly squeezed his hand.

"I love you, too." She uttered softly.

He continued rubbing her back. "You like hearing the story of my falling in love with you. Would you like to hear it again?" She laughed slightly, and nodded her head. "Okay. You were the first person who called me a pig to my face. You were so fresh faced and naďve. Listening to you sing way off key in the car, how could I not fall in love with you. Wait, before I continue on. Let me tell you how much you mean to me, Elizabeth. Had I not had the memories of you in Japan, love. I would've gone crazy. Is it natural that I love you more than life itself? You helped me get through the bad times with Spring."

She turned over and he saw the tears glistening her eyes. "I can't live without you, ever, Liz."

"Me too." Another contraction and this time she grabbed on to him so tightly. "Push, I have to push."

William jumped out of the bed and called for Mariah. She came up quickly.

"You guys were so quiet in here. Did it work?"

"Yeah, it worked. But now she has the need to push."

"Okay, lets have us a baby."

"She wants music on, Mariah."

"Great. Just make it good."

William laughed. "Beatles, White Album, good enough?"

"Ah, this kid will be born in style. Well go get it." Mariah took care to check Elizabeth's readiness, and she was indeed ready. William came back with CD player and CD, Mariah reminded him to wash up again. He left with a huge smile on his face. He was about to become a daddy.

End of Scene III

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene V

Posted on Tuesday, 03-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Bedroom

Mrs. Reynolds came in as instructed and lit all the pillar candles that she and William had set up previously. Elizabeth was quite adamant about no artificial light. William had the volume to the CD player down low, but when Elizabeth commented the reason she wanted the music was to hear it, he practically blared it. Elizabeth softly started singing "Dear Prudence"

Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?

"That's it, Liz." William said when he came back into the room. She looked tiredly at him but happy. She felt a second wind coming and was ready for anything.

"It's not so bad, after all. How many children did you want again?" He came over to her with a big smile and kissed her forehead.

The next song came on and the whole room started singing.

Desmond has a barrow in the market place
Molly is the singer in the band
Desmond says to Molly-girl I like your face
And Molly says this is as she takes him by the hand.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on.

Mariah positioned Elizabeth toward the end of the bed and told William to prop her up with pillows. She wanted her so that she was practically sitting or squatting.

Desmond takes a trolley to the jewelers store
Buys a twenty carat golden ring
Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her she begins to sing.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

William took the cloth and wiped down Elizabeth's sweaty brow. Elizabeth took a deep breath, held, pushed then exhaled. Mariah and William cheering her on.

In a couple of years they have built
A home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

Mariah took hold of Elizabeth's hand and pulled her forward, lifting her up. "Remember when laying down you are going against nature, sitting or standing is the best and easiest position. Will, how'd you like to deliver your child?"

"What?!" said both Elizabeth and William.

"Once I get the shoulders out, you take my place and guide your child out. I'll be right beside you." William looked to Elizabeth who laid back against the pillows.

"Will, it's your call. Can you handle it?" Elizabeth said breathlessly. "Oooh, here comes another one." Again Mariah pulled Elizabeth forward and lifted her up.

"Head. I see a head!" Mariah shouted enthusiastically.

Happy ever after in the market place
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she's a singer with the band.

William looked to an exhausted Elizabeth, and became white. "Wait. Can we just hold off here for a moment?"

Both Elizabeth and Mariah exclaimed, "No!"

"Will, if you don't want to deliver your child, that's fine. But you have to come down here and see this."

New track started on the CD player.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

William felt as if the time stopped and slowly headed toward the edge of the bed. He saw Mariah grinning like a Cheshire cat. He took a look. "Oh, God." He groaned.

Mariah turned to him. "Will, don't you get all green on me now. You've been doing wonderfully. Just buck up and take it in stride. This is the creation of life and your child."

Elizabeth held out her hand for him, "Will, I love you."

He shook his head, swallowed and smiled to Elizabeth. "Why not."

Mariah clapped her hands. "In my bag are some rubber gloves, go put them on. Quickly, I've got one shoulder on the way out now." William fumbled around with her bag, put the gloves on and watched as Mariah rotated the baby's head.

"Elizabeth, I see it." He said happily.

"What is it?" she said tiredly.

"Not that far yet, love."

Mariah finished her part and let William take over. He firmly grasped under the shoulders, encouraged Elizabeth to give one more push, and watched the child come into the world.

End of Scene V

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene VI

Posted on Tuesday, 03-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Bedroom


William gasped as he held his son in his arms. Mariah was ready with warm blanket and syringe to clean off the newborn. Elizabeth relaxed against the pillows. Tears streaming down her face. A small, but fierce cry emanated from his small frame.

"What is it?" she asked.

"A boy, Elizabeth. A beautiful baby boy."

"Your son." She said sleepily. "Happy?"

William handed his son to Mariah who instructed him how to cut the umbilical cord. Finished with that, the baby was placed in Elizabeth's arms and allowed to nurse, and William took his place beside Elizabeth.

"I know this is going to feel weird, Liz, but I still need you to push. Not quite so hard as earlier." Mariah pushed down on Elizabeth's stomach. "Good girl, Liz. All done. You did a great job, both of you did a wonderful job."

Mariah took the baby to attend to it. William rang the bell twice notifying the servants that a boy was born, and Mrs. Reynolds came in moments later with a big grin and clean clothes for Elizabeth and baby. Mariah returned the baby to the wanting arms of his mother.

"Look at how small he is." Elizabeth looked at William. "Did you count the fingers and toes?"

William slapped his brow, "I completely forgot." Both parents put the child down to count. When finished, Elizabeth scooped him up close to her.

"He's ours, Will. Yours and mine." Her eyes blazed with love for her husband and child. "Will, thank you. You are the best man a woman could want. You did an incredible job. I won't ever forget your soothing caresses, you birdlike kisses, and your gentle voice."

William held back tears, and smiled the gentlest smile. Softly stroking his wife's brow and his son's back. The child nursed contentedly. "I told you, I would go to the ends of the earth for you and with you. That is how much I love you."

"What I would do without you? What did I do without you." She reached up and touched his face. "You complete me, too."

"So in about six weeks how about we start in on another child?" he said enthusiastically, she stroked him suggestively. "Elizabeth, you must be famished. I had Mrs. Reynolds specially make your favorite, macaroni and cheese."

"You do think of everything, don't you."

"You know I don't just make a bazillion dollars running the hottest bond fund in the world. I also deliver infants and tell people to make macaroni and cheese!"

"We need to call the states and give them the news."

"Before we do that, I have something that I want to give to you."

She smiled to him. "What?"

"I'll be right back." And true to his word he was right back. He presented her with a piece of paper and told her to read it.

Today is the day that changed my life
Today is the day that my wife
brought forth a life
Love, happiness and harmony
Are all that we choose
And to never lose.

Today is the day that I realized how much
That everything I thought was important
and such is not; you are my life
and always my wife
that brought forth this life;

I christen him Christopher William Darcy


"I know it's really bad. But I thought Christopher was a great name. Oh Liz, Christopher Darcy has a wonderful ring to it."

Tears poured down her cheeks again. "Not the name, you dummy. The poem. I love it -- as corny as it is!"

"So do I get Christopher William Darcy."

"Yes, you get Christopher William Darcy. But I get Isabella Constance Darcy in about ten months!"

"I say you have a deal." He kissed her again and again and again.

End of Scene VI

Epilogue Scene III

Posted on Monday, 02-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Game Room

Later that afternoon

William set up the card table for Elizabeth's amusement and proceeded to shuffle the deck. Elizabeth sat down heavily and sighed a sad sigh. He found her to be more amusing as the minutes ticked away. She nibbled on the celery and carrot sticks that William had prepared for her.

"It's not that bad, Liz. Honestly."

"Maybe this was a mistake."

He looked at her, "Playing cards?"

"No, having children. I'm no good at it. Ahhh…" she grimaced.

He continued dealing out the cards. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You haven't even given birth yet and already your questioning your ability to be a mother?"

"But I can't even give birth on time. And then when the time comes, I'll probably be very bad at it." She tried to make herself comfortable in her seat.

"You're just nervous. Listen Liz, I'm scared too, but this child is brought forth because of two people who love each other senselessly." He threw down a card and took one from the pick-up pile. "Of course we're going to make mistakes, but we'll learn from it."

"You make it all sound so wonderful. Ooh..." William checked his watch.

He laughed. "What?"

"The baby kicked hard." She picked up a card from the pile after throwing one down also. "Why do we always play poker. I hate poker."

"Because Liz, it's the only game you know how to play." He smiled loftily to her. "And quite badly indeed. What's in your hand." She showed him a three of a kind and a queen and king, of the same suit.

"Not too badly, dear. Hmmm…" she fidgeted in her seat. William surreptitiously checked his watch again and smiled.

"Baby kicking again."

"Must have been the food I ate. The baby is having a field day in there. Oh dear…"

He wrote down her score and reshuffled the deck. "Another game." She smiled wearily to him and agreed. The sighing, the fidgeting, and the need to get up and walk around from time to time, brought a smile to William's lips. He found the need to check his watch every seven minutes.

"How long did that kick last for?"

"A long time. Very active football player in there."

"American football, love."

"Or Soccer player."

"No, footballer."

"Or ballerina. Ouch!" Elizabeth said hastily. "Oh dear, with strong toes."

William stroked her hand. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Baby is extremely active tonight. What time is it?"

"Six-thirty, love."

At that instant, Elizabeth looked at him with wide water-filled eyes, gripped the table and exclaimed, "Good God!"

"I'm phoning the midwife. I suspected you were having contractions." William dialed the midwife's number and she told him that she would be right over -- to keep her active and walking and no more food. However, small sips of clear liquids would suffice.

William helped Elizabeth walk around Pemberley. Mrs. Reynolds was notified that it was time and the house went into an uproar. Georgiana, Jane and Charles were phoned in Boston. Elizabeth managed to talk for a little while to her sister.

After walking around for half-hour, the midwife showed up. She gave Elizabeth a bright smile, then admonished her for her lack of focus and breathing technique.

"William, what sort of coach are you, if you make your wife hyperventilate. Liz, take deep cleansing breaths. Like this." She showed her the correct way, and both William and Elizabeth followed. She turned to William. "What room will she labor in?"

They walked up the stairs, but after taking three, Elizabeth couldn't make it so William carried her. "I don't want to do this. I'm afraid." She whispered in his ear.

"Shhh, Elizabeth, you're doing fine. I'm scared too, love." In between contractions, she gave him a small kiss.

The midwife told William to wash up thoroughly and put on clothes that he didn't mind getting ruined. He would be a helpful participant in the birth of his child. Elizabeth laid on the bed on her side, trying to master the art of breathing correctly. Had she been graded on it, she would have failed.

"The pain is too much, Will. I can't breath."

The midwife came within inches of Elizabeth. "Liz, you must focus. Go to that place that makes you the happiest and think of that. Think of warm water covering your body -- soothingly. Think of making love to your husband, and how that makes you feel."

"That is what brought me here." She cried. Both the midwife and William laughed.

"Oh, blame me, why don't you." He grinned to her.

Elizabeth rolled onto her side, and William started rubbing her back. The midwife sat in a chair reading a magazine. Elizabeth craned her neck, "At least someone is relaxing."

"Elizabeth, it's going to be awhile. Why don't you try and sleep." Mariah, the midwife commented.

"With this pain. How could I possibly relax."

The midwife got up and pulled William to the side to talk to him. He looked at her with a dumbfounded expression after she told him what he should do to help her relax. "Are you sure?"

"Will, I have been doing this for over twenty years. It works."

"And are you supposed to stay in the room?"

She laughed. "No. I will leave and give you the privacy you need. You look skeptical, you think this is farfetched?"

"Well, an ordinary obstetrician wouldn't tell me to get into bed with my wife."

"That is why I am not a doctor. Stroke her and tell her that you love her -- Softly and soothingly. If it brings her pleasure, even better."

William looked at her and laughed. A skeptical laugh, but he was willing. It was going to be a long night, and he would do anything to help Elizabeth relax.

End of Scene III

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene IV

Posted on Monday, 02-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Bedchamber

Two hours later

William laid beside his wife listening to her calm breathing, softly rubbing her back, talking her through the worst of the pain. She was able to handle the worst, by his soothing touch and voice. If she felt any pleasure from his soft touch, she wasn't letting on. But she was grateful that he took the time to concentrate on her back, that was where the pain had concentrated. Sometimes when she let him he would move from her back and rub her hard stomach, but most of the time she was so sensitive he dared not try.

"Do you remember Italy, Liz?" he said quietly into her ear.


"Remember hearing Nessun Dorma performed live. Pavarotti was magnificent, wasn't he?"


"Remember after walking through the square, looking at the moon, and I remarked how the moon reflected brilliantly in your beautiful eyes."

A contraction came and she couldn't answer, she breathed through it and tried nodding her head. "Do you realize that right now I love you more than anything. You're doing great, love." Contraction ended, and she lightly squeezed his hand.

"I love you, too." She uttered softly.

He continued rubbing her back. "You like hearing the story of my falling in love with you. Would you like to hear it again?" She laughed slightly, and nodded her head. "Okay. You were the first person who called me a pig to my face. You were so fresh faced and naďve. Listening to you sing way off key in the car, how could I not fall in love with you. Wait, before I continue on. Let me tell you how much you mean to me, Elizabeth. Had I not had the memories of you in Japan, love. I would've gone crazy. Is it natural that I love you more than life itself? You helped me get through the bad times with Spring."

She turned over and he saw the tears glistening her eyes. "I can't live without you, ever, Liz."

"Me too." Another contraction and this time she grabbed on to him so tightly. "Push, I have to push."

William jumped out of the bed and called for Mariah. She came up quickly.

"You guys were so quiet in here. Did it work?"

"Yeah, it worked. But now she has the need to push."

"Okay, lets have us a baby."

"She wants music on, Mariah."

"Great. Just make it good."

William laughed. "Beatles, White Album, good enough?"

"Ah, this kid will be born in style. Well go get it." Mariah took care to check Elizabeth's readiness, and she was indeed ready. William came back with CD player and CD, Mariah reminded him to wash up again. He left with a huge smile on his face. He was about to become a daddy.

End of Scene IV

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene V

Posted on Tuesday, 03-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Bedroom

Mrs. Reynolds came in as instructed and lit all the pillar candles that she and William had set up previously. Elizabeth was quite adamant about no artificial light. William had the volume to the CD player down low, but when Elizabeth commented the reason she wanted the music was to hear it, he practically blared it. Elizabeth softly started singing "Dear Prudence"

Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?

"That's it, Liz." William said when he came back into the room. She looked tiredly at him but happy. She felt a second wind coming and was ready for anything.

"It's not so bad, after all. How many children did you want again?" He came over to her with a big smile and kissed her forehead.

The next song came on and the whole room started singing.

Desmond has a barrow in the market place
Molly is the singer in the band
Desmond says to Molly-girl I like your face
And Molly says this is as she takes him by the hand.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on.

Mariah positioned Elizabeth toward the end of the bed and told William to prop her up with pillows. She wanted her so that she was practically sitting or squatting.

Desmond takes a trolley to the jewelers store
Buys a twenty carat golden ring
Takes it back to Molly waiting at the door
And as he gives it to her she begins to sing.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

William took the cloth and wiped down Elizabeth's sweaty brow. Elizabeth took a deep breath, held, pushed then exhaled. Mariah and William cheering her on.

In a couple of years they have built
A home sweet home
With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Desmond and Molly Jones.

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on

Mariah took hold of Elizabeth's hand and pulled her forward, lifting her up. "Remember when laying down you are going against nature, sitting or standing is the best and easiest position. Will, how'd you like to deliver your child?"

"What?!" said both Elizabeth and William.

"Once I get the shoulders out, you take my place and guide your child out. I'll be right beside you." William looked to Elizabeth who laid back against the pillows.

"Will, it's your call. Can you handle it?" Elizabeth said breathlessly. "Oooh, here comes another one." Again Mariah pulled Elizabeth forward and lifted her up.

"Head. I see a head!" Mariah shouted enthusiastically.

Happy ever after in the market place
Molly lets the children lend a hand
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she's a singer with the band.

William looked to an exhausted Elizabeth, and became white. "Wait. Can we just hold off here for a moment?"

Both Elizabeth and Mariah exclaimed, "No!"

"Will, if you don't want to deliver your child, that's fine. But you have to come down here and see this."

New track started on the CD player.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

William felt as if the time stopped and slowly headed toward the edge of the bed. He saw Mariah grinning like a Cheshire cat. He took a look. "Oh, God." He groaned.

Mariah turned to him. "Will, don't you get all green on me now. You've been doing wonderfully. Just buck up and take it in stride. This is the creation of life and your child."

Elizabeth held out her hand for him, "Will, I love you."

He shook his head, swallowed and smiled to Elizabeth. "Why not."

Mariah clapped her hands. "In my bag are some rubber gloves, go put them on. Quickly, I've got one shoulder on the way out now." William fumbled around with her bag, put the gloves on and watched as Mariah rotated the baby's head.

"Elizabeth, I see it." He said happily.

"What is it?" she said tiredly.

"Not that far yet, love."

Mariah finished her part and let William take over. He firmly grasped under the shoulders, encouraged Elizabeth to give one more push, and watched the child come into the world.

End of Scene V

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene VI

Posted on Tuesday, 03-Nov-98

Int. Pemberley Bedroom


William gasped as he held his son in his arms. Mariah was ready with warm blanket and syringe to clean off the newborn. Elizabeth relaxed against the pillows. Tears streaming down her face. A small, but fierce cry emanated from his small frame.

"What is it?" she asked.

"A boy, Elizabeth. A beautiful baby boy."

"Your son." She said sleepily. "Happy?"

William handed his son to Mariah who instructed him how to cut the umbilical cord. Finished with that, the baby was placed in Elizabeth's arms and allowed to nurse, and William took his place beside Elizabeth.

"I know this is going to feel weird, Liz, but I still need you to push. Not quite so hard as earlier." Mariah pushed down on Elizabeth's stomach. "Good girl, Liz. All done. You did a great job, both of you did a wonderful job."

Mariah took the baby to attend to it. William rang the bell twice notifying the servants that a boy was born, and Mrs. Reynolds came in moments later with a big grin and clean clothes for Elizabeth and baby. Mariah returned the baby to the wanting arms of his mother.

"Look at how small he is." Elizabeth looked at William. "Did you count the fingers and toes?"

William slapped his brow, "I completely forgot." Both parents put the child down to count. When finished, Elizabeth scooped him up close to her.

"He's ours, Will. Yours and mine." Her eyes blazed with love for her husband and child. "Will, thank you. You are the best man a woman could want. You did an incredible job. I won't ever forget your soothing caresses, you birdlike kisses, and your gentle voice."

William held back tears, and smiled the gentlest smile. Softly stroking his wife's brow and his son's back. The child nursed contentedly. "I told you, I would go to the ends of the earth for you and with you. That is how much I love you."

"What I would do without you? What did I do without you." She reached up and touched his face. "You complete me, too."

"So in about six weeks how about we start in on another child?" he said enthusiastically, she stroked him suggestively. "Elizabeth, you must be famished. I had Mrs. Reynolds specially make your favorite, macaroni and cheese."

"You do think of everything, don't you."

"You know I don't just make a bazillion dollars running the hottest bond fund in the world. I also deliver infants and tell people to make macaroni and cheese!"

"We need to call the states and give them the news."

"Before we do that, I have something that I want to give to you."

She smiled to him. "What?"

"I'll be right back." And true to his word he was right back. He presented her with a piece of paper and told her to read it.

Today is the day that changed my life
Today is the day that my wife
brought forth a life
Love, happiness and harmony
Are all that we choose
And to never lose.

Today is the day that I realized how much
That everything I thought was important
and such is not; you are my life
and always my wife
that brought forth this life;

I christen him Christopher William Darcy


"I know it's really bad. But I thought Christopher was a great name. Oh Liz, Christopher Darcy has a wonderful ring to it."

Tears poured down her cheeks again. "Not the name, you dummy. The poem. I love it -- as corny as it is!"

"So do I get Christopher William Darcy."

"Yes, you get Christopher William Darcy. But I get Isabella Constance Darcy in about ten months!"

"I say you have a deal." He kissed her again and again and again.

End of Scene VI

0x01 graphic

Epilogue Scene VII

Posted on Wednesday, 04-Nov-98

Int. William and Elizabeth's bathroom

Eight weeks later

Elizabeth allowed the warm water and the steam to engulf her senses. The aromatherapy candles helped soothe her. Christopher was a bit colicky and difficult at times, but it was well worth it. He was such a beautiful baby. Looking exactly like his father with dark fine curls and his eyes a deep brown, also just like his father. However soaking in the tub, Elizabeth was tense. William as upset with her for not wanting to resume their marital duties, before Christopher she was more than a willing participant; but now, it was excuse after excuse. Too tired, the baby will wake. I'm not ready. That one had particularly hurt him, because the gynecologist told him that everything was fine and she could resume her conjugal duties whenever she wanted. Whenever she wanted, she wasn't sure what she wanted right now.

Soft music came out of the speakers that William had installed in the house. She hadn't turned on any music and looked around in annoyance. She slid deeper into the water, cascading it over her stomach and legs. She completely immersed herself and didn't hear the door open. William came in and saw his wife under the water -- eyes closed, and hair fanned out beautifully. She looked like a mermaid. She came up quickly, wiped the water from her eyes and tossed her hair back. William looked at her lustfully.

I want you the right way
I want you
But I want you to want me too
Want you to want me, baby
Just like I want you

"Is something wrong with Christopher?" she said anxiously.

"He's fine, sound asleep, dry and well-fed." He dropped his robe.

"What are you doing?"

I give you all the love
I want in return, sweet darlin'
But half a love is all I feel
It's too bad, it's too sad
You don't want me now
But I'm gonna change your mind
Someway, somehow, oh baby

I want you the right way
I want you
But I want you to want me too
Want you to want me, baby
Just like I want you

"Taking a bath with my wife." He growled as he went into the warm water.

"I wanted to be alone for a little while."

He sat opposite her in the huge tub and sank down to his shoulders. She picked up the washing cloth and soaped it up. She lifted her leg and placed it on the edge of the tub. He watched as she took the cloth and washed her leg. She stretched her leg higher and higher. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She took her leg off the side of the tub and submersed it. She did the exact same thing with the other leg. Again he watched with fascination.

This one way love is just fantasy, oh sugar
To share is precious, pure and fair
Don't play with something you should cherish for life, oh baby
Don't you wanna care
Ain't it lonely out there

"Who's watching Christopher? I asked you to listen in on him." She sank back down in the water.

"He's… ah… You know… Mrs. Reynolds is listening for him."

She looked at him. "Why are you not cleaning yourself? You said you wanted to take a bath. I thought it was to get clean."

He sat up and submerged his hands in the water, taking her leg into his hands. He softly started stroking it. Working his way up to her thigh. "What are you doing?" she gasped as his hand went higher and higher.

"I want my wife." He said huskily and pushed his face close to hers.

I want you the right way
I want you
But I want you to want me too
Want you to want me, baby
Just like I want you

"In the tub?" He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close to him.

"You've been teasing me for way too long, Liz. I need you and I want you." He nuzzled her neck and started kissing her shoulder.

"Don't you think we need more time?"

"Time for what?" he said angrily. "No, I don't think we need time. What we need is each other. Liz, this is ridiculous. What the hell are you afraid of?"

She sunk back into the water. "Maybe you should leave and take your bath later."

William looked at her sadly, then suddenly pulled her into a passionate kiss. He pulled her as close as she could possibly get and refused to let her go. He felt her give in to the kiss. He moved his hands to her back and gently stroked the outline of her shoulder blades. She brought her hands up to his face and traced the outline of it.

"Want me, Elizabeth." He said softly.

I want you the right way
I want you
But I want you to want me too
Want you to want me, baby
Just like I want you

She nodded her head.

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Next day

Elizabeth awoke with her curly hair cascading over her husband's bare chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around her and pulled her close beside him.

"I'm sorry, Will."


"Being so incredibly stubborn and difficult at times." He smiled and kissed her nose.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I need to work on my fears." He propped himself on his arm and looked down to her. He lightly brushed her curly tendrils off her forehead.

"I think we just need to communicate our fears to each other better than we have since Christopher has been born. Liz, you and Christopher are my life. I want the three of us to be happy, healthy and well-seen to."

"I've decided against Isabella Constance, by the way." She said suddenly.


"I thought we could name her after this house."

"You want to name your daughter Pemberley?" he asked in shock.

"No. Not Pemberley. Kimberley Elizabeth Darcy."

"I love it. Kimberley Elizabeth. Well should we start in on making Kimberley Elizabeth?" His eyes glinted suggestively. Before she responded verbally, she had already taken matters into her own hands.

Mrs. Reynolds looked after Christopher for most of the day. William and Elizabeth finally emerged from the sanctity of their bedroom around dusk.

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Kimberley Elizabeth Darcy made her appearance on December 26, 1992. And again, Mariah midwifed the delivery and William, again, delivered his screaming daughter. She made her presence known the minute she hit the cold air.

William's white hot bond fund fizzled during the 1994 collapse of bonds. But with his quick wit and cunning practices, the Emerging Markets Funds made him the most well-respected Investment person, surpassing his former boss, Peter Lynch.

Elizabeth continued to freelance for the county newspaper and even sold some articles to the Boston Globe. Her column was called A Yankee in Derbyshire.

Christopher grew up to be a spitting image of his father, but with his mother's mannerisms. His acceptance to his mother's alma mater, made her very proud. He became a intensely popular journalist for the Washington Post.

Kimberley Elizabeth Darcy was as blonde as you could get and her serenity came from her both her aunts Georgiana and Jane Bingely. She was accepted to Cambridge University, dropping out to get married.

William and Elizabeth enjoyed their later years traveling back and forth to Chicago, Boston and Italy, where Kimberley had taken up residence.

Elizabeth never did get over her fears, but with the love and support of her husband, they didn't come up as often as they once did.

Both William and Elizabeth never had to worry about the passion fizzling out in their long marriage. With all the different positions and techniques they learned, they had quite an interesting sex life!

And now without further to do…

THE END, Really!


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