3B translated


approval - zatwierdzenie

affiliation - przynależność

determinant - wyznacznik

wear - ubranie

endeavour - próba, staranie, wysiłek

reveal - ujawniać

indicate - wykazać

applicable - odpowiedni, stosowny, mający zastosowanie

with respect towards - w odniesieniu do

demonstrate - wykazać

way of conduct - sposób postępowania

exhaustive manner - wyczerpujący sposób

high self esteem - wysoka samoocena

strive for - dążyć do


Hip-hop is one of the most popular subcultures in the country. There are many members in it because of many reasons. In general they try to satisfy their needs like for example the need of approval or affiliation as well as social needs membership in a youth group. It has got such determinants as characteristic wear, music, creativity and specific code of image and behaviour. The main elements of this culture are: music, break-dance and graffiti.

In the course of this research endeavour it has been revealed that the youth can indicate some positive aspects of membership, which are specific to the hip-hop subculture: belief in God, patriotism, creative and personal development and so on. Subcultures show the negative aspects as well: vulgarization of language, an attitude towards aggression or violence and more. Surveyed young people can demonstrate characteristic elements of their values which are applicable in hip-hop subculture with respect towards the standard values that organize their way of conduct and the other important values such as family, friendship, work, education and so on. Young people who become identified with this subculture are in sharp contrast with those individuals who do not feel identified with it. Young people who belong to hip-hop subculture responded to the question in different ways. They answered in an exhaustive manner as their colleagues who were not members of this group.

Hip-hop music and its subculture are a way for escaping from the block of flats and everyday routine, bad family relations, as well as the lack of life prospects. Hip-hop seems to be the simplest way of escaping from stress and frustration, which leads to violence and drug addiction. The creative nature of this subculture helps young people to have high self esteem and strive for something constructive in their lives.

It is really important to explore the youth's aspirations, frustrations and expectations. Hip-hop is a voice of the young generation. It is worth making use of it to enhance the quality of the dialogue between generations. I'm sure that our knowledge of hip-hop culture can help build better mutual relations with the young and the old.



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