Vocabulary revision Matulka part 1T

Vocabulary revision Matulka Part 1 (1-25)

Task 1 Complete the sentences with suitable words.

  1. Bomb disposal experts have d__________________ a 110-pound bomb at Victoria Station.

  2. The terrorists were given ten minutes to s__________________. (give up)

  3. He lost both legs in a b__________________ trap bomb blast. (a hidden bomb)

  4. No one has yet c__________________ responsibility for yesterday's bombing.

  5. The rebels have s__________________ power. (to take control of a place using military power)

  6. The dead man's wife and children were the chief m__________________s. (a person at the funeral)

  7. They're on trial for committing a__________________ against the civilian population. (extremely cruel and violent actions)

  8. He will not confirm or d_________________ the allegations.

  9. We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had v_________________ into thin air (= had completely disappeared).

  10. Governments make laws and the police e_________________them. (to make people obey a rule or law)

  11. The plane vanished without a t__________________.(=disappear completely, without leaving any sign of what happened))

  12. The government i__________________ a ban on the sale of ivory.

  13. Two men were shot during f__________________ fighting last weekend. (violent)

  14. The bomb attack was in r__________________ for the recent arrest of two well-known terrorists. (action against someone who has done something bad to you)

  15. We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to a__________________ ship.

  16. She persuaded her r__________________ husband to take a trip to Florida with her. (unwilling)

  17. He was a__________________ a leading participant in the coup attempt.(rzekomo)

  18. She d__________________ the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.

  19. Nuclear weapons p__________________ a threat to everyone.

  20. Prolonged e__________________ to the sun can cause skin cancer. (narażenie/wystawienie)

  21. Alfred was shot in r__________________ for the killing of a rival gang member. (activity against another person, especially as a punishment by military forces or a political group)

  22. There was an u__________________ in violence during June and July. (a sudden increase)

  23. The castle was under s__________________ for months. (oblężenie)

  24. Because of a previous conviction, the judge refused to grant b__________________ (= allow the accused person to be released).

  25. The submarine s__________________ when enemy planes were sighted.

  26. The report was le__________________ to the press. (became known)

  27. He was found guilty of s__________________ and imprisoned. (when someone tries to destroy or damage an established system or government)

  28. E__________________ exercise can sometimes cause health problems. (too much)

  29. The men are due to stand t__________________ (=be judged in a court of law) on a drugs charge.

Task 2 Explain the difference between the words.

  1. Wounded/ injured/ fractured

  2. Hijack/kidnap

  3. Spare part/ counterpart

  4. Truce/ceasefire

  5. guerilla /rebel

  6. moderate/hard-liner

  7. homicide/ manslaughter

  8. praise/ condemn

  9. strict/ lenient

  10. clashes/unrest

  11. ombudsman/ spokesperson

  12. cornerstone/centerpiece

  13. bystander/ witness

  14. to impose a ban/ to lift a ban

Task 3 Word formation

  1. To confirm – c______________________ (noun)

  2. to seize - s______________________ (noun)

  3. to reinforce - r______________________ (noun)

  4. to expel - e______________________ (noun)

  5. to disband - d______________________ (noun)

  6. to restrict - r______________________ (noun)

  7. to comply with sth - c______________________ (noun)

  8. a mourner – to m______________________ (verb)

  9. a threat – to t______________________ (verb)

Task 4 Translate the following words/ expressions into English

  1. dostać się pod ostrzał-

  2. krótkotrwały –

  3. wziąć udział w spotkaniu –

  4. Postanowić coś zrobić –

  5. zabójstwo z litości –

  6. wejść w życie -

Task 5 Explain the meaning of the words/ expressions in bold.

  1. A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted murder/robbery last night.

  2. The weeks following the riots were extremely tense.

  3. protracted negotiations/discussions/ arguments

  4. He accused the government of intransigence.

  5. He ordered the jury to disregard the witness's last statement.

  6. The thief snatched her purse and ran.

  7. diplomacy aimed at stopping further bloodshed

  8. I have made tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle in July./ The government is taking tentative steps towards tackling the country's economic problems.

  9. A man leapt out brandishing a kitchen knife.

  10. The current health care system is inequitable and unjust, with huge disparities between the rich and the poor.

  11. The result has given the team an unassailable lead.

  12. The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.


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