Taabia Dupree Pia

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Copyright 2011© Taabia Dupree All Rights Reserved ®

Updated Version, 11-14-2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents

are the product of the author's imagination.

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by Taabia Dupree

Monday mornings are the same for Pia; morning jog to the Café Brill for her
blueberry muffin and orange juice. Sitting at the little table outside the café,
watching the rushing Joe’s, hurry off to their nine to fives. Cheery, Pia
finishes off her muffin and juice, flips her trash in the nearest bin, and jogs
back to the condo. Like clock work, the paper boy delivers her paper to the
entrance hall desk. Then she catches the elevator to the 12


floor. Once

inside her condo, she takes a peek at the entertainment section before
jumping into the shower.

As Pia unlocks her condo’s door, she happily remembers she doesn’t
shower alone any longer. She kicks the door shut without a backwards
glance, automatic locks being the newest thing. She hurries over to the
nook by the patio window, were she opens up the paper to the
entertainment section. There she can find the latest gossip.

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Pia, an actor since childhood, loathes gossip magazines, but she seems to
be in them lately. Blinking several times, she looks at the newest gossip,
trashing her. Pia starts to fume.

“They want a scandal? I’ll give them a gawd-dayuum scandal.” Pia
screams. She throws the newspaper. It lands two feet in front of her. She
stomps over and starts kicking the paper around, and sliding between
attempted kicks.

The photograph is of her and a red head, busty woman, leaning into Pia, at
club Feisty, a few nights prior.

Pia screeches.

Pia’s loud ranting startles Sasha conscious. Just another tantrum, she
murmurs yawning. Sasha assumes. If I was asleep, Pia would jump on the
bed bawling or screaming about whatever had made her furious. This
morning she obviously didn’t make it to the bedroom.
Sighing deeply,
Sasha gets out of bed, stretches with her arms above her head, her nipples
pointy, as a result of the bedrooms temperature. Finally, she walks out the
bedroom, to the halls bathroom. Pia hasn’t noticed her coming out.

Standing in the hallway contemplating making her presence known, she
shakes her head at Pia. Deciding better of it, she walks into the bathroom.
In there, she can hear Pia screaming. When she comes out, Sasha strolls
into the living room area to see what what’s going on.

Yawning she ask, “What the hell is all the whining about, it’s too early in the
morning Pia? Dayum, the casting call is at noon. I need at least eight hours
to look my best. Why disturb such a beautiful sleep again this morning.
Whatever is the matter?”

Pia glances up at the sound of Sasha’s voice. She was so engrossed in her
stomping, she didn’t hear her approach. She blushes and surmises. It’s not
like I should be ashamed at being so pissed off, but waking Sasha, that
makes me feel awful
. Her face reddens from embarrassment. Backing
away from the paper mess, Pia grins at her girlfriend. My Goddess of

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beauty that one, Pia thinks. From the first time she came in contact with
Sasha, she lusted for her body. For months Sasha ignored Pia. Not

Sasha lies back on the brown leather couch. She stretches and makes cat
purring sounds. Her thoughts are of Pia. Perhaps if I had waited, Pia could
have finished her tantrum, crawled in bed and given me a little tongue fun,
before I had to get up to get ready for my casting call.

The distance from the table nook where Pia stands and where the leather
couch is, isn’t far. Pia could be over to Sasha in just a heartbeat. Instead
she gawks at her. Still experiencing surprise, when seeing a beautiful
woman like Sasha, love her, and want her. It makes Pia express a wide

As Sasha is settling, Pia looks over her body. Not wearing any clothing is
enough to arouse Pia’s emotional energy and heighten it to sexual
overdrive. Naturally tanned skin, long torso, curves like a winding river.
Sasha’s breast is shapely, Double D’s, with nibbles large and succulent
when wet by tongue.

The air in the room is comfortable, not cold, but Sasha’s nipples are rock
hard. Pia watches the rise and fall of Sasha’s breast. She smirks, when she
notices her toned belly, and sees the dangling heart navel piercing. The
piercing is a present given to her girlfriend when they became a couple.

Visualizing Sasha’s double D’s in her hands, kneading them, licking around
the nipples, suckling. Pia imagines her partner’s voluptuous tits are
searching out her mouth or her tongue with nipples hard and pointed. She
licks her lips thinking about the sweetness of those nipples. Brilliantly her
tongue would lick around the areola, before pressing her lips down on the
nipple. The suckling would come next until Sasha screams out pleasurable

Paying close attention to Sasha’s naked body, stretching and nestling into
the couch, Pia finds it difficult, her clit pulsates.

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Satisfied she found the right comfy spot, Sasha turns her head towards
Pia’s. “You little bitch; that’s why you didn’t answer me, you were eye
balling me the whole time I was getting comfortable.” Sasha laughs.

Mesmerized by her body, Pia spots the goose bumps rising on Sasha’s
skin. With a Cheshire cats grin, she remembers the last time the two of
them were on the couch.

She’d come home early and found her girlfriend sprawled on the couch.
Sasha’s black mini above her waist; her panties lye on the floor next to her
six inch heels, and three of her fingers were between her pussy, her
breath, heavy. Pia’s coming into the condo never deterred her. Sasha may
not have heard the door open. When Pia entered, her head was down
looking at the mail. She suddenly looked up when she heard the moans.
Sasha was lying on the couch pumping her hips up and down. Pia fell into
the door, wide eyed and surprised. She took gulps of air while trying to
calm her breathing. A surge of excitement trickled down her body. She
dropped the mail she was holding and cupped her breast and pinched her
nipples through her T-shirt. She pinched them as hard as she could. She
watched Sasha’s forehead glisten as her fingers glided in and out of her
pussy. Her grunts and moans loud. Pia’s eyes glazed over as she put her
own fingers down her sweatpants and in her panties. She rubbed and
pinched her clit. With her eyes closing, her cumming only took seconds.
She opened her eyes just in time to see Sasha cum. Pia licked her lips and
walked over to the couch. Sasha, breathing hard, looked up at Pia and
grinned. Pia leaned in, kissed her, and asked Sasha, Can I help?

Sasha’s laughter pulls Pia back to the present, “What? Did you say
something?” Erotic thoughts flashes in front of Pia, but she remembers
Sasha was talking to her.

Sasha cracks up laughing. Seeing Pia trying to maintain self control she
says to her, “Pia my horny love, what were you thinking so hard about,
hmm? Come over here my sweet. Let me take care of that stress, I was
hearing you yell about. Let me take it away.” She opens her arms wide, and
awaits Pia to lay in them. With pleasure she thinks, Pia may be bratty and

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sometimes childish but I love her. We aren’t that much different in age, but
I am wiser than she is. Jeeze, she just turned twenty-four. Time waits for
no one. I figure I have learned a lifetime of things in my twenty-six years.
I’m happy now, happier than I have been in a very long time. No time for
reflecting on bad times. Look at her. She won’t last long. Her clit is
probably throbbing out of control about now.

Pia’s clit flutters, the blood rushes through her veins, her breath quickens,
her mind races with pictures of past sexual encounters with Sasha. Their
time together the night before, gratifies her shivering body.

She came into the room after her shower and Sasha was lying on the bed
fingering her pussy. Her moans took over Pia’s senses. Her body dripping
wet from the shower. The cool air makes her body quiver. It brings her to a
sensual, sexual elevation. From where she had stood, it was tantalizing.
She hurried to the bed, and kissed Sasha between a moan and a gasp.
The kiss escalated into them making love on top of the sheets before
falling asleep in each others arms.

The memories crash into her psyche, she bites down on her lip. She gives
herself a mental shake. Inhaling, and then exhaling to control her breathing.
Pia determines if she doesn’t slow down her train of thought, she will have
multiple orgasms before she even touches Sasha.

Sasha wiggles a finger, a gesture for her to come over. Pia, seemly in a
trance, doesn’t move. Sasha speculates what the horny devil could be
concentrating on.

With smiling eyes, she lavishly glances at Pia’s soft, pink colored lips. In
the midst of controlling her own libido, Sasha sighs longingly to taste those
lips. Her eager clit throbs to be touched. Her eyes sweep over Pia and
stops on her black tee. The imprint of hardening nipples creates a wave of
euphoria, to come over her. Always braless, Pia’s tits are just the right
Sasha thinks. Her nipples began to hurt, she wants them pinched and

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Sasha’s breast rise up and down rapidly. Her breathing becomes uneven.
Pia recognizes that as Sasha having an orgasm. No longer able to stand
and watch her much-loved girlfriend lying on the couch. Pia travels speedily
across the room, bends in and suckles her right nipple. Sasha arches her
back, and fists Pia’s hair from both sides. Any lingering piece of hair, gets
brushed away quickly, as she gives Pia a clearer angle to suckle. Sasha
moans and Pia suckles harder. Sasha body shakes. A first wave of
orgasms takes her. The one hits her when Pia uses her other hand to
finger Sasha’s clit. The flowing juices from her pussy make gliding in and
out with her fingers easy. Pia, anxiously wired and over zealous, thrust four
fingers into Sasha’s pussy, using a rhythm matching her frame of mind.

Pia groans into Sasha’s breast. I want to fuck. I need you fucking me, and
tasting me, and spanking my ass.

Pia greedily pulls the nipple with her teeth. Although in a forceful mood, she
tries not to bite down. Instead, she nips around the breast; Sasha’s stack is
soft. She marks her with a long suck on the side

Sasha cries out in pleasure. Pia’s nipples ache. Her clit pounds through her
panties. As her mouth waters, she licks around the nipple, flicking her
tongue back and forth. Moaning, she massages the breast and rubs her
face around the nipple.

She loses all reserve, and pulls away from the nipple to stand. Pia strips
out of her black tee and matching colored shorts. Determined, she pulls
Sasha to the floor and pushes her back onto the rug. Both lovers are
thirsting for each other. With unsteady breathing, Pia grabs Sasha by the
thighs, spreads her legs wild eagle and dives her face right in-between,
inhaling Sasha’s aroma.

Sasha is stunned, but keyed up, FUCK, FUCK. Wildly her head goes side
to side as Pia delves deeper in with her teeth, tongue and mouth.

“Oh, Fuck, Pia,” excitedly Sasha raises her ass upward and grabs Pia’s.
“Oh Gawd, Oh Gawd, PLEASE,” she screams out. Sasha takes hold of her
own left breast while she is holding Pia’s head down. With a tight grip, she

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digs her nails in. Then she gives her nipple a hard pull. Moaning and
bucking her hips, as Pia’s teeth nibble on her clit. Pia head moves side to
side as she licks and torments Sasha’s pussy.

Erratically humping up and down into Pia’s face, sounding out of breath,
Sasha cries out, “Oh Gawd Pia, I can’t. Ahhhhhhh, AAAAhhhh. I can’t take
it any more, please stop.” Sasha’s orgasms come in waves. Cum juice is
flowing, as if she is pissing on herself. Her legs are cramping, but she can’t
seem to stop her humping dance. Trying her best to drive Pia’s face into
her pussy; Sasha grabs Pia’s head of hair with both hands, and holds on
tightly. Her body convulses as Pia brings her to yet another climax.

Pia knew Sasha was lying to herself. Her tight hold on Pia’s head was
proof. She didn’t want her to stop. Breathing through her nose, barely, Pia
licks, tastes, nibbles and suckles. Her tongue is like a vibrating machine.
She is aware the love of her life is over the moon. However, her own body
twinges for lip, mouth and tongue pleasure, too. Wondering, in her position,
on bended knees, if she bends further into the carpet, can her nipples be
teased by its furry texture? Trying, with slow motion she rubs her nipples
into the carpet. The stimulation turns her on. She frees one of her hands
from Sasha’s thighs and maneuvers it just enough to reach down and force
four fingers between her moist pussy. She uses them to rub against her
hard clit. Moaning in Sasha, Pia pushes her fingers deep into her pussy.
Though pleasurable and tricky, she stays focus on Sasha’s clit, and sucked
her juices.

Pia continues manipulating her sweet spot. A methodical dance of pulling
and rubbing her own clit, gives way to moans into Sasha’s wet pussy. A
climax comes from her sexual core and she reaches an orgasmic force of

Out of breath, Pia lifts her head and looks into Sasha’s face. Sasha is lying
still. Her eyes closed, and her mouth open, for breathing.

Pia sits completely up and wipes the juices from her mouth with the back of
her hand. Gazing at Sasha, she burst into laughter. “Always one to satisfy
my sweet,” she says.

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Sasha takes a deep breath and glares at Pia. She shakes her head and
closes her eyes. Pia bends over and rubs her hands over Sasha’s
abdomen, working her fingers up to Sasha’s mounds. A stifled moan
escapes Sasha. Pia bites her bottom lip, and massages Sasha’s breast.
Sasha squirms, and murmurs, “Mmm.” Pia, naturally horny, brings her body
closer in to Sasha’s. Their bodies mesh together as she leans further in
and nibbles on the side of her neck. Sasha’s breathe catches. Pia lingers
on her neck only for a moment, she moves downward. She plants soft,
slow kisses on her shoulders and shifting attention to Sasha’s breast.

Sasha smirks, and pulls Pia’s face upward. Caressing gently and with her
two fingers, brushes Pia’s hair away. Seductively, she kisses her lips.

Pia makes an incoherent sound, licks and nibbles her lover’s lips and then
sits up on her knees and looks into her eyes. She sets in motion a new
journey of self pleasure, while Sasha watches. Pia rocks back and forth as
her fingers move in and out between her wet pussy lips. She moans, “So,
so goooood.” She slides her fingers over her clit, “Ah, Ah, mmm”, escapes
her lips. Two fingers move in and out of her pussy. She quivers and falls
forward. She nuzzles into Sasha’s breast. Sasha adjusts her body to
accommodate Pia.

Smiling into Pia’s hair, Sasha’s thoughts become wicket. Oh no my sweet,
we have more fucking to do. I have yet to spank your ass for waking me.
Mmm, I need to bite those lovely round cheeks. I want to taste that cream
that flows from you when I stick my tongue inside. Yes, my dear sweet Pia,
you need to learn a little self control and discipline. And I am going to give
you a lesson this morning that you will never forget.

“Oh, Piaaa, the bed isn’t made, let’s go fix the sheets.” Sasha sings.

Pia looks up and smiles, then she laughs and jumps up and run to the room
saying “I’ll race yah.”

Sasha giggles, running right on her heels.

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Come to my Facebook page to find out when.


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