Xondra Day Kissing Michael

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Kissing Michael

Xondra Day

Published by Iron Rose Press


Copyright 2011, Xondra Day

Other titles by Xondra Day:

Beyond Friends

Menage on the Prairie

Power Play

Star Treatment

The Blood Between

Just Upstairs


Chapter One

Parties were never a good thing, not for me

anyway. But here I was once again, sitting on a
couch beside two girls that I hardly knew from my

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senior class who were set on getting noticed by the
group of guys who stood on the other side of the
living room guzzling beer.

“The one in the middle with the black wavy

hair,” said one girl to the other. “He just
transferred here from another state. And look at
those arms. I mean, really he could so do anything
he wants to me at any time.”

The other girl snickered. “You are so bad. Why

don’t you go over there and talk to him. He’s
looked this way a couple of times. I think he
noticed you.”

She was right; the guy in question had looked

this way. I stood from the couch and placed my
empty beer bottle on the table. I needed fresh air. I
was slightly buzzed and feeling a bit randy which
wasn’t a good thing in this hick town since I was
the only guy into guys that I knew of. If there were
others then they were hiding, but then again, so
was I.

I planned on coming out once I left for college in

the fall. I’d be in another state and surrounded
hopefully with others like me. That was my hope.
I’d managed to punch out eighteen years living in

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I’d managed to punch out eighteen years living in
a closet, another few months wouldn’t hurt.

Outside the late night cool air hit me like a ton

of bricks, but it felt good. I sat on the steps and
looked up at the night sky bursting with stars. At
times like this I felt like I was the only person in
the world. At the very least I was an outcast. I had
friends - many, in fact - but they didn’t know the
real me. They only knew what I passed off as and
portrayed to them. I was the jock and the brain all
rolled into one little neat package. I was perfect in
every way and not in the one which mattered the

When the door opened behind me, I didn’t take

notice until he spoke. “Nice night.” His voice was
deep and smooth.

I turned my head and looked up not knowing

who it was at first. “Yeah, I love the night,” I
replied and nearly winced at my corny response to
him. “You’re the transfer from out of state.”

He shrugged, his broad shoulders and thick

chest moving in unison under his fitted t-shirt.
“Yeah, something like that. My name’s Michael, in
case you’re interested.” He slid around me and

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walked down the three steps to the ground, then
turned to face me and shuffled awkwardly from
side to side, a beer in his right hand. “You have a
name too, right?”

It was a silly question and I couldn’t help but

smile when he grinned at me revealing a sexy
dimple embedded in each cheek of his handsome
face. “Brett. It’s Brett.”

“I have to confess something. I saw you leave

and thought it would be the perfect chance to get
out of there too.” He took a sip of beer. “What else
is there to do in this town besides getting shit-
faced with a bunch of people you have no real
interest in?”

God, he was beautiful in every way. I had to tear

my eyes away to keep from staring at him, all of
him. “Not much. Shay Creek is what it is. You
either have to make your own fun or you’re shit
out of luck around here.”

“And how do you make your own fun?” he


I raised one brow and thought for a minute. “I

like riding my dirt bike, and I enjoy hiking around
the area.” I stood and brushed off the seat of my

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the area.” I stood and brushed off the seat of my
jeans. “I should head home.” I walked down the
steps where he was and flashed him a friendly
look along with a half-smile. “It was nice meeting
you and I’ll see you around.”

“Wait,” he said. I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Mind if I tag along?”

“If you want. I don’t live that far though. It’s just

a couple roads over.”

“Great. I was thinking that we could talk for a

bit. It’s not easy making friends when you’re
moving around a lot.” He paused. “My dad’s in
the military so you get the idea.”

I nodded. “Sure, we can do that. How do you

like school?”

“It’s okay. School is school, they don’t change all

that much. I’m looking forward to college. It’ll be
good to start out on my own.”

Michael was a lot taller than me and much

bigger in stature. I felt small alongside him as we
walked. I was definitely attracted him and
wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

“Same here. I’ve had enough of this town to last

me a lifetime.” We talked some more about what

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we expected from college and when we came to
Oleson’s Park, Michael stopped.

“I don’t want to go home straight away. Can we

hang out for a bit longer?” He motioned to the
park. “We can go sit in there for a bit.”

I followed his lead until we found a grassy

knoll. We sat down side by side and looked up at
the sky.

“The stars,” he said. “They’re out tonight in full


“Yeah.” I looked up and when I looked back

down again he was staring at me. “What?” I asked.

He turned his head away fast. “Nothing.”
“You gave me a look.”
He smiled and turned to face me again. “Maybe

I did.”

At that moment I wanted him to kiss me

desperately and from the stirring inside my jeans,
my cock wanted it too. “I don’t mind,” I managed
to say, my heart beating hard and fast inside my
chest. I swallowed and looked to the ground. I was
going out on a limb here and this could all easily
backfire in my face. Then I would be outed as the

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backfire in my face. Then I would be outed as the
fag that I was. The thought of that happening
terrified me.

“That’s good. So,” he hesitated. “You wouldn’t

mind if I kissed you? If you do, just tell me to fuck
off, man. I’ll understand. But I noticed you back at
the party and well… I felt a little something
between us.”

Hell yes I wanted him to kiss me. This was like a

fucking dream come true. I was a complete virgin;
I hadn’t even been touched up to this point in my
young gay life.

I leaned in to Michael and he did the same. I

wasn’t sure what to do next so I let him take the
lead hoping that he’d had some experience.

Our lips met and at first we did nothing but

press them together. I felt his arms move around
me until they met at the small of my back. It felt so
good being close to him, being held by him. When
his tongue breached through my lips and slipped
into my mouth, I groaned just a little. This was
fucking fantastic!

“Wow,” he said, breaking away. Our noses still

touched and I had my eyes closed wanting to

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remember everything about this ground-breaking
moment in my life. “That was just… wow.”

I repeated his sentiment, and when we kissed

again I ran one hand through his soft hair doing
my best to take him as deep as I could into my

Together we fell back on the ground with him

on top, leaning over me. “You are so friggin cute,”
he said. “Your eyes, I don’t think I have ever seen
that color of green before.” He pulled on the hem
of my t-shirt and then with one palm against my
bare tummy, Michael began to explore.

I pressed against him as his hand wandered up

to my chest, his lips now kissing the side of my
neck. “You’re so hot,” he whispered. “I want you
so bad.” His breath was hot, caressing my earlobe
as he spoke. He took it into his mouth and that just
about caused me to pass out. He laughed at my
reaction. “Sensitive?”

I nodded. “You could say that. This is all new to


“Me too, handsome. If I do something you don’t

like, tell me.”

“I have no complaints.”

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“I have no complaints.”
“Good,” he replied. “You can touch me too if

you want.”

I wanted all right. I wanted to not only touch

him, but I also wanted to lick him head to toe and
all points in between. This was my first time being
this intimate with a guy and I relished everything
about each moment that passed between us. And
it was just as thrilling as I’d imagined it would be.

Through his t-shirt I felt his muscles, the guy

was built thick. I loved it. He sat up just enough to
pull it off, but I stopped him. “Not here. What if
someone sees us?” I couldn’t imagine getting
caught. Not in this small town. “And it’s too cold.
Come back to my house. My parents are away for
the weekend. I have the house to myself.”

Michael smiled. “Sounds excellent.”


He seemed hesitant once we reached my house.

He stood there in the hallway and shuffled from
side to side. It was obvious that we were both
nervous and hardly sure of ourselves.

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“Would you like a soda or something?” I

offered. “My parents don’t keep anything stronger
in the house.”

“They sound like my parents. So, you have the

place to yourself for the weekend. That’s pretty
cool. My parents would never trust me like that.”

“I’m a good boy, or so they think.” I smiled.
Michael pulled me to him and embraced me. He

looked down at me and there was that smile again,
that lip half curled. “Are you a good boy?”

“For the most part.” I knew what he was getting

at, and boy did I ever want to be bad with him. I
felt his hands move to my butt. “I’ve never had the
chance to be bad.”

“I could seriously eat you up right here in the

hall, but I think it’s better to go to your bedroom.”

I led him by his hand down the hallway to my

bedroom. Inside, he held my face and kissed me,
this time it felt more natural and relaxed. I fell to
my knees in front of him. I wasn’t sure what I was
doing, but I wanted to see him, all of him. I
fumbled with his belt and my hands shook as I did
my best.

I reached inside his jeans into his boxers and

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I reached inside his jeans into his boxers and

when my fingers curled around his throbbing
cock, I thought I’d come right then and there from
sheer anticipation.

He smelled like musk and everything that a man

should smell like. It turned me on to no end,
holding him, feeling his cock throb as I squeezed

“Jesus, Brett. That’s feels so fucking good,” he

said. He grazed one hand across my forehead and
settled it on the back of my head.

I wanted to make Michael feel good. I pulled

back his foreskin and swiped my tongue across his
engorged head, tasting his cock for the first time.
His hot skin against my tongue reminded me of
velvet and he tasted much sweeter than I would
have ever expected.

“Fuck,” he said, his fingers running through my

hair. “Oh man, you have no idea how great that
feels when you do that.”

I ran my tongue up and down his shaft. I guess I

wasn’t totally clueless when it came to knowing
how to please another guy. I had watched enough
porn online to know what to try. It turned out that

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I was doing okay.

I reached between Michaels legs and cupped his

balls, massaging them. He jumped a little and
when I looked up at him, he winked. “Just a tad
sensitive,” he said. He reached down and pulled
me up. “I want to see and do the same to you.”


Michael took great care in undressing me slowly

and when I tried to help, he gently moved my
hand away. “Let me do it.”

I nodded and held up my arms as he pulled my

t-shirt up over my head. He then moved to my
jeans, unbuckling my belt and subsequently
hooking his thumbs into the waist, lowering them
slowly as he crouched in front of me leaving me in
just my white briefs.

I stepped out of my jeans and he tossed them

aside and did the same with his. His shirt had
disappeared already and when I sat on the bed, he
sat next to me.

We both lay back on the bed, the cool night air

cascading across our bodies as we touched each

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cascading across our bodies as we touched each
other, our eyes locked together in a knowing gaze
that said that everything was going to be okay.

Chapter Two

This had to be heaven. That was my only

thought as Michael slipped his hand inside my
briefs as he kissed me. I was getting into this more
and I kissed him back showing how much I
wanted him.

My head was light and felt just a little fluffy

from the beer I’d drank earlier and at times when
Michael kissed me on certain parts of my body, I
found back the urge to giggle. But when he traced
a finger down across my chest and stopped on the
head of my cock, I moaned and pressed my head
into his chest.

“Lay back and relax, cutie,” he said. “It’s your


Michael spread my legs and pushed my knees

up against my chest. I felt so exposed yet
comfortable. It was an odd feeling since we only
met about an hour or so ago. In fact, we were

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perfect strangers, yet here we were right in the
middle of pleasuring each other.

I felt my cock slide inside his hot mouth and for

a moment I froze in place not sure on what to say,
if anything, or how to react. So, I just went with the
awesome feeling and before I knew it I was
fucking his face, bucking my hips forward to force
my cock down his throat. He gagged, but still kept
on sucking my cock, and the harder I fucked his
mouth, the more he moaned.

Michael pulled back and withdrew my cock

from his mouth. “That’s hot,” he said, sounding
breathless. He lowered his head back down
between my legs and when I felt his wet tongue
snaking its way across my asshole, I clenched the
sheets with one hand, and bit down on my bottom

Never could I have ever though that having my

ass licked would have felt so freaking good. My
cock throbbed hard as he jacked me, his tongue
massaging my hole, forcing me to squirm with
pleasure. “Fuck, Michael. Eat my ass,” I heard
myself say. I blushed at my brash words, but
damn, if he kept this up much longer he was going

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damn, if he kept this up much longer he was going
to make me come.

Michael returned to my side and for a while we

kissed again and ground our cocks together
enjoying the fabulous friction it caused between

“This is nice eh?” he asked, his voice just above

a whisper, his lips nudging my earlobe. “This is
my first time doing anything like this with a guy.”

“Same here,” I managed to reply. “I liked it

when… you know.” I felt my cheeks grow
extremely hot.

He grinned as he looked into my eyes, his hand

now working my cock again. “You turn me on to
no end. I love your cute little ass.”

Hearing this was enough to cause my balls to

pull up. I needed to come, desperately, like now!
He must have known this because he quickened
his pace on my cock and before I knew it I felt my
cock erupt, spraying hot man juice all over his
hand, and my belly.

Michael was on his knees with his cock aimed at

my chest. He licked my cum from his hand while
he jerked his cock with the other. I was entranced

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watching this cute guy as he worked his cock, his
hand pumping hard. This was so much better than
any porn by far. This was real and happening right
in front of me in my very own bed.

“I’m coming,” said Michael. He thrust his hips

forward and let out a loud guttural grown as he
showered me with his hot jism, and when he
finally stopped, he fell back down on the bed.

“We need towels,” I said, scooting across him on

my way to the bathroom just down the hall.

“Looks like we’ve made quite the mess,” he

replied. “But it was well worth it.”

When I returned to the bedroom, I tossed him a

towel and made a mental note to put them in the
wash before mom and dad returned on Monday.
The last thing I needed was for them to find
something like that to give them a reason to ask
me awkward and embarrassing questions.

I propped my head up with one hand as I lay on

my side facing Michael. “When did you know?” I

“Know what?”
“The whole gay thing. When did you know that

you were?” It felt strange and liberating at the

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you were?” It felt strange and liberating at the
same time to finally talk about this outright
without fear of getting my face bashed in.

“I dunno. At first I wasn’t sure that I was. I did

have some attraction to girls and I dated a couple
before I moved here. I started noticing guys, which
was my first clue. It’s strange because when I think
of the word gay, I don’t see myself as being that.
That makes no sense at all, does it?”

If he meant that silly stereotype that was often

portrayed in the media, then I understood him
perfectly. I didn’t view myself that way either. “I
get what you’re saying. I started to notice that I
was different from most boys when I was eleven.
Something was probably up before then, but that
was when I started to get the feelings.”

Michael nodded. “I know what you mean. It’s

when you notice that you’re looking at the guys
around you a little more than you should.”

“Exactly. I’ve become good at hiding it. Like at

the party. I pretty much stick to myself. I try to be
social so no one will suspect anything. I play
sports and I’m good in school.”

“And all the kids like you,” added Michael.

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“I think the last girl that I dated knew

something. I couldn’t get into doing anything with
her. We tried twice, but I couldn’t get it up to be
blunt. That ended, and thank God she didn’t go
around telling people what happened between

“I have one more question,” I said. “One that I

need to ask you.”

“Shoot,” replied Michael. “I’ll do my best to

answer it.

He looked so cute stretched out naked, his hair

dishevelled, and his eyes curious to know what I
was about to ask him. “What drew you to me, and
why did you think I might be interested in you?”

“Good question.” He placed his arms back

behind his head and smiled. “You’re cute. That
was the first thing I noticed. I saw you at school a
couple of times, but I didn’t have the nerve to
approach you there. And what would I have said
if I did?

“When I saw that you were at the party, I was

looking for a way to come up to you. When you
left, that was my chance. I got a vibe from you. It’s

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left, that was my chance. I got a vibe from you. It’s
hard to explain, but something told me that you
might have been into it. I took a chance and I’m
fucking glad that I did.”

“Me too. Do I look gay or something?” The vibe

thing threw me off and I wondered if others
besides Michael were seeing this.

“No, not at all. Do I?”
I shook my head. “No.”
“So, where do you want to go from here?”
“I’ve no freaking clue. About the only thing I

know at this moment is that I liked what happened
with us tonight and I’d like for it to happen again.”
I was being truthful with him, I felt that was best.

“I like it too. I don’t want things to get strange

between us. This is our secret.”

Our secret. I liked the sound of that. “That’s cool

with me.” We kissed.

Chapter Three

I woke with the sun shining in my eyes from the

open window. My head ached along with every
muscle in my body and for a brief moment I didn’t
know where I was as my brain stepped out of the

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fog it was enveloped in.

“Hey,” I said as Michael opened his eyes.
He stretched and then shifted to sit up.

“Morning,” he replied. “Did we sleep late?”

“It’s almost ten,” I said, glancing at the clock

radio on my nightstand.

“I should call my mom. She must be freaking

right now since I didn’t come home last night. I
didn’t even think about that when we came back

He had a point.
Michael reached for his jeans on the floor next to

the bed and retrieved his cell from them. He
flicked it open. “Mom? Yeah it’s Mike.”

I could hear her yelling.
Michael held the phone away from his ear and

winced. “Yeah, I know. I should have called. I
stayed at a friend’s house. It was late and I figured
it was best.”

Whatever she said next, he agreed with as he

nodded, and when he hung up he tossed the
phone on the bed beside him. “She’s not pleased?”
I asked.

“That’s an understatement. Anyway, she’ll get

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“That’s an understatement. Anyway, she’ll get

over it. Enough about her.”

“Then, how about a shower?” I was feeling

randy and hopeful.

“A shower? Mmm, well that’s sounds rather…

hot.” Michael got out of bed and stretched again.
He was a God straight from one of my Greek
mythology books. “Lead on, sexy,” he said. And
when I walked past him he reached out and
grabbed my ass.

I looked back at him and raised one brow in

amusement. He feigned innocence. “It’s a nice ass,
I couldn’t help myself.” He pulled me back to him,
his now hard cock pressing between my cheeks.
“That’s what you do to me.” He ground against
me, his tongue on the back of my neck. “I wanna
fuck you, Brett. Would you let me fuck you?”

I closed my eyes and pictured what he was

asking. I nodded. “Yes.” I knew it would hurt,
common sense told me that. In porn vids, the guy
on bottom always moaned and groaned a lot and
the looks of discomfort on their faces often told me
more than I needed to know. “Do you have
condoms I asked?” I was horny, not stupid.

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“Yes, in my wallet.”
A past moment flashed through my head and I

remembered a tube of KY in the bathroom. “I’ll be
back in a minute.”

I returned with the tube and tossed it at Michael.

It’ll help make thing go a little easier. My asshole
clenched as I thought of his big cock trying to push
its way inside me. I watched him as he stroked his
hard-on and I seriously didn’t think it was

“Get on the bed with your ass up in the air,”

said Michael.

I did as he ordered and when I felt his finger

spreading cool lube into my ass I let out a deep
breath anticipating what was to happen next.

“I’ll go slowly, I promise.”
I nodded. “I’ll be okay.” I said this but I didn’t

believe it.

Michael pressed the head of his cock against my

tightness and when he pushed further I let out a
whimper. He froze in place, his hands holding on
to my hips. “Do you want me to stop? Does it

It did hurt, a lot. I didn’t want him to stop. It was

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It did hurt, a lot. I didn’t want him to stop. It was

crazy! “No, don’t stop. Just hold it there for a
minute and let me adjust.”

“Okay, but if you want me to pull out you only

have to say the word.”

I waited and sucked in a breath doing my best to

relax. If I relaxed, it would go smoother. “Keep

I felt him sink inside my ass inch my inch. I

concentrated on breathing deep and when the pain
subsided, it was replaced by sheer ecstasy.

“Oh man,” said Michael, this is so fucking hot.

“You feel awesome wrapped around my cock.”
He pulled back and sank into me again.

I grunted and arched my back to meet his every

thrust. Deep inside he was hitting something that
was driving me crazy with lust. “Sweet fuck,” I
muttered, my cock smacking against my belly as I
moved with him. “Fuck me. Oh yeah, Michael.
Fuck my ass!”

“Keep talking like that, babe,” he replied as he

humped me, his hand running the length of my
back. “Talk dirty to me. Tell me how much you
like my cock in your tight little asshole.”

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“I fucking love it. Give me your big dick.” He

fucked me harder and faster now, his pace

I reached down to fist my cock. I was close

already and knew that soon, Michael would have
me spewing my hot load.

“Fuck, Brett. Take me, take my cock.”
His last words did it for me. He fucking pushed

me straight over the edge with them and when I
came, I thought I’d black out from the rush I got
from it.

Michael was panting now. He pulled his cock

out of my ass and I felt his hot cum hit my
asscheeks. “Oh yeah, yeah, take that hot load,
buddy,” he said, gasping in between words.


The time right after you come is the best. We

both lay there basking in the afterglow of good
sex. I didn’t have anything else to compare to it
yet, but wow, I didn’t think anyone could ever top

“Now we can shower,” he said, looking over at

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“Now we can shower,” he said, looking over at

me. He wiped the sweat from his brow. “That
was… I don’t even know what to say.”

I stepped out of bed and he followed. He

hugged me from behind, and when I turned to
him, all I wanted to do was kiss Michael.

Enjoyed this title? Try these other titles by author

Xondra Day:

Beyond Friends

Menage on the Prairie

Power Play

Star Treatment

The Blood Between

Just Upstairs



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