Sinful Treats Violet Summers

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Atlantic Bridge

Copyright ©2008 by Violet Summers

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers



Author Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
About the Author

* * * *

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Published by Liquid Silver Books, Imprint of Atlantic Bridge

Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Copyright 2008, Violet Summers. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the authors.

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and

dialogues in this book are of the author's imagination and are
not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events
or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Author Note

In fiction-and in our club, Velvet Ice-at times neglecting to

use a condom is a part of the fantasy. In real life always
practice safe, sane and consensual sex. That said, welcome to
our fantasy!

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers



Sierra Summers-I would like to thank my family, especially

my husband for all his support while writing, as well I would
like to thank our book club. Ladies you are a wonderful
support group sharing in our triumphs and cheering us on.
Most of all I want to thank my writing partner VJ—without her
none of this is possible. Thank you for sharing this experience
and making me a better writer.

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Chapter One

Kendra Moore glanced around nervously as she and her

two best friends made their way to a table in the far corner of
the club. The three girls had been planning this night for
months, and she was determined not to be the one to back
out at this late date. She tugged at the red sequined mask
over her eyes and tried to yank the neckline of her red velvet
gown a little higher, but only succeeded in making herself
stumble in her four-inch heels.

"Oh, Hellfire." She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but

apparently her mutter had been a little more audible than
she'd realized. Celia Jenner, her absolute best friend ever,
turned and gave her a concerned look.

"Everything okay, Kennie?"
Kendra shot Celia what she hoped was a dazzling smile. It

felt more like a grimace, truth be told, but Ce grinned back
and continued her snaking trek through the club.

She must have been crazy to come here, especially on

Halloween. Velvet Ice's reputation was scandalous on a
normal night. On this night, when everyone was in costume,
the flashing lights and throbbing music made Kendra feel
more trepidation than anything she, Celia and Megan
Jamieson had ever done.

But today was Celia's twenty-first birthday, and this was

her present.,

Kendra fidgeted nervously with her she-devil costume. She

wouldn't have been caught dead in it outside of the dark club.

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by Violet Summers


The long red gown hugged her curves. Not skin-tight, but
certainly revealing more than she was comfortable with. The
low cut emphasized her breasts.

Celia sent her another smile and Kendra made an effort to

get into the adventure of the moment. She did feel a little
naughty as she straightened the sequined red horns perched
in her hair. Kendra shivered as she remembered the stories
about Velvet Ice that Ce had shared with the Terrible Trio, as
the three girls were called by Celia's two brothers. Stories
about magic coins, secret rooms, and pleasure so intense it
was painful ... The girls had tried to sneak into the club on
several occasions, but each time they'd been foiled by the
club's owner, Brady Ryder. The huge, bald, tattooed man
usually grunted at Kendra and Megan, nailed Celia with a
homicidal glare, and called her older brother Dorian to come
and retrieve the girls.

Celia never copped to the fact that she wanted the dark

and scary Brady, but Kendra knew her best friend well
enough to see the spark that arched between them every
time they met. Celia's eyes were even now scanning the
crowd for Brady's bald head.

The women finally settled on a table on the far side of the

dance floor. Small jack-o-lanterns leered at them from the
center of each of the tiny, round tables surrounding them,
and spider webs trailed artfully along the tables' edges. As
she perched tensely on the edge of her chair, Kendra peered
around the club curiously. Gorgeous dancers in exaggerated
bondage gear gyrated in oversized cages to a techno version
of "The Monster Mash," and the walls were decorated with still

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by Violet Summers


more performers of both sexes chained dramatically in
provocative poses.

"Okay girls, remember the plan?" Celia asked. Her silky,

slutty vampiress costume was cut purposely low; enough of a
distraction that Kendra had no doubt Ce could connive her
way past the security guards on the second and third floors.

The third floor. Kendra shivered again. If half of what Celia

told them about the third floor was true, then they were going
to really see something tonight. Velvet Ice's reputation as the
place to see and be seen was only surpassed by its reputation
as the area's most exclusive BDSM and Fantasy Play club. Of
course, while the former reputation was well earned, no one
without one of those magic coins could verify the second, and
the men and women who did have them weren't talking.

BDSM. The term terrified and thrilled Kendra all at the

same time.

Always the academic, she'd made it her mission to study

up on the subject. The idea of being tied down, spanked and
completely under the sensual power of a man intrigued her,
left her shaky and overly warm.

"Yes, mom," Megan drawled. The Southern woman was

the newest addition to the trio, having moved to Michigan
four years earlier for college. She rounded the little group out
well. She was the "idea" girl, Celia was the "let's go do it" girl,
and Kendra was the "voice of reason."

The plan was simple: make their way upstairs any way

they could. According to Celia it shouldn't be too difficult for
them to make the second floor. The trick was to make it to
the third floor, the Fantasy floor. The women were hoping

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by Violet Summers


that tonight, with everyone in costume and the craziness of
the Halloween Ball, they'd finally manage to slip past the tight
security and reach their ultimate goal.

"Which set of stairs are you gonna take, sug?" Megan

glanced at the spiral staircases on either side of the crowded
dance floor as she spoke. Burly men in classic black leather
executioner garb guarded the top of each staircase. Celia
examined both men, and Kendra could have sworn there was
a hint of disappointment in her eyes when she realized that
neither was big enough, bald enough or scary enough to be
the elusive Brady Ryder.

"Doesn't matter," she said. She wrapped an arm around

Kendra. "You sure you're up for this, Professor?"

Well, Hell. She'd played the geek card.
Kendra was definitely the quiet one of their group, but that

didn't mean she was a coward. Much. She gave a brisk,
hopefully confident nod, and Celia gave her a quick squeeze
before beckoning a passing server. In keeping with the
Halloween theme, the costumed servers wandered the edges
of the dance floor, scantily clad bodies flashing with glitter
and randomly glowing under black lights. The man who
responded to Ce's summons was dressed in nothing but skin-
tight red leather pants, a tail, and horns. He sidled up to
Kendra and gave her costume an approving glance.

"It's too bad I'm working the bar tonight," he purred in her

ear. "I'd much prefer to play with a kindred soul." Kendra
gulped, while Celia and Megan giggled. Quickly taking a
phosphorescent orange drink in an ornate crystal shot glass,
she tossed the concoction back for courage before answering.

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by Violet Summers


"My heart bleeds," she murmured in her sexiest Mae West

voice. The effect was somewhat ruined when Celia and Megan
howled with laughter.

The sexy waiter wagged a scolding finger at her before

gliding back out into the crowd.

"Ready, ladies?" Celia asked. Her smile was sly as she

stood and pulled the already low neckline of her dress down a
little further, revealing a lot more cleavage.

Kendra stood back and waited. Megan took the stairway to

the right, Celia headed to the left. Kendra would try to slip
through wherever she could.

Megan was stopped halfway up her set of stairs. Kendra

grinned as the blonde bombshell leaned into the burly guard,
obviously trying to sweet talk her way to the second floor.

Celia had a bit more success, making it easily to the top of

her staircase, and surreptitiously gesturing at Kendra as she
flirted with her guard. Kendra sucked in a calming breath and
darted up the stairs. Slipping around Celia and the guard was
disappointingly easy, and the second floor dance floor was
disappointingly normal at first glance. She nabbed another
shot, this one virulent yellow, and gave a silent toast and
smile to Celia, who'd popped up on the far side of the dance
space. Letting her eyes wander, she suddenly realized this
dance space wasn't so normal after all.

What she'd assumed was the usual drunken dirty-dancing

was actually sex on the dance floor. Her mouth dropped open
when a demon in black leather hoisted a near-naked angel up
onto his very exposed erection.

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Ripping her eyes away from the madly coupling pair, she

found herself peering into a corner where a dainty fairy was
on her knees licking the cock of a stocky satyr as he kissed
and fondled a buxom milk-maid.

Holy crap! If this was the second floor, what in God's name

was going on upstairs?

Celia caught her attention, gesturing impatiently to the

single, narrow set of stairs leading to the Fantasy floor.
Kendra steeled herself as her friend quickly reached the top.
In a beautifully choreographed move, Brady Ryder slipped out
of the shadows, blocking the petite beauty's path.

Kendra sucked in a calming breath as she eased onto the

stairs. She kept her head up as though she belonged there,
and studiously ignored Celia as she leaned into the giant of a
man, laying her hand on his chest.

His eyes flickered in Kendra's direction, his face hard as

stone, and Kendra wasn't sure if she was relieved or
disappointed that their plan was clearly a bust. Then Celia
said something that caught his full attention, and ohmigod,
her friend was kissing the serial-killer stand-in with enough
heat to burn the club to ashes.

Kendra realized she'd stopped to stare, realized that the

electricity in that kiss was setting off little fires in her, and
shook herself awake enough to slip around them and onto the
third floor.

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Chapter Two

To her left was a door marked private, to the right was a

set of glass double doors. Pushing them open, she hesitantly
moved into a large open area. An elaborate bar occupied one
wall, but Kendra knew better than to try for another shot of
liquid courage. She knew from her research that reputable
Fantasy Play clubs didn't serve alcohol to participants. The
universal watchwords in the BDSM community were safe,
, and consensual, and it was impossible to guarantee
either when liquor began to flow.

Biting at her lower lip to steady her nerves, Kendra let her

gaze travel the room. There was a spacious performance
space in the center, currently occupied by a naked man
chained to a St. Andrew's cross. A woman clad head-to-toe in
red vinyl stood behind him wielding a long leather whip. With
each lash her long blonde ponytail swayed in time to her
submissive's moans. And, oh God, he was moaning. From the
look of the erection bobbing in front of him, he was moaning
in pleasure.

Kendra waited for the shock, the horror that she thought

she'd feel at the sight, but it didn't come. Instead, her body
began to tingle with every snap of the whip. She absently
crossed her arms over her breasts, compressing beaded
nipples under lush velvet and scratchy lace. The scene was
making her hot, fidgety. And much too curious about what
more she might see.

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Reluctantly, she stepped away from the scene and moved

deeper into the room. Dark music, ominous and heavy,
floated through the air, inviting her to sway along on her
suicidally high heels. It added to the surreal atmosphere of
the Halloween Ball, reflecting the mood of the patrons. Large
strobe lights flashed, making the scenes around her appear to
move in slow motion.

Three people were on a red velvet couch. A woman was

sitting on one mans lap while she held the leash attached to
another man's neck. The guy with the collar was sitting at the
woman's feet, kissing them lovingly while she devoured the
cock of still a third man standing behind the couch.

A woman stood spread-eagled, chained inside a narrow

cage while a burly Master directed several subs of both
genders to torment her with tiny licks and bites over every
inch of her naked body.

Kendra made her way through the room and discovered

another set of double glass doors, this set smoked to
opaqueness, and walked through them. In here, the lighting
was low. No music distracted from the sounds of flesh on
flesh, the meaty thwack of a paddle on bare skin, the moans
and cries of gratification.

The room was divided neatly in two, with a narrow path

down the center. Lining each side were cubicles, some
screened, some open to view. Each cubicle housed a couple
or group engaged in scenarios Kendra never would have
thought to associate with sex.

The equipment was endless, the toys too numerous and

exotic for her to even begin to name. Here was serious

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


spanking. There was wax play. Kendra slowed as she watched
a Dom bind his sub in an elaborate harness of ropes. Each
knot he tied brought a shuddering reaction from his
submissive. By the time he reached her legs, it took only a
sharp breath against her quivering sex to send her orgasm
ripping out in the form of a long scream.

Fascination wasn't a strong enough word to describe what

she felt. Her arousal grew with each scene, with every step
she took, until her thighs slipped together with her own

This was sex. Not the tepid encounters she'd had with her

high school and college boyfriends. Her partners had been
nice enough, the experiences pleasant, but nothing to draw
an orgasm from her on a scream of pure ecstasy. Nothing
ever like the scenes surrounding her now. No one had ever
brought her to tears from the force of her climax.

If she were completely honest, Kendra had to admit that

the best orgasms she had were the ones she gave herself.
Her sex life was nice, she supposed, but she wanted more
than nice.

Kendra drew in a breath and grew dizzy on the

pheromones in the air. Any thought of Celia or Megan or their
plan was gone. All that was left was the aching desire kindled
in her most secret heart. This was what she'd been looking
for, though she had never known it. This is what she wanted
to experience, needed to experience at least once in her

She didn't expect her body to react so strongly not only to

what she saw, but also to what she heard. The sound of a

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by Violet Summers


crop snapping against bare skin followed by a breathless sigh.
Hisses and moans, screams and groans. Her senses were on
overload and her head was spinning.

* * * *

Sinclair Martin, Sin to his friends and Master Sin to club

members, stood in the shadows and watched the lady in red.
He'd been following her since she had followed Celia Jenner
up the stairs to the club's second floor, and had been ready to
haul her lush little ass back down to the public space when
she made a play to get by the boss, but the sight of Brady
Ryder all but being devoured by Dorian Jenner's baby sister
had distracted him long enough for his little she-devil to scoot
through the double doors at the top of the staircase.

Hot on her tail, Sin moved through the room reserved for

public play, still determined to send the little interloper
packing. Velvet Ice had a reputation of discretion for a
reason, and he had no intention of letting one of Celia's
snoopy little friends compromise that reputation. But before
he could reach her, her lush little mouth dropped open and
her eyes grew hazy with lust behind her glittery mask.
Something about that unselfconscious response grabbed Sin
by the cock and wouldn't let him go.

She might as well have had "Innocent" printed across the

front of her dress, and the dichotomy of her innocence and
the sexual excess surrounding her was a complete turn on to
Sin. He decided to just watch her, a virtual Alice in BDSM
Wonderland. His dick throbbed as he kept her in sight, the
relatively loose band of the cock-ring he habitually wore

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by Violet Summers


serving up a constant pressure, keeping him on edge. Yeah,
he thought adjusting his throbbing erection through snug
leathers, he'd let her stay as long as all she did was watch.

As the events coordinator for Velvet Ice, he should be

working the floor, making sure everything and everyone was
having a safe and sane time. Instead, he called his second to
take over, telling the man he was taking a break. Of course
Ry thought he was getting busy with one of the ladies. Sin
grunted. He rarely partook of the activities at the club. He
preferred his time with a lover to be private, without

Sin's sexual appetite was enormous, his Dominate

personality intense. His need for absolute control of a
female's body while she was in his possession was
undeniable. So he picked his lovers very carefully. Few
women really wanted to hand over themselves completely to
a man. They liked playing at the game of Dom and sub, but
not living the reality of the life style, and Sin had no use or
desire to be with women like that.

The fact that he was drawn to this little troublemaker gave

Sin pause. How long had it been since he was ball's-deep in a
willing woman? He snorted as he counted the months and
stopped at six. He didn't really want to think about how long
it had been. He was having too much fun watching the
expressions pass over the lovely face of his lady in red.

The deeper she moved into the belly of the third floor, the

more expressive her face became. He watched as she licked
her dry lips, as she fidgeted with her dress and as she almost
fell on her high heels.

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Her red dress clung to her womanly curves like a velvet

dream. Her ample breasts looked a mere breath away from
springing free of their satin and lace confinement. Her ass
and hips swayed with every step she took. She made his dick
ache, the good kind of ache that was only relived with a hard

Her mouth was painted red to match her costume, and he

closed his eyes as he imagined those plump, soft lips
surrounding his cock as he slid deeper with every thrust. She
couldn't be much older than twenty-two, and he'd bet his
next paycheck that she hadn't had many lovers. He gave an
involuntary snarl at the thought of another man teaching her
the finer points of giving head. Something in his subconscious
had marked her as his, and it didn't like the idea of another
male anywhere near his woman.

Sin suddenly had the urge to touch her, to show her how

to please him and how he could please her. Her curly brown
hair would look so fucking good wound around his grasping
fingers. His hips shifted forward as he imagined the vision she
would make, kneeling at his feet, her hot little tongue licking
over his cockhead.

Suddenly, as if she could feel the heat of his gaze, her

head snapped up. Wide, startled eyes met his. Ah, fuck. She
called to him, a part of him that he hadn't felt in years. The
Master in him wanted to claim her for himself.

Her whole body swayed in his direction, but before she

could take a step one of the club regulars approached her.
With a last, lingering look in his direction, she nodded at the
man and let him lead her to an open cubicle.

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by Violet Summers


Sin suppressed a low growl and pushed away from the

wall. No way was a novice, a non-member, ready for what
Georgie liked to dish out. And no way was his novice going to
be touched or trained by anyone but him. Sin wouldn't fuck
her, not when he was on the job, but he was going to show
her what could happen if she ended up playing where she
shouldn't. Or with whom she shouldn't.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Sinful Treats

by Violet Summers


Chapter Three

Kendra couldn't stop herself from gaping like the greenest

virgin as she took in the sexual excess filling the room. Her
eyes were drawn again and again to one particular scene. A
tall man in a leather harness had his sub strapped to a
pommel-horse looking thing, and was using a variety of tools
to paddle, flog and spank her bare behind.

Something about the scene fired her imagination. Kendra

closed her eyes and pictured herself in the woman's position;
bound and at her lover's mercy, begging for more, harder,

A sudden chill ran up her spine, snapping her eyes open

and swinging her head around. Staring at her from across the
room was one of the most beautiful men she'd ever seen.

Her breath stuck in her throat as she stared at him. He

had to be at least six feet tall; a giant to her five-three, he'd
tower over her even with the ridiculous shoes she was
wearing. Long sable hair fell in waves across his shoulders
and back. He was dressed in black pants and a white button-
down shirt. Leather boots wrapped thick calves up to his
knees, completing the outfit. He looked like he'd stepped
straight out of a Victorian Highwayman fantasy.

With one glance it was him spanking her, first with a

paddle, then with the heat of his bare hand. His gaze never
left her face and Kendra felt herself blush. Great, now her
cheeks would match the mask and her dress. Real

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by Violet Summers


sophisticated, Kennie. That should turn him on, you and your
splotchy face.

Her glance flickered back to the spanking scene she'd been

imagining herself in. The Dom was releasing his flushed,
shaky sub and handing her over to a fully clothed woman that
seemed to work at the club. Looking up, the Dom caught her
interested gaze and gave a slow, dangerous smile before
heading in her direction. He wasn't as gorgeous as her
Highwayman, but his Greek god costume showed off a set of
well-muscled legs and went well with his light blond hair.

Ohmigod. The strange Dom approached her confidently,

training predatory blue eyes on her as if her agreement were
already assured. And on some level she guessed he had
reason to believe that. After all, she'd been virtually eating his
scene up with her eyes. Even now her bottom was throbbing,
clenching and aching for the kiss of the paddle.

Just not from this man.
No, Kendra wanted the mysterious stranger in the corner.

The man who looked as though he'd stepped off the cover of
one of her favorite historical romance novels.

The stranger who had disappeared while she was


"So," the Dom's voice was deep and pleasant, but didn't

make her as hot as the brush of her Highwayman's pale eyes
had done. "You look lonely and curious."

She supposed she couldn't argue with that, so she nodded.
"Would you like to participate? I'll be gentle with you if you

want," he added with a wink.

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by Violet Summers


It seemed the devil she was dressed like took over her

voice, because entirely against her will Kendra heard herself
answer, "Well, gentle would kind of defeat the purpose,
wouldn't it?"

"You are so right, sweetheart," he responded delightedly.

Taking her arm, he began to lead her toward the cubicle. She
noticed that another young man, also fully dressed, was just
finishing sanitizing the pommel horse, and had gathered up
the used implements, replacing them with fresh toys before
quickly leaving the area for the next set of players.

"I'm Master George," the man continued. "Will you allow

me the honor of being your Master for a little while?"

She wanted to. She wanted the intensity of sensation she'd

seen on the faces of every sub she'd passed in this amazing,
terrifying place. Kendra glanced toward the corner again,
hoping for a final glimpse of her mystery man, but he was
gone. And Master George was here. And she might never get
the chance to experience this again.

"Yes." She had to force the word from between numb lips.
Master George smiled again and led her quickly to the

pommel horse, directing her to bend over, stretching her
torso along the length of the narrow back. He stroked one
heavy hand down the length of her spine before crouching out
of sight behind her and buckling her ankles loosely to the legs
of the horse.

Kendra sucked in a breath, alternately terrified and thrilled

at what he was doing to her. At what she was allowing him to
do to her.

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by Violet Summers


Master George moved around and adjusted her head,

placing her cheek against the rough leather and smoothing
her hair away from her face. Dropping to his knees in front of
her, he began to bind her hands to the front legs of the horse.
As he worked, he spoke in a low, somehow menacing tone.

"Until this scene is over, you will address me as Master.

You will not speak unless I ask you a direct question. Do you

"Um, yes." Ohmigod, could that shaky voice really be


Suddenly hard, pinching fingers grasped her cheeks,

turning her face to his. This wasn't the kind of pain she'd
been anticipating.

"Yes what?" His eyes were cool and passionless. Not what

she had hoped for when she'd accepted his invitation.

"Sorry," she gasped. "Yes, Master."
He gave a short, satisfied nod and rose to walk around

her. Kendra found herself bound face-down on a pommel
horse, the submissive of a cold stranger in a club where she
had no business being. Somehow, from the moment she'd
spied the beautiful man in the corner, all her fantasies had
focused in on him. Poor Master George didn't stand a chance.

"Look, Master," she began. "I don't think this is such a

good idea after all." Those heavy hands stroked down her
back again, pausing to squeeze her left butt-cheek. Too hard!
A yelp escaped, and she shifted in her bonds, trying futilely to
escape that grabbing hand.

"Seriously, Master George," she tried to put a bit more

force in her voice, but it was tough to do when he was leaning

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over her back, pressing her hard against the pommel horse.
"This isn't working for me. You need to let me up."

The man ignored her, fisting his hands in the back of her


Oh no he wouldn't...
The velvet gave beneath his wrenching tug, ripping from

neck to hem with a distressed swish.

"Let me up, you fucking bastard!" This was so not fun

anymore. Her cheeks, both sets, were sore and probably
bruised, and now her damn dress was ruined.

* * * *

The angry rip of fabric and a burst of vaguely hysterical

profanity punctuated Sin's entrance into the cubicle where
George had led Red. The other Dom was poised behind her,
pushing the tattered remnants of her gown to her hips. Sin's
tempered flared as George's hands tried to become familiar
with his novice's ass. Swallowing down his desire to punch
George in the back of the head, Sin approached the couple.

"Say the safe word, woman," Sin ground out between

clenched teeth. He rarely stepped into a scene at the club. In
general, anyone who made it to the third floor knew exactly
what they were getting themselves into. But even before
Red's panicked cry, Sin had known that he wouldn't, couldn't,
let any other Master—particularly one as unpredictable as
George—train his sub.

"What safe word?" she cried as she writhed against her

bonds, trying to twist her wrists from their confines. Sin
looked over to George. The man looked genuinely confused.

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Sin shook his head disgustedly. Moving to the head of the
pommel horse, he knelt near Red's head, brushing her
tangled curls away from her flushed cheek with a gentle

"What's the problem, Sin?" The asshole whined. "I have

the same safe word with everyone. And everyone knows it."
Sin's glare must have turned even icier, because the other
Dom took a big step backward.

George's defensive arguing quickly trailed off when Sin

reached out an imperious palm for the key to Red's shackles.
The Dom reluctantly handed it over, and watched resentfully
as Sin began to free the young woman.

"It doesn't work like this, baby. George had no clue you

didn't belong up here. And he had no business treating you
with anything less than absolute respect."

Her face turned a deep red and she wouldn't meet his

eyes. "I ... I didn't know he would rip my dress."

"She agreed, Master Sin." A good deal more of that

missing respect had bled into George's wheedling tone. "She
agreed to play out the scene, to call me Master, she agreed to
all of it."

Sin leaned into his personal space and silkily whispered,

"And that is why you're going to Brady's office and not out on
your ass permanently." George's mouth opened, as if he was
going to argue more, and Sin cut him off. "You took an
obvious newbie, and abused her ignorance. When you're done
explaining yourself to Brady, you can explain yourself to
Jenner." George's healthy tan turned a sick green at the
mention of the cop and notorious Dom. "Red here is with his

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sister tonight, and is obviously under his protection." When
George muttered a frustrated curse, Sin didn't even try to
suppress his smile. "Guess she isn't the only one who didn't
ask enough questions, right Georgie?"

The other Dom walked away, and Sin hid a smile. He was

stomping off like a two-year-old in a tantrum. Good. The
fucker's ego was twenty times too big anyway. Sin's smile
faded as he noted the red welts forming on his damsel in
distress's wrists.

"We'll replace your dress, of course," he murmured,

helping her to sit up. "Until then," he stood and un-tucked his
shirt, stripping out of it briskly. In spite of the tense situation,
he almost smiled at the way her eyes flickered over his bared
torso. The tip of her tongue peeked out, slicking over her full
lower lip, and his bound cock gave a hungry throb.

He quickly helped her to stand on her trembling legs.

Kneeling again at her feet, he steadied her with one hand on
her hip, and bent to remove her heels. There was no way in
Hell she would be able to walk in them when she was this

He glanced up in time to catch her in the act of checking

him out. She'd pulled off her sequined mask, and her big,
golden eyes traced the deep groove of his spine, brushed
over his shoulders and stroked through his hair. He could tell
the exact instant she focused on his tattoo. Even, white teeth
sank into that puffy red lip, and her breath caught audibly as
her eyes followed the sinuous curve of the whip from his
wrist, around his arm until it draped over his collar bone, the

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handle dangling across one hard pec. Her appreciation was so
obvious that he indulged himself in a brief fantasy that it was
his teeth, sinking into her lip, and other even more tender

Talk about fucked-up timing.
He stood and draped his shirt over her shoulders. "You

have no business up here, Red."

"What?" She refused to look at him, and Sin was forced to

talk to the top of her head.

"My name is Kendra." She shifted and Sin realized he was

touching her bare back, stroking over the baby-soft skin of
her hips under the hem of his shirt.

"Well, Kendra, a pretty girl like you who doesn't know the

rules could get in real trouble in a place like this."

She stiffened at his chiding tone, jerking away from his

stroking hand.

"I do know the rules. I spent two weeks researching the

world of Domination and submission. It's not my fault that
Mr. Compensating-for-Something over there didn't follow

Sin smiled, both at the fire in her voice and the rather apt

nickname she'd given her would-be Dom. "Well, baby girl, it's
true that Georgie didn't follow the rules." Seeing the
vindicated look on her face he quickly added, "But you can't
experience the reality of this world through the pages of a
book, nor can research prepare you for what really happens
inside the walls of a place like this."

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"I just wanted to feel like all those people I saw on my way

in here." Her voice was low, almost a whisper, and all the
starch seemed to have gone out of her defiant posture.

He should be escorting her out of here, showing her down

the stairs and out the front door. Yeah, that's what he should
be doing, but instead he found himself asking, "And what do
you think they felt?"

"Pleasure." She almost looked up, fastening wide, golden

eyes on his chin. "Such immense pleasure the body can
hardly contain it." Her eyes dropped, her chin lowering,
leaving him staring once more at her satiny hair. "I've never
felt that kind of pleasure."

He was so screwed. His head kept screaming, asshole, get

her out of here. Instead he lifted one of her wrists and rubbed
the angry red mark left by George's cuffs. Fucker had better
stay out of his sight; Sin would be happy to do some marking
up of his own.

"Kendra." He waited until she raised her head, refusing to

continue until she met his gaze. When she did, he was nearly
struck dumb. Wide, golden-brown eyes met his, the
innocence and yearning in them sending an arrow straight to
his soul. His woman. His to mark. His to train. No one else's.
"Baby girl, do you still want to know what real pleasure feels

"It wouldn't be like that? Like with him?" Her gaze darted

in the direction George had taken.

"It would be nothing like that." He met her eyes, drowning

in their melting depths.

"Then yes, please."

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Releasing a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding,

Sin walked over and pulled a solid screen to cover the
doorway. They would have no voyeurs this evening. He
moved back to her and removed his shirt from her shoulders.

"Your safe word is red. You may call me Master Sin, or just

Master. Once we begin there is no stopping unless you say
the safe word. If you do not understand something, you may
ask, but we do things my way. In this room no does not mean
no. The only thing that will make me stop is if you say the
safe word. Do you understand?"

She nodded hesitantly, her eyes tracing the sinuous line of

his tattoo.

"What is your safe word, Kendra?"
She didn't speak right away; her forehead was slightly

scrunched up as if she were repeating his every word in her
head. She finally dragged her eyes back to his. "It's red."

"Good girl." He stepped away from her and let his gaze

slide deliberately over every inch of her body. "Remove your
dress," he murmured, suppressing a smile when she jumped,
startled at the sound of his voice. "The bra and panties stay
on, but the dress has to go. Now."

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Four

Kendra gulped and called on every ounce of courage she

possessed as she pushed the tattered dress down her
shoulders and over her hips, letting it fall to the floor.

The red lace demi-bra and matching panties made her feel

even more exposed than if she'd been naked. Every insecurity
she'd ever had about her body flared to raging life. She
wanted to suck in her stomach and push out her chest but
there was no use in hiding her curves, so instead she stood
straight and tried her best to appear relaxed.

He was an Adonis. When he'd removed his shirt, Kendra

had been dazzled by his physical beauty. He was all broad
and bronzed and satiny smooth, hairless except for a thin trail
that drew her eyes from his navel ... down. But what really
caught her imagination was the intricate black ink that wound
around his arm, highlighting round, sculpted muscles. She
wanted to lick her way around that tattoo, sink her teeth into
the handle of the whip while she sampled the salt of his skin.

He stood, arms crossed, staring at her for what felt like

forever before moving behind her, circling her in the same
way a wolf does his prey.

A soft clinking sound, like glass on glass, drew her

attention to the side of the cubicle. Before she could turn her
head to look, though, he spoke in that same, soft voice.

"Eyes in front. Arms at your sides."

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She immediately faced forward, resisting the urge to

squirm as his commands sent a tingle of arousal crawling
over her skin.

Suddenly he was behind her again, the heat of his body

blanketing her back. He gathered her hair in his fist and
bundled it into a messy knot at her nape. Before she could
process what he was doing, she heard glass sing again, and
drops of cool, heavy liquid were hitting her spine. He lowered
his head to speak into her hair, his warm breath stirring the

"This is Indian Tobacco," he explained. "It's a rare oil, very

difficult to find."

The oil slid down the groove of her spine, at first cool, but

quickly absorbing her body heat. Sure, thick fingers smoothed
the liquid from the center of her back outward toward her
sides as he continued speaking.

"Why do you think it's so rare?" He leaned closer, letting

his breath ghost over her collarbones. His thumbs ran up and
down the small of her back, while his long fingers curved
around her sides, almost brushing the full lower curves of her
breasts. "What makes it so special? Tell me how it feels,

With his last words he blew a gust of warmth over her

shoulders and down her back. Ice flashed over her flesh, then
fire, a confusing contradiction of sensations that left her
shivering and gasping.

"Tell me," he repeated. Each breath sent sparks of fire and

ice over her skin. "Tell me everything you're feeling."

"I feel on fire," she finally choked out.

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He slid one finger lightly from her nape to the band of her

panties, skipping easily over the lace of her bra, and sending
frissions of sensation over every oil-coated inch of her back.

"What else?" he questioned relentlessly.
"So sensitive," she gasped. And it was. More sensitive than

she'd ever been. He began tracing patterns on her skin, swirls
and circles, and every shape felt branded into her flesh.

"Why am I using Indian Tobacco, Kendra?"
She tried to focus, tried to think enough to form an

answer, but he'd slid his hands around her waist and was
cupping her breasts, drenching her with oil through the open
lace of her bra.

"Ohmigod," she gasped. "Sin, I'm on fire."
A sharp pinch to her nipples drew a startled cry from her.

This pinch was so different than the one the other Dom had
given her. This one stung but was mingled with a pleasurable

"How do you address me?" His voice was as soft as his

fingers were hard

"Master. Master Sin, I'm burning up."
"That's better, Kendra." His voice soothed her as his hands

wandered down her legs, gliding down the fronts of her
thighs, then up the backs, spreading oil and fire in their wake.
He paused and slid his fingers under her panties, cupping the
full globes of her ass and squeezing, ripping a gasp from her

"Now tell me, baby girl, why do I want you all warmed up

and sensitive?"

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When she couldn't answer, couldn't do anything more than

moan and arch into his touch, he answered for her.

"This special oil will make your skin so sensitive, make

each sensation so bright and exquisite, that your body won't
be able to contain them. It will take you higher than you ever
imagined, multiply the feel of my hands and my mouth on
your delicious body."

Her thoughts spoken in his soft, rough voice sent a

starburst of sensation through her, igniting low in her middle.
Nothing she'd ever experienced had prepared her for this man
who could arouse her to near mindlessness with just the rush
of his breath and the sound of his voice. Kendra whimpered,
torn between pleasure and panic. She couldn't think, couldn't
breathe, couldn't experience anything but what his beautiful,
hypnotic voice described.

As if he understood the precipice she was on, as if he could

feel her teetering on the sharp edge between torment and
euphoria, Sin changed his touch. Where before he'd stroked
to tantalize, now he petted to soothe. Slowly Kendra felt her
breath even out, still fast but no longer dangerously shallow.
It wasn't until he stepped away from her that she realized Sin
had been holding her, supporting her from behind until she
could stand on her own. The knowledge flushed her with
another sort of warmth, gave her a feeling of safety that
straightened her spine and steadied her legs.

"Beautiful, Kendra." He moved around to face her, running

one slick finger along the line of her jaw. "You're a natural at
this, aren't you?" His approval sang over her, and she dared
to let her eyes flicker to his face.

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"Hands behind your back." His voice was low and soft, not

cold and demanding like George's had been. His expression
was calm, even serene. No hint of passion or emotion marred
his perfect features.

But his eyes blazed.
Where George's calm had originated from a lack of

emotion, it seemed to Kendra that Sin's calm was rooted in a
rock-solid control of too much emotion.

Kendra shakily crossed her wrists at the small of her back,

and Sin immediately wrapped a pair of soft leather cuffs
around them. Tight enough to keep her arms where he
wanted them, but flexible enough that no pain radiated from
the site.

"Excellent, Kendra." She smiled a little at the approval in

his voice, but that smile faltered at his next words. "Now
we're ready to begin."

* * * *

"Yes, Master Sin."
Her response hit every nerve along Sin's cock. Her voice,

low and a little hesitant, was telling a different story than
those big, mysterious eyes. Eyes that he could swear saw
straight into his soul. When she called him Master, Sin had to
squash the urge to pound his chest like a caveman and howl
out his triumph.

She was perfect. Perfect and his. He closed his eyes briefly

to savor the softness of her skin beneath his hands as he
stroked over her, kneeling to start at her feet before working
his way up her knees, encircling full thighs and ample hips.

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Massaging her with fluid movements over her still-tense

"Spread your thighs, Red," he commanded. He hissed

when her thighs parted and he saw the wet patch that made
the crotch of her panties a darker shade than the scarlet lace
stretching over her hips. She was so fucking wet for him
already. His cock strained against the slight tension of the
band circling its base, a painful reminder of where he wanted
to be, buried in her wet heat.

He stood up and recovered the cut glass bottle filled with

Indian Tobacco oil. Normally he'd dilute the oil, adding jojoba
or Vitamin E to temper the tingling burn caused by the
natural remedy, but he knew that using it in its concentrated
form would allow the oil to soak into her skin, entering her
very blood stream and pumping a steady stream of sensory
stimulation through her from head to toe. Removing the glass
stopper, he waited until she looked up, catching her eyes
before drizzling oil across her ample cleavage.

She shuddered, more he knew, from the idea of what was

coming than from the sensation itself. The sensation would
come later. Sin dripped oil over her rounded tummy, then set
the bottle aside. He wrapped his hands around her waist,
catching the oil that slid down toward her pubis and
massaging upward. She jerked under his hands, breath
ripping in and out roughly. Slowly he rubbed the oil in,
coating her waist, her arms, and then smoothing over the
generous curves that threatened to burst through the lace of
her bra.

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Sin released the clip holding her bound wrists together and

took her hand, leading her back to the pommel horse. Her
eyes flicked over his face and her teeth worried her lower lip,
but she remained silent. Good. She was showing more trust
than he had the right to expect after her encounter with
George. More respect than he deserved, considering the
things he wanted to do to her.

They arrived at the apparatus and he paused, memorizing

the sight of her. Pale, smooth skin contrasted dramatically
with scarlet lace. Her hair trailed down from the messy knot
he'd tied it in. Peeking out from the golden-brown curls, a tiny
pair of devil horns taunted him. She was the embodiment of
wicked innocence, and Sin couldn't wait to corrupt her.

"Strip," he commanded, enjoying the flicker of nerves in

her eyes and the way she drew her bottom lip between her
teeth. "Slowly," he added when she reached quickly behind
herself to undo the catch of her bra.

She drew a breath, and Sin's breath caught too at the way

her breasts strained against the lace of her bra. Then they
were free, falling full and luscious to rest against her ribcage
as she discarded the bra.

"Don't," he snapped when she instinctively moved to cover

herself. "Those are mine, and I want to look at them." She
blinked, and dropped her hands. A faint smile showed in
those eloquent eyes, and Sin knew she liked the idea of
belonging to him. Maybe even liked it as much as he did.

"Now the panties," he reminded her, narrowing his eyes

when she hesitated. "What?" he asked, sensing that more
than shyness was stopping her.

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"I'm embarrassed," she confessed softly. "I'm definitely

not swimsuit model material."

Sin frowned. He understood her insecurity, but it infuriated

him. "You're perfect, Kendra," he said emphatically. "You've
got the curves of a real woman. God," he continued, "sinking
into your gorgeous body is going to be like fucking a cloud, all
warm and soft..."

Her eyes had dropped to his crotch, and he knew she was

noting just how much he liked the idea of her softness.

"Your body is mine," he concluded. "It is perfect. Do not

ever criticize my possession again."

The acceptance and relief glowing in her eyes nearly

unmanned him. Oh fuck, he was in the deep end and going
down fast.

She drew the lace panties slowly over her hips, thighs, and

let them fall to the ground before taking a step in his
direction, leaving them pooled on the floor behind her. Then
she stood, silent and proud, arms loose at her sides as she
displayed herself for him.

Sin took full advantage, devouring her with his eyes. He

moved around behind her and lifted the heavy mass of her
unraveling hair to drape forward over her shoulder. Her back
was long and lovely, the curve of her hips elegant, and the
heart-shaped globes of her ass fairly demanded to be
spanked until they flushed a glorious rose.

Stepping closer, he flattened his palm at the small of her

back, sliding voluptuously upward through the oil until he
could exert slow and steady pressure between her shoulder
blades. She responded to the gentle push perfectly, bending

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gracefully until she rested once more over the device. He
moved to her front and crouched, guiding her hands to the
legs where he attached clips to her cuffs, binding her upper
body painlessly to the pommel horse.

He stood and stroked her cheek, watching her eyes slide

closed under the tender caress. Sin was thankful she hid her
golden gaze; a man could lose himself in its depths. He
moved behind her, crouching again to wrap his hands around
her inner thighs. In one firm sweep he slid his hands down,
spreading her legs wide. When he reached her ankles, he
took another set of Velcro restraints and bound her ankles to
the back legs of the pommel horse, then stood to inspect his

She was exquisite, bound and spread for his eyes only. Her

back was slightly arched, her plump ass raised and her
smooth skin shiny from the oil. He licked his lips, imagining
her taste. She'd be sweet and spicy, beyond compare.

Sin was about to give Kendra a night to remember, and he

had a feeling it may be one to go down in the record books
for him, as well.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Five

Kendra was awash in sensation. Her skin tingled from head

to toe from that maddening oil. Every time Master Sin moved
by her, or leaned in close to speak, the slight stirring of air
sent icy flames licking over her. It was torturous. It was the
purest pleasure she'd ever experienced.

He'd moved out of her line of sight, but she could hear him

sorting through various toys and tools. She suspected he was
deliberately making enough noise for her to lay there and
speculate. The man clearly had an unusual understanding of
what a sexual organ the brain was, and an unnatural talent
for capturing her imagination.

When several minutes passed, Kendra felt her tension

beginning to rise. Every inch of her body cried out for his
touch. Her breasts, pressed hard against the supple leather of
the pommel horse, ached. Her pussy, exposed for his
scorching gaze, was becoming slicker by the minute, yearning
to be used, to be claimed by its Master.

The thought brought her up short. While everything about

the BDSM scene had intrigued Kendra during her research,
she'd never considered herself submissive. She was
independent, assertive and utterly self-sufficient. Not the
qualities she associated with a submissive, sexually or

So why did the idea of belonging to Master Sin, of virtually

being his possession, feel so right? Because it did feel right,
more right than anything ever had.

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Her musings were cut short when Sin moved close again,

trailing something soft along the line of her spine.

"Master!" The word escaped without her volition, an

exclamation of nerves and excitement that she clamped down
on immediately, unsure of what was allowed.

"What is it, baby girl?" He moved to crouch by her head,

beautiful, bronzed muscles rippling. She was momentarily
hypnotized by the way his tattoo shifted with his movements.

"Kendra?" There was a little more bite in his voice,

recalling her to the present.

"May I ask questions, Master?" She didn't even try to keep

the tremble out of her voice. She'd seen the way it kindled
the flame in his eyes, and felt a contradictory surge of power.
In her bondage, she had as much control over the situation as
he did.

"Of course you may ask." He stroked her tangled hair

away from her cheek. "Maybe I should be a little easier on
Georgie," he added wryly. "You're so natural at this, so
perfect, it's easy to forget you're a novice."

He shifted to a slightly more comfortable position, ducking

his head to meet her eyes.

"My intention is never to trick you into breaking the rules."

He flashed a wicked smile. "If you break the rules, it will be a
deliberate choice on your part, so we can both enjoy your
punishment. Now," he added, "if you are not allowed to
speak, or to meet my eyes, I'll tell you. For now, you may ask
any questions you need to, because it's important you
understand what's going on."

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"Then..." in spite of his reassurance it was hard to force

the words past the knot of nerves in her throat. He continued
to pet her hair encouragingly, and she finally blurted out her

"Then could you please keep explaining what you're doing,

Master? When you're silent and I'm just waiting ... it's too
easy to get scared."

"Umm. And not in a good way, right?"
She felt a rush of relief that he understood, that he wasn't

angry with her.

"Not good," she agreed.
"And I want you to feel very good," he murmured softly.

He shifted and showed her what he held in his hand. A short
handled flogger with numerous suede strips, knotted at the
ends to give them a hint of bite.

"I'm going to whip you, Kendra." She shuddered, whether

with fear or anticipation even she couldn't say. "Not to hurt
you, or to punish you, but because I'll enjoy it. And so will
you." He trailed the strips over her shoulders.

"It will further sensitize your skin, drawing the blood to the

surface until the slightest touch streaks over you like
lightning." He stood abruptly, and his voice lost its dreamy

"Do you have any further questions?" Unable to speak,

mesmerized by the sway of the flogger in her peripheral
vision, she shook her head.

"Good. Then we can begin." He tipped her chin up with the

handle of the flogger and met her eyes briefly. "If you need to
stop, use your safe word. You remember what it is?"

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"Yes, red. If you say the safe word I'll stop. But," he added

in a harder voice, "don't abuse it. Once we stop, unless
you've got a really good reason, our session will be finished."

The devil she'd been dressed as reared its naughty head.
"Master Sin? Would needing to use the bathroom be a

really good reason?" She clamped down hard on her smile
when he stilled and shot her a startled look.

"Yes, of course." He took a step toward her. "Do you...?"
She was already shaking her head, and she was afraid the

smile was breaking free. "No, I just wondered if it would be a
really good reason."

His smile would have been downright scary if she hadn't

trusted him so absolutely.

"I see you've got the deliberate misbehavior thing down

cold," he commented dryly, shaking his head. "Let's save
punishment for a little later." The flogger trailed lightly over
the curves of her buttocks and she shivered. "For after the

* * * *

Sin was still chuckling to himself as he positioned himself

at her hip. She really was a natural sub, the perfect
combination of submission and sass. He didn't know which
got to him more, her vulnerability and hunger to understand
what they were doing, or her wicked teasing. He suspected
that his Red was woman enough to keep him on his toes for a
long, long time.

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What the fuck? Sin drew himself up short. He did not think

in the long term. And Red was his for the night, but no more.
He needed to get his head screwed on straight about that
right now.

It was difficult to keep it together as he admired her

shimmering body, spread so beautifully before him. Fuck! He
couldn't remember the last time his cock had ached like this.
The confines of the ring restricted the bloodflow, made him
throb harder, deeper. He refused to give himself even the
slightest relief. Kendra would find her pleasure first. Sin knew
the value of patience. He'd find far more satisfaction watching
her go to pieces than he would in a few rough strokes of his

He shook his head, trying to shake loose too many

unwelcome thoughts, and turned his attention back to
Kendra. She lay, flushed and gleaming and just waiting for his
touch. He trailed the tails of the flogger over her one last,
lingering time, and then set to work.

* * * *

The first impact was light, almost like raindrops on her

over-stimulated skin. The rush of warmth that followed in the
wake of the light slap of the flogger seemed to wash straight
from her back to her pussy, leaving her contracting hungrily
on air.

The second impact held more sting. Still more sound than

sensation. Kendra found herself arching slightly into the blow,
reaching for a firmer contact. Of course, the more she rose
into each swing, the lighter the blows became.

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The tease!
Master Sin was teasing her, tormenting her, giving her just

enough to make her want more.

She didn't realize she'd spoken the word aloud until there

was a pause in the light patter of the flogger against her skin.

"More what, baby girl?" His voice was a sensual blow all on

its own.

"More, Master. Harder, faster, something..." She trailed

off, unsure of how to ask for what she needed. Unsure of
anything except, "I don't know what, I just need more.

"You ask so prettily, how can I refuse you?"
The blows resumed, firmer, stinging and leaving a wash of

unbearable heat in their wake. She was writhing, couldn't
help it. From her nape to the small of her back, his flogger
crises-crossed her with fire. Each tingle, each sting drew
gasps, moans, almost musical sounds of pain and pleasure
that she'd never guessed she was capable of making.

He moved lower, strapping the lower curve of her butt

cheek, the tails of the flogger wrapping around her inner
thigh, glancing off her pussy, and the contact was electric.

"Ohmigod." She sobbed the words, pushing against her

bonds, pushing hard into the blows of the flogger. Master Sin
didn't make her suffer, raining blows on the swollen, fiery
mouth of her sex. She felt the slide of her honey coating her
inner lips, slipping out until her inner thighs were slick, sliding
against the leather of the pommel horse. This was more than

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she had ever dreamed. The small amount of pain gave over
to unbearable pleasure with each blow he landed.

"Can you come like this, baby girl?" She heard the words,

but they made no sense. Nothing made sense except the
repeated sting of the flogger, the ache of her sex, the drive
for more.

"Kendra!" The flogger paused, and she whimpered in


"No, don't stop, please Master..." She felt almost

incoherent, drowning in need.

"I asked you a question." His voice was implacable and he

withheld the stinging pleasure she craved. "Can you come like
this?" He dragged the handle of the flogger firmly through her
slit. It slid easily over her saturated flesh and she shuddered,
arching to maintain contact as long as possible.

"I don't know," she whispered. Later she thought she

might be embarrassed or even disturbed that she was so
close to getting off from a spanking. Now all she knew was
that she needed it more than she needed air to breathe.

"Let's see, then." He redoubled his efforts. Not an inch of

her was left untouched. The flogging seemed never ending,
one blow blending into another until her entire body was a
throbbing mass of sensual agony.

"Can you come like this?" His voice was rougher now, as if

the flogging were affecting him, too.

She wanted to come, strained for it, but it remained like

the brass ring of a carousel, just beyond her reach.

"Tell me, dammit!" His words were another lash, and she

answered immediately, jerking under the sensations.

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"No, Master!" It was a wail of distress. "Please, Master Sin,

I can't come like this. Help me."

The leather of the pommel horse was wet beneath her

cheek, and Kendra realized she was crying. Master Sin heard
her gasping sobs, and it seemed that something broke loose
in him, too.

She dimly heard the thump as the flogger hit the floor.

Then she heard nothing but the sharp crack of his hand on
her ass. Sharper and hotter, he spanked her, focusing his
blows on her pussy, sliding in the honey that flowed freely
from her.

"Come for me," he gritted. God, she wished she could see

him. See the molten silver of his eyes. "Come!" He
commanded, and she was so close.

"I'm trying, Master." Her voice was provocative, even to

her. "Help me."

"Fuck," he snarled, and the next blow was accompanied by

two rough, wide fingers thrusting into her channel.

"Come now!" The edge of his spanking palm caught her

clit, squeezing it against the leather of the horse. His fingers
corkscrewed into her pussy, stretching her with an irresistible
burn. And she came.

It was like being caught in a star gone supernova. An

implosion, a gathering of energy, and then the most
spectacular explosion of sensation, ripping from the top of her
head to the soles of her feet.

She screamed. She heard it, but couldn't believe it. Kendra

wasn't a screamer. Wasn't a particularly noisy lover at all. But
Master Sin drew scream after scream from her burning throat

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as he drew out her pleasure, until finally there was no more.
No more breath to scream. No more energy to feel the
convulsions rocking her core.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Six

Sin barely kept himself on his feet. Kendra's cries were

driving him fucking crazy. He knew how to make a woman
come. He was damn good at it. But he'd never, ever driven a
woman to the heights he'd just seen his Red attain. Her
pleasure was spine tingling. He felt such a sense of power and
humility all at once. This woman did trust him to give her
pleasure, taking what he gave into herself, then turning it
back on him threefold. He never had a woman come so
quickly for him before, nor did he ever remember being
rocked to the core by a lover's reaction to his ministrations.

Sin ripped open his pants, the force sending the first

button skittering across the room. His dick popped out
through the opening, but the freedom offered no relief. His
cockhead was swollen to unnatural proportions, dripping pre-
cum from the tip down the sides. The ring was drawn tight,
another rarity. He usually had to tighten the damn thing up,
but not this time. Not with this woman. His woman.

He knew it was insane to think such things, but tonight he

couldn't resist. In this place, in this moment she was his and
only his. He moved his hands gently over her reddened
behind. Rich pink lines rose where the flogger's tails had
marked her. She shivered and pushed into his caress, and
tremors shot through Sin at the way she responded to him
even now, after such an intense spanking.

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"You did beautifully, baby girl." His voice was husky and he

winced. He'd been affected just as much as she, if not more,
by her orgasm.

Sin went to his knees behind her, spreading her puffy pink

lips with both hands. Her cream coated not only her skin but
the pommel as well. He needed to taste her, to glide his
tongue along her hot flesh and know her scent.

"I'm going to lick your cunt, Red."
She answered on a sharp gasp, "Ohmigod. Oh, yes,


His lips grazed her pussy. He smoothed them back and

forth gently, learning the shape of her outer lips before
moving along her slit, the tip of his tongue sinking into her
entrance. He pulled back and savored her sweet taste. Licking
his lips, he moved back in for more of her honey, putting his
hands on her full ass cheeks to pull them apart, giving him
even deeper access to her most intimate folds. He went
deeper and deeper, driving his tongue from her clit to her
tight ass, rimming both holes and drawing a cry from her with
this most intimate of kisses. Her taste drew him like no other
flavor he'd ever experienced.

He wanted to feel her explode on his tongue, to capture

her essence and hold it forever. She was intoxicating and
Sin's normal iron control cracked a bit as he allowed his own
moan to escape and join hers. He turned his head, grinding
his chin against her flushed, swollen clit as his tongue
pumped inside of her, stabbing hard, like he was going to do
with his cock.

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"Master Sin ... please, may I come?" He heard the

question but wasn't quite prepared to stop tasting her long
enough to answer. He captured her clit between his lips,
sucking it between his teeth while flicking the tip with his
tongue, and pushed two fingers back inside of her. He
crooked his fingers, making short, controlled thrusts over the
tender spot inside of her.

"Ohmigod ... what are you doing to me?" Her voice was

barely above a whisper, ragged from her sobbing breaths.

He let go of her clit just long enough to rasp, "Come for

me, Red," then sucked hard as his fingers made pass after
pass over that sensitive spot inside her. He felt the hard
contractions against his fingers, the rich cream flooding her
passage, and he quickly pulled them out, replacing them with
his mouth. He drew out her orgasm, drew out the creamy
honey of her arousal, drinking her down as she screamed out
her pleasure.

Sin dropped back to sit on his heels once he'd taken all she

had to give, struck dumb by her, by his reaction to her. A rare
thing indeed. He licked his lips and stretched up to scrape his
teeth over her swollen folds, savoring her taste.

"Damn, baby girl, I could go down on you all day and still

not have enough." His voice was disturbingly rough and
shaky. He only hoped she was blown away enough not to
notice it. He decided he was safe when she simply sighed,
"Master..." between ragged, hitching breaths.

He stayed on his knees for a long moment, collecting

himself and giving them both a brief respite.

* * * *

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Kendra's mind was adrift on a sea of pleasure. Her body

felt as limp as overcooked noodles. Her pussy throbbed and
ached, and Kendra realized that this was the first time she'd
truly orgasmed with a partner. Oh, she could get herself there
just fine, but no lover had ever inspired more than a sweet
tremor of pleasure. Certainly not two orgasms that knocked
all rational thought out of her head, made her whine and
stretch, beg and plead.

A light bulb seemed to go off in her brain as Kendra

realized the experience had been so intense was because she
truly was a submissive. She craved Sin's touch but more, she
craved his domination. She craved the safety of letting him
make the decisions, of letting him see to her pleasure. And
she knew with absolute certainty that he would see to her

She slowly began to bring her breathing under control. Ce

and Megan were going to expect every little detail and Kendra
found that she didn't want to share her experience with
anyone else. This was private, something just between her
and Sin. A memory only they would share.

He touched her hair, then bent down and removed the

cuffs from the pommel. He went to the back and released her
legs. She heard more scuffling behind her and then he was
back by her head. His hands skimmed her sides.

"I'm going to help you stand. Your body has been through

a lot, so if you need to lean on me, do it."

"Yes, Master." She allowed him to pull her shoulders up,

then the rest of her followed. He'd been right, she was

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trembling from head to toe. But it wasn't from being tired, it
was excitement at what would happen next.

She didn't have to wait long. He clipped her still-cuffed

wrists together in front of her and guided her onto a thick,
soft mat that he'd placed on the floor.

"On your knees, Red." His order was harsh and Kendra

couldn't help but think she'd somehow managed to do
something wrong.

Sin helped her to her knees and she inhaled as she came

face to face for the first time with his erection. She looked up
at him. His face could have been carved from stone, a
beautiful, harsh statue.

"Have I displeased you, Master?" She hated the wobble in

her voice, and hated even more the emotion that had put it
there. She might have discovered the glory of being a sub,
but she was also quickly learning that there was an
unpleasant vulnerability on the flip side.

"It's not possible for you to displease me, baby girl." His

voice was as hard as his face, but his hands on her cheeks
were gentle. His eyes blazed.

She opened her mouth to question him further, but he cut

her off, placing his finger over her lips.

"No more questions. No more words. Wrap your beautiful

lips around my cock and suck me."

Kendra pulled his pants down to his calves, awkward

because of her bound hands and his boots. His hard-on hit
her cheek; his arousal wet her skin, making her mouth water.
Bringing up her bound hands, she grasped him by the root,
her eyes never leaving his. She brushed her closed mouth

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across his tip and Sin closed his eyes. His head fell back on
his shoulders.

Kendra dragged her thumbs up his shaft, along the

underside while she wetted her lips with his pre-cum. She
was teasing him and knew she might be punished for it later.
Hell, she hoped she would be punished for it later. But for
now, she was going to learn every ridge, every dip, and every
pulsing vein wrapping the length of his cock.

She dropped her hands to his heavy sac, testing the

weight in her palm, squeezing it lightly. The adjustable cock
ring caught her eye.

The round piece of rubber appeared way too tight,

painfully so.

"Master, would you like me to loosen this?" she asked, one

finger touching the band and circling it.

"Enough!" he hissed through clenched teeth. "Wrap your

mouth around me now Kendra, or so help me I will have your

* * * *

Sin opened his eyes long enough to see the small smile of

satisfaction on Kendra's face. Her mouth opened, and almost
in slow motion she moved her head forward, taking the head
of his cock into her mouth. Her eyes never left his, her
innocent golden gaze tore at him and he closed his eyes
against it, but even that wasn't enough.

"Fuck." He drew back, catching her chin to keep her from

following him. He stripped out of his boots, tossing them in
the corner and pulled his pants up to his hips. Striding quickly

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to a small chest against one wall, he dragged out a blue silk
scarf which he quickly folded lengthwise.

Kendra sat on her knees watching him curiously. There

was no fear in her eyes, not even a hint of the nerves that
had so shaken her earlier. No, that golden gaze was pure
trust, and it was pure Hell on his control.

Moving behind her, he wrapped the scarf over her eyes,

blindfolding her. He stepped back in front of her and just
stared for a moment. She was a visual feast. Loose, tumbling
curls sparking golden brown around her shoulders, wrapping
around her luscious breasts and playing hide and seek with
her swollen red nipples. The little red horns that had
somehow stayed perched in her hair marked her for what she
was—a devil, a demon who'd taken possession of him, body
and soul. The sky blue of the blindfold contrasted beautifully
with the pale cream of her skin, made the deep rose of her
lips even richer.

He was her Master. It was his duty to see to her pleasure,

and that meant keeping his own under control. And how the
fuck was he supposed to do that?

He thrust his leathers back down to his knees. Threading

his hands in her hair he led her mouth back to his cock and
held on, allowing her the time to explore him.

"Now suck me, Red."
Tiny pulses of sensation shot from his tip as she licked

around his crown. He grew impossibly harder as she pulled
lightly at his cockhead, and he growled "Suck me, Red. Quit
playing." She hummed against his shaft, the vibration nearly
undoing him, then hollowing her cheeks, she sucked him in,

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hard and deep. Sin tangled his hands roughly in her hair, held
her harder and thrust deeper still, until he felt her start to

"Relax, baby girl. Relax your throat, and when you feel me

there, swallow." Slowly, he set up a rhythm that she could
take, and a dance of lips and tongue and throbbing cock
emerged. Kendra licking him bottom to top, top to bottom,
like her favorite candy stick. Sin pumping into her mouth,
shallow at first, then deeper. She learned to relax a little
more each time, and his thick cock sank deeper with each

Every muscle went tight, and he found himself moving into

her rhythm, rocking onto the balls of his feet as her sweet,
sinful mouth took him deeper, higher. She pulled back,
running her open mouth down his shaft, nuzzling the base of
his cock, then lower. He opened his legs more, as much as his
pants would allow, and she burrowed deeper, licking that hot
little tongue over his balls, dancing it over the rubber of the
cock ring and then rubbing it over the satiny smooth skin just
behind them. Her tongue was as hot as he'd imagined it
would be. She left little fires everywhere it touched his flesh.

"Fuck, Kendra," he hissed, arching with the pleasure,

thanking God for the ring that kept him from spending then
and there.

His hands knotted in her hair as she wrapped her bound

hands around his shaft. The soft leather of her cuffs was
unbearably abrasive against his groin. She pulled along his
shaft, surprisingly rough, surprisingly perfect, and took one
swollen teste into her mouth, sucking just hard enough. Just

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hard enough to blow the top off his head. Just hard enough to
send his cum shooting from his balls in a scalding surge down
the length of his dick, to explode over her hands.

Blindly he clutched at her, lost to anything but the feel of

her mouth on him. Blindly she pulled back, somehow directing
the ropes of burning cum across her breasts. The sight
pushed his orgasm higher. His seed spattered her chest,
decorated her gorgeous nipples like liquid pearls. Sin gritted
his teeth, closed his eyes, and let himself fly. Drowning at the
sight of his cum lying shiny and thick on her fair skin.

When he opened his eyes, she'd found his cock with her

mouth again and was licking, cleaning away the evidence of
his loss of control. Drinking him down. Gentling him.

He unwound his hands from her hair with a little tug, and

pulled out of her mouth with a soft pop.

"Master?" He wondered if she whispered because of his

order not to talk, or because her throat was tender from his
deep thrusting.

"Yes, baby girl?"
"You're still so hard," she trailed off, and her lip trembled a


"It's the cock ring," he explained. "I'll stay hard until I take

it off." He used his hands in her hair to guide her down to a
sitting position on the mat. "And I won't be taking it off for
quite a while yet," he added.

"Lie back, Kendra." He watched as she obeyed. "Now bring

your knees up, hands above your head." She complied,
stretching her bound hands over her head and allowing her
knees to fall open. Her body flushed a rosy pink as Sin said

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nothing, but continued to stare. He'd never seen a more
beautiful sight than this woman lying before him like an
ancient sacrifice.

Her beautifully full body was made to cradle him, to take

him in deep and rock with him. Sin kicked off his pants and
tossed them aside. He went to his knees and moved in close,
pushing her thighs still further apart with his hips, making a
place for himself. Leaning over her, Sin grasped his cock in
one hand, poised at her entrance. He placed his other palm
on her cheek in a gesture of tenderness and possession, and
then he moved in, letting his dick slide home.

Nothing had ever felt so right. She clasped him like a

silken vise, tiny, secret muscles clamping down along the
length of his shaft, dragging a deep grunt of satisfaction from
his chest.

"Oh, fuck, Red," Sin gasped when her hips rose, taking

him deeper into her plush heat. She filled his head, her
sounds, and her scent. He wasn't able to look away from her.
The silk of her blindfold was darker, wet with sweat or tears.
Her cheeks were round and soft, flushed with pleasure, and
her mouth was a ripe, red temptation he just wasn't strong
enough to resist.

Sin fell on her, catching her legs in a grip he knew would

leave bruises, and feeling a primal rush of satisfaction at the
thought of her bearing his marks. He dragged her closer,
wrapped her legs around his waist, and lunged in to taste her
lips for the first time. The moment his tongue slid across hers
Sin knew he was a fucking goner. Her mouth melded perfectly

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to his in a kiss that left him lost in space; there was no
control, no cold calculated seduction of her body.

There was only thunder and lightning, fire and rain as the

kiss deepened further. Sin began to rock his hips in time to
the irresistible beat in his blood.

* * * *

Kendra was drowning in a desire so stark she felt raw. A

part of her wanted to run from Sin, the other part wanted to
never let him go. How could she ever go back to life as usual
after this night? God, she had been such a fool to think she
could have a casual encounter with a man like Sin.

Everywhere he touched, every word he spoke carved a

deeper notch in her heart. He was made to take her, to touch
her, to dominate her. The idea of this being the only time
she'd feel him inside of her made her stomach clench
painfully. She stuffed down the stray thought, determined to
enjoy all the pleasure Sin was showing her.

His body moved faster and he pulled her tighter to him.

She met his every thrust, arching into his body. With a
muffled scream she licked over his chest, then fastened her
mouth to his pectoral, clamping her teeth into the muscle
where she remembered his tattoo ended.

She bit down hard and was rewarded with his triumphant

shout. She sucked hard, determined to leave her mark upon
his body, something for him to remember her by.

"Yes." He wrapped his hand around the nape of her neck

and pulled her face back up, fastening his mouth to hers.

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A kiss. Kisses weren't supposed to devastate a woman.

Master Sin's did. His kisses took her to place she'd never
dreamed existed. A place where there was no outside world,
only Sin and Kendra, Master and slave. Kendra knew she had
been born to serve him, and only him.

* * * *

Sin shifted, catching her legs over his arms, opening her

wider, letting himself sink deeper. He'd lost even the illusion
of control, jack-hammering into her pussy with a single
imperative, his body screaming at him for release.

Not yet, not yet ... he chanted. He'd fucked enough to

know just how rare it was to find true paradise in the body of
a woman. His woman. And he wasn't ready for it to end. He
wanted to soak her into his very cells, brand himself on every
inch of her. He wanted her to come around his cock, to
scream his name, and to beg for more than this one night.

Sin lunged back, jerking to his knees. More. He needed

more of her. He gritted out a curse and grasped her ankles,
lifting her legs and spreading them, placing her feet on his

She screamed at the change in position, a startled,

stuttering cry that wrapped around his balls and squeezed. He
reached down, rubbed her clit with thumb and stroked

Fuck, she was gorgeous, so gorgeous. Her generous

breasts moved with his every thrust, her lips red and swollen
as she moaned and mewed. Reaching out with his free hand,
he took her nipple between his thumb and forefinger,

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twisting, pulling it away from her body and rolling it,
mimicking what he was doing to her clit.

Her back arched up off the floor.
"Master, I need to come. Please, please, please."
"Come, baby. Come." Sin couldn't deny her pleasure. Her

body tensed, and a scream ripped from her. Her pussy
clamped down on him, hard, slow contractions that seemed to
drag his soul out by way of his dick. Sin stilled as her walls
pulsed around him, watching her face, the way her mouth fell
open, the hectic flush of her cheeks. Her orgasm washed over
him like a summer storm, purifying him, recharging him,
punching the breath from his body.

His balls tightened, no more denying the release, and he

pulled out. Gripping his shaft, he pumped once, twice before
pouring his seed high on her chest to land across her breasts.
He'd lied earlier because in this moment he'd never witnessed
a more exquisite sight.

He fell forward, catching himself on his forearm over her,

one hand tangling in her hair, knocking the blindfold free, as
the other fisted his cock, dragging out each spasm.

Her eyes were squeezed shut, her face damp and flushed,

and fuck she was beautiful. The sight washed over him as his
orgasm eased. His hand slowed, and so did the bursts of cum.
Then she opened those golden eyes, and the pure trust and
emotion shimmering there sent him right back over the top.

"Fuck, fuck, Kendra." He roared the words, screamed them

as a low tingle started in his back and, recognizing the
sensation, he grabbed at his cock again. Pulling on it harder,
faster he watched as Kendra flashed her hungry eyes to what

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his hand was doing. Her eyes went dark as she watched him
jerk his cock in a steady rhythm, lost in an experience he'd
never imagined.

Her tiny, bound hands slipped between them, to cup his

balls, and he felt another orgasm being ripped from him. A
pleasure that surpassed pain took hold of him, and he roared
out his dominance and marked his woman with still more of
his burning cum.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Seven

Sin collapsed over her, crushing her under his weight. His

chest heaved, his breath gusting over her neck, stirring the
curls of hair stuck to her damp skin. They were melded
together, glued together by sweat and cum, and Kendra
thought she'd be happy to stay that way forever.

She felt tears streaking down her temples and soaking her

hair. Tears of joy at the euphoria washing over her body.
Tears of sorrow at the knowledge that after tonight she would
be condemned to go back to a life of mediocrity. Of arrogant
men without anything to back up their arrogance or mild-
mannered men afraid to do anything this remarkable. Only
now, she would know what she was missing.

In other words, Kendra was fucked, and not in a good way.
Eventually Sin's breathing steadied, and he lifted up,

balancing on one arm and reaching down to loosen the cock
ring with the other.

"I had no idea that was physiologically possible," Kendra

rasped, surprised at the husky tone in her voice.

He'd been looking down, but at her words he raised his

head, tossing back his mane of thick, dark hair.

"It's not," he commented with a quirky smile.
Kendra drew a finger through evidence and raised her

eyebrows meaningfully. Sin snorted out a laugh.

"Cock ring." She gave him a speculative look and started

to giggle when he wagged his eyebrows at her. He shook his
head and rolled to the side, pulling her with him until she

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snuggled into his side. "Okay, maybe the combination of you
and the cock ring."

She'd just settled in, savoring the most amazing afterglow

of her life when a knock on the wall sounded an interruption.

"Fuck off," Sin grunted without opening his eyes.
"No can do, buddy," an amused male voice replied. "Last

call's come and gone and Brady wants you to do the rounds
while he deals with a little female trouble."

* * * *

"Ohmigod," Kendra whispered. "Celia and Megan!"
"Fuck off, Ryan," Sin repeated. "And tell Brady he can fuck

off, too."

"I'll let you tell Brady that yourself, dickhead." Sin closed

his eyes and let his head drop back to the floor as Ry's voice
faded. He knew the night had to end, but wanted to have a
few minutes to hold Kendra before sending her home.

And he knew he'd send her home without him. She was

young, inexperienced, and had come here with Celia Jenner.
Sin also knew without a doubt that Kendra would never have
stepped foot through the front door, much less attempted the
third floor, without Celia's influence. Yes, she was a natural
submissive, but it was obvious that this was her first real
experience with being dominated. There was no reason for
him to believe that she wanted to take things any further
between them. The world was full of Dom's, and Kendra was
new enough to the lifestyle that she would want to

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Never mind that the idea of her experimenting with anyone

other than him made him completely homicidal.

* * * *

Kendra savored every second in Sin's arms. She knew they

needed to move, she needed to find Celia and Megan. She
knew that this night had to end, and she had to go back to
being plain old Kendra Moore. In time she'd feel nothing but
gratitude that she'd had this experience. Every woman should
have a fantasy lover at least once in her life, and Kendra
knew that Master Sin was it for her.

In time she'd be grateful. For now, all she could feel was

the looming loss.

Sin rose far too soon, pulled on his leathers and moved out

of the cubicle. Moments later he returned with a basin of
warm, peppermint-scented water and soft cloths.

"The peppermint will sooth any lingering aches and pains,"

he murmured as he began stroking the warm, luxurious
cloths over her body. He took special care with the tender
flesh of her back, pausing to smooth healing balm over the
raised pattern left by the flogger. Kendra wanted to melt, the
combination of sexual satiation and physical pampering
turning her into a puddle of goo.

He'd just finished rubbing her dry with a fluffy towel and

was tucking her into his shirt when someone pounded on the
screen blocking the open side of the cubicle so hard that all
three walls shook.

"Ah, fuck," Sin muttered, moving the screen aside to

confront the club's owner.

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The notorious Brady Ryder stood glowering into the

cubicle, and Kendra had to resist the urge to hide. The man
was intimidating—Hell, scary—enough at his best. Now,
clearly pissed, the man could send hardened criminals crying
for their mommies.

"You got something to say to me, Master Sin?" The big

man's voice rumbled, causing Kendra to flinch, but Sin didn't
even blink.

"What, you didn't get my message?" He gave a smile that

was more teeth than good humor. "I believe I told you to fuck
off, boss."

Brady shook his head disgustedly. "Well, while you've been

up here playing, I've been downstairs keeping this one's," he
gestured to Kendra, who'd crept up behind Sin and was
peering around his shoulder, "friends from taking the place
apart to find her." He turned his attention to Kendra, and she
tried to burrow deeper into Sin's back. She didn't realize how
tightly she was pressed against him until he slid his arm back,
wrapping it around her. Instantly she felt safe, somehow
protected from the bald, tattooed giant facing her.

"Look, sweetheart," Brady rumbled at her. "This is no place

for you. You're not a member, you're not an approved guest,
you're way too inexperienced to be here," he cast Sin a quick
glance, "or at least you were, and you hang with company I
just don't fucking want to deal with." He shook his head
again, running his hand over the back of his neck.

* * * *

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Jesus, Sin thought. Every fucking word out of Brady's

mouth twisted the knife a little deeper, because every fucking
word was right.

He felt Kendra pressed against his back, and she felt so

right. But the look in those expressive gold eyes was
guarded, even frightened.

Suddenly Sin knew that the last thing he could do was face

sending Kendra off with her friends. He thought that if he was
faced with walking her downstairs like some kind of end to a
date, he might just end up throwing her over his shoulder and
making a run for it. The thought terrified him. Sinclair Martin
didn't do serious, or exclusive. He wasn't possessive or
jealous. And yet he resented even handing Kendra over to her

"Tell, you what, boss," he forced out of a throat made tight

by his need to howl out his possession of this woman and his
frustration at letting her go. "You take Red here down to her
friends, and I'll be a good little employee and do my rounds."
He gave Brady another sharp and utterly false smile.
"Everyone's happy, right?"

"Master, I..." before Kendra could finish, Brady had

reached around Sin and was drawing her to his side.

"Scene's over, sweetheart," the big man commented. "He's

just plain Sin now." Brady gave an ironic chuckle. "If 'sin' can
ever be called just plain."

Kendra flashed Sin a vaguely panicked look.
"You'll be fine, Red. He looks like a serial killer," Brady

growled, reinforcing the image, "but the boss is a pussycat."
A homicidal-looking pussycat with thick silver bar-bells

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piercing his nipples. "He'll get you to your friends, and make
sure you get out of here safely." That much, at least, was
true. Brady Ryder might not be a pussycat, but he was the
most safety conscious, trustworthy man Sin had ever met.
Too bad he didn't see himself that way.

"So that's it, huh?" Those golden eyes had taken on a

dazed look, and that lush red mouth trembled. Sin couldn't
resist reaching out to smooth his thumb over her puffy lower
lip. He sucked back his hiss when her tongue automatically
darted out, returning the caress.

"That's it, baby girl. You wanted an experience, to play a

little bit. I hope it was everything you'd imagined."

He had to get the fuck out of there. She looked ready to

cry, and he knew—just fucking knew—that if she asked to
stay with him he'd let her. And it would be a mistake. She
was caught up in the moment. Once she'd had time to
process things, she'd be more than ready to move on. And
Sin had had the sickening realization that, if he held her for
one second longer and then let her go, it would wreck him.

"So," he tried to keep the desperation out of his voice and

deliberately ignored Brady's speculative look, "you'll take her

He was on the move before Brady could answer, striding

quickly from the cubicle, from the hallway, from the public
areas of the club entirely. Wishing he could walk away from
himself, too.

* * * *

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"Okay," Megan pounced the minute they were in the car.

"Spill it all, girlfriend!" Celia slid into the back seat beside
Kendra, leaving Megan alone in the driver's seat. She'd nearly
had a stroke when Brady had led Kendra down to the first
floor dance area. Her friend had been wrapped in a large,
white man's silk shirt, barefoot, and looking utterly
debauched. The only remnant of the woman who'd snuck
upstairs behind her was the set of sparkly leather horns still
perched in her hair.

Celia'd immediately gone after Brady, standing nose to ...

ribcage with the big man, drilling her finger into his chest and
demanding to know what the Hell he'd done to her friend.
Before he could do more than snarl back at her, however,
Kendra had drawn her away.

"He didn't do a thing except walk me down here," she'd

insisted. Celia had taken a closer look and realized that, as
utterly undone as Kendra was, there was a kind of blissed out
haze to her eyes, not a frightened or upset glaze as she'd
originally feared.

"I'm sorry." She turned back to Brady, who was watching

her with cold, emotionless eyes. "I was worried, so I
overreacted." Lightning flared briefly in the icy, ocean-colored
depths of his eyes and he grabbed her arm, dragging her to
his side.

"No, Princess, you didn't overreact. What the fuck were

you thinking, bringing a girl like her, like either of them,
here?" Celia ignored Megan's protest, locked into Brady's hold
and his gaze. "Do you think she chose to come back to you all
but naked?" He let out a frustrated growl, one that Celia felt

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low in her belly. "She got lucky, Princess. One of our trainers
saw her get in a jam and stepped in to rescue her. But things
could just as easily have gone wrong, and it would be
because you just won't fucking listen."

Celia knew he was right. She had been sick with worry

when Kendra had vanished up into the third floor and hours
had passed without a sign of her. Celia knew that, had
anything happened to her friend, she'd never have been able
to live with herself. Kendra might be a woman grown, but this
adventure had been Celia's from the start.

"God, I'm sorry, Kennie," Celia blurted, pulling away from

Brady to hug her friend.

"It's okay, Ce. I'm okay. Can we just leave now?"
"Absolutely," Celia replied. "Let's go."
She noticed, though, that Kendra lingered over her thanks

to Brady. And that she kept glancing toward the stairs, as
though looking for something. Or someone. And just maybe
the someone she was looking for was the bronzed god
standing at the top of the stairs, eating her up with his eyes
like she was dessert.

"Spill now, you lucky bitch!" Megan's voice snapped her

back to the present, and she shot a glance at Kendra, who'd
busied herself adjusting the heating vent.

"Well..." Her friend sounded reluctant, and Celia couldn't

help but wonder why. Kendra sighed. "It was pretty much
everything Ce's ever said. And more." She gave a pensive
little smile. "The boys and girls up there might play by the
rules, but they use their own rule book, not one you can find
on-line or in a bookstore."

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"That's not what I mean, smarty pants, and you know it,"

Megan prodded. "You clearly got lucky, and we expect the
details. Now."

Celia felt Kendra stiffen beside her, and intervened.
"I think tomorrow afternoon over coffee will do for details."

She spoke over Megan's protest. "We've all got stories about
tonight." For a brief moment she could taste Brady's mouth
on hers again, and she shivered. Maybe Kendra wasn't the
only one who needed time to process things. "Waiting until
tomorrow will give us a chance to soak in the experience, and
then we can all share." And, she thought, intercepting
Kendra's grateful look, Kennie and I can have some time to
decide exactly what we're going to share.

[Back to Table of Contents]

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Chapter Eight

Kendra stood staring at herself in the mirror, wondering

why she looked the same. Shouldn't world-shaking, life
altering experiences show on one's face? No, staring back at
her was the same old Kennie. Maybe a little tired and ragged
looking, but otherwise, the same as always.

Grabbing a super-sized mug of black coffee, she trudged to

where her purse was by the front door. Celia, God bless her,
had lost her keys at the club the previous night, and needed a
ride back there in order to pick them up. Kendra had literally
begged her to find someone, anyone else, but Celia'd been
firm. She needed Kendra, and Kendra couldn't refuse.
Dammit. She was almost out the door when she paused. She
still had Master Sin's shirt. She should return it since she was
going back anyway. She didn't really need the memento;
Sin's memory was burned across every inch of her skin.

* * * *

"So," Ce commented as she bounced into the passenger

seat of Kendra's Saturn. "I take it whoever he was, he was
pretty special."

She should have known better, Kendra thought, than to

expect Celia to not notice. Or to let it slide. She sighed.

"Pretty much incomparable," she admitted softly.
"Yeah," Celia agreed, "men like them are pretty

incomparable." Celia shot her a shrewd look. "If he got to you
that much, you need to grab on. Don't just walk away."

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"Hell, Ce, he sent me away." Kendra gave a watery laugh.

"He made it more than clear that we had a session. A scene.
Never to be repeated, and nothing more."

"Oh, hon, I'm so sorry." Celia reached over and squeezed

her arm. "I never for a second thought that my adventure
would end up hurting you or Meg."

"If I'm hurt, it's my own darn fault." I knew better, she

thought. But, "I'm not going in, Ce," she rushed out. "I swear
to God if I see him I'll end up throwing myself at his feet. I'd
absolutely die."

They'd arrived, and the club looked odd in the daylight.

Missing the purple neon glow and the snaking line of people,
it appeared a quiet, classy building. Kendra pulled up near the
door and prepared to wait.

"Oh no, you don't," Celia protested. "You aren't any more

blind than I am, girlfriend, so you should be able to guess
that it's not a particularly good idea for me and Brady to be
alone together." Kendra remembered that scorching kiss, and
the equally heated anger that had sizzled between her friend
and the tattooed giant and had to agree.

"Besides," Celia wheedled, "your guy won't be here. He's

one of the trainers, right?" Kendra shrugged. Sin had never
given her his title, other than Master, but she remembered
Brady referring to him that way. "Well, I'm sure he's only
here at night. So you'll be perfectly safe."

Celia, once she'd set her mind to something, was an

irresistible force, and Kendra wasn't really surprised to find
herself walking into the empty club a few minutes later.

* * * *

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Sin slipped on a white T-shirt, pushing the hem into his

jeans. His head was throbbing, and muscles that he hadn't
used in longer than was wise ached. Fuck. He had the mother
of all sex-hangovers, and it hadn't particularly helped that
he'd gotten drunk off his ass once he'd sent Kendra off with

He'd stayed at the club last night, just sober enough to

know he was in no condition to drive.

Kendra. He couldn't get her out of his mind. What a

fucking mess he'd managed to get himself into with that

It had only taken one glance from a pair of innocent,

sensual golden eyes for the amazing creature he'd named his
baby girl to knock big, bad Master Sin on his ass.

Shaking his head carefully he headed toward the stairs,

praying that someone had the compassion to have started a
pot of coffee.

"You look like shit." The deep, sarcastic voice rumbled

through Sin's head, and he turned to face his boss.

He cocked his brow.
"You don't look much better, boss-man." It was true.

Brady looked like he hadn't slept in days, and Sin had an
inkling of what, or rather who, was keeping him up nights.

"Yeah, well, I don't need to look pretty for the females." In

the three years Sin had worked at Velvet Ice, he'd never seen
his boss keep company with a woman for any length of time.
Sin frowned. For that matter, with the exception of the man's
arguments with Celia Jenner, he'd never seen Brady do more

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with a woman than direct her to the nearest available trainer
or Master. Not only did his boss avoid women like the plague,
but rarely sought anyone out for conversation. With the
exception of his appearance outside Sin's cubicle last night,
this was the first time Brady had ever had anything to say to
him aside from work-related instructions.

"Got something on your mind, Brady?" Never mind that

whatever it was, Sin probably didn't want to hear it.

The big, bald man scratched his unshaven jaw.
"Yeah. I was wondering why you let that little she-devil go

last night."

Sin shrugged. "What are you talking about? We were done.

The session was over."

Brady laughed, but there was no humor in the sound.
"You're a shitty liar, Sinclair. If it was just an evening, you

wouldn't have been panting along after her when she headed
out with her friends."

Fuck, was he that obvious? Sin didn't like that Brady had

picked up on the fact that he was feelin' Red the way he was.
If a man with ice-water in his veins could see how bad he had
it for the woman, it must have been flashing over his head
like a neon sign.

"What the fuck would you know about how I was feeling,

Brady? Maybe it's been so long since you've taken a sub that
you've forgotten what it's like to have a really intense
session? Doesn't mean you're in love or anything."

A cold kind of fury settled in Brady's eyes, turning the

blue-green orbs emerald.

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"I know when a man is bullshitting himself." He pointed a

blunt finger at Sin. "You want her more today than you did
last night. I bet right now all you're thinking about is diving
back into her curvy ass."

Sin made a move before he even thought about it, taking

the big man by surprise. One minute he was facing Brady
across the corridor, the next Sin had his boss pinned to the

"Don't fucking talk about her like that, Brady. Boss or not

I'll break your fucking nose if you speak about Kendra with
anything less than respect."

* * * *

"You'll try." Brady growled before tossing the younger man

back. "Let me give you some advice, Sin. If she is the one
you want, don't let her walk away. Don't fucking lose your
woman because things may not make sense to you at the
moment, because once you let her go you'll never be the

If it hadn't been so damned irritating, Brady might have

smiled at the look on Sin's face. The younger man knew he
was right. He was just too hung up on timelines and
expectations to admit it.

Brady knew better than most what it meant to have

everything, and have it snatched from you in a blink of the
eye. Fate hadn't given him a choice, but Sin had one, and
Brady didn't want to see the younger man end up like he
was: Bitter, angry and broken; lusting after a totally
inappropriate woman. A woman whom, in the end, he would

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destroy. Just like he'd done before. Brady swallowed back the
horror-filled memories of his past. This wasn't about him. This
was about Sinclair coming to terms with the fact that last
night he'd made Kendra Moore his, and she'd returned the

"Braaaaddddyyyyyy." Brady closed his eyes and gritted out

a filthy word as the husky female voice sang up the stairway.
God damn it, he wasn't up to dealing with the little pain in his
ass this morning, he thought, tamping down his body's
immediate reaction to the presence of Celia Jenner in his club.
The bane of his existence, the very female who teased and
tormented him whenever she got the chance.

She made Brady want things, things he hadn't allowed

himself for ten years. Things he swore he would never allow
himself again. He'd been fighting a losing battle to keep her
out of the club since she'd turned eighteen and got a hint of
what her brother Dorian was up to during his nights at Velvet
Ice. Now that she was legal, he knew, it would be even
harder to avoid her.

"Come on, Sin, I need you with me. Ms. Jenner needs to

be put over someone's knee, and not in a good way. I don't
trust myself not to harm the little brat this morning."

* * * *

Sin nodded and followed Brady down the stairs. Waiting in

the main bar area stood Celia Jenner, arms crossed, foot
tapping impatiently.

"Well, it's about darn time! I was ready to come up there

and find you."

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"Celia," Brady growled, "you are not going to the third

floor. Ever." Sin watched as Celia's eyes narrowed. Oh shit,
she was ready for a fight.

"You can try to stop me, Brady. But eventually I will get


"This isn't a game, little girl. Don't make me drag Dorian

into this. It doesn't flatter either of us if I have to call the
grown-ups on you."

"My brother has better things to do than try and keep me

under lock and key."

Sin lost track of the conversation as a small noise drew his

attention to the dark hallway near the bar entrance. Dim light
glinted off warm brown curls and traced the silhouette of a
curvy hip encased in snug jeans. Kendra. He walked past
Brady and Celia, totally deaf to their ongoing sparring as he
made his way to her.

"You're back." He didn't mean for it to come out sounding

like an accusation, but he supposed that was better than the
whimper of gratitude that wanted to slip out.

She stepped into the light. Damn, she was even more

gorgeous today, scrubbed clean and fresh in her casual
clothes. His cock hardened instantly, his fingers flexed as he
stopped himself from touching her.

"I ... I came with Ce. She left her car keys here and she

needed a ride." She refused to meet his face. "Ummm, I
wasn't planning to stalk you." Her words were a blow to his
gut, making it hard to catch his breath.

Sin heard Ce pulling Brady away from the bar area as their

heated argument became a distant muffle.

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"Are you sorry about last night?" Sin cringed inside as he

heard himself continue, "Did I hurt you?" Fuck, he really was

"No you didn't hurt me. It was..." she trailed off and he

tipped her chin up with one finger. "It was a revelation. I had
no idea that Dom/sub sex was like that." She wouldn't meet
his eyes. Dammit, he needed to see her eyes.

Finally she raised her head and he knew the truth. If he

was lying, saying that last night had meant nothing, so was
she. It was there in her face. Sin felt a mixture of anger and
lust pound through his body. She was looking at him with
those big golden eyes of hers, and all he could do was
remember the way they'd glowed up at him as he tunneled
straight to her soul. The way her body felt so fucking right
beneath his hands. The way she responded to his every
whispered command.

It was as though he heard an audible click. She was the

perfect natural submissive, and she'd caused him to burn just
as surely as he'd done for her. He'd tried to convince himself
that all they'd shared was sex, but his body and soul knew
differently. Sin wasn't the type of man to play emotional
chess, and he didn't plan to start now. Kendra was the first
female who ever made him lose his control, and he needed

He stalked toward her, crowding her into the hallway.

Those eyes. It was her damn eyes that had done him in. He
could drown in their liquid depths. He'd gotten hard at the
sight of her across the room, but now as she backed away his
dick swelled to near painful proportions. Sin held back an evil

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little smile, she may be shaking her head no, but her nipples
were tight beneath her thin t-shirt.

She hit the wall behind her and Sin moved in, laying his

palms flat on either side of her head. His knee moved
between her thighs, grinding against her denim covered
pussy. His voice, when he spoke, was low and dangerous. He
was a man on the edge and only by burying himself in her
would his world be righted again.

"Dom/sub sex is not always like that. Hell, it's not usually

like that. Do you understand me, Kendra?" He loved the
sound of her name rolling off his tongue. His face moved over
hers, just enough so that his breath whispered over her
mouth. Her plump lips opened on a gasp, begging for his kiss.
He refused to answer her silent plea. She had to admit that
last night was something more than a casual fuck, or she
needed to walk away.

He slid his index finger down her nose, across her full

bottom lip and let his gaze coast over her body. He licked his
lips as he imagined the first taste of her ripe, red nipples.
They would fit so perfectly in his mouth. They were so
sensitive: He remembered her cries of pleasure as he plucked
and pinched at them.

His finger slid down the front of her neck, his hand

stopping to fully encase the front of her throat. Still she
refused to speak what they both knew was the truth.

Leaning forward he traced his tongue along the line of her

jaw. Kendra's small groan urged him on. He nipped at her
chin, and with his hand still on her neck turned her head to
the side so he could lick a wet path to her ear.

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"Tell me, baby girl," he murmured as he nipped her lobe.

"Tell me you didn't go home last night and think about me."
He felt her fighting herself, but Sin was a master at

"Kendra, you may not talk to me but your body is

screaming for my touch. Look at those tight little nipples,
they're begging for my fingers, my mouth." To prove his point
Sin tweaked her right nipple, lightly at first, then harder. Her
eyes widened at the pleasure/pain of his touch, bringing a
smile of triumph, but still she shook her head in denial.

"Don't play games with me, Kendra. I bet if I rip down

those jeans of yours, I'll find your pussy soaking wet. I could
slide my fingers in and make you come all over my hand in
about five seconds flat. Am I wrong, baby girl?"

Sin was relentless in his questions, desperate for her to

admit that she felt the bond between them, too. "You taste
like the sweetest honey. Don't you want to feel me lick up all
your sweet cream, let it slide down my throat?"

He snapped the button of her jeans, and pulled down the

zippered tab. Her eyes closed as his hand slipped into her
panties. He bit back a groan at the scalding heat that awaited
him there. "Oh fuck, Kendra, you're so wet for me." He was
walking a fine line, his control frayed by the evidence that she
still wanted him as much as he wanted her. At least, he
thought grimly, her body did.

* * * *

Kendra's head was swimming. His spicy cologne, his

wicked voice, his evil fingers snuck through the wall she'd

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attempted to erect around her heart. Who the hell was she
kidding? This man owned her in a way she never dreamed
existed. Yes, her head screamed that she was a fool, but deep
in her soul she knew differently.

Kendra wasn't an impulsive kind of woman. Yesterday

morning the idea that she'd meet the man she'd belong to
would have left her in fits of laughter, but today, pressed
against the most sinfully delicious man on the planet, she
knew she had. The second his fingers had touched her she
was a freaking goner. It made no sense to her, and she knew
it wouldn't make sense to anyone else except maybe Ce, but
it was true nonetheless.

As if he could feel her resolve wavering, Sin stroked along

her slit, teasing gently, daring her to spread her legs just a
little. She knew that if she did, that would be it. She'd never
let him go. On a sigh of both pleasure and surrender Kendra
opened her legs as far as her jeans would allow.

The wide smile on Sin's face would have been reward

enough, but Kendra knew her Master well enough already to
know he had so much more in store for her. He removed his
hand over her protest, and went to his knees, pulling the
denim down her thighs to pool at her ankles. The sight was
arresting, the meaning even more so. This powerful Master,
her Master, was on his knees at her feet. She forgot her next
thought as the rough rasp of his cat-like tongue licked her,
splitting her lips apart and finding her clit. He circled the small
bud lazily, forcing Kendra to put her hands on his shoulders
for support. His deep rumble of laughter vibrated through his
tongue and into her body.

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He worked two fingers into her entrance, moving in a slow

back and forth motion to widen her small passage. Kendra
braced her shoulders against the wall as her hips moved in
rhythm with his fingers. Her hands wrapped in the luxurious
length of his hair when he nipped her plump lower lips. He
slid his fingers free and before she could protest he was
slicking her natural lubrication to her ass, his forefinger
probing the tight hole while his two middle fingers moved
back to her cunt. Simultaneously he thrust into her body,
front and back. Kendra hissed at the dual penetration. No one
had ever messed with her ass before, and the invasion was
dark, painful, confusing. Her senses rioted, caught between
pain and pleasure. The fingers he'd thrust into her pussy
dragged relentlessly against the finger in her rear passage,
rubbing through the tissue-thin skin separating them. He
pulled almost all the way out and pain scorched into need,
fierce and blinding. His mouth captured her clit, alternating
between long sucks and small nibbles. Kendra found herself
rubbing against his face which only spurred his actions to
pump harder, dig deeper, suck longer.

Her orgasm ripped a cry from her that she was sure

echoed throughout the empty club, but she didn't give a
damn. This connection with Master Sin was like nothing she'd
ever dreamed, and she didn't have it in her to hold anything
back from him.

* * * *

Sin lapped at the well of her pussy, leisurely licking up her

sweet cream. Her legs were shaking as he held her pinned

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against the wall. Lowering his hand, he worked one curvy leg
free of confines of her jeans. He stood, ripping open his own
pants and shoving them down his hips. His heavy cock sprang
free, and he let Kendra go long enough to grab the condom
from his back pocket. Sheathing himself in record time, he
moved in on her.

Grabbing one of her legs, he wrapped it around his waist.

He slammed home without his usual finesse, but he didn't
think she minded, not when her nails dug into his shoulders
and her hips tilted to meet his hard thrust.

"Fuck, baby girl. You feel so fucking good." He gritted his

teeth against the need to come instantly as the walls of her
vagina closed around his girth. Wrapping one hand around
the base of her neck he tipped her head back, forcing her to
look at him.

"You belong to me, Kendra. I can't fucking explain it, but

you're mine." His hips pistoned, slamming into her faster and
faster, as if his very life depended on getting as deep into her
as humanly possible. "This is once in a lifetime, baby girl. Do
you understand me?"

She whimpered, shaking her head blindly, clawing at his

back through the thin cotton of his tee.

"Look at me, baby girl," he gritted out. He'd claimed her,

but the Master in him was driven to hear her admit it, to hear
her accept him out loud. Her eyes hit him like a shot of
whiskey. "Tell me you feel it, too." He waited for what felt like
forever before she spoke through soft, trembling lips.

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"Yes, Master Sin. It's a once in a lifetime." She arched into

him, and grabbed his hand, dragging it to lie over her
pounding heart. "How are you doing this to me?"

He dipped his head, resting his forehead against hers so

that they were eye to eye.

"Baby girl, we're doing this to each other. I won't let it end

here, not unless you say the word. I can't let this end." He
moved, surging deeper and deeper into her.

"I don't want it to end, Master." She clutched his hand in

hers. "Don't ever let me go. I don't think my heart could take

Her words broke his heart and remade it. "Never," he

rasped against her lips. Grabbing her free leg he braced her
against the wall, and drove into her giving warmth. There
were no more words between them. None were needed as
they poured all they were feeling into each other, each thrust,
every sigh and every desperate moan a promise between

Sin felt her muscles start to tighten around him, fluttering

the length of his cock, and he increased his pace, his thrusts
almost punishing in their intensity. His mouth moved to the
side of her neck, sucking the delicate skin hard as she
exploded over him. Locked into her, onto her, he followed her
into bliss.

* * * *

Several moments later, after their breathing started to

return to normal, Kendra took the chance to peer up at Sin.

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He leaned down, kissing her forehead, each eyelid, the tip of
her nose and finally her lips.

His kisses were soft, almost sweet. He lowered her feet to

the ground, guiding her foot back into her jeans and pulling
them up. He left her for a minute to dispose of the condom
and right his own clothes. Kendra stood silently where he left
her. She didn't have the strength to leave the wall she was
leaning on for support. She'd always thought how stupid
women were when they met someone and proclaimed them a
soul mate within hours of knowing him. Now she counted
herself among their ranks. She knew without a doubt that she
was put on this earth to be with Sin.

He came back to her, pulling her into his strong embrace.

His breath tickled the top of her head, and his stubbly jaw
caught at her hair. He moved back to catch her eye and said,
"So, when can we get your stuff moved into my place?"

Kendra laughed until she realized that he was completely

serious. "I don't even know your real name, and you want me
to move in with you?" If life were only that easy.

He moved away from her and held out his hand. "My name

is Sinclair Martin. I'm twenty-eight. I graduated college. I
have four brothers and one sister. I'm drug and disease free
and own my own home."

Kendra started to giggle as he continued giving her his

vital statistics. Finally he stopped, and gave her a quirky little

"Okay, okay, I get it. You won't be moving in today. Come

on." He held out his hand, inviting Kendra to join him on his
way out of the club. She slipped her hand into his and they

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started to walk away when a voice from behind stopped

"Where do you two think you're going?" Kendra grinned at

her best friend. Ce stood in the shadowy hallway, Brady
Ryder glowering behind her. The big, scary man's arms were
crossed over his chest, and he looked seriously annoyed.

Kendra looked from Ce to Sin, and her smile grew. "I'm

going to start my new life, Ce."

Her best friend laughed, clapping her hands as Kendra

turned and she and Sinclair left the building.

The End

[Back to Table of Contents]

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About the Author

Violet Summers is a married mother of three beautiful

children, including one set of twins, one rambunctious puppy,
and one husband, except when she's a single mom of one
spoiled teenaged God-child and three spoiled kitties. Both of
Violet's personalities are very busy!

No, Violet has not suffered a psychotic break yet (though

she may after dealing with creating web pages and MySpace
accounts). Violet is actually the writing team of Sierra
Summers and Violet Johnson.

Both women read voraciously, and in a multitude of

genres. Sierra classifies them as "readers, as opposed to
readers of romance. This means when we write, we're as
concerned with the story as we are with the sex." That said,
Sierra has been known to boycott books where the characters
haven't "done the deed," by page 125.

Sierra and VeeJay live in Southeast Michigan, and the

spice of the Metro-Detroit area often flavors their work. "Why
look for a more glamorous setting," VeeJay asks, "when we've
got the beautiful, re-vitalized Downtown area to draw from?"

Violet Summers writes in a variety of genres, from

contemporary to paranormal; from soft BDSM to fantasy. The
two things all her stories have in common is their deep
emotional and their scorching erotic love scenes.

Sierra and VeeJay love to hear from their readers. You can

contact them at

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by Violet Summers



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Velvet Valentines Violet Summers
Summerhill prezentacja
Najlepsze teksty Violetty Kubasińskiej z Brzyduli
Cytaty Violetty Kubanskiej, Cytaty Violetty Kubanskiej (BrzydUla)
Podgórna Violetta
summerhill skrot
Zmarła Violetta Villas, PAMIĘTNIK
Summerhill 2
teksty z akordami (ponad 300), SUMMER WINE, SUMMER WINE
1463 do ciebie, mamo violetta villas YQEKE4LLPMLL5BX6GBAEIW5XK2YYDLPBAP2EXFY
Summerhill to szkola z internatem, Dokumenty(1)

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