Violet Summers Daniel's Surrender

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Daniel’s Surrender

The Worthington Group

Violet Summers

(c) 2008

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Daniel’s Surrender

The Worthington Group

Violet Summers

Published 2008

ISBN 978-1-59578-475-9

Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509

Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2008, Violet Summers. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

Manufactured in the United States of America

Liquid Silver Books



Terri Schaefer

Cover Artist

April Martinez

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of

the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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To Lora—this whole crazy Worthington experiment was your idea, so we guess you

get to share the credit—or blame! To Tawny—because not only are you good to little
children and animals, you’re an amazing writer and kick ass on the computer. We love
ya, Girlfriend! And to Terri—you make us so much better without trying to change us.
What a perfect relationship! Smooches, chica!

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Chapter 1

Matthew Worthington was bored. Idly sipping the glass of flat champagne he’d

snagged from a passing server, he surveyed the red-carpet throng of local celebrities and
hometown aristocracy, and wondered how soon he could leave.

Matt forced a smile for a local news anchor and managed to chat pleasantly about the

Auto Show he was currently imprisoned at, the family business, and his admittedly hectic
social life while the camera was rolling. Once she’d moved on he found himself once
again leaning against a display wall and wondering when it had all become so damn

Scanning the crowd his eyes paused briefly on his sister. Meredith wore a demure

gray gown that made her eyes look even more silver than usual. The Worthington eyes.
As silvery and cold as their father’s had been. Marcus and Meredith had both inherited
the Worthington good looks; cool and elegant, all pale skin, black hair, and those damned
silver eyes.

Matthew, the youngest of the Worthingtons, was a changeling. His own eyes, a

mixture of blue and green and gray, complimented his perpetually tanned skin, and his
hair was a stick-straight fall of auburn so dark it appeared black in all but the brightest
light. Catching his sister’s eye, he briefly raised a toast, sending her a naughty grin when
she narrowed her eyes at his nearly empty glass. Poor Meri. She was a joy to tease—she
got so wound up—but sometimes he worried that if something didn’t give, she was going
to snap.

As his gaze continued to wander, he spied Daniel Ellis, his brother’s best friend.

Daniel was more than just a friend and business partner; he was Marcus’ preferred third
in his sexual adventures.

As he watched Daniel working the room, or more accurately working a brunette

model in a slinky red dress, he felt an odd frisson of interest. Nabbing a fresh glass of
champagne, Matthew considered the lick of excitement causing his dick to stir beneath
his tuxedo pants. Finally he decided it must be the girl. Except for one awkward night in
college, he’d never been turned on by another man, so despite Daniel’s Hollywood-like
beauty and what Matthew knew about some of his more exotic tastes, he couldn’t quite
wrap his head around the idea that his brother’s best friend was making him hard.

When Daniel led the little model behind a wall divider, Matthew found himself

following. By the time he’d navigated the room, he’d downed another glass of
champagne, and Daniel had pressed his little distraction up against a false wall.

Matthew watched, almost dizzy from the champagne, or maybe from the blood that

was swiftly rushing away from his big head to fill his little head, as Daniel slid one large,
tanned hand under the girl’s skirt. That hand mesmerized Matthew. Wide, long-fingered,
as he watched it stroke up her toned, silky thigh, he found himself imagining how it
would feel stroking the length of his own thigh, pausing to cup his testicles before
moving on to pull along his raging dick.

Daniel was moving more quickly now, snapping a condom into place before spearing

the gasping little brunette to the wall. Matthew caught a glimpse of hard, ruddy cock, and
absently pushed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, suddenly rabidly curious about

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how it would feel on his tongue. Before his eyes, long red nails hooked into Daniel’s
tight, round ass. Matthew absently noted it was nearly as tan as the rest of his body.

He shook his head, trying to clear the champagne fumes. He was no sexual novice,

and he could certainly appreciate the beauty of the human body, both female and male,
but he’d never considered himself anything but heterosexual. This sudden, uncontrollable
attraction to Daniel must be caused by the wine and his ennui. He couldn’t imagine it was
anything more than that.

The woman was panting, approaching her peak and he watched Daniel place one

large palm over her mouth, stifling her cries as she orgasmed. With a final, ramming
thrust, Daniel came with a low growl. Tossing his golden hair out of his eyes, he
withdrew from her body and absently offered the girl his handkerchief, before stripping
off the condom and tossing it into a convenient trashcan.

As she finished cleaning herself up, the little model looked up and suddenly met

Matthew’s eyes.

“Oopsie, baby. I think we have an audience.” She had a little Betty-Boop-ish voice

that seemed to fit her big boobs and even bigger hair perfectly.

Daniel turned, but slowly. He didn’t bother to do up his fly as he met Matthew’s

eyes, only raised a sardonic brow as he noted the bulge tenting the front of Matthew’s

“Matty,” Matthew suppressed a wince at his brother’s childhood nickname for him.

“I thought you must be here somewhere tonight.” His voice was velvety smooth and
perfect, like the rest of him. “You look … uncomfortable,” his blue eyes flicked over
Matthew’s obvious erection. “I’m sure Torrie could be persuaded to help you out with
that.” Indeed, Torrie did look more than willing, but she didn’t have what Matthew
suddenly found he needed more than his next breath.

Meeting those hot blue eyes square on he replied, “I don’t think Torrie is the one to

help me out with this.” Seeing Daniel’s surprised comprehension, he decided to go for
broke. “I’m sure by now her employers are looking for her anyway. Why don’t we let her
go back to work? I’m sure if we think hard enough between the two of us we can come
up with some way to make me … comfortable.”

Those movie-star blue eyes flashed from surprise to speculation, and finally to

almost unwilling interest as they dropped from Matthew’s eyes to his mouth, and then
cruised his body.

“All right,” his voice held all the speculation filling his eyes. Dropping an absent kiss

on the model’s cheek, he murmured, “Thanks for the personal tour, darling,” and sent her
on her way. Once she’d gone, Daniel turned his attention to Matthew, watching him with
narrowed eyes.

“So, Matty, what exactly do you think we should do to see about your comfort?”

Matthew knew Daniel used the hated nickname to put him in his place, to discourage him
from continuing this odd flirtation. For a moment all the sex and anticipation filling the
air seemed to retreat and it was just them, Matt and Dan, and the years of history they

Laughing a bit he finally answered, “I have no idea.” At Daniel’s sound of disbelief

he tried again. “Well, I have several ideas, and no idea where to start.” His humor seemed
to break some of the tension, and he met Daniel’s ironic smile with his own. “So, should I
just dive in, then?”

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Daniel lifted both hands in a gesture that clearly invited him to help himself.

Matthew grinned, thinking the sight of Daniel there, pants loose around his hips, formal
white shirt un-tucked and framing his full, but not fully erect, cock should be comical, but
somehow wasn’t. Rubbing an absent hand along the throbbing length of his own dick,
Matthew contemplated how best to begin.

Finally, he decided to do what would feel good to him, and reached out to take

Daniel’s semi-erect cock into his hand. It gave a gratifying jump and hardened a bit at his
touch, which encouraged him to continue on.

The skin was silky soft and wet from his climax. Using Daniel’s own ejaculate as a

lube, Matthew slowly ran his hand up the length of his stirring cock before sliding down
to delve into his tuxedo pants and cup his balls.

Amazingly, every stroke he gave Daniel’s cock, he felt in his own throbbing flesh. It

was like they were connected somehow, each sensation rippling through Daniel echoing
in Matthew’s own flesh. Totally caught in the moment, Matthew moved closer, so he
could feel Daniel’s heat through too many layers of clothing. When he was close enough,
Matthew laid his forehead on Daniel’s shoulder, resting there as he watched his hand on
Daniel’s cock, coaxing it back to erection.

Slowly Daniel’s hands, which had been held out to his sides, drifted down. One

large, tanned hand cupped over Matthew’s on his cock, tightening his hold, the other
stroked through the length of Matthew’s hair before exerting a slight downward pressure.

When Matthew raised questioning eyes to meet Daniel’s, he was surprised at the

turbulence he found there. The pressure Daniel exerted on his shoulder was subtle, but
the meaning was unmistakable. Somehow, Daniel’s obvious discomfort with the
situation, his seemingly unwilling arousal, excited Matthew even more, and he gave a
brilliant smile before sliding to his knees at Daniel’s feet.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” Daniel’s voice, always velvety and compelling,

now contained an intriguing hint of gravel. Matthew pressed his forehead against his
rock-hard abs and nodded.

“Are you sure?” Daniel tangled his hand in Matthew’s long hair, forcing his head

back so their eyes met. Matthew experienced a rush of amused exasperation. His mouth
was watering, and Daniel Fucks-Anything-With-A-Pulse Ellis was suddenly having

“I know who you are, Dan. I know what you want,” he brushed his nose along the

length of Daniel’s now fully erect cock. “And, believe it or not, I know what I want, too.”
Matthew leaned down and engulfed the plum-shaped head of Daniel’s arousal in his
mouth. When Daniel’s hips jerked, Matthew grinned around the knob of flesh, smugly
satisfied at the reaction.

Matthew gave a slow, experimental suck, exploring the different tastes and textures.

Daniel’s hand clenched in his hair, and Matthew pulled off, looking up to meet stormy
blue eyes. Daniel tipped his head back, shutting his eyes almost as if he couldn’t bear to
meet Matthew’s gaze, and pushed his mouth back toward his cock.

Matthew had never sucked cock before, but he’d been on the receiving end enough

times to know what felt good to him. Now he took all those memories and poured them
into devouring Daniel’s pounding flesh. He licked up and down the length of it, like a
giant ice-cream cone, before flickering his tongue at the base, just tickling Daniel’s balls.
Ignoring the light pressure of Daniel’s hand on his head, he continued his torture,

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scooping Daniel’s testicles into one hand while lifting his cock out of the way with the

He glanced up to see Daniel’s eyes still closed, his face taut with control. Matthew

couldn’t remember the last time he’d found sex so damned delightful. Daniel’s reluctant
surrender, his salty flavor and clenching muscles spurred him on. Slowly, agonizingly, he
teased one of the sacs with his tongue. The soft, crinkly skin was damp with sweat and
Daniel’s previous ejaculation, and moved freely over the hard sphere inside. Daniel’s
hand became a claw in Matthew’s hair as Matthew licked at his testicles before sucking
one entirely into his mouth. Daniel’s low grunt of arousal and the pronounced jerk of his
hips fanned the fire in Matthew’s own balls even higher.

“Enough,” Daniel’s dark velvet voice was almost unrecognizable. “Fucking suck my

cock, Matty.” Somehow this time the old nickname didn’t bother him. Maybe it was the
way Daniel still kept his eyes tightly closed. Maybe it was the brief spurt of fluid glazing
the head of his cock. Maybe it was Matthew’s own desire. At any rate, all at once sucking
Daniel’s cock was all he wanted to do.

Daniel’s hands cupped his face, hard but not rough. A businessman’s hands. Firmly

he guided Matthew’s mouth to the head of his erection, accepting no resistance as he slid
deeply into Matthew’s mouth. Matthew loved it. He loved the taste, the smell, the way
Daniel stripped control from him, taking over completely. Matthew sucked hard,
wrapping one hand around the base of Daniel’s cock to begin a quick screwing motion,
while the other dropped to his own neglected dick.

“No,” Daniel very emphatically moved Matthew’s hand from himself. “Suck my

dick well enough and I’ll let you come when I’m finished.” The dominance in his voice
and hands shot Matthew’s dick even harder. He began a bobbing motion ending with a
deep slurp at the tip, and soon had Daniel’s hips jerking convulsively in response.

“I’m going to come,” Daniel gritted out, “and you are going to suck every drop

down.” Matthew sucked harder, feeling his own buttocks clench as his hips moved in
time with his suction. “If you suck me off good enough, I’ll let you come.”

Matthew sucked, and Daniel buried himself to the balls in his eager mouth. When

Daniel’s cock began heatedly spurting, Matthew expected to be disgusted, or at least
disconcerted, but instead he found himself savoring every drop. More, he reveled in
Daniel’s low sound of pleasure and the almost painful grip of his hand in his long hair.

Finally Daniel guided Matthew’s mouth off of his still-flushed cock, reaching down

to smear a trace of cum across swollen lips.

“You did very well.” Matthew was absurdly pleased at the praise. “What shall I do

for your reward?” Daniel still wasn’t meeting his eyes, but his voice was full of lazy

“Make me come.” Matthew didn’t even have to think about that one.
“How?” Daniel’s hand was now combing through the silk of Matthew’s hair, petting

him absently in a way that did nothing at all to calm the fire in his balls.

“I don’t care how. Just make me come.”
“But there are so many ways.” Daniel guided Matthew to his feet and stroked one

hand down the center of his body. “I could dry hump you through your pants,” he suited
actions to words and Matthew jerked against him. “I could take you out and rub you
raw,” again he followed his own narration, slipping the tab of Matthews slacks free
before pushing them down so they hung loose. Daniel stroked Matthew’s cock like a

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whisper, and Matthew hissed at the feel of bare skin to bare skin. “I could lick you,”
Daniel finally met his eyes for a brief second. What he saw there seemed to satisfy him,
as he slowly dropped to his knees and ran his tongue along Matthew’s vibrating dick.

“Is this enough? Will this get you off?” Daniel’s words buzzed against Matthew’s

flesh, and Matthew couldn’t suppress a grunt of arousal.

“Yeah, like that. Make me come.” His words were deep and dark, like the space

between the two of them.

“But there’s more I can do,” Daniel lapped at the head of Matthew’s cock, tracing

the sensitive rim with a stiffened tongue. “Look at me,” his voice brooked no argument.

Very slowly, very deliberately Daniel sucked his middle finger into his mouth.

Matthew groaned at the sight of those chiseled lips closing over the thick digit. When he
slowly slid it out, it glistened with moisture.

He should have known what was coming, but somehow he was still surprised when

Daniel quickly engulfed his dick in one smooth movement, and then burrowed under his
dress pants to press that dripping finger against his anus.

He clenched reflexively, and Daniel pulled off long enough to murmur “You’ll have

to relax and let me in, Matty, if you want to come.” With Daniel sucking relentlessly on
just the head of his dick, Matthew gradually forced his ass to unclench, and was rewarded
when Daniel’s long, thick finger began working its way into his tight asshole.

Matthew wasn’t a stranger to anal play. He’d had women tease his ass in the heat of

passion, and had loved it. He’d even let one adventurous lover slide a slim vibrator up his
ass, and it had sent him through the ceiling. But nothing had ever felt like Daniel’s finger.
Unlike Matthew’s female lovers, Daniel knew just where to press, just how to manipulate
Matt’s resistant sheath for maximum pleasure.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Matthew’s words were nothing more than a hiss. Between

the wet heat of Daniel’s mouth on his dick, and the irresistible thrust of his finger in his
ass, Matthew knew his orgasm was imminent. Daniel seemed to know, too. He reached
up with his free hand and plucked the handkerchief from Matthew’s tuxedo pocket.

Matthew’s head snapped back as his hips slammed forward. Never removing his

probing finger, Daniel pulled off Matthew’s dick, quickly covering it with the stolen
handkerchief. With a raw sound of pleasure, Matthew finally exploded. He could feel
every contraction in his balls, in his ass, clamping against Daniel’s finger as Daniel
caught his cum in his own damn hanky.

When the convulsions eased Daniel drew his finger out, provoking a last shudder.

Then he set about straightening his clothing as if nothing had happened. When he
realized Matthew was still standing there, breath unsteady and pants unzipped, he patted
his cheek.

“Zip up, Matty. The night’s not over. There’s still networking to be done.”
Once both men were decent, or in Daniel’s case perfect, they emerged into the

glittering throng of charity night attendees. Daniel nabbed two champagne flutes from a
passing waiter. Handing one to Matthew he raised his own in salute before draining it and
decisively walking away.

* * * *

Monday afternoon found Matthew making one of his rare visits to the Worthington

Group’s corporate offices. Marcus and Meredith generally held down the fort, depending

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on Matthew to work on public relations and community outreach.

He was sitting on the edge of Carrie’s desk enjoying a harmless flirtation with

Marcus’ Executive Assistant when Daniel strode into the office. Matthew couldn’t help
but raise an eyebrow as Daniel shot Carrie a warm and wicked smile, before turning a
noticeably cooler one on Matthew.

“So,” Matthew was torn between amusement and irritation. From the look on his

face, Daniel seemed the tiniest bit apprehensive about what he was going to say. “What
brings you to our fine establishment today?” His back was to Carrie, and he rolled his
eyes when Daniel visibly relaxed.

“Marc and I have a lunch meeting.” He glanced around. “I take it he isn’t here yet?”

His voice was all cool velvet, but Matthew kept hearing the whip of command as Daniel
had directed his orgasm.

Carrie nodded. “He had to check in with Meredith about the construction bids, and

then he said he had to stop and talk to the new head of Personnel before he could leave.”
Carrie smiled, and her merely pretty face seemed to light with a glow both men noticed
and appreciated. “You can wait in his office, if you like.” She cast a mock-scolding look
at Matthew, who was still lounging on her desk. “Matt can keep you company so some of
us can get some work done.” Her sparkling eyes gave lie to her tart words.

“I can take a hint, sweetheart,” Matthew grinned down at her. “Though it breaks my

heart for you to send me away.” He clasped her hand and dropped a flourishing kiss in
her palm. “When, oh when, will you leave my dictator of a brother and run away with
me?” He produced a wounded look at her sparkling laughter, and glanced over at Daniel,
who was watching them almost warily.

“C’mon, Dan. I’ll keep you entertained until big brother shows up.”
Daniel followed him silently into Marcus’ office and went to stand by the floor-to-

ceiling windows. Marcus had a view of the river, breathtaking on a clear day, but the gray
skies and dirty snow of late January lent it a bleak air.

“So,” Matthew decided to take the bull by the horns. “You look like you’re afraid

I’m going to take out a full page add in the Free Press announcing we sucked each other


Daniel was surprised by Matthew’s bluntness, but he didn’t let it show. He also

didn’t show his guilt—this was his best friend’s baby brother for fuck’s sake—or his
unwilling arousal as Matthew sprawled across the leather couch Marcus kept tilted
toward the window.

“Matty,” he began.
“That’s not my name.”
“All right, Matt, what happened Friday night was nice, but it was a one-time-only

deal. I don’t do relationships, and I’m not going to make my best friend’s little brother
my fuck-buddy.”

For the first time Matthew’s eyes showed something more than amusement and


“Daniel,” suddenly Matthew didn’t look nearly as young and naive as he had just a

moment before. “I told you Friday night, I know who and what you are. I’m a big boy,
and I’ve been choosing my own lovers for a good ten years now.” His hazel eyes glowed
almost green as they met Daniel’s.

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“If you don’t want to fuck me, fine.” He gave a slight smile. “I don’t lack for

volunteers. But if you want to, and you’re not because you’ve got the misconception I’m
a child who doesn’t know what he’s getting into, then that just makes you a coward.” At
Daniel’s vicious glare he smiled again. Matthew always seemed to have a smile, a laugh,
a joke. Joy followed him like a fog. “Or a fool.” Daniel glared harder. “I don’t think
you’re either. So, if you decide you want to finish what we started Friday night,”
Matthew winked and unfolded from the couch heading for the office door, “you know
where to find me.”

Matthew exited the office, leaving Daniel to stare, non-plussed, at the door. He was

absurdly relieved when Marcus arrived and he could get his mind back on business.

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Chapter 2

Six Months Later

Shannon Whitney was hot, sticky, and achy. And she still hadn’t completely

unloaded the damn moving van. Heaving a sigh, she accepted she was going to have to
pay another day’s rental fee on her U-Haul, and decided she would reward herself for a
hard day’s work with a swim in the glorious pool dominating the courtyard that was the
centerpiece of the condo complex.

Shannon knew she would never have been able to afford such swanky digs on her

own, and sent a silent thank you winging to her old college roommate, who was currently
spending a year in Germany as an Army reservist. Changing into her black one-piece suit
and grabbing a towel, she headed out the door, making sure she had the key.

The pool was gorgeous and inviting, cool and blue and the perfect remedy for her

hot, sticky self. Dropping her towel on the first chair she passed, Shannon took a breath
and dived cleanly into the water, feeling the grime and stress of the last several weeks
peel away under the chlorinated caress.

When she surfaced, blinking chlorine from her eyes, the first thing she saw was her

towel, dangling in front of her. Attached to the towel was a very male hand. Following
the hand up she discovered a muscular arm, a round, hard looking shoulder, and finally a
breathtakingly beautiful male face surrounded by a fall of long, silky hair that was either
black or red; with the sun in her eyes she couldn’t really tell.

Pulling herself up onto the deck, she accepted the towel with a smile. He was a truly

edible man and she sincerely hoped he lived in the complex. Every woman should have
such eye-candy at her fingertips every day.


Matthew watched the young woman enter the pool area and felt his interest, and

other things, stir. He didn’t recognize her, so he assumed she belonged to the moving van
parked at the back of the parking lot. She wasn’t beautiful, but she was pretty. Her body
was soft; round little belly, round little butt, round little thighs, and round not-so-little
breasts. He’d been too long without a lover. His brief interlude with Daniel had spoiled
him. He found himself longing for that intensity again, and when it wasn’t there, he just
couldn’t bring himself to waste his time.

This little mermaid might just be worth the time and effort.
Grabbing the towel she’d dropped before diving into the water, he ambled around to

wait at the opposite end of the pool. When she surfaced and saw him, he took a moment
to appreciate her clear honey-toned skin and wide brown eyes. When she pulled herself
out of the pool and smiled, he quickly revised his opinion of her beauty. Her smile poured
over him like sunshine and transformed her into a goddess. He had a sudden desire to see
her stretched naked in his bed, beaming her smile over him as he moved deeply inside of


“Welcome to The Villa’s.” Man, his voice was as good as his face, and his face was

as good as his body. And, Oh My God, his body was good enough to eat. Repeatedly.

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She’d been way too focused on work for way too long. This man was clearly out of her
league, but did that stop her from creaming her bathing suit? Oh, no. Not her.

“I’m Matt, the pool-side welcoming committee.” He had a great smile, one that

invited her to smile along with him. It was an invitation she was helpless to refuse.

“I’m Shannon,” she was proud to hear her voice was steady. She’d been half afraid it

would emerge as a breathy croak.

“You’re Lisa’s roommate, right? The one who’s subletting while she’s out of the

country?” Shannon battled a brief mental picture of Matt and Lisa, two perfect golden
specimens tangled in the cool white satin sheets she’d found on Lisa’s bed. It didn’t
matter if Matt and Lisa had been lovers. Lisa was gone and, anyway, Shannon didn’t
stand a chance with a demigod like Matt.


“That would be me,” she answered. Matthew thought her voice was about the most

musical, soothing thing he’d ever heard. “I don’t know what I would have done without
Lisa. There’s no way I could afford a place like this on a teacher’s salary, and I pretty
much blew my savings with the move here.”

A teacher, hmm? “The move here from where?” Surprisingly, he was really

interested. He wanted to know where this luminous woman with the voice like music
came from.

“Most recently? Texas. Originally, Missouri. Both warm climates. I can hardly wait

to experience my first snowfall!”


“Oh, you’ll get over that quick enough the first time you have to dig your car out.”

But he said it with that darn inviting smile. “So, what exactly do you teach?” He’d
lowered himself to sit by her on the side of the pool, and their dangling legs brushed
against each other in a move that might have been accidental. Or maybe not.

“Elementary school. First grade this year.” Shannon felt a brief spurt of excitement.

Teaching in the Texas public school system had been tough. She was excited to begin
fresh in a school district with some money and lots of community support. But right now
the school year was six long weeks away, and this gorgeous man was right next to her in
the here and now.


Matthew cocked his head to study her for a moment. “Yep, I can totally see you

teaching first grade. I bet you’re the best read-aloud teacher ever.” He basked in her smile
before returning it with his own. “And I bet all the little boys will have a huge crush on

Shannon laughed at his silliness as he continued.
“So, I’ll have to get my request in early, before I have a dozen or so competitors.

Will you have dinner with me?”

The invitation caught her by surprise, and he mistook her hesitation for refusal.
“Tell you what,” he said, sliding into the pool. “I’ll race you across the pool and

back, and the loser has to take the winner to dinner.” He smiled so engagingly she found
herself slipping into the water to join him before she had time to think.

“It sounds to me like a win-win situation for you,” she laughed up at him while

clutching the edge of the pool.

“I guess it’s my job to make it a win-win situation for both of us,” he replied before

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giving a brief countdown and taking off.

“Hey!” Shannon splashed after him, and they spent the next hour frolicking in the

water until neither could have said who won or lost the race.


Matthew was sprawled on his oversized velour couch watching football when the

phone rang. He spared a brief moment to hope it might be his hot little mermaid, before
looking at the caller ID. With a resigned sigh, he answered.

“Meredith. Who died?” Because he knew that’s the only reason she had to call him

on a Sunday afternoon.

“Died? Matt, are you drunk?” Her voice was distracted and maybe a bit worried, but

lacked its normal icy bite.

“I’m kidding, Meri. What do you need?”
“Have you spoken with Marcus at all this weekend?” Now the worry in her voice

was completely clear. Something had happened to upset her. “He took Carrie and went
AWOL Friday afternoon, and then called me this morning to say he’s taking some time
off. He yelled at me.”

Now Matthew was worried, too. Marcus never took time off. Hadn’t even taken time

off when that vicious viper of an ex-wife Karen raked them all over the coals. More than
that, Marcus tended to treat Meredith with kid gloves. He’d once told Matthew his
divorce had hurt Meredith more than it had hurt him, and Matthew knew he wouldn’t
deliberately worry or upset her. At least not without some sort of explanation.

“Well, what did he say?” There must be something going on. Knowing Marcus, it

had to do with the business, and knowing Meredith, she was blowing things out of

“He didn’t say anything, Matt.” She blew out a sigh. “He called this morning and

told me to, and I quote, ‘tell Matty to get his ass into the office. I’m not coming in.’ He’s
not answering his phone, Matt. Not at home, or his cell.”

She paused for a moment, and he could almost picture her pinching the bridge of her

nose before taking a deep breath to continue.

“I’m not worried about the company. I, uh, we can handle that.” Matthew wasn’t

sure what surprised him more, her saying she wasn’t worried about work, or her
including him in the equation. “But he didn’t sound good. Didn’t sound like himself.”

“Okay.” Now it was Matt’s turn to think for a minute. “Okay, obviously I’ll come in

tomorrow and we can divvy up his appointments. I’ll keep trying to get him on the phone,
and I can go by his house, too.” Not only was she letting him take control of the situation,
but he could almost feel her relief over the phone, which was totally out of character for
his control-freak sister. “I’ll call you if I get him, and you do the same.”

Her agreement was subdued.
“It’ll be fine, Meri. Marcus is immortal.”
As he hung up the phone, Matthew just wished he believed his own words.

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Chapter 3

Daniel tucked the towel tight around his hips. Running his hands through his hair, he

swore when the doorbell rang.

Not bothering to dress, he went up the stairs and looked through the peephole. Damn,

Matt was here. After the weekend he’d had he wasn’t exactly happy to see the man.

Letting out a deep breath he threw the door open. Matt stood on the other side,

looking like a frat boy, dressed in jeans and a Detroit Lions t-shirt.

“Matty, haven’t you realized by now that team is a lost cause?” Daniel remarked,

moving his hand in a sweeping motion, inviting Matt in.

“Daniel, haven’t you realized by now I’m a sucker for lost causes?” he smiled. “And

my name’s not Matty.”

Daniel grunted and left him standing in the living room. He stalked back to the

bathroom to retrieve his robe. It wouldn’t do to start sporting wood in front of Matt. The
kid was too sure of himself as it was.

“What’s up?” He asked as he returned to the room. He casually sat back against the

deep leather sofa, hoping he appeared more relaxed than he felt.

“Marcus is gone.” Concern was written clearly across Matt’s lean features.
“What do you mean ‘gone’?” When he’d left Marcus on Friday night, the man was

in heaven, happier than Daniel ever remembered his best friend being.

“I mean he’s split. Called Meredith and told her to get hold of me to come into the

office. He wasn’t coming in. I went to the house but he wasn’t there. But there was a big
mess.” Matthew looked worried. “Broken dishes, a bag of bagels scattered to Hell and
gone. And he isn’t answering either phone.”

Daniel folded his arms over his chest and rose from the couch. Damn. When he left

he’d been so sure things were going great.

He walked over to the window, something he often did when deep in thought.
“When I saw him Friday night he was fine. In fact everything was going just like I

thought it would.” He spoke more to himself then to Matt. Surely Marcus would have
called him if things had spun out of control. Then again, maybe not. Marcus was a hard
man to read at times and he rarely showed his emotions to anyone after the number Karen
had laid on him.

“What do you mean, Friday night?”
Daniel turned toward Matt and shrugged his shoulders. “He was with Carrie Friday


“Carrie? His secretary Carrie? Our Carrie?”
“Yes, that Carrie.” Matt’s face colored a little red, a sure sign of annoyance. “Stop

where you are, Matt. Carrie is a grown-up. She knows all about Marcus and his tastes.
She has the same tastes as well.”

“Are you kidding? Carrie is about as innocent as a baby kitten. And how would you

know what she really likes? It’s not like you…” Matt voice faded as Daniel’s body
stilled. “Oh. Fuck. You were with them weren’t you? And not just for drinks and dinner

“That’s none of your business, Matt.”

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Daniel shook his head. Walking over to the bar he poured himself and Matt each a

shot of scotch. Matt looked like he seriously needed it, and God knew Daniel did. He slid
one glass toward Matt with one hand and knocked back his drink with the other.

In a move that caught Daniel by surprise, Matthew charged across the room, shoving

Daniel up against the bar. Taking hold of the lapels of Daniel’s robe, he growled, “God,
you really are a heartless bastard aren’t you? Couldn’t the two of you leave her alone?”

“I’m going to explain things to you this one time, Matt. God knows why, but I will.

Marcus asked me over. Did I participate? Absolutely. Carrie is a beautiful, enticing
woman and when Marcus suggested our getting together I took him up on it. You know
it’s not the first time we’ve shared a woman.”

“Of course I know that,” Matthew jerked his head, tossing his hair back in

aggravation. “But this is Carrie. She’s like a part of the family. She stood by Marcus
through all the shit. Why would he go after her?”

Daniel just shook his head, leaning back into the bar.
“Because he loves her.”
“He told you this?”
“Matt, are you blind? Haven’t you noticed the way he looks at her? The way she

looks at him? Hell, even with me as deep inside her as I could get, she never looked at me
once, her eyes were only for him.”

“So, was this a one-time-only deal?” Daniel heard what sounded dangerously close

to jealousy, though Matthew kept his face carefully blank.

“Yes.” He wasn’t sure if a lie would have been kinder. It felt like by telling the truth,

he was offering Matthew a ray of hope. “It was in your brother’s face. We are never
going to be sharing again.”


“Good.” Matthew felt his tension ease, and all at once became aware of the fact he

still clutched the lush velour of Daniel’s robe in his fists. Daniel’s flesh was like heated
silk against the backs of his hands. The tension arcing between the two men took on a
whole new flavor.

Without willing it, Matthew reached out to toy with the tie of Daniel’s robe.
“We can’t go there again Matt.” His words said no, but Daniel wasn’t fighting him

off. Matt’s hand found its way through an opening in the robe. Strong fingers slid across
the satiny skin and hard muscles of Daniel’s abdomen.

Daniel closed his eyes.
“Matt.” His voice took on the smoky quality of arousal, and Matthew felt his own

dick rise in answer.

“You keep saying I don’t know what I’m doing. When will you get it, I do? Is this

new to me? Yeah, you know it is. But it’s something I want to explore. You want it too.”
He let his hand drift down past Daniel’s rising cock to cup his heavy sac. Daniel’s breath
hissed between clenched teeth as Matt manipulated his balls.


Daniel came to a decision. Matt was right, this felt fucking great. Why not enjoy the

moment? Maybe he could teach Matthew a little lesson along the way.

Opening his eyes he grabbed Matt by the arms, fingers biting into the muscles.
“Fine. You want to do this, then we do it my way, Matt. Do you understand? My


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Matt’s answer was to tighten his grip on Daniel’s balls. Daniel stayed Matt’s hand.

Walking around him, he returned to the couch. He opened a small drawer in the table
next to it and pulled out a familiar foil packet and a tube of clear liquid. He stood looking
over at Matt, who was glued to the floor, staring at the items Daniel had so casually

Daniel’s hands went to his belt. He released the knot and let the robe fall to the floor.

His cock, erect and proud, jutted out from his belly.

He heard something close to fear in Matthew’s voice when the younger man finally

opened his mouth. Nodding his head toward the table he asked, “Are those for me? Or for

Daniel looked at the condom and lube, then back to Matt. “I’m always safe, Matt. I

love to fuck but I also plan to stay healthy.” Matt’s eyebrow shot up. “I’m not as
indiscreet as you might have been led to believe. I pick my partners very carefully.” He
gave a dark smile and added, “And they’re for me. To use on you.”

Matthew’s eyes widened, but some of the tension left his face. He licked his lips and

eyed the lube again.

“My way Matt, or not at all. The choice is yours.”


As far as Matthew was concerned, there was no decision to make. He’d spent months

remembering the taste and feel of Daniel’s cock against his tongue, never expecting to
experience it again.

Now, Daniel stood before him like some kind of walking feast, and Matthew felt his

dick swell until it was almost painful, his ass clench in anticipation. And maybe a bit of


Daniel sat down on the couch and leaned back. He watched the different emotions

flicker over Matt’s face. He wasn’t going to make this easy for him. He had pushed
Daniel farther than was wise, and he needed to understand the reality of more than a good
blowjob. That was mere experimentation. This was going to be the real thing. It would be
raw and hot and Matt had no idea what he’d invited.

Before he could do anything, though, Matthew had to be prepared. In the end he was

still his best friend’s younger brother and Daniel, bastard though he was, wasn’t out to
hurt anyone.

Daniel palmed his erection, sliding slowly up and down his thick shaft. Matt made

up his mind quickly, shedding his clothes with unconscious grace as he walked over to

His body was impressive, Daniel admitted. Not as heavily muscled as Daniel’s own,

but strong and fit, and the younger man moved with an animal grace that was compelling.
His cock was hard and long, a bead of pre-cum on the tip, which bobbed near his navel.

Daniel sat forward, grasping Matt’s hard member. Swirling his thumb around the

small bead of cream, he rubbed it around the head, then lower along the length of his
dick. Matt’s moan was short and deep. Daniel’s other hand slipped to Matt’s balls, rolling
them on the tips of his fingers before cupping them and pulling lightly. Matt jumped a bit,
but Daniel didn’t loosen his hold.

“You know Marcus and I like some of the same things,” he murmured, sliding his

hand back down Matt’s cock. “Of course the whips and chains I save for special

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occasions.” He leaned forward and let his tongue snake along the top of Matt’s pubic
bone. He bit lightly at his hipbone. Matthew’s breath hitched, and Daniel allowed his
mouth to wander lower, licking the tip of Matt’s cock head in a slow perusal. He learned
the taste of him, the feel of every stiff, hard inch.

And, fuck, he tasted good.
He kept the play light. He wanted Matt so fucking turned on he would beg for Daniel

to bury himself in his virgin ass. Oh yes, Daniel knew no other cock had fucked Matthew,
knew it with a certainty that defied logic.

“On your knees.” The command was clear, and Matt lowered himself between

Daniel’s thighs without question. As he lowered his head, Daniel stopped him. He slid his
fingers through Matt’s hair, he stared a moment into passion-hued eyes and shivered.
Fuck but Matt felt good, tasted even better.

“Stroke your cock while you suck me.” Daniel didn’t even try to keep the gravel

from his voice, and he narrowed his eyes in satisfaction at the shudder working itself over
Matthew’s body in response. As Matt began to lower his head again, Daniel tightened his
grip in his long, silken hair. “Don’t you fucking come until I tell you to.” He let go of
Matt’s hair and sank back into the couch.


Matthew looked at Daniel’s raging hard-on, and there were so many things he

wanted to do, he hardly knew where to start. Finally, he dipped his head, breathing
against the sensitive crown and causing his hair to stroke over the skin of Daniel’s thighs.
When Daniel moved restlessly against the couch, Matthew felt a surge of power. Daniel
might believe he was in charge, but at this moment he belonged to Matthew completely.

Reaching to the side, Matthew grabbed the tube of lube from the side table and

poured a small puddle into his palm. After rubbing his hands together, he slowly wrapped
one hand around the base of Daniel’s pounding erection. As Daniel shifted in enjoyment,
Matthew pulled firmly from base to tip before sliding his free hand deeper between
Daniel’s thighs to cup his balls. Focusing intently on the task at hand, he massaged the
tight sac between Daniel’s legs softly, a direct contrast to the hard pull of his hand on
Daniel’s cock.

Daniel knotted his hand in Matthew’s hair and pulled his head up so their eyes met.

“Matty,” his voice sent shivers skittering over Matthew’s nerve endings. “Quit fucking
around, and suck my dick.” Matt smiled and flicked his tongue over the head of Daniel’s
cock. When Daniel’s hips jerked against his mouth, Matthew smiled even wider, and
sipped at the salty drop of fluid that appeared at the tip. This he knew how to do, and he
was determined to bring Daniel to his knees.

Looking up at Daniel’s closed eyes, Matthew lapped at Daniel’s erection, enjoying

his potent taste. Slowly he worked his way down until he was licking at Daniel’s tight sac
before drawing it into his mouth. Daniel’s eyelids fluttered, and his jaw clenched, and
Matthew drew his teeth lightly over the sensitive skin in the crease between thigh and
groin. He gave a sucking bite, deeply satisfied at the thought of marking Daniel in some
small way.

Finally Matthew allowed Daniel to pull him up so he could engulf the plum-shaped

head of his erection deep into his mouth. Taking the impressive length as deeply into his
throat as he could, Matthew swallowed repeatedly, allowing the contractions of his throat
to massage the hot flesh.

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Pulling back, Matthew sucked hard on the very head of Daniel’s cock. Daniel gave a

low hum of pleasure, pulsing his hips to bury himself further into the wet heat of
Matthew’s mouth. Matt responded by rubbing his tongue lightly over the super-
stimulated skin below the luscious rim and dragging his tongue repeatedly along the slit,
sipping at the minute bursts of pre-cum that rewarded him.


Daniel moved Matt off of his cock. The magic Matt produced while he sucked him

almost made him lose it, fast. Too fast. Daniel rubbed a thumb over Matthew’s wet,
swollen lips before directing Matt’s upper body onto the couch. Matthew had great
instincts, and seemed to know instantly what to do. He spread his legs and pushed his ass

Daniel grabbed the lube and the condom, and quickly sheathed himself. His hands

slid up Matthew’s smooth back. He ran his hands down Matt’s sides and back up,
massaging tense flesh until it relaxed. He placed his mouth at the top of his spine and
licked his way down to the dents on his ass.

Goose bumps rose everywhere Daniel’s fingers tread, and muscles bunched under

his fingers. Opening the bottle he liberally squirted Matt’s back, watching in fascination
as the silky liquid drizzled a shiny path toward Matthew’s ass. Little by little Daniel
coaxed liquid to the tight bud.

Lightly he probed the dark opening, savoring the shiver that tiptoed down Matthew’s

back. Working his finger in deeper, he used a deep, screwing motion to loosen Matthew’s
tight hole. After a long, writhing moment, Daniel drew out to gather more lube.

He knew Matt was ready when his legs started to shake. Daniel leaned forward to

bite Matt’s earlobe as he slid a second finger into his anus.

“Relax, Matty. Push back for me. I need to stretch you.” A third finger, and Matt

groaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain at the thick invasion.

Daniel licked and nibbled Matt’s neck and shoulders, whispering encouragement, all

the while applying more lube to Matt’s hole. When Matt began pushing back on Daniel’s
fingers, he knew it was time.

He slipped in behind the younger man.
“Hands stay on the couch, Matt.” He deliberately kept his voice harsh, making it an

order. He poised his cock at the tight entrance to Matt’s ass. “They come off the couch
and this is over.” Slowly his hands opened Matt’s firm ass cheeks. With a steady hand
Daniel guided his cock in slowly, shifting the plump head from side to side as he worked
it past the tight ring of muscle. He watched as Matt’s ass swallowed him up, inch by inch.
Matt’s hands clenched and unclenched in the leather.

“Fuck, you’re tight.” Daniel clenched his teeth as he pushed the last inch into Matt.

He ran his hands over Matt’s ass and back up his spine. Pulling back slowly, he surged
forward a little more quickly. With each thrust forward, Daniel picked up speed and
force, and low grunts of pleasure and effort exploded from Matthew’s chest.

Daniel’s pumps became short and shallow. He reached under Matt’s body and

grabbed his cock. His hand was slick from the lube and glided easily up and down Matt’s
hard shaft. Matthew’s grunts ramped up, becoming low growls. Arching his back,
Matthew pushed into Daniel’s thrusts, tossing his head and sending his hair dancing in a
slippery cloud over Daniel’s face.

Daniel was pummeling Matt harder and harder, lost in the carnality only two men

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could share. His teeth scraped Matt’s neck, biting harder as he drove forward. At the tiny
pain, Matt’s ass clutched around the cock sheathed so tightly inside him.

He grabbed one of Matt’s hands, wrapping it around his own straining dick. Daniel

put his hand over Matthew’s, and together they pumped as Daniel pounded his ass harder.
Matt’s ass bit at Daniel’s cock, while his cock filled his hand with silken heat. The assault
on Daniel’s senses was mind-blowing, and he couldn’t tell who was trembling more,
Matt or himself.

Matt’s cock started pulsing under their hands as Daniel’s balls tightened against his

body. He nipped Matt’s ear hard enough to make him yelp.

“Come for me, Matty,” he rasped in Matthew’s ear, and that was all Matt needed to

let go, shooting his scalding cum down between their hands and onto the floor. Daniel let
go of Matt’s hand, grabbing his hips as he shoved forward once, then twice before he let
loose a loud groan of his own. The orgasm seemed to last forever, and even after he’d
filled the condom, he kept pumping for several long moments.

Breathing heavily, he collapsed on Matt’s back. He felt like he’d just run a marathon,

panting and unable to move. He allowed himself to enjoy the moment after just this once,
because this was the only time it was going to happen. Matt shocked his system, made
things feel right, made Daniel feel right.

If he didn’t walk away now, he would destroy Matt. He could never give the younger

man the love and fidelity he craved, and that was something Daniel couldn’t live with.
Dan’s own mother and father had left him, his mother physically, his father emotionally,
and Daniel had sworn he’d never do that to someone else.

But for now he would enjoy the feel of Matthew’s skin against his. In an

uncharacteristic move he wrapped his arms around Matt’s body and, resting his head
against his damp shoulder blades, Daniel held him for a brief time. He knew reality
would set in as soon as they caught their breath. Until then he would steal these few
moments to remember that something special had touched him once.

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Chapter 4

Meredith was sitting at Marcus’ desk when Matthew arrived at the office Monday

morning. There was a strange and very attractive man standing behind her chair, and he
was standing close, one large hand wrapped around the back of her neck, stroking
absently. Unbelievably, Meredith was allowing it. Matt blinked a couple of times. It
seemed his entire family was going crazy. Marcus had disappeared, Meredith seemed to
have dropped her ice queen routine, and he was fucking his brother’s best friend. What
was next? An asteroid hitting the Fisher Building?

“Any luck finding our fearless leader?” Meredith’s question drew Matthew from his


“Nope. Daniel said he’d seen him Friday night, and he seemed fine. Better than

fine,” Matthew grinned at Meredith’s eye-roll, “but he hasn’t heard from him since. Hi,
I’m Matthew Worthington,” Matt offered the stranger his hand and was impressed with
his firm handshake. He was also impressed when the stranger immediately returned his
hand to Meri’s neck.

“Tony Renatto,” he had a firm grip, a firm voice, and met Matthew’s eyes squarely

when he spoke.

“The contractor, right?” Renatto nodded. “Since Meri’s in charge, I’ll assume we’re

on schedule and good to go.”

The other man slid a slow smile in Meredith’s direction. “Oh yeah, we’re good to

go.” To Matthew’s amazement, Meredith flushed a glowing pink. Damn. Who woulda
thunk it?

Before they could continue the conversation, there was a brief knock, and Daniel

entered the room. Matthew felt an instant current zap between them, and noticed Daniel
deliberately focused his attention on Meredith and her companion. He took the time to
admire the other man’s build. Daniel spent hours a week at the gym, and still more at
home working out and lifting weights, and it showed in his hard, toned physique. He was
a smidge shorter than Matthew, but made up for it with sheer charisma.

Lost in his own thoughts, it took Matthew a minute to realize the conversation had

shifted to him.

“Sorry, zoned out for a minute there,” Daniel’s bland look made it clear he knew

exactly what zone Matthew had been in. “Can you rewind about two minutes for me?”

Meredith gave him an impatient look. “I said, since I’m already on the Convention

Center construction, I’d like to see you take over the property search,” she shot Daniel a
distracted look. “Since Daniel’s already here, Tony and I can move to my office, and the
two of you can get to work.”

Matt nodded, making note of Daniel’s reaction. Or his lack of reaction. He smiled to

himself. This just might be fun.

Matt plopped himself down in Marcus’s abandoned office chair. Folding his arms

casually behind his head, he flashed a beaming smile at Daniel. When no smile was
returned, he let out a long sigh and put his hands on the desk.

“Lighten up, Danny-boy. We’ve got too much work to do to get all jammed up about

last night.”

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Daniel gave a brief nod and flipped open his briefcase. It seemed to Matthew he was

almost hiding behind it. When he looked up again, Matthew was still watching him, a
secretive little smile curving his lips. Daniel scowled, and Matt laughed.

“Do we need to talk about last night?” He already knew the answer. He’d seen in

Daniel’s eyes when he left. Regret etched deeply on Daniel’s face, making him appear
suddenly older

Daniel slapped three thick files on top of the desk. “There isn’t anything we need to

discuss, Matt.” End of subject. Matt knew Daniel had shut down as he opened the first


“This is a property in Traverse City. The owner is asking 2.5 million but I think with

our present economy we can talk him down. It’s located half a mile from the water and
within walking distance of restaurants and other tourist haunts.” Daniel chanced a glance
at Matt. His chin rested in his hand, and he was wearing an amused grin. Okay, enough of
this. Daniel stood up and shoved the folders across the desk.

“Look these over Matt. I’ll be back tomorrow around eleven. I need a decision by


“Running away, Daniel?” Matt’s smooth voice stopped Daniel in his tracks. He

turned and approached Matt. Turning his chair around, Daniel grabbed both arms, leaning
in close enough to smell the minty gum Matt was chewing. “I don’t run Matt. This can’t
go on. Your brother is my best friend. I had fun, but you can’t handle how I need things
to be, and you know it.” He straightened up. “Do yourself a favor and find a nice vanilla
girlfriend who will adore you.”

Matthew’s laughter caught Daniel completely by surprise.
“You ass.” Matthew was almost snorting with humor. “When will you quit trying to

tell me what I want?” Matthew stood, stepping into Daniel’s space, close enough that
their bodies brushed. “For a bright, perceptive man, you’re being awfully dense.”
Matthew crowded him, and Daniel stepped away before he could feel his growing
erection. “I’ve been just fine with how you ‘need things to be,’” he mockingly lowered
his voice to mimic Daniel’s. “And buddy, I ain’t had vanilla sex since I was a teenager.”

Matthew returned to his chair and picked up the first folder. “I’ll look these over,

Danny.” Daniel could practically hear his teeth grinding, and Matt probably did too,
because he started to chuckle all over again. “If you can’t handle being alone in a room
with me while I do it,” Daniel turned toward the door before he knocked the younger man
on his ass. Or kissed him. “Then I guess I’ll just have to give you an answer tomorrow.”

Matthew was still laughing when the door shut very firmly behind Daniel’s

retreating form.

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Chapter 5

Shannon dug in with her sneakers and braced herself to heave her ancient couch up

against the one empty wall in Lisa’s apartment, only to jerk back with a yelp of pain as
her finger dragged over a loose nail.

“Dammit!” She blotted the bleeding wound on her ratty jeans, and stood surveying

the mess that was her living room. Lisa had left almost all of her furniture, which would
have been a blessing if Shannon hadn’t had any of her own. As it was, over the last two
days Shannon had managed to fit in an extra bed (propped up against the bedroom wall),
an extra TV (living on the bathroom counter), and an extra recliner (wedged behind the
small table in the dining nook). All she had to do was manage to manhandle the damn
couch into place, and she would have a functional, if not feng-shui, living space.

Taking a moment to kick the couch, which was completely unproductive, but

extremely satisfying, Shannon grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen, climbed over
the recliner, and flopped down on the offending piece of furniture. Deciding she needed a
break, she took a little mental vacation and returned to the pool in her imagination.

Matt. Matthew. What an utterly beautiful man. His eyes reminded her of the sky

before a storm, the swirling blue and green and gray were a barometer for his emotions.
She already knew when he was amused or happy, his eyes took on a blue that was as
clear as the Caribbean Sea. She wondered what color they’d be when he was aroused, and
then gave a very unladylike snort.

Shannon had no problems with her self-image, but she was the first to admit she was

a “real woman.” You’d be much more likely to find her in a Dove commercial than in
Sports Illustrated, and she was okay with that. Unfortunately, men like Matthew
Worthington didn’t dally with “real women.” They dallied with size negative zero
supermodels named Elga. Still, it was a nice fantasy, and it cheered her up immensely.

The last words he’d spoken to her before they parted at the pool had been an offer to

help her move the heavy stuff around. She’d listened attentively when he gave her his
unit number, and thanked him for the offer, but she’d never actually intended to take him
up on it.

* * * *

Shannon found herself standing outside Matt’s door unable, for some reason, to

actually knock.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she forced herself to knock briskly, and proceeded to stand

wearing her best “friendly neighbor” face while she waited for him to open the door.

“Shannon!” Those mood-eyes flashed blue, and if the way he reached out to

immediately draw her into the living room was any indication, he was truly happy to see

God. He was even more beautiful today than he’d been at the pool. His long, dark

hair was loose again, but held a slight kink where it had obviously been tied back. He was
barefoot and tie-less, but his pale gray suit pants clung lovingly to impressive thighs, and
the open neck of his white dress-shirt exposed a triangle of golden skin just begging to be

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“Does the fact you’re here mean you’re ready to take me up on my offer of dinner?”

He took the keys from her hand and dropped them on the small occasional table by the
door, and then led her to the couch with a boyish enthusiasm that was completely

“I’m afraid I’ve come to take you up on your other offer,” Shannon displayed her

punctured finger. “It looks like I’m not man enough to take on the damn couch,” she
pouted prettily. “It bit me!” When Matthew laughed at her dramatics she continued, “So
does your offer to help me schlep furniture still stand? I could really use some extra

Taking her hand with a flourish, Matthew pressed a gentle kiss to the offended digit,

and then meeting her eyes with a wicked smile, he drew the finger into his mouth and
sucked lightly. Shannon savored the shudder that worked down her spine at the sensation,
and watched as his eyes went heavy lidded and smoky.


Matthew felt like rubbing his hands together in glee. Not only was his hot little

mermaid here in his home, but she needed his help! He imagined them, sweaty and out of
breath from moving the couch, falling on it together, wrapped in each other.

“Oh, yeah,” she tasted amazing, like salt and spice. He was suddenly famished for

her, and he imagined all the other places on her body he’d like to be sucking right now.
He tried to keep the evil intent off of his face and out of his voice. “My offer still stands.”

“Thanks,” her voice was breathy as she leaned back into the soft cocoon of his sofa.

“I really thought I could handle it myself, but once the couch drew first blood, I knew it
was time to call in reinforcements.”

Matt bent down and gathered her legs up, propping her feet on his coffee table before

heading to the kitchen.

“Well, before you go back into the fray, let me give you some fortification.” He

opened the refrigerator, and took a moment to regret he was indeed a bachelor, and his
refrigerator reflected it. “I’ve got domestic beer, some orange juice, German beer, a flat
diet soda, and, oh, some beer from a local microbrewery,” he called out with a grimace.
“What can I get for you?”

“Gee,” her laughter sounded like bells. “It’s really hard to choose, but I think I’ll

have to go with … um … beer.”

“An excellent choice,” he replied, carrying two bottles and two glasses into the living

room. “It’s the house specialty.”

Shannon rolled her eyes and accepted both bottle and glass as he dropped onto the

couch next to her. Setting the glass on the coffee table, she took a long drink directly
from the bottle and leaned back with a sigh. Interestingly, instead of leaning back into the
soft surface of the couch, she found herself leaning into the decidedly hard surface of
Matt’s arm. She shot him a glance.

“So, that move work much, Slick?” In spite of her words, Shannon made no effort to


“Not since high school,” he grinned. “I’m hoping my luck is changing.”
He was so close. She could catch the faint remnants of his cologne and the yeasty

aroma of the beer he’d been swigging. His eyes had darkened until the blue was almost
slate, and Shannon suddenly found herself mesmerized by the way his mouth moved as

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he spoke.

“Will you let me?” He didn’t say what he wanted her to let him do, and it didn’t

really matter. At that moment she would have let him do almost anything. When she
didn’t answer, he slid in even closer, discarding his bottle and dragging his thumb over
her damp lips. Unthinkingly she swept her tongue along behind it, capturing his flavor.

His groan was low, full of hunger and humor. “Oh yeah, you’ll let me.”
Using the same thumb to tilt her chin, Matthew kissed her. No, kiss was too bland a

word for what he did to her. He began to devour her. Gently he sucked her bottom lip into
his mouth, toying with it with tongue and teeth before releasing it, only to repeat the
small torture on her top lip. He sipped at her lips, sucking and nipping at them as if they
were honey coated, and his job was to lap away every drop.

Shannon sighed and slid her hand into his silken fall of hair, pulling him closer. His

heat surrounded her, and when his tongue slid craftily in and rubbed over hers, she felt
the fire from the inside out. She felt every stroke of his tongue all over her body. The
short, light suction he applied to her tongue seemed to pull directly at her nipples, and
Shannon gave a low moan and unconsciously began to knead at his shoulder with one
hand, while stroking through the rough silk of his hair with the other.

When his teasing got to be too much, and she was wriggling and pressing her thighs

together, she decided to fight fire with fire, and sucked his tongue into her mouth. His
muffled grunt of pleasure sent an answering jolt through her, and she smiled into the kiss,
sucking more intensely still.


Captivated, Matt slid an arm behind her and eased her down onto the couch,

following her down to prop himself on his forearms, caging her with his body. To his
great satisfaction, Shannon automatically slid one foot to the floor, making room for him
in the cradle of her pelvis. When he deliberately stroked his erection against the damp
denim at the apex of her body, she sighed and arched closer.

When his hips began a rhythmic pulsing against hers, Matthew realized if he didn’t

stop now, he’d end up taking her right here on his couch. Ignoring his outraged cock, he
lifted his lips from hers and sucked air in through his teeth when she took the opportunity
to lick at the soft skin just below his ear and work one small hand between them to stroke
the length of his erection. Gritting his teeth so hard he almost expected his jaw to crack,
he choked out his one and only warning.

“If you don’t want me to take you now, we need to stop.”
“I don’t want to stop,” she licked a path of fire down his neck.
“You didn’t come up here for this,” he reminded her, and his dick howled protest.
“No, I know,” she pushed into the soothing stroke of his hands down her torso.
“Maybe you should think about it, be sure it’s what you want before we do

something that can’t be undone.” And what the fuck was he doing talking her out of it?
His body was raging, had been raging since Daniel had buried himself balls deep in his
ass on Sunday night. But then, maybe sex with Daniel was precisely why he wanted
Shannon to be very sure. He already had one reluctant lover, Matthew didn’t know if he
could handle a second.

Slowly, reluctantly Matthew lifted himself from Shannon’s welcoming body. He

smiled at her regretful sigh, and pressed a quick, smooth kiss to her swollen lips.

“Go on down. I’ll change and come down and help you do battle with the dread

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couch.” She smiled back, though her eyes were still dreamy and somewhat out of focus.
When she just lay there watching his mouth, Matt grabbed her hands and pulled her to
her feet. It didn’t do either of them any good when she landed against his body. It took a
minute before he could bring himself to stop kneading at her waist and release her.


Shannon leaned back against Matthew’s door and took a long, shaky breath. She felt

wound as a spring. Her nipples stabbed at her top, and the crotch of her jeans was damp
clear through. She had never been so turned on. And he’d stopped. And she’d let him.


Daniel bounded up the stairs to Matt’s place. His stomach was knotted with stress.

He’d been stressed out since he’d given in to Matthew’s seduction the night before. A big
part of him felt guilty, while an even bigger part wanted to do it again. The sex was good,
rough and carnal, and Matt had no issues letting Daniel take the lead.

Lost in thought he wasn’t looking where he was going when he felt a bump. Hearing

a small “Omph,” he looked down.

Sprawled on the floor in front of him was the most delicious pixie he’d encountered

in a long while.

“You just going to stand there, or are you going to help a girl up?”
Daniel crossed his arms. Her voice was mellow. It reminded him of music. And there

was something in her eyes. An openness. A calming effect when she looked at him. It
warmed his insides, relieving some of the tension he’d felt just a moment before.

“Well, I don’t know,” he deliberately ran his eyes over her curvy body. “What’s my

incentive for helping a damsel in distress?”

“Listen, big guy, you can’t knock a girl on her ass and expect her to help herself up.

What kind of gentleman would you be?” She had the most adorable way of wrinkling her
nose when she smiled. He wanted to see her smile again.

Daniel laughed, the first real one he’d had in a long time. Reaching down, he grasped

her forearm, helping her to stand. He deliberately pulled too hard, causing her to stumble
straight into his arms. He tightened his grip around her back. Her smell was intoxicating,
her nipples, hard little nubs brushed over his chest. Thoughts of her lying between him
and Matt clouded his brain. She made a small sound as she felt his erection growing.

“Angel, I’m not a gentleman of any sort.” His mouth closed in on her face, and for a

brief moment Daniel thought she would let him kiss her. Then her hazy expression
cleared. She stiffened her back and Daniel immediately set her away from him. She
stepped away from him and Daniel waved.

“Bye, Angel.”

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Chapter 6

Gathering what she could of her composure, Shannon headed toward the elevator.

She got there just in time for the doors to slide open, leaving her to step in and relive her
moment with the second most beautiful man she’d ever seen. When he’d smiled at her, a
naughty sparkle in his eyes, she decided he was every bit as beautiful as Matthew, in a
different way.

Matthew was pure boyish charm. He radiated sex, but he also radiated fun. This man

was movie star gorgeous. There wasn’t anything boyish about him. He radiated sex, but it
was dark, hinting at forbidden pleasures.

He smelled good. Really good. Matthew’s taste was still on her lips, but she wanted

to taste this man, too. And his voice was like crushed velvet, brushing over her with an
almost physical touch. What was happening to her? It was as if when she had driven
across the Michigan state line, some inner barrier had dropped. Something had changed,
freeing a woman who could hunger for two men at the same time. Who could hunger, she
realized, to take two men at the same time.

He’d almost kissed her. He had touched her, and when her nipples had rubbed over

his chest she’d felt her breath hitch, and she knew he had, too. She was flushed, and
wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or arousal. Because if her nipples had been hard
against his chest, his cock had been even harder, dragging over the soft skin of her belly.
She wondered how his mouth would taste, and slumped against the elevator wall.
Apparently she could hunger, but she wasn’t quite brave enough to do anything about it.

* * * *

Somehow Shannon found herself staring at a door for the second time in less than an

hour. Only this time it was her own. And she was locked on the wrong side of it.

“Fuck!” She didn’t use a lot of profanity; it was a bad habit for a teacher to get into;

it wouldn’t do to slip up in front of the kiddies. But sometimes only a good old four-letter
word got the point across.

Matthew had been able keep his head, stopping their passion before the point of no

return. She knew she should be grateful. Tomorrow, when her body wasn’t rioting in
protest, she probably would be grateful. Right now, all she wanted was to go back to that
moment when he’d walked her to his door and sent her on her way with a smack to the
ass that had somehow become a caressing squeeze.

Well, she could stand here like a statue waiting for him to come down and hoping he

noticed her keys, or she could go back up and get them herself. Maybe she’d get lucky
and catch him with his shirt off. Or his pants.

Wondering if he’d agree that she’d had enough time to “think about things,” she

turned and headed back into the jaws of temptation.


“You forgot your keys.” Matt was smiling as he opened the door. Daniel stood

leaning against the jamb with his hands tucked casually in his pockets. Matthew’s smile
faded a bit, became more speculative.

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“Expecting someone?” With a hungry little grin, he looked over his shoulder then

back, “Wouldn’t happen to be that really hot number I just ran into.”

Matt walked away from the door without answering. Daniel followed him in, not

bothering to close the door behind him.

“What do you want, Daniel?” Matthew stood with his arms crossed facing Daniel.

Daniel couldn’t help but notice the flush on Matthew’s cheeks, and the heavy thrust of his
erection through his thin gray trousers. Matt’s eyes were a stormy gray-green. He must
still be pissed. Daniel was very much afraid Matt was going to make this harder than he’d

“Matty, we need to put all the shit behind us or we’ll never manage to work together.

With Marcus gone, it’s up to us to finish this project on time.”

“Don’t call me Matty.” Matthew’s brows were drawn together in obvious

aggravation. “I haven’t been Matty for ten fucking years.” He walked toward Daniel.

Daniel threw his hands up as if to ward off Matt’s approach. “Point taken Matt. We

still need to act like grownup’s.” The barb was deliberate, and Matt realized it, if the
narrowing of his eyes was anything to go by. “It’s past time that we come to an
understanding so we can get to work.”

“Oh, I understand, Daniel. I understand that you’re in denial.”
This wasn’t going the way he’d planned. Daniel took a moment to regroup. They

needed to have this out once and for all, or they’d never be able to work together. He
didn’t care to examine too closely exactly why he was so determined to confront the
younger man.

“There is no denial Matt. We had fun. We got off. End of story.”
Matt stalked over to him, closing the distance between their bodies. “If it was just

about getting off, then why can’t you look me in the eye?” He reached cupped his hand
against Daniel’s tented pants, rubbing his palm roughly over Daniel’s erection. “If it was
just about getting off, then why do you get hard every time we’re in a room together?
You look at me and you’re ready to explode, Daniel. It’s you who keeps making this
about more than getting off.”

Daniel needed to end this now. He couldn’t seem to stay casual with Matt, and there

were too many reasons why they couldn’t be anything serious to each other. He wasn’t
capable of giving Matt what he needed, what he deserved.

There would be no happy ending for Daniel. He would never be the hero to swoop in

and save the day. He fucked. That’s what he was good at. He stayed comfortable; he
stayed in control. Matt deserved more than that.

Matt threatened the tight control Daniel had spent so many years cultivating. At

thirty-six, had his emotions contained behind a nice thick wall of ice. No one got hurt,
and he didn’t live with guilt.

He sure as hell wasn’t telling Matt he felt something when they were together.

Daniel refused to acknowledge the spark of need that flickered somewhere north of his
dick whenever Matt was around. As long as he didn’t acknowledge it, it wasn’t real.

“Matthew, I don’t look at you any differently than I do any other person I’m having

sex with.”

A flash, maybe hurt, passed through Matt’s eyes, and for a brief moment Daniel felt

regret at his harsh words. This is for his own good.

Daniel closed his eyes, trying to gain control of the situation. Mistake. When he

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opened them, Matt was on him, branding his mouth with a kiss as potent as straight
whiskey. Daniel tried to push him away, but Matthew wasn’t having it. He grabbed the
front of Daniel’s shirt and pushed him against the wall, pressing with his body to keep
him in place.

Daniel refused to open his mouth. It didn’t stop Matt from licking his lips. He pulled

back and whispered against Daniel’s damp mouth, “You’re a liar, Daniel.”

Those four little words ripped through Daniel. Liar, was he?
This time he grabbed Matt and pulled him around so his back was against the wall.

Daniel pushed his knee between the younger man’s thighs. Matt’s hard-on ground against
his knee. He slapped his hands against the wall, framing Matt’s head.

“You don’t know what the fuck you’re asking for, Matty.” Daniel could barely form

the words as hazel eyes widened, and Matt smiled.

“You keep saying that, and you keep being wrong, Daniel. I know exactly what I’m

asking for.”

Daniel shook his head. He regretted what he was about to do, but was unable to stop.
“Then you’re a fool, Matt.” His brought his mouth crashing down on Matthew’s and

thrust his tongue deeply into Matt’s mouth. Daniel plundered and pushed, taking the
other man’s mouth over and over again. He bit at Matthew’s bottom lip as he pushed his
hips into the cradle of his pelvis. He grabbed Matt’s jaw, widening his mouth so he could
lay claim.

It wasn’t supposed to be a kiss of passion; it was punishment for pushing Daniel too

far. His lips were bruising in their intensity, but Matt wasn’t intimidated. No, Matthew
was moaning, his hands grasping Daniel’s ass, grinding him against his cock.

A small gasp broke the spell. Both men turned their heads toward the sound.

Standing in the doorway was the little hottie Daniel had just met in the hallway. He
pushed away from Matt and walked to the woman. He didn’t stop until he was close
enough for her breath to touch his face. Daniel let his gaze travel up and down her
perfectly curved form, stopping at the beaded nipples straining against her white tank top.

She’d watched them kissing, and it turned her on. Drawn, as if by a magnet, he

lowered his head, closing the distance between their mouths. He breathed in deeply and
the sweet aroma of orange blossoms invaded his senses. When she tilted her head up to
meet him, it broke the spell. Daniel pulled back with a jerk and walked out the door,
leaving both Matt and the mystery woman breathing hard and wanting more.

Leaving himself wanting more.


They stared at each other for a long, charged minute before Matthew spoke.
“Sorry about that.” His voice was deep and raspy, and for once there was no laughter

in his eyes.

“Who the hell is he?” Shannon flicked a glance at the closed door, and then to

Matthew’s very obvious erection. “And is he the reason you stopped earlier?”

Matthew sighed. “He is a force of nature named Daniel Ellis. And yeah, he does

have something to do with why I stopped.” When she went pale and narrowed her eyes,
he hurriedly continued, “But not the way you mean.”

“Okay.” Shannon tried to control her profound disappointment. She’d found not one,

but two amazingly hot men and had thought she might have a chance with at least one of
them. It was depressing beyond words to discover they were more interested in each

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other than in her. “Okay,” she repeated. “Then I think you’d better explain to me exactly
what it is you want from me. Was what happened earlier on the couch a lie? Or was it
some sort of … fluffer until the main event?” She met his eyes somberly. Her body was
at war with her brain. She wanted, and it looked like she wasn’t going to get any

“Oh, sweetheart, I meant every second of what happened on the couch. And if I was

getting ‘fluffed,’” he winced at the term, “for anyone, it was you.”

He sighed, and gestured for her to sit. Somehow Shannon couldn’t bring herself to sit

calmly on the couch where they’d almost made love less than an hour ago. Walking over
to gaze out the window, she motioned for Matthew to continue.

“Things between Daniel and me are … complicated. He’s not my boyfriend. I’m not

gay. But I do want him, and God knows he wants me, too. That doesn’t have anything to
do with my wanting you. Shannon, before you there hasn’t been a woman to make me
hard with just a look in years. Hell, not since I was a horny teenager.”

He shook his head ruefully. “The reason I stopped earlier wasn’t because I’d rather

be with Daniel. It was because everything with Daniel is a struggle. He wants me, but he
doesn’t want to. I don’t want to be with you and then find out you regret it later.” He
came to stand behind her, gently turning her to meet his eyes. “I want you too damn

Shannon knew she should turn around and walk away right now. This was a situation

destined to break her heart. And yet, she understood Matthew completely. Hadn’t she just
stood in the elevator marveling at her desire for two unique men? Returning Matthew’s
serious look with one of her own, Shannon lifted her hand to his stubble-roughened

“I won’t regret it later.” And she guided his mouth down to meet hers.
Her smile felt like sunshine, and Matt realized her kiss tasted like it, too. After too

many times of being the aggressor with Daniel, having Shannon freely offer her mouth
was like a balm to Matthew’s bruised heart. He wasn’t quite sure when fooling around
with Daniel had become something more than a really sexy experiment, but he found
with each of Daniel’s rejections, he hurt a little more. Shannon eased that hurt. Her desire
for him was so clear, so pure, and he felt as if her totally unselfish passion was healing
hurts he’d never even realized he had.

At first she just pressed her lips to his, a sweet, chaste kiss. He felt her breath on his

cheek, and slowly realized they were breathing in synch. With no contact beyond their
closed lips, they had become one.

After a while, her lips began to move. Kissing Shannon was the polar opposite from

kissing Daniel. Her lips were so soft, shaping and reshaping his. She sipped softly at his
top lip, and then his bottom, pulling back from time to time to examine her work.
Matthew could feel his lips flushing and swelling under her attention, and her satisfaction
was evident in the wicked, feline smile she gave him.

Reaching up with her free hand, she cradled his face, surrounding him in her warmth.

Her softness. His hands, which had been fisted in his pockets, came out to brush softly
over her hair before sliding down her back to rest lightly at her hips.

Without any encouragement, she stepped closer. Matthew loved Shannon’s body. He

loved that she didn’t look like some stick figure who would break the first time he rode
her hard. He loved how she felt crushed up against him, no hard edges, just warmth, soft

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and giving. He loved her round, natural breasts, and he even loved the round curve of her
belly. In fact, he loved her belly quite a lot because at this very minute it was cradling his
aching erection like a soft pillow of heat.


Shannon felt Matthew sigh, long and contented, against her mouth and smiled into

their kiss. He’d let her take control, even seemed to need that from her, and she was
soaking in every minute.

She kept the pace slow, even languid, but she could feel his cock throbbing like an

iron spike fresh off the fire against her belly, and knew slow wouldn’t work much longer.
Shannon didn’t think she could take much more of slow either. Her pussy was on fire and
with every lick of her tongue over his lips, the fire burned hotter.

Letting her hands slide gently down Matthew’s face, she stroked the lean cords of his

neck, sliding into the open collar of his shirt to run inquisitive fingertips over his
shoulders. One by one she plucked open his buttons, baring the bronzed expanse of lean,
hard, muscled chest. His shirt, made of the finest Egyptian cotton, was satiny smooth
under her hands. Matthew’s skin was even smoother. And so warm.

Pressing light butterfly kisses to the corners of his lips and the underside of his jaw,

Shannon tilted her head to admire the prize revealed by his opening shirt. Matthew was
tall and muscular, built lean like a swimmer. His skin, bronzed by the sun, was like
golden velvet under her hands. His chest was smooth and hairless except for a scattering
of silky strands surrounding his nipples, and a thin, silky trail twining around his navel
and arrowing down beneath the waistband of his pants.

Pulling his shirt free of his pants, Shannon continued her exploration with hands and

lips. Spreading her fingers wide, she ran both palms up his sides. When she danced her
fingertips over the ridges of his ribs, Matthew shifted, pushing into her touch. When she
ran curious fingertips over his chocolaty nipples, he arched into her hands like a well-
petted cat.

Exploring, she swept her hands up and over his shoulders. It seemed decadent

beyond words having the freedom to run her hands all over Matthew’s body. She drank
him in through the surface of her palms, memorizing every detail of his texture.

Sliding her hands down his arms, she began removing his shirt. When it stuck at the

wrists, she lifted first one hand and then the other to deal with his cufflinks. Lifting his
hands one at a time, Shannon pressed hot, wet kisses into his palms, and drew the tip of
each finger into her mouth for a brief suck as she worked the chunks of platinum loose,
freeing his hands.

Once his shirt was out of the way, she had much more to explore. Sliding around

behind him, Shannon went on tiptoe and gathered his loose hair together and to the side,
baring the nape of his neck. Stretching as high as she could reach, feeling her nipples
drag over his smooth skin with each breath, Shannon ran her tongue over the back of
Matthew’s neck, swirling around each knob of his spine, paying special attention to the
scattered red marks and bruises suggesting rough love-play.

She continued her torture, dragging her nails lightly down either side of his spine

while her tongue played with each vertebra. He tasted of salt, and when she reached the
small of his back he arched and let slip a low moan of pleasure that arrowed directly
between Shannon’s legs.

Remaining behind him, Shannon reached around to toy with the closure of his

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trousers. Accidentally on purpose she fumbled, stroking over his cock and brushing
against his balls. For the first time Matthew moved, clasping one hand over hers, locking
her in place.

“If you touch me there, I’ll come right now, and I’m not ready to.” He kept his voice

at a whisper, as if afraid to disturb the spell she was weaving as she cherished his body.

She didn’t answer, but she did move her hands to the safer territory of his thin black

belt. With nimble fingers she plucked at the buckle, and then at the fastener of his pants.

She dropped to her knees behind him as she slid his pants and briefs down in one

smooth movement. When they landed to puddle at his ankles, he moved without
prompting to step out of them, and kick the lot away.

Shannon knelt behind him, lost in sensory overload at the reality of Matthew’s nude

body. Wrapping her hands around his thighs, she rested her cheek on the hair-roughened
skin just below his left buttocks and enjoyed the sensation of his heat sinking into her
own skin.

Leaning back, she took a moment to cup her palms over the hard, round globes of his

ass. There were bruises here, too, as though someone had held his hips, digging into his
skin in violent passion. Shannon was pretty sure she knew where these marks had come
from, and the idea of Daniel clutching at Matthew while lost in his own pleasure sent a
frisson of electricity from her nipples to her clit.

Pressing her face again into the small of his back, Shannon let her hot breath wash

over his skin. Carefully avoiding his cock, which was bobbing upward somewhere in the
vicinity of his navel, and his testes, which had drawn up like little apricots and looked
painfully aroused, she wrapped her hands around the tops of his thighs and dragged her
nails down their inner surface with a tantalizing bite of pain.

Matthew arched into her touch once again, before reaching over his head in a

luxurious stretch ending with him dragging his fingers through his hair. The look of him
left her breathless and Shannon found herself back on her feet and facing him in less time
than it took for her to jerk in enough oxygen to keep from getting dizzy.

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Chapter 7

Matt let his eyes meet hers, and Shannon felt like she was looking into his very soul.

The smoky blue color that gave away his passion was a mere rim around liquid black
pupils. Shannon panted, desperate for air, and leaned forward to run her tongue over one
hard male nipple.

Mouth occupied, she reached for the button of her jeans, quickly yanking it loose and

pushing the confining material down her hips. They clung there for a moment and then
gravity took over, causing them to slide down and land with a soft thump at her feet.

Licking her way from on nipple to the other, she toed off her sneakers and socks. As

Matthew caught her head in his hands, bringing her lips up to his, she was kicking her
pants aside, and reaching for the hem of her tank top. Pulling back from his mouth,
Shannon caught his eyes and drew the thin cotton top over her head, tossing it aside.

She stood naked before him, letting him look his fill. She’d never done that before,

never trusted a lover enough to be completely exposed, flaws and all. Now, looking into
Matthew’s eyes, all she saw was approval and need. And heat.


Reaching for her hand, Matthew led her up a short flight of stairs, and into his

bedroom. She’d all but undone him with her hot breath and whisper-soft touches.
Matthew didn’t think he’d ever been so turned on in his life, and he knew no woman had
ever adored his body the way Shannon had just done. He wanted, more than anything, to
return the favor, licking and sucking and caressing her into the state of tender insanity he
was now in. But that would have to wait. He knew with one taste of her sweet pink
nipples, with one touch of her hot, creamy cunt, he would be lost.

He pressed the dimmer switch as they entered the room, filling it was a warm golden

glow, and drew her gently to the bed, helping her to slide over the black satin duvet so
she could recline in the center of the bed. She looked like a golden goddess, stretched out
for his delectation. Matthew remembered the first time he’d seen her smile. He’d wanted
to see her smile in his bed, while he moved inside her. He was about to get his wish.


Shannon shifted, enjoying the cool satin at her back. Matthew stood by the bed, his

burning eyes moving over her body with almost physical weight. Finally he placed one
knee on the bed, crawling toward her like a giant jungle cat. He stopped when he was
directly over her, straddling her hips, lips even with hers.

This kiss was his, and it wasn’t gentle. She’d burned all the gentleness out of him

with the flame of her touch. In its place was a naked wanting that wouldn’t be denied.
With one hand he cupped her jaw, holding her lips open for his invasion. His mouth
ravished hers, tongue thrusting and tangling against hers until she was dizzy with need.

Filled with his scent and taste, Shannon arched against him. She needed the drag of

his chest over her bare breasts. She needed his skin pressed against the agonizing
tightness of her nipples. As she twisted in his arms, Matthew moved to grasp her wrists,
pinning them to the bed on either side of her head, and the small bondage ramped her
arousal still higher.

He crouched over her, a sexual beast in total control. Desperate for more, Shannon

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wriggled free of his grasp and wrapped her arms around his ribs, hooking her hands up
around the backs of his shoulders. Digging her heels into the bed, she pushed up into his
body, stroking into rock hard muscle and silken flesh. At the same time, she drew his
tongue into her mouth, starting a suction that jerked a groan from deep in his chest.

Matthew dragged his mouth from hers only to run his tongue down the length of her

neck. He painted swirling designs over her collarbone before tracing a line straight down
the slope of her breast and running his tongue in circles around one taut nipple. As she
gasped and arched, he drew the bud between his lips and began sucking a little more
roughly. She watched his jaw work, saw the fall of his hair over her skin, felt his tongue
pressing her aching flesh against the roof of his mouth, and nearly came right then. Back
and forth he moved, first sucking one nipple, then nibbling the other, until Shannon
thought she would go insane with wanting him.

It had been a nearly silent seduction, punctuated with gasps and moans, but few

words. Dragging his hands down the inner surface of her arms, Matthew lifted his head,
releasing one swollen nipple with a pop. He lifted up enough to work his knees in
between her thighs and spoke against her vibrating flesh.

“You taste so amazing,” he licked at the hollow of her throat, causing her breath to

catch. “I want to lick every inch of you.” He flicked her earlobe with his tongue, sending
shivers down her spine. “I want to bury my tongue in your creamy little pussy,” Two long
fingers burrowed into her narrow, slippery opening. “I want to suck your clit until you
scream.” He swirled his fingertips over her clit before catching it between them for a light
squeeze, yanking a squeak of surprised pleasure from her. “That’s no scream, baby.” He
squeezed again, and this time she obliged him with a low wail of ecstasy. “I want to slide
my tongue into your tiny little hole, and suck every bit of honey you’ve got.” Those
wicked fingers slid into her sheath, stretching her almost painfully. She arched into his
hand, and he ground his palm over her aching clit.

“I want to do all those things.” He bit lightly at her collarbone, leaving a faint red

mark. “I will do all those things.” He sucked at the tiny bruise, and she writhed as the
sensation shot down through her body to clutch at his twisting fingers. “But not now.” He
paused to lap delicately at her nipples, and Shannon sobbed out an aching breath as he
slid his fingers from her convulsing pussy. “Now, you’ve got me so wound all I can do is
bury myself alllll,” he grasped his cock, dragging it through the scalding wet heat of her
labia until the sensitive crest butted up against her clit, “the way in your tiny little body.”
He dragged the huge knob of his cock back down, setting it against the narrow opening of
her sheath.

“Are you ready for me?”
He didn’t wait for an answer, but began a slow invasion that ravished Shannon’s

senses. Twisting from side to side, he worked the widest part of his cock through the
narrowest part of her opening, and paused, panting.

“So hot.” He moved deeper. “So tight.” And deeper still. “So fucking good.” And he

plunged home, dragging a broken cry from deep in Shannon’s chest.

At first he didn’t thrust. He pulsed. He stirred. He rubbed the length of his cock

along the sensitive inner tissues of her sheath, stimulating nerves she didn’t even know
existed. When he did thrust, he started slow. Long, aching retreats. Powerful, irresistible
penetrations. Shannon groaned with each thrust, arching into him and finally wrapping
one leg around his lean hips.

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He picked up speed, and the strength of his thrusts moved them up the bed. Grunting,

he flattened one palm in the small of her back, steadying her as he powered in. With his
free hand he pulled her other leg around his waist.

“Hold on to me,” he rasped in her ear, and she wrapped both arms around his neck,

burying her face in the damp fall of his hair.

Hips working like a piston, he drew his legs in, knees up for leverage, and let the

beast go. The change in position had the base of his cock grinding against her clit with
every thrust. His hips were a blur, and each thrust stroked her from the inside out,
dragging incoherent cries from her throat.

His lips caught hers in a kiss so carnal, so blatantly sexual, that she thought she’d

turn to ash. When he raised his head, his eyes met hers, blistering in their intensity.

“I need you to come now,” and she could feel it, just seconds away. “Now,” his

voice was sharper. “Dammit, Shannon, come now.”

And she did. It racked her from the inside out, an orgasm like none she’d ever

experienced before. She could feel the muscles of her vagina clenching around his cock
and the sensation of him, of herself breaking around him, sent a tidal wave of fresh
convulsions through her. Her nails scored his back, and she felt his primeval growl of
response rumble through her own body.

She shuddered in the grip of a pleasure that was devastating for what seemed like

hours, until finally her vision grayed, and she slumped back into the softness of the

Moments later, Shannon realized Matthew was still inside her, still moving, and still

hard. She took a second to marvel that she could have had such a soul-destroying orgasm,
and not have taken him with her, and then dragged her eyes open to catch his expression.

His jaw was clenched so hard she was amazed it hadn’t broken. He’d slowed his

thrusts to prolong her orgasm, and now his body was so tight she thought if she touched
him he might break.

Lightly running her hands down his sides, she cupped the flexing muscles of his ass.
“It’s your turn now,” she whispered into the sweaty skin of his neck. “I want to feel

you come,” he jerked, and his strokes lost their smooth rhythm. “Just let go, Matty.”


When she used that nickname, the name Daniel called him when he wanted to

distance himself, the name Daniel used in the hottest moments of passion, Matthew
couldn’t hold out any longer.

One hard thrust brought him up hard against her cervix, and Matthew let go. His

cock seemed to take on a life of its own, swelling still more before blasting repeated
bursts of cum into her waiting sex.


His final thrust ground his pubic bone hard on her clit, and in combination with his

seemingly endless spurts of scalding sperm and the expression of agonized pleasure on
Matthew’s beautiful face, threw Shannon back into the storm of passion, convulsing over
him even harder than before, until at last they collapsed, boneless and breathless, against
the bed.

Sometime later, though Shannon couldn’t have said when, Matthew drew out of her

and slid to her side. Before she could fully wake, he’d gathered her in his arms, dragging
the comforter from beneath her. Settling her into the curve of his body, he spooned her

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against him and let the blanket drift down to cover them like a warm cloud.

* * * *

Pearly gray light glowed in the window when she awoke again. This time she woke

to the feather light strokes of his tongue on the swollen flesh of her pussy. When he saw
she was awake, he deepened his touch, drawing moisture from her opening before setting
up a gentle suction on her clit.

When her body began to shudder, Matthew slid smoothly up the length of her and

then slid smoothly into her slick sheath in one luscious stroke. The loving was slower this
time, and gentle. The orgasm, when it came, washed over her in ripples of pleasure,
bringing tears to her eyes.

* * * *

“I didn’t use anything.”
The alarm had gone off a good ten minutes ago, waking them both from a passion-

drugged sleep, but Matthew showed no signs of leaving the warmth of the bed.

“I’m on the pill,” she replied, knowing an unplanned pregnancy was the least of the

problems could result from their carelessness.

“I’m clean, I promise.” He certainly sounded sincere, and against all common sense,

she believed him.

“Yeah, me too.” And that was completely true. The three lovers she’d had before

Matt had all used condoms.

“I can’t believe I was so fucking stupid!” She pulled out of his arms enough to roll

and face him. He wore a look of utter self-disgust.

“You’re clean?” She kept her voice level, reasonable.
“Yeah,” he grumbled.
“I’m clean, too.”
“Of course you are. But you shouldn’t just take my word for it.” He didn’t sound

particularly happy.

“But I do.” And yeah, she knew it was ridiculously naive, but there it was. “I’m on

the pill,” she added.

“Right. Okay. That’s good.” He sounded relieved, but not as relieved as she’d


“So it’s all good.”
“It was still a fucking stupid thing to do.”
“Yeah, it was.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “Get tested and bring me a clean bill

of health.” He raised his eyebrows. “I like feeling you come in me.”

This time, he remembered the condom.

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Chapter 8

Matt was still jazzed several hours later when Daniel walked into Marcus’ office.

Not even Daniel’s stony expression and refusal to meet his eyes could dent his good
mood. He’d spent fifteen very productive minutes at the company’s in-house clinic, and
when Daniel entered the room, Matthew was happily anticipating the celebration he and
Shannon would have when his test results came back totally clean.

I like feeling you come in me. He didn’t think he’d ever heard anything sexier, and

just the memory shot him hard as steel. So, it wasn’t surprising that Daniel took one look
at the predatory smile on Matthew’s face and prepared for battle.

“Do you have a decision for me?” Daniel’s voice was scrupulously businesslike.
Matthew fanned the folders across the glossy surface of the desk. “Man, why don’t I

have a desk like this?” He ran his finger along the edge. “It’s like a fricking altar.” He
sent Daniel a naughty smile. “Too bad we don’t have a sacrificial virgin around.” He
laughed at Daniel’s scowl.

“You’ll have time to play later, Matty. It’s time to work now.”
Matthew rolled his eyes at the condescending tone in Daniel’s voice. “Oh for God’s

sake, lighten up Dan.” He drew the first folder closer to him, and decided to bait the tiger.
“I never would have slept with you if I’d known you were going to be such a prude about
it. And don’t call me Matty.”

“You just keep on pushing, Matthew,” Daniel gritted out. “You’re going to end up

hurting both of us.”

“Right, right,” Matthew’s sarcasm was obvious. “I don’t know who or what you

are,” he rolled his eyes again and continued. “I don’t know what you want, and I sure as
hell don’t know what I want.” He shook his head. “Blah, blah, blah. Now sit down. I
want to go over some more specific information on these properties before I commit
Worthington to anything.”

By noon the two men had reached an uneasy truce, and had worked through two of

the three property files. They had just bent over the third when a discreet buzz sounded,
and Trey’s smooth voice filled the room.

“Shannon Whitney to see you, Mr. Worthington.” The words were innocent enough,

but both Matthew and Daniel could read the male appreciation in the receptionist’s tone.

“Your little hottie?” Daniel questioned, forgetting for a moment the tension between

him and Matt.

Matthew merely smiled and told Trey to send her in.
When Matt opened the office door, Shannon walked right into his arms. It felt so

good, so right, he had to drop several warm, damp kisses on her lips before letting her go.

She was smiling when she walked into the room, and Matt watched with interest to

see how her expression changed when she spotted Daniel, once more gazing out the

“So, we’re having lunch with the force of nature, huh?” Matthew was pleased to see

the only emotions clouding her clear brown eyes were amusement and speculation. He
was even more pleased to see the predatory gleam in Daniel’s eyes when he turned to
face her.

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At Daniel’s questioning look, Matt led Shannon further into the room. “Daniel Ellis,

force of nature,” he grinned at Daniel’s dry look, “I’d like to introduce you to Shannon
Whitney, magical mermaid.” Shannon laughed and shoved him with her shoulder before
stepping forward to offer Daniel her hand.


Yep. It was the hottie from the night before. And she was even better than he

remembered. She still wore low slung, faded jeans that clung to every curve, but now
she’d topped them with a flower-embroidered cotton top that sort of floated over her
body, caressing her breasts one minute, hiding them the next. She’d replaced the ratty
sneakers with a pair of beaded sandals that showcased narrow feet to perfection. He had a
brief urge to nibble on her pink-painted toes. Delicious.

“So she’s a mermaid, is she?” Daniel wrapped his hand around hers, surrounding it

completely and highlighting how tiny she was. “I would have guessed pixie,” he stepped
in closer, deliberately invading her space. “Or maybe angel.”

She grinned and stood her ground, letting each breath brush her tight little nipples

against his suit coat.

“Oh, I’m no angel.” She sent a naughty wink in Matthew’s direction. “They don’t get

to have any fun.”

Finally retrieving her hand, she walked over to perch on the desk dominating the

room. Daniel caught Matthew’s eye, and knew they were both remembering Matthew’s
earlier comment about a sacrificial virgin. Daniel felt his mouth begin to water.

“So,” she said brightly, oblivious to the dark sexual current arching between the two

men. “Here I am, reporting for lunch as commanded.” She glanced down at the reports
scattered across the table. “Do you have time for me?” She gestured toward Daniel. “I
can take a rain check if you need to keep working.”

Daniel answered before Matthew had time to do more than open his mouth. “We

didn’t get much accomplished yesterday.” Never mind that it was because he’d walked
out. “We really should keep on going now.” Before he bent her pretty little body over the
nearest chair and fucked her unconscious while she sucked Matty’s cock like a lollipop.


Shannon slid down from the desk and moved to the door, and Matt immediately

stopped her. “I promised you lunch,” he tipped her chin up and stroked along the line of
her throat. “And I don’t want you to go yet.” Daniel gave a snort that could have been
disgust or amusement, and Matthew shot him a narrow look. “If you’re so determined to
make up lost time, why don’t we order sandwiches and eat here?”

Daniel flipped his hand at the phone. “Whatever it takes to get this done.”
Matt strode to the desk and picked up the phone, only to stop and look at it blankly.

“Well, hell.”

“What is it?” Shannon had moved up behind him, sliding her hands under his jacket

to flatten on his abdomen, stroking over the silk of his shirt. They both noticed the hungry
way Daniel’s eyes followed her wandering fingers.

“Carrie’s gone, and I have no fucking idea where she calls out to for lunch.”
When he sent Daniel a questioning look the older man shrugged and said, “Don’t

look at me. I’m just a visitor.”

Shannon burst out laughing, and shoved Matthew out of the way. “You poor little

rich boys.” Rooting through the desk drawers, she dug out a phone book. “I’m middle

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class enough to know how to use a phone book.” Ignoring the twin looks of irritation
being sent her way, Shannon flipped through the yellow pages until she found a
restaurant that delivered deli-style sandwiches, and called in their order.


To Daniel’s surprise, lunch went amazingly well. Shannon was new to the area, but

she was incredibly intelligent, and made several fresh observations about the final
property he and Matt had to discuss. She was also funny, and warm, and managed to
diffuse most of the tension between him and Matthew. Daniel found himself imagining
Shannon naked and on her knees in front of him. She had an incredible mouth and he was
a little envious at the easy way she interacted with Matt.

After much discussion, Matthew chose to commit to the first property they’d

discussed, a building site in Travers City. Daniel had just begun to relax and enjoy the
lunch and the company, when Matthew apparently decided work time was done, and it
was now time to play.

“Come here,” Matt playfully crooked a finger at Shannon, who already sat close

beside him. Sliding his chair out from the desk, he urged her to her feet before guiding
her onto his lap.

“Sandwich good?” He leaned forward and licked a dab of mustard from her full

lower lip, and she nodded her agreement.

“Very good,” she returned the favor, licking a non-existent dab of dressing from

Matt’s mouth. Leaning back against his chest she looked over at Daniel. “Are you
enjoying your lunch?” Her eyes were asking an entirely different question than her
words, but he forced himself to ignore it. God save him from little children who wanted
to play at being naughty and had no idea the tiger they tempted.

“The sandwich is fine.” He kept his face expressionless, so he couldn’t really

understand the satisfied smile that crept across her face.

“Good.” She glanced down at her empty plate. “But I’m still hungry,” she pouted

prettily up at Matthew, who immediately picked something up from the desk.

“Wanna bite of my pickle?” He brushed the sour treat over her bottom lip, pulling it

back when she went to take a bite and laughing as she followed it before catching it in her
teeth. Instead of biting down, Shannon slowly sucked the veggie between shiny pink lips,
and winked at Matthew as she watched Daniel’s body pull tight.


Thoroughly enjoying herself, Shannon rose from Matthew’s lap and swayed around

the desk collecting the abandoned cups and wrappers. She made a point to lean in close
as she gathered Daniel’s trash, breathing in his scent, and tempting him with her own.
When she saw his fist clench on the arm of his chair, she considered her job done for the
moment, and turned to dispose of the refuse.

She couldn’t believe how badly she wanted him to make a move. Any move. It

amazed her how much she’d changed from the shy, quiet little school teacher who’d
crossed that Michigan state line. She wondered if she were being greedy, wanting to have
her cake and eat it, too—or have Matthew for a lover, and taste Daniel’s passion, too, as
the case may be…

Glancing at the clock, she realized it was long after one. She walked back to

Matthew, who was now standing propped on the desk less than a foot from where Daniel
sat. Cuddling close, wriggling her hips between Matthew’s thighs, she rested her palms

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on his chest and tipped her head back to meet his smiling eyes.

“You’re happy,” she murmured.
“I am,” he agreed. “How can you tell?”
She stroked a hand down the center of his body and grasped his erect cock for a

gentle squeeze. “Your eyes are all blue and sparkly. They do that when you’re happy.”
Releasing his erection, she wrapped her arms around him for a moment, before pulling
back enough to meet his eyes again. “I should go,” she glanced at Daniel, whose eyes
were glued to their entwined forms. “Let you get back to work.”


Matthew’s hands had found their way to her hips. He lowered them now, cupping the

full curves of her rear, and looked at Daniel over her shoulder. Daniel’s eyes were riveted
on Matthew’s hands, and his position, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees did
nothing to disguise the tree-trunk rising between his legs.

Giving a little squeeze, he watched Daniel’s eyes blaze at Shannon’s soft sound of

enjoyment. “You can’t leave without kissing me goodbye,” he murmured against her
forehead, and smiled as the light tension tightened her body and transmitted to his and to
Daniel’s as well.


Shannon tilted her head to the side and wondered what Matt was up to. She knew

what she was up to. Matthew wanted her, and Matthew wanted Daniel. She wanted them
both, and from all appearances Daniel wanted it, too, so she saw no reason to deny any of

Rising to her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to Matthew’s, moaning into his mouth as

he immediately took control of the kiss. He licked into her mouth, sending bursts of heat
through her body. As his hands cruised her back, she felt her nipples tighten, and rubbed
against him, enjoying the stimulation.

She wasn’t really sure how long she and Matt stood, lost in each other and their kiss,

before Daniel stood, shoving his chair back.

“Should I give the two of you some privacy?” His tone would have been dry

amusement, if it hadn’t been for the growl of arousal distorting it.

She pulled back from Matthew and met his long, searching look. Dropping down to

flat feet, she stepped back and turned to face Daniel. Gathering her courage, she allowed
her eyes to meet his before sliding down his very fine body and pausing on the enormous
erection tenting the front of his trousers.

“I’m sorry,” she stepped closer. She could feel Matthew at her back, encouraging her

onward. “That was terribly rude of us.” She had moved so close to Daniel she could feel
the heat of his body sinking into hers. Placing one palm flat on his chest, she moved the
final inches to press lightly against him, and rose to her toes again.

“I don’t want you to feel left out.” She slid her free hand up, urging his mouth to

hers. Where Matthew tasted of sunshine and laughter, Daniel tasted of sin and dark

He let her control the kiss, not resisting, but not participating either, until she thought

she’d lose what was left of her mind. She was already wet from the last hour’s worth of
mental foreplay and from Matthew’s kiss. Now she was in need. And what she needed
was for Daniel to use those perfectly sculpted lips on hers, to fill her with his tongue and
his taste, and to put those large, elegant hands all over her body.

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Frustrated, Shannon pressed closer. When Daniel continued to let her take the lead,

she decided desperate times called for desperate measures. Sucking his tongue into her
mouth, she slid one hand down, slithering it deep between his legs to cup his testicles in
her hand.

Finally Daniel’s control broke. His kiss crashed over her like a tidal wave. No longer

restrained, Daniel thrust his tongue into her mouth, exploring every crevice and learning
her taste.

He kissed her until she was breathless and panting, sagging against him on knees that

had gone weak. And then he kissed her some more.

Just when she knew her legs wouldn’t support her, she felt Matthew move in behind

her, blanketing her back with his heat. Matt was acknowledging his approval of her
shared kiss with Daniel.

Matt had never really broached the subject of Shannon playing with both men, but it

was as obvious as the erection wedged against her ass that he wanted it.

He’d refused to go into great detail about his situation with Daniel, but Shannon

wasn’t a stupid woman, and there had been no mistaking the body language when she’d
caught Matt and Daniel kissing. Whatever was going on went deeper than a mere kiss.
What had surprised her was her shocking reaction to their kiss. She’d wanted to slip in
between them, to become a part of their passion.

And now, kissing Daniel, her body was going up in flames.
Daniel was devouring her with his lips, hands cupping her ass to squeeze in deep

pulses. Matthew pressed against her back, burying his face in her neck and breathing hot,
damp kisses into her sensitive skin. His hands slid around her waist, pressing flat against
her stomach, and she could tell by the way Daniel’s body surged, they were pressing on
him too. The fantasy that had run through her head yesterday was coming true, and it felt
even better than she’d imagined it would.

When Matthew tucked one hand between her legs to cup her weeping sex, she

realized he was also stroking Daniel with every movement. Daniel plunged his tongue
deeper into her mouth, and Matthew chose that moment to squeeze deeply between her
legs while also delivering a sharp nip to the spot where her neck and shoulder joined.
Heat shot through her from her neck to the soles of her feet. Gasping, she freed her lips,
throwing her head back in a desperate effort to drag air into her lungs.


Daniel released Shannon, her dewy lips swollen from his and Matt’s kisses. She was

an irresistible mix of innocence and sex kitten all wrapped up in one hell of a curvy
package. Stepping back, he watched Matt’s arms wrap around her from his place at her
back. Daniel walked over to the door, locking it.

He turned around and leaned casually back against the mahogany wood.
“Matt, unbutton her blouse. I want to see her.” Shannon’s soft gasp drew an even

softer laugh from Daniel.

“Isn’t this what you want, Angel?” Daniel left the door and strode over to stand in

front of her. His forefinger drew a soft line down her nose. She opened her mouth to
speak and Daniel laid his finger over her bruised lips.

“No questions, sweetheart. You started this the moment you let your sweet tongue

slide into my mouth. This was your choice. Take what I offer or walk out the door.”

When she didn’t move Daniel slid his finger down her chin, in between the valley of

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her breasts, flicking the first button open. “Finish it, Matt. I want to see these breasts.”

While Matthew complied, Daniel moved one of the overstuffed chairs, positioning it

in front of the couple. He took off his jacket, loosened his tie and sat back, never taking
his eyes off of Shannon. Matt’s hands opened each button, taking her shirt down her
shoulders and putting it on the desk. Her lacy white bra left little to the imagination.
Daniel nodded and Matt flipped the clasp open, sending the bra fluttering to the floor.
Matt’s hands cupped the large mounds of her breasts, surrounding them from beneath.

“Damn, they’re real.” Daniel felt his cock stir to life even more. “It’s been a long

time since I’ve seen real tits.” His hand moved down his stomach, absently rubbing back
and forth. The familiar ache between his thighs felt fucking wonderful.

Matt palmed her nipples, rolling his hands over and around. He was putting on a

great show for Daniel, and they all knew it. Shannon’s head lolled to the side in pleasure.

“Shannon, take off your pants and panties and go sit on the desk.” Daniel kept his

voice as neutral and possible. “Matt, unzip me and pull me out, then go kneel between
her legs.”

The younger man came forward as Shannon shed her remaining clothes, his eyes

gleaming with wicked delight as he dropped to his knees and pulled Daniel’s zipper
down. He reached in and grasped Daniel’s cock in a firm, stroking grip. Before he could
begin to work the pounding flesh Daniel shook his head. “Just pull it out Matt. Then go to
her.” Matthew complied. Pulling Daniel’s dick out with a last, lingering look, he moved
to Shannon and knelt between her legs.

Daniel moved the chair closer, out of reach for Matt and Shannon but close enough

for him to see everything.

“Open her up, Matty. I want to see how wet she is.” Matthew’s long fingers gently

pulled her lower lips apart, revealing glistening pink skin.

“Taste her.” Daniel’s voice grew breathy as the blood pounded in his shaft. Grasping

himself, he lazily moved his hand up and down, concentrating on the head of his cock.
Catching a bead of pre-cum on one finger, he rubbed it into his skin.

“Lie back on your elbows, Angel, and put each foot on the desk.” The position

opened her up fully to Matt and Daniel’s view.

Daniel savored the sight for a moment, then, “Okay Matty, make her come.”


Shannon’s moan caught in her throat as Matt’s tongue expertly claimed her wet

pussy. Daniel stared straight at her, watching her face, her breasts. He watched as Matt
sent her to a place she’d never been.

This was incredible. The only thing she could think would top it was if Daniel was in

her mouth right now.

Matthew was a magician with his mouth, first nibbling at her outer lips and then,

when she arched into him, running his tongue in sweeping strokes along her inner folds.
Shannon reached back over her head with one arm, grasping the edge of the desk and
turning her face into her upper arm as she shuddered under Matthew’s gentle assault. She
tangled her other hand in Matthew’s hair, pulling it free of the band that kept it confined
at the nape of his neck.

Matthew pumped his tongue, long and muscular, into her vaginal opening, sending

shards of pleasure crashing through her. Her fingers clenched, and she arched into the
stroke. She had no sense of self-consciousness. She was all sensation. All instinct. She

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moaned, humping his face and pulling him deeper still.

“She needs to come, Matty,” Daniel’s voice sliced through her like heat lightning.

“Give her what she needs.”

Matthew slid two thick fingers deep into her grasping sheath. Slowly he scissored

them back and forth before setting a deep, twisting rhythm. Her head fell back and her
back arched, and just when she thought she would implode, Matthew locked his mouth
over her clit, and instead she exploded in a million tiny sparks with a flood of honey
Matthew eagerly lapped up.

She lay there panting as Matthew ran his tongue over her still-twitching sex in firm,

gentling strokes. She’d almost regained her breath and her mind when Daniel spoke

“Enough. Now it’s Matt’s turn.” Matthew helped Shannon to her feet, but when he

went to take her place, Daniel laughed.

“Not over there, my friend. Shannon, come here. I want you between my legs facing


A smile slid across Daniel’s face as Shannon swayed over to him. She was sassy and

Daniel loved it. She knelt with her back to him, as Matt moved in front of her. She
reached up and freed him from his blue trousers, pulling them and his underwear off in
one fell swoop. Daniel sat forward, bumping his cock into Shannon’s back. He placed
one hand in the back of her hair. Tugging gently he whispered, “Make my boy come for
me and I will give you more pleasure than you ever imagined possible, Angel.”

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Chapter 9

Matthew reached out to stroke one finger over Shannon’s red, swollen lips. “It won’t

take much, sweetheart,” he warned her.

Daniel grasped Matt’s wandering hand and corrected him. “You do not come until I

give you permission to. Understand?” He watched Matt’s eyes glaze as the younger man
nodded his agreement.

Leaning back, Daniel grasped his own cock and whispered instructions in Shannon’s

ear. “Touch him, Angel. Look how big he is. How hard. He needs you to pet him.”
Shannon did as she was told, stroking along the thick shaft of Matthew’s cock.

“Lick at the head,” Daniel’s voice was a wicked whisper. “Lick up that little drop on

the end.” She could feel Daniel’s hand working on himself against her back, and the fire
Matthew had so recently extinguished in her began a slow burn.

Lowering her head, Shannon sipped the very tip of Matthew’s erection between her

lips. Letting her tongue dance over the satiny surface, she lapped at the drop of pre-cum
poised at the tip and murmured soft sounds against the shaft, knowing they’d vibrate
straight through to his balls.

“Rub him over your nipples, Angel.” Daniel’s hand was working faster, and

Matthew was looking frantic and wild eyed. His hands were fisted at his sides, and his
thighs vibrated with tension.

Shannon took Matthew’s cock in both hands, giving him a series of slow, hand over

hand strokes that left him moaning and jerking into her touch. Then she took his cock and
swirled the head over her nipples, painting them with the drops of sticky pre-cum
dribbling from him.

“Look how hard he is,” Daniel spoke with the devil’s own voice behind her. Every

word tightened the spring of her desire. And with every word she felt Matthew burn
hotter. Shannon realized that for this moment she was the conduit. She was the way in
which Daniel could touch Matthew. And for Matthew listening to Daniel’s words, it was
almost as if Daniel performed each action himself. The idea she could bring such
pleasure to both men sent her own arousal flaring.

Capturing Matthew’s cock in the deep valley between her breasts, Shannon tucked

her chin and sucked the purpled head into her mouth. Matt’s jerk of response started a
fast rhythm that had him thrusting between her breasts, while she caught at his tip for a
deep suck at the top of each stroke. Matthew moaned with the first stroke, and by the
sixth he was chanting incoherently.

“Shit, shit, shit, fuck, Shannon…”
“Suck him now, Angel. He needs you to suck him deep.” Matthew’s hips jerked at

Daniel’s words, and Shannon dropped her head to take Matthew as deeply into her mouth
as she could.

The first thrust went deeper than she’d expected, and she gagged a little bit. Daniel

reached around her and wrapped his hand around the base of Matthew’s shaft.

“Here, Angel,” he rasped, “try again.”
Protected now from the uncontrolled depth of Matthew’s thrusts, Shannon focused

on the taste and feel of Matthew’s beautiful cock. With each up stroke, she sucked hard,

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playing her tongue on the sensitive spot right below his cock head. With each down
stroke, she sucked him a tiny bit farther into her throat, tickling Daniel’s fingers with her


Daniel stroked his own shaft in earnest as Shannon moaned on Matt’s dick, her

generous mouth taking him in until it hit his fisted fingers. Matt pumped between her full
lips, and the sight coupled with the wicked lash of her tongue on his fingers turned Daniel
into a raving mad man. His back tensed as he prepared to shoot his load.

“Now, Matty!” He cried out, watching Matt throw his head back and surge into

Shannon’s mouth. She drank down every creamy drop, and the sight sent Daniel’s cum
spattering up onto his silk shirt. Fuck, it had been worth ruining it.

A tug in Daniel’s stomach warned him to tread lightly. He pushed the thought down,

deep. Lightly my ass. I want this. And he knew he really meant it.

He stood, putting himself back together. Matt and Shannon followed suit, the pair

flushed and sated. Daniel realized they had won. He was going to give them every little
thing they’d been begging for. He only hoped they really wanted it. They had no clue
what they were in for.

Daniel grabbed Matthew by the back of the neck, pulling him close. “My house.

Tonight. Eight o’clock.”

Turning to Shannon, he pressed a soft kiss to her swollen lips. “Are you ready for

this, Angel? Ready for us?” Shannon nodded, her face lit so bright it almost hurt Daniel
to look at her. Turning, Daniel kissed Matt. It was harder then the one he shared with
Shannon, but meant no less.

“You will each receive gifts and instructions from me. Follow them.” Releasing

them both, Daniel moved to the door, unlocking it. He bumped into Meredith on his way

She stopped at the door as her head turned from Shannon to Matt, over her shoulder

to the retreating form of Daniel. Then back to Matt.

“You have got to be kidding me.” She raised her eyes to the sky. “It never ends.”
Turning right back around, she walked back to her office. Matt heard her mutter a

few words about something in the drinking water before her voice faded in the distance.

Shannon looked over at Matthew. “That was one heck of a kiss goodbye.” A shiver

worked down her spine, and Shannon wondered for a moment if she was really ready for
what she was getting herself into. Then she remembered the feel of Daniel’s cock against
her back, his hot cum spattering over his abdomen and her back. The look in Matthew’s
eyes as he watched. Oh, yeah. She was ready.

Daniel intrigued her like no one ever before. His rigid, calm exterior begged to be

shattered, and it had been … spectacularly. Daniel instructing her how to give Matt a
blowjob was the single hottest experience she’d had.

Clearly Daniel liked to call the shots, and Shannon was perfectly fine with it. It

would keep her guessing. There would never be a dull moment making love with Matt
and Daniel. God, she felt wicked and wanton, and it was a feeling she was greedy to

With a happy little wriggle, Shannon headed for the bathroom to clean up.


Matthew was waiting at the door of his condo, damp and glistening. He deliberately

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posed himself. The towel wrapped around his hips hung low, exposing the happy-trail of
silken hair below his navel. He wondered what instructions Shannon had received for
preparing him for Daniel.

He could hardly wait to begin preparing her.
She arrived, flushed, hair damp, wearing a floaty dress of melon-colored gauze. He

could tell her breasts were loose, and knew she’d followed Daniel’s instructions
commanding them to wear no underwear.

He couldn’t resist pulling her into his arms for a tender hug before beginning the

ritual that would ready her, ready them both, for Daniel’s possession. God knew it might
be the last tenderness either would experience tonight.

Releasing her, he gestured into his apartment. “Ready to begin?” He heard the smoky

arousal in his voice and wondered how the hell he would hold out through whatever
Daniel had planned for them. She nodded, silent and wide-eyed, and he led her to the
bathroom where he’d spread thick towels over the floor, creating a soft pallet. Next he
pulled her dress over her head to reveal her smooth golden body, and helped her recline
on the floor.

Smiling wickedly, he turned to the counter and glanced at the note containing his


Ladies first. Daniel was no gentleman, but he knew how to turn the screws until the

tension was unbearable. I want her pussy bare. Use the depilatory on her. Be sure not to
miss an inch.
Matthew loved the idea of Shannon’s pussy bare. Being able to see each
sweet, plump fold would be a pleasure beyond imagination. Matthew dropped eagerly to
his knees between her spread legs. Reaching out, he gently spread her knees, stopping to
press kisses up the length of her inner thighs before opening the jar he’d set on the
counter. The thick cream inside smelled of mint, with a faint sharp undertone. Scooping a
generous dollop on two fingers, Matthew began to paint a thick coating over her mons,
the grooves where her thighs met her groin, all the way down to the dark crevasse
between her buttocks.

Shannon shifted restlessly, and Matthew hushed her, whispering, “Shh. We have to

wait now. The note says fifteen minutes.” That wasn’t all the note said.

You’ll have to wait. Don’t leave her neglected. Suck those pretty pink nipples until

they’re long and hard. That command was no hardship, and Matthew was happy to
comply. Sucking, first gently and then with more pressure, he watched as she began to
writhe on the floor. DO NOT let her come. If either of you orgasm, I will know. And I will
punish you.
Okay, that direction was a little more difficult.

“God,” she whimpered breathlessly. “It burns, Matt.” Her hips pumped against air,

and she clutched at Matthew’s hair.

Rising to his knees again, Matt retrieved the steaming cloth he’d left waiting in the

sink. Tenderly he wiped the thick cream from between Shannon’s legs, leaving her pussy
bare. The sight of her plump folds, flushed bright red and glazed with her own cream,
brought his dick to new levels of aching arousal.

Just look at her, the note commanded. Matthew couldn’t look away. Her labia, pink

and crimson, bloomed open like an exotic flower. She’s so beautiful, all bare and open
for our mouths. Lick her. Taste how sweet her pussy is.
More than willing, Matthew
lowered his head to the slick treasure between Shannon’s legs. Drawing his tongue from
her fluttering anus to her swelling clit, he savored the taste of her honey. Shannon

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moaned and convulsed around his exploring tongue. Her fingers knotted in his damp hair,
and she clutched him closer to her weeping pussy. Matthew let loose a moan of his own.
Burying his tongue in her willing body was paradise beyond any he’d ever experienced.

Now, Matthew could swear he almost heard Daniel’s voice directing him and he

followed it to the letter, when she’s almost ready to come, turn her over. Look at her ass.
She’s like a ripe, juicy peach. Open her up. Look how tiny she is. How untouched.
Prepare her, Matthew. Make her ready to take us. Take the lube. Stroke it inside of her.

Matt popped the top on the tube of lubricant and began slowly working it inside of her
resisting rear entrance. With each probing stroke, her hole relaxed, becoming soft and

She’s almost ready. Hell, so was Matt! Take the plug. Work it into her sweet little

asshole. Remember to go slow. Wait until she grasps it, let her pull it in. You don’t want
to hurt her.
Matthew savored Shannon’s low wail as he slowly eased the plug into her
inviting ass. Clawing the floor, she raised to her knees, crawling away to escape the dark
pleasure. Matthew wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back into his body.

As he pressed the lube-slicked tip of the plug to her flexing hole, Shannon lifted her

ass into the stroke. “Just breathe,” he whispered. “Just breathe through it, and push out.”
Just as Daniel had said, the slower he went, the more Shannon took, until her anus
relaxed completely, seeming to suck the plug inside so the flared base lodged in the
nerve-rich ring of her opening.

Okay, Matty. Daniel’s bold scrawl filled Matthew with an anticipation so deep it was

almost fear. Now it’s your turn.


Shannon lay panting. The need for orgasm was a living thing clawing at her womb.

The swollen folds of her pussy ached and burned. The depilatory cream had contained
some sort of stimulant, the minty scent warning of a tingle that itched and burned from
clit to anus. She could only imagine what it would do to Matt.

That happy thought finally raised her to her knees.
Gesturing Matthew to his feet, Shannon took her time preparing her tools; dragging

out the tension and anticipation until his cock twitched. After dropping her dress back
over her head, she ran the hot water until it steamed then put a fresh cloth to soak.
Finally, she knelt at his feet.

Gently Shannon began to paint Matthew with the depilatory. She wasn’t sure exactly

where to begin, so she started with a soft circle around his navel, coating the whorl of
dark hair swirling there. Matt squirmed restlessly, and she wondered if he was responding
to her touch, or the beginning tingle of the depilatory.

Somewhat regretfully she finger-painted a line down the trail of silky hair that

seemed to direct the eye, rather like an arrow, to Matthew’s straining cock. His squirming
was more pronounced now, and Shannon couldn’t suppress a sly smile when she
considered how sensitive her lower abdomen was. Matthew must be about ready to jump
out of his skin.

When she reached down with her free hand to cup his balls, Matthew grabbed her


“Can I come?” His voice was a gratifying croak, and Shannon met his eyes before

slowly shaking her head. “Then you need to give me a minute. I’m too close.”

Taking pity on him, she rested her cheek on his thigh and stroked soothingly along

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his legs. She kneaded the knotted muscles along his calves and the backs of his thighs
until some of the tension there seemed to drain out of him.

“Break’s over,” she murmured, and began to paint the sensitive skin behind his

scrotum with the minty cream.

All of the tension she’d so carefully soothed seemed to shoot back into his limbs

instantly as she happily coated his balls and inner thighs with the depilatory. His legs
were literally vibrating when she slipped around behind him to slide creamy fingers
between his butt cheeks, drawing a long, low moan from deep in his chest. Task
completed, Shannon took a moment to survey her work before giving a nod of

“Okay, Matty,” he shuddered at the sensations. Or at her use of Daniel’s nickname

for him. “We’ve got fifteen minutes.” She gave him an evil grin. “Now how shall I fill
the time?”

Carefully keeping her lower body away from his, she kissed him slow and deep.

Licking into his mouth, she stroked her tongue over his before luring it into her own.
Once he was her willing prisoner, she sucked delicately, and then with more power, until
he was gasping into her mouth, his hands clenched on her shoulders.

He gave a noise suspiciously like a whimper when she drew away from his lips and

arrowed in on his nipples. The chocolaty disks were already beaded, the points sharp and
yearning, all but begging to be nipped and sucked. Shannon was happy to give in to their

He was so sensitized now she knew he needed more than a light touch. With her

tongue she raked over the rigid flesh, reveling in his growl, before taking one tiny tip
between her teeth and gently worrying it. He jerked against her, burying his hands in her
hair and pulling her closer.

“Uh, uh, uh…” Shannon carefully distanced herself. She found it amusing—and

arousing—that Matthew had so much less endurance than she did. He was all but crying
to come, and she hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet.

Shaking out the hot cloth, she languorously began wiping the cream from his body.

She knew from her own experience how the hot towel would combine with the icy mint
to drive him out of his mind. He was moaning steadily now, sexy little growls forced out
with each breath, as she carefully removed every bit of cream—and hair—from his lower

Shannon couldn’t restrain a moan of her own when she surveyed his now naked

groin. His penis seemed to rise majestically from the smooth, pale skin at its base, and his
balls were plump and pink. They obviously needed to be licked, so she did, and watched
fascinated as they drew up, becoming hard and tight under the lash of her tongue.

Once again he stopped her. “A minute,” he gasped. “Just give me a minute. Fuck,

Shannon.” His eyes were shut tight, his mouth a thin line. He was utterly beautiful to her.

She rubbed her cheek over the newly smooth skin of his abdomen, and reassured

him, “Almost done, babe.” Somehow it failed to relax him. Maybe, she mused, it had to
do with the way her tongue kept creeping out to play with his navel.

Lightly now, since she didn’t want him to blow, she licked at his cock, treating it like

a giant candy stick. Following Daniel’s directions to the letter, she took him in her mouth,
banding one hand firmly around the base of his cock to help him hold out.

She only subjected him to a moment of this torture. It was obvious he couldn’t stand

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any more.

Reaching to the counter behind her, she revealed the cock ring with a flourish.

Matthew’s moan was every bit as dramatic as her gesture had been.

“Hmmm. I’ve never put one of these on before.” She pretended to examine the toy,

and then Matthew’s erection. The ring was black and stretchy, made of neoprene and
studded with silver snaps to make it adjustable. Carefully, fumbling a little, both
accidentally and on purpose, she began to experiment.

“Let’s see…” she wrapped it around the base of his shaft. “Should I put it here?” She

shot him a deceptively innocent look. He scowled back at her.

“No? How about here?” She wrapped the band around his balls, pausing to give them

an affectionate squeeze. He scowled harder.

“I know!” She carefully wrapped the toy under his balls and over the top of his shaft,

enclosing his whole package in a snug harness. “How’s that, Matty?” She fluttered her
eyelashes—something she didn’t ever recall doing before—and waited for his answer.

It was a while in coming, as he had to steady his ragged breathing and force the

involuntary thrusts of his hips to stop.

“It needs to be tighter,” he paused to suck in a much-needed breath. “It needs to be

tighter in order to stop me from coming.” That seemed to exhaust his grasp of coherent
speech, so she took pity on him and didn’t ask for more detailed instructions.

“Is this better?” She pulled the snap two notches tighter, and rubbed her cheek

against his belly—and his reaching erection—while enjoying his incoherent gasping.

“Fuck, fuck, yeah, better, fuck,” his voice had lifted an octave or so, so Shannon

knew she’d finally found the right tension for him.

Pulling back, she showered light, gentle kisses over his face, lips and chest. Finally

pressing her lips warmly to the space just above his heart, she whispered, “Time to get
dressed, babe. Daniel’s waiting.”

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Chapter 10

Daniel opened the heavy door to his home. Matthew and Shannon stood in the

opening, looking every bit as delicious as dinner. Matt met his eyes in quiet anticipation
while Shannon smiled shyly as he stepped back and allowed them in. Both were dressed
as per his instructions. The idea of the toys they wore made Daniel’s blood hot. He
wanted to go straight to his playroom.

Instead he tugged at Matthew’s ponytail and kissed Shannon briefly on the cheek.

“Follow me.” He spoke in a normal voice, but it wasn’t easy. They entered his dining
room where he had dinner laid out for them.

Shannon’s startled look and Matt’s raised eyebrow made Daniel chuckle. “I thought

we could talk over dinner first.” He added wickedly, “We’ll all need the fuel.”

Matt seated himself and Daniel placed Shannon on the opposite side. He took his

place in the middle. No one spoke for a long moment, until out of the corner of his eye he
saw Shannon begin to giggle. She was trying desperately to hold it in to no avail. Finally
admitting defeat, she covered her face with both hands and let out a loud belly laugh. It
was contagious and Matthew immediately joined in. To his surprise, Daniel found
himself grinning too.

When they finally quieted down, Daniel poured them all a glass of wine. They each

filled their plates with portions of tender steak, buttery mashed potatoes and glazed
carrots. Daniel loved that his favorite restaurant delivered. He was hopeless in the

When Shannon commented she was about to consume more calories in one meal

than she usually did in a whole day, both men shot her incredulous looks.

“Are you kidding me?” Matt’s disbelief was obvious. His simmering look made his

appreciation for every round curve even more obvious.

Dropping the role of congenial host for a moment Daniel demanded her attention.

“Look at me.” He waited until she complied. “You are perfect. And you will not
denigrate what belongs to me.” Her eyes widened. “Even,” he added, suddenly
uncomfortable with his claim of ownership, “if it’s only for tonight.”

Shannon nodded and looked uncomfortable with all the attention. Daniel waited until

she tucked into her meal before addressing Matthew.

“Did you get approval from Meredith to put a bid in on Traverse City?” That

question set the tone for the rest of the meal. Daniel wanted to keep it light, wanted to
know if the three of them could sit around and enjoy good conversation. He was happy to
discover they could.

Shannon quickly relaxed and regaled them with stories of past students and what

lacked in the public school system.

“And then,” she announced dramatically, “the little brat shoved me up against the

wall.” When her audience looked suitably horrified, Shannon merely rolled her eyes. “I
know I should have been scared, but I swear even now the situation is just too ridiculous
to take seriously. Here’s this little teeny-bopper trying to act all tough in front of her
friends, and the entire class staring on in complete shock, and me not making a move to
defend myself because I don’t want to get sued.” She shook her head. “Who knows how

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long we would have stood that way if another of my students hadn’t been passing by and
pulled her off of me.” Shannon laughed, and it was genuine and inviting. “And that’s
why I switched to teaching elementary.”

Daniel and Matthew probed and discovered she had a myriad of strong views on

politics, religion and world events. She expressed those views with a wit that kept all
three laughing. Daniel admired her intelligence, her ability to listen to an opposing view
and debate it without getting angry.

Matt, on the other hand, kept trying to steer the conversation away from subjects he

found boring. Daniel envied his easygoing nature. At twenty-eight he was the typical frat
boy, never quite grown up, still out to party. He’d dived off of cliffs, climbed mountains,
surfed in Australia. He enjoyed life to the fullest, with a gusto Daniel wished he

And then, without warning, he would say something so intuitive or so profound it

left Daniel blinking and not sure if he’d imagined the moment.

He saw nothing of Stirling in Matt. It was as if Matt went out of his way to not be

like his father. It was something the two men had in common: less-than-stellar fathers
who, through their action and inaction, set the tone of their sons’ lives, ensuring both men
would run from their childhoods well after they became adults.

Shannon touched Daniel’s sleeve and he realized the smile he’d worn only moments

ago had vanished. Now his brow was furrowed and he was looking out one of the three
floor-to-ceiling windows set in his dining room.


“Are you okay?” she asked softly, placing her hand on his cheek. She didn’t know

what had changed, but she found she liked Daniel all relaxed and amused. She liked that
he didn’t condescend to her and he seemed to consider her opinions even when he didn’t
agree with them. His own opinions were strong and well thought out, and expressed with
a razor-sharp wit that could be as cutting as it was funny. She enjoyed his conversation,
and found she wanted it back.

A long second passed before eyes the color of blue sky flicked to her face. He placed

his hand over hers.

“I’m perfect,” he said. Wiping his full lips with a napkin he pushed his plate away.

The mood in the room changed, the temperature rising several degrees. Daniel made no
move to stand. Instead he held onto Shannon’s hand a little harder.

“Angel, are you wearing your gift?” Shannon’s eyes widened and she nodded her

head. “Good. Now show me.”

Her heartbeat increased as she slowly rose from the chair. Turning her back to

Daniel, she reached the hem of her dress and pulled it slowly up to her waist.

“Spread your thighs for me, baby.”
She moved her legs out as far as she could and placed her hands flat on the seat

cushion. The position bent her over, lifting her ass high into the air.

Strong fingers slid between juicy thighs and cupped her pussy.
“Mmmmm… Bare. Perfect.” Daniel’s voice deepened as he allowed his fingers to

slip through her slick folds.

She’d been wet from the time she’d left the Worthington Group offices, and his

fingers against her bare skin felt so good. Now she wanted to cry out for him to fill her,
but she didn’t. Instinct told her Daniel needed certain things from sex. Most particularly,

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he needed total control.

She loved the idea. Shannon had never considered herself particularly obedient or

submissive, but taking charge of a roomful of kids day in and day out eventually became
emotionally exhausting. The idea of just being was more enticing than she’d have ever

She couldn’t contain a small moan as Daniel’s finger slid to the top of her cleft,

swirling around her swollen clit before traveling down to her ass. The plug was small but
incredibly snug, and she felt so full. When his thumb tapped against the end of the plug,
she braced for him to pull it out. Instead he began to twist it in her ass.

Her legs trembled as he slid a single finger from his free hand into her wet heat. He

prodded, twisted and otherwise tortured her for what seemed like forever. She was so
close to the edge she wanted to scream her frustration. She heard a series of deep, guttural
groans and realized with some surprise they were coming from her. When she tried to
suppress them, Daniel responded with a particularly diabolical twist of the plug.

“Never hide your pleasure from me. I want to hear every little sound.”
He leaned in and licked down the space between her cheeks, rimming her over the

plug. Soft, butterfly strokes sent her arousal soaring. She’d never been touched so
intimately before. Abruptly Daniel’s tongue and hands left her.

“Take your dress off, Angel, and sit back in your chair,” Daniel instructed before

turning his attention to Matt, who was watching them avidly.


“Pants down.” Matt had his pants unbuttoned and pushed to his knees practically

before the words were out of Daniel’s mouth. His cock throbbed there, bound by the cock
ring and so fucking hard it looked painful.

Daniel placed his hand under Matt’s balls, rubbing them lightly, increasing the

pressure of his fingers with each new groan escaped from Matt’s mouth.

“You want to come, don’t you, Matty?”
Matt shook as Daniel’s question rolled over him like silk.
“Fuck yes.”
Daniel brought his hand to the head of Matthew’s cock, running his thumb lightly

against the damp plum head.

“Does Shannon know I’ve fucked you?”
He directed his words to Matthew, but his eyes were on Shannon. She looked so

sweet, flushed and innocent as she sat across from them bare and trembling. Her swollen
lips parted, and her tiny pink tongue darted out to moisten her lower lip. Daniel imagined
her tongue on his balls, and felt them draw tighter. Her eyes locked on his hand on
Matthew’s cock, and she slowly nodded.

“I know how Matthew feels about you, Daniel.”
Daniel let go of Matt’s dick. He stood, and gestured for them to do the same. Matt

shimmied out of his pants and rose, holding out a hand to Shannon. Silently Daniel led
them out of the dining room and down a flight of stairs. This was it: for better or worse,
he finally had them in his play room.

Daniel opened the door and led Shannon and Matthew in before closing it softly.

Dim lights bathed the room in a soft glow. Taking Shannon’s hand from Matthew, Daniel
led her to a straight-backed leather chair. When he’d seated her, he placed leather
restraints around each of her wrists.

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“Matthew, bind her legs.” He gave the order as he grabbed each of Shannon’s knees

and opened them wide. He knew the anticipation would drive them all higher, hotter.

Matt went to his knees, shackling each ankle to the chair so that Shannon was

immobilized. Daniel ran his hand down the front of his pants. She looked so fucking
beautiful tied to his chair. He pulled his shirt up and tossed it to the side, pausing to let
Shannon and Matthew each look their fill. Then he flicked open the top button on his
leather pants. Going to his knees next to Matt, he stroked his finger along Shannon’s
inner thigh, letting his touch crawl along her skin before dipping between her outer lips.
Gathering her arousal on his finger, he beckoned Matthew to come closer to him. His
traced the outline of Matt’s lips with Shannon’s cream. When he was done, he licked
Matt’s lips, sharing Shannon’s taste before pushing his tongue deeply into his mouth.


Shannon looked on as her two lovers kissed. She felt the kiss deep in her womb, felt

her wetness slipping between her labia. The leather chair was becoming soaked, the seat
slick under her bottom. She sat, locked in place as Daniel rose to his feet and pulled down
his zipper. Freeing his rigid cock, he guided Matthew with a hand to the back of his neck.
Matt’s lips opened eagerly to take Daniel’s cock into his mouth.

She took a moment to analyze her feelings. Nope, no jealousy. Just pure,

unadulterated lust. She’d never seen two men share such an intimate thing. Matt gave oral
sex so differently than she did. He took Daniel’s cock all the way in, and his checks
hollowed sharply as he sucked hard on the swelling flesh. He was rougher than she,
harder. There was no tenderness. She let out a whimper when Matt’s tongue licked
underneath Daniel’s tight sac, lips parted. She ran her tongue over her lips, pushing
against the roof of her mouth. She felt so empty.

Daniel looked down at her, and his voice was a wicked rumble.
“Do you like watching Matt suck me off, Angel?” He looked back down to Matthew,

running his hand over Matt’s head and tugging at his ponytail. “Come on, Matty, show
her how I like it.” Matt’s eyes rolled over to meet hers for a second before his mouth
found new vigor as his lips went firm around Daniel’s dick. Daniel pumped in and out of
Matt’s mouth. Over and over. Shannon watched, fascinated as Daniels’ cock slammed
into Matt’s eager mouth. Her inner muscles tightened and she started squirming.

“Angel, you need to stay perfectly still if you want to come.” Daniel stepped back

from Matthew, his cockhead hitting his belly. He knelt again next to Matt. Facing
Shannon, Daniel pushed her knees as far apart as possible.


Damn, he had to taste her again. With Matthew sucking his dick like his favorite

hard candy, it had taken a superhuman effort for Daniel to keep from losing it far too
soon. He’d only maintained control by focusing on Shannon. Her helpless response to the
sight of Matthew’s mouth on his dick had helped strengthen his focus. Now, he needed to
slow things down, to draw out the pleasure. He couldn’t ever let this happen again, so he
wanted to savor every sight, sound and taste.

He leaned forward, running his tongue along Shannon’s thigh, scooping up the

honey glazing her soft skin. He nodded his head to Matt and the younger man joined him.
Together they laved a trail of fire along her upper legs, and into the creases of her thighs.
Two tongues lapped at her clit and she gasped out a breathless moan, arching against her

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Daniel loved the taste of her, loved the way she pushed into their caresses. He loved

feeling Matt lick her with him, and he ran his tongue slickly over the younger man’s for
the sheer pleasure of hearing his moan join Shannon’s. He placed his first finger inside
her perfect, hungry little hole. Matt mirrored him, movement by movement.

Daniel stood and directed Matt to scoot directly between Shannon’s legs. Moving

around them, Daniel knelt at her side. He wrapped a fist in her hair and gently tugged her
head back, leaning over to kiss her. He brushed her lips, licking them, nibbling them,
pulling them into his mouth and sucking on them. She moaned into his kiss. His hands
drifted down to her nipples, and he began to pull them away from her body. She twisted
in his hands, and he rewarded her by rolling each nipple until it puckered. Eyes on her
swollen nipples, he reached into the front pocket of his pants.

Shannon’s eyes grew wide and Daniel knew she recognized what he held in his hand.

Bending to her breast, he took one aching nipple into his mouth, sucking gently, then
biting it a bit harder. She yelped, then gasped as he clipped the clamp onto her protruding
nipple. Pain flared in her eyes, and for a moment he thought she was ready to wave the
white flag. In seconds, though, the pain glazed into confused pleasure, and he repeated
the same ritual on her other nipple. Standing up, he grabbed each full mound in his hands.

“Angel, you look so fucking beautiful.” The silver clamps had short chains that

dangled with small, crystal pendants. Daniel knew the decorations tugging relentlessly on
her hyper-sensitive skin would work her into a froth of excitement.

Shannon’s voice was desperate. “Please, Daniel, I need to come.” Her words were

punctuated with sobbing breaths and soft cries that turned his cock to marble and tugged
at another organ to the north of it.

“Make her come, Matty,” Dan whispered. Matthew immediately latched on to her

swollen clit, and Daniel bent back down to catch her scream in his mouth as Shannon’s
orgasm slid down their throats.

“Stand up, Matt.” Daniel ordered, breathless from Shannon’s orgasm. He moved

Matt over to a raised platform against the wall and guided him into a kneeling position
with his back to the wall.

“Grab the ring above your head.” Daniel kept his voice low and firm. Matthew

complied and grasped the ring. The position stretched his torso out. His cock, pulsing
with the need to come, bobbed red and angry against his stomach. That yearning flesh
called to Daniel, but he wouldn’t give in. Not quite yet. If Matthew and Shannon were
going to be his lovers tonight, then he needed to test them. See how much they could


Matthew couldn’t take his eyes off of Shannon as Daniel walked back to her,

carefully releasing her from her shackles. Her nipples, swollen around the clips, made his
mouth water. Daniel led her to Matt and told her to kneel, then proceeded to a chest of
drawers, taking out condoms and lube. Matthew had known about Daniel’s play room, of
course. Marcus had one, too. His older brother had allowed him to use it on occasion, but
Matt had never been to a room like this as a submissive. His anticipation erased any sense
of trepidation he felt as he imagined the three of them locked together, bodies entwined,
moans and cries, orgasm after orgasm. He was more than ready to take his place in
Daniel and Shannon’s lives.

Daniel threw all the condoms on the bed, save one. Standing over Shannon he

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smiled, addressing Matt. “Stand on your feet and squat like you would in the gym.” Matt
did, thankful he was fit and strong enough to hold his position.

“Shannon, free his balls from the ring, but tighten it up on his cock.”
Matt looked at the ceiling and groaned. He’d never been strung so tightly with the

need to spill himself. Shannon’s delicate fingers went to work on him, delicate flames on
the sensitive skin of his balls. When he grunted and bucked into her hands, she sent him a
wicked look and intensified her stroking until Daniel laid his hand over hers and said,
“Enough, Angel. Matty can’t come yet.” With a regretful little smirk, Shannon finished
freeing his balls and ringing his cock again.

Daniel placed a pillow on the ledge of the platform. “Lay on your back, Angel, head

between Matt’s legs.” The anticipation was excruciating, the visual stimulation almost
more than Matthew could stand. Only the ring around the base of his cock kept him from
shooting what felt like gallons of cum over Shannon’s flushed breasts.

He felt like an animal, frantic with lust. Ready to rut until he was emptied of

everything but the lingering pleasure of his lovers’ orgasms. He wanted to scream as
Shannon sat and lay back against the pillows, scooting herself up in order to be in line
with his balls.

“I’m going to fuck this sweet cunt of yours, Angel, and as I do, you are going to lick

and suck on Matt’s balls. And Shannon, don’t come.”

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Chapter 11

“You are an evil man,” she whispered in that musical voice which wound through

Matthew’s insides. Matt agreed with her. He ached to rip off the ring and dive between
someone legs, at this point he didn’t really care whose as long as he was buried balls
deep. Looking back down, he watched Daniel sheath his perfect cock in a condom before
grabbing Shannon’s legs and pushing them far apart.

It was the most amazing sight, Dan’s cock slithering inch by thick inch into

Shannon’s rosy sheath, separating her labia and disappearing into her glistening cunt.
Daniel kept his strokes slow and steady, drawing moan after moan from Shannon as she
arched and undulated into his thrusts.

“Suck him,” Daniel reminded her in a dark, demanding voice. And she did. Matt was

almost incoherent with the need to explode. Her tongue fluttered around the base of his
dick, flirting with the ring before tracing his balls. It was intense and wicked and he loved
every fucking second of it.

Daniel’s hips moved faster as Shannon sucked both of Matthew’s balls deeply

between swollen pink lips. Matthew’s thighs started to shake, forcing him to increase his
hold on the ring. He closed his eyes and began moving back and forth to try and alleviate
some of the ache.


Abruptly Daniel pulled out of Shannon’s warm pussy. He carefully rolled off his

condom, tossing it into the trash before replacing it with a new one. None of them was
going to last more than five minutes at this rate, and he wasn’t ready for the night to be

Shannon lay panting at his feet, flushed red with lust, eyes glazed and thighs shiny

with her arousal. Matthew knelt, clutching the ring above his head, his hips undulating
and his face a mask of sexual anguish. Daniel had never seen two more beautiful people
in his life.

“Lay on the bed, Angel.” Shannon walked on shaky lags over to the king-size

mattress, where she flopped down on the cool sheets.

Daniel recognized the strain on Matt’s face and helped him over to the bed. He

picked up a foil packet and, releasing the cock ring, he quickly slid the condom on him.
Matt grimaced and tightened his buttocks, and Daniel knew he was fighting coming then
and there. Pressing on Matthew’s shoulder, Daniel urged him down to his knees between
Shannon’s thighs.

“Don’t put it in yet,” he hissed in Matthew’s ear, and chuckled at the other man’s

throttled curse.

Dan followed him down, liberally slathering lubricant on his cock, and slipping the

nozzle inside Matt’s puckered hole where he squirted generously. Matthew squirmed at
the sensation, and Daniel smiled. Spreading Matt’s ass, Daniel pressed his cock against
the tight pucker and drove the head of his cock forward.

It took several minutes for the tense muscles to relax, letting him in, but Matt

completely relaxed and Daniel was abruptly balls-deep in excruciating heat.

After a long moment of deep breathing, trying to regain his composure, he rested his

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chin on Matthew’s shoulder so they could both look at Shannon. He licked the salty-
sweet sweat off of Matthew’s neck and felt him shudder.

“Look at her Matty, she’s so fucking beautiful. Tell her how hot she is.”
“You are, Shannon. You are so fucking gorgeous.” Matt’s voice was strangled, and

Daniel could feel his need to dive into her.

“Fill her up, Matty, just like I’m filling you up.” He pushed forward, and when he

did, Matthew thrust hard into Shannon.

After the first, luxurious thrust, Matthew drew his thighs up, using them to lift and

spread Shannon’s, opening her to his and Daniel’s ravenous view. The move had the
added benefit of opening him even further to Daniel’s invasion, and both men moaned as
Daniel’s cock sank even deeper, until his balls slapped against Matthew’s own.

Their moans filled the dim room as both cocks rode their way to pleasure. They set

up a rhythm as old as time, short and shallow.

Daniel licked at Matthew’s neck, bit at his shoulder, marking him with each thrust.

Branding him as his own, if only for one night.


Shannon felt so full, fuller than she ever had before. The plug stretched her anus, and

she could feel Matthew’s cock rub over it with every thrust. Matthew was moaning
rhythmically, braced on his hands over her. He looked like a fallen angel, his eyes
burning smoky blue and his hair falling out of its tail to brush over her cheeks.

Daniel’s face loomed over Matthew’s shoulder, and for a moment she wasn’t sure

who she was fucking. Head thrown back, eyes closed, Daniel looked like some pagan
god. With each of Daniel’s thrusts, Matthew plunged deeper into her, until it was like
Daniel was inside her, not Matthew. Confused and overwhelmed by the sensations,
Shannon closed her own eyes and let herself be sucked under.


“Play with your clit, Shannon.” Daniel commanded, and then watched as her hand

found her cherry and rubbed it. He held himself back, but watching her was almost too
much. He closed his eyes and bit into Matt’s shoulder, sucking the skin between his teeth.
The sight of his mark on that smooth, golden skin fueled his thrusting even more.

Daniel knew he couldn’t hold out much longer. The lust was boiling in his balls,

foreshadowing an orgasm like none he’d ever experienced.

Tightening his sphincter, he set his teeth in Matt’s shoulder, savoring the way he

jerked into his thrusts, and prepared to let go.

“Come! Both of you, come now!” Daniel growled as he felt his cock swell and shoot

his searing release into the condom.

Matt shuddered and Daniel held him tight around the waist as he threw his head back

and pummeled Shannon’s pussy. His hair slid over Daniel’s shoulder in a silky fall as he
jerked over and over, his hips jumping with every spurt.

Daniel reached one hand down to Shannon’s clit and began to stroke. He didn’t plan

to leave her unsatisfied.

Her fists wound in the sheets and tears streaked her red cheeks as her thighs

tightened against Matthew’s sides.

She hooked on ankle over Daniel’s hip, pulling him further into their embrace. Her

voice was hoarse and strained as her head shook from side to side.

“Oh my God, it’s never felt like this, never like this.” The words blurred, rose to a

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frantic chant and she arched hard into Matthew’s hips.

Daniel could almost feel her orgasm when it hit her because Matt’s ass clenched

around his own cock as Shannon’s pussy contracted around his dick. Matthew moaned in
her grasp, and Daniel felt his breath stutter before all three sank, limp, to the bed.

He slowly pulled out of Matthew, tossing the condom in the trash. Shoving at Matt’s

shoulder until he collapsed at Shannon’s side, he quickly disposed of his condom, too.

Once he’d taken care of business, he gently rolled Shannon to her stomach,

smoothing firm, caressing hands down her back until she murmured her pleasure.

Going to the small half-bath set tactfully in one corner, Daniel soaked a velvety soft

cloth in hot water before returning to the bed. He carefully worked the small plug free of
her ass, wiggling it when she squirmed with enjoyment. Matthew, taking his cue from
Daniel, took the cloth and gently cleaned her, drawing the heated material from clit to
anus in slow strokes.

When she sighed her pleasure and her muscles began to relax, Daniel turned her to

her back. For a moment he and Matt both just stared. She lay before them like a virginal
sacrifice. Her golden skin glowed and a light flush still rode her cheeks. The silver chains
dripped like starlight over her breasts, which rose and fell in a gentle, hypnotizing

Slowly he reached out and released the clamps, leaning in to gently suck the sting

from her abused flesh. He lay down next to her and drew Matthew down as well, but on
her other side.

Long minutes passed as they each tried to catch their breath. Daniel idly tangled a

hand in Shannon’s hair. Matthew stroked a lazy path up and down her abdomen. Turning
her head, Shannon captured Daniel’s chin in one soft palm and pulled his lips to hers,
capturing them in a sweet, soft kiss. Then she turned to Matt, lifting her lips to his.

She curled into Matthew, draping over him like he was a giant pillow, and wrapped

Daniel around her like a living blanket. Two male hands met at the curve of her waist,
fingers lacing together.

Daniel was at a total loss. For the first time in his life he was completely sated after

sex. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. The idea scared the hell out of him, but
he wasn’t willing to give this feeling up yet. His two lovers had provided more pleasure
than Dan ever experienced in all his thirty-six years. He closed his eyes and drifted into
the first peaceful sleep he’d had in longer than he could remember.


When Matthew arrived at the office Wednesday morning, he was whistling. While a

whistling Matthew wasn’t out of the ordinary, a whistling Matthew before eight a.m. was,
and the staff noticed. Meredith’s assistant, Kelli, stopped by the main reception desk and
sing-songed “someone got luuuucky,” causing Trey to choke on his coffee.

Matthew smirked and pretended not to notice. Truth was, he felt lucky. In spite of the

fact he and Shannon had staggered home—to his home—in the wee hours of the night, he
felt energized. The buzz was better than cliff diving, better than swimming with sharks,
even better than coffee. For one precious moment, everything was right in his world. He
had Shannon to hold and protect and, for the moment he could convince himself that
Daniel held and protected him, too.

Unsurprisingly, Daniel was in the office before him. He’d somehow cajoled the

temp, a stone-faced woman with iron gray hair and eyes, to make coffee, and he sat at

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Marcus’ desk frowning at the computer with a steaming cup at his elbow.

Matt gave a whimper at the sight, though he couldn’t have said what he wanted to

drink down more: the coffee or the man. Deciding discretion was the better part of valor,
he headed for the pot, all but sighing at the rich aroma.

“Oh, my God,” he murmured into his cup. “I don’t know what you did to convince

Ole Ironjaw out there to make this, but I’m willing to bet it involved multiple orgasms,
and was probably illegal in at least thirty-two states.”

Daniel laughed.
It was a loose, easy laugh. One Matthew hadn’t heard since the auto show, and it

froze him for a moment in pure delight before he joined in.

Still grinning, Matt went to perch on the desk next to Daniel’s chair. “So, what’s on

Big Brother’s calendar for today? World domination? Female domination? Should I call
Shannon in?”

Daniel snorted and indicated a typed list of appointments. “Meredith left this for you

about half an hour ago.”

“Huh. I’m actually on time for once and she still beats me,” Matthew said without

heat, sipping his coffee. “Do you and I have anything scheduled for today?” He didn’t
quite meet Daniel’s eyes when he asked. He was afraid to see the tension of the last few
months creep back. And how freaking weird was it to feel this kind of insecurity with a
lover? It was a new experience, and not one he was particularly enjoying.

“Nope.” Thankfully, Daniel’s voice remained easy. His face remained relaxed. “In

fact, I’m moving back to my office once you sign off on the bid for the Travers City

Matthew didn’t know whether to feel relief—Daniel hadn’t shut down on him, or

regret—their days of working closely were at an end, and he didn’t know if or when he’d
get to spend this much uninterrupted time with Daniel again.

Tentatively, without looking up from the contract he was about to sign, he ventured,

“Shannon’s coming in for lunch again.” Daniel nodded. “I can’t seem to get enough of
being with her.”

“I can see why,” Daniel commented. “She’s amazing.”
Matthew’s smile bloomed. “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as joyful as she is.

She’s bombproof. I didn’t know anyone like her existed.”

“I did,” Daniel’s voice was too casual, and Matt finally hazarded a look at his face.

“She’s a lot like you.”

“You think?” Matthew couldn’t erase his pleasure at the compliment, or his smile.

“Nah. I just pretend to be bombproof. Shannon’s the real thing. Anyway,” he said,
deciding to take a risk, “You should join us.” Daniel’s eyebrows rose, but Matt saw a
glimmer of pleasure in their indigo depths. “She’s bringing a picnic and, well, we’d like
to spend some time with you. Everything last night was … beyond amazing … but dinner
was really … nice.”

Matthew waited, doing his best to appear cool and collected while Daniel considered

the invitation. “You really do know what you’re getting into.” This time it wasn’t a
question, but a quiet observation.

Matthew nodded. “We really do. Both of us.”
“Okay, lunch then.”
Daniel brushed a hand down the length of Matthew’s bound hair as he rose to head

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for the door. Just as he turned the knob, Matthew stopped him.

“Dan?” The other man half-turned in question. “I’ve missed you.” Daniel gave his

flashing, devastating smile, and then he was gone.

* * * *

By the end of the week they had a firmly established pattern. With the sexual tension

finally eased, Matthew and Daniel slid back into an easy friendship that naturally
expanded to include Shannon.

Every morning the men met over coffee and discussed the day’s business. Matt felt

more closely involved in the company than ever before. Where he’d once been a pretty
face to show the media, now he was beginning to learn the inner workings of his family
business for the first time.

Matthew had always deferred to Marcus and Meredith. The Worthington Group was

their baby, and he’d never felt he had much to offer. With Marcus missing in action,
Matthew had suddenly been called to use his brains and business savvy. To his great
amazement, he seemed to be good at it.

He couldn’t have chosen a better mentor than Daniel. While Daniel’s area of

expertise was real estate, his long friendship and working relationship with Marcus had
made him privy to many of the company’s inner workings. Daniel now spent his
mornings sharing coffee with Matt and acting as a sounding board for the younger man,
offering opinions and asking questions that pushed Matthew to look critically at all his


Each afternoon Shannon invaded their business fortress, always carrying a basket

full of food, which she was happy to share with any of the staff who wandered by
Marcus’ office during lunch.

She didn’t think she’d ever been happier in her life. Being a go-between for two

strong men was nothing new for her. She’d grown up the only female in her home, and
had spent most of her life as a buffer between her controlling father and freewheeling
older brother. Perhaps that was why she valued Daniel and Matthew so much. Daniel was
every bit as commanding as her father, yet he was confident enough to listen to the
opinions of others and not become threatened when someone disagreed with him.

Shannon remembered one memorable fight the year she turned sixteen when her

father had vetoed her brother Kevin’s choice of car. When Kevin had gone ahead and
bought the vintage Camero, arguing it was his money, he should be able to choose what
he wanted, their father had taken a baseball bat to the car. She was fairly certain, if she
hadn’t been home, he might have taken the bat to Kevin, too.

Shannon imagined Daniel’s reaction to that sort of situation. He would state his

opinion, explain his reasons, and then let Kevin make his own decision. He’d let Kevin
face the consequences of his choice if, for instance, the car broke down regularly, and
then he’d help him to salvage the situation. Just imagining the scenario gave her a warm,
gooey feeling somewhere in the vicinity of her heart. She knew she could trust Daniel.
With her body, with her friendship, and with Matthew.

If Daniel reminded her of her father, then Matthew was the more mature, less

reckless version of Kevin. Like Kevin, Matthew was fearless in his pursuit of fun and
pleasure. Unlike Kevin, Matthew knew when it was time to settle down and get to work.

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Kevin would never have dropped everything to step in for a sibling gone MIA with no
notice. Heck, Kevin wouldn’t have spent a fraction of the time worrying for her that Matt
had spent brooding over his brother Marcus’ well being. If she’d been horrified and
frightened by her father’s reaction to Kevin’s choice of car, she’d been equally disgusted
by the way Kevin had snuck around behind his back to buy it and then had flaunted it in
his face.

Matthew, she knew, would listen to the arguments and then make his own decision.

He wouldn’t be disrespectful or deceitful about it, but he’d do what he wanted. And she
just knew that if it turned out to be a poor choice, Matthew would live with the
consequences without whining. His zest for life would drive Matthew to find the silver
lining in the situation rather than making himself and everyone around him miserable.

Together, the two men fulfilled her every need. When she was with them she could

indulge in her need to take risks, but still feel totally safe. She could be silly, but still stay
grounded. Together, the two men were a cohesive whole. She wondered if they even
realized it.

When Friday arrived with no sign of Marcus, Shannon could see the strain and worry

in both her men, and decided to do something about it. She took special care with lunch,
choosing exotic fruits and cheeses cut down to bite-size chunks, fresh French bread, and a
bottle of sparkling cider. The sex they shared nightly in Daniel’s playroom was amazing.
Beyond anything she ever could have dreamed up. Now, Shannon wanted to create a
sensual experience for them; one with no ultimate goal other than for them to experience
the pleasure of each flavor exploding on their tongues. Each texture.

No, she wasn’t after more office sex. As exciting as that had been, Shannon wanted

this relationship to be about more. She wanted—no, she needed—to take care of them.
She needed to know she could ease their minds.

So, when lunchtime arrived on Friday, Shannon cheerfully left brown bags stuffed

with gourmet cheeses, olives and breads at the desks of Trevor, Kelli and Mrs. Alebach,
who stood guard outside of Marcus’ office like a dragon, and swung into the office.

Matthew was standing at the window, staring out over the view of the Ambassador

Bridge as he spoke intently into the mobile phone connected to the Bluetooth hooked
over his ear. Setting the basket of food on the desk, Shannon walked up to Matt, curving
her body into his back while slipping her arms around his waist. Resting her cheek
against his upper arm, she gazed out the window with him.

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Chapter 12

Matt knew the instant Shannon stepped into the outer office. Hell, he knew the

instant she stepped into the building. He could feel her like a warm ray of golden
sunshine. Like a balm on wounds he’d never known he carried. Keeping his mind on the
droning supplier who currently held him hostage on the phone was difficult when she
stepped into the room, and damn near impossible when she slid her arms around him.

Her face as she looked out the window was pensive. She looked worried, unusual for

his sunny little love. Wrapping his arms over hers, he smiled at her reflection in the tinted
glass before lifting one of her hands to press a warm, gentle kiss in her palm. Her return
smile was blinding. Damn, their woman glowed.

Making appropriate sounds of commiseration and agreement to the relentless man on

the other end of the phone, Matthew wondered when, exactly, he’d started thinking of
Shannon as theirs. He thought he might have staked his claim the first time they’d made
love, when she’d seduced him so tenderly. He knew that was the moment he came to
belong to her. He wondered if Daniel felt it, too. This pride of ownership. This thrill of
belonging. He somehow couldn’t imagine Daniel willingly surrendering his soul to
another the way Matt himself had given over to him and to Shannon. And when, exactly,
had Daniel gone from being a pleasurable experiment to being nearly as necessary to him
as oxygen?

Finally managing to end the endless phone call, Matt turned to Shannon, gathering

her into his arms to hold and be held with a warmth and tenderness he’d never found
anywhere else. In her arms he felt his insecurity over doing Marcus’ job melt away, much
as it did when he spoke with Daniel about the business. In her arms, he found his worry
for Marcus and for Meredith, who seemed even more like the walking wounded than
usual, muted, comforted.

They were still wrapped around each other when Daniel entered the office. Shannon

reached out an arm to him and, after a brief hesitation, Daniel allowed her to draw him
into their hug. After a moment, he even brushed a soft kiss over the top of Shannon’s
head and ran a gentle hand down Matthew’s bound hair.

“Have I told you,” her voice was almost a whisper, like she didn’t want to shatter the

moment. “How happy the two of you make me?” Giving each man a tight squeeze around
the waist, one that matched the squeeze she’d given around Matthew’s heart, she stepped
back. To Matthew’s surprise, Daniel let him hold him for a moment before slowly
extricating himself from the embrace.

Hands in his pockets, Matt stood with his back to the window. He was unaware of

the picture he made: the sun shining through the tinted glass lit a burgundy fire around his
dark hair, and cast a golden glow around his body. He looked formidable, imposing and
impossibly sexy, something his companions didn’t fail to notice.

No, Matthew’s eyes were for Shannon as she spread a butter-soft blanket over the

floor, and gathered cushions from the couch to create a nest for three. And for Daniel as
he stepped forward to lift the heavy basket to the ground near the blanket, extract
champagne flutes and pour the bubbly beverage for each of them.

He didn’t realize how long he’d been standing, staring, until Shannon approached

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him to take his hand.

“Babe,” her musical voice was soft. “Are you okay?”
He felt his smile bloom. “When I’m with you,” he flicked Daniel a look. The older

man was silently observing their interaction with an odd look on his face. “When I’m
with both of you,” he corrected, “I’m better than okay.”

Willingly he allowed her to lead him to the picnic area she’d made on the floor. With

an impatient little tug, she drew Daniel down beside them, and then sat facing the two


Daniel watched Shannon put together their intimate little lunch with an odd, tight

feeling in his chest. Her tender treatment of Matthew, and to some extent of himself,
touched him more deeply than he ever could have imagined. He knew both he and Matt
had become increasingly distracted by their worry for Marcus, who still wasn’t answering
his phone and who hadn’t been home in almost a week. What amazed him was the way
Shannon seemed to sense their worry.

She constantly found little ways to break their tension, to make them smile. He’d

never been taken care of like this, and wouldn’t have expected to like it. And still, in the
dark hours of the morning, when Matt bundled her into his car to take her home for a
couple more hours of sleep, Daniel found himself missing the weight of Matthew’s head
on his shoulder, the slow stroke of Shannon’s hand over any bit of him she could reach.

Now, he found himself almost mesmerized as she sat before them. Her skirt belled

around her like an exotic red, orange and yellow bloom, and the orange of her camisole
top made her tan glow. Her eyes, when they met his, were like melted chocolate. So
sweet and warm they made his heart ache for things he knew he could never have.

This, he realized, was why he rarely allowed himself to meet Shannon’s eyes, hers or

Matthew’s. When he looked into their eyes he didn’t see demands or pleas, he saw pure,
generous giving. And it scared the shit out of him, because he wanted them to demand.
To force him to give them everything—all that he was. And he wanted to make demands
of his own. Definitely not safe.

Fuck, he was petrified one day he would see a different look in their eyes. One he put

there when he inevitably fucked up.

Faithful. It wasn’t a word in his lexicon. Mommy-Dearest had taught him at a very

tender age that grownups, even those who claimed to love each other, were still unfaithful
to one another.

Her betrayal of his father had led to the kind of emotional prison no child should

ever have to bear. The dangerous yearnings stirred up by Daniel’s lovers brought back
vivid memories of his mother’s desertion… A six-year-old Daniel, clinging to her leg and
begging her not to leave him. His father, pulling him roughly away from his mother,
forcing the young boy back into the house. The neighbors who had gathered outside,
shaking their heads in pity at the scene of a family being torn in two. Why hadn’t his
mother been able to love him enough to stay with him and out of the bars?

Dan hated feeling this way, this helpless, this vulnerable. It sucked, and the pain

gnawed at him. Why now, when he was as happy as he’d ever been in his life, did the
memories of his mom and pop creep in and cast doubt on who he was as a man?

He knew why. Because as much as he wanted to believe otherwise, the reality was he

carried their DNA, and in the end he would hurt Matt and Shannon because of it.

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Once again Shannon seemed to sense his tension and broke the moment by rising to

glide to a console hidden along one corner of Marcus’ desk. After fiddling with several
buttons and switches, she managed to dim the lights, and after a moment soft, adult
contemporary music filled the room.

Dropping a kiss on the top of Matthew’s head, she gracefully lowered herself to

straddle Daniel’s lap. Her skirt flowed around them, and he found himself absently
stroking the soft fabric, the same way she stroked his hair.

“You look tired.” She drew one silky fingertip over his eyebrows as she made the

observation. “Have we been wearing you out?” Her smile was impish, and he was
reminded of his first impression of her. She was like a naughty little fairy.

“Angel, the two of you are probably the only thing that’s kept me going all week.”

The words slipped out without his permission, and he was dimly horrified at the
admission. But the obvious pleasure on her face, and on Matt’s when he snuck a glance in
his direction, helped him to get his emotions under control. After all, a Dom’s job was to
fulfill his subs’ every need. Matthew and Shannon needed to know they pleased him. It
didn’t have to mean anything more.

Yeah, right.
She smiled, giving her enchanting little nose wrinkle, and then leaned over to the

side and spread soft, pungent cheese over a chunk of bread. He valiantly ignored the
press of her warm cunt over the growing bulge in his pants. He could tell today wasn’t
about sex. More, he knew how worried Matthew was about Marcus, who’d been missing
all week. Hell, he was worried, too. They both needed a distraction, and Shannon was
certainly a perfect one. And Matt needed to be comforted. While Daniel himself didn’t
have that to offer, Shannon did, and he would allow her to coddle them both for a little

She took a slow bite of the gourmet treat she held, and then offered it to him.

Carefully, almost meeting her eyes, he flicked his tongue over the place her lips had been
before snapping the morsel from her fingertips.

She yelped, pulling her fingers to safety, and then laughed up at him.
“So, you want to play, do you?”
Sliding off his lap, she plucked up another delicacy to offer to Matthew, who’d been

watching them with laughter in his eyes. Matt engulfed her fingers between full lips,
sucking the fruit from her fingertips. Shannon giggled, a low musical sound, and then
accepted the bite he offered her.

Soon they were feeding each other. All three offering choice bites, only to pull them

teasingly away and gobble them down at the last minute. Daniel and Matthew were the
worst at this, teasing Shannon unmercifully until she collapsed back on the floor,
laughing breathlessly.

As she lay there panting, Matt turned to Daniel and offered him a bite for the first

time. Daniel paused, and when Matt made as if to draw the strawberry away, he very
deliberately took it from his hand, allowing his lips to brush the younger man’s fingers in
a stolen caress. Matthew brushed those fingers over his lips, stroking them with the tip of
his tongue as if to savor Daniel’s flavor, and the room temperature seemed to rise by
about twenty degrees.

Shannon, who’d been watching them with laughing, sleepy eyes, wagged a finger at

the men and said, “Oh, no. That’s not what we’re here for.” When they sent her identical

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looks of irritated arousal, she laughed and pulled herself to her feet. A bouncy song had
come on the radio, and she extended her hand to Matthew and commanded, “Dance with
me, you big instigator.”

Matt grinned back, and allowed her to drag him to his feet. Pulling her into his arms

with a flourish, he spun her around the room until they were both dizzy and laughing.
Daniel lounged on the floor, idly sipping his wine, and enjoyed the spectacle. They were
both young, and tanned, and so beautiful it almost hurt him to watch them. Matthew was
perfect in an underwear model sort of way. Lithe and as graceful as a jungle cat, his
naughty smile and infectious joy kept his beauty from seeming untouchable.

Shannon, on the other hand, had a different kind of beauty. If Matthew belonged in

fashion magazines, Shannon belonged in a field of wildflowers. She wasn’t traditionally
beautiful. Her wide brown eyes were warm, but not exotic. Her full lips were red and
moist, and utterly natural without a hint of dye or collagen. Her figure was full and lush,
and closer to a size twelve than a size two. And the light shone from those ordinary
brown eyes, and the warmth that beamed from her smile, and the comfort and fire he felt
pressed up against her lush body, made Shannon the most beautiful woman he’d ever

His. The thought stole into his mind, and before it could steal into his heart he

amended it. His, for now.


Matthew saw Daniel glance at the clock and begin cleaning up their makeshift

picnic. He wasn’t about to let Daniel close himself off from them. Not when they’d all
been so close. So he waited until Daniel’s hands were empty and then neatly spun
Shannon into his startled arms.

Daniel caught her with a small puff of surprise, and automatically pulled her in

against his chest. Matt smiled when she sent them each a coy look before purring into
Daniel’s ear, “I’m not done dancing. Will you dance with me, Danny-boy?” Matthew
choked on his laughter at her use of his nickname, and at Daniel’s raised eyebrow. Both
he and Shannon waited with bated breath to see how he’d react, Shannon regarding
Daniel’s arrogant expression with a wicked, evil little smile.

Finally, Daniel put them out of their suspense, sweeping Shannon into a low dip

startling a squeal of laughter from her. Laughing himself, he began to waltz her around
the room with exaggerated formality.

“You have absolutely no respect, do you?” His voice was stern, but his lips quirked

and his eyes were sparkling with laughter.

“Nope,” she was utterly unrepentant. “Respect is no fun.” When Daniel spun her

away from him and then pulled her back in, she cupped one had behind his neck and
tucked one leg over his hip in classic tango fashion. “Rattling your cage is fun.” She
allowed him to guide her across the room. “Seeing your eyes get all hot and sleepy is
fun.” He rested his hands on her hips, ready to pounce, but she took over and kept them
dancing. “Watching you get all flustered and confused,” she gave him an impish smile,
“that is soooo hot.” She kept dancing, but let him pull her closer, so her belly rubbed over
his engorged cock. “And it’s fun!”

Skipping away from Daniel, she spun Matthew in a circle before hiding behind him.

Daniel was advancing slowly, stalking her, and she was determined not to be caught. Yes,
the sex was amazing, but that was for tonight. Today was for fun.

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Darting over to the desk, she grabbed a handful of olives and held them up

threateningly. “I’m armed and dangerous.”

Daniel’s incredulous look only spurred her on. She was determined to make him

laugh again. He didn’t laugh enough, and she loved the sound of it. As he continued to
move in her direction, she gurgled out a laugh of her own and added, “I have olives,” she
heard Matthew choking in the corner and shot him a grin. “And I’m not afraid to use

Daniel was apparently less than impressed with her choice of weapon, and continued

his advance. Cringing back in mock terror, she launched several olives in his direction.
He probably hadn’t believed she’d really attack, because he didn’t immediately duck, and
the first edible missile hit him square in the forehead.

He neatly avoided the rest, and his shocked, disbelieving look convulsed her with

laughter. Hadn’t this man ever had a food fight? They’d been regular occurrences at her
house, and were some of the fondest memories she had of her father and brother.

Daniel was moving in for the kill now, and she ducked around the desk, grabbing a

branch of grapes along the way. She sent Matt an appealing look, but his expression was
a little too intent to suit her. Like Daniel, he looked like a man with quick and dirty sex
on his mind.

“There’s no time,” she protested, pelting Daniel with grapes. “It’s almost two; don’t

you guys have meetings or something?” Daniel sent Matthew a speaking glance, and he
promptly began closing in on her from the opposite direction. She was peppering them
both with flying food, ducking the pellets Matthew sent back in her direction, and looking
for a way to escape when a deep voice sounded from the outer office, and her men froze
in place.

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Chapter 13

“It’s my damn office, and I don’t care what my baby brother is doing in there. We’re

going in.” Marcus faced the gray-haired dragon who’d all but thrown herself between
him and the office door. Carrie stood behind him, unsuccessfully smothering her
laughter. He sent her a smoldering look and a murmured, “I’ll deal with you later,” and
her laughter promptly turned into something else.

When he finally pushed his way into his office, he found a tableau right out of a

comic movie. Matthew and a pretty, toffee-haired woman were scurrying around the
office picking up grapes, olives, and other assorted food items from the floor. Daniel
leaned negligently against his desk observing with an amused and indulgent expression
on his face. There was also a pink smudge, one that looked suspiciously like strawberry
juice, on his pearl-gray lapel.

Well, fuck. He’d been gone a week and Daniel was sharing with Matthew? While it

was true he had no intention of sharing with his friend again himself, he wasn’t sure how
he felt about his little brother stepping in to fill the role.

And what was up with the food on the floor? Studying his brother’s woman, he

caught her looking at one of the olives in her hand and sending Matthew a speculative
glance. Matt’s exaggerated look of horror brought a smile to Marcus’ face. One he
quickly erased as he faced his wayward friend and sibling.

Finally he addressed Daniel. “Well, hell. I can’t believe you let Matty draw you into

his foolishness.” He shook his head regretfully. “You make a shitty babysitter, Dan.”

Daniel raised his eyebrows, and Matt, who was used to Marcus’ cutting sense of

humor, just grinned. The little brunette, on the other hand, leapt into the fray, defending
her man.

“I’ll assume you’re Marcus.” Those chocolaty eyes narrowed on his face and her

hands fisted on her hips. “You have a lot of nerve lecturing Matthew and Daniel about
foolishness. They didn’t take off with hardly a word and leave you to wonder if they were
alive or dead.”

Marcus felt an unwilling twinge of guilt at her observation. Of course Matt had

worried. And he’d had the added stress of trying to learn Marcus’ job in less than a week.
And, God, Meredith must be a basket case. Fuck.

Carrie’s soft hand on his arm soothed him, and he gave the spitfire before him a nod

of acknowledgement.

“Matty,” she emphasized the diminutive and all three men winced, “has been

worried sick about you. So has Daniel. And in spite of that, they both stepped up to do
your job.” Her glare could have melted steel, let alone a mere man. “And, for your
information, Matthew is a man full grown,” Matt stood behind her, grinning like a
besotted fool. Marcus could totally relate. He knew he wore the same exact expression
when he looked at Carrie.

“He doesn’t need a babysitter.” She shot a glance at Daniel who was also watching

her closely. Maybe he wasn’t grinning like a besotted fool, but he had an absorbed look
Marcus had never seen him direct at another person, man or woman. “He needs a friend,
something you obviously aren’t willing to be for him.”

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At this, she’d gone too far. Marcus saw Matthew’s instinctive step forward, whether

to protect or scold, and was about to respond himself when Carrie stepped around him to
face the woman.

“I’ll give you that one free, because you don’t know my fiancé.” Daniel and

Matthew both shot him startled looks, and he felt a satisfied smile curl his lips as Carrie
continued. “You’re obviously new to the family, and there are a couple of things you
need to understand.” Marcus burst with pride. His woman was fierce, both in and out of
the bedroom. “Marcus would never ever deliberately do anything to hurt Matthew or
Meredith,” she shot Daniel a smile full of remembered heat, “or Daniel.” The little
brunette saw the smile and her eyes narrowed still more.

“If Marcus hurt any of the people he loves,” Daniel cleared his throat, and Carrie

ignored him. “He’ll make it right with them. And it’s none of your business.”

The other woman looked into Carrie’s eyes and said softly, “It’s my business

because I had to watch two people I care about suffer.” At this Carrie’s fierce demeanor
softened and she approached the other woman to put a comforting arm around her
shoulders. “It looks like they were in good hands. Now let Marcus make it up to them.
He’s been suffering, too.”

The younger woman gave Carrie a considering look and said, “They’re off limits


Carrie nodded. “They’d be off limits to me even if you weren’t in the picture,” she


With a somewhat warmer smile, the little spitfire ventured, “You must be Carrie, the

only one in the office that knows how to order lunch.” Carrie gave a surprised laugh and
Matthew studied the ceiling while Daniel looked determinedly out the window. “They
nearly starved to death without you,” she added dryly.

Now all three men squirmed uncomfortably as the women bonded in that

incomprehensible way of females everywhere. Finally, Matthew stepped forward and,
relieving his woman of her olives and dropping them into a bag on the desk, he
introduced his little warrior.

“Marcus,” his voice was filled with pride and affection as he stepped up behind the

woman and slid his arms around her waist. “This little pit-bull is Shannon Whitney. To
my great luck, she’s claimed me.” He sent Daniel a speaking look Marcus decided to
interpret later. “And Shannon, my love, as you’ve already guessed, this is my big brother
Marcus,” he looked down at her with a mock scowl, “who loves me very much.” He
grinned at Marcus. “Which is probably the only reason he hasn’t flayed the skin from
your back.”

Marcus offered a lazy smile before settling on the couch that dominated one wall of

the room and pulling a very willing Carrie onto his lap.

“I don’t flay skin, Matty. I just spank it ‘til it’s nice and red.” He grinned at Carrie’s

blush, and gave her a kiss that was meant to be brief but somehow wasn’t.

“Shit, Marc, do you need some privacy?” Matt was laughing as he said it, and, giving

Shannon a squeeze, he pulled Carrie out of Marcus’ arms.

“So, hey, new-baby-sister!” He smacked big, noisy kisses on both of her cheeks

before swinging her around for Daniel to greet properly.

Daniel, noting Shannon’s carefully blank look, restrained himself to a brief hug.

Carrie, who’d laughed at Matthew’s theatrics, laughed even harder at Daniel’s obvious

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restraint. Before releasing him she whispered sotto voce in his ear, “Man, you are so

Daniel released her as if he’d been burned, and all three noted that Shannon’s

shoulders seemed to relax just a little. Marcus hoped his friend didn’t wound the fierce
little creature too badly. That would twist him up with guilt he didn’t need. And, if Matt
was as wrapped up in the girl as he seemed, it would hurt him, too.

Marcus, who’d been ignored for too long, decided to take back control of his office.

Looking at Matthew, he began, “So what the hell? I’m gone for a week and you fill my
office with hostile women.” He gestured to the outer office. “Where, in God’s name, did
you find her?” He gave an exaggerated shudder. “She all but disemboweled me to keep
me from disturbing you.” His voice rose. “It’s my damn office!” Carrie, who’d returned
to his lap, ran her hand over his chest in an exaggerated soothing manner. Marcus glared
at her, and she giggled.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Matt denied quickly. “Besides, she hates me too!”

Marcus didn’t look convinced, so Matt continued. “Hell, she wouldn’t even give me a
cup of coffee until Casanova here,” he gestured at an innocent-looking Daniel, “seduced
it out of her.”

Marcus shook his head before getting down to business. “And the company? You’re

a bright kid,” he glanced at Shannon. “Er, man, so I’ll assume you’ve kept things on track
for me.”

Matthew looked proud, an expression Marcus had never seen associated with the

Worthington Group before. “Everything’s good.”

Daniel added, “He signed off on the Travers City purchase, and has the bids lined up

for construction.” He looked inquiringly at Matthew. “You’re thinking of using Renatto
for that project, too, aren’t you?” Marcus noted the way Daniel deferred to Matthew’s
knowledge of the project, and found himself adjusting his perception of his baby brother.

“So, if we can clear the riff-raff,” this was directed at Daniel, who smirked in

response. “And get Meredith in here, maybe you can catch me up.”

Daniel laid a hand against Shannon’s lower back, a possessive gesture that none of

them missed. “I know when I’m not wanted,” he groused. “I’ll walk you out, Shannon,”
he continued, leading her to the door. Matthew, heading for the desk to call Meredith’s
office, passed close to them and paused, tipping Shannon’s face up for a soft kiss. Daniel,
in an unconscious movement, brushed his free hand over Matthew’s hair, stroking over
his ponytail.

The gesture had looked totally natural, as had Matthew’s responding smile. They’d

looked … affectionate. Marcus blinked a couple of times. By the time he was ready to
open his eyes, Daniel and Shannon had left the room. He must have been mistaken.
Maybe sleep deprivation while he waited for Carrie’s return had scrambled his brain.

Carrie wriggled into a more comfortable position on his lap and laid her lips against

his ear. “So,” she purred, “am I riff-raff?” Her pointed little tongue lapped his earlobe.

He’d definitely misunderstood Daniel’s caress. Carrie’d drawn all the blood from his

brain, so he was hallucinating.

Losing himself in her caress, he answered, “Definitely not riff-raff,” and proceeded

to ignore his amused brother until Meredith rushed into the room.

* * * *

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As Daniel walked Shannon to the imposing bank of elevators, he couldn’t seem to

remove his hand from her waist. It was amazing how he took so much pleasure in a
simple touch.

The doors opened, and before he could see Shannon in, Dorian Jenner stepped out.

The other man met his eyes briefly, and gave a sharp shake of his head before Daniel
could greet him. Daniel frowned. Jenner was a cop. An undercover drug cop at that. So
what was he doing at Worthington?

Before he could pursue his line of thought, Shannon turned into his arms for a warm

goodbye kiss that totally distracted him with thoughts of the night to come.


The next few weeks passed in a blur for Shannon. She had two attentive and

inventive lovers, a job she loved, and an exciting new city to explore. The first week of
school had been a joy. Her students were, for the most part, adorable and eager to learn.
Of course there were a few tough cases, but Shannon was confident that it was nothing
she couldn’t handle. After all, they were children. There were very few children in the
world that couldn’t eventually be won over by genuine affection and caring.

Once the school day was over, life just got better. Matt arranged outings to all the

local landmarks, dragging Daniel along on weekend trips to see the Spirit of Detroit and
the sculpture of Joe Lewis’ fist, Belle Isle, and Greenfield Village.

They’d spent one entire Saturday at the Detroit Zoo, where Daniel paid a small

fortune so Shannon could ride the train for almost an hour straight. He’d claimed it well
worth the expense, as she showed her gratitude with hot, wet kisses bestowed equally on
her men every time the train entered the pitch-black tunnel.

Over dinners at Greek Town and Mexican Town, and Shannon’s amazing home

cooking, they came to know each other. Matthew seemed to be an open book, but as the
weeks passed he began to share stories about his childhood that broke her heart. Her
father was a dominating jerk at times, but even with all the demands and disapproval,
she’d known deep down he loved her. And when she graduated from college, he’d taken
her face in his hands and whispered, “Your mother would be so proud of you. As proud
as I am.” It was the memory she clung to when he was particularly demanding.

Matthew had had a very different relationship with his father. Stirling Worthington

had, from both Daniel’s and Matthew’s stories, been a cold man. Nothing Marcus or
Matthew had done was ever good enough to satisfy him. Matthew was very circumspect
when he spoke of his father, but Shannon could tell the man had wounded him deeply.

No, the father figure in Matthew’s life, and in his sister Meredith’s too, had been

Marcus. Marcus had taken over as Matthew’s confidant, and had helped to mold him into
the remarkable man who’d stolen her heart. For that alone she had to forgive the man for
hurting her men. And for being an arrogant pain in the ass.

Daniel rarely spoke of his father at all. The only time he mentioned him was when,

one sultry evening a slightly tipsy Shannon had tried to lure him into one more margarita.
He’d refused, commenting, “I’ve had enough. Any more and I’ll be as big a drunk as my
old man.” She’d wanted to question him, but his closed expression and the quick shake of
Matthew’s head changed her mind.

Daniel spoke to them about his early dreams of being an architect, and his years in

college. He cracked them up with what Shannon knew were highly sanitized stories of his
youthful adventures, though he carefully avoided mentioning his sexual exploits. This

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was fine with Shannon, who found she was insanely jealous of him. She had no reason to
be jealous of Matthew—his commitment to her and Daniel was as obvious as it was
absolute. Daniel, on the other hand, flirted outrageously with other women—many she
suspected he’d been with intimately—and never gave her any reason to think he saw their
situation as anything but temporary.

It was there in the way he never met their eyes when they made love. In the way he

kissed her goodnight and ran his hand through Matt’s tangled hair every night before
sending them home to Matt’s condo to sleep. It was the only thing keeping her world
from complete perfection, and she knew there was nothing she could do to change it.
Daniel had been wounded, and all she could do was offer her love. As a teacher, a
caregiver of sorts, she longed to dive in and repair his injuries, but knew enough about
him to realize he had to heal himself from the damage his past had obviously inflicted.
What kept her hopeful was a look Daniel would get in his eyes when he thought no one
was looking. Shannon swore she saw love in his eyes when the color would deepen. Her
instincts screamed Daniel was really happy to be with her and Matt. So she waited
patiently for him to open his eyes and his heart.

Shannon kept them in stitches with anecdotes of her students and fellow teachers.

She also told them stories both horrifying and hysterical about her father and brother. She
noticed every time she told a story about her family, the loving that night was especially
fierce, but Daniel’s touch was unusually tender.

She came to crave that dichotomy, Daniel as the demanding, masterful lover versus

Daniel the passionate caretaker. And Matthew. Oh, Matthew made her feel so cherished.
He gave his love unstintingly, with no sense of self-preservation. And Shannon knew that
if Daniel gave the least sign of acceptance, Matthew would welcome him into their little
golden sphere of bliss.

Yes, Shannon belonged, heart and soul, to her men, and with every day she fell a

little more in love with them. She knew the day was rapidly approaching when she
wouldn’t be able to live without them, and the realization filled her with a giddy sort of

Daniel’s emotional distance was the only cloud on her horizon. She wanted more

than his lust. More, even, than his friendship. She wanted him to love her and Matthew as
much as they were coming to love him.

* * * *

The week before her birthday, Shannon rested face down against the table in

Daniel’s playroom. Matthew was pressing warm, open-mouthed kisses along the backs of
her thighs as he worked loose the straps binding her ankles to the table legs. Daniel sat
back on his heels on the table in front of her, chest still heaving, cock still full and wet
from her mouth and his ejaculate, as he gathered himself to release her arms.

When he’d finally freed her, Daniel carried her to the thick mattress in one corner of

the room. Matt soon joined them carrying two steaming wet cloths, which the two men
used to cleanse their seed, her juices, and copious amounts of lube from various parts of
her body. Shannon basked in the sensations. Daniel was always exquisitely thorough in
his care of her after their extended and sometimes almost violent lovemaking, and he’d
quickly trained Matthew to be just as conscientious.

They lay together, a tangle of damp, exhausted limbs, for far too short of a time

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before she felt Matthew jerk himself awake and give a resigned sigh.

“I’m whipped.” He chuckled. “Literally.” His eyes met Daniel’s over her head, and

she saw the spark jump from one man to the other.

“And our lady here has to face thirty ten-year-olds tomorrow.” To her pleasure, for

once Daniel didn’t react to Matthew’s reference to her belonging to both of them. “I’d
better bundle her up and take her home to bed.”

For one split second, she thought Daniel might protest. It was there in his Caribbean

blue eyes. Then he nodded and pulled himself, groaning, to his feet.

“Fuck, I’m too old for this.” He extended a hand first to Shannon, pulling her to her

feet and holding her until she steadied, then to Matthew, who let the momentum carry
him into Daniel’s body so he could steal a long, slow kiss. Daniel’s eyes slid closed and
he hummed his enjoyment into the caress before pulling away. “The two of you wear me

Matt gave him a wicked glance, examining his suddenly twitching cock. “Well,” he

drawled, “you seem to keep up with us young ‘un’s well enough.”

Both men helped Shannon into her clothes, taking turns with buttons and zippers

until she was completely dressed. Tossing on his robe, Daniel walked them through the
dark house to the door.

Shannon decided to take a risk. It seemed the only way to bring Daniel closer was to

take risks. Matthew stood at her back as Daniel pulled her into his arms for his customary
kiss goodnight. When his lips released hers, she savored the tingle for a moment, then

“It’s my birthday next weekend.”
Both men looked surprised.

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Chapter 14

“I suppose,” Daniel smiled down at her, “you’re going to want a big, expensive

present.” He knew damn good and well she didn’t care about expensive, or presents.
He’d tried to shower her with jewelry, and while she was always excited and
appreciative, she made it clear that his gifts weren’t his main attraction for her.

“Actually,” her voice was a tentative whisper. One he hadn’t heard from her in

weeks. He didn’t think he liked this sign of doubt on her part. “It’s something that might
be too costly for you.” He gave Matt a questioning look, and at Matt’s clueless shrug, he
turned his gaze back to her.

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t get you.” The words were starkly true. He’d buy the

moon for her if she asked it.

“This isn’t something you can buy.” She lowered her eyes, and once again he felt a

flutter of discomfort at her obvious unease. “I want you to let us stay the night.” Matthew
stiffened against her back in surprise, and Daniel felt his own body go tense. Not because
he didn’t want them to stay. Because he did, and he shouldn’t.

Shannon had felt his reaction, too. She quickly blanked her face, but not before he

caught the hurt there. Fuck. He could manage just once, couldn’t he? Just once, without
letting them too close? Before he could formulate an answer, she pulled away, stepping
back into Matthew’s embrace. He hated the little dart of resentment he felt that she
needed Matthew’s comfort when dealing with him. She should know his arms were there
for her, too.

Except he’d never told her that.
Unlike Matthew, who declared his love freely both in and out of bed, Daniel had

never offered her more than friendship, and she obviously hadn’t tried to read something
into his actions that wasn’t there. Was it?

“Never mind,” she smiled, but her eyes were sad. “I don’t need anything.” She

reached out to run her hand over the sandpapery stubble on his jaw, all the while leaning
into Matthew as if drawing strength from him. “The two of you make me so happy. What
more could I ask for?”

Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Just as he’d known he would, he’d hurt her. And the brooding

look in Matthew’s changeable eyes hinted he might have hurt him, too. He opened his
mouth to ask them to stay, but somehow the words just wouldn’t come out. Finally, he
found a compromise.

“You are more than I ever expected.” He gave her another, lingering kiss, pulling

away only when she melted back into him. Sandwiching her tightly between his body and
Matthew’s, he leaned in and initiated a rare kiss with the other man. Matthew melted into
the kiss, like he always did. Daniel felt the heat of them attacking the core of ice around
his heart, and pulled back. “Both of you. I’m not sure what I did to deserve the time we
have together,” he saw they both wanted to protest, and quickly overrode them. “But I’m

That night he stood staring out the door long after the red tail lights of Matthew’s

little Mercedes had faded into the night. What the fuck was he doing? He didn’t do
monogamy. Bi-ogamy. Whatever the hell it was he’d been doing with Matt and Shannon.

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He realized with surprised dismay it had been over a month since he’d been to any of his
clubs, since he’d been with anyone but Matthew or Shannon. Since he’d wanted to be
with anyone but Matthew or Shannon.

Daniel determinedly shook off his discomfort. It was, after all, a relatively new

arrangement, and one unlike any he’d entered before. It only made sense he’d be
captivated with his two adventurous lovers. In time the infatuation would wane, and he’d
go back to life as usual. Unfettered and totally free of obligation.

In the meantime, he’d plan an amazing night for Shannon. And as her Dom, he had

no choice but to give her what she’d asked for. He’d have them spend the night, not
because he wanted it, but because it was his duty to fulfill all their needs for as long as
they belonged to him.

* * * *

A few days later, Daniel opened his front door and heard Shannon’s slightly out of

tune voice was bellowing an old eighties hair band song. A smile swept over his face as
he stood in the foyer listening to her. How could a woman with such a beautiful speaking
voice sound so … bad?

The smell of frying chicken wafted to him. Shannon enjoyed feeding him and Matt.

She took better care of them they did of themselves. His chest tightened at the knowledge
that Shannon was the first person he’d ever allowed to take care of any of his needs, other
than sexual ones. He’d never wanted to give the impression he wanted something more
serious with another woman. Hell, he never had wanted anything more serious with
another woman.

He shook his head trying to banish the wayward thought that he let her take care of

him. Daniel set down his briefcase and walked into the large kitchen. Bent over, she was
shoving a pan into the oven. Her luscious ass rose high in the air, bobbing along in time
to the tune she was butchering. Daniel went hard, clenching his fists to keep from ripping
off her clothes and sliding into her welcoming heat.

She closed the door and turned to him, gifting him with her sunshine smile. “I

thought I heard the door open.” Strolling over she grabbed his tie, pulling him down to
kiss him on the lips before turning back to chop the vegetables on the sideboard. Daniel
took a moment to wonder how such a brief, non-sexual kiss could make his whole body
flush so damn hot.

“Where’s Matt?” he asked, his lips still tingling.
“He’s going to be a bit late. Marcus wanted to go over something or another with


Somehow, the idea of being alone with Shannon in the house when he was feeling

this uncharacteristic emotional rawness was unsettling. “I’m going to take a shower.”
Daniel turned abruptly to walk out. He stopped when he felt a hand touch him on the

He turned his head, Shannon’s smile was still warm, but now held something else.

Something he didn’t want to see or acknowledge. Or, God forbid, feel. “Something’s

Was something wrong? Daniel didn’t know the answer to that question. When he

held Shannon and Matt in his arms, everything felt damn near perfect.

He sighed, kissing her forehead. “Everything’s great, Angel.”

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Shannon nodded and stepped back. Daniel couldn’t stand the look of doubt in her

eyes. He reached out, grabbed her arm and hauled her into his chest. Bending over her he
plastered his mouth to hers in a kiss so carnal she yelped as he took her mouth. In one
kiss he poured everything that was running through his mind, until they were both

When he stepped back he knew his smile was utterly sincere, and a mile wide. He

guessed it was also more than a little predatory. Shannon’s lips were red and swollen, her
eyes large and round from surprise.

He could tell she wanted to say something, those bee-stung lips were opening to

speak, but he didn’t give her the chance. He left the room and headed for the shower.


Shannon stood, gazing out the doorway in a sort of dazed bemusement. She’d never

felt that … emotion in Daniel’s kiss before. He was always intense. Always unnervingly
intimate when they had sex. Even more so in the days since she’d asked him to let her
and Matthew spend the night. But for the first time she’d felt almost like they were
making love.

Heat and electricity still hummed through her body. With one kiss, he’d turned her

on as much as some of the more exotic things he’d introduced to her—and she was pretty
sure Matt, too, although he’d never admit it, the big baby—in his playroom over the last

She wanted him desperately. Sometimes that surprised her. She’d had so few lovers.

Such inept lovers. It had never occurred to her that she might want two men at once.
Now, she couldn’t imagine any other arrangement that would satisfy her. But somehow,
she knew it wouldn’t work with any other men. Daniel held them all steady. He kept
them secure. Matthew brought the fun.

She wondered what Matt would say to the idea of her and Daniel being together

without him, and realized that not only would he approve, he’d be thrilled. She knew
Matt worried for Daniel—in spite of his laid-back demeanor, he was more tightly strung
than anyone she’d ever met. If Matthew thought she could ease Daniel in some way, he’d
be the first to urge her to go for it.

It was all she could do not to follow him into the shower. She needed to come, and it

looked like he needed to be held. She was ready to take care of both their little problems.
Just as she was about to take yet another risk with her reluctant lover, the shower cut off.
Shaking her head decisively, she turned back to the stove and flipped off the flame under
the chicken. She planned on being distracted for a good long while, and she knew they’d
need sustenance when they finished.


As showers went, it was the fastest he’d taken in many years. In and out in ten

minutes. He didn’t bother with anything but a towel wrapped around his waist. He finger
combed his normally perfectly placed hair. He had to have Shannon now. His body
craved her soft feminine core.

She was leaning back against the stove when he rejoined her in the kitchen. Heat

entered her eyes as they traced a drop of water trailing down his still-wet chest. Those
beautiful eyes narrowed when they reached his obvious hard on.

He didn’t say anything to her as he crossed the tiled floor and hit a button on his

phone. The speed dial connected to the person he wanted.

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“Hey, Dan what’s up?” Matthew’s voice came through the speaker phone loud and


Daniel crossed his arms. “Did you give Shannon the keys to my home, Matthew?”

His voice was deliberately stern. Shannon looked uncomfortable, but not nearly
uncomfortable enough as she widened her eyes and mouthed a quick “oops.” The pair
obviously hadn’t discussed whether or not Daniel would approve. He did, of course, but
he wasn’t going to tell them that. Not when Shannon’s wide eyes and uncertain
expression were so damn delicious.

“Answer me, Matthew.”
“Yeah…” his voice faded with the first hint of unease. “I didn’t think it was a big

deal, man. We’ve both been there every night this week…”

“Enough.” Daniel cut Matthew off firmly. “Where are you now, Matt?” He

approached Shannon as he spoke.

She faced him, her eyes burning, her bottom lip trembling. He traced the delicate

curve of her cheek with his thumb, but he kept his face hard. He was the boss, and he had
to make them remember it. Make himself remember it.

Matt cleared his throat. “I’m walking to the car? Dan, just how pissed are you?”
Daniel ignored his question. “Hurry up, tell me when you’re in.”
His hand went to Shannon’s waist, stroking up and down her ribs until her nipples

poked through her white t-shirt.

“You two are bad, very bad, taking such liberties without asking permission first.”

Shannon’s eyes slid half closed as he palmed the fullness of her breasts.

“I’m in the car. Listen, Dan, I’m sorry, dude.”
“Matthew,” Dan’s voice was soft and menacing. “Shut the fuck up.” Silence

followed Daniel’s order.

“I’m going to fuck Shannon. And Matt? You are going to listen the entire time.” He

said as he backed Shannon up against the counter. One hand jerked off his towel and his
wet chest pressed against the thin cotton of her shirt.

“Would you like that, Matty?” His voice was a soft purr as he gazed at her breasts,

now clearly visible through her t-shirt, which was transparent with the water he’d soaked
into it. His hands went to the hem of her shirt and he quickly pulled it up over her head.
He didn’t remove it from her shoulders, forcing her arms to go behind her back, exposing
her entire front.

“Yes, Daniel. I want you to fuck her.” Matt’s voice was tense and Daniel knew he

was as hard as a rock. “I want to hear you fuck her.”

Shannon’s bra hooked in the back, and Dan had no intention of freeing her arms. He

reached behind her to open a drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors. Shannon gasped as
Daniel snipped the satin straps and along the sides. Her breasts spilled free, bouncing
softly for his ravenous eyes.

“Matty, her tits are magnificent.” He kissed Shannon’s nose and eased the shorts

down her legs. “Angel, I want you to tell Matt everything that I’m doing to you. Every
single detail, Angel, or I will stop.”

Shannon nodded. He could feel those wide, glowing eyes on his, but didn’t dare meet

them. Daniel bent forward and bit her bottom lip. “Matthew, pull out your cock, but do
not come until I say you can. Got it?”

“Yeah, Daniel, I got it.” There was a bit of a pout to Matt’s voice as Daniel and

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Shannon heard a zipper being pulled down.

Daniel helped Shannon sit on top of the marble counter top. Leaning forward, he

licked the valley between her breasts.

“Okay, Angel, start talking.” He captured her nipple between firm lips. She thrust her

breasts out to give him better access. When she remained silent, gasping for breath, he
started to release her. But Shannon spoke.

“He’s sucking my nipple, kissing it and licking it… Damn, Daniel.” Her voice went

breathy, and moans flowed from her mouth as Daniel brought his other hand to her
neglected nipple. Rolling it between his first finger and thumb, he dragged a cry from

“His hand is playing with my other breast. Oh Matt, it feels so good.” Daniel

changed places with his mouth and hand, and Shannon described his movements in
between whimpers of pleasure.

Straightening, Daniel slid his finger into her slit. It was slick, and he plunged his

finger deep into her pussy. “He’s got his finger inside me. Fuck, Daniel, put it deeper.”
The muscles of her vagina contracted tight, trying to drag his finger deeper. He pulled out
and brought his finger to him mouth. “He’s tasting me, Matt. Like I’m his favorite
lollipop.” Her fingers went white where she clutched the counter. “Do I really taste that

Matthew’s answer was a low, “Fuck yeah.” Daniel’s was a bit more concrete. Lifting

his finger to her mouth, he slid it between her lips. Shannon ran her tongue over his
finger, tasting her own juice. When she described it, Matt’s loud moan spurred Daniel on.

“Fuck, Matt, she tastes so sweet. But you know that, don’t you? Her pussy is begging

for my cock. What do you think, should I put her out of her misery?”

“Take her.” Matt’s voice was filled with misery and desire, and the tell-tale sound of

flesh on flesh filtered over the line as he quite obviously masturbated in time to
Shannon’s words.

Daniel opened the same drawer where he’d removed the scissors and pulled out a

condom. Shannon’s eyebrow shot up in surprise.

For the first time that night Daniel chuckled. “I would have made a great Boy Scout.

I’m always prepared.”

He slid on the condom, and Shannon described every inch. Pulling Shannon’s ass to

the edge of the counter, he opened her legs wide.

Placing the head of his cock at her entrance, he drove forward. Shannon’s head fell

back against a cupboard on a long cry.

Daniel wrapped his hands tightly around her thighs, hauling them up to his sides. His

thrusts were slow and controlled, drawing each up-and-back motion out to the fullest.

She’d gone quiet, except for the breathless cries bursting out with each thrust. Daniel

paused, balls deep in her clutching body, and she writhed in protest.

“Tell him, Angel.”
It took her a minute to comply. A long, torturous minute with his cock buried as deep

in her sucking pussy as it would go. Daniel thought he might lose his mind before she
finally gathered enough ragged voice to speak.

“He’s inside me, Matt.” She broke off on a low moan as Daniel began a slow,

stirring motion with his cock. “Matthew, he’s so big. So deep. God, I can feel him
touching my heart.” Her words called an involuntary throb from his agonized cock, and

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Shannon jerked out a cry. “He’s getting bigger. So big.” Each word was punctuated with
a gasp or grunt as Daniel’s slow thrusts pounded faster and harder. “God, Daniel, just
fuck me…” Her voice trailed off, and he felt her thighs tense. She was ready to come.
She needed it.

He could tell she couldn’t talk any more, and decided to have mercy on her. “Matty,

she’s so tight. She’s taking my cock like it belongs there.”

“She’s beautiful, Daniel and she’s ours.” Matt breathed into the phone. Daniel could

tell he was close to the edge.

Daniel increased his movements, surging harder into Shannon. Their words had

almost stripped away his control, but now he was taking it back. He pushed into her,
clamping his mouth down on her neck and sucking hard as his hips increased their speed.

“Stroke, Matty. Stroke it hard for us.” Dan moaned. He put his finger against

Shannon’s clit, rubbing the tight nub. Round and round his finger circled, moving in time
to her wail of pleasure. He knew she was ready. Pumping her once, twice, a third time he
threw his head back. “Now, Matthew. Shannon. Fuck. Now.”

Head tipped back, graceful neck arched to show the mark of his possession, Shannon

came hard, her muscles gripping Dan’s dick like a vice. He could hear Matthew, the low
growling sound he made when he came, now so familiar. The sights, the sounds, the grip
of Shannon’s burning cunt dragged the climax from him. Each jerk was punctuated with
a low grunt. It felt as if he pumped gallons of cum into the condom, and he had the wild,
insane desire to shoot into her willing body. Fuck, to feel her bare, skin on skin.

Daniel’s legs were shaking; it was all he could do not to slide down into a heap on

the floor. Shannon spread limp before him, completely still save for her heaving breasts.
Matthew’s breath over the phone sounded like he’d just run a marathon.

Daniel kissed Shannon’s nose. Stepping back, he helped her off of the counter.
“We’ll see you when you get here, Matty.” He hung up the phone. Shannon hadn’t

moved from the spot where Daniel had left her. He went to her and put his arms around
her, holding her for an all-too-brief moment. He knew she needed more, but he wasn’t
able to give it to her right now. His feelings were too close to the surface, his longing to
carry Shannon off to his bed and cherish her was drowned by his need to bury his
emotions and deny the insidious tenderness which seemed to be taking him over.

Pulling himself together, he smiled down at her. She was all rosy and misty-eyed,

and he felt a stirring in his cock. “Go take a shower, Angel. My robe is on the back of the

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Chapter 15

Dinner was a lesson in simmering heat. Conversation was scarce. Instead of the usual

jokes and stories, heated glances flew across the table as the sexual tension between the
three rose to excruciating heights.

Daniel knew why. He was hungry tonight, ready to regain control of this trio. This

afternoon he’d almost given in to Shannon. With her sweet scent all over him, Matthew
encouraging them to fuck each other from the other end of the phone, he’d felt himself
drowning in them.

Shannon had still been in the shower when Matthew walked through the door. He

wrapped his arms around Daniel’s torso, stroking his hand up and down the length of his
chest. Daniel surrendered briefly to the caress and leaned back to lick Matt’s neck.

When Shannon wandered into the room, the moment was over. She’d ignored

Daniel’s robe, and instead wore one of his dress shirts. She’d left all but two buttons
unfastened, and neither man could keep his eyes of the flashes of soft golden flesh that
showed with her every move. Watching her stretch across the table, laying out napkins
and cutlery, Daniel felt a pressure in his chest. She looked so sweet, so fresh, and so
damn sexy in his shirt. This scene resembled what life with a real family would be like.
The three of them together every night. The long looks and easy laughter. Watching
Shannon move, Daniel wanted to brand her, to keep her forever, and that thought brought
on the realization that he needed to get back in control. Now.

All through dinner the three exchanged half-lidded, smoky glances. With every

sideways look, Daniel felt his cock hardening to rock-like status. It had been years since
he’d felt like he did tonight, this wild. This out of control. He clenched his jaw and made
his decision. Tonight would determine how the three of them would proceed.

While in the playroom, Daniel took charge, with Matthew and Shannon his eager

pupils. What Matt and Shannon had never seen was the darker side of Daniel’s hunger.
He rarely indulged it because the line between fucking paradise and losing all control was
such a thin one, and he’d cut off his arm before he actually hurt a partner.

Daniel felt his stomach tighten. Could Matt and Shannon handle the kind of desire he

was feeling tonight?

He sat back, his knuckles white, he was holding the chair so tightly. He felt a little

flutter of unease. When he felt like this, his usual plan would be to go to the club and find
a willing partner, one who knew the score, and could handle everything he had to give.

He turned to Matt, addressing him only.
“Matt, I feel rough tonight.”
Instant desire filled those hazel eyes as Daniel continued. “I know you know what

that means. What I require of you tonight.” Matthew nodded slowly. The smoky blue of
his eyes put Daniel in mind of the hazy smoke of a slow burning fire.

“Take Shannon to the playroom. Explain to her what’s going to happen. If either of

you want to back out, leave the room before I get there. If you decide to stay I want you
naked and in position.”

He turned to Shannon, stroking her cheek with the back of one finger. “Angel, there

is no calm, no tenderness in me tonight.” Her eyes were wide and soft as they met his.

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She looked so fucking young. “While I would never cause you hurt, I will push you more
than ever before. You have to be sure you want to see this side of me.” He brushed the
pad of his thumb over her lush lower lip. “Tonight will change things.”

He removed his hand and pushed back his chair. Leaving Matt and Shannon sitting

alone in the dining room, he took the stairs to his room two at a time.


Matt licked his lips as a shiver passed though him. Shannon gave him a questioning

look and frowned.

“What’s this all about?”
Matt grabbed her hand and began playing with her fingers. “Baby, he’s asking for

our complete and total trust.” Confusion marred Shannon’s lovely face.

“Isn’t that what we’ve been giving him?” She shook her head. “I mean, jeez, I let

him buckle me face down on a table so the two of you can take turns with me.” Rolling
her eyes, she concluded, “If that’s not trust, I don’t know what is!”

Stroking along each of her fingers, Matthew tried to explain.
“I’ve told you about Marcus. About the whole BDSM thing.” She nodded, listening

intently. Matt’s heart melted a little as she so obviously tried to understand.

“Daniel is a Dom, too, but he hasn’t really shown us what he is capable of. Where

Big Brother likes absolute control and obedience all the time, Daniel is usually just … I
don’t know … masterful, I guess.” Shannon nodded again. She’d certainly enjoyed
Daniel’s masterful side quite thoroughly. “Tonight something’s set him off. He’s more
intense. Instead of just being masterful, he wants to Master us tonight.”

“Okay,” her voice was slow and tentative. “I don’t think I can imagine anything

more intense than the sex we’ve already shared.” She gave him a small smile. “Nothing
prepared me for making love with the two of you.”

“Babe, every single time we’ve made love it’s been fucking fantastic. It’s been what

Daniel normally craves in bed. But tonight’s different. Haven’t you noticed how edgy he

“Yeah. After our little venture into phone sex he got all quiet and strange.”
“He can’t talk about what he’s feeling,” Matt commented. “He won’t. But if you’re

up for it, he will show us.”

“Maybe you’d better tell me what exactly this all means.” Her eyes probed his.

Matt’s arousal was obvious in the shallowness of his breath and the color of his eyes. She
didn’t know exactly what Daniel had in store, but she knew Matthew wanted it.

“Tonight, Daniel wants to own us completely. He’ll blur the lines of pain and

pleasure until you don’t know if you’re begging him to stop, or begging him to go on.”
His eyes glowed, and Shannon felt a thrill of slightly terrified desire pool low in her

Matt stood and held out his hand to her. “It’s your call, Shannon. Neither Daniel nor

I want to push you into something you don’t want. If you choose not to do this I’ll stand
by you.” But she could tell he’d be disappointed.

Shannon considered for a moment. Daniel had never, and she believed he would

never, hurt her. At least not physically. And she couldn’t believe Matthew would want
something she’d hate so much.

Finally, she let the tension drain from her body. Twining her fingers through

Matthew’s, she whispered, “I trust you both.”

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Matt brushed her lips with his. His cock seemed to grow even harder before her very

eyes as he led her to the playroom and readied them both.


Daniel felt his usual arrogant confidence waver as he made his way to the playroom.

He dug his hands deep into his pockets like a boy on his fist date. He was nervous as hell.
What if there was no one on the other side of the door? Worse yet, what if there was only
one of them there? He was certain Matt wanted this. His chest had risen quickly as he
realized what Daniel was telling him. Matt was familiar with all kinds of sex play. He
knew what to expect, and it excited him. It was Shannon that Daniel was concerned
about. She seemed so soft and fragile. She was a light to his dark soul. Daniel never
wanted to dim her light, but if he was unable to sate this need with her, their affair needed
to end before anyone got even more deeply entangled.

Love will make you weak boy … the voice pounded in his brain. Shut up old man, he

snarled at his father’s memory. Not tonight.

He scrubbed his father’s words from his mind as his hand hesitated on the knob, and

then he pushed the door open.

The breath rushed from his throat as he witnessed Matt and Shannon on their knees,

naked, waiting for him. He bit the inside of his cheek, using the tiny bit of pain to rein in
his need to fuck them. Fast. Now.

His white dress shirt was unbuttoned but he didn’t bother to take it off. He

approached the couple kneeling on the floor. Reaching out his hands, he caressed the skin
along their jaws. The sensation of each was so different: One soft as a rose petal, golden
even against his tanned flesh. The other rough, scratchy with an evening beard.

His young lovers shared a strength of purpose. Daniel envied them, their ability to

surrender all to him. While he was and would forever be the Dom, often in the darkest
hours of night he fantasized a day would come when he could hand over the reins to
someone else. For just one night, to let someone else ease his weary existence.

Drawing himself away from such foolish thoughts, he lightly tapped each of them on

the cheek. Walking around behind them, he bent over to pull Matt’s hair free of its leather
strap. His dark locks fell down his back and over his shoulder in a silky, sensual
waterfall. From his front pocket he withdrew two collars made from supple leather. He
placed the first collar around Matthew’s neck. It lay snug against the man’s throat
without obstructing his air.

Shannon’s hair was already loose, soft and flyaway after air-drying from her shower.

He lifted the back of her hair as he fastened the second collar around her throat. Daniel
ran his fingers through both silky falls of hair before tightening his grip. They both
gasped, but it was with surprise, not pain. Daniel pulled both of their heads back and
studied his possessions. He licked Shannon across her full red lips, running his tongue
back and forth before nipping her bottom lip hard. She moaned lightly into his mouth,
drawing a thin smile to his lips. He repeated the same caress on Matthew, biting him
much harder, eliciting a deep groan from his male lover.

“Get up, Matthew. Move over to the wall.” Matt unfolded from the floor

immediately and went to the wall, automatically raising his hands above his head. Daniel
followed, snapping a pair of handcuffs around Matt’s wrists. Daniel placed the metal
chain between the cuffs onto a hook protruding from the wall.

He stepped away and admired the sight Matthew made, nude and golden, stretched

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along the wall like a piece of primitive art. His collar marked the younger man. Mine
echoed in his brain. Tonight Matt belonged to him. They both did.

After looking his fill, he approached a high, leather-bound bench. Crooking his

finger, he beckoned Shannon to the odd-looking contraption. She climbed up, and he
helped to ease her onto her back.

“Slide down, Angel. I want your hot ass at the edge.” She licked her lips and

Daniel’s cock strained against his zipper. The ache was exquisite.

When he had her flat on her back, Daniel placed a wedge pillow under her ass, then

bent each of her legs at the knee and pushed them toward her body. The position opened
up her glorious cunt to his view.

He buckled each ankle to the bench, restraining her lower body completely.
“Comfortable, Angel?” He whispered the words as he circled her, trailing a lone

finger up her knee, along thigh and hip.

“Yes.” She hissed the word as his finger stroked her nipple.
He wrapped his hand around her slender wrist and he kept moving, pulling it up over

her head. She promptly raised the other arm to join the first.

“Good girl.” Dan growled as he bound Shannon’s hands to the clip at the top of the

bench. Once he had her secured, he walked to his toy chest. Opening it, he retrieved
several items. Until now, Shannon had only been exposed to a limited number of his toys.
Tonight she would leave more knowledgeable than she’d ever imagined.

Throwing the items on the bed, he chose three and returned to Shannon’s side. She

looked like an angel strapped to his bench, stretched out and waiting for him to do as he
pleased with her. He remembered that day so long ago when Matthew had referred to her
as their virgin sacrifice. Maybe not virgin, he thought with dark amusement, but she was
definitely the sacrifice to his lust.

Showing her the small, black velvet box he carried, he pulled out a pair of nipple

clamps and watched her eyes darken.

They had a single emerald teardrop hanging from each clip. They were heavier than

the plain clamps he normally used. He’d had them made especially for her, imagining
how the green would emphasize the caramel color of her nipples and the gold of her

Bending over, he caught one already taut bud in his mouth. He expertly suckled on

it, elongating it, and giving sharper nips than ever before. She yelped, then moaned as her
body became used to the rougher play of his teeth. When Daniel was satisfied her nipple
was ready for the much tighter bite of the clamp, he pinched it lightly between his
fingers, pushing the clip into place and letting go. Knowing the sensation was new and
maybe even a little frightening, he reached one hand to the warm, syrupy nest between
her thighs, finding her clit and rubbing it gently as her breast adjusted to the clamp’s
newer pressure.

“Oh, fuck!” The words burst from Matt’s mouth as he watched Daniel torture

Shannon’s breasts.

Dan turned his hard face to him. “Did I tell you to speak?”
Matt’s gaze dropped. His chest heaved, and his cock was so hard, so swollen, it

radiated heat across the room.

Daniel moved around the table and captured Shannon’s neglected breast, repeated

his biting caresses, preparing her nipple as he had the first.

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While he needed to push his subs, he still wanted them to be as pleased as he was.

Daniel would find no pleasure if his lovers didn’t. He moved to the foot of the bench,
surveying his handiwork. His gazed drifted to Matt. A zing shot from the root of his cock
to the tip at the sight of Matt cuffed to the wall. The younger man’s dick throbbed visibly,
stiff, a dewy drop on the head. Moving his gaze back to Shannon, he savored the sight of
her nipples, red from the clamps, and the sweat beginning to form on her brow.

In an instant, Daniel saw the truth as clearly as if it was spray-painted across the wall

in front of him. Matt and Shannon were his. Mine! The thought tore through his mind.
Mine, he thought, for as long as I want them. The emotional bricks weighing him down
fell off his shoulders in that instant. Oh, he knew they were going to return at some point,
but not tonight. This night he was free from the ghosts of his parents, free from his own
insecurities and unacknowledged pain.

He grabbed the rest of his arsenal and placed it on the bench next to Shannon’s thigh.
Without looking at Shannon, he flipped open the lid of a tube of pink liquid. He

could feel her intent stare; her curiosity seemed to reach across the space between them.
Pouring a large dollop of slick lubricant on his palm, he closed the lid and set the tube

“I want your pussy weeping for me, Angel. Tonight you’re going to beg me to end

your torment.” She bit her bottom lip in that adorable way that made Daniel want to smile
every time she did it. It indicated that she was anticipating, waiting for his touch.

He slid his finger through the thick liquid, coating the tip before running it along her

vaginal lips. Sliding his finger through her delicate folds, he gave the same treatment to
her inner labia, ending at her clit. She was squirming, but not nearly enough.

He leaned forward and blew a long breath along her cunt. The moment Shannon felt

the tingle and the heat she gave a wild little cry and arched her back.

“Daniel!” She was whimpering, writhing against her restraints. Daniel massaged her

thigh soothingly as the gel did its job and heated her, teasing her with sensations
unfamiliar to her. He lifted up a large vibrator, showing it to her. Shannon swallowed.
The toy was much thicker than either of her men, and they were considerably large,
filling her almost to overflowing.

Her thighs tensed as she stared at the toy. Daniel placed his hand on her knee,

squeezing it. “Shannon, if you can’t trust me, then I will untie you.” His voice was rough,
not his usual smooth, commanding tone. Hell, he thought, maybe deep down he wanted
her to tell him to fuck off. That would be the safe route for all of them. No harm, no foul.
No messy emotions to trip him up. The insistent pounding in his chest would be

Still, he let out a sigh of relief when Shannon relaxed her body. With a hand on each

knee he pushed her legs further out. She was pink and glistening, her pussy tempting him
to brand her. His. Daniel knew the gel made her cunt flood with her sweet cream. It was a
special lube, one he and Marcus special ordered, made to drive a lover insane with need
and lust. This was the first time in a year he’d gone to the trouble of getting a new batch
sent to him from Japan.

The wedge placed her pussy high up off the bench, but supported her lower back

enough to not cause a lasting discomfort. The position did invite close inspection of her
wet folds. He pressed the silicon cock to her opening while his fingers dipped between
puffy lips. The contact with his fingers heated her sensitive skin even more, and she

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wiggled her hips.

Daniel stopped her movements by clamping his fingers in the flesh of her upper

thighs. The further restraint caused her to cry out. She still wasn’t begging though.

Time to turn up the heat.
Daniel slid his long, wet tongue under the hood at her cleft and made contact with

her clit. Shannon pulled against her restraints restlessly as he leisurely licked her inner
and outer lips, circling her clit.

“Purr for me, kitten,” he commanded. She tried rubbing herself against his face, but

Daniel held her immobile.

“Please, please, please,” her voice broke over her chanted plea. The sound of her

begging him for fulfillment made him almost lightheaded with lust. He sucked long and
hard on her clit, teasing her with the promise of release. Her muscles started tightening up
and he abruptly stopped, causing her to swear in her state of unfulfilled arousal.

“Now what kind of language is that for a teacher?” He managed to laugh, but it

sounded more like a growl. “Angel, you must learn to follow directions and be good to
get what you want,” he murmured as he picked the vibrator back up and slid it slowly
into her pulsing opening. He blew again on her clit and the gel warmed her naked skin.
He brought the toy out almost to the bulging head before sliding all the way into her with
one powerful stroke. Her scream echoed in the room as she orgasmed hard, creamy liquid
gushing over trembling thighs.

He patted her pussy gently. “That was very bad Shannon; I never gave you

permission to come.”

“I’m sorry, Daniel…” she gasped. “I didn’t mean to… I couldn’t…”
“Shhhh…” Dan cut her off, placing his mouth to her ear. “You’ll get your

punishment soon enough, Angel.” The shiver that wracked her body at his words made
him feel like an emperor.

Going around the table, he untied her hands and feet, only to help her flip over onto

her stomach and retie the restraints.

“Lift your tummy.” Dan kept his voice crisp, cutting. Shannon obeyed without

another word or hesitation. Her body was still trembling with aftershocks. She lifted her
stomach and Dan slid the wedge under her, displaying her ass.

He ripped open his low-slung jeans, sinking his hand inside, trying to relive the pent-

up longing. This was his own punishment to himself, to remind him why he needed his
control to be iron strong. He allowed himself to pull his cock up, the head sticking out of
the top of his jeans, dripping with pre-cum, begging for release. He was going to come
several times over this evening. He had incredible recovery time when he was in this
frame of mind, and he planned to take advantage of every hard moment his body would
give him.

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Chapter 16

He slowly walked to Matt, who watched him with blazing cobalt eyes. Daniel kept

his own gaze on Matt’s well-developed chest. He made a detour at the toy chest again.
This time he retrieved a red velvet bag. Reaching Matt, he dug his hand into the bag. A
solid leather strap slid out, along with a smaller elastic ring. As he had for Shannon, Dan
produced a vial of gel, this one blue. Now that he thought about it, it was kind of
amusing. Pink for the girls, blue for the boys.

Matt’s hard-on stuck out, seeming to reach for satisfaction, and he unconsciously

arched his back, placing it closer to Daniel. Daniel opened the lube’s cap, tipped the vial
upside down, and squirted the gel straight onto Matt’s cock.

“Christ Dan, what the fuck is that?” Matthew’s voice was sharp, his hips jerked

under the gel’s stimulation.

Daniel’s eyes narrowed at Matt’s question. “Do I have to gag you Matt? Keep your

mouth shut, unless you’re belting out your pleasure or begging for me to fuck you.” Matt
clamped his mouth shut. Daniel watched as his jaw trembled with the desire to speak.

Smiling at Matthew’s silence, he wrapped his hand firmly around Matt’s shaft.

While the gel was slightly warm, it wouldn’t activate until Daniel blew on it. Matt’s cock
expanded in his hand as he it slid to the root and back to the head. He placed a large
amount of gel on his fingers.

“Spread your legs, Matty.”
Matt didn’t move, except to shudder. Daniel saw nervousness creep into his young

lover’s eyes for the first time, but he completely disregarded it. Tonight wasn’t a night for
mercy, and Matthew knew it. He slid his booted foot between Matt’s legs and kicked
them apart. Matt’s upper body swayed back into the wall as he finished what Daniel had
started, and spread his legs as wide as he was able.

Daniel cupped Matt’s balls, coating them with the blue gel before sliding behind

them and reaching his puckered hole, slipping his finger in slightly. The same thought
he’d had with Shannon popped into his head: Mine.

Dipping his finger in deeper, Daniel spoke in a voice scratchy with the need to fuck.
“Whose ass is this, Matty?” He looked over his shoulder to see Shannon lying there,

entranced with the seduction between her two lovers. “Whose pussy is that?”

“God, Daniel, yours, all fucking yours.” Daniel grimaced at the small pit forming in

his stomach. Matt’s quick answer both disturbed and exhilarated him. It made him
wonder exactly who belonged to whom.

Getting back to business with a jerk, he snapped the leather strap around Matt’s

balls, then worked the elastic ring just under the head of Matt’s cock, resting it against the
bundle of nerves sure to drive him mad with lust.

Dan stepped closer, bending slightly and blew a long breath that whispered over

Matt’s cock, balls and ass.

Matt’s eyes flew open and he cried out, his voice horse from the ache Daniel knew

was pulsing through his body. Daniel straightened and stepped forward, his chest rubbing
lightly across Matt’s. He held his own moan deep down as he pulled two small silver
rings from the red velvet bag.

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Matt’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down with a visible gulp as Daniel pulled at one

of his small male nipples. Daniel twisted the nubby flesh enough to make Matt grunt, and
at the same time his other hand palmed Matt’s balls. Pleasure with just enough pain to
make Matt turn his head away as he tried to bolster his rapidly deteriorating control.

“I would love to see both of you pierced for my pleasure,” Daniel murmured as if to

himself. He pulled the ring slightly open; it had a small ball on each end. He pulled
Matt’s nipple away from his body and worked the ring into place. From the front it
looked like a real piercing. It served its purpose, tormenting Matt until pre-cum started
dripping down his cock, one clear bead at a time. Daniel tugged at Matt’s other nipple,
drawing low, guttural growls from the other man before decorating his other nipple the
matching ring and stepping back.

Daniel had an artist’s eye, and drank in the sight of the tight body strung up against

the wall. Matt’s hazel eyes took on a smoky blue shade, broadcasting just how turned on
he really was. Daniel had noticed Matt’s eyes long ago. They changed color depending
on his mood. He knew the darker blue Matt’s eyes were, the more he needed to come.

Daniel shoved his pants down enough to free his cock. He rotated his palm over the

head, lubricating his hand with his own pre-cum, holding himself tight as he masturbated
in front of Matt, who watched with heavy-lidded eyes, and swollen, slightly parted lips.

Daniel turned sideways, allowing his eyes to drink in the sight of Shannon and Matt.

They were waiting for him to make a move, desperation and raw need in both their stark
expressions. Desperate need and something else threatened to make his knees tremble.
Matthew and Shannon looked at him with complete trust, a gift a true sub would give
their Dom.

It’s only for tonight. They know it. Matt knows it. Only tonight. Daniel could live

with it, this unstinting trust, knowing it would stay in this room and never peek out at him
during the day. Tonight, his control was in place and tight. Tonight he would take the gift
of their physical and emotional trust, and use it to purge himself of any thoughts of the

Daniel moved to Shannon, running his hands along the back of her thighs to stroke

over her lush ass.

“Angel, it’s time for your punishment.” His voice was as much of a caress as his

hand. She shivered as she felt the rough velvet of his tongue slide across her ass cheeks.
He grasped the vibe and gave a little wiggle that sent sparks of electricity shooting
through her core, then slowly slid the toy free of her clinging folds. She tried not to
squirm. She gasped as he dragged his tongue through the space between her cheeks. The
dark, forbidden caress shocked her into stillness, before it dragged a moan of surprised
ecstasy from her.

“You taste so fucking sweet.” Daniel’s tongue traced elaborate patterns across her

cheeks and into the crevasse between. “Like orange blossoms and honey.” He smoothed
the skin of her soft buttocks, rubbing back and forth in a deep massage that soon had her
groaning in mingled pleasure and frustration. Eventually her body relaxed completely,
becoming warm and pliant under his hands.

Just when she began to float on a cloud of dreamy pleasure, he brought his hand

down and swatted her behind. Hard. She yelped with astonishment and made Daniel
smile. Spanking wasn’t a usual part of his love play, and he’d never spanked Shannon or
Matthew before. Tonight was different. His cock jerked as his handprint formed on her

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skin like a pink badge of ownership.

“Bad girls get spanked, baby girl. Remember that.” He smacked her again, this time

on the opposite cheek. She stiffened, but relaxed when he rubbed the tender flesh. He
knew the sharp contact of his palm would cause the silky skin of her ass to flush with
blood, sensitizing her even more. Every touch, the lightest stroke would be magnified,
driving her past any limits she’d embraced before.

He slid one hand down the inside of her thigh, letting his finger trace her perfect,

swollen lips. Wet. Fucking wet, he chuckled. “Matty, our girl likes her ass whipped.” He
inserted the very tip of his finger into her hole. Swirling it in circles, he teased her cunt
relentlessly until her moans became soft whimpers.

Then his free hand made contact again with her ass, spanking her in even slaps

across her entire buttocks, all the while plunging his finger in and out of her. Her cream
flowed as the heat of his hands spread throughout the lower half of her body.

“Oh yeah, baby. You love being in my hands don’t you?”
She turned her face to him, silently begging him to meet her eyes, but he refused.

Her eyes were misted with pleasure as he slid an additional finger in her.

Thwack. Another stinging pain was eased by the fingers moving inside her.
“Answer me, Shannon.” His voice was steely as his hand came down again. He was

careful to not touch the same place more than once. Her entire ass was rosy red, and he
lightly pinched the hot skin.

“Yes…” her voice was broken and she looked near tears with the intensity of what

she was feeling. “Yes, Daniel, I love the way you touch me.”

Matthew moaned as he heard her words, and Daniel didn’t bother to scold him. How

could he? Shannon, her ass blooming, was a temptation beyond any control, and he knew
Matthew couldn’t resist her lure.

Daniel grabbed a smaller vibrator and slid it into her quivering pussy. She was so

wet and ready it easily slid in all the way. He walked to the front of the bench, pushing
his jeans down a little farther before rising up on the leather and straddling her
outstretched arms. Grasping her hair, he gently tugged her head up, pushing his cock
against her lips.

“Suck me, Angel. Suck me good, and I will fuck you like you’ve never imagined.”
Her brown eyes glazed over as she opened her lips, and Daniel guided himself in.

Her tongue swirled all around him as he slowly moved in and out of her mouth, pushing a
little further each time. He was going to make her take all of him. He needed to feel her
taking him this way, raw and penetrating. He pumped harder, hitting the back of her
throat. When she began to gag, he eased back, leaving the head of his cock just inside her

“Shannon, you need to relax your throat, baby,” he soothed. “You can take me. I

know you can, baby.” He swirled his bulging cock-head around her lips, painting them
with his pre-cum. “Just relax, and when I hit the back, swallow.” She moaned, and her
mouth followed his cock, trying to recapture it. Happy for once to give her exactly what
she wanted, he pushed back in, beginning a pattern of plunge and retreat leaving them
both breathless and gasping.

“Suck hard, Angel. Hollow those cheeks for me and suck harder.”
He continued to move, fucking deeper into her mouth with every thrust. When he

bumped against her throat, he groaned and rasped out, “Swallow, Angel. Swallow me

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down whole.”

He threw his head back as she followed his direction completely, the convulsive

movements of her throat squeezing and massaging his raging erection. His balls swung,
hitting her chin as the saliva in her mouth soaked his cock, mixing with his pre-cum.
Fuck, he wanted to let it go in her mouth. Reluctantly he pulled away from her mouth.
After all, he’d made her a promise.

Hopping down from the bench with a lithe movement, he shucked out of his jeans

without bothering to remove his shirt. He swiped a condom off the bed, as well a medium
sized plug. Shannon had been wearing the smaller one regularly, but now it was time to
stretch her further. He slid in behind her. The wedge pillow forced her ass up.

Rubbing the still glowing skin, he sheathed himself and looked at Matthew. “Just

look at this ass, Matt. So red and responsive. Don’t you want to fuck it? Don’t you want
to cram it so full of your cock that she’ll feel it all the way up to her throat?” Matt
groaned, his eyes flickering from Shannon’s ass to Daniel’s cock, as if he couldn’t decide
where to look. His cock bobbed gently, the head strafing his navel with every breath.

Lubing up his hand, Daniel ran his fingers along the cleft of her ass and down to her

slit. Removing the vibrator, he liberally coated her entire vaginal area with slippery lube,
working it all the way up to the puckered rose that gave the men so much pleasure. He
shoved two fingers into her cunt, scraping her g-spot, and she jerked and shrieked under
his hand. With his other hand, he placed the larger plug against her anus.

“Push back, Angel, and relax.” She followed his direction completely, and then froze

as she felt the size of the plug really start to stretch her.

“It’s only uncomfortable for a minute, baby. Just feel it stretching you, getting you

ready for us. Don’t close off, or we’ll have to start all over again.” Daniel increased the
speed and depth of his fingers moving in her channel, while pushing the plug into her tiny
hole as fast as he was able to without hurting her. Finally there was a small popping
sensation, and the flared base of the plug lodged inside of her. Daniel pushed a button on
the small remote in his hand.

“Oh, damn. Oh, God.” The vibrator buzzed into action, and Shannon’s legs spread

further, and her back arched, thrusting her luscious ass into the air and giving Dan a
perfect view of the wet lips begging for his cock.

“Tell me, Shannon, what do you want?”
“I want you,” she whispered.
“You want me to do what?” Her thighs were shuddering as he teased her entrance

with the head of his cock.

“Daniel, please. I need you to fuck me, please.”
Daniel bent down over her and bit the side of her neck. “Good girl,” he whispered,

and thrust into her pussy all the way. He rocked back, grabbing her hair and using it to
pull her head back. She cried out and creamed even more at the tugging sensation. His
other hand digging into her hip, he moved brutally in and out of her. She was moaning so
sweetly, whispering, begging for more.

“Like this, Angel?” He shoved in to his balls, pulling back sharply, and then repeated

the movement.

“You like it rough, don’t you?” It wasn’t a question. Daniel had his answer with each

choked moan and every flutter of her grasping vagina around his pistoning cock.

He claimed her body as his, and through the haze of his own lust he had the odd

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thought that she wasn’t going anywhere in a hurry by the time he was through with her.
She’d be lucky if she could even walk. So would Matt, for that matter. Mine… It echoed
again through his mind. His heart. His dark soul.

Daniel was long past the point of holding anything back. The feeling of her wrapped

so tightly around him, her loud purrs of delight, the sound of his cock sinking into her
wet cunt all filled his senses. He decided that was his favorite sound in the whole world:
His cock pushing, moving, sliding in and out of loving flesh.

He increased the speed of the vibrating plug in her ass, the shimmying toy massaging

his cock through the thin veil of skin that separated them. He let go of her hair and placed
his hands on either side of her, bracing himself over her shuddering body. He pumped
even harder into her, and her purrs became outright howls.

Daniel looked over at Matthew and found the other man avidly watching them. Eyes

the color of a mystic fire sapphire pierced him. The intensity of his look drove Daniel
over the cliff.

“Come now, Angel. Cream all over my cock.” Daniel’s command was guttural as his

semen blasted out of him and into the end of the condom. His release seemed to last for
hours as he jerked into her embracing, grasping heat. Finally, he collapsed against
Shannon’s back, lying there catching his breath.

He wasn’t done by a long shot. Not tonight. His cock was still half erect. It wouldn’t

take much more than a few minutes before he would be hard and ready for action again.

He pulled up and out of Shannon, discarding the condom. He walked to the half-bath

and returned with a warm, soothing washcloth.

He untied each of Shannon’s restraints, rubbing each wrist and ankle until only faint

pink marks remained to show where she’d been bound. He slid the vibrator free from her
delectable ass, moved the wedge out of the way, and laid the warm cloth to her red, raw
looking pussy lips. She sighed as the heat transferred into her skin, relaxing her.

Grabbing a third tube of liquid, this time clear, Daniel spread her thighs. With one

hand he opened her labia, finding her inner skin was red and pulsating. He squeezed out
the cooling gel. Unlike the pink fluid, its purpose was not to stimulate. Instead, it would
ease any soreness as well as keep her moist.

She moaned in pleasure and relief as the coolness spread throughout her well-used

lower body. He moved up the table, releasing each nipple from its clamp. Licking them
slowly, suckling them gently, he soothed the angry red tips before spreading the cooling
gel generously over them, too.

“Come here, Angel. I want you to lie down and rest while I fuck Matty.” He led her

to the bed and relief showed in her face. She was going to get a much-needed break.
Daniel hid his smile. He had ridden her hard, but the orgasm they shared was worth every

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Chapter 17

Stepping over to Matt, he unhooked his hands, opened the cuffs. Placing a hand on

his shoulder Daniel nudged him to his knees. Making sure Shannon had a ringside seat,
he pulled the younger man’s hair, bringing his mouth to his dick. Matthew needed no
further encouragement and sucked Daniel’s cock deep into his throat, working it until it
was hard again. His mouth was so different from Shannon’s. Matthew knew from
experience how hard to make his lips and tongue to elicit the greatest amount of pleasure.

Matthew’s mouth was greedy, and his hands wrapped around Daniel’s rock-hard ass.

Over and over he took Daniel’s cock deep into his throat, so deep it disappeared from
view. Daniel tugged Matt’s hair again and his mouth left his shaft, maneuvering to lick
his balls.

Matthew licked his way from front to back, and then stopped to nuzzle Daniel’s sac

before pulling one teste into his mouth. He sucked hard enough to cause Daniel to rise on
the balls of his feet as the pleasure/pain shot through him. Matthew repeated the same
action on the other side, then worked his way back to the shaft.

Daniel watched his lover devour him whole, tighten his mouth around his girth and

drag his teeth underneath the head of his cock. He could hear Shannon’s breath, fast and
hard, and he grimaced a tight smile. She couldn’t hide what the sight of her men fucking
each other did to her, and her arousal was gasoline to his own flaming need. Too close to
coming, Daniel pushed Matt off of him.

With a guiding tug on his hair, Matthew stood up. Daniel rested his hands on his

sides and leaned forward to bite his bottom lip again.

“Bend over the bench. I want Shannon to watch me take you, Matty.” Matthew put

himself in place. Shannon lay near the end of the bed, watching the interaction between
the men, and when Matt met her eyes, a flare of electric emotion seemed to jump between

Condom in place, Daniel quickly readied Matt’s body to take him, pressing lube

roughly into the younger man’s tight hole. He leaned forward and whispered in Matt’s
ear so only he could hear, “I won’t be easy on you Matty. I fucking want you that bad.
Tell me, can you take it?”

“What are you waiting for?” Matthew replied, his voice heavy with lust and

something else Daniel chose to ignore. “I can take anything you’ve got to give me,” he
added in a tone far more confident and in control than Daniel would have liked. “Can you
say the same thing?”

Determined to shut him up, Daniel spread his cheeks, pushing the head on his cock

against Matthew’s ass, going slow just long enough to delve through the tight ring of
muscles. Not allowing Matt time to adjust, he plowed forward. Both men fell against the
bench with grunts of arousal. Daniel straightened, pulling Matt back against him.

Spreading one hand over his abdomen, with the other he grasped Matt’s cock. He

shoved in hard and fast, pumping his hand in time to his thrusts. Matt’s tight hole sucked
his dick deeper, strangling it within its tight confines. Daniel pumped Matthew’s cock
with a rough touch. He held nothing back tonight, first giving all he had to Shannon, now
again to Matt.

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Every burning moment he’d spent with them flowed through him as he fucked Matt.
Removing his hand from Matt’s shaft he growled, “Stroke yourself, Matt.” Matt

grabbed his own cock and pulled. Daniel increased his force and his pace, and they both
grunted with the strain. The ability to form coherent speech was long gone. There was
nothing left but the slap of wet flesh against even wetter flesh, and moans, low and deep.
The orgasm grabbed Daniel, hardening him even further. He pulled Matt ass cheeks even
farther apart.

“Fuck, fuck, I’m coming, Matt. Come with me, Matty.” His voice cracked as his

orgasm tore from his body, a harsher one than he’d ever known.

He pushed himself off of Matt with a groan. Removing the evidence of his orgasm,

he collapsed on the bed, sweat tricking down his chest, his back. Matt landed on the other
side of Shannon, and the three of them lay quietly, struggling for breath.

After a while Matt started laughing.
“Holy shit, that was fucking incredible.” He grabbed Shannon’s hand and kissed it.

By this time Daniel was propped up on his elbow, a sly smile on his face.

“Who said we were through?”

* * * *

Shannon actually looked afraid when Daniel made his intentions clear. He ran his

hand down her face and neck, slowly rubbing her collarbone. He left the bed, only to
return seconds later with the pink and blue tubes.

“Open for me, Angel.” Not a request but hot demand. His dick had rested enough

and now it wanted more. She parted her legs, but only slightly. Still, it was enough for
him to apply the female enhancement to her still-swollen pussy. Her knees knocked
together before Daniel could blow.

“Hold her open for me.” Bending down he exhaled gently, sending Shannon into

delirium. “Suck her nipple, Matt. Baby’s sore there.” Each man took a supple tip into his
mouth. Daniel watched Matthew carefully. The younger man was so much gentler. As he
laved her areola, Daniel bit down, causing her to arch up. The contrast between the rough
and soft treatment each nipple was receiving was obvious. Daniel saw conflicting
emotions passing over her face, wonder, arousal, total surrender. He nuzzled her neck,
placing love bites along her shoulder.

“Touch Matty, Angel. I want him hard. Use this.” He gave Shannon the blue gel. She

obeyed eagerly.

Daniel deliberately hadn’t allowed Matt and Shannon to touch until now. Both of

their hands were shaking as Matt’s finger prodded Shannon’s slit and her hand wrapped
tightly around his engorged cock.

Daniel rose over Shannon, licking his way across her belly, taking Matt’s hand away

from her cunt and pulling it to his mouth. He sucked her cream from Matt’s long fingers,
savoring the taste, honey and salt. The other man’s eyes hooded, watched the slow
suckling motion of Daniel’s mouth. He licked his lips, and Daniel rewarded him by
releasing his finger and pushing his tongue into Matt’s mouth, sharing Shannon’s honey.
Daniel’s cock jumped when he heard Shannon’s soft whimper.

On his knees, Daniel stared down at his lovers for a moment, never meeting their

eyes but appraising their thoroughly loved bodies, the small beads of sweat, thighs wet
with evidence of their arousal.

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“Matthew, on your back. Shannon, on your knees.” Daniel reached behind him and

gave her two foil packets. She opened them and rolled the condoms on slowly, taking
care to stroke every ridged, throbbing inch.

“Wicked,” Daniel said, grabbing the back of her hair and slamming his mouth down

on hers in a bruising kiss.

Pulling back, he instructed Matt to grab onto the head rail on the bed. “If you move

those hands away, everything stops.” He pushed his finger into Shannon to test her
readiness. He blew down on Matthew’s cock, so the younger man squeezed the rail, hard.

“Mount him, Angel, but don’t you fuck him until I tell you to move.” He helped

Shannon straddle Matthew, and grabbed the base of Matt’s dick, guiding it into her slit.
Her hands slid up his chest as she took him completely into her.

Daniel pressed his chest to her back. “Lean forward,” he breathed into her neck. As

her body opened up, he placed his cock at her slick back entrance. Nice and easy, he
entered her slowly. Inch by inch, taking his sweet time. Matt and Shannon exhaled deeply
together as they both felt Daniel’s shaft sliding against wet pussy and hard cock.

He wrapped his arms around Shannon’s torso, pulling her against him. Over her

shoulder he watched in fascination as Matt’s eyes clouded over. He maneuvered his way
inside. The fit was so fucking tight. Sharing such intimate space with Matthew was
almost too much. Feeling his emotions begin to boil over, Daniel planted his mouth on
the nape of Shannon’s damp neck, burrowing into her damp hair so they couldn’t see his
face. Control dammit, he cursed to himself. Remember Daniel, control.

Pulling himself together, he pumped short and shallow as Shannon rose and fell on

Matt’s dick. They set up a steady rhythm that stole his mind, until Daniel grabbed
Shannon’s tits and dragged her to a stop.

“Don’t fucking move, either one of you.” His voice sounded almost venom-filled as

his control stretched to the limit. Finally it shattered. He thrust fast, hard and furious into
Shannon, rasping over Matt’s cock just as abrasively, all three of them moaning,
swearing, going crazy with the friction of Daniel’s movements.

Shannon was the first to tremble. “Daniel, please, I need to come.” Daniel rubbed her

clit with the tip of his finger. “Yes, Angel,” he whispered in her ear. His other hand held
her body tight as she threw herself back against his chest, tears streaking from her
beautiful brown eyes.

Her body softened, and the men sank even deeper into her heat. This pushed both

men to the limit.

“Now, Matty!” Daniel’s shout rang out in unison with Matt’s orgasmic growl as they

each filled Shannon up. The sensation of Matt’s cock jerking against his, with only the
thin tissue of Shannon’s body separating them dragged Daniel’s orgasm on and on. He
knew he was done for the night. This orgasm had been longer, deeper, and had drained
him of every bit of emotion, energy, and seed.

Daniel pulled out, finally sated. He would be no use to anyone tomorrow. He

certainly never recalled a time when he had come so hard, so many times. In his quest to
give Matt and Shannon the most intense sexual experience of their lives, he’d managed to
completely devastate himself.

As he fell to the bed, it was Matthew this time that rose, disposing of both men’s

protection and returning with warm, wet clothes. It was a comforting ritual, and Daniel
felt a twinge when he realized he was the one who’d taught it to Matthew.

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Both of Daniel’s arms drifted across the pillows, gathering them against him,

Shannon on one side, Matt on the other. Wrapping their arms around his torso, they each
tangled their legs with his, throwing their limbs over each of his thighs. It felt too damn
good, and he was too exhausted to question the closeness, the intimacy of holding each
other after sex. His eyes drifted shut as his lovers’ breaths caressed his body.

* * * *

He woke with a heaviness across his entire chest. Looking down he recognized two

heads. When he extracted himself from their embrace, neither woke. Daniel slowly stood,
his body revolting against the transition from warm bed to chilly room. He watched Matt
and Shannon, their long hair tousled, covering their faces. He should wake them; send for
a car to take them home. Against his better judgment, he decided not to. They needed the
uninterrupted sleep.

Picking up his jeans and shirt from the floor, he went upstairs. There was no way

he’d sleep with his sticky, aching body, so he climbed into a hot shower. His cock got
stiff, something he would have said was impossible a mere hour ago, as the memories of
their evening flashed in Technicolor through his mind.

He grasped his rigid length and made short work of jacking off, coming yet again.

Fuck! He slapped his hands against the wall, his head resting on the cool shower tile. He
stood there until the water ran cold, trying hard to drown the warmth Shannon and Matt
left growing in him. He refused to listen to his heart or his brain: they were at war, and he
was too damned tired to sort through this shit.

Stepping into his room, he went straight for the scotch. Pouring a glass full, he saw

his stark reflection in the mirror, his glass in hand, poised at his lips… That’s my boy.
Drink them away. That’s how I forgot your, mom. Drink up boy.

Daniel let the glass fall to the floor, the amber liquid soaking into the thick carpeting.

Turning away, he crept into his bed alone.

* * * *

Bright sunlight filtered into Daniel’s room, shining directly on his face. He squinted

as he rolled over to look at the clock. Eleven. Daniel couldn’t recall the last time he’d
slept so late.

He sat up and stretched his arms, his neck full of knots. Last night’s exertion had left

a satisfying ache running through his body. Throwing back the comforter he spied a small
handwritten note next to him. He smiled as he read what could only be Shannon’s
looping script. Hey sleepyhead, breakfast is in the oven.

He knew Matt hadn’t written it, the young man didn’t dot his I’s with little hearts.

Daniel threw on a pair of low-slung jeans and a silk shirt.

Entering the kitchen he smelled the mouthwatering aroma of bacon and eggs. His

stomach growled its approval.

Sitting at the table, he began eating with gusto. Shannon was a fabulous cook. He

decided he was going to have to increase the amount of time he spent at the gym if she
kept feeding him like this.

Laughter, both male and female floated through the window. Daniel froze as he

realized his lovers had not gone home. He’d expected them to be long gone. They always

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left him in the wee hours, presumably to go home and cuddle away the early morning. He
carefully placed his dishes in the dishwasher. Slipping on shoes, he stopped long enough
at the mirror to finger comb his hair into its customary messy elegance.

He stepped outside and followed the laughter around to the side of his house. There,

flinging soap at each other, were Shannon and Matt. Washing his Jag. He winced as he
imagined little scratches and dings from their silly antics.

He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “What do you two think your doing with

my very expensive, custom-built piece of driving performance?” The hose dropped and
Shannon and Matt looked like two kids caught raiding the cookie jar. Daniel tried his best
to look pissed but at their anxious, guilty expressions he started laughing.

“The looks on your faces… Man that’s priceless.”
Shannon reached down into the bucket and scooped up a soapy sponge, whipping it

expertly through the air, hitting Daniel squarely in the chest.

Daniel’s eyes narrowed in outrage. She placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes

widening in horror as she realized he was wearing one of his expensive silk shirts.

Daniel feigned anger, and advanced threateningly on her.
“You seem to have a bad habit of throwing things at me, Angel.” Matt laughed at

them, eyes sparking almost as blue as Daniel’s as he leaned back against the gleaming
car. Rushing her in a sudden movement, Daniel wrapped his arms around Shannon,
smacking her firmly on the ass before maneuvering her backwards into Matt’s arms.

He raised his eyebrows to Matt in a silent challenge. Matt’s arms came around

Shannon, locking her to his chest. Daniel bent down and picked up the hose. Shannon
shook her head at the look of wicked glee on Daniel’s face.

“You’re a bad girl, Angel, a very bad girl indeed.”
She was still wearing his dress shirt, and Daniel placed the hose up underneath it,

spraying it full blast. She shrieked with laughter and struggled in Matthew’s arms as the
shirt instantly became transparent and plastered against her skin. Her nipples went taut
from the cold and burgeoning arousal.

He placed his knee between her thighs, rubbing her clit through her tiny panties. He

kissed her hungrily, exploring her lovely mouth, sipping water from her lips. One hand
slid behind her to rest on Matt’s shoulder, squeezing it. He drew his mouth from
Shannon’s and leaned over her shoulder, placing his mouth on Matthew’s chin. As Matt
ducked his head to capture Daniel’s lips with his own, Shannon let out a scream. Matt fell
back against the car laughing as he watched Daniel place the hose against Shannon’s
pussy and turn it on.

* * * *

At first Daniel couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong when he walked through his door.

It took a moment of standing, listening to the silence, to realize what was missing.

She wasn’t in the kitchen singing bad eighties music. She hadn’t run to plaster

herself in his arms, completely sure of her welcome. There were no savory smells wafting
through the house. It felt … empty.

Daniel flashed back to his childhood. Was this how his father had felt every time his

mother took up with another man? His knee-jerk reaction was to pour a drink and dig out
his black book. If Shannon wanted something more than him, well, he’d have a little

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something more himself.

He was halfway across the room when sanity returned. Shannon was not his mother,

and he was not in love with her, so it wouldn’t matter if she was. But she wasn’t, and her
absence could only mean something ominous. Walking through the house, looking for
any sign she’d been there, he yanked out his cell phone and hit speed dial.

“Yo,” Matt’s cheerful voice filled Daniel with more relief than he cared to


“You and Shannon aren’t coming over tonight?” The question came out a little more

ragged than he’d intended, and Daniel desperately tried to smooth out his voice before
Matthew realized the depths of his upset.

“We aren’t?” Matt sounded confused, and Daniel felt his worry escalate.
“I assumed not. Shannon isn’t here, and by now she’s usually got my kitchen in an

uproar, and is assaulting some poor defenseless oldie.”

“Daniel, when she left for school this morning, the plan was for us to meet at your

place tonight. That’s where I was headed when I get out of here.” Matt now sounded as
worried as Daniel felt, but somehow that was no comfort.

“Okay,” Matt continued, “you call her condo and I’ll call mine. Hopefully she’s in

one of those places.” He made a low, impatient noise. “If she’d just agree to carry a damn
cell phone, we wouldn’t be in this situation!”

The two men quickly ended their call, in perfect agreement about Shannon’s

stubborn refusal to carry a phone even though they’d bought her one that was pretty,
pink, and had more bells and whistles than a carnival. Daniel quickly dialed Shannon’s
condo, only to hang up in frustration as the voice mail picked up.

Feeling more helpless than he had since he was a child, he sat staring at the phone,

willing it to ring.


Matthew sat at his brand new desk in his brand new office and gave the phone a

worried look. Daniel had sounded almost … concerned. And that just ramped up Matt’s
anxiety. He quickly dialed his home number, almost wilting with relief when Shannon

“What are you doing there, babe?” He didn’t wait for her to answer before going on.

“Daniel’s ready to call out the cavalry, and I thought we were meeting at his house
tonight anyway.”

“It isn’t really a good night for me to be all chipper.” Indeed, he didn’t think he’d

ever heard her sound so flat. “I thought it would be better for me to stay home. You
should go over there, though,” she added after a moment. “Just because I can’t make nice
doesn’t mean the two of you can’t have a good time.”

“Are you okay, babe?” Something in her voice brought all his worry back. “Do you

need me to come home now?” He looked at his watch. It was only five o’clock, but he
could take off on time for just once. He’d finally found his niche at the Worthington
Group, but Shannon was more important than business.

“No! No, I’m fine.” She most definitely did not sound fine. “You can tuck me in

when you get home from Daniel’s.” Like he was going to leave her alone while he played
naughty games without her. “I’m just tired. It’s been a shitty day.”

She hung up soon after, and Matthew immediately dialed again, this time Daniel’s


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“Well?” Daniel picked up on the first ring, his voice abrupt.
“She’s at my place. She sounds upset.” He paused a minute. “Even if I leave now,

it’ll take me a good forty-five minutes to get there. You’re a lot closer. Will you go?”


Daniel knew it was a logical question, but it still stung that Matthew even had to ask.

Of course he would go. He’d sooner cut off his own arm than leave Shannon or Matt
suffering and alone.

All he said was, “I’m on my way,” before hanging up so fast he almost missed

Matt’s demand he call him when he got to the condo.


Shannon sat alone in the dark. Sometime over the summer she’d begun to feel more

at home in Matt’s condo than she did in her own, and she needed that comfort now. She
wanted to close her eyes, but every time she did, she saw little Angelo Torres pull out the
knife, and she relived over and over again the moment when he’d started flailing wildly,
slicing at anyone within reach. She glanced down at the bandage wrapped across her
palm, and realized she’d been lucky to escape with only stitches. Sheer instinct had made
her grab the boy to disarm him. Foolish instinct. He could easily carved her up as much
as he had the little boy who shared his worktable.

She was huddled on the couch, staring at nothing when the door opened. A brief,

disinterested look at the digital clock showed it was far too soon to be Matthew. She laid
her head back against the couch and fought the rush of relief flowing through her as
Daniel’s silhouette filled the doorway. The reason she hadn’t gone to him in the first
place hadn’t changed. He wanted sexy, sassy, upbeat Shannon. Tonight that woman
didn’t exist. Tonight, she needed comfort, and she just didn’t know if Daniel had it to

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Chapter 18

Daniel stood and let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. His impulse was to

throw on the lights, find Shannon, and shake her until her teeth rattled for scaring him so
badly. Instead he waited until he could make out her little form curled up in the corner of
the sofa. Once he’d found her, he walked matter-of-factly over to scoop her into his arms
and settle her into his lap as he sat.

She burrowed into his chest like a wounded animal, and her breath shuddered out in

a low rush.

“Wanna tell me about it?” He kept his voice soft, soothing. She shook her head

violently against his chest, and he began to stroke her hair. “I’d like to know,” he urged.
“I was worried when you weren’t at the house tonight.”

She looked up at, though she didn’t meet his eyes. “I figured you’d rather not have a

weepy, sloppy woman hanging around.” He looked incredulous, which obviously
confused her just a little bit. “I should have called though,” she added softly. “I didn’t
mean to make either of you worry.”

Daniel shook his head and pressed her closer to his body. “Shannon, I want you

around whether you’re little Mary Sunshine, angry and cranky, or weepy and sloppy.
Now tell me what’s happened. Let me help.”


She figured he didn’t really mean it, but it was exactly what she’d needed to hear

from him. Slowly, and then in a rush, she described the tragedy at her school. How she’d
had no warning one of her students was unstable and had a history of violence and
carrying weapons to school. How he’d argued with the boy who shared his desk. The
knife. The blood.

The little boy he’d stabbed was going to make it, but he’d carry the scars on his face

and chest forever. She showed Daniel her own injury, and trembled at the rage filling his
eyes. As he very gently pressed his lips to her bandages he whispered, “You idiot. He
could have killed you.” He closed his eyes for a moment, laying her hand against his
cheek. “Matt wouldn’t survive losing you.” He laid a trail of soft kisses down the line of
her jaw before settling back into the couch and holding her close enough to feel his

In the safety of his arms Shannon finally let the tears come.


Daniel had no idea how to make Shannon feel better. He settled for holding her until

a better idea presented itself. Finally he asked himself what she would do for him if the
situation were reversed. Gently setting her on the cushion next to him, he headed for the

“I’ll bet you haven’t eaten since breakfast.” She gave a watery sniff and shook back

her hair. “Well, Matthew is bound to have something here I can’t ruin.” Her smile was
weak, but it was a smile and he felt a flicker of triumph.

Walking into the kitchen he gazed around at a loss before flipping his phone open

and hitting the speed dial for Matt.

“What’s wrong?” The other man’s voice was brisk and abrupt. Definitely not Matt’s

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usual greeting.

“There was some trouble at school. A kid with a knife. Get your ass home. She needs

a soft touch, and God knows she won’t get it from me.” His words were punctuated by
the banging of cupboards as he looked for something edible that didn’t require actual
cooking, and by Matt’s curses at the information he was sharing.

“Fuck. I’m on my way, but the Lodge is a fucking parking lot.” He swore viciously,

and Daniel heard a horn blast. “Take care of her, Daniel. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”


Shannon could hear Daniel’s muttering voice in the kitchen, and figured he’d called

Matthew. She could also hear the drawers and cupboard doors banging and figured she
should go out there and rescue Daniel from kitchen duty, but she just couldn’t make
herself do it. Her cry had exhausted her, and all she wanted now was to curl up and sleep
for a week. If only she could erase the grisly pictures in her mind’s eye.

She must have dozed a little, because when she opened her eyes Daniel was sitting

down next to her, balancing a bottle of wine, glasses, and a woefully over-cooked TV
dinner. Pouring the wine, he gave the food a sheepish look and said, “Well, at least you
won’t get food poisoning from it.” He poked at it with a fork. “I think.”

It coaxed a damp laugh from her, and she snuggled against his side. “It’s a relief to

know you’re not good at everything. You’re already far too perfect for my peace of
mind.” He gave a small snort and poked the loaded fork at her mouth.

“You’re obviously delusional from lack of food. Eat up.”
He spent a long time coaxing her to eat when she had no appetite, and feeding her

sips of wine until the knots in her neck and stomach began to ease. When she finally
pushed away the tray and glass, he rose and dumped everything on the coffee table.

She blinked sleepily at him as he headed for Matthew’s bedroom, and on through to

the bathroom. She closed her eyes as the water began to run, and didn’t bother to open
them when he came and lifted her effortlessly into steady arms. She stood docilely in
front of him while he undressed her. She was cried out, numb and exhausted. Too wrung
out to feel much of anything.

When he lowered her into the tub, the water covered her like a warm, safe cocoon.

Fragrant bubbles tickled her chin. She soaked in the comfort, savoring the knowledge that
Matt kept her toiletries in his bathroom. Daniel’s hands were slow and soothing as he
smoothed thick, velvety soap over her shoulders and arms.

She kept expecting him to initiate sex, but he never did. Instead he stroked shampoo

into her tangled hair, sliding his fingers through the strands until they lay like silk over
her shoulders, and then using the shampoo to lubricate his way through a deep massage
of her scalp and neck. In spite of herself, Shannon heard a low purr coming from her
throat as she lost herself in the beauty of the moment.


Matthew paused in the doorway to the bathroom and just soaked in the sight of his

lovers. Shannon lay in the tub, hair slicked back to reveal a pale face and red, swollen
eyes ringed with dark circles. Daniel sat on the edge of the tub, leaning over to cup her
head in his hands in a slow massage.

Entering the room quietly, Matt paused to light various candles scattered throughout

the room before dimming the lights and flipping on the whirlpool feature in the garden
tub. Daniel scooted over to make room for him near her head, and he knelt on the floor by

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the tub and leaned over to bury his face in her wet neck, breathing in the orange blossom
scent of her soap as she wound one hand around his pony-tail and clung for a moment.

Matthew caught sight of her bound hand, and closed his eyes against the vision of

her hurt and bleeding. Sharing a look of total understanding with Daniel, he settled down
next to the tub, holding her hand while Daniel went to work on her feet and legs with
sure, soapy fingers.


When he’d finally kneaded all the knots out of her body, Daniel pulled off his shirt

and lifted her from the tub. Together, he and Matthew began drying her with thick, fluffy
towels Matt had draped over a warming rack beside the tub. They’d cared for her in
tandem enough times now it was natural. They worked together in perfect harmony,
stroking over her skin until a warm flush replaced the shocky paleness she’d had earlier.

Once they had her dry, Matthew dropped one of his t-shirts over her head. The neck

slipped off one shoulder, and the hem came almost to her knees, and Daniel thought
she’d never looked more beautiful or desirable to him. Scooping her up against his chest,
he hugged her tight for a moment before laying her in Matt’s big bed. When he started to
stand, she gripped his hand and whispered, “Don’t go.” Looking into her shattered eyes,
he could only reply, “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”


As the two men stripped down to their boxers, Matthew couldn’t resist murmuring to

Daniel, “For someone who doesn’t have a soft touch, you seemed to be doing all right for
yourself,” and then grinning at the dry look Daniel shot in his direction.

“God,” he continued more seriously, yanking the tie from his hair, “The thought of

her hurt…” He let his words trail off, but Daniel picked up on his train of thought.

“If she’d been seriously hurt, there’d be no hole deep enough for the kid’s parents to

hide in.”

They shared a look of perfect understanding before turning to the bed where

Shannon waited.

Matthew let Daniel take the lead, watching while the older man pulled Shannon into

his body, spooning against her back protectively, and pillowing her head on his arm.
Once they were settled, Matt slid in on her other side, lying facing them, one hand
wrapped around her waist as he caressed them both. Surprisingly, Daniel slid his lower
arm across the pillows to tangle his fingers in Matthew’s loose hair. They held each
other’s eyes over Shannon’s head until her breathing evened out into the steady rhythm of
sleep. Only then did the men allow themselves to drift off as well.


Daniel woke as Shannon slipped from the foot of the bed, obviously taking care not

to disturb him or Matthew. At first he thought she just needed to visit the bathroom, but
when she didn’t return, he realized there was something more to her absence.

Giving Matt a rough nudge in the shoulder, Daniel slid from the bed. Matt blinked a

couple of times, and then focused on the sliver of yellow light bleeding under the
bathroom door. When he moved to get up, Daniel shook his head and said, “I’ll go,”
before padding to the closed door.

She stood in front of the sink, hands braced on the marble counter, head bowed and

eyes closed. She wasn’t crying, but she looked like she wanted to. When she lifted her
head and met his eyes in the mirror, the stark grief in her eyes pierced him to the core.

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“Hey,” he turned her to face him, pulling her close. “It’s okay for now. You’re safe;

the little boy is being cared for. Hell, both boys are being cared for.” He dipped his head
and kissed her lightly on the nose. “Tomorrow’s soon enough to deal with everything.”

She nuzzled her face into the hollow between his pectoral muscles. Taking a deep

breath she whispered, “You always smell so good.” He smiled as her lips ruffled his chest
hair, and cupped her head to hold her closer. “And you’re such a good cuddler,” she
added, rubbing her cheek over his skin. “Who knew you’d be such a talented cuddler?”

“We’ve cuddled before,” he argued, but she shook her head, brushing silky hair over

his sensitive nipple.

“No, Matt’s the cuddler. You hold me sometimes, but it’s always leading up to or

coming down from the big O.”

Daniel considered for a moment. Hell, she was right.
“Shit.” Her laughter chuffed over his chest. “Well, would it ruin the moment if I

kissed you while we cuddled?”

Her smile was small, but held a measure of its usual warmth when she tipped her

head back to meet his eyes.

“Not at all.” She brushed her lips over his bristly chin. “In fact,” she rubbed the front

of her all over the front of him and smiled at the predictable reaction, “I think I might be
done cuddling for now.”


She’d been prepared for his passion. She was used to that. So, the slow, dreamy kiss

took her by surprise. He sampled her lips like they were a rare wine, tasting and savoring
her, before drinking her down.

His hands moved languorously over her back, heating her flesh through Matt’s thin

shirt. As her hands crept up his chest to twine around his neck, his wandering hands slid
beneath the hem of the shirt to cup her buttocks in firm hands.

She sighed into his mouth, flicking her tongue along his bottom lip in a lazy quest for

more. He responded quickly, sliding his own tongue along hers in a tingling rush. Purring
in satisfaction, she sucked delicately, scraping her nails through the rough satin of his hair
when he grunted and his cock bobbed against her belly.

“Woman,” he growled, sweeping her into his arms, “you’re hell on my self-control.”

But he didn’t sound upset about it.

Matthew was sitting up in bed when Daniel carried her back into the room. Laying

her down in the middle of the vast mattress he commented, “She doesn’t want to cuddle
any more.” Matt offered a sly smile, and leaned back with his arms crossed behind his

“Then have at her, man.” He winked at Shannon before turning back to Daniel. “You

are the boss, after all.”

Daniel pulled the pillow from beneath Shannon’s head and used it to whack Matthew

before folding it up to prop her hips. Once the pillow was in place, he carefully arranged
her legs to provide the maximum view, before pressing his lips to her ankle.

“You know you can come to me,” he met her eyes, and then Matthew’s. “Anytime.

For anything.” She nodded solemnly, and Matt looked shaken. As a reward, Daniel
dragged his tongue up her leg to press soft kisses against the side of her knee.

“You will never leave me waiting, wondering if you’re okay, again.” This time his

look was all for her, and when she nodded again, he slid her leg over his shoulder and

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began to string sharp, sucking kisses up her inner thigh.

“You will trust me to take care of you,” he murmured the words against her inner

thigh, but his eyes burned over Matthew, as well. When her small hand fisted in his hair,
he drew back until she nodded again. Not satisfied, he commanded, “Answer out loud.”

Her voice was soft and shaky when she did. “I trust you, Daniel.”
Her words freed him, and without further hesitation he buried his mouth in her ripe,

juicy pussy.


“God, I love how you taste,” his voice had more of her honey flowing, and Matt’s

low groan of appreciation only heightened her arousal.

Daniel had wedged both shoulders beneath her thighs, now, opening her up for his

foraging mouth. He turned his face slowly from side to side, rubbing his cheeks over her
inner thighs, as he stroked his tongue over her soaked folds. Sliding one finger into her
grasping sheath, he sucked at her clit while probing for the soft swell inside she knew
would blow the top off her head with one stroke.

When he found it, she arched into his mouth with a whimper, shaking in his hands

like a leaf in the wind. As her shudders eased, he continued to lick slowly at her slick
flesh, dipping his tongue into her fluttering opening as she sighed, relaxing back into the

Daniel finally lifted his mouth, swiping his cheeks over her abdomen to clear her

juices from his face. Somehow the action was so sexy it had her arching again into his

With a jerk of his head, Daniel tossed the hair from his eyes and beckoned Matthew

to join him, and Matt eagerly complied. Crawling across the bed, he bent his head to lick
at the damp streak Daniel had left on her belly, and she shivered in reaction. Then,
dragging his tongue up Daniel’s back along the way, he homed in on her aching breasts.

The sight of Daniel, arching into Matthew’s caress, and the slow rasp of Matthew’s

tongue over her straining nipple, plunged Shannon back into a maelstrom of desire.
Daniel reached to capture her lips, and she could taste herself on his mouth, spicy and
exotic. Matthew laved her nipples, drawing the velvety peaks to agonizing hardness, and
Shannon abandoned herself to the sensations.

Daniel moved back, leaving Matthew an open field to play in. Matt took full

advantage, lapping at her nipples one after the other before sucking them into his mouth,
nibbling with teeth just on the right side of pain.

She lost track of who was touching what, she only knew that every inch of her body

was being cherished by strong male hands. Hard fingers pulled at her nipples, and her
eyes flew open in reaction. She was just in time to catch sight of Daniel as he caught
Matthew’s loose hair in his fist, turning his head until their lips met in a kiss so hot she
got a contact buzz just watching.

Daniel slid up next to Matthew, and she moaned at the sight of their heads, one so

dark and one so fair, bending to her breasts. Hot mouths enveloped her nipples
simultaneously, sending her arching wildly off the bed.

When they pulled away, Daniel turned her gently onto her stomach, and she tensed,

waiting for the sting of his open palm on her quivering ass. The sting never came.
Instead, warm male tongues traced intricate patterns over both cheeks before licking like
flames up either side of her spine. She gasped and arched into the touches, reaching out

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blindly to do some touching of her own, but Daniel caged her hands.

“This is for you,” his lips vibrated against the knot of nerves at the base of her neck,

and she shivered.

“Just let us take care of you,” Matthew added, licking over the super-sensitive skin at

the back of her knee.

“Then kiss me,” she didn’t recognize her own voice. It was raw with tears and with

sensual desperation. Her men didn’t let her down. Drawing her to her knees, Daniel took
her lips in a long, eating kiss before moving aside so Matthew could do the same. She
knelt, caught between the two men, as they took turns ravishing her mouth, drinking her
in and filling her with their flavors until her head spun with it.

With one hand she reached down and around, clutching at the back of Matthew’s

thigh and tugging him closer against her body. The other hand snaked around Daniel’s
neck to tangle in his hair, holding his lips to hers until they both gasped for breath.

“Will you do whatever I ask?” She knew he would, they both would, and she had

every intention of taking full advantage. When Daniel rumbled his assent against her
neck, and Matthew murmured it into the soft skin between her shoulder blades, she
couldn’t suppress a feline smile.

“I want to touch you,” she breathed into Daniel’s ear. Tipping her head back against

Matthew’s shoulder she added, “But first, I want to watch you touch each other.” She
could tell her guys liked the idea by the way their cocks jerked against her in perfect
unison. Wriggling from between them, she knelt facing them. And they knelt facing each

The sight of them, face-to-face and so excruciatingly beautiful, undid her. Her pussy

was streaming, her eyes stinging, and her heart filled with such love and lust she couldn’t
contain it.

Daniel sent her a questioning look, as if to ask if she had any preferences, but she

could only shake her head.

“Just touch him, Daniel. Show me how much you want him.”

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Chapter 19

Matthew watched Daniel search Shannon’s eyes before the other man turned back to

him. This was supposed to be all about her pleasure, but the little minx had flipped the
script on them. Not that Matthew had any complaints. He loved Daniel’s hands on him
every bit as much as he loved Shannon’s. And he got to feel them a hell of a lot less
frequently, as Daniel usually kept his hands to himself, directing Shannon as she touched

“The lady wants a show,” Daniel rasped, and Matthew chuckled darkly in reply.
“Then let’s give her one. Tonight’s about pleasing her, isn’t it?”
As he spoke, Daniel moved in, tugging off Matt’s boxers, leaning in to his body

without ever quite touching him. Slowly Daniel moved around behind him, finally
making contact as he drew his tongue up the straining tendon along the side of Matthew’s
neck as he pulled at his own boxer-briefs.

Matthew shifted and felt his cock shoot even harder as Daniel’s bobbing prick

brushed over his ass. Instinctively he widened his stance, unconsciously making room,
inviting Daniel in. Daniel, his mouth still stroking Matthew’s neck, reached down to cup
Matthew’s buttocks. He seemed to savor the hard, round globes, squeezing and kneading,
before pulling the cheeks apart in a luxurious stretch Matt felt all the way to his balls.

Shannon’s eyes met his, and Matt let himself sink into their brown velvet depths as

he felt Daniel’s cock, bare and burning, stroke along the crack of his ass. Without ever
penetrating, Daniel prodded the dark star of his anus, sending little lightning bolts of
pleasure through him. His eyes slitted, but he wouldn’t let them close entirely. He didn’t
want to lose the connection with Shannon. Her enjoyment of Daniel’s caresses was
almost as intense as his own.

Aching for release, he grasped his dick in one hand, smoothing drops of pre-cum

over the bulging head. Daniel’s hand covered his, stopping his rough caress.

“Oh, no.” His voice was darkness and fire. “That’s mine.” Matt felt his breath over

the back of his neck and feared he would come from that alone. “She said so,” Daniel
added, smoothing his hand over Matthew’s stomach, pausing to tug at the thicket of hair
that had finally regrown to surround his cock.

“If it’s yours,” his voice was a tight gasp, and Matthew didn’t even care, “then use it

or lose it.”

Daniel chuckled against his neck before sliding his hand down to cup Matthew’s

balls. “Oh, I’ll use it. Don’t you worry about that.” His diabolical fingers quested behind
Matt’s scrotum, finding the very root of his penis and stroking at the ridge of flesh. Matt
jerked in response, and Shannon jerked too.

Before Matthew’s glazing eyes, she began to move. As he watched, helpless in the

thrall of Shannon’s needs and Daniel’s wants, she cupped her own breasts, tweaking the
nipples with far more force than he would have expected. Licking her index fingers, she
manipulated the puckered flesh, shimmying her hips in time to her tugging.

As Daniel surrounded his balls with one hand, and grasped his cock with the other,

Matthew watched, entranced as Shannon slid one of her hands down to toy with the short,
sparse curls between her legs.

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Like Matthew, she’d let her pubic hair grow back in, creating an intriguing veil over

her pussy, but she’d made frequent use of Daniel’s magic cream along the lips of her
vagina, leaving them plump and bare, ripe for the licking. Now her fingers slid over those
bare, slippery folds in perfect time with Daniel’s pulls on his cock. Matt felt his eyes
rolling back in his head, and he struggled to hold back his orgasm. As badly as he wanted
to come, he wanted to feel her around him, and to feel Daniel in him when it happened.


Matt pulled away, and it was probably a good thing because Daniel thought in

another minute he’d have shot his load all over his back. The other man flopped across
the bed on his back, one hand banded brutally around the base of his cock, obviously
struggling to hold back his own orgasm.

With Matthew out of commission, Daniel turned to Shannon. She knelt before him,

one arm crooked behind her head and the other buried between her legs. The sight was
more than he could resist, and he shot Matthew a pained look.

“Condoms?” He bit the word out, and then lunged for the dresser Matt indicated with

a flip of his hand.

Holding Shannon’s eyes, Daniel rolled the protective sheath over his cock. His only

thought now was to be inside her. She willingly let him guide her down to her back, and
obligingly draped her legs over his thighs when he knelt between them. When he dragged
her up the incline of his legs, impaling her on his waiting cock along the way, she
hummed her pleasure and wriggled, taking him even deeper.

Once he was fully seated, he held still for a moment, savoring the feel of her rippling

around him.

Then he began to move.
It was odd, making love to her while looking into her eyes. She was totally open to

him, and he could only marvel at her willingness to expose her every thought and feeling
to him. He tried to keep his own gaze shuttered, unwilling to show her his soul even as he
wallowed in the beauty of hers.

With each driving thrust, Shannon writhed in his arms, but she didn’t go over. Her

reticence drove him to new heights, stroking and probing, dragging the top of his shaft
over her swelling clit with every thrust, but she still didn’t come.

“You need something more,” he guessed, delving into her eyes the same way he was

delving into her body. “Tell me what you need to make you come.”

She panted at his words and reached up to clutch at her own breasts. The sight was

breathtaking, but he wouldn’t let her distract him.

“What can I give you Angel?” he demanded. “Tell me.”
So she did.
“Let Matthew take you,” she paused to shudder through his involuntary jerk, and

then repeated, “Let Matthew take you while you take me. I want us all to be together. I
need you both so much tonight.”

Daniel felt a tremor of unease tiptoe up his spine—he’d never been taken anally,

though he’d done his share of taking. But she was looking at him like she expected him to
deny her, and he just couldn’t do that to her. Not tonight.

Drawing her up so she straddled his thighs, still buried in her welcoming heat as far

as he could go, he pressed an almost chaste kiss to her lips.

“You’re sure you don’t want him to take you? To fill you up at the same time I do?”

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He didn’t hold out much hope she’d change her mind, and she didn’t disappoint him.

“If you want to give me my fantasy,” she met his eyes hopefully, “you’ll let me feel

you come while he’s inside you.”

The mental picture almost had him coming then and there. Taking a deep breath and

praying for control, he turned to look at Matt, who was watching them intently, one hand
still banded around his cock.

“Got any lube, Matty?” At his words Matthew flashed his infectious grin, and rolled

over to reach into a drawer. Daniel gave the other man’s ass a wistful look before
lowering Shannon to the bed.

He could hear Matt behind him, rolling on the condom and slicking lube along his

formidable length, as he wedged his knees firmly under Shannon’s thighs. Digging his
cock as deep into her pulsing sheath as he could, Daniel leaned forward, opening his legs
and exposing himself to Matthew’s probing fingers.

The lube was cool and slick, but Matt’s fingers were hot and rough as he worked the

slippery jelly into Daniel’s anus. Daniel felt his flesh resisting, Matt’s fingers slipping
and sliding, first one, then two, and then the rush of relaxation as his body took what it
wanted, drawing Matt’s fingers deep into his tight opening.


Matt took a long time preparing Daniel. He’d been fantasizing about this for so long,

he was determined to make it perfect. So perfect Daniel wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.
He knew he owed Shannon a big thank you. Somehow she’d known how much he’d
craved this, and she’d given it to him, the perfect gift.

After generously coating his cock with lube, he fitted the swollen head against

Daniel’s anal star. The other man shifted, and Shannon let out a groan as his cock stirred
in her seething pussy, and to the music of her moans, Matt took Daniel for the first time.

“Fuck,” the word was torn from him. Nothing had ever been so tight, so hot. Daniel

tensed against him, causing his anus to grip Matt’s dick almost painfully. Taking the hint,
Matt eased up, stopped pressing inward, and let Daniel adjust. Soon enough the other
man was shifting into him, pressing his cock deeper, then pulling off it as he made short
little thrusts into Shannon’s welcoming warmth.

Shannon caught Matthew’s eyes over Daniel’s heaving shoulder. “Make love to us.”

Her voice was smoky and low, and Matthew had no desire to resist. He powered into
Daniel’s softening asshole, pressing him deeper into Shannon’s cunt, and all three of
them moaned at the penetration.


Daniel had had his ass messed with before, but nothing had prepared him for

Matthew’s invasion. Fuck. So this was what kept the other man coming back for more.
This agonizing pleasure. This excruciating thrill.

It didn’t take Matthew long to establish a rhythm that had Daniel moving in

instinctive counterpoint. Each time he pulled out of Shannon, Matthew filled him to
overflowing. Each time he pressed in, Matt’s cock dragged over the sensitive tissues of
his hole, pulling out until only the very head of his cock rasped over the nerve-rich
opening of his anus.

Shannon held his eyes the whole time. She clutched at his forearms where they were

braced next to her hips, and rose into his thrusts, straining for her orgasm. When his
strokes grew choppy and lost their rhythm, which happened far sooner than he wanted,

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she pulled his hand to her pussy, placing his fingers over her clit in a frantic hint.

Holding her eyes with his own, he stroked rapidly, determined to feel her convulse

around him before his own pleasure robbed him of his sanity. When she did, the visual
was amazing. Her body arched, breasts swaying. Her pussy swelled, flushing even redder
around his pounding cock. But what really blew him away were her eyes.

As her orgasm took her, her eyes never left his, and they were filled with such love,

if he’d had a heart, it would have broken then and there. As it was, as she fell silent
beneath him, he felt a strange ache in his chest.

Aches and emotions were quickly pushed aside, though, when Matt’s probing cock

hit just the right spot to send him through the roof. Once he’d found it, Matt continued
relentlessly strafing his bulging cockhead over Daniel’s prostate until Daniel’s low growl
escalated into a shout of release and his cock spewed strongly, jerking into Shannon’s
still twitching sheath and sparking another, tiny orgasm, dragging a low moan from her.

As his muscular hole clamped down on Matt’s cock, Daniel gasped in desperation,

“Fuck it, Matty. Fucking come!”

Matt clamped his teeth into Daniel’s shoulder, and with a growl of his own began to

jerk against Daniel’s back. Matt’s ejaculation seemed to last for hours, and each jerk
pulled an answering throb from Daniel’s own dick. And each of his throbs drew a ripple
from Shannon’s pussy. It was a never-ending cycle of sex and orgasm, and Daniel
thought they all might never stop coming.

Finally, Matt slumped over his back, and Daniel managed just enough strength to

direct them to Shannon’s side before collapsing to the bed.

He felt raw and shaken, and suddenly very, very vulnerable. Shannon, ever the

caretaker, seemed to sense his turmoil. Turning on her side to face him, she cupped his
cheeks in both hands and kissed him gently.

“Thank you,” she whispered against his lips. “I don’t think I’ll dream any more


With the last of his strength, Daniel pulled her closer and, wrapped in the arms of his

lovers, he let the darkness take him.

* * * *

It was still dark the next time Daniel woke. This time Shannon was deeply asleep,

curled up next to him, clutching his hand like a lifeline. When he sat up, Matt stirred,
rubbing a hand over his face before blinking up at Daniel.

Sliding from the bed, Daniel gathered his clothing and headed for the bathroom,

unsurprised when Matthew followed him.

“I need an audience to take a piss?” Matthew didn’t acknowledge him, and Daniel

didn’t really expect him to.

“She’s going to expect you to be there when she wakes up,” was his only response.
“I don’t have any clothes here,” and damn, but was Daniel glad of that little fact. He

knew if he stayed, he’d sink into their affection until it drowned him. He’d never escape.
He’d end up like his parents, destroying the best thing that ever happened in his fucked-
up life. Hurting the two people who gave nothing but themselves over to his care.

Daniel wished he believed in the kind of happily-ever-after Matt and Shannon

deserved. They never pushed him for more than he could give, but for how long?
Eventually they would want more, demand more. In the end, no matter what happened,

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the outcome would be exactly as his father had predicted. He would be weak. Weak and

“Well, then you’d better wake her to say goodbye,” Matt cut him off before he could

protest. “Huh-uh, no way am I doing your dirty work.”

With a final, probing look, Matt returned to the bedroom, and by the time Daniel had

finished dressing, he’d curled up behind Shannon, spooning her into his body like he’d
been born to hold her.

Giving Matt a dark look, Daniel sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked his

hand over Shannon’s cheek.

“Shannon,” he kept his tone low, but his voice penetrating enough to wake her.


She murmured his name and nestled her cheek into his palm.
“Fuck,” he muttered. Then louder, “Angel, I need you to open those beautiful eyes

for me.” When her eyes finally cracked open, he let out a breath of relief. “I’ve got to go,

She blinked, confused, and asked “Is it morning already?”
He smiled soothingly and said, “Not yet, Angel.”
“Then come back to bed,” she might not be fully awake, but she definitely knew

what she wanted.

“I can’t, Angel. I’ve got no clothes here. And no way can I go into work tomorrow

wearing yesterday’s suit.”

She sighed against his hand, and he gave in to the urge to press a soft kiss to her

parted lips.

“I’ll see you tonight, Angel.” He cut his eyes to Matthew. The other man’s eyes

gleamed smoky blue in the dim light from the bathroom. “Both of you.”

“’Kay,” she mumbled, already sliding down the slippery slope of sleep.
“We’ll be there,” Matt’s voice, by contrast, was unnervingly alert.
And the look in his eyes followed Daniel all the way home, and into his cold, empty


* * * *

Time passed, and Daniel let it. Every day he fell deeper under the spell of his lovers.

Shannon’s selfless giving and Matthew’s exuberant embrace of life seemed to soothe all
the hurts of his past, leaving him in a state of cautious happiness.

He’d spent hours on the internet and on the phone, checking out employment at

schools within a fifty-mile radius. He’d be damned if he ever saw his Angel in the
position to be hurt again. When she’d caught him at it, she’d kissed him deeply and

“Baby, there will be troubled kids in any school where I teach.”
He hadn’t found her words reassuring.
He and Matthew put their heads together, working to create the perfect birthday

celebration for her. Something worthy of the sunshine she brought into their lives.
Matthew insisted he wanted to do something worthy of the woman he loved. Daniel
wasn’t ready to go there, but he agreed she deserved a night as special as she was.


Shannon sat in Daniel’s Jag, feeling like a princess. He drove like he did everything

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else, smoothly, masterfully. The sight of his strong, tanned hands on the wheel was
unbearably sexy, as was the flexing of his leg beneath her hand. He’d grasped it
immediately when he’d entered the car, pressing it firmly to his inner thigh.

The edge of her hand brushed his impressive erection, but he seemed content to

ignore the sexual tension always simmering between them. He rested his hand over hers
between shifting, and she felt a warm, gooey feeling fill her heart. Studying his perfect
profile, Shannon admitted to herself that she was as hopelessly in love with this man as
she was in love with Matthew.


Daniel toyed with Shannon’s fingers as he pulled into the parking lot at the Whitney.

The mansion, built in 1894, was stunning. Matthew had joked that one of Shannon’s
long-lost relatives must have been responsible for its existence.

Three floors of intimate gourmet dining awaited them inside. He gave his keys to the

valet and escorted Shannon in. He’d booked the entire first floor Reception Room for
Shannon’s special night. The room, which normally seated twenty, had been cleared
except for one elegant table set for three. In one corner, a jazz trio played softly.

He led her up to the third floor, into the Winter Garden bar area. She looked around

in wonder at the high vaulted ceilings and bronze light fixtures. The sunset reflected
through the Tiffany windows, casting rainbows on her golden brown hair, and he smiled
at the dazzled expression on her face. Seating her at a cozy table, Daniel ordered a bottle
of red wine for them to share until Matthew arrived.

Shannon looked beautiful. He had treated her to a day at the spa, where she was

primped and pampered all day long. Her skin, which was usually flawless, glowed like
polished gold, and smoky shadow made her brown eyes even more luminous than usual.
Under Shannon’s liquid gaze, he knew there was nothing he could deny her. More, there
was nothing he wanted to deny her.

Daniel had decided for her birthday he was going to fulfill Shannon’s request and

spend the entire night with them, in his bed. It was a huge step for him; he’d never
allowed a lover into his room, let alone into his bed. His room was his private domain, his
place to escape. The one place he didn’t always have to be in control. He’d always been
loath to share his inner sanctum, but not tonight. Not with Shannon gazing at him with
her doe eyes.

A knot formed in his stomach as he realized this time with Matt and Shannon had

been the longest relationship of his life. He waited for the usual panic to settle in, the
panic he felt whenever he thought about their future. It wasn’t there, and for the first time
in his life Daniel was contemplating further than tomorrow. While he couldn’t share his
craving with Shannon and Matt yet, he reveled in it. A quiet kind of joy seemed to wrap
itself around him. He smiled at her, probably the freest smile he’d ever given anyone.


Matthew looked at the clock as he whipped his red Viper onto I-75, and cursed

softly. This new affinity for the family business was great. He loved that he, Marcus and
Meredith were working so well together. What’s more, he enjoyed working with them.
And since the discovery of drugs on the Worthington Convention Center construction
site, he’d been an integral part of the ongoing investigation. But, fuck, it left so little time
for him to have a life.

Now he was running late for Shannon’s birthday dinner, and while he knew she

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would forgive him, he wouldn’t forgive himself. And God only knew how Daniel would
react. For someone who wasn’t emotionally involved, he certainly was protective of his
Angel’s feelings.

Glancing in the rear-view mirror, he frowned at the white mini-van weaving behind

him, riding his bumper. With a quick glance to the side, he efficiently changed lanes
while dragging the tie from his hair. Daniel seemed to love running his hand over the
sleek tail he customarily kept it in, but Shannon was obvious in her delight in running her
fingers through its length and dragging her nails over his scalp.

Matt had always enjoyed dressing to please his women, and later dressing to see the

sapphire gleam in Daniel’s eyes, but he’d never taken such satisfaction in knowing just
the look of him would speed up their breaths and cause their bodies to harden or soften in

The white van had weaved into the lane Matthew had changed to, so he moved over

once again, while digging for his cell phone. If he was going to be late, the least he could
do was call and tell her so. It was dusk, and the van behind him had on his bright lights.
The glare reflected in Matthew’s rear view mirror, causing him to squint and curse as he
fumbled with his phone.

Cursing again, Matt read the flashing signs warning of road construction ahead. He

reluctantly hit the breaks when he caught the red glow of taillights ahead.

The man behind him did not.
One second Matthew was slowing for the construction traffic, fumbling for his

phone, imagining the look on Shannon’s face as she sampled the scrumptious vanilla
crème brule Daniel had ordered for dessert. The next he was staring, wide eyed, in the
rear view as the white van that had menaced him for the last several miles plowed toward
him, showing no signs of stopping or even slowing down.

The impact threw Matt against his seatbelt, smashing his head into the steering

wheel. Dazed, he felt himself jerked back by the momentum of the car as it swung into a
fast, graceful spin. Before he could brace himself, a black Prius barreled up on him. He
caught a glimpse of wide, horrified eyes and a flash of blond hair as the driver saw him
spinning in her direction, and tried to stop.

It was too late. Before Matt could brace himself, before he could do more than think

of Shannon and Daniel, and how they’d need to take care of each other, the Prius
slammed into the driver’s side of the car. Then Matt couldn’t think of anything.


The wine arrived and Daniel toasted her with the Chateau Les Roques, Loupiac. She

may not be able to say the name of it, but the wine slid like silk over her tongue. Matt and
Daniel took such good care of her, fussing over her, buying her gifts. This dinner, this
restaurant was incredible. After a low-voiced conversation with the maitre’d, Daniel told
her their meal would be ready for them any minute, and would be served when Matt

In his deep, velvety voice Daniel began to describe their meal. He had ordered sage

roasted chicken and whipped potatoes, and her mouth watered as he described the vanilla
crème brule they would finish off with. He talked about food the way he talked about sex,
slow and provocative, using descriptive words that enticed the senses.

They’d been sipping their wine, talking quietly in the candlelight when Daniel began

checking his watch. Matt was late, and she was beginning to worry. Daniel just looked

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irritated. Reaching over, she laced her fingers through his where they rested on the table.

She pushed down her worry and said, “I’m sure he’s just caught in the construction.

Traffic was a bear when I came home today, and it was only three.”

Daniel took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles one at a time. With a wry smile

he commented, “I’m just surprised he’d keep you waiting. You’re the most important
thing in his life.”

She caught his reluctant eyes. “We’re the most important thing in his life,” she


Daniel looked vaguely, uncomfortably happy. After a moment he tore his eyes from

hers, brushing his tongue over her knuckles in an obvious bid to distract her. Shannon
shivered as moment after moment of their lovemaking slipped in and out of her memory.
Matt, her wild child; and Daniel, her strong capable one who could be every bit as wild
on occasion. Was it possible to be too happy? Too content?

Oh, she was careful not to pin her hopes on Daniel, though she often dreamt of him

sharing a life with her and Matthew. A real life, including a family, how ever odd it may
seem to everyone else. Shannon knew the three of them were meant to be together, they
were all better people when they were with each other.

An elegantly tuxedoed gentleman approached the table to announce their dining

room was ready. Holding hands like teenagers, they followed him back down the stairs to
the first floor. Before they could reach the Reception Room, Daniel’s phone rang. He
swore under his breath and muttered, “I should have turned the damn thing off.” She
smiled and shrugged. Looking at the unfamiliar number on the caller ID, he frowned.

He answered, and before her eyes the warm, affectionate man of a moment before

transformed into the shut down, guarded man she’d hoped never to see again.

“What is it?” He ignored her whispered question, though he did pull her into the

curve of his body as he barked into the phone.

“How bad is it?” The stark look in his eyes opened a pit in her stomach. She felt her

breath jam up in her chest, and she grabbed his arm, desperately searching his eyes. There
was no reassurance to be found there.

He looked away, avoiding her questioning stare. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her

along behind him as they left the restaurant, and she had to jog, unsteady in her strappy
heels, to keep up as his long legs ate up the distance.

“Where,” he snapped into the phone. Still refusing to meet her eyes, he flipped the

phone closed and briefly shut his eyes. His voice had gone dead and flat


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Chapter 20

Daniel was numb as he steered his sleek car through the Emergency entrance at

Detroit Receiving Hospital. Shannon was weeping softly next to him.

Matt had been in an accident.
He had no answers when Shannon questioned him; all he could do was hold her hand

and tell her they were going to Matthew as soon as possible.

Thank God the hospital was close to the restaurant. He hopped out of his car and

helped Shannon out. Her bloodless fingers wound tightly into his as they rushed through
the Emergency entrance.

They bypassed the waiting room where chaos reigned. The hospital was a level-one

trauma center. Only the most serious and critical patients were treated here. What Daniel
knew, but Shannon did not yet realize was, it was not a good sign Matt had been rushed
here for treatment.

He led Shannon directly to the nurses’ station. Three women were stashed behind it,

barking orders into the phones. There was chaos here as well. Doctors, nurses, and
paramedics ran back and forth. Curtains shielding the injured slid back to reveal a
multitude of tragedies. Screams of pain sliced through the air.

They stopped at the desk, and Daniel barked in his most autocratic voice, “Matthew

Worthington. Where is he?”

An older nurse paused. “Are you a relative?”
“Yes, I am,” came his instant reply. Shannon was trembling in his embrace. He

tightened his hold onto her, kissing the top of her head as the nurse left the desk to find
out more information on Matt.

A doctor followed her back to the desk.
“For Matthew Worthington?” he asked.
Daniel nodded abruptly, and the doctor opened the chart in his hand.
“Mr. Worthington came here in serious condition. He was hit by another driver and

sustained both internal and head injuries. We’ve stabilized him for the moment, and he’s
on his way up to surgery.”

The doctor started to walk away, but Shannon laid her hand on his arm and

whispered, “Is he … is he…” she finally forced the words out, “going to be okay?”

The doctor’s eyes, which had been blank and jaded, filled with sympathy. “It’s hard

to say at the moment. We know he’s bleeding inside, but we won’t know just how serious
it is until we open him up and assess his internal injuries.”

“Oh, God.”
She wavered, and Daniel pulled her up tight against them. The doctor directed them

to a different nurse, and she in turn directed them to the surgical waiting room. As soon
as Matt was out of surgery, the surgeon would inform them of his condition.

He turned Shannon toward the elevator. She followed as docilely as a wounded

child. Just as they reached the bank of doors, two cops cut in front of them dragging a
younger man in cuffs. The boy, who thrashed against his police escort, was obviously
drunk. As Daniel moved to shield Shannon from his flying elbows and feet, the boy
shouted, “Oh, come on … all I did was scratch his fancy red Viper.”

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One of the cops pulled his arm. “Listen, asshole, it was more than a scratch and you

better pray he makes it through surgery. It’s not looking so good, and if he dies, you’ll be
facing murder charges.”

The numbness deserted Daniel’s body in an instant. Pure adrenaline-fueled rage

consumed him. Pushing Shannon behind him, he leapt at the drunk, his arm going around
the front of the man’s neck in a vicious chokehold.

His target immobilized, Daniel delivered repeated, punishing jabs to the man’s ribs,

using arms and legs to do as much damage as possible. The two cops were unable to pry
Daniel from the drunk, who was blubbering and squealing, flailing wildly and
ineffectively in Daniel’s grip. Another man, this one in ratty jeans and a t-shirt joined in
with no more success.

Somewhere in the distance, he heard Shannon’s scream, but the sound held no

meaning. His vision was hazy; nothing existed except this man who might have killed
Matt. Just like his father had killed Daniel’s future. His only coherent thought was death.

“I’m going to kill you, you fucking bastard,” he roared, grabbing the man by one arm

and flinging him into the window blocking a nearby trauma room. The man’s arm broke
with a sickening snap, and he stayed, limp, on the floor as blood pooled around his head.

Daniel was lunging through the broken window, going for the drunk’s throat when

two security guards swept in and, joining the cops and the bum in denim, finally pulled
Daniel away. He fought their hold, lunging for the man, who at this point was bleeding
profusely from his mouth and nose. His arm dangled at an odd angle, and he was a sickly
blue color.

Two orderlies picked the man up and rushed him back into the treatment area. Daniel

continued to try and fight off his captors, until something broke through the haze.

“Daniel,” Shannon slid through the arms trying to subdue Daniel and to keep her

away and safe. She laid a gentle palm on his arm, and ducked around a security guard so
she was facing him. “Please, God, Daniel stop it.” Her words were simple but they were
enough to freeze Daniel in his spot. “I need you.” Her voice broke, and he looked at her
for the first time since the red haze had obscured his vision. She was white as chalk,
shaking uncontrollably, and her brown eyes were stark and glassy. He felt the fight drain
out of him.

The security guard started to place Daniel in cuffs but the stranger in dirty denim

waved him off.

Daniel paused to actually look at the man and was surprised to realize he recognized

him. Dorian Jenner, undercover narcotics officer. What the fuck was he doing here?
Shouldn’t he be at the Worthington construction site, hunting down the person passing
drugs through the property? Daniel blinked a few times as he was released, and Shannon
wound her arms tightly around his middle, her tears soaking into his shirt.

His chest was heaving, his eyes dry and burning as he turned his anger inward.
Dorian grabbed his shoulder. “Dan, I won’t take you in, but too many people saw

you for me to just pretend it didn’t happen. Somehow you’re gonna have to answer for

Daniel knew it was true, but just now he didn’t care.
“I should have killed the bastard,” he spat, his gaze going to Shannon’s face. His

heart broke at the look in her eyes. He wanted to reach in and take all the pain from her,
let it bleed into him. He was stronger; he was better able to handle this shit.

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“You’re here for Worthington?” Dorian knew Daniel, and Marcus, from the club.

But more importantly, Daniel knew that Jenner was working with the Worthingtons to
find the mastermind behind a flood of illegal party drugs that had appeared stashed on
Worthington property.

Daniel didn’t know what he was doing at the hospital, particularly dressed like some

drug-addict low-life, but the man seemed competent enough. And he was letting Daniel
stay with Shannon.

Daniel gave him a jerky nod, and Dorian studied him curiously.
“Can you let me know what happens with the fucker who put him here?” Daniel’s

voice was like broken glass. He felt Shannon shift in his arms, turning tragic eyes on the
cop, who nodded slowly.

“I’ll tell you what I can. Go on, Dan, take her up. I’ll be in contact. And you’ll need

to stop by the precinct tomorrow.” Dorian turned and left, letting Daniel lead the way to
the surgical floor.


Shannon sat huddled under Daniel’s arm, and looked over to where Marcus and

Carrie held the same pose. The older woman had swept Shannon into her arms the
moment she saw her, and Shannon appreciated the gesture. But the only place she felt
even remotely comforted was here, in Daniel’s arms.

She thought he might feel the same. His eyes roved continuously, sweeping the

room, hitting the clock, staring out the waiting room window, but he never made a move
to release her.

They’d been waiting about half an hour when Matthew’s older sister rushed into the

room, followed by a gorgeous dark-haired man who had eyes only for the female
Worthington. Shooting Shannon and Daniel a cool, speculative look, Meredith met
Marcus, who’d risen to greet her, in the middle of the room and seemed to crumple into
his arms.

“Is he going to be okay?” Her voice, usually so cool and even, shook. “He has to be

okay, Marcus. I have too much to say to him.”

Marcus cradled his sister in tender arms. Only a month ago such a display of

affection would have been unthinkable. He shot a glance at her lover, Tony Renatto, and
with a jerk of his head beckoned the man closer.

Pulling back, Marcus clasped her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “He’s in

surgery, Meri.” He held her through her instinctive flinch. “We know he’s got a
concussion, and his spleen was ruptured, causing a lot of internal bleeding.” All three
women’s faces went from pale to chalky at his description. “We can only pray and trust
the doctors to fix him.”

He’d gently surrendered her to Tony’s possessive embrace when her eyes went icy.
“And the bastard who put him here? Is he in surgery, too?”
All eyes turned to Daniel, who sat, grim-faced beside Shannon. Finally Marcus


“No, not in surgery.” He sent another quick look at Daniel. “He walked away from

the accident without a scratch,” he continued to speak over Meredith’s growl of outrage.
“But he didn’t make it out of the hospital. Someone,” Carrie looked sympathetic,
Shannon looked desperate, and Daniel continued to scowl, “snapped his arm and threw
him through a plate glass window, knocking him cold, concussing him, and slicing him

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up like fajita meat.” The satisfaction in Marcus’ voice reflected the satisfaction on
Meredith’s face.

She sent Daniel a less hostile, more considering look. Her voice was less frosty than

usual, but her only comment was, “Good.”


The three couples sat for the next several hours, taking turns going for coffee and to

the restroom. Daniel held Shannon, trying not to clutch at her too obviously. He knew the
warm, solid feel of her was the only thing keeping him from flying to pieces, but the rest
of them didn’t have to.

When the surgeon finally made her appearance, he hung back while everyone

jumped to their feet to cluster around her. He knew he needed distance. If he didn’t
disconnect, he’d break. Just like his dad had predicted.

“The surgery went well. He had a lot of internal bleeding, and we had to transfuse

him, but once we removed the spleen, that settled down, and he’s stable. He’s in recovery
now.” Her voice was surprisingly girlish, and husky with fatigue. “It will probably be two
or three hours before he wakes up, and then he’ll be very groggy.”

“When can we see him?” Carrie had a supportive hand on Marcus’ arm as she spoke.

The man looked numb with relief.

“Once he’s in his room, he can have visitors.” The doctor cast a warning look around

the room. “Only two at a time, and only immediate family.”

“Oh,” Carrie lied easily. “Shannon’s his fiancé, and Daniel is our brother.” Shannon

looked relieved. Daniel didn’t know whether to feel relieved, or trapped. He didn’t know
how he could face Matt, pale and still in that hospital bed, and not lose it completely.
Images of Daniel’s mother came to mind. Her cancer-ravaged body, slowly dying in a
hospital that looked and smelled like the one they were standing in.

The surgeon looked unconvinced by Carrie’s claims, but let it slide.
“Well, you should decide who will go in first once he’s in his room.”
It was after one, and Shannon was sleeping fitfully with her head on Daniel’s thigh

as he played with her hair, when the nurse came in to tell them that Matthew was out of
recovery and in his room.

Marcus sent her an inquiring glance, and she quickly spoke up.
“Of course you and Meredith will go to him first.” Meredith shot her a look that said

she’d never expected anything different, but Marcus just nodded.

“We’ll keep the first visit short so you have a chance to see him for yourself.”

Shannon gave him a watery smile. She was finally beginning to see why everyone
seemed to adore the man. He was intimidating, abrupt, and arrogant, but he had a
compassionate and understanding heart under that rough exterior. And boy, did she
appreciate it now.

After only fifteen minutes, Meredith re-entered the waiting room. Her eyes were wet,

and her nose was red. Gesturing to Daniel and Shannon, she flapped her hand at the door
before melting into Tony’s arms where she began to quietly weep. As Daniel walked
Shannon to the door, Carrie hurried to the other woman and wrapped her and Tony into a
three-way hug.


When she arrived in Matthew’s room, Marcus was sitting by the bed with the

younger man’s hand clasped in his. Matt’s eyes were closed, but when Marcus softly

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greeted her, they slid open and wandered in her direction.

“Heeey,” his voice was thick and slow. He tried to reach his free hand out to her, but

it immediately fell back, limp against the covers. “You look amazing.” His glazed eyes
were almost pure gray, a color she’d never seen there before. “God, babe. I really fucked
up your birthday, didn’t I?”

His words seemed to break the paralysis that had frozen her in the doorway. She

literally flew across the room before stopping abruptly and raising his hand, which
Marcus had released, to her cheek.

“To hell with my birthday,” her tears bathed his hand, and he flexed his fingers to

stroke her soft skin. “You scared the crap out of me, Matty.” Her voice and eyes were
fierce as she examined every bit of him that was visible.

With a low sound she ghosted her fingers over the stitches on his forehead, and the

lacerations on his chest, which was bare above the sheet.

“You scared the crap out of Daniel, too,” she added in a low enough voice that

Marcus, who’d crossed the room to give them some privacy wouldn’t hear her.

Matt gave an almost imperceptible nod, and addressed his brother.
“Marc?” His voice was low, and the words seemed to take almost more effort than

he could bear. The other man crossed the room instantly. “Can you go and tell Carrie I’m
okay?” When he looked ready to argue, Matt added, “I’m sure she needs to see you. And
we,” he blew out a weary breath. “We need to see Daniel.”

Marcus gave him an odd look before nodding quietly and exiting the room.


Daniel didn’t know what to expect when he entered the ICU. He just knew that he’d

see Matthew, hurt and vulnerable. When he opened the door, Shannon ran immediately to
throw herself into his arms, murmuring, “He’s going to be okay. We’re going to be
okay,” between soft kisses to his neck and jaw.

He allowed her to hold him for just a minute, shoring up his strength to face the man

in the hospital bed.

Oh, fuck. It was worse than he’d imagined. A tube wound around Matthew’s ears to

send a steady flow of oxygen under his nose. He was hooked to an IV, and to several
machines that seemed to be monitoring everything from the level of oxygen in his blood
to his heart rate. Under his golden tan, his skin was pasty. Even his lips were pale.

It was all he could do not to tear out of Shannon’s arms, and run from the room. But

then Matt opened his eyes.

Shannon returned to Matt’s side, pressing as close against the hospital bed as she

could without crawling up and wrapping herself protectively around the injured man.
They beckoned Daniel to his bedside. Daniel reluctantly scooted a chair next to the bed as
Matthew’s dry, cracked voice spoke.

“I think I totaled my car, man.” Daniel smiled, but couldn’t find his voice. Shannon

scooted off her chair and pressed a kiss to Matt’s forehead. He closed his eyes, looking
exhausted. He made a gesture to touch her cheek, but his hand fell limply back to the pale
blue covers.

“I need to grab some water.” Shannon knew that Daniel needed a moment alone with

Matt. He was like a dam ready to burst at any second.

Matt reached his hand out an inch, begging with his eyes for Daniel’s strong touch.

Daniel looked to the door to make sure they were alone, and then grabbed the younger

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man’s hand.

Matt’s skin was so cold. He tried to talk, but Daniel cut him off.
“Don’t, Matty. You need to rest.” Leaning in Daniel lifted Matt’s hand to the level of

his heart, all the while trying to deny it was where both Matt and Shannon already lived.
His head hit their entwined hands and his chest constricted. God, what was happening to
him? He let his eyes devour Matt’s pale, gaunt face as his lover’s eyes drifted shut.

You weak, pathetic man… Look at you, ready to get all weepy! Daniel shook off the

image of his dad, drunk at the kitchen table.

This was too much. His body was throwing adrenaline all over the place. His heart

hammered as he desperately tried to regain control of himself. They could have lost
Matthew tonight. He could have lost Matthew tonight. He knew that a part of him would
have died along with him.

Fuck me!
Why hadn’t he called this thing off weeks ago? If he had, they wouldn’t have taken

Shannon to The Whitney and Matt wouldn’t be lying on this bed, encased in wires and
tubes. No, this was all his fault. He’d allowed himself to love the feeling of being with
them both. Their taste, their smell, permeated most of his thoughts. The need to see them,
hold them, take them had become paramount. And to what end? He was sitting here
ready to pray to a God he hadn’t spoken to in almost twenty years, ready to beg for
Matt’s health, for his life.

A shoe on the tile floor caught Daniel’s attention. Marcus stood just inside the room,

his arms crossed as his gaze flashed from Matt to Daniel and then to their clasped hands.

Daniel carefully placed Matt’s hand back on the sheet. He stood up, unable to meet

Marcus’ knowing stare.

“Tell Shannon I’m in the waiting room.”
“And what should I tell Matthew?”
Daniel left without answering.

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Chapter 21

Marcus sat in the chair vacated by his best friend. Memories of the last few weeks,

stolen glances, brief, intimate touches, suddenly made sense. He’d read the whole
situation wrong. Dan and Matt weren’t just sharing Shannon, they were sharing each

“Daniel?” Matt’s eyes slit open.
“No, Matty. It’s me. Dan went to the waiting room.”
Matt, still groggy, let his eyes drift closed again.
“I need him, Marc. I need him and Shannon both.”
“Don’t worry little brother. I’ll make sure both of them are here for you.” Even if he

had to drag Daniel in here kicking and screaming. Fuck. How could he have been so

A giant light bulb had gone off when he stepped into the room. Discovering Daniel

holding Matt’s hand in his had taken Marc’s breath away. His arrogant friend had been
hunched over, his face lacking its normal, distant expression. For the first time in their
friendship, Marcus had seen Daniel devastated. It was disconcerting, Daniel’s
vulnerability laid out for whoever walked in the room to see. He’d been so absorbed in
his own thoughts that he hadn’t even noticed Marcus’ entrance.

He wouldn’t say anything just yet, Marcus decided. Watching the situation would be

better at this point. Matt and his recovery were all that mattered right now.


Matthew kept swimming in and out of consciousness. He repeatedly thanked God for

nurses who were on their game, doling out pain medication at regular intervals.
Shannon’s presence next to him, her soft hand on his cheek, comforted him even more
than the drugs.

The only thing that would have made him feel better was Daniel. He understood the

other man’s retreat. Especially as it seemed that Marcus had seen more than either of
them would have liked. Still, Matthew thought, he and Shannon needed Daniel’s
steadying presence. And, if he weren’t mistaken, Daniel needed them, too.

Feeling a prickling sensation, Matt dragged his weary eyes to the door. Daniel stood

there, and Matt felt such a rush of relief he got light-headed. Or maybe that was the
morphine. Struggling to come awake, he croaked out, “Hey, man. Getchur ass over here.”

Shannon’s head snapped up from where it had been resting on the bed next to him,

and she sent a tired, glowing smile in Daniel’s direction. Daniel smiled back, but it
wasn’t the warm, naughty smile they’d become used to. No, this was his old smile. The
detached, cool smile he gave his lovers before he sent them on their way.

Suddenly, the morphine wasn’t enough to dull Matthew’s pain.
Then he looked deeper, into Daniel’s turbulent eyes. For all his cool expression, it

was clear from his eyes that the man was in agony.

“Sorry, bud. My ass has to get home. Marcus and the Ice Princess’ll be here all day

tomorrow, and Shannon will be too, so now that I know you’re going to be okay, I need
to go into work in the morning. Someone has to hold down the fort for you three.” His
voice was studiedly light, unemotional. Matt wasn’t buying it for a second.

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Neither, apparently, was Shannon.
“Don’t be an idiot.” Her voice was tart, though her eyes were compassionate. “We

need you here, now and tomorrow.” She rose, heading toward him. “And you need to be
here.” There was no doubt in her voice. No compromise.

To Matthew’s considerable shock, Daniel backed away from their pint-sized angel,

avoiding her eyes, and any physical contact.

Almost as if he were afraid that if she got too close, he might give in.
Sending a jaunty smile that didn’t reach his eyes, Daniel sketched a quick salute, and

backed away from the door. Matt noticed that his usually smooth, sinuous movements
were stilted.

“I gotta go, man. I’ll check in. Shannon’ll keep me updated, but I’ve gotta go.”
Without entering the room, without touching either of them, Daniel fled.


“You need to go after him.” Matthew’s voice was faint, but firm.
“Baby, I’m not leaving you,” Shannon protested. “God, I almost lost you tonight.

I’m not letting you out of my sight.” She grasped his hand, holding it to her cheek. “Matt,
I don’t think either of us could have survived if you hadn’t.”

“You’re stuck with me, Shan.” He curled weak fingers around her cheek. “I love

you, and I’m not going to let a little thing like a catastrophic car accident take you away
from me. Or me away from you.” His smile held a hint of his usual mischief, before it
faded to nothing.

“But I’m afraid that if you don’t go after him now, Daniel is the one who might be

lost.” He sighed and pulled his hand away. “You can come back tomorrow. Tonight, he
needs you more than I do.”


The house was dark when Shannon quietly let herself in. She stood against the door

for a moment, eyes closed, drinking in the silence. After the chaos of the hospital, the
peace was like a balm on her nerves. Opening her eyes, she paused to let them adjust to
the dim room. Finally she made out Daniel, in silhouette.

He sat on the couch, elbows planted on spread knees, his head in his hands. He

looked so alone and defeated that all of her protective instincts rushed to the surface. But
her man was skittish, so Shannon approached him cautiously.

She dropped to her knees at his feet, and slowly wriggled her way between his legs,

to rest against his body. He was strung as tight as a bow, and seemed to vibrate in her
arms when she wrapped them around him.

At first she just held him fiercely, but then suddenly his arms, which had remained

limp at his sides, wrapped brutally tight around her, crushing her to his chest. His body
shook, but there was not a sound, no tears. Only his arms, steel bands around her back.
His breath, gusting against her neck. His heart, thundering under her cheek.

He didn’t cry, so she cried for him. She couldn’t help it. The joy and anticipation of

the evening, the sudden fear for Matthew, and now Daniel’s silent pain were all like acid
on her overstretched nerves. The tears were a tincture, meant to wash the pain away.

It was far too soon when Daniel loosened his arms and sat back. He regarded her as

she knelt with her hands resting on his thighs. His gaze was intent, probing, but wouldn’t
hold hers for more than a second at a time before flickering away.

“You should be with Matthew,” he rasped.

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When she would have moved back into his arms, he guided her instead to the couch

next to him.

“Marcus and Meredith are staying with him all night. They don’t need to share their

half hour visits with me.” She shrugged. “I’ll be there all day tomorrow, anyway.” She
shifted to face him, the skirt of her silky teal dress riding up on her thighs, a reminder of
the celebration that wasn’t.

“Besides,” she added into his silence, “tonight we went through hell together.” She

blinked as tears threatened yet again. “Daniel, you were the only thing that kept me sane
for all those hours while we waited for news.” He looked away, directing his gaze back to
the floor between his spread feet. “I needed you tonight,” she persisted, “and you were
there for me.” Placing a hand along his sandpapery jaw, she forced him to meet her eyes.

“I still need you.”
His eyes flared, glowing sapphire. She couldn’t tell if it was tears, or desire, but the

glow seemed to burn straight to her heart.

“And tonight, I think you need me, too.” She didn’t give him a chance to respond, to

deny. “And, God Daniel, I need to be here for you.” She moved closer when he would
have pulled away. “Just this once, let me be here for you.”


Daniel hadn’t thought he would ever feel anything beyond the pain again. He should

have known better. Just when he was about to give up, in came his Angel, bringing her
comfort and sunshine. He suddenly understood what people were talking about when
they called their lover a “soft place to land.”

The feel of her crushed against him, her hair against his cheek and lips, wiped away

the tension of hours spent in hospital chairs. The sound of her soft voice, so musical and
unlike her singing voice, drowned out the lingering sound of machinery beeping and
whirring. She smelled of orange blossoms, and a faint hint of musky perfume, and
breathing her in, he could finally erase the acrid hospital smells that still filled his head.

When she insisted he’d been there for her, the guilt nearly swamped him. He hadn’t

held her for her sake, but his own. Even now he knew she should be with Matt. But he
was selfish, and he didn’t want to let her go. She was absolutely right; he needed her
desperately. And not just for one night. But to admit it was to admit his own weakness.

Love makes you weak, boy… You’ll end up like me: Broken
Hell. He already was broken. Maybe he hadn’t crawled into a bottle yet, but he was

definitely well along the road to the weakness and destruction that characterized life with
his old man.

She sat quietly next to him for a while, seeming content just to lean against his arm

and rest her head on his shoulder. She was silent for so long that he thought she might
have gone to sleep, but eventually she rose and beckoned him to follow her as she headed
to the kitchen.

Vaguely, feeling numb and disconnected, he took the seat she directed him to and

watched her rummage through his refrigerator.

“How did we end up with no food?” She shot him a chastising look. “I swear I

grocery shopped less than a week ago. You and Matthew are like locusts—you descend
and devour anything in your paths.”

Her words were scolding, but she smiled when she said them.
Presently she came to the table and presented him with her culinary masterpiece: a

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thick, gooey peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The piece de resistance was a tall, cold
glass of milk. He looked at it doubtfully, but quickly capitulated when she glowered over
him until he took a bite.

To his surprise, it was good. It tasted innocent and homey. Just like the woman

sitting across from him, chasing her own sandwich down with long sips of milk
punctuated with slow licks along her bottom lip.

His sex stirred, but he beat it back. Making love to Shannon tonight, without

Matthew as a buffer, when his emotions were so raw, would be nothing but a mistake.

Still, when they’d finished, working together to wipe the table and counters and rinse

the dishes, he allowed her to lead him into the bathroom and stood without argument as
she began to run a steamy shower.


He looked so lost. And that was a description Shannon never thought to apply to

Daniel. He seemed torn between his need to hold and be held, and his need to pull back
and rebuild his walls. The longer she was with him the more she realized Matt had been
right, tonight they risked losing Daniel to the demons of his past.

She didn’t plan to let that happen.
She’d had a moment of insecurity when she’d presented him with his sandwich, but

quickly decided that they could enjoy roasted whatever-it-was another night, when
Matthew was healed and could join them. The vanilla crème brule wasn’t going

From his reaction to her gourmet dinner, no one had ever fed him peanut butter and

milk before. She didn’t know much about his parents, but found herself cursing the
mother who obviously hadn’t taken care of her remarkable son.

After clearing the table, she stood beside him and combed her fingers through his

hair, savoring his light shudder when she dragged her nails over his scalp in just the way
he liked. Tonight wasn’t about sex, she knew, but about being close; about touching more
than each other’s bodies. Sex would certainly be a part of it, but tonight was so much

She was surprised when he allowed her to lead him to the bathroom. He stood

quietly while she adjusted the temperature and water pressure until it was just the way he
liked it. Knowing these little things, how he liked his shower, how he fixed his coffee, the
way he liked his clothes arranged in the closet, all gave her a sense of intimacy that gave
her a warm feeling every bit as gooey as the peanut butter they’d just shared.

Once the shower was running, Shannon moved to face Daniel. He’d lost his tie

sometime during the endless hours at the hospital, and his silk shirt hung open just
enough to offer tantalizing glimpses of golden skin at his throat. His jacket was gone, too,
and through the thin silk, which was quickly absorbing the steam in the air and beginning
to cling to his torso as lovingly as she wanted to, she could make out every ridge of

With a low sigh, she went to work on his buttons.
The skin she bared was the deep gold of brushed satin. His chest, nearly hairless,

beckoned her hands, and she willingly answered, stroking him softly. Not so much to
arouse, but more to calm. She pulled the tails loose, and slid her hands inside, sliding
them around his waist and then kneading her way up his back. He stood silent, docile, but
she could see the effect of her touch in the way the small muscles around his eyes

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softened while the large muscle between his thighs hardened.

She undid his French cuffs, dropping the gold and emerald cufflinks on the counter,

and slid the shirt off entirely. He let her, and his lack of participation seemed to shout
how emotionally traumatized he was.

“You know,” she said looking down at his shoes, “I could use some help here.”
He toed them off, and commented, “Sorry, Angel. I thought this was your show.”
She sent him a naughty smile from below her lashes. “Oh, it is.” She was hard at

work on his belt. “I just wanted to hurry things along.”

It didn’t take her long to have him naked, and she couldn’t resist taking a moment to

appreciate the male beauty displayed before her. Once she’d looked her fill, she prodded
him into the shower, ignoring his mumbled, “Hey, no fair. I didn’t get to see you.”

Once he was luxuriating under the steamy spray, Shannon quickly slipped out of her

teal silk dress. She hung it carefully on the door, hoping the drycleaner would be able to
get the hospital smells out. She’d never owned anything so fine, and she would be sorry
to lose it after just one wear.

Naked, she slipped into the shower behind Daniel. She set her hands on his hips to

stop him when he would have turned around, and quickly dumped fragrant shower gel on
a puff. Using slow, circular strokes, she began to massage the bubbles over his back. The
sight of the white foam separating and sliding down his wet back entranced her, and she
took a very long time at it.

When his shoulders began to droop, and his hands stopped flexing, she went to her

knees, giving the same rapt attention to his delectably round buttocks, his thighs, and
even his feet.

Sliding around him, she began on his front, moving up his legs, deliberately skirting

the piece of him that was desperately reaching for her, and working her way up his
rippling abdomen over his chest and to his shoulders.

“I can’t reach your hair,” she commented regretfully. He promptly dropped to his

knees at her feet. When he wrapped his arms around her hips and leaned his head against
her belly, she felt a shot of heat streaking from her heart straight between her legs,
leaving everything in between tingling.

Her shampooing was every bit as languorous as the rest of her bathing had been. By

the time she had him tilt back to rinse, he was nearly limp, those burning blue eyes
closed. She almost hated to urge him to his feet. He looked done for. But she did, and
slicking her palms with more liquid soap, she finally focused in on the only part of him
that had been neglected so far.

He jerked a bit when she wrapped both hands around his cock, then sighed and

relaxed into her touch. She stood close enough to rest her forehead on his sternum while
she looked down at her handiwork.

Hand over hand she stroked him, savoring each spurt of growth as he got longer,

thicker. Capping one palm over the swollen head, she slid the other back between his legs
to cup his balls. As she rotated her hand over the sensitive crown, she rolled his balls over
her fingers and was rewarded when they drew up tight and swollen.

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Chapter 22

He didn’t last long. Her every act, her every touch since she’d arrived had been their

foreplay. Her hands felt so good, and she knew exactly how to touch him. In a matter of
moments, his thighs were stiffening and he tipped her chin up with one finger.

“I’m going to come.” He felt the need to warn her, because for once he didn’t think

he’d be up for a quick repeat.

“Good.” She glowed up at him. “That was the idea.”
She redoubled her strokes, and in a matter of seconds he’d buried his hand in the

back of her hair, dragging her head back to meet his kiss. His mouth was famished on
hers, devouring her lips, claiming her tongue, thrusting in time with his cock between her
slippery palms.

The orgasm rocked him back on his heels. He shot what felt like gallons of creamy

cum on the floor, her legs, her belly. He watched her with lazy eyes as she stroked the
cream into her skin, seeming to savor the evidence of his loss of control. He knew he
should do something for her, he knew how turned on she got playing with her men, and
he knew she hadn’t come, but his body felt so heavy, exhaustion dragging at every

He watched through slitted eyes as she quickly rinsed herself off, and then let her

lead him out of the shower to towel him off. When she led him to bed, he followed
willingly, only asserting his will when she would have left him there alone.

“I need to clean up the bathroom,” she told him when he grabbed her wrist.
“It’ll still be there when we wake up,” was his response.
So, she slid into the bed next to him, spooning up behind him under the silken duvet.
His last thought as sleep claimed him was that no one but him had ever slept in his



Somehow as they slept, Daniel ended up on his back, and Shannon ended up

sprawled across him. It was amazingly comfortable, she realized, and let her savor every
inch of his quickly waking cock.

She’d wanted the shower to be about him, about her caring for him. And God knows

he’d needed some sort of release so he could sleep.

That didn’t change the fact that she’d gone to sleep with a seething pussy, and an

irresistible desire to rub against him like a cat in heat. Now it felt like he might actually
be ready to help her out. If she could just wake him up.

She peered with bleary eyes at the clock and realized it was just after eight. There

was a moment of strangeness—by now all three of them should be safe at work. But, she
supposed, things wouldn’t be back to normal for a while yet.

Shifting against him so that her legs fell on either side of one of his, Shannon lightly

ground her aching pussy over his thigh. God, it felt so good. Shifting some more, she
brought herself up to straddle his belly, being sure to brush wetly over his rising erection.

Once she was satisfactorily situated, she began to press a series of slow, open-

mouthed kisses along his jaw. She worked her way down to his neck, interspersing little
nips and sucks along the way.

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He tasted amazing, like clean spicy man. She couldn’t resist running her tongue

down the column of his neck, savoring the light rasp of his growing beard against her
tongue. Daniel was always immaculately clean-shaven. Unlike Matthew, he’d never left
even the slightest hint of beard-burn anywhere on her. She found she liked him a little
scruffy. The stubble lay like gold dust on his skin and gave him a slightly rakish look.
She’d always known he was a dangerous man—now he looked it.

Thoroughly enjoying the rare opportunity to be the aggressor, she began to work her

way down his chest, dragging her pussy down his thigh with every slow inch. About the
time she reached his nipples, his entire body tensed. It was about time. She could use
some participation.

As she licked and sucked at the stiff little points, his hands came up to cup her hips

and run restlessly up and down her back. Smooth but hard, his fingers playing over the
small of her back sent a cascade of shivers over her whole body. She arched into him,
pressing her breasts into his ribcage and giving a little moan of enjoyment as her nipples
dug into his velvety skin.

Finally he took the lead, dragging her up so that she was poised over him, her breasts

swaying over his mouth.

“Hmm…” his voice was lazy, husky with sleep. The rough sensuality made her

shiver again. “They’re both so tempting.” He gave one throbbing nipple a brief lick. “I
don’t know where to start.”

He figured it out soon enough, going to work on first one and then the other, licking

and nibbling—doing everything but what she needed, sucking.

She squirmed and whimpered over him, doing her best to press into his mouth. He

gave a low chuckle and the vibration scraped over her over-sensitized skin, bringing a
gush of moisture from her pussy.

“Do you want something, Angel?” His tongue played at her some more, the touch

still maddeningly light. “Tell me what it is,” he murmured against her skin. “You know
I’ll give you anything you want, anything you need.”

She loved how vocal he was during sex. Every word seemed to speak of his arousal,

and added to her own. She also loved when it came to the point that he was so turned on
that he couldn’t talk anymore. It was like a barometer of her and Matthew’s effect on
him, one he couldn’t disguise.

He was still tormenting her nipples, never giving her a firm enough touch. Taking

her so close to the edge that she thought she’d go mad, thought that with one hard suck
she’d explode like Fourth of July fireworks.

“Come on, Angel,” that maddening voice continued. “Tell me what you need. I can’t

help you unless you tell me.”


When he’d awakened to the sensation of her soft lips burning a path down his chest,

Daniel had been utterly distracted from the fact that they were in his bed. His bed.

He’d taken the sweet torment as long as he could before assuming control. Hauling

her up his body, he’d been unable to resist the berries of her nipples, dangling in front of
him like ripe fruit on the vine.

Now, he was desperate for her to ask for what she wanted. He needed to hear her say

the words, to know that she needed him as much as he … wanted her. He’d never admit
to needing her. It just wasn’t in him. But he could admit to wanting her body with every

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aching inch of his.

“Suck me.” Finally! But he wanted more, wanted to hear the explicit words of sex

and lust from those plump, deceptively innocent looking lips.

“Suck you where?” He placed his lips on the underside of her breast, sucking hard

enough to raise a red mark on her skin. “Here?”

“Noooo,” her denial was a drawn out groan of arousal and frustration. “My nipples,”

she thrust them at his mouth. “Suck my nipples. Suck them hard,” she was panting,
whimpering with the almost painful arousal. “God, Daniel, I need to come.”

That was enough for him, and he latched on with a suction that would have been

painful if she’d been any less aroused. She immediately gave a shriek of unbearable
pleasure and wrapped her fingers in his hair as she shuddered through her climax.


She collapsed against his chest, shuddering with aftershocks. The feel of all his bare

skin rubbing against hers like velvet sent a fresh burst of tingles over her body. Sliding
down a bit, she kissed his collarbone before lifting her lips to catch his.

“Thank you.” She breathed it into the kiss, and felt her tremor of pleasure work its

way through his body.

She slid further down his body, marveling at how tightly strung his hard body was. It

still amazed her that this amazing, smart, uber-sexy man could get so turned on by a plain
elementary school teacher like her.

Abruptly, she knew how she wanted him. In a way he’d never given himself to her.
Deftly she slipped out of his grasp, easing to her back on the bed next to him. She

had to smile at his raised eyebrows.

“You might be done,” his voice had a sleepy, sexy rasp that she could get used to

hearing first thing every morning. “But I’m just getting started.”

She smiled and reached a hand out to him.
“Oh, I’m not done,” she knew her eyes glowed almost gold. She could see their

reflection in his. “Come here, then.”

Daniel hesitated before he let Shannon draw his body over hers. For all the exotic,

mind-blowing sex they’d had, they’d never done straight missionary alone with just the
two of them. Somehow, heart-to-heart, eye-to-eye, it seemed so much more intimate than
any of the things they’d done, alone or with Matt.

Now she lay under him, like some sort of feast. She was so tiny, dwarfed by his

larger frame. Her fragility was a bigger turn-on than he’d ever have guessed.

Moving more gently than he’d planned to, he crooked his knee under one of hers,

bending his leg to draw her thigh up and open. When she was open enough, he fitted his
hips into the cradle of hers. He slowly slid his throbbing erection over her slippery folds
as he automatically reached for a condom, only to swear viciously when he remembered
that they were in his bed. He didn’t have sex in his bed. Thus, no condoms in the room.

He started to lift off of her, but her soft hands on his cheeks stopped him.
“You’re clean,” she whispered. “You showed me your blood tests.”
Of course he had. Any responsible, respectful lover would be sure to reassure their

partners of their health.

“I’m on the pill.” He stiffened as he suddenly realized where she was going with this.
“Oh, no,” he’d seen Matt take her bareback, but had never ever imagined doing so

himself. One did not do that with a temporary lover.

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But fuck, it was tempting.
“Daniel,” she continued to hold him captive with tiny hands and enormous eyes. Her

lower body arched, undulating over his straining cock relentlessly. She was painting him
with the moisture of her lust, and he felt all his scruples beginning to melt beneath the
flow. “I need you in me,” he shuddered out a low groan in response. “I need to feel you,”
with a mind of its own, his bare, burning cock tunneled deeper between her folds. “And I
can’t think of anything sexier than feeling you shoot inside me,” his hips jerked
involuntarily. She was unraveling him with nothing but her words. “I need to feel how
much you want me.”

That did it. With a deep grunt of excruciating pleasure, he plunged fully into her

steamy depths.

“Fuck,” he’d never done it bare before. Now he wondered how he’d ever do it any

other way.

“Fuck,” it was too much, too intense. He couldn’t form words. Hell, he couldn’t

form coherent thoughts. He couldn’t do anything but drive all the way in, until he didn’t
know where he ended and she began.

She wriggled against him, but he braced on one arm and used the other to hold her

hips still.

“No, let me,” he panted. “Let me take it slow.”
He had to take it slow. He’d never feel this again, and he wanted to savor every

second of it.


She felt so full. So incredibly surrounded. So cherished. Having him over her, in her

like this, was beyond anything. She could feel every ridge, every pulsing vein on his cock
rasping her sensitive tissues. It was fricking amazing.

He continued to power in, in, in, and then so slowly back out. Each thrust touched

her deeper, until he was touching her very heart. Her soul.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, those laser blue eyes connected with hers. She’d never seen

them so open. So vulnerable. God, if he was touching her soul, she was looking into his.
And it was beautiful.

The sight ratcheted her pleasure even higher. She could feel her body drawing

tighter, the deceptively strong muscles of her sheath clutching at his cock as he kept his
relentlessly slow rhythm. She knew she was about to come, and she thought, from the
way his breath jerked from his chest, he might be too.

“Daniel,” her voice was ragged and broken. Her heart was in her voice and in her

words. “My Daniel.” He closed his eyes, tipping his head back. He pushed up on his
hands, on straight arms so she could look down and see him working that enormous,
gorgeous cock into her.

Her jagged whimper brought his eyes back to hers, and finally the words she’d kept

bottled inside for so many weeks broke free.

“God, I love you Daniel,” his body jerked tight and his cock seemed to swell even

bigger as his eyes widened in shock. “I love you so much,” she knew there were tears in
her eyes and in her voice. She thought there might be tears in his, too.

“You own me,” now that she’d started, she couldn’t hold anything back. “You own

Matt and me both.” With each word his hips pistoned faster, driving her implacably
closer to release.

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Suddenly he slammed into her, seating himself to the hilt and grinding his pubic

bone against her straining clit.

She came with a shriek that was his name.


What the fuck?
He’d never heard those words from a lover before. In fact, he’d specifically chosen

lovers that would never say such a thing, even in the heat of passion.

He’d like to believe it was the orgasm talking, but he knew better. Shannon had

shown her love in so many ways since the first time they’d met. And now, hearing those
dreaded words, all he could think was that he wanted to hear them again.

It terrified him that it didn’t terrify him. It terrified him that he wanted to say it back.
He felt himself swell, her sweet honey anointing his aching flesh. He felt her shudder

her release under him as her pussy rippled over him. His Angel wasn’t normally a
screamer, and when she screamed his name it was like music to his ears. He choked back
the words that stopped up in his chest.

He had to do something to regain his balance. And fast.
In a lightning fast move he pulled out, ignoring her wail of protest. Grabbing a

pillow with one hand, he used the other to flip her to her stomach. He jammed the pillow
under her stomach, pointing that delicious bubble-butt in the air as he crouched behind
her, like the animal he felt like.

Before she could brace herself, he’d poised his cock at her wet, ruby red opening and

was driving in.

This was better. All the pleasure, and fuck she felt good on his bare skin, with none

of the longing looks and terrifying intimacy.

Finally, his control slipped its leash. He pounded into her almost brutally, drinking in

each of her gasps, savoring her grunts as he drove her into the mattress. He was swelling,
swelling, and then he came.

It felt like he came for hours, for years. Her body soaked in his scalding release, and

with the first spurt he felt her pussy seize up again, clutching him in yet another powerful

When the storm passed, he meant to get up. To go shower. To regroup. Instead he

collapsed against her, only barely managing to direct the bulk of his weight to her side
before sleep claimed him.


Shannon woke because she was cold. The duvet was on the floor somewhere at the

foot of the bed, and Daniel’s living heat was no longer wrapped around her.

She turned her head just enough to gaze at his form on the far side of the bed, barely

visible in the dusky light of the bedroom. At first she couldn’t make sense of what she
was seeing.

He lay on his stomach, his face buried in a pillow. His shoulders were shuddering.

His fingers gripped the sheet so tightly that the knuckles were white. All at once, the
tense, shaking body and the choked noises muffled by the pillow made sense.

Daniel was crying. Deep racking shudders from his shoulders on down his body. She

heard him moan deeply into the pillow. The sound was one of loneliness and a kind of

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hurt Shannon never heard before. It killed her to see him in this state, killed her not to be
able to take him and let him cry in the safety of her arms. She was strong enough for both
of them. She wanted Daniel to look at her, reach for her, take what she had to offer.

He wouldn’t though, and it tore Shannon in two. Everything in her cried out to go to

him, to hold him and comfort him. But she knew that he wouldn’t welcome it. If she
knew her man, and she thought she did, he’d be humiliated and probably even pissed
beyond words to have her witness this moment of weakness.

So she forced herself to stay on her own side of the bed until his shudders slowed

and finally stopped. When she thought he’d finally slipped back into sleep, she inched
closer, until she could wrap an arm over his waist. Until she was once again spooned up
against his back.

She’d been sure he was sleeping, so she was surprised when he captured her hand

with one of his, winding his fingers through hers and holding tight.

Neither spoke, and she held him until sleep covered them both like a blanket.

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Chapter 23

She woke in the early evening, alone in an empty bed. She stumbled through a

shower and into the kitchen, drawn by the tantalizing scent of coffee. There was a note
propped against the warm coffee pot. Eat. You need it. She rolled her eyes. Even via note
he was bossy. She loved it. Take good care of Matt. I’ll talk to you later.

She shook off the unease caused by waking in an empty house, and gave a silly little

grin. She could hardly wait to tell Matt about their breakthrough.

* * * *

Matt had been thrilled to hear about Daniel’s surrender the previous night, but both

of them found their elation fading as the evening passed with no sign of Daniel. By nine,
Shannon was sick with worry. She’d come too close to losing Matthew less than twenty-
four hours ago. She needed to know Daniel was safe.

There was no answer on his cell. No answer at the house. Finally, in desperation, she

tried his office and was surprised when he actually answered the phone.

“God, Daniel, thank God you’re all right.” She couldn’t keep the relief from her

voice. It quickly drained away, though, at his answer.

“Shit, I didn’t even think. I just got swamped.” No questions about how she was after

the cataclysmic lovemaking of the day before. Hell, no questions about how Matt was
after the cataclysmic accident of the night before.

“Well,” she hated the hesitation that entered her voice. “You’re okay. That’s what

matters.” Matt was waving determinedly for the phone, but she ignored him. She couldn’t
understand, or maybe she couldn’t accept, the vibe she was getting from Daniel.

“So,” she kept her voice determinedly level. “When can you get here?” She forged

on in the uncomfortable silence. “Matt is crazy to see you.”

There was a long pause.
“Well,” she heard papers rustle, “I’ve got another couple of hours here, and then I

thought I’d go home and get some sleep.” His voice took on a lascivious tone, one that
was worlds away from his natural sexy tones. “Some naughty little girl kept me from
getting much sleep today.” He hesitated a moment. “You’ll explain to Matt, won’t you?”

All she heard was him saying that he wasn’t coming. “I love you, Daniel,” Matt’s

eyebrows shot up at her words. “But you can do your own dirty work.” Without another
word, she handed Matthew the phone.


Daniel exhaled roughly as he placed the phone in its cradle. He’d hurt them both. It

was like a knife in his own heart.

It’s for the best, boy. That hated voice echoed in his head. Love makes you weak.
Well, he’d started the separation. Matt had already received the message. He’d been

able to hear it in the younger man’s voice. He’d make Shannon understand. And he’d
comfort her.

Soon enough they’d move on. Without him.

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* * * *

For two weeks Daniel managed not to be alone with either of them. He’d timed his

visits to coincide with Marcus’, or even better, with Meredith’s. So he supposed that he
shouldn’t have been surprised when he walked into his house and was immediately
surrounded by the savory aroma of garlic and tomato sauce. With her every word and
gesture, Shannon made clear her need to take care of Matthew … and him.

Dropping his briefcase on the floor just inside the door, he steeled himself to face

them. His lovers. He’d had more sex than any man could ask for, but until Matt, until
Shannon, he’d never made love.

Odd that a man who had no heart could make love.
Now, he knew they were waiting for him. He heard the low murmur of their voices

in the kitchen, punctuated by Shannon’s soft squeal and Matthew’s low laughter. Who
knew that being with them, something that felt so damned good, could be so damned
painful at the same time?


Shannon waved her sauce-covered spoon at Matthew as he stalked her around the

large island that dominated Daniel’s state-of-the-art kitchen.

“If you want to eat tonight, you’ll leave me alone,” she tried to sound severe, but the

giggles kept creeping through.

“Oh,” Matthew’s voice was low and suggestive, “I think you’ve already got plenty

for me to eat, and there’s no cooking required.” Matthew reached out one long arm and
snagged her wrist, pulling her up gently against his still tender torso in a move that left
them both facing the doorway. And Daniel.

“You’re home!” Shannon instantly untangled herself from Matthew’s arms and

dashed across the room, remembering at the last minute to raise her spoon enough that it
wouldn’t smear Daniel’s designer suit. Matthew smiled at the sight of them, Daniel so
serious and Shannon like a ray of sunshine, wrapping her free hand around his neck to
pull him down for a warm kiss. As amazing as the sex was, and fuck was it amazing,
Shannon gave them something more. She showered them with affection. She made his
heart smile.

Quirking a devilish eyebrow, Matthew repeated her words, “You’re home,” and

walked over to slide one hand around her waist, pressing into Daniel’s abdomen. He shot
him a wicked grin as he felt Daniel’s stomach muscles ripple beneath his hand, and
pressed a light kiss on the top of Shannon’s head.

“And your garlic bread is about to burn.” His teasing words sent Shannon flying

back across the kitchen, drawing Matthew’s laughter and a brief smile from Daniel.

The men watched her for a moment, Daniel leaning on the doorframe, and Matthew

leaning on Daniel. As fast as he was healing, he still got tired too fucking fast, and he was
glad to have Daniel’s strength to draw on. He was close enough to feel the familiar, light
tension in Daniel’s body, and it spread to his own. He was also close enough to feel
Daniel stiffen at his next words.

“She’s going to make an amazing mother one day.” He’d really only been thinking

out loud, but once said, the mental picture of Shannon, swelling with their baby, took on
a life of its own.

Daniel’s sudden stillness caught his attention and Matthew tipped his head back,

trying to make eye contact. Daniel’s perfect jaw was rigid. Putting his hands on

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Matthew’s shoulders, he gently moved a step away before responding. The bleak look in
his eyes left Matthew with a hollow feeling somewhere in the vicinity of his heart.

“Yes. She will. Every child deserves an amazing mother. Too bad I won’t be around

to see it.”

“Won’t be around to see what?” The men had been so focused on each other that

neither had noticed Shannon’s approach.

“Won’t be around to see you with your babies.” Daniel’s voice was carefully level.
“Umm,” Shannon could tell she had missed something important, but she really

didn’t want to connect it with Daniel’s obvious absence during Matt’s recuperation.
“Well, since I have no immediate plans to have any babies, maybe we should shelve this
conversation for the moment.” Neither man seemed to be paying much attention to her,
and their body language was beginning to seriously alarm her.

Stepping in between them, she handed Matthew the cutlery, and Daniel a box of

matches. “Why don’t you boys finish setting up the table, and I’ll bring out dinner.” She
laid her hand on Daniel’s cheek. He was fairly radiating anguish. “I’m sure we can find
something more interesting to talk about.”


“Angel, ignoring the facts won’t make them go away.” Daniel laid his hand over hers

before pressing a tender kiss into her palm and releasing it. “This has been fun, it’s been a
fucking awesome game, but you both knew it wasn’t permanent,” he forced a sardonic
smile, “or even exclusive.”

He watched his words impact Shannon like a blow. Seeing her hurt, knowing he was

the one who had caused it, left him feeling sick and disgusted with himself. But she had
to understand. Hell, she and Matthew both had to understand. He’d given them all he had
to give. To ask for more was to ask for disaster and pain all around. Better to be cruel
now. He wanted them to hate him. It would make it easier for Matt and Shannon to go on
and have a great life together.

“You didn’t really expect that we were going to have some happily ever after, did

you?” He didn’t meet her eyes, but saw Matthew’s hands come to her shoulders, bracing

“Daniel.” Her voice was soft and firm, drawing his eyes unwillingly to hers. He

could drown in their liquid brown depths. Taking a step away from Matthew’s supporting
arms, she laid one tiny hand on his chest and spoke directly into his eyes. Directly into
his soul.

“Daniel, I love you. Matthew loves you. Without you, there will be a part of our

hearts that will always be empty.” Her words were matter-of-fact, almost unemotional.
The emotion was all in her eyes. “I am willing to give up everything for you, and for
Matthew. I will face the disapproval of my friends, my family,” she gave a small sad
smile, “heck, I’ll even face Matthew’s big sister. I won’t even ask you to love us back.
Just be with us. Be with only us. I need that from you, and Matthew does, too.” She
blinked back tears. “We deserve it. All three of us deserve it.”

Daniel’s muscles stiffened and bunched beneath his suit. Every word Shannon spoke

seemed to echo in his head, as though he were listening to a recording. After the “I need
that from you… Matthew does too…”
Daniel seemed to lose his concentration. What they
were asking for was not something he had to give. Even though every cell in his body
wished that he could.

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He looked from Shannon, her eyes filled with unshed tears, over to Matt who stood

behind her like a knight behind his lady. The younger man’s face was unreadable. Gone
was the jovial man Daniel had come to know so well. In his place was a cool, cautious
creature of Daniel’s own making.

They stopped talking, Daniel cleared his throat. It wasn’t every day a man sent a

relationship like this out of his life.

“I told you both from the beginning, there is no more for me than this. Than sex.” He

crossed his arms trying to hold in the pain seeping through his pores. “I can’t be what you

“You have no clue what we need,” Matthew’s voice was as cool as his eyes. “You

have it in your mind that we want to change you. You’re right, we do. We want you to be
happy. That’s something you’ve never been. Not in all the years I’ve known you. And
yes, Dan, you did tell us it was all about the sex. Fine. Don’t throw that away because
you’re scared to let it mean something more.”

“Aren’t you trying to change me, Matt? The two of you want a commitment from

me. A fucking happy little trio rolling through life together. It isn’t that simple.”

Shannon, ever the peacemaker, tentatively reached out to touch Daniel’s sleeve. He

refused to look at her as she spoke.

“Daniel, we know who you are. We love who you are. We just want you to let us

give you that love.”

“And what would that look like, Angel?” Daniel kept his eyes on Matt; it was easier

because at the moment Matt looked ready to kill him.

“It would look like whatever we want it to. We belong together, the three of us.

Alone none of us is complete. Together we make a whole. A family. It doesn’t have to
make sense to anyone but us.”

Daniel gently removed Shannon’s hand, “Love? Who said anything about love? I

have never made a…”

“I was here Daniel. When Matt was in the hospital.” Her words were matter-of-fact

and terrifying. Daniel shook his head. No, she wouldn’t betray him like this, use his
weakness against him. He knew that Shannon had witnessed his breakdown. He’d clung
to her through the night, basking in the comfort she offered him. She never questioned
him, or forced herself on him. Shannon was as she always, a ray light to his dark soul.

“Shannon, you don’t want to go there.”
“Daniel, I’m fighting for us. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do.”
She twined her fingers with Matthew’s on her shoulder.
“That night we were both so scared you wouldn’t wake up, Matt.” Her eyes never

left Daniel’s. “And we held each other. You were the only thing solid in the world for
me, and I think, no I know that you needed me, too.”

Daniel felt his skin burn as Matt and Shannon faced him together. Panic, sharp as a

knife, sliced though his chest.

“Fine,” he shouted. “You want to hear me admit I lost it that night and you had to

pull me back together? That the thought of Matthew dying at the hand of a drunk driver
tore a chunk out of me? Is that what you need to hear?”

Matt started forward, Daniel jerked away.
“Don’t,” he was acutely aware of the open doorway at his back. “It’s over. I won’t

go through another night like that. You two have trust and faith and all the rest of that shit

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that makes love grand. I can’t give that to you, don’t you get it? I don’t know how.”

Matt held Shannon back when she went to try and comfort Daniel.
“When are you going to get tired of all your excuses? We want to give you

everything. It’s up to you now, Daniel. It’s your turn to reach out, to take what we’re
dying to give you. To give us all what we need, what we deserve.” Matt’s voice was gruff
with emotion. He’d never sounded so grown up. So much a man. “When are you going to
quit living in the past? Finding excuse after tired excuse as to why you can’t just be
happy. Let it go, let them go, then maybe you’ll have the guts to take what is being

Overwhelming sadness enveloped Daniel from head to toe, but he managed to break

away from Matthew’s stormy hazel stare. Gathering strength he didn’t really feel, Daniel
straightened and faced the two most important people in his life.

“I’m broken, Matty.” He heard Shannon’s low sound of pain. “Be good to each

other.” He turned his back and took a step toward the stairway. “Have a good life.” He
walked quickly downstairs, heading for the safety of his playroom. His steps faltered as
he heard Shannon’s soft cries behind him. He fell into the wall when he heard them softly
shut his door. His palms covered his eyes, not allowing moisture to gather. Dear God,
what had he just given up?

For a split second in there, Daniel had believed. Believed that the three of them could

carve out a life together. Then He returned. The voice that haunted him year after year,
Love makes you weak boy, don’t be like your old man.”


Shannon lay on the bed, flushed with her recent orgasm. Her body was loose and

relaxed, but her eyes were tense. The way they’d been every time she’d made love with
him over the two weeks since they’d walked out of Daniel’s house and life. Matthew
knew, no matter how good the sex was, how hot, how tender, there would always be
something missing. Shannon had been their heart, but Daniel had been their foundation,
the one who kept them grounded.

Now, Matthew lay beside his love, his body still buzzing with satisfaction, and felt

the emptiness in the spot that Daniel filled. He thought of when he would return to work
next week. The idea of passing Daniel in the hallway, seeing his face, cool and blank,
was a pain almost beyond bearing. He knew Daniel could shut them out completely, just
as he knew they could never shut Daniel out.

It was far too easy to imagine the expression on Daniel’s face, the one he’d seen so

many times on his own father’s face. Sometimes Matthew thought Old Stirling had hated
all three of his children. More often, though, he thought the Old Man just hated him.
Marcus was the golden son, the heir. Meredith, or so Stirling claimed, was destined to
make a great marriage and consolidate the Worthington Empire.

In his father’s eyes, Matthew was just a mistake. A changeling. He understood why

Stirling didn’t love him, he was too different … too frivolous. But he could never figure
out what he did to make the man hate him.

The man he was knew that Daniel didn’t hate him. The adult Matthew knew that

Daniel was scared, that he’d been hurt by his own childhood and that being with Matt and
Shannon had dug up hurts he’d kept long buried.

But that vulnerable little boy who’d wanted nothing more than for his father to love

him could only see another rejection. That wounded child could only lie in the dark and

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wonder what was so lacking in him that first his father, and now Daniel, couldn’t stand to
be with him.

He stroked a shaky hand over Shannon’s hair. His emotions were in a tumult. He

knew he had to let them out somehow, somewhere, and he knew Shannon didn’t need to
handle his grief along with her own.

Later that night, while Shannon was occupied with grading papers, Matthew turned

to the one person who’d been his rock since childhood.

The open door shed a golden glow over Matt, much like the sunshine of Shannon’s

smile. He felt his own smile falter, then fade entirely as Marcus reached out and drew
him into the house.

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Chapter 24

Daniel pushed the property sheets away, scattering them across the desk. His mind

wasn’t on work tonight. Hell, it hadn’t been on work for a while now. He moved his
leather chair back and stood. Walking to the window, he peered out, taking in the view of
the city from his seventh floor office.

He normally loved the city at night, the lights on the Ambassador Bridge, the cars

moving around like fireflies. But he was restless tonight, pent-up energy screaming for
release. He needed a distraction. A large sign caught his attention; the casino. Maybe
he’d kill a little time there. Play some cards, have a few drinks and end the evening by
sinking himself into a hot, willing, anonymous body.

It sounded really good, but Daniel didn’t have the stomach for it anymore. His edge

was gone; his innate ability to move on had disappeared. He shook his head. Fuck. Pull it
together, Danny-boy.

His father’s words haunted him. Over and over the lessons his old man had taught

the eleven-year-old Daniel repeated in his head.

You can’t depend on anyone boy. Love will kill you, make you weak. Don’t give

yourself to anyone, Daniel, or you’ll be broken just like your old man.

He must have heard that speech a thousand times before the old man drank himself

into a stupor and took a header into a tree.

He heard his office door open. Through the reflection he made out the form of

Marcus entering. His shoulders tensed and he went on the defensive. He so didn’t want to
have this conversation.

“Knock much?” He kept his voice neutral, hoping to avoid a confrontation.
“What the hell is going on, Daniel?” Marcus’s voice was soft, not a good sign.
“Nothing’s going on.” Daniel replied. He didn’t want to have this fight with his best

friend. And besides, nothing was going on. That had all ended two weeks ago. A month,
actually, if you counted from the night of the accident.

“Cut the crap, asshole, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Daniel turned his back to the window and faced his oldest friend. Profound sadness

whipped through his body at the hurt and disappointment so evident on Marcus’s face.

Daniel had never noticed how much he resembled Matthew. Especially now that he

was no longer masking his emotions behind his steely eyes. Carrie and her love had given
Marcus that freedom.

“I am not having this discussion with you, Marcus. I think you need to leave.” Daniel

felt tired. Defeated. But he knew he’d made a big mistake in trying to send Marcus away
when Marcus descended upon him like the wrath of God, grabbing his shoulders and
propelling him into the wall.

“You should have thought about that before you decided to mess with my baby

brother and his woman! I knew you were a selfish son of a bitch, but I never thought you
were capable of hurting my own flesh and blood.”

Marcus released him, but still stood aggressively in his space. His hands were

clenching and unclenching at his sides, and he looked down to shake his head.

“I shared the love of my life with you. Wasn’t that enough for you, man?”

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Daniel shoved Marcus away, moving across the room.
“This thing with Matthew started long before you and Carrie.” Disgusted with

himself he walked to the other side of the office. He leaned his tired body against the
wall, and folded his arms over his chest, unable to meet the silver eyes that were so
familiar to him.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better? Matty is so easily swayed. Dammit, he’s

only twenty-eight years old.” Marcus’s voice was getting louder with each word he
spoke. He pointed an accusatory finger at Daniel.

“I know you Dan, too well. There are dozens of willing couples at the club. How

could you seduce those two? Didn’t it ever occur to you that there are plenty of other
people in this city to play with?”

“Marcus, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I’m not one of your

employees, so don’t fucking yell at me.” This time it was Daniel’s turn to get loud. “If
anyone did the seducing, it was your so-called baby brother. Matt came to me, buddy,
and more than once. You think I haven’t known this was a bad idea from the start?”

Daniel glared into Marcus’ steely eyes, and Marcus found himself surprised at the

depth of emotion there. Clearly Matthew and Shannon weren’t the only ones suffering.

“Matt and Shannon are both adults, Marcus.” Daniel continued heatedly. “Matt knew

good and well who I am and what being with me meant from the very beginning. I never
lied to either of them.”

Daniel forced his shoulders to relax as he took in a deep breath. Screaming at Marcus

wasn’t going to get them anywhere, nor would it change anything.

“I didn’t want to hurt either of them. You know I would never do that on purpose.

Marcus, you know I can’t give anyone a commitment. Matthew knows it, and so does
Shannon. If they hadn’t tried to push me into a corner, none of this would ever have

Marcus barked out a laugh that was anything but happy.
“You keep telling yourself that shit over and over again, and people might start

believing it. Hell, you might even start believing it yourself.”

Marcus walked over and stood directly in front of his best friend. Daniel swallowed

his hurt and confusion before meeting his eyes.

“Dan, listen man, I saw your face in that hospital room. I’ll never forget that look. It

was real. What you feel for them is real. Don’t throw it away.” Marcus reached his hand
out and touched the place where Daniel’s heart lived.

“Quit listening to dear old dad.” All the anger had left him. His eyes were

compassionate, his voice intense.

“He’s dead, Daniel, because he chose not to live, not to love again. You’re not your

mother or your father. Don’t make the same mistakes they did.”

Marcus exhaled deeply before continuing.
“Look where I was a few months ago, and now look what I have.”
Daniel was jealous of the happiness that bounced of off Marcus in waves.
“I didn’t think a woman like Carrie existed, and she was right there the entire time.

Now I sound like a fucking greeting card and I don’t care. You can have the happily-
ever-after shit, but you gotta reach out and take what’s offered to you.”

Daniel bristled. First Matthew and Shannon, and now Marcus was trying to force

him to change. To be something he wasn’t capable of. He didn’t know how to love, to

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care, to be part of something larger than himself. His ability to hold on to someone had
been snuffed out before he ever got the chance to try. He was stunted by his inability to
allow anyone near his heart.

Fuck, he wanted it. He wanted it all with Shannon and Matthew, but he wasn’t about

to ruin the lives of the two people he cared about most in this world.

They were in pain now, but that would fade with time. It was nothing compared to

the pain to come when he let them down, as he inevitably would. As it was, Shannon and
Matt would come out fine and loving each other. It was he who would be alone.

He closed his eyes, his face losing its tension as the emotion drained from his body.

When he opened them again, he met Marcus’s eyes.

“I can’t.” The words were tight. They were all he could get out and keep his voice

level. It hurt too fucking much.

Marcus pulled his hand back.
“I never took you for a coward.”
Daniel cringed as he remembered those words coming from Matt after that first night


Marcus turned from his best friend and stalked to the door. Opening it, he stopped,

looking back. His face was a mask of angry disappointment.

“The wedding’s at two, asshole. Don’t forget your fucking tux.” With a final

simmering look, he walked through the door, slamming it behind him.

Daniel leaned his head back against the wall. Swallowing hard several times, he

fought the tremors going through him. Pushing himself upright, he picked up his coat.

Cards, booze and a willing partner were all he needed now. It was time to stop

wallowing in his own misery. He hated people who whined and sat around feeling sorry
for themselves, reminiscing over a past that would never change. The way he was doing
right now.

* * * *

The MGM Grand was packed with bodies. Young men in leather vied with elderly

women in polyester for a spot at the slots. A beautiful woman in spangled spandex sat
next to a grungy, mismatched bum at the blackjack table. It was a circus of light and
sound, and Daniel was counting on it to drag his mind from his own wretchedness.

He eased his way through the throng of people as the lights and musical jingle of

coins being pushed into the slot machines echoed through the enormous gambling space.
Daniel made his way to the high rollers section on the second floor, going over to a set of
velvet ropes that marked off the VIP rooms. He nodded to Joe, one of the floor managers.
The older man raised his hand, signaling to the security guard and Daniel was allowed to
proceed into the poker room.

Sitting down at his favorite poker table, he threw his money on the green felt. The

cocktail waitress came over to get his drink order, and he placed a hundred dollar bill on
her tray before saying curtly, “Whiskey. Keep it coming.” For an hour he played, winning
a few hands, but mostly losing his ass off. He couldn’t concentrate, his mind kept drifting
back to Marcus calling him a coward. Marcus was wrong, he assured himself. It wasn’t
cowardly to accept your failings.

After losing a good portion of his money he dropped out of the game. Somehow his

“distraction” left him even more focused on his situation, on what he’d lost. Deciding to

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call it a night, he walked back down the stairs, setting his still-unfinished drink on an
empty table.

A feminine hand grazed his arm. Looking down he saw a beautiful, slightly familiar

woman. He smiled and said, “Hello there, gorgeous,” while wracking his brain for where
he knew her. A brief, searing picture formed of Matthew, clad in a tuxedo and on his
knees, Daniel’s cock buried in his welcoming mouth. What the fuck? Then it came to
him. The model from the auto show. Now if he could only remember her name… At any
rate, things were looking up. Maybe his frustration could be worked out in another way.

The model presented Daniel with a fake pout as she stood in front of him. Long red

nails trailed up the lapel of his suit, before curling, claw-like, over his shoulders.

“Daniel, you haven’t called. I’ve missed you.”
He wondered briefly how she could have missed him. It’s not like they knew each

other. They certainly weren’t friends. Hell, the extent of their relationship was a quick
screw up against the wall at the auto show. One that had been utterly overshadowed by
the encounter with Matthew that followed.

“Oh, really?” His voice was full of healthy skepticism, but he managed to keep the

sarcasm to a minimum. “Somehow, I don’t quite believe you.”

She shrugged her shoulders, causing large, silicon-filled breasts to jiggle invitingly.

Daniel forced his eyes to take in every shimmy. She was everything he’d ever been
attracted to in an affair, and he was determined to prove to himself he’d walked away
from the quicksand around Matt and Shannon cleanly.

“Rumor was, you were off the market. I’m going to assume those rumors are wrong,

or you wouldn’t be looking at me like that.” She licked her red lips and leaned into him.
“I know a very private place we could slip into for a little fun.”

Rumors?! He was floored by information she was relaying. He’d thought the three of

them had been very careful, very discreet; but these things have a way of coming to light.
Employees at Worthington were not blind to the fact that he, Shannon and Matt shared
serious alone time together behind closed doors at the office.

It didn’t bother him at all that people were speculating about his sex life, but it did

disturb him that people were speculating about Matthew and Shannon. More, it disturbed
him that he was disturbed in the first place.

The little brunette clasped Daniel’s hand, pulling him back through the casino. Her

small ass, encased in a clingy red dress, swayed from perfect practice. She knew how to
entice a man with her body language.

She opened a small door near the back, marked employees only. They walked down

a short hall and she opened another door. It was an empty conference room of some sort.
Daniel shoved the door shut and pushed her up against it. She reached back, fumbled
behind herself, and locked the door.

He slid his hand up her side, tracing the lower curve of one ballooning breast, and

she leaned into his body, shiny red lips parted for his kiss. Bending down, Daniel
prepared to fuck her up against the door to relieve some of the ache tormenting him.

His lips were a breath away from hers when he stopped. He looked into her eyes, but

they weren’t melting chocolate or smoky blue. They were a hard shade of blue near to his
own. He breathed her in, and her skin didn’t smell like orange blossoms, or clean soap
mixed with musk that was so unique to Matt. There was nothing soft on her at all. Her tan
was fake, as were her tits and lips.

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Daniel sucked in a deep breath as reality slapped him in the face. This woman wasn’t

Shannon. She wasn’t natural and she wasn’t real. She was merely out to impress, she
would never tremble in his arms. She’d never sing out of tune in his kitchen, or throw
soapy sponges at him. No other woman would ever come close to his Angel. Just like no
man would ever take the place of Matthew.

His body shut down. There was no arousal, no animal attraction. The woman in his

arms was indeed beautiful by society’s standards, but not by Daniel’s.

He felt like he’d been punched in the gut. For a moment he couldn’t breathe as he

faced the enormity of what he’d done, what he’d given up, and the tension he hadn’t
realized he was carrying seemed to flow off of him in wave after wave.

Then the hurt set in. Real hurt. It wasn’t the kind that time would ever be able to

heal. It like a huge pit opened up and was trying to swallow him from the inside out. Is
this what he’d done to Matty and his Angel? Oh, fuck, what the hell had he done?

The panic rushed in again, worse than ever before. Marcus, the asshole, was right.

He was a coward. He’d allowed two unhappy, bitter people, both long dead, to control his
entire adult life.

Now he’d had the realization that he was not his father, destined to drink himself to

death rather than dealing with disappointment. He wasn’t his mother either, to run off at
the first flirtatious glance from a pretty face. Daniel was himself, and he’d thrown away
the best thing that ever happened to him.

He set the model gently away from him. Suddenly her name came to him in a rush.
“Torrie, sweetheart, I’m sorry but I’ve got to go.” He tried to smile, but he was torn

between elation at his discovery and terror at the rejection he deserved.

“Daniel,” she whined, “I thought we were going to play.” The woman tried again to

approach him.

“Not going to happen, sweetheart. I guess the rumors were right. I am off the

market.” He unlocked the door, stepping around her. He strode out, leaving Torrie with
her mouth gaping and her body shaking in disbelief.

He checked his watch: it was a little past ten. He jogged to the front of the casino and

as the valet went to get his car, he pulled out his cell phone.

After two phone calls and some serious begging, Daniel jumped into his car and took

off down Woodward Avenue. He had two important stops to make, and then he’d be free.

* * * *

Daniel stood in front of the simple headstone in the ground. Robert and Sarah Ellis

were buried side by side. His mother had returned soon after his father’s death, ill and
desperate. Cancer ravaged her body, and she’d begged Daniel to let her rest next to her
husband. Daniel never understood why she wanted that, especially when she left them.
She tried to apologize to him over and over, but it fell on deaf ears. His anger and
resentment had been too strong to grant her forgiveness. He thought her excuse that she
was afraid to love his father had been just that, a lousy excuse to explain her adultery.

He saw the truth now as he stood before them looking through the eyes of a man who

had grown to be a carbon copy of them. Oh, he wasn’t an alcoholic and he’d never been
in a relationship long enough to cheat. Instead he was cold, emotionless through and

His fear of being like them, of inflicting that kind of pain on another had cemented

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his destiny to follow in their footsteps. In the end, his parents’ sins were truly laid on
their son. But it ended tonight, and no matter what happened in the future, Daniel would
never be the same again.

“This is the last time I will ever come here,” he stated grimly staring down at their

shared stone. “But I’ve come to tell you both that I forgive you. I don’t understand your
choices. I never will. But I forgive you.” Daniel swallowed back the tears threatening to

“You were wrong, old man. Love doesn’t make you weak. Running from it does,

denying it does, breaking someone’s heart does. I won’t be like you anymore. And I
won’t be like you either, Mom. I won’t live my life going from one warm body to the
next. I want more. I want it all, and if it’s not too late, I’m going to get it.”

He ran his hand across the top of the stone and whispered his goodbyes. Back in his

car he raced to his second destination. He had to hurry; Marcus and Carrie’s wedding was
tomorrow, and he was ready to fight to get his family back.

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Chapter 25

The Wedding

Shannon caught Matthew’s eye across the courtyard of Greenfield Village’s Martha

Mary Chapel. He looked healthy and strong, and so mouthwateringly gorgeous she had to
forcibly keep herself from jumping on him in front of God and all of Marcus and Carrie’s
wedding guests. He sent her a naughty wink, proving he really could read her mind. She
thought wistfully of their near miss in the shower—they’d been running late and he’d
said he wanted to take his time with her—and began planning just how long she’d wait to
let him come when they were alone tonight.

Chatting idly with Carrie’s mom and sister, two women with wits as sharp as her

new friend’s, she stood admiring her man and his older brother. Set against the backdrop
of the beautifully restored chapel, the men looked severe and sexy in their ultra
traditional ebony tuxes. The only thing to relieve the picture was the deep flame-colored
tapestry of Matthew’s cummerbund. Marcus had opted for all black.

She was pulled out of her musings by an odd prickling at the back of her neck. She

knew that sensation. Matthew stiffened slightly and his eyes flew back to hers before
flicking over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned to face Daniel.

She hadn’t seen him since the night they’d ended things. She might have hoped the

intervening weeks would have lessened his impact on her senses. She’d have been
doomed to disappointment. He stood, as golden and beautiful as a fallen angel.

If she’d ever doubted his feelings, the way his eyes moved from her to Matthew and

back, as if starved for the sight of them, would have ended it in a hurry. He looked tired,
she decided. And like he’d lost weight. And he’d made it clear that it was none of her
business, and certainly not her job to baby him.

For a moment he met her eyes, his intent and glittering. She actually thought he

might approach her, and with a sharp breath she deliberately turned away. He was too
achingly beautiful, and too unattainable. She couldn’t stand and make small talk with him
when his mere presence made her feel like she was bleeding to death. Not yet. Maybe not


Daniel tried to ignore the little dagger of pain he felt as Shannon turned her back on

him. He knew he had no right to expect anything else. He’d hurt her too badly to fix
everything with a mere glance across a flower-strewn courtyard. Still, the dominant
instinct in him almost had him crossing the way to drag her to his side. She was his
woman, and he’d been without her too long. It was only Matthew’s sharp look, and the
even sharper shake of his head that stopped him.

Not the time, Danny-boy. Not the place.
But damn they were gorgeous, these lovers of his. Shannon, in a floaty yellow dress

splashed with scarlet and fire-colored flowers, looked like a garden pixie. Matthew, in
severe black and with his hair loose around his shoulders, could have stepped out of
another century.

Marcus and Carrie had opted not to have a rehearsal, Carrie insisting that they were

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all reasonably intelligent and could manage to walk and stand without direction, so he
hadn’t seen Matt or Shannon since that grim night at his house. Hadn’t been able to
prepare himself to control his response.

He’d missed them.
More than even he’d realized. Now he feasted his eyes on them, filling up at least

some of the emptiness with the knowledge that they were almost within touching


Matthew stood at the altar and tried to focus on Carrie as she floated up the aisle

toward his smiling brother. He didn’t think he’d seen Marcus smile as much in the last
ten years as he had in the ten weeks since he and Carrie had become a couple. It was hard
to concentrate, though, with Shannon in the second row casting confused and hurt
glances at the man standing so close beside him. Too close beside him.

He smelled like sin and dark spices, and Matthew felt his body respond mindlessly.

Like one of those dogs when it heard a bell. It didn’t help Daniel stood close enough that
his front brushed against Matthew’s side. The one time he’d tried to shift away, the other
man had followed him, and soon Matthew gave in and decided to just enjoy the moment
and the man at his side.


The wedding was perfect. Simple, elegant, and so very like Carrie and Marcus that it

made Shannon smile through her tears. As Marcus reached for his bride, she let her eyes
connect with Matthew’s. She had no doubt that he loved her just as intently as Marcus
loved Carrie, and the knowledge left her eyes glowing with unshed tears.

When Marcus began making his vows in his low, masterful voice, she watched

Matthew’s eyes kindle on hers. He was making those same vows to her, only silently, and
she felt every word down to her soul. Then, to her surprise, he started and looked away
from her, to the man at his side.

Daniel placed one hand on Matthew’s shoulder, and though he didn’t say a word, he

met the other man’s eyes with a burning intensity that was riveting. Shannon felt her lips
part as her breath quickened. She could literally feel Matthew’s response from twenty
feet away. The way the blood rushed through his body. The way every muscle went hard
and ready.

Then Daniel turned his eyes to her, and her breath stopped entirely. There was more

naked emotion in his sapphire stare than she’d seen in the entire time they’d been
together. His hand still clenched on Matt’s shoulder, his face was a mask of pain and
regret. And something else. Something like hope.

If she’d been into lying to herself, she’d have thought he was making vows, too.


They’d been separated after the obligatory pictures, and once the toasts were made,

Matthew left the bridal table and quickly swept Shannon to the dance floor. They looked
good together, Daniel thought, her petite frame fitted to his tall, lean one. Her head
nestled against his heart, and Daniel knew that they were sharing the communion that
was only shared by people who were lovers in the truest sense of the word. And for the
first time in his life, he wanted to be a part of that.

It was indecently early when Marcus took the microphone from the wedding singer

to say his goodbyes to the small group of celebrating family and friends.

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“I know you will all understand my rather…” he glanced at his blushing wife,

“urgent need for some time alone with my new bride.” Friends from the Club smiled
knowingly, while friends and family from their regular life laughed innocently. Daniel
caught sight of Dorian on the far side of the dance floor, sending speculative looks at
Carrie’s younger sister. Her recent pregnancy had left her soft and blooming with rich,
fertile curves, and the cop couldn’t seem to look away.

He owed Dorian big time. The cop had convinced the drunk driver to let Daniel pay

for his hospital bills in exchange for dropping the assault charges. The young man readily
concurred, as well as agreeing to go into rehab after his jail sentence was served. Turned
out that he was a screwed up nineteen-year-old kid with a messy past. Matthew had
forgiven the younger man, and Daniel discovered he could do no less.

“In the meantime,” Marcus continued over the laughter, “Carrie and I would love for

you to enjoy the beautiful night, the fabulous band, and as our special treat to you, horse-
drawn carriage rides around the village.” A spatter of impromptu applause broke out at
his announcement as a line of glossy carriages drawn by even glossier horses clip-
clopped up the cobbled driveway.

The bride and groom ran to the first carriage in line, ducking ceremonial gold coins

and showers of birdseed along the way. The last sight anyone had of them as they glided
away was of Marcus, his strong hand cupping Carrie’s face as he stared deeply into her
eyes and pulled her in for his kiss.


He finally caught up with them as Matthew handed Shannon up into a gorgeous

cordovan-colored carriage drawn by a stunning bay gelding. Before either realized his
intent, he swung into the seat facing them and gestured for the driver to go.

For a moment they both looked painfully vulnerable, then Matthew just looked tired.
“Daniel,” his voice was low and weary. It was a tone Daniel had associated with

himself for years, but never with Matthew. “What is it you want from us?” Shannon laid
her hand over Matt’s, and Daniel could literally see the other man draw strength from her

“You’ve been teasing all day.” As Matt spoke, Shannon nodded silently. Her eyes

were that warm, melted chocolate color they sometimes got when her emotions carried
her away. It gave Daniel hope.

Matthew continued, “Long, significant looks.” His eyes narrowed, smoky green and

ready to spark with anger. “Meaningful touches.” He shook his head, and Shannon
finished for him.

“Daniel,” he knew she wanted to reach for him, saw her check the motion, and all he

wanted was her touch. “We offered you everything…” Her eyes filled. “And it wasn’t
something you could accept.”

He cleared his throat and dipped his head in acknowledgement. Everything they said

was true.

“Matty,” he dragged his eyes away from Shannon to meet Matthew’s stormy gaze.

“Nine months ago you sat in your brother’s office, and you called me a coward.” Matt
raised his chin in acknowledgement, obviously expecting Daniel to argue the point. He
was in for a surprise.

“You were right,” Daniel continued. “I have been. I let my fear of becoming my

father, being broken by love, control my emotions. Worse, I let my fear of becoming my

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mother, unable to be faithful, and ending up destroying the very people I treasured most,
control my actions.” He dropped his eyes from Matthew’s and stared out at the beautiful,
peaceful scenery rolling by.

“I hurt you both, even though that was the last thing I wanted to do.” He looked up

again, meeting both sets of eyes in turn. “And in hurting you, I hurt myself.”

“Daniel,” this time Shannon did reach out for his hand. Her touch was like sunlight

after years of darkness. “What do you want from us?”

The carriage was pulling back up at the reception as Matthew answered for him.

“Babe, he wants sex.” It killed Daniel to see the bitter cynicism in the younger man’s
eyes, which had bled into the pure green of anger.

Matt jumped lithely from the carriage, and turned to lift Shannon down beside him.

Daniel saw his future, his family, slipping from his grasp and shot the coachman a furious
“Wait for us,” as he leapt down to position himself in front of them.

“Of course I want sex,” he snapped, patience at an end. “But I could get that

anywhere.” He laid a hand on Shannon’s cheek and all but growled in triumph as she
pressed into his palm. “I want you, you ass,” he continued, meeting Matthew’s eyes
squarely. Matt’s mouth dropped open. “I need you. Both.”

Daniel took a step back, fumbling in his pocket for the white satin box he’d been

carrying since the night before. Facing the two people who completed him, he did the
most courageous thing he’d ever done in his life. He flipped open the box.


Shannon was trembling at his side, and it was all Matthew could do not to join her.

When Daniel opened the jeweler’s box, he would have sworn the world stopped turning.
He knew the party around them suddenly went quiet, and saw the comprehension of that
little fact in Daniel’s eyes, too.

The box contained three rings. One boasted a flawless, cushion-cut emerald flanked

by two diamonds. The other two were obviously men’s rings. Solid, thick gold bands that
proclaimed ownership to the world.

Daniel let his eyes slide from Matt’s to Shannon’s and back again as he plucked the

rings from the box before closing it and dropping it into his pocket. Now, eyes glued to
Matthew’s, he slid one of the men’s rings onto his own finger.

“I belong to you.” Matt sucked in a breath at the bald announcement. Daniel turned

to Shannon. “And, Angel,” he took her hand, raising it to his mouth before slipping the
exquisite emerald ring on her left ring finger. “We both belong to you.”

The tears in Shannon’s eyes spilled over as she stared at her hand next to Daniel’s,

the matching glow of their rings catching the light of the candles being lit across the
reception tables. Her answer was clear in the glow of her eyes.

There was one ring left. One answer left. Matthew felt it like a fire inside him as he

looked up from their entwined hands and met Daniel’s eyes.


Daniel had never been so terrified, so exposed, in his life. When he’d admitted that

Matt and Shannon owned him, he’d been aware of every remaining barrier inside of him
crumbling. He’d also been aware of every person at the reception watching them
curiously. None of that could lessen the sense of rightness he felt when he slid the
wedding band on his hand.

His relief when Shannon accepted his ring almost unmanned him. But he knew

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Shannon would be the easy one. As much as he’d hurt her with his coldness and inability
to express his love, he knew he’d hurt Matthew even more.

Matt came from a history of cold, domineering men, and the fact he’d let himself

love Daniel at all was a miracle. By walking away from that love, Daniel knew he’d
rubbed salt in every wound that Old Man Worthington, may the bastard rot in Hell, had
left on his younger son’s heart.

Now, Daniel stood before them. His loves. His family. The ones who made him

whole. He knew if Matthew couldn’t forgive him, he would never recover. Never love
again. And he knew he didn’t deserve forgiveness if he couldn’t be ruthlessly honest and
go for broke.

“Matthew Worthington,” his voice was gruff with emotion, and Matt’s eyes flared

smoky blue. “You are, without a doubt, the best man I know.” He cleared his throat, and
heard Shannon sniffle as he paused to collect his thoughts. “Your courage puts me to
shame.” He looked away, and forced himself to look back, refusing to choke now. This
was too important.

“You and Shannon exploded into my life at a time when I was so trapped in my

isolation I didn’t even know there was anything else out there. You had the unmitigated
gall to want me to be happy. Buddy, you knew I didn’t do happy.” He gave a wry smile.
“But you made me happy anyway.” His smile faded. “And then you almost died, and I
knew that if you had, I’d have died right there with you.” Matt’s eyes blazed with blue
fire, and his expression softened just a bit.

“And you were right, I was a coward. I couldn’t face the pain of losing you that way,

so I hurt us all by sending you away on my terms.” He paused again, thoughtfully. “I
thought if I controlled the loss, I could control the pain.” He grinned at the two standing
rapt, caught by his words. “Here’s your chance to tell me I’m not only a coward, but a
fool, too.” When neither responded, he merely raised his brows and continued.

“It didn’t work. Every day without you was worse than the day before.” He shook his

head. “I’m not my dad. I won’t drown myself in whiskey.” He looked them in the eyes
again. “And I’m not my mother. I have no desire for anyone except the two of you.”
Matt’s eyes narrowed and Daniel knew the other man realized that he’d tried to fuck
them away. Then he nodded as he accepted that Daniel had failed.

Daniel held up his left hand, directing Matthew’s eyes to the gleaming gold ring on

his finger. “I told someone last night that I’m off the market.” He let his hand rest against
the strong line of Matthew’s jaw, savoring the rasp of his afternoon beard.

“I belong to you,” he repeated, his voice softening. “You are my family.” Shannon

was openly weeping beside them now, and both men automatically reached out to draw
her between them. Daniel pulled her into his chest as Matthew dropped a kiss on the top
of her head.

With his free hand, Daniel held up the final ring to Matthew.
“You asked me to be brave enough to take what I want.” He included Shannon in his

glance. “What we all need.” He swallowed hard and laid himself bare.

“Matthew, I want your love. I want that damned happy trio rolling through life. I

want to go to sleep with you both, and wake up with you both,” he drew in a deep gulp of
air, “and maybe someday, if it’s what Shannon wants, I want to have children with you
both.” He was trembling now. He didn’t realize it until Shannon wrapped her arms
around him and held tight.

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He took Matt’s left hand in his, and held up the ring.
“Will you take this?” Matt’s eyes seemed locked to their hands. “Do you still want

me?” Matt’s eyes rose to meet his slowly. “Because if you do,” he faltered at the heat and
smoke that raged in Matthew’s gaze. “If you do, I’m yours.”

The moment of silence that followed seemed to last a thousand years. Daniel

couldn’t draw a breath, and he didn’t think Shannon was breathing either. Just when he’d
begun to lose hope, Matthew wrapped his hand around the back of Daniel’s head and
dragged him in for a kiss full of pain, and joy, and sweet relief.

“You supreme ass,” the younger man gasped, releasing his lips as the crowd around

them burst into soft conversation. “If I want you?” Matthew was laughing now, and
Daniel found himself joining in. “You complete idiot,” Matt gave him a light shake with
his hand on the back of Daniel’s neck. “You were the only thing that was missing. God,
we fucking pined for you, you enormous dickhead.”

Shannon was laughing now, too. Daniel gave them both a longsuffering look.
“Somehow, Matty,” his voice was wry, “that’s not the declaration of love I was

hoping for.”

Matt’s laughter stopped, although his eyes still danced. He took Daniel’s hand, the

one holding the ring, and raised his own left hand to it.

“I love you, Daniel Ellis. You and Shannon are it for me. If you belong to us,” his

voice broke a bit as Shannon joined Daniel in guiding the ring onto Matthew’s finger.
“Well, we’ve belonged to you since about the first time you didn’t duck when Shannon
threw an olive at you.”

Daniel Ellis, man of granite, man with no heart, felt a swell of emotion so intense

wash through him that it filled his heart, and his soul, and came spilling out from his eyes
in the form of tears. Pulling Shannon safe between them, where she belonged, he dragged
Matthew closer until the three were locked in an embrace as solid and unbreakable as the
love they had for each other.

“Hmm-mmm.” The gruff clearing of a throat nearby brought Daniel’s head up. He

blinked as he met the carriage driver’s twinkling eyes.

“So, would you be wanting to finish your ride now, sir?”
Daniel looked at his family and grinned. Giving Matthew a shove toward the

conveyance, he swept Shannon into his arms and tossed her onto the soft velvet seat.

“Absolutely,” he answered as he and Matthew climbed up and squeezed in on either

side of her. “We’ve got a whole life’s worth of planning to do.”


As she watched the carriage roll away, the two gorgeous men that had stood up with

her new brother-in-law taking turns stealing long, languorous kisses from each other and
the woman between them, Cassidy Anderson-Lassiter gave a sigh of envy. She knew she
should be grateful for all she had. A warm, supportive family. The world’s most beautiful
baby daughter. A new job in a new city. But somehow there was still a cold, empty place
inside. The place where love, the love of a good man, was meant to live.

It hardly seemed fair that Shannon, as sweet as she was, should get two such

amazing men, when Cass couldn’t even manage to hold one.

With another long sigh, Cass went to retrieve her daughter from her mom’s greedy

arms. She never noticed the dark, speculative eyes of the man in Police dress blues across
the courtyard from her.

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The End

About the Author:

Violet Summers is a married mother of three beautiful children, including one set of

twins, one rambunctious puppy, and one husband, except when she’s a single mom of
one spoiled teenaged God-child and three spoiled kitties. Both of Violet’s personalities
are very busy!

No, Violet has not suffered a psychotic break yet (though she may after dealing with

creating web pages and MySpace accounts). Violet is actually the writing team of Sierra
Summers and Violet Johnson.

Both women read voraciously, and in a multitude of genres. Sierra classifies them as

“readers, as opposed to readers of romance. This means when we write, we’re as
concerned with the story as we are with the sex.” That said, Sierra has been known to
boycott books where the characters haven’t “done the deed,” by page 125.

Sierra and VeeJay live in Southeast Michigan, and the spice of the Metro-Detroit

area often flavors their work. “Why look for a more glamorous setting,” VeeJay asks,
“when we’ve got the beautiful, re-vitalized Downtown area to draw from?”

Violet Summers writes in a variety of genres, from contemporary to paranormal;

from soft BDSM to fantasy. The two things all her stories have in common is their deep
emotional and their scorching erotic love scenes.

Sierra and VeeJay love to hear from their readers. You can contact them at

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