Moon Pack 5 Enticing Elliott

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Table of Contents

Title Page


Note from the Publisher

Trademarks Acknowledgement

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

About the Author

Also by Amber Kell


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Enticing Elliott

Moon Pack, book 5

Amber Kell

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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Alison Todd

Enticing Elliott © 2011 Amber Kell

ISBN # 9781920484965

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Chapter One

Elliott looked at the big metal door with the wolf head knocker and balked. There

was no sign on the outside or even darkened windows to indicate this was a nightclub,

just a big metal door. The entire lack of a line or roped off area made him extremely

nervous. He almost ran.


However, Anthony had asked him to come, ordered him really. He couldn't say no to

Anthony. He didn't know anyone who could. There was something about the man that

made you want to make him happy, want to do what he asked.

No matter how ridiculous.

Like wearing leather pants and a copper-colored mesh shirt. Hell, even the boots

were an Anthony requirement. There was nothing so embarrassing as having your new

boss take you shopping and then demand your attendance at a bar… club… whatever.

He wasn't even sure it was legal for Anthony to do that. Of course, he wouldn't be

the one bringing it up.

He'd met the man's mate.

Tentatively he took the wolf knocker and banged it a few times.

Immediately, the door opened to a tall lean man with short black hair and massive

shoulders. Cool grass-green eyes looked him up and down. "Yes?"

Nerves had Elliott shaking his head back and forth, more of a spasm than a

voluntary movement. "Um, A-Anthony invited me."


"Elliott Samuels."

Those green eyes examined him intently. "Samuels?" He knew what the guy was

implying, but he didn't have a pack. He'd never had a pack.

"I'm half-wolf. No pack." He wasn't ashamed, no matter how piercing the other

man's gaze.

"Can you shift?"

Elliott didn't know why it mattered, but he nodded. "Full independent change."

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Some half-wolves couldn't. Couldn't shift or involuntarily shifted under a full moon,

their control not as good as their full wolf counterparts, but not Elliott. His wolf was a

quiet submissive creature. It had to be coaxed out beneath the moon, but it could be


"Excellent." The man gave him a smile that could only be called… wolfish.

Elliott had the dizzying sensation he was the prey in this scenario and he wasn't

entirely certain he disliked the idea.

The man pulled a phone from the clip on his low riding black jeans. Elliott blinked at

how low those jeans really rode. He discreetly turned his head so he wouldn't be

caught staring inappropriately.

"I need a replacement." The bouncer's voice was low and pleasant, sliding through

Elliott's body like an aural aphrodisiac.

Damn, he was fine. Elliott willed his body not to harden. His leather pants left

nothing to the imagination. They might not ride as low as the hot bouncer's jeans but

they had a snug fit. If he became hard, the fact he wasn't wearing underwear would be

apparent to all. Damn Anthony; he'd convinced Elliott to do without his boxers, saying it

would give him unattractive lines.

He was reconsidering his current place of employment.

"Coming," a scratchy female voice said over the speakerphone, pulling Elliott's

attention back to the bouncer.

The gorgeous wolf hung up and pinned Elliott with those stunning green eyes. "It will

be just a moment." He flashed a wicked smile. "Like what you see?"

Elliott swallowed. "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to stare." He could feel his cheeks burning

with embarrassment, one of the problems with having pale skin. His mother always

said he inherited his great-grandmother's Irish complexion, but since the woman died

before he was born he only had a few grainy photographs to support the theory.

The bouncer chuckled. "If I didn't want people looking, I wouldn't wear them so low.

I'm Parker." He held out one massive paw to Elliott who cautiously took the other man's

hand. He was surprised at the handshake. The larger man was careful of his strength;

apparently he wasn't one of those men who felt more manly if he crushed everyone's

hand to prove he was stronger.

"I'm here." A pretty woman who was even shorter than Elliott's five-nine walked up

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the stairs. She took one look at Elliott and gave a wide smile. "I'm Shara, who are you?


"This is Elliott," Parker said, blocking Elliott with his larger frame before she could

offer her hand. "Anthony invited him."

"Hmm. And it takes a personal escort to take him to Anthony?" Her eyes were

brilliant blue, sparkling with mischief.

"Just give me fifteen minutes," Parker growled before turning back to Elliott. "Come

with me."

Elliott resisted any possible smartass response that involved coming and the hot

black-haired man leading the way with his tight, round ass. That didn't stop him from

looking though.

* * * *

Parker glanced back at the pretty, auburn-haired wolf and bit back a growl. He

searched his mind for the perfect present for Anthony. The man was going to get a big

reward for bringing Parker his mate. Unless he intended Elliott for someone else, then

they were going to have words.

Unpleasant ones.

Unfortunately, even if he could make himself attack Anthony the man would fry his

ass before he took the first lunge. Sometimes there were disadvantages to having a

non-wolf alpha mate, even if he was nice to look at.

Glancing back at the pretty, pretty man, he decided that sometimes there were

even bigger advantages. Elliott was small by wolf standards, probably due to the half-

wolf blood, but the man had beautiful reddish-brown hair, cut in finger tantalizing layers,

and clear blue eyes like the sky on a perfect summer day. The man's sleek and

compact body hinted at a six-pack beneath his extremely sexy fitted shirt.

Parker concentrated on going down the remaining stairs without falling on his ass.

He wouldn't make a very good impression if he stumbled down the stairs while trying to

entice the man with his sexiness.

He swiped his card at the bottom of the landing and opened the door.

"There's a lot of security here," Elliott remarked.

Parker shrugged. "It's not only a club, it's also our home. Well, for a lot of the pack.

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I have a house I inherited from my mother."

"What about your father?"

"He died when I was young, my parents weren't mates." He didn't want to go into

the depressing details of his family so he was relieved when they entered the main

room of the club.

The pulse of the music hit them as they walked through the door. Parker scanned

the room looking for the largest concentration of people where he knew they'd find

Anthony. A massive crowd filled the second level and he saw the dark head of his

alpha, Silver, above the group.

"Come on." Parker wrapped an arm around the smaller man to protect him from the

jostling crowd.

"Parker, what have you got there?" Mikel, one of the local vampires, sauntered

over and blocked their path. The gleam in his eyes grew as he took in Elliott's outfit and

self-conscious demeanor.

Parker pulled the smaller wolf closer, baring his teeth at the vampire. "He's a friend

of Anthony's. I'm taking him over to him."

Mikel gave a sly smile, flashing a bit of fang. "I know how busy you are, how about I

take him over to Anthony so you can get back to work."

A low growl rolled up Parker's throat as his wolf sensed a contender for his

possible mate. The bestial side of him wanted to tear out the vampire's throat and

remove any possible threat to his mating.

He was startled out of his ire by Elliott stroking his stomach, soothing him out of his

fury. "I can see Anthony from here," Elliott said. "I'm sure I can make it over there on

my own."

"Elliott." Anthony's voice cut through the crowd as the alpha mate spotted the

redhead from across the room. Parker figured Anthony's voice must be magically

transmitted because how else could they hear the man over the noise in the club.

Elliott waved to the alpha mate.

"See you later, Mikel," Parker said, moving them away from the vampire with an

arm around Elliott's waist, not giving the smaller man the chance to say goodbye. The

less the half-wolf talked to Mikel, the less chance of Parker starting an interspecies


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* * * *

Elliott couldn't help smiling at Anthony when the other man waved him over. Being

hailed by Anthony was like being acknowledged by the most popular guy in school; an

event he'd never experienced in real life. Being home-schooled by his overprotective

mother prepared him little for the real world, as a human or a wolf.

Following Parker, they headed in Anthony's direction. There was a glow about the

blond that always made Elliott happier to be near him. As Anthony's accountant, he

tried to keep his crush to himself, he knew he had no chances there, but it still gave

him a flush of excitement whenever he saw the other man.

Anthony stood when the pair approached. Leaning forward he gave Elliott a hug.

"I'm glad you could make it."

He suppressed a shudder of excitement at the close contact with the other man,

not missing the cold glare he received from the alpha over his boss's shoulder.

Oblivious to his mate's challenging look, Anthony released Elliott and beckoned the

alpha closer.

"Silver, remember Elliott, the new accountant I hired?"

Silver nodded but didn't offer his hand. Elliott tipped his neck slightly to offer

respect, but not subservience, since he technically wasn't a member of the Moon

pack. He was Anthony's employee. Rumor had it they had another guy who did the

Pack books.

"Greetings, Alpha."

Silver lost some of his glower, the customary greeting apparently easing his

concern about another man standing so close to his mate. As if the rock gracing

Anthony's finger and the mating collar weren't enough to mark the man as taken, Elliott

thought. Not to mention, Anthony didn't look at anyone with even a fraction of the

degree of adoration he bestowed on the huge, dark-haired werewolf. The beautiful

man was smitten and clearly, by the alpha's growly manner and lavish gifts, his feelings

were returned. Silver might be all hard muscles and scary power, but the look in his

eyes when he gazed at Elliott's boss was enough to make even the sappiest romantic


Anthony picked up his phone. It must've been on vibrate because Elliott hadn't

heard it ring. A look at the display had his employer giving him a regretful look. "I've got

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to get to Hotel Paradise, the manager just texted me. Apparently there's an issue

involving a dryad and a wolf. I'm sorry to interrupt our plans."

Elliott shrugged, trying to mask his disappointment. It wasn't Anthony's fault there

was a problem at one of his hotels.

"That's okay. Since I'm all dressed up, I'll get myself a drink and hang around here

for a while." It wouldn't hurt to get to know the local wolves. He would eventually have to

join a pack if he wanted to mate with any of the werewolves in the area and this bar

was considered one of the best places to find a supernatural mate.

* * * *

Parker basked in the alpha mate's gaze. He could tell by the look in the other man's

eyes what Anthony was going to ask him.

"Parker, would you mind making sure Elliott has a good time?" Anthony smoothly

made it sound as if the wolf would be doing him a favor when they both knew Parker

was waiting for the chance to pounce.

"Of course. I'd be happy to." If, by a good time Anthony meant tying the smaller man

up and fucking him within an inch of his life.

Tony gave him a smile as if he knew exactly what Parker was thinking. He didn't say

anything, but he gave Elliott a kiss on the cheek before turning to his mate. "Are you

coming, sweet peach?"

Silver shook his head at the nickname. "Where else would I be?" the alpha replied.

He held out his arm like a gentleman in one of those old black and white movies

Parker's mother used to make him watch.

With a nod to everyone else, Anthony left the room escorted by the alpha like a

debutante going to her first ball. If you overlooked the fact the debutante was in

skintight leather pants and a transparent gauzy shirt.

"Do you think he'll change before he gets there?" Elliott asked with a smile,

watching the pair leave.

Parker laughed. "I think his mate will tear his clothes off before he leaves the limo

and he'll be forced to put others on. Don't worry, they keep extra clothing in all the cars

for Anthony. Silver's not known for his patience."

Elliott was adorable when he blushed, Parker decided, watching the man's pale skin

bloom with color. He'd like to see if the rest of Elliott's skin marked as beautifully.

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The phone beeped. "Parker, are you returning?" Shara's voice carried through the

line with an edge of irritation, reminding Parker that not everyone knew of the change

of plans.

"Shara I've been reassigned by the alpha mate. I'll send someone to help you."

He turned off the phone before she could reply, fairly certain he didn't want to hear

her response.

Dillon, Ben, and Thomas walked by, the trio laughing as they traversed the busy

dance floor.

"Hey, Dillon," he called out.

Dillon scowled over at Parker. Obviously not a man who liked having his

conversation with his lovers interrupted. "What?"

"I need someone to help Shara, can you do it?"

Dillon looked at Ben who shook his head no. "Sorry," Dillon said without a trace of

regret. "Boss says no. He made reservations and everything."

Parker eyed the nice suits and smiles and knew he was beaten. He sent a mock

glare to Ben who smiled and blew him a playful kiss. Thomas wrapped a possessive

arm around the smaller man as the trio walked off.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he called after them.

Dillon gave Parker the finger behind Ben's back, not bothering to turn around.

Parker laughed.

"Are they all together?" Elliott asked as the trio walked away.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Parker hoped the new wolf wasn't uptight.

It would ruin all of the plans he was making for him.

Elliott shrugged. "Only in that I'm-incredibly-jealous kind of way. I can't even find one

guy and that wolf has two hot mates."

Parker gave him a wide smile. "Oh, I think you can find one." He trailed a finger

down Elliott's neck, pleased when the smaller man shivered beneath his touch.

Dare walked passed.

"Hey, kitty."

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Someone smacked Parker in the back of the head from behind. "Ow."

"Show some respect to my mate," Steven growled.

Dare laughed as he walked back to the pair. He gave Elliott a curious glance but

didn't say anything.

"I've got about an hour left on my shift, could you cover for me? Anthony asked me

to entertain Elliott here. I tried Dillon but Ben won't let him. You're not working tonight,

are you?"

"No, and he's still not," Steven said.

"Hey, sugar, settle down," Dare said, running a soothing hand over his mate's back.

"I can spare an hour to help out a friend."

A rush of relief eased Parker's tense muscles. He didn't want Elliott to slip through

his fingers while he was manning the door. If he didn't know Steven would rip off his

head he'd give the tiger shifter a big hug.

Dare saw the phone in his hand. "Are you on door duty?"

"Yeah. Shara's down below, but when we work together I put her behind the second

door. That way she doesn't have to deal with the creeps."

"Sounds good." Dare took the phone with a smile. "Besides, I like Shara, she

smells good."

Steven growled. "She better not smell



Laughing, Dare gave his mate a quick kiss on the lips. "Nah, I think it's her perfume.

Smells like vanilla, always makes me want a big bag of cookies."

The other men laughed.

"Wait for me at the bar and I'll make it worth your while," Dare said, batting his

eyelashes in an exaggerated flirt.

"I'll make sure you do." Steven stepped forward. Plunging his fingers into Dare's

hair he yanked the tall tiger shifter into his arms. Before the other man could speak,

Steven's lips took over Dare's in a kiss so primal Parker could almost see the

pheromones spiking the air.

Damn. That was hot!

"Keep that up and we'll have to sell tickets," Parker said, shifting his stance to

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accommodate his growing problem.

"I'd buy one," Elliott piped up. The little wolf's eyes glazed over and he licked his lips

as if he were the one receiving the kiss.

The pair separated, Dare heading to the stair door and Steven to the bar.

"Which one has you all in a lather?" Parker asked, curious about what Elliott found

arousing. Personally, he'd always wanted to stroke the big kitty.

"Both of them." Elliott blushed. "I mean, them together. You could tell it wasn't just

lust. They really care for each other. The wolf, you called him Steven?"

Parker nodded.

"When he grabbed his mate, I could see his hold was gentle. If Dare wanted to

escape he could have. It was hot because you could tell he let his lover control the kiss

when he didn't have to."

"They're newly bonded, they mated last week." Parker shook his head to snap out

of the melancholy of not being mated. After all, it may have taken a while, but now he

had a potential mate of his own. He just had to concentrate on not scaring off the little

wolf. "Let me buy you a drink?"

Elliott nodded. "Okay, but charge it to Anthony's account. It's his fault I'm here."

Parker laughed. "Deal."

* * * *

Elliott looked across the table at Parker. The other wolf was quite attractive if you

liked big, handsome men with midnight black hair and gorgeous green eyes.

"Why did Anthony pick you for me?" Elliott asked.

Parker set down his beer with a thump. "What makes you think he picked me for


Elliott laughed. "Anthony may be a brilliant architect, but he's not subtle."

Parker shrugged. "He knows I'm looking for a mate and he thought we'd be a good


"What do you think?"

"I think he's right."

"Kiss me."

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"What?" Parker couldn't have looked more surprised if Elliott had stripped down

naked and danced on the table.

"The only way to find out if we're compatible is to test it. Kiss me and we can see if

we're wasting our time here or if I should let you have me."

"What makes you think I want you?" Parker asked in a low growling voice.

"Because if you usually get that excited over a beer you'd be an alcoholic," Elliott

pointed at the obvious erection tightening Parker's jeans.

Parker's laugh was low and genuinely delighted. A weight lifted off Elliott's chest that

he hadn't known he'd been carrying. He wanted the other wolf to like him. Having never

socialized with a pack before, he was interested in learning more about pack

dynamics. All he knew was what he could glean from the internet, and most of those

sources didn't even believe in werekin.

The invitation from Anthony had been a dream.

When he'd first been hired he didn't know the other man was an alpha mate and

was just pleased to have employment. In this economy, getting a job straight from

college was almost impossible. However, when he came for an interview, Anthony liked

him and gave Elliott the position of balancing the books for his hotel chain. When

Anthony invited him to come and meet members of his pack, Elliott thought all of his

dreams came true. Even the wardrobe Anthony insisted he buy didn't dim the thrill of

being around so many pack members. Hell, even if Parker kissed badly he'd at least

have made a new shifter friend.

God knows he needed them.

Too shy to make friends in college and having spent his formative years beneath

his mother's thumb, Elliott was now ready to live life to its fullest.

Distracted by his thoughts, he almost jumped when Parker grabbed his seat and

pulled him closer. The waxed floor allowed the chair to slide smoothly over to the other


"Hello there," Parker said. Heat and raw need flared in his eyes.

"Hello." Elliott swallowed, trying to get moisture to his suddenly dry throat.

"If you don't want to kiss me you don't have to," Parker said.

"I-I want to." Oh, how he wanted to.

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"Good. As long as we're on the same page." Parker grabbed Elliott's shirt and

yanked him against his body. Capturing Elliott's mouth with his own, he devoured him.

Heat poured from Parker like molten lava, so hot Elliott wouldn't be surprised if parts of

his body started to melt. When Parker broke off so they could breathe, Elliott said the

first thing that went through his mind. "Well, you're not a bad kisser."

Parker froze. "Did you expect me to be?"

Blushing, he tried to reassure the other wolf. "No, I was just thinking that if our

kissing didn't work out we could still be friends. But it did. I mean, we are kissing

compatible, don't you think?"

Parker nodded. "Most definitely." The dark wolf glanced around the bar. "Want to

take this somewhere more private?"

A herd of butterflies stampeded Elliott's stomach. He could almost feel dozens of

wings fluttering madly about. He nodded weakly. "Yes, I would."

Instead of jumping up from his chair and dragging Elliott off, Parker tilted his head

and looked at him carefully as if trying to peek inside his soul. "We don't have to do

anything you don't want to."

"No. No, I do." Elliott rubbed his hands on his leather pants cursing silently that he

wasn't wearing his usual denim. "I-it's been a while." Like never, but that wasn't

information he was going to share with the man looking at him like he was the world's

best treat.

Parker's eyes took on a speculative gleam. "Have you ever been with anyone?"

Elliott sighed. He wouldn't blame the gorgeous wolf if he cut his losses and ran.

What kind of loser reached his age still pure?

He shook his head. Not wanting to see Parker's expression, he kept his gaze on

the floor, waiting for the sound of a chair moving to indicate the other wolf had left. No

one wanted a man in his mid-twenties who'd barely been kissed.

The tension grew when Parker didn't move.

He glanced up.

Parker's green eyes glowed. "That's the sexiest thing I've ever heard," the other

wolf said. His voice went so deep it took Elliott a moment to sort out the rumble as

actual words.

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Swallowing, he made sure he understood. "You mean you're not turned off?"

Parker grabbed Elliott's right hand and pressed it to his crotch. A firm bulge met

Elliott's seeking fingers. "Does that feel turned off to you?"

Elliott shook his head.

"Let's go to my place where I can show you properly."

He let out a squeak as Parker ruthlessly yanked him out of his seat and dragged

him through the door and up the stairs.

"Have a good night." Dare's amused voice followed them out the door.

"Hey, slow down." Elliott's feet slid on the parking lot gravel, making him stumble.

"Oh, sorry." Parker shortened his long strides. The hand on Elliott's wrist went from

vice grip to gentle hold. "You've got me so worked up I can hardly think."

Although Parker's grip was lighter, Elliott was still being inexorably dragged towards

a red pickup. He heard the click of the lock disengaging seconds before Parker pulled

the door open.

Elliott dug in his heels.

"What? Did you change your mind?" Parker's green eyes shone in the dim lights of

the parking lot. Elliott could tell his wolf was close to the surface, looking out at him.

"I should bring my own car." He was proud his voice didn't shake under that piercing


"Why? Does Anthony make you work on Sunday?"

"No, but I hadn't planned on staying the night."

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Chapter Two

Parker examined the smaller man for a moment. Would it scare off the sweet thing

to tell him he never expected Elliott to leave his house again? Sure, he might need his

car to get back and forth to work, maybe run errands, but he would be coming back to

Parker. Coming back to live with him, because in that kiss they shared Parker saw his

future and its name was Elliott.

Sweet, kind Elliott whom his new best friend Anthony had tied up with a pretty ribbon

and delivered to him. He'd have to get the alpha mate something nice in return,

something shiny. Not too shiny or Silver would kick his ass but shiny nonetheless.

Maybe a diamond studded hoop for his nipple or a new sports car.

"Leave your car," Parker growled. "You can pick it up tomorrow."

Or the next day.

Surely Anthony wouldn't miss them for a few days or ten.

Elliott looked as if he weren't quite sure what to make of Parker's smile, but the

pretty wolf let Parker tuck him into the truck without further objections.

"Poor thing doesn't know what he's gotten himself into," Parker muttered as he

walked around the vehicle and slid behind the steering wheel.

The pair traveled to Parker's house in silence, luckily it wasn't that far away or

Parker had the feeling Elliott would talk himself out of the entire thing. The smaller

wolf's leg was jittering by the time they reached the house.

"Here it is," Parker said, pulling up in front of his ranch house. He shut off the

engine and rushed over to open Elliott's door. He didn't want to give the smaller wolf

any reason to make a run for it. He was proud of the house his mother left him and he

wanted to share it with his mate.

Parker positioned his body so that when Elliott slid down from the high truck seat he

made full body contact with him. He groaned at the feel of the shy wolf's body against


"Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?" he asked, resisting the urge to pin

the smaller wolf to the side of the truck and fuck him until he melted.

He got a wide smile, those clear blue eyes free of fear. "I have some idea, but I'm

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open to outright statements."

Parker laughed and, stepping back, he took Elliott's hand. After setting his truck

alarm, he led the smaller wolf up the front walk. That was the only flaw in his house. It

was an older home and there wasn't room for his full size truck in the tiny garage.

"Nice house."

"Thanks." He gave the smaller wolf a smile. "It was my mother's. It's all I have left of


A hesitant touch slid down his arm to intertwine their fingers together. "Were the

two of you close?"

Parker nodded. Stepping away from the other wolf, he pulled his keys from his

pocket and unlocked the house. Opening the door he led the way inside as he

searched for the right words through the pain squeezing his heart. "She died two years

ago. She was all the family I had left. Please remove your shoes, if you don't mind. I try

to keep it as tidy as possible. I don't have time to clean." Some of the urgency slid

away as memories of his departed mother flashed into his mind.

"Sure." Elliott's voice sounded soft, uncertain. "I'm not close to my mother, but I'd

miss her if she were gone."

Parker turned around to see Elliott giving his boots more attention than they

deserved. The poor guy was probably nervous and worried he'd said the wrong thing.

Parker stepped out of his shoes and set them on the low shoe shelf by the door. He

waited for Elliott to do the same before taking the smaller man's face in his hands.

"Don't be nervous, Elliott. We won't do anything you don't want to do. We can just

have a drink and talk if that's what you'd like or we can go straight to my bedroom and

explore each other's bodies. Your choice."

He would rather cut off his own arm than make Elliott uncomfortable his first time.

He got a wide smile, startling in its unexpected beauty. "Explore away," Elliott said,

lifting his arms and offering himself to Parker.

In a move worthy of Dare, his weretiger friend, Parker pounced.

Elliott hit the door with a thud, absorbing the impact of Parker's body against his.

The only sound he could make was a soft humph as the air left his lungs. A sound

quickly swallowed by Parker's mouth as his lips descended and took Elliott's in a firm,

commanding kiss.

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Parker's hands slid through Elliott's silky hair, gripping the strands in his fists as he

pinned the smaller wolf to the door.

A low growl built in his chest. The overwhelming need to claim this man took over

the rational human side.

Unwilling to harm the smaller man, Parker broke the liplock. "I need inside you,

need to claim you."

* * * *

Elliott nodded, unable to speak. He panted to recapture some of the oxygen pulled

out of his body by the passionate embrace.

Claiming sounded good.

He could go along with claiming.

"Anything as long as it involves the two of us naked." Elliott's boldness came as a

surprise to himself. There was something about the man before him that made him

want to give him everything. An attraction he'd never felt for any man, werekin or not.

Parker's smile was toothy with a touch of evil. "I like sound of that."

A slight shiver of apprehension skated down Elliott's spine.

What have I gotten myself into?

"You do that a lot," he commented mildly as the sexy wolf grabbed his wrist and

dragged him down the hall.

"Do what."

"Drag me places."

Parker stopped before a door and let go of Elliott's wrist before giving him a

serious, searching look. "Does that bother you? I could throw you over my shoulder

like Silver does to Anthony but I always thought that approach was a little too

caveman." Parker's eyes sparkled with good humor. That alone reassured Elliott more

than anything else.

"No," he said with a smile. "I was just curious if this was going to be a pattern. You

drag, I follow. That sort of thing."

"Probably." Parker shrugged. Opening the door he led Elliott inside to the most

decadently luxurious bedroom he'd ever seen. Lush burgundy velvet curtains dangled

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from the frame of a canopied bed covered in a matching silk duvet with chocolate

brown piping. All the furniture was a rich walnut and the carpet was the same dark

chocolate as the rest of the house, thick and soft beneath his bare feet.

The room screamed sex.

"Seduce much?" Elliott couldn't stop the bitterness bursting from his lips. Here he'd

thought Parker found him special, a potential mate. Instead, he finds he was just one of

many who fell for the gorgeous man's charms. A person didn't have a room this

decadent to sleep alone.

Parker turned from where he was lighting candles on the dresser. "What are you

talking about?"

Elliott waved a hand, indicating the room. "How often do you bring men here? Do

you always use the 'I think you might be my mate' line on them?"

Fury etched Parker's face into a stony mask. "What do you mean, line?" He

pointed a finger at Elliott. "You… are… my… mate. Whether you want to believe it or

not is


problem. Maybe a half-wolf doesn't have the same instinct, but I knew as

soon as I saw you that you were mine. I was trying to give you some time to get used

to the idea, but make no mistake, I will claim you… mate."

Elliott sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. He was ruining this, this thing between

them. Rubbing his eyes he tried to concentrate on his feelings, focus on any

messages from his wolf. After a while he gave up. "Maybe I don't feel the same

connection as you do, Parker. Or maybe I just don't know what to look for."

He dropped his hands and went for the truth. "I'm sorry I got snarky about your

room. It's beautiful, but for a moment I had visions of all the other men you brought

home with you and had sex with in that bed."

The anger went out of Parker's eyes. Strong hands reached over and rubbed

Elliott's shoulders in an affectionate touch. "Babe, I've never brought a man to my bed.

I created this room to share with my mate. I may not be pure like you, but I'm also not

the slut you seem to think." He pointed at the luxurious bed. "That's my mating bed. The

first time I sleep with anyone there, it's going to be with my mate." He turned and

pressed his forehead into Elliott's, a gentle skin-to-skin connection. "I saved it for you."

Parker kissed Elliott in a slow, drugging embrace. Heat curled through him, the

sensation so warm and sensual he could almost track its path through his body, from

the heat in his chest to the burning, needy sensation in his balls. When they parted, it

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took no thinking on his part to grab Parker back to taste nirvana again.

Parker moaned into his mouth before breaking away. The larger wolf picked Elliott

up and threw him over his shoulder. In two bounds he crossed the room and dropped

him onto the bed.

Elliott bounced lightly as he landed.

The dark-haired wolf gave him a wide smile. "I'll never criticize Silver again. I think

his technique has some merit."

Elliott giggled.

Parker's eyes darkened, going from bright emerald green to the color of a

darkened forest from one blink to the next. "Strip, baby, I want to see your body."

Elliott gave him a self-conscious smile. "You're not about the buildup, are you?"

"If I was built up any more, this thing would be over before it started. You're the

hottest man I've ever seen and I want a piece of that ass before I burst without you."

"Can't have that, can we?" Elliott slid off the bed, landing lightly on his feet. Feeling

Parker's eyes watching him like a physical caress, he slowly peeled off his shirt in what

he hoped was a suggestive manner, exposing his six pack abs. He was proud of his

body. He spent time at the gym and running as a wolf to keep in top physical condition.

His form was a testament to his efforts. The low growl filling the room told him

someone appreciated his hard work.

With his confidence rising by the minute, Elliott unbuttoned his pants and shimmied

the leather material down his legs. Wearing no underwear, he was exposed to the air

and Parker's eyes in one quick motion.

Looking up, he saw Parker strip his clothes so fast it was surprising he didn't hear

a sonic boom.

"Mine," Parker said right before leaping and taking Elliott down like a wounded deer.

Elliott sighed. The feel of all that naked skin rubbing against him transported him to

a higher level of arousal than he'd ever felt before.

"You feel so good," he gasped with the remaining breath he had in his lungs.

"Mmm, so do you." Parker moved to one side, removing his weight from Elliott so

he could breathe. Elliott missed the reassuring pressure immediately, even though he

appreciated the oxygen.

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"Scoot up."

Elliott pushed himself up with his foot, sliding to the center of the bed. He smiled

when Parker retook his former spot, pressing acres of silky, warm skin against his


"Ahh." Elliott let out a soft sigh at the sensation.

"Let me know if I get too heavy, sweetheart."

Elliott squeezed Parker tight. "You're not too heavy, you're just right."

"Good." Parker dipped his head and bit down on Elliott's shoulder.

A mating bite.

Usually werekin mated while having sex, so this was unexpected. Chills ran up and

down Elliott's spine. His first instinct was to submit. Submit to the stronger wolf above

him, but he made a promise to himself to only submit to his mate and he wasn't

completely convinced that Parker was the one. So he did what the human side of him

would do.

He bit back.

Right in the middle of Parker's neck.

Parker growled. The vibration tingled Elliott's lips where they rested against the

other wolf's neck.

He released Parker.

The green-eyed wolf shifter sat back, fangs flashing in the dark room. "What the

fuck was that about?"

"I only submit to my mate."

"I. Am. Your. Mate," Parker growled.

Elliott shrugged his shoulders. "Just because I'm attracted to you it doesn't make

you my mate."

"No. The fact that I'm your mate makes me your mate. You just can't sense it

because you're a half-breed."

Elliott snarled. "Don't call me that."

Parker snarled back. "Then change."

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"You don't have a strong enough wolf to sense me when you're human. Change into

your wolf and then you'll know."

It made an odd kind of sense, even if Elliott hated to admit it. Although his wolf form

was extremely strong, his wolf senses were almost completely sublimated when he

was human. Most shifters still had wolf senses while human, but Elliott's half-nature

revealed itself by having weaker senses in his human form.

"Fine." Anger fueled Elliott's change. From one breath to the next he went from slim

man to grey wolf. Turning his head he viewed Parker with his new sight.

"Fuck me," Parker said in awed tones. "You're huge."

Elliott let out a barking laugh. He knew he was oddly large, even for a werewolf.

Timber wolf blood on his father's side contributed to his enormous size. He reminded

himself admiration wasn't the purpose of his change. He needed to see if the man

staring at him with wide eyes was his mate. Careful of his claws on the good bedding,

Elliott walked cautiously over to the other man.

Dipping his head, he sniffed Parker's armpits, neck, and the strip of flesh between

his leg and his groin.

Parker laughed. "Careful, furball, that tickles."

The elusive scent wrapped around his nostrils.


This man smelled better than anything he'd ever smelled before. Spicy with a hint of

honey and an underlying distinct scent he knew he'd recognize no matter the

conditions. Sleet, rain, freak snowstorm, he would always know the smell of his mate.



The wolf looked at the tall man laid out before him and knew their wolves would

match and, like their human counterparts, mate for life.

With that flash of insight Elliott shifted again to his human form.

"Mate," he said through his suddenly dry throat. "You're right. We are mates."

If he thought Parker's smiles were dazzling before, this one outshone them all.

"Now where were we?" Parker asked, grabbing Elliott's hand and pulling him on top of


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"Mmmm. I believe you were about to fuck me into submission."

"Hmmm. Now that you mention it, that does sound familiar," Parker said with

another breathtaking smile. "Come here, babe, and I'll teach you how to submit to your


Elliott snorted. "That's probably the worst line a guy has ever used on me."

Parker lost his smile. "And it will be the last line a guy ever uses on you if he wants

to live."

Shaking his head, Elliott let the larger man wrap him in his arms and roll over until

he was underneath.

* * * *

Parker couldn't believe his luck.

Finally, he'd found the man he'd searched for all his life. Looking down at the

gorgeous creature, he couldn't resist leaning down and inhaling Elliott's rich, wild scent.

"I have never felt anything as good as you feel beneath me," he said through a

suddenly rough throat. "I will be with you until the end of our days."

"That's sweet," Elliott said. "Now fuck me."

Parker laughed. At least he didn't have to worry about an unwilling mate. The hard

bar pressing against his stomach told of Elliott's excitement, but the words didn't hurt,


"You got it." Parker pressed a gentle kiss to his mate's lips before bounding out of

bed and opening his side table. He blocked Elliott's view of the inside of his fully

stocked drawer. The toys in there weren't meant for a virgin ass. He'd slowly introduce

his mate to the things he liked to do in the future; he didn't want to scare off his

inexperienced mate by pushing him into too many things right away. They had years to

explore each other and Parker wasn't going to ruin things by rushing his innocent

partner. He moved aside the cuffs and cock rings, the anal plugs, and the container of

honey powder with its small application feather, and simply grabbed the lube.

Sure it was specially flavored lube, but that was unkinky enough, right?

Besides, there was no way he wasn't going to taste his shy lover's hole, even on

his first time.

Walking back to the end of the bed, he set the lube on the mattress besides Elliott's

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head. With a gentle touch he went about soothing away the tension that had built up in

his lover's body the short time he was away. Wet, teasing kisses and bites trailed

across the smaller man's neck and shoulders brought soft gasps and cries. Images of

tying Elliott up and clamping those pointed nipples made him harder than granite. He

satisfied himself by nipping them with his dull human teeth. His lover's back arched in a

gratifying display of need. Kissing Elliott was the single most erotic thing Parker had

ever experienced. Watching the slim, muscled body squirm beneath his hands and

mouth made him feel like a king. He continued his ministrations until Elliott's glazed blue

eyes were looking up at him with desire and desperation.

When he felt his mate was melted enough he broke the kiss and stroked a hand

down one cheek. "Turn over, baby, it will be more comfortable the first time on your


"But I want to see you," Elliott said in a voice trembling with desire.

Parker stayed firm. "You can watch me when you have more experience. I don't

want you to experience any discomfort." With coaxing kisses he eased Elliott onto his

stomach, sliding a pillow beneath his hips for comfort. He wanted his mate's first time

to be everything he could ever want.

Popping the top of the lube cap, he stroked Elliott's back when the younger man

jumped a little at the sound. "Shhh, it's all right. Just relax." Parker dripped lube on his

index and middle fingers, making sure they were good and wet. He circled Elliott's hole,

getting the man used to his touch before pressing just the tip of his index finger inside.

Elliott hissed.

"Easy baby." Still stroking with just one finger, Parker leaned forward and licked

around his finger, softening the tissue guarding Elliott's hole.

Elliott relaxed, letting Parker's finger sink in further. Not wanting to press his luck,

Parker took his time licking and enjoying the combination of the rich scent of his mate

and the taste of the flavored lube. It was a special lube mixed by a chemist friend of his

who didn't like the current flavors on the market. Never was he more grateful for his

inventive friends.

"Please, Parker," Elliott moaned. "I need more. Please."

Slowly, carefully, Parker inserted a second finger. Spreading them slightly he

loosened his mate, coaxing him to stretch further. After two went in and out easily he

worked on three.

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* * * *

Elliott whimpered as his mate continued to prepare him. If Parker didn't move on to

fucking him soon, Elliott was going to finish without him.

"Come on, mate. Fuck me." He wasn't above begging. In fact, he had a feeling

Parker would love it if he begged.

"I don't want to hurt you." Parker's voice was firm.

"You won't," Elliott said between pants "But I need you, now."

"Don't let anyone say I don't try and please my mate."

Something large pressed against his hole, bringing back Elliott's nerves and making

him tighten.

"Relax," Parker growled. The submissive wolf in Elliott rushed to obey, his body

relaxing beneath his mate.

Parker slid all the way in, hitting a spot that made Elliott jolt from the sensation. A

surge of ecstasy went through him. The little bit of firmness he lost during Parker's

entry returned with a vengeance. He was so hard he ached.

"Do that again," he moaned.

"Anything for you, my love," Parker purred better than any cat.

Slowly, with gaining speed, his mate pumped in and out, sending Elliott waves and

waves of pleasure until all nervousness and thoughts were washed away by Parker's


Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "I'm coming," he warned.

Parker plunged into him all the way, pushing him over the edge.

Elliott screamed, semen pumping out of his body and onto the pillow below.

Parker gave a low growl. Wetness filled Elliott's hole as his mate followed him into


Slowly, as if reluctant to part, Parker pulled out. With gentle hands he turned Elliott

over, tossing the pillow to the floor.

Boneless, Elliott let himself be rolled. "Wait a moment." Parker left and returned a

moment later with a warm cloth he used to clean Elliott with tender care before wiping

himself down. He placed the cloth on the marble topped bedside table.

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Deciding it couldn't do the stone much damage, Elliott let Parker wrap him in his

warm embrace and drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter Three

The sound of alarms going off snapped Parker wide-awake, ripping him from deep

sleep and sending him into high alert within seconds. Instinct had him running to his

spare room and straight to the wall of monitors displaying the camera views of his

security system. On the shadowy screen he picked up what had sounded the alarm.

Three mutant wolves were striding across his yard. Parker felt a finger of fear as he

saw wolf-like snouts on the faces of two-footed beasts. They were even creepier than

he'd imagined. These nightmare creatures went against the laws of nature and, from

what he'd learned from the others, they did it of their own volition. The beasts weren't

even trying to hide their presence. They strode across his property like they owned the

mortgage and payment was due. In the back yard he saw eight more leaping over the

wooden barrier like they were taking a walk in the park.

Ballsy bastards.

Fury had him pushing a series of buttons before running back to his bedroom.

Interior doors slid into place, cutting off all access to the hall leading to the bedrooms.

It wouldn't keep them out forever but it would buy them some time.

"Shit." He should've grabbed Elliott's shoes. He really liked those boots. Damn, he'd

really liked this house, too, but he knew his mother would've wanted him to survive

more than she would have wanted him to preserve her doily collection.

He ran back to the bedroom.

"Wake up, sweetheart." He shook Elliott's leg.

His mate's bleary blue eyes opened for a moment before he tried to blink back


"Intruders. We've gotta get the hell out of here." There was no way he was going to

stay and fight if there was even a chance of injury to his mate. He could take a mutant

one on one but from what he'd heard of them eleven would be a slaughter, and not of

the mutants.


Parker felt a burst of pride when Elliott slid out of bed and immediately got dressed

without asking further questions. He could see the curiosity on Elliott's face but the

other wolf kept silent in the interest of dressing quickly. That level of trust from his mate

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made Parker glow inside despite the desperate situation. Not a man who usually ran

from a fight, it went against his nature to flee the scene, but this wasn't about him.

This was about Elliott.

Parker pulled a duffel bag out of his closet. Only the essentials were packed inside;

spare clothes, identification, some cash, and a really nice Glock for emergencies. He

grabbed a pair of sneakers from his closet.

"Here, put these on, they'll protect your feet." They would be large on his mate but

Elliott could lace them tight enough so they wouldn't fall off. The tunnel floor was rough

and he didn't want his mate to cut his feet. Dressing quickly, Parker made sure his

mate was clothed before pressing a button on the base of his bedside lamp.

"Move back, honey," he said, pulling Elliott out of the way. A low humming filled the

room and Parker's big bed, along with a large chunk of the wall, moved forward. Within

two minutes, there was a man-sized gap in the wall.

"Wow. You're like James Bond," Elliott said with a wide-eyed smile.

"Yep, I just need to start drinking martinis and we'd be identical twins."

Elliott chuckled, a nervous sound, but at least he was trying.

The sound of shattering glass came from the front of the house.

"Looks like we ran out of time." Parker grabbed Elliott's wrist and dragged him

through the opening.

Once they were inside, their movement triggered the sensors and lights came on to

reveal a rough-hewn corridor dug through the earth and held up by wooden braces.

Parker pressed a button on the keypad just inside the entry. The wall moved back into

place, the seal a work of seamless perfection.

Trying hard not to think of the destruction of his childhood home, Parker continued

the steps that would ensure the safety of him and his mate. He stepped away from the

bright red panel where numbers counted down to the immediate demolition of his past.

Twenty… nineteen…

"Run." Parker grabbed Elliott's wrist again, pulling the smaller man behind him at

werewolf speed.

Loud explosions sounded above them, rocking the corridor. Parker didn't slow

down, if anything he ran faster, dragging Elliott down the hall with him. Now he was not

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only running from the rogue werewolves but also the sounds of his dreams crashing

around him. Never would he know the joy of his lover surrounded by the objects he


They were all gone now.

Although he knew the important thing was getting his mate out of there alive and

well, it didn't help the pang in his heart from losing the irreplaceable objects his mother

had loved. Things passed down through generations of his werewolf ancestors.

A part of Parker's soul hardened. Somehow, he would find a way to make those

bastards pay for everything they took from him. Not the rogue werewolves they left

behind, because those idiots were toast. No, somewhere there was a mastermind in

charge of this clusterfuck and Parker was going to make it his mission to find that

person and snap the fucker's neck.

"Where does this go?" Elliott asked, panting. Parker tried to slow down a little but

he didn't want any remaining mutants to figure out where they were. He didn't know if

those eleven were the entire invasion or just the first wave.

He felt sympathy for his sweet mate. Parker couldn't even imagine himself in

Elliott's place, where a guy he hooked up with turned out to be his mate and then

almost got him killed. The poor man probably wasn't expecting anything more

strenuous than a possible pulled muscle and a tender ass in the morning. Instead, he

was running for his life. Despite his concerns for his mate, Parker didn't stop, he didn't

even want to think about what life would be like without his Elliott.


"This leads to Silver's office at the Pack house."

"But isn't that miles and miles away?"

Parker shook his head, his stride never slowing. "Only by road. By this tunnel, it's

only about two miles."

"What happened back there? Were you expecting trouble?"

"I'm always expecting trouble. One of the Silver's rules for living on my own was that

I had to have an escape plan. I thought he was nuts." Parker glanced back, letting the

seriousness of the situation settle in his eyes. "I'm glad he made me, now. I could've

lost my mate. Those werewolves are determined to kill anyone not a mutant. There's

been a lot of trouble lately but I thought I was a small enough target for them to ignore.

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If I'd thought they would go after me, I never would've brought you home."

They travelled the rest of the route in silence, neither man wanting to contemplate

what would've happened if one of them had died.

* * * *

Elliott tried not to complain as they traveled down the dirt corridor. Not one who

liked enclosed spaces, he stayed close to Parker as they ran, taking reassurance

from his lover's take-charge attitude.

After walking for a while he asked the question burning in his mind. "What exactly

are we running from? What's a mutant?"

"There's a group of rogue wolves who've taken some drug or genetic modification

to transform themselves. They look like two footed wolves all the time. They can't


Elliott shivered at the thought of being frozen in a man/wolf form. "And they wanted

to do this?"

Parker shrugged. "As far as we know. They keep trying to take over the wolf packs

but so far we've been able to fight them off. I don't know why they attacked me, unless

they're going after what they consider the weakest members to strike out at the Moon

Pack and undermine Silver's reputation as a protector. I don't hold any special status,

so my death wouldn't have any effect in the battle."

Elliott shivered at the casual way Parker spoke of his own demise. He had a feeling

that if he hadn't been there the other wolf would've stayed to fight and possibly died.

"What do you do for the pack?"

"Security and odd jobs, whatever is needed. My father left me a lot of money but it's

in my nature to protect. I couldn't be a cop, my wolf is too near the surface to put up

with assholes, so I joined Silver's pack and help keep everyone safe."

What a sweet man. Here was a man who could sit around and do nothing but,

instead, he worked to protect his pack.

"I'm an accountant, you know," Elliott offered. "I can help you manage all that


Parker laughed. "It's all yours, babe, it's all yours."

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* * * *

The tunnel door to Silver's office popped open when Parker slammed it with his

shoulder. He tumbled out and landed flat on the ground, nose down on Silver's

expensive throw rug.

"I know men like to throw themselves at my feet but this is ridiculous." Anthony's

amused voice spoke above him.

Elliott rushed through, helping Parker to his feet. "There were rogues at my house."

Parker said, ignoring Anthony's comment.

"Are you both okay?" The alpha mate's concern was immediate and sincere. It was

one of the things he liked most about Anthony, he might not be a wolf but he genuinely

cared about his people.

Elliott nodded. "Parker got us out of there. I think he blew up his house."

"Oh, Parker. I'm so sorry. I know what that place meant to you." Anthony's gold eyes

sparkled with tears. "We'll rebuild it for you."

Parker gave a grim smile. "I'm more worried about how they knew where to find me.

How could the rogues know where I live? I don't exactly advertise it, and I never take

hookups back to my house."

"Have a lot of those, do you?" Elliott asked in a dangerously calm voice.

Parker swallowed. "I'm going to go with no."

"Uh, huh. Good answer." Elliott glared. Elliott heard Anthony stifle a snicker and the

two men exchanged amused glances.

"If there are rogues at your house we need to send a team to investigate." Silver's

deep voice cut across the chatter. He pulled out his cell phone and started issuing

orders. After hanging up the phone he examined Parker up and down.

Elliott, unnerved at the look the powerful alpha gave his mate, was glad that cold

gaze wasn't directed at him.

"Farro and Dillon are heading out."

Elliott snickered when he realized Dillon's plans for the night were ruined anyway.

He lost his smile when the alpha's icy grey gaze turned to him.

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"Something you want to share?" he asked in a cool voice.

Anthony stepped up and patted the alpha on one bulging arm. "Don't scare my new

accountant, poppet. He's a good worker and one of the few honest money men I could


Elliott hid his smile at the nickname but it was a close thing.

"Maybe he should go back and count your money or something then." Silver said,

his look less than friendly.

Knowing better than to lock gazes with an alpha, Elliott turned his head.

"Knock it off, Silver," Parker growled. "I'll not have you frightening my mate, alpha or


"Mate!" Anthony's shout of joy made the other three men flinch. He jumped up and

down and gave both men hugs, twice. Until Silver snarled. Then he went back to stand

under the arm of his mate who quickly wrapped it around Anthony's shoulders and

kissed him with a passion Parker had only thought existed in daydreams or porn

videos. Even the tiger and wolf shifter earlier hadn't had that kind of sizzle.

When Silver broke away, Anthony looked a little dazed. "You're kinda high

maintenance, aren't you, my sweet?" Anthony said with a smile.

"I'm extremely high maintenance, honey, and you're the only one who can maintain


Parker broke into the cozy chatter. "Oh, please. Can we focus on the fact that my

house is destroyed and someone knew where I lived?"

Anthony's face took on a serious expression. "I'd hate to think we have a traitor in

our pack. We're not that large."

"We're getting bigger by the month. You keep letting people in," Silver said, but

there was no heat in voice and he placed a soft kiss on Anthony's forehead to take

away any sting in his words.

"It wasn't necessarily someone in the pack," Parker said. "It could be a friend or

associate who knows one of the pack."

"It could also be anyone following pack members home. It's not like you guys keep

this place well hidden," Elliott said his sharp mind running the statistics. "I don't think

you can guess with this sort of thing. I think you'll just have to keep an eye on members

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and people hanging around the club to see if anyone stands out as suspicious."

Silver's phone rang. He snatched it up and listened for a moment; his expression

was neutral so Elliott couldn't tell if the news was good or bad.

"Thank you. Good work. You two can go back home for the night."

He hung up.

And stood there thinking for a moment.

Finally, Anthony snapped. "Don't keep us in suspense. Did they find anything?"

Silver looked at Parker. "Dillon said to tell you if you ever need a job in demolition

he'll hook you up."

"I'll keep that in mind," Parker said with a weak smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"And that eleven rogue bodies were found. I'll take those to Dr Winslow; she'll

examine them and hopefully be able tell us the source of their mutation." Silver sighed.

"We still haven't gotten one alive, but this is more than we've ever gotten before.

Maybe she can come up with an antidote."

"And you trust her?" Elliott asked. "Is she werekin?"

Silver nodded. "She's a distant cousin and I'd trust her with our lives."

"Well, that's all we can do for tonight." Anthony said turning to the others. "Come on,

you two. I'll find you a condo for the evening." He went to the big desk and pulled out a

folder. After flipping it open and examining it for a moment, he closed it again and

shoved it back in the drawer. Opening a drawer in the desk, he pulled out a key card.

"I've got just the place. Come with me."

They both gave respectful bows to the alpha, who completely ignored them as he

was busy flashing suspicious glances at his mate. Anthony gave him an innocent smile

and headed out the door.

Parker and Elliott quickly followed.

* * * *

"Here you go," Anthony said when they finally arrived at a door on the fifth floor. He

handed over the keycard to Parker. "Now, this is only temporary. We'll find a new place

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for you and your mate in no time."

Parker knew his smile was sad, but even for Anthony he couldn't muster more than

that. "It can never be what it was to me again. That house represented the last of my

family and now it's gone. Some things just can't be replaced."

"True. So very true." Anthony's eyes glistened with tears for a bit before he kissed

them both on the cheek and headed back to the elevator.

"What was that all about?" Elliott asked.

Parker swallowed the knot in his throat. "I'd forgotten Anthony's first lover died. I

think he was remembering that."

"Oh. How sad."


The solemn pair walked through the condo and into the bedroom and burst out

laughing. The entire room was done in pink. Not a pastel pink that could almost be

ignored. No, it was screaming pink, the color of Pepto-Bismol and all things girlie.

"Holy crap. Who decorated this place?" Parker asked.

Elliott giggled, his wide eyes taking in the pink and white canopy bed and the pink

plush carpeting. "I didn't even think you could buy carpet in this color."

"I bet it was special ordered," Parker said with a laugh. "Trust Anthony to lighten the

mood after a truly crappy evening."

Elliott ran one finger down his chest. "Well, it wasn't all bad."

Parker smiled as he captured his mate's hand and gave it a gentle kiss. "No, it

wasn't all bad. Not at all."

Parker dropped his bag onto the bed and turned to wrap his mate in his arms.

Elliott immediately rested his head on Parker's shoulder. "I'm sorry about your


Parker stroked a hand down his mate's back, pleased when the smaller man

pressed closer. "Thanks," he whispered, placing a kiss behind Elliott's ear. "It means a

lot to me that you care."

"Of course I care. Didn't you just spend all that time convincing me we were mates?


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"Oh, yeah, that was me."

Elliott snuggled closer, the two men standing there for a while, comforting each

other in a time of crisis.

"I'd offer to let you live with me, but I just moved here and I'm staying in a hotel until I

find a place. I guess we both need to find a place, now."

Parker tilted Elliott's head up so the other man looked him in the eyes. "You mean

we need to find a place together. Now that I've found you I'm not letting you go

anywhere alone. Especially since we don't know why the mutants targeted me. I won't

leave you unprotected. You heard Anthony; he'll get us set up. It's his job as alpha mate

to make sure everyone is settled where they need to be."

Elliott nodded. "Come on, let's go to bed I'm too tired to think any more tonight."

With a gentle kiss the pair stripped down, snuggled together and fell fast asleep.

* * * *

Elliott woke with a jolt.

And found he couldn't move. "Parker?" he whispered.

"What's wrong, honey?" Parker stood over him, a large shadowy figure in the

morning half-light.

"Why am I tied up?"

"Because our lovemaking was interrupted last night, I never got to tell you what I

really like in the bedroom."

The man made it sound reasonable to wake up fully bound to the bed. He wondered

where in this pink palace the other man found some rope.

"Ummm. Untie me?"

"Nope. Not until I get to do what I want."

Elliott tugged a little at the ropes and found that while they were tight, they didn't cut

into his skin. Parker obviously knew what he was doing. "What exactly do you want to

do?" All kinds of things flashed through Elliott's mind, but surely the goddess wouldn't

match him with a psychopath.

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"I want to fuck you until you can't walk the next few days without remembering the

feel of me pounding your ass."

Really, what was there to say to that? "I love a man with a plan," Elliott said with a


"Do you know much I dreamed last night about tying you up and having you at my

mercy? You're so damn sexy, baby."

Elliott waited for his wolf to object to the restraint, but the animal inside of him lay

quiet and subdued, willing to wait and see what his mate had in mind.


Nerves made the human half of him start shaking.

Small tremors built up, bumps along his skin sending shivers through his body.

"Hey now, none of that."

Parker climbed up on the bed and licked a line right down the middle of Elliott's

stomach. The heat of his mate's mouth jolted Elliott's cock fully awake.

"You smell so good, babe. Like everything best in the world tied up in a nice big

bow." Parker gave a wicked smile. "Or maybe a good knot."

Elliott relaxed beneath his mate's charm. The remaining tension he had from

waking up tied to the bed dissolved beneath the love he saw in his mate's eyes. "Is this

your kink?"

"Oh yeah. This is just the beginning, babe. We're going to have so much fun

together. Besides, now that I have to buy all new toys, you can come and help me pick

them out."

His mate's hands stroking across his chest made his skin burn. Earlier, this man

had blown up his house to protect Elliott from psychotic werewolves. Now, the same

man tied him up and held him at his mercy. He felt a wave of love so big his body didn't

feel large enough to contain it.

The two men locked gazes and Elliott felt the mental connection snap into place. He

belonged to this man with every fiber of his being and, for the first time in his life, Elliott

just let everything go and gave up his will to another.

"Yes, that's it, honey," Parker said, stroking his skin in long, soothing, hypnotic

touches. Elliott knew then and there he would do anything to make this man happy, and

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if it made his mate happy to tie his ass to the bed then that was what they'd do.

Parker scooted down and Elliott felt his mate's tongue lapping at his hole. Elliott's

back arched from the sensation. He tried to move away and closer at the same time

as intense need crawled up his spine.

"Please," Elliott begged. He didn't feel ashamed to beg when with his mate. He

would do anything to get the gorgeous man to fuck him.

Parker scooted up until they were face to face. "You taste so damn good, baby.

Soon, I'll fuck you and then put a plug inside you. You'll go to work and do everything

with my essence inside your body. Any wolf sniffing around you will know I've left my

mark and you belong to me."

That shouldn't sound so sexy, really it shouldn't, but the thought of Parker so

desperate to keep others away that he would mark him with his seed spiked a primitive

desire inside Elliott, a desire to be worthy of Parker's devotion.

Elliott pulled against the ropes, trying to get closer to the man hovering above him.

Parker's body was close, but not touching. Everything in Elliott yearned for that contact.

"What are you waiting for? Touch me," he pleaded.

Parker smiled. The fangs peeking through his lips showed Elliott how aroused his

mate was. It was rare that a wolf lost enough control to grow fangs unless he was in

the throes of a mating bond.

Mates always went through a mating dance, but it wasn't until both parties were

ready that a true mate-bond formed.

In their first encounter, Elliott was too nervous to bond entirely. But now that they

were together and he was tied up, the nerves melted away. He had nothing to fear

because he knew this man, this wolf, would chop off his own foot before harming Elliott.

It showed in the gentle way he brushed the strands of hair away from Elliott's face and

the soft kisses he rained on Elliott's cheeks and brow.

"I adore you," Parker said with his heart in his brilliant green eyes. The large man

brushed each of his cheeks against Elliott's, marking him with his scent. Elliott doubted

he would be leaving this bed without every inch of him touched by his mate.

* * * *

Parker looked at his gorgeous mate laid out like a buffet dinner. A call to

maintenance was all it took to have lengths of rope delivered. The rope stretched the

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other man to an appealing sprawl that made Parker want to lick Elliott all over.

Why not?

Parker started at Elliott's right ankle, letting his tongue trace the delicate bones in

his lover's foot before following the curve of his calf to lick his way up his lover's thigh.

He skimmed over Elliott's crotch and then down his left leg. He smiled when his mate

jerked at the ropes to lean into his touch.

This was fun.

Parker continued the slow torture until soft mewls came from Elliott. Soft, pleading

sounds with no form or function.

"Shhh, baby. I'll give you what you want."

Those little sounds had Parker so worked up it would be a miracle if he was able to

get inside Elliott before he burst. Damn, his mate looked good all tied up.

"Please." His soft touches were slowly breaking down Elliott's stiff exterior. The

sweet, serious man was now a creature of desire and want and so beautiful in his

need that Parker stepped back from the contact to take a few deep breaths and

control his rising hunger. Unfortunately, the only thing that filled his nose was the scent

of his lover.


A low growl built in his throat.



His wolf awoke and nudged his human half to get on with it. Both halves wanted to

claim their man.

As Parker walked over to the side table he could feel Elliott's eyes watching his

progress. He purposely made his movements slower to heighten the anticipation.

When he pulled the lube out of the drawer he was rewarded by a soft moan that made

him feel like a god. He sent a silent thank you to whoever provided the shiny new tube

of lubricant.

Running the tube up and down the inside of Elliott's thighs brought another moan

and full body twitching.

"Parker, now or I'm going to come before you get inside."

"Don't… you… dare," Parker growled.

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Quickly wetting two fingers, he introduced one and then another, cognizant of his

lover's newness to lovemaking. He would have to take it easy with Elliott. They had all

the time in the world to get the younger wolf used to his ways, and learn what got him

off. There was no doubt in his mind that Elliott would be interested in his toys. The

moon goddess only matched those who could have a soul connection.

"Parker," Elliott panted, his back arching with need. Only the restriction of the ropes

kept him close to the mattress.

"Easy, love. Don't hurt yourself." Parker stroked Elliott's cock as he slowly and

steadily opened his mate up by adding a third finger. He twisted his fingers inside Elliott

as his lover made low, helpless cries.

Fuck, he was hard. He tried to count backwards, thought of the destruction of his

home. Anything to distract him from coming.

Finally, unable to stand it any longer, Parker removed his fingers and slid into

position. Shifting his hands to claws, he slashed the ropes holding Elliott's ankles then

changed them back to human to lift Elliott's legs and open him for Parker's body. In one

long thrust he slid in to the hilt.

Elliott screamed. "Fuck!"

"Did I hurt you, love?"

"N-No," Elliott said. His body jerked as he came without any further direct touch

from Parker.

Three thrusts later, Parker followed him into climax.

"We really need to work on our stamina," he panted.

"Later," said Elliott, his face shiny with sweat. "Much later."

Parker chuckled. He pulled out of his mate and lowered Elliott's legs, rubbing them

to soothe any cramping he might have.

With a practiced tug he undid the ropes holding Elliott's arms and gave them a good

rub, too. Elliott promptly wrapped them around Parker and held on tight.

"Hey, easy, love. Let me go so I can get something to wipe you down with."

Slowly Elliott released him, his eyes a little wild. "No one has ever made me feel like

you do."

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"Of course not," Parker scoffed, getting out of bed after placing a soft kiss on

Elliott's cheek. "That's why we're mates. If anyone could make you feel like I do, we'd

just be fuck buddies."

Elliott laughed like Parker had intended.

He was back in a flash and wiped down his lover and himself before tossing the

towel towards the bathroom.

"Slob," Elliott teased.

"Nah, just feeling lazy."

Parker climbed back into bed and cuddled his mate close, drifting a bit and enjoying

the feel of his mate's head resting against his chest. Despite the stress of the day and

the horror of losing his childhood home, it was the best day of his life.

A soft knock on the door drew him from his light sleep. The soft snore from the

body beside him let him know it was safe to leave his mate. Grabbing his pants from

the bedside, Parker pulled them on and made sure they were fastened. As sweet as

Elliott was, he had a feeling his mate was picky about who saw his lover naked.

Opening the door a crack, he saw Anthony standing in the doorway holding a

familiar green album.

"Hey, Parker." Anthony's amber eyes were filled with sadness. "Silver and I went to

your house to see if anything could be salvaged but it's pretty bad. Unfortunately, I can't

repair things on a grand scale, but I was able to magic this back together. I know it's

not much but I hope it'll help some."

Parker felt tears burning the back of his eyes. The knot in his throat made it

impossible to speak. With a shaking hand he took the album. Opening the binder he

saw each picture was complete and pristine. His mother's face smiled up at him.

Closing the book and cradling it in his left hand, he wrapped his right arm around

Anthony and lifted him up in a bear hug. "Thank you, alpha mate," he said, pressing his

tear-streaked face into Anthony's neck. It was times like this that he was thankful their

alpha didn't mate with an ordinary wolf. A wolf wouldn't have had the ability to save the

one thing in the world he treasured most from his mother's house. Yes, he would miss

the feeling of his mother's spirit all around him, but at least now he wouldn't forget how

she looked or the beauty of her smile.

It was the perfect gift.

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He set Anthony down and kissed him on each cheek. "If you ever need anything,

alpha mate, it is yours." He gave a formal bow tilting his head to one side to indicate

how serious he was.

A slim-fingered hand stroked his head for a moment. "I just want my pack to be

happy," Anthony said in a broken voice. For the first time Parker realized what a toll it

was taking on the pretty man that these mutants were terrorizing his pack. It was

Anthony's nature to fix things and this was out of his control.

"We'll get them. I promise you that."

Anthony gave a sad sigh. "I just hope we do it before anyone else gets hurt. You

and Elliott were lucky you weren't harmed. The next wolf might not get away so easily."

They said their goodbyes and Parker closed the door.

Flipping through the pages he smiled at the pictures.

Yep, Anthony was definitely getting a sports car.

Setting down the album, Parker crawled back into bed with his mate, smiling as

Elliott immediately snuggled back into his arms.

Despite the destruction of his home he still had what was most important. With a

smile on his face, Parker let sleep take him away.

* * * *

Elliott woke with the warmth of his lover wrapped around him. Smiling, he breathed

in their combined scent. The previous night had been scary but they'd gotten through it

and he felt better than he had in a long time.

He had a mate!

His wolf howled happily inside, a content barking. Elliott slid out of bed intent on

showering. His skin was crusted with sweat and semen and despite his lover's hurried

wipe down earlier he still felt disgusting.

"Where are you going?" A rough voice asked from the bed.

"To take a shower." Elliott's stomach rumbled. "And get something to eat. I don't

know about you but I'm starving."

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"Yeah. After we shower we should go downstairs. The bar's kitchen serves

breakfast until ten."

"Sounds good."

"We should get you some juice, too. You've lost too many fluids," Parker gave him a

wicked grin.

"What about you? I'm pretty sure you're moisture deprived also."

"Indeed I am, my handsome mate, indeed I am. We'd both better get a shower so

we can take care of that problem."

The shower took longer than anticipated and Elliott was definitely low on liquids

when he exited the steamy room. He quickly dressed in his clothes from the night

before. "I've got to get back home and get something else to wear." He glanced at his

mate. "And take you shopping. We've got to replace the clothes you've lost and file an

insurance claim."

Parker laughed. "Somehow I don't think they'll cover a house I destroyed myself. In

fact, it's probably going to take Silver some quick talking to keep me out of jail."

"Why Silver? Won't they come straight to you?"

Parker shook his head. "The fire and police departments know I'm one of Silver's

pack. City code requires the alpha to take responsibility for the actions of his pack

members. Besides, he's the one who helped me set up the system. He's not exactly


Elliott shivered at the thought of all the alpha could be required to be responsible for

if he had a misbehaving pack member. "I'm glad I'm not an alpha."

"No kidding." Parker smiled. "I'm happy where I am in the pack hierarchy. Speaking

of which, since you don't have a pack are you going to join mine?"

Elliott stopped in his tracks. "I don't know. I hadn't thought of it." He'd imagined

meeting his mate and joining his mate's pack but he'd not sincerely considered the

ramifications. "Do you think Silver will take me in?"

Parker frowned. "Why wouldn't he? Your mate is one of his pack members and you

already work for Anthony so your employment is set." At Elliott's inquiring look he

clarified. "Silver requires all pack members to hold a job. He prefers you do it either at

the pack house or within Anthony's company. However, depending on your training you

can get a job outside the pack if you have a specialized skill."

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"Huh." Elliott never knew pack life was so complicated. He'd always thought they

were a bunch of werekin who lived together and sometimes worked together. He had

no idea of all the rules and hierarchy involved. It only made sense to keep a bunch of

wild animals in check. "Is there a formal process to join?"

"You need to get informal approval by Silver and you'll be formally greeted in wolf

form at the next full moon. As long as no one has any objections there shouldn't be a

problem." Parker gave a low snarl. "Trust me, no one is going to have any objections."

Parker slipped on his shoes and handed over his large sneakers to Elliott who

reluctantly put them on. "After breakfast let's get back to my hotel room so I can get my

stuff and check out."


He followed Parker out of the condo and into the elevator where he pushed the

basement button.

They got off and walked into chaos. The room was filled with shifters of every size.

Mostly wolves, but he recognized the weretiger from the night before. The man gave

him a friendly wink. The tiger's mate glared at him.

"Don't worry, he's just poking the wolf," Parker said with a laugh.

He saw Dare give a pleased smile to his mate, who pulled him tight. The biggest

damn wolf shifter he'd ever seen walked around the table putting down large platters of


"Who's that?"

"Henry, he's the cook."

The man was as big as Elliott and Parker combined. When the big man turned,

Elliott saw a scar riding along the right side of his face from forehead to cheekbone.

"Don't stare, he's sensitive."

Elliott quickly averted his eyes. He didn't think the scar took away from the man,

instead it gave him a sexy, rugged appeal.

"Hey, Parker, I heard about your house. Sorry, man," Henry approached, holding

out his hand for a shake and pulling Parker into a quick man hug with a lot of back

pounding. "This must be your mate."

Elliott looked up at the big man, trying not to stare.

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Henry gave him a wry smile. "It's hideous, I know. Happened a long time ago when I

was too young to heal properly."

Since shifters were able to heal when they hit puberty it had to be a childhood

wound. From the look in the other man's eyes, there was more pain involved than just

the scar. "I was thinking it made you look sexy," Elliott confessed.

Parker growled.

Henry patted Elliott on the back, almost hard enough to change the curvature of his

spine. "I like this one, Parker, you can keep him."

"I'll take your recommendation to the alpha," Parker said.

Henry winked at him. "You do that. Afterwards, come sit and I'll treat your mate to

the world's best omelet."

Parker wrapped an arm around Elliott and pulled him, through the crowd of people

milling about, to the head of the table where Silver sat with his mate on his lap feeding

him bits of toast.

"Hey, Parker," Silver said upon seeing them.

"Alphas." Parker gave a deferential head tilt to the pair. "I'm going to do some

investigating to see if someone is following members home. We don't want others to

be stalked and possibly killed just for coming here."

"True. I hadn't thought of customers, only pack members." Silver frowned. "We

need to mount more cameras outside. Maybe then we can spot someone who comes

often and hangs out in the parking lot.

"I'd like to introduce Elliott as my mate and introduce him to the pack next full moon.

I'm asking for your acceptance to bring him in." He was startled when Silver looked

down at his mate, jiggling Anthony in his lap.

"What?" Parker didn't trust the innocent look the alpha mate gave Silver.

"Is Elliott Parker's mate?"

"You told me you were in charge of letting people into the pack," Anthony reminded


Silver let out a long sigh. Parker could almost feel the alpha gathering his patience.

"I apologized for that."

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"I know." Anthony leaned over picking a piece of apple off his lover's plate. "And I

forgave you, but that doesn't mean you want me interfering."

"Tell you what. I'll let you approve them as human and you let me approve them as a


Anthony leaned back to look is lover in the eyes, a brilliant smile crossing his

beautiful face. "Really?"


Parker thought it was an equitable compromise. If Anthony could turn into a wolf,

the pair would recognize new pack members together at the full moon. As he wasn't

able to change forms, it made sense to let him approve people in human form.

Anthony slid off of Silver's lap and approached the pair of them. Before Parker

could object, he placed a hand on each of Elliott's cheeks.

* * * *

Elliott stayed completely still as his boss held his face. The wolf in him rolled over

onto its back, exposing his belly. Anthony might not be a wolf alpha but he was an alpha

in his own way.

Lightning flickered in Anthony's eyes. For the first time Elliott felt true fear.

"Easy, love," Parker said behind him.

Tension eased from his body at his lover's voice. Parker wouldn't let anything bad

happen to him. After all, the man blew up his house to save Elliott's life.

"Elliott Moon, I welcome you to the pack as part of my family."

Pain flared through Elliott, his neck burned like it was on fire. Only Anthony's grip on

his face held him up. A moment later Parker wrapped his arms around him from


"Oh, hell," Anthony's soft curse did little to reassure him.

"What did you do?" Silver asked. The alpha tilted Elliott's neck, staring at the part

that burned like fire.

"I didn't mean to." Anthony released his face. Luckily, Parker still had him in his


"What didn't you mean to do?" Elliott asked. It was hard to speak through the

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burning on his throat but he really wanted to know what everyone was staring at. More

members of the pack came to look at his neck as he stood there.

"What does it mean?" Dare tilted his head as if trying to solve a particularly difficult


"What is it?" Worry churned his stomach. He was glad he hadn't eaten breakfast


Parker turned him around. "Anthony, what did you do?"

"I thought I claimed him for the pack."

Silver shook his head. "I think you claimed him as one of your family."

"What does that mean?" Parker asked, tilting Elliott's head to one side. "You've got

a small lightning bolt burned into your neck."

"You're marked by the gods. My father mentioned it when I was younger." Anthony

turned pale. "It's what the gods do when they are amassing an army. I essentially just

claimed you."

"But he's my mate," Parker growled.

Anthony took a step back. "I didn't mean claiming as my mate. I meant he was one

of my soldiers. As a demi-god I have the ability to choose those who will answer my call

if I run into trouble, a sort of backup guard. My grandfather must have found you worthy

or I wouldn't have been able to mark you."

Elliott felt a rush of pride even as Parker growled behind him.

"Why aren't I marked?" Silver asked his mate.

Anthony laughed. "You're my mate. You don't need to be marked in order to know

when I need help."

"Try me." Dare pushed his way in front of the crowd, his mate Steven close behind.

"Try you?" Silver's tone was little more than a growl as the weretiger approached.

"See if I can be a guard. I want to guard." He sounded like a little kid who wanted to

join in the game at the playground.

Anthony laughed. "I'm not really sure how it works. I'm only supposed to be able to

do this when there's trouble coming."

"We are being stalked by mutants. I think that counts as trouble," Silver said.

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Elliott didn't feel any different other than the pain in his neck. "Do I get any powers?"

Anthony shook his head. "You're a werewolf, not a superhero. I can't give you

anything you weren't born with."

"Huh." It was a little disappointing when you couldn't even get any abilities from a


Dare was pronounced a soldier when a small lightning bolt appeared on his neck

but Steven failed the test. Dillon and Thomas received a lightning bolt but Ben didn't.

"You try it," Elliott said, pushing his mate towards Anthony.

Parker failed.

"How is that possible?" Parker asked. "I'm more trained to be a protector than


"I have a theory," Elliott offered, stepping forward.

"I think only one half of a mating can bond with Anthony. In Ben's case he has two

mates so he's the one who didn't bond. I had already bonded and so had Dare, which

is why Steven and Parker didn't qualify."

"I think you're right," Anthony said, looking around. "Because if you were in danger

Parker would know so there's no reason to bond with him too. I think my power is

seeking the easiest way to mark the greatest number of people."

Silver shook his head. "It doesn't make any sense because I can call my people


"But what if you weren't there? If something happened and you weren't there for me

I can still call the entire pack."

The alpha appeared to mull the idea over in his head. "I like that. It also helps

cement your position as the alpha mate."

Elliott doubted Anthony needed any help in that area but he refrained from

speaking. Parker wasn't as wise.

"Anthony doesn't need help with that. We all respect him," Parker spoke up.

"I meant more for outside the pack," Silver said. "When he goes to larger meetings.

If the other alphas see him as strong on his own, without me for support, they'll be less

likely to try to intimidate him."

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Parker laughed, along with most of the other shifters in the room.

"Somehow, I think it would take more than a few alpha wolves to intimidate our

Anthony," Parker said. There were mutterings of agreement in the pack.

Looking around, Elliott felt a part of something bigger. Despite just meeting most of

the people surrounding him, he felt a warm glow of belonging. This was what he always

thought a pack should like. Family.

Elliott leaned back against his mate when Parker wrapped his big arms around him

encircling Elliott in his loving embrace.

He could get used to this; all they had to do now was get rid of the growing army of

mutants. Looking around at the people surrounding him, Elliott felt a strong sense that

they could do it.

The End

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About the Author

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as

she could remember.

She lives in Texas with her husband, two sons, two cats and one very stupid dog.

To learn more about her current books or works in progress, check out her blog at Her fans can also reach her at





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Also by Amber Kell:

Available at

Silver Publishing:

Blood Signs

Xavier's Xmas

Soldier Mine

(Sept 17)

Blood Signs 2: Samhain's Kiss

(Oct 15)


Jaynell's Wolf

Kevin's Alpha

(Apr 30)

Kellum's Wizard

(Sept 9)


William's House


Mate Hunt

(June 25)

Mate Test

(July 23)

Mate Dance

(Aug 20)


Heart Connections

(Oct 1)


Attracting Anthony

Baiting Ben

Courting Calvin

Denying Dare

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Enticing Elliott

Finding Farro

(May 14)

Getting Gabe

(May 28)

Hunting Henry

(June 11)

Inflaming Inno

(June 9)

Available at



(May 2)

Taking Care of Charlie

(June 20)


Tyler 's Cowboy

(Mar 28)

Robert's Rancher

(coming soon)


From Pack to Pride

A Prideful Mate

A Prideless Man

(coming soon)

** Please Note: All dates given are open to change **

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Literary Nymphs Reviews gives

Jaynell's Wolf

5 Nymphs!

Jaynell Marley arrives at Mayell Wizard Academy to complete his training. Jay had

already had years of advanced private tutoring, therefore his school enrollment is

more to honor his father's wishes. Joining his new dorm roommates for pizza, Jay

literally bumps into werekin Thomas Sparks. A sniff at Jay's neck has Thomas

proclaiming that Jay is his mate.

Jaynell's Wolf is the first book in the

Wizard's Touch

series. The plot is well

written plus vastly entertaining. The main characters are impressive, along with

amusing secondary characters. Jaynell is a powerful wizard who wonders why his

father insisted that Jay attend a school when it is clear Jay surpasses everyone in

magical skills. However, Jay has an unpretentious personality. Thomas is a

considerate protector, as long as others keep a respectful distance from Jay. The

secondary characters include Gnomes, dragons, half elf, wolf pack in addition to a

variety of wizards in training. I thoroughly enjoyed Jaynell's Wolf . Amber Kell has

created a fantastic flight of the imagination that is laugh-out-loud hilarious, interwoven

with heartwarming moments as well as rousing scenes of intimate passion. I look

forward to the next addition to the

Wizard's Touch


* * * *

Lisa at Joyfully Reviewed—"

Blood Signs

is captivating"

"Deliciously dark at times and delightfully wicked as well, Blood Signs is pure

entertainment… [T]he plot will hold you, the characters are engaging, and Blood

Signs is hard to put down once you start. Blood Signs is captivating.


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Amber Kell Moon Pack 5 Enticing Elliott
Amber Kell Moon Pack 04 Denying Dare
Moon Pack 1 Attracting Anthony
Moon Pack 14 Needing Noel Amber Kell
Moon Pack 6 Finding Farro
Amber Kell Moon Pack 7 Getting Gabe
Moon Pack 13 Marki Mikeretty Amber Kell
Moon Pack 11 Keeping Kylen
Amber Kell Moon Pack 2 Baiting Ben
Amber Kell Moon Pack 6 Finding Farro
Amber Kell Moon Pack 4 Denying Dare
Amber Kell Moon Pack 3 Courting Calvin
Amber Kell Moon Pack 11 Keeping Kylen
Moon Pack 12 Loving Leif Amber Kell
Amber Kell Moon Pack Extra Christmas Tree Magic
Amber Kell Moon Pack 03 Courting Calvin
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