VK PPSM Openers

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(866) 96-HYPNO (49766)

Top Samples of Vince's Most

Outstanding and Outrageous Openers!

When a woman is standing or sitting by herself in a public place...

1. Excuse me, I gotta ask you, what technique have you been using to keep

people away, because it doesn't seem to be working on me...

When she's truly focused on a task,

like working on her lap top, or studying a hook

2. I couldn't help but notice how focused you are, allow me to ask you, is

this something that comes naturally to you, or did you have to work on it???

When two or more parts of her clothing are the same color...

3.Which one came first??? I just got to notice how your shirt is matching

your shoes, which one did you first put on???

A girl passing by wearing or carrying something really unique...

4. I am sorry, you cannot just pass by with a cool look like that, without at
least just getting to stop and say hello...

When noticing a chick a little bit outside of your path and relocating to

meet her...
5. When you realize that you are the only reason why I relocated from over

there to over her, that deserves to at least take the time to say hello

To start a conversation with two or more women as they are talking; the
infamous conversation intruder...
6. Forgive me, I know you're having a conversation and I hope you were not
about to reveal the secret of the Universe to one another, or planning a heist,
or confessing your deepest sins or about to propose, but since it is probably

none of the above, I thought I would just say hello and find out what you are
about, hi my name is X, what are your names?

For more world-class openers, and to memorize and master these,

be certain to get your discounted copy of...

Our newest 4CD set, Power Pickup,

Vince's 21 most outstanding and outrageous openers ever!!!

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(866) 96-HYPNO (49766)

When a great looking woman may seem a bit closed in at first...

7. Rest assured, I am not picking you up, because I usually don't do that

before I can tell that the person is truly interesting, but I just had to ask you,

on a scale from 0 to 10, how approachable would you consider yourself to


When waiting next to a woman at the cross walk...

8. What's you take on people meeting at a cross walk? I personally think it's

possible, but later on, when people ask us where we met, Imagine they're

face when we say: at a cross walk, Hi my name i s . .

To talk to woman in other cars while waiting at the light...

9. Excuse me, I got to ask you, many people say that it is impossible to
connect with someone interesting in traffic because everyone is way too

stuck up for that, I am curious, what is your take on it?

Bonus, THE BAR N E I G H B O R survey!!!

How much longer are we going to be bar neighbors until we at least say
hello?" Hi my name is X, what are your names?

By the way, what kind of bar neighbors are you? Are you the type that

will party like crazy and get so wild, we'll have to bang on the wall so
you keep it down?

Or are you the kind that will keep on coming over and over again to
borrow stuff? If that's the case, here it is (grab whatever you find on the
bar, such as a piece of lime, pack of sugar, napkin, etc.)

Or are you the type that will come over to celebrate a special occasion?

By the way, what is the occasion tonight?"

For more world-class openers, and to memorize and master these,

be certain to get your discounted copy of...

Our newest 4CD set, Power Pickup,

Vince's 21 most outstanding and outrageous openers ever!!!


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