Sensual Chocolate

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Sensual Chocolate

Yvette Hines

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eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or giv-
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Perfect Strangers Collection

Copyright © 2012 YVETTE HINES

Cover art by Amanda Kelsey

Edited by Trinity Scott

ISBN: 978-1-936387-48-9

ISBN 10: 1-936387-48-4

All Romance eBooks, LLC

Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, liv-

ing or dead, or business establishments, events, or locales is

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or repro-

duced in any manner whatsoever with out written permission,

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except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles
and reviews.

First All Romance eBooks publication: February 2012


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Chapter 1

“Hello, gentlemen. Welcome to Sensual Chocolate.”
Trenton Rayner observed the woman who opened the

door at the lovers resort. A medium, brown-skinned, African-
American woman with short, black hair, tapered around the
right side of her face and neck with long bangs that flirted
with her left eyebrow and covered her ear. Around her neck
was a chocolate-colored band that was about a quarter inch
thick with a small gold key and heart that dangled from the
tiny center loop. A petite-framed woman who couldn’t have
been more than five-seven without the four-inch, lace-up, cof-
fee boots that helped her meet his and his brother’s eye level.

She had amazing topaz-colored eyes, striking and only

rivaled by the wide smile gracing her mouth. Trenton was in-
stantly struck by her beauty. He didn’t know if it was the con-
fidence that exuded from her as she stood before them; a self-
assured woman was always a turn on to him. Possibly. Or it
may also have had a lot to do with the body-hugging camel
sweater dress she wore that stopped mid-thigh and gave se-
ductive view of her impressive legs covered in tights.

“Hi, I’m Stiles Rayner and I have an appointment.” Stiles

held his hand out.

If it was possible, the woman’s smile became wider,

showing even, white teeth flashing between full shimmery
golden lips. Trenton struggled to pull his gaze away from her
mouth. Outside of other things he thought attractive about a
woman, he found their mouths one of the most erotic. For a lot
of reasons he shouldn’t be thinking about at the moment.

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“Yes. I’ve been expecting you. I’m Jolie Tymber, the

owner. Please, come in Mr. Rayner.” She stepped back,
pulling the door wider and allowing them entrance.

Trenton stopped looking at the woman long enough to

consider her home/business. The foyer was spacious and invit-
ing decorated in warm colors of browns and mint green. Be-
fore them was a wide stair case leading to an upper level.
There were two identical arches on their left and right. On his
left, there were stairs that led down into a sitting room with
plush furniture in ivory and gold with carpet appearing so
thick it begged a person to remove their shoes and sink in. To
the right, he noticed a more formal sitting area with antique
cherry wood furniture and burgundy leather chairs arranged
upon hardwood flooring similar to the parquet in the foyer.

“May I get you all something to drink?” Her voice drew

him back to her. It was husky and rich, more the texture of a
woman who that should have been on the other end of a sex
line, not a couples’ resort owner. Then again, she was in the
business of facilitating lovers’ trysts so maybe it was perfect.
She made him want to get a room.

“I’m fine. Trenton?” His brother turned to him.
Trenton noticed Ms. Tymber’s gaze shift to him as well

and he couldn’t help but feel as if the air had been sucked out
of the room. His chest felt a little tight and it disturbed him
that he was finding it difficult to breathe. Bugger me, what
was that?

He was a healthy man who worked out often and rarely

indulged in anything that would lead him down the same high
blood pressure and ruined cholesterol of his father. So the
feeling in his chest was unfamiliar to him.


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The small gasp, a sound of shock that came out of the wo-

man’s parted lips and her eyes darkened for a moment. The
slight, odd response from her made him draw in a deep breath
and release the bands around his heart.

Trenton cleared his throat, before he spoke. “I don’t need


He noticed Jolie’s smile wavered slightly as she glanced

away from him and back to Stiles. “If you will follow me, I’ll
tell you about Sensual Chocolate and the various packages.”

She led the way into the leather-bound room where she

directed them toward the couch as she took a seat in one of the
two single chairs on the other side of the coffee table. On the
other side of the room, behind her, was a more business-like
area with a desk and two chairs.

“I must say I’m already impressed to see what you have

done with this place, Ms. Tymber.” Stiles unbuttoned his suit
coat and sat on the side of the couch closest to her chair.

Instead of following her direction, Trenton claimed the

other free chair that was in a ninety degree angle from her.

Trenton saw her glance at the empty cushion on the

couch, then him, but remained silent as she looked back at
Stiles. “Thank you, Mr. Rayner. My uncle and I are quite dif-
ferent in the business aspect.”

“Well, not in success. Your uncle may have leaned more

toward the family vacation or fishing lodge establishment for
those who desired to use it for its proximity to the lake, but
this has paid off as well.”

His brother’s firm owned the lease to the property, even

though one of Stiles’s execs handled the account. However,
checking up on it wasn’t the reason they had come, or why his


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brother had dragged him along. The drive to the lake area was
over an hour outside of the city and his brother had kindly
asked him to come along for the company alone. Besides the
fact Stiles never missed an opportunity to try and influence
him into believing in romance and the happily-ever-after

“This last year has been very profitable, I must say.”

Jolie’s smile was confident again.

“I’ve heard. Thanks for giving us your time. I know

you’re days are probably hectic with Valentine’s Day coming

“True.” Her face was alive with joy as she spoke. “It’s the

only time we actual offer renting of the bungalows all week
long, instead of only Friday through Sunday.”

Great, another romantic. But then, what did Trenton ex-

pect when the woman owned a business that was built around
the concept of chocolate coating lovers.

“So, let me hear what you can offer me and my spouse.”

Stiles leaned back and brought his ankle to rest on his opposite

Shifting her body forward, she picked up a portfolio from

the table that had a high gloss picture of the resort on the front.
Trenton enjoyed the view as her sweater dress slipped higher
up, revealing more of her thigh. He considered himself a
highly sexual male who loved women, all types of women.
There was little chance that having to be stuck in this appoint-
ment with his brother he wasn’t going to admire the beautiful
woman in the room. Hell, what else was there for him to do.

“I believe you told Natalie, my assistant, that it was your

anniversary.” She looked from him to Stiles.


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Stiles nodded.
Opening up the folder, she showed them a full-page pic-

ture with a king-size bed that had a heart in the middle of the
red satin sheets made out of individually gold wrapped
chocolates. “Well, gentlemen, as you will see we have a lot to
offer the two of you during your stay.”

It must have hit his brother at the same time understand-

ing struck him of what Ms. Tymber had surmised. However,
Trenton was the first to object. “Whoa, Ms. Tymber—”

“Jolie, please. We’re not formal here.” She gave him an

earnest grin.

“And we are not a couple.” He waved his hand between

him and Stiles.

“Oh, you aren’t?” Jolie appeared truly shocked, but there

was something in her gaze that he couldn’t quite put his finger
on as she looked at him.

“Sorry for the confusion. This lump on a log is my broth-

er, Trenton.” Stiles informed her.

“His spouse is a wife and I’m not gay,” Trenton clarified.
He knew what she was thinking as she assessed the two of

them. Stiles was the quintessential blond, prep-school looking
boy with his blue eyes, politician’s smile and all-American
boy appeal, while he, on the other hand, was darker in features
and attitude.

“Different mothers,” Stiles continued.
“But the same ‘rolling stone’ father.” Trenton didn’t even

attempt to mask his disgust for their sperm donor. When he
was thirteen he had found out that his father, a pilot, had a
wife in New York, as well as his mum in London. He and
Stiles were two months apart in age, him being the oldest.


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Regardless of their father’s bigamy he and Stiles had become

Jolie appeared slightly distressed at his comment. Trenton

noticed she fidgeted a little in her seat. Strangely enough, he
felt a little guilt about making her uncomfortable. He pushed
the feeling away. He didn’t know this woman, didn’t owe her
anything. If she felt bad about his parentage, it was her issue.
He’d surely buried those emotions as he’d buried his dad years

“Anyway, back to the bungalows of love.” Trenton folded

his hands over his abdomen and settled into the chair.

Stiles frowned at his sarcasm, but remained silent.
“Yes, well.” She cleared her throat and forced out one of

her bright smiles directed at Stiles. “As you will see, each
bungalow is equipped with state-of-the-art appliances and fur-
nishings. At Sensual Chocolate we not only want your experi-
ence to be lustfully decadent but comfortable as well.” She
flipped a page displaying the bathrooms, small kitchenettes
and spacious living rooms with gas fireplace.

“Very nice.” Stiles oohed and ahhed appropriately.
Trenton attempted to keep himself from rolling his eyes.
Turning again, Jolie went on, “Here we have the various

packages you and your wife may want to incorporate in during
your weekend stay with us next month.” Her elegant fingers
stroked along the separate columns on the two pages. “Refri-
gerators and cabinets are stocked with food and cookware.
Each bungalow has supplies for chocolate baths. There are
chocolate oils and two chocolate bowls filled with fresh sea-
sonal berries and your choice of a bottle of cocovino or


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Jolie pulled out a single sheet from the back of folder and

passed it to Stiles.

Trenton was practically catching a sugar high just listen-

ing to Jolie roll through the litany of chocolate offerings.

“Celeste is going to love this.” Stiles studied the paper in

his hands.

Trenton could see the sappy romantic glow on his broth-

er’s face. If their father had a romantic gene besides the phil-
andering one, Stiles had received every ounce of it. His broth-
er had fallen in love with his college sweetheart and had never
stepped outside even once. Trenton couldn’t hold back the
guffaw that slipped passed his lips at the thought of only being
with one woman.

“Did you say something, Mr. Rayner?” Jolie set her beau-

tiful topaz gaze on him, her face a mask of professional pleas-
antry. However, it didn’t diminish the small jolt he continued
to experience every time their eyes met.

Evidently the informal name usage only extended to

Stiles. Ms. Tymber wanted to keep a wall between them as
thick as the old Berlin wall.

“Don’t mind him, Jolie. Trenton is the anti-Cupid.”
She frowned. Her eyebrows pulled in toward the center as

if she could not comprehend anyone not celebrating
Valentine’s Day. “How can that be? Outside of Christmas it is
the only day dedicated to giving love.”

“Of the physical kind.” He allowed his gaze to slowly

travel down the length of her body, an alluring glance he’d
given many women. He allowed his English accent to fully
saturate his words, something else he knew American women


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went insane over. Just by saying a few words it was nothing
for him to have a woman squirming in her chair. Easy picking.

Jolie inhaled, but other than that she held herself straight

back and still.

“Of course. Which just makes it even more special when

shared between two people who love and care for each other.”

He allowed her to see his eyes roll.
“Don’t waste your breath trying to convince him, Jolie.

My brother’s heart may pump blood but it doesn’t beat for
love. Trust me I keep trying.” Stiles shook his head as if disap-
pointed in the state of Trenton’s heart.

“It’s already filled with you and me mum, sorry no room

left in the inn.” That was true and the only reason he’d agreed
to accompany his brother to this appointment instead of sitting
in his office going over potential client analysis reports.

Stiles laughed.
He even caught the small snicker Jolie tried to stifle.

Trenton loved to hear a woman laugh; it was truly just as erot-
ic to him as her sighing in pleasure. The thought that he would
like to hear Ms. Tymber jubilant with passion caught him by
surprise. He would need to reign himself in. This woman was
not a love them and leave them type. A woman who knew and
understood the rules of a one-night stand and didn’t ask for
more. Hell, every woman he’d been with over the last seven
years didn’t even want more, which had been fine by him.

“How about we take a tour of one of the bungalows? So

that you can see and walk through the set-up and make sure it
will suit your idea for your anniversary.” Jolie dropped the
folder on the table and rose.


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Stiles was up next as Trenton purposely stood to his feet

slowly. He was not looking forward to seeing the small week-
end place.

Not waiting for him longer than they had to, Jolie and

Stiles chatted about his brother’s three-year anniversary and
the lavender jade and silver bracelet he’d gotten Celeste, a re-
minder of their honeymoon in Japan.

Trenton kept a distance behind them as they made their

way through the main house and out the back patio. He was
experiencing amor overload and needed to clear his head. A
proud single man could only take so much. His eyes fell on
the sway of Jolie’s round ass as the sweater dress hugged her
curves and moved sinfully with every step she took in those
damn sexy boots. A woman in calf-high boots was always a
visual treat for him. A secret fantasy.

Once they crossed the flagstone area with the large pool,

the center of the four small houses and main house, Jolie led
them into the first gate. The houses were a good distance
apart, yet still close enough for the guests to walk out the back
and use the pool when it got warmer. Trenton had to admire
the foresight Jolie had in putting privacy fencing around each
bungalow. If any of the couples were voyeuristic there would
be no peeping into someone else’s window.

“Here we have the kitchen and the living room.” Jolie

held her arms out and circled the area, showing off the quaint
kitchen, dining table for two and the large couch with a faux
fur rug before the fireplace. “We actually took out the second
bedroom to expand this front room so that it allowed the space
for the dining, lounging and the therapeutic/relaxation area.”


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Jolie’s voice drew Trenton deeper inside from his spot in

the doorway. As he entered, he could swear he could both
smell and taste chocolate in the air. The sensual sweetness was
having a strange affect on him, making his mind conjure up all
types of ways he would enjoy coating Jolie sexy body with the
brown goo.

Damn. Now I’m going crazy.
“The alcove by the window is where the couples chocol-

ate massage will take place if the spa package is ordered. It
comes with a white chocolate facial and warm, dark chocolate
foot treatment too.”

“I think I just got a cavity.” Trenton rubbed his jaw for ef-

fect. Even though the only throbbing he was experiencing
wasn’t located in the head on his shoulders. He took a moment
to button his suit jacket, ensuring he concealed any evidence
of how affected he was by the atmosphere and Jolie.

It was Stiles’s turn to roll his eyes. Jolie tucked her bot-

tom lip between her teeth and fought a smile.

“This way to the bathroom.” Her boots clicked against the

hardwood floor, making his cock jump with every step she

Like mice behind The Pied Piper he and Stiles followed

Jolie from one room to the other.

“Shit, look at the size of that tube,” Stiles declared.
It was huge, Trenton noted. “Your guests don’t need the

pool, they could swim in this.”

“We tried to be considerate that all our couples would

come in various shapes and sizes. For instance, you are prob-
ably six two and a standard bathtub would not fit you


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comfortably. Especially not if the purpose for the get-a-way is
for your wife to join you in it.”

“I’m not married.” The words tumbled out, before

Trenton could catch himself.

“I was referring to Stiles, Mr. Rayner.”
Trenton wanted to growl, he was getting tired of hearing

his brother’s name on her lips, yet she refused to say his.

Stiles laughed. “Trenton married…” His brother’s words

drifted away.

It was no secret that he never planned to marry, but hear-

ing Stiles utter the words while they stood in a bathroom de-
signed for two with Jolie within reach put a sour taste in his
mouth. Fuck, I need to get out of here.

“This is not about me,” Trenton retort.
“Here is the basket containing the bath supplies I told you


One of the pink and brown packets caught Trenton’s eye.

“Chocolate silk bath salts?”

She slipped the envelope from the baskets filled with

bottles and jars and held it up so they could see it. “This, just
like most of our products, is all natural. They have not only
been infused with coco but other nutrients and vitamins allow-
ing them to be edible as well as sensuous.”

“Decadent and healthy,” Stiles said, fully taken in by

Jolie’s presentation.

“What’s next? Gluten-free truffles?” Trenton mocked.
“If requested.” Jolie didn’t miss a beat as she exited the

bath area and went into the bedroom.


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When both he and Stiles were inside the master suite, she

showed them the cabinet with the flat-screen television and a
shelf stocked full of adult videos of all different fetishes.

“Sorry the television is not connected to satellite. It’s only

for movie watching.”

“That’s fine for Celeste and me.” Stiles wandered over to

the cabinet and scanned the selections.

Trenton wondered if Jolie enjoyed pornographic movies

or if she just stocked them for her guests.

As she went on about the various oils, lubes and condoms

the nightstand was filled with in a steady, matter-of-fact tone,
Trenton surmised that she repeated her spiel so often it was
easy for her to separate the words from their actual meaning.

Who says the word porn and lubricant and doesn’t get a

little flustered, especially in mixed company. Especially a

The desire to see her a little off center from her ultra-effi-

cient proprietor persona gnawed at Trenton. As the late after-
noon sun poured in the window, it glinted off the golden
charms of her necklace.

He stepped closer to her, so that he would not have to yell

across the room. “That is some necklace you are wearing.
Very unique.”

Lifting her hand, she stroked her fingers across the

smooth surface. “A past guest made it for me. He and his wife
were one of my first customers. It was their fiftieth-seventh
wedding anniversary. They spend their free time making
ceramics. Somehow they fashioned me a chocolate chocker
and figured out a way to glazed it.” She fingered the key and


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Trenton’s hand itched to see if the thin, custom-made

piece was cold like most ceramic objects or if it absorbed the
warmth from her skin.

She smiled and her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. The

golden brown color of her irises drew him in, captivated him
and made him forget himself.

“What can I say? I’m a slave to chocolate.”
“Want a master?”
Several things happened at the same time. Jolie’s eyes

stretched wide, her pupils constricted, her breathing increased
and her hand stilled. Trenton’s heart began to race and his gut
tightened. Stiles phone rang.

“Excuse me. I have to take this.” Stiles pressed a button

and headed toward the living room as he placed the cell to his
ear. His brother’s absence left him alone with the one person
his mind realized he shouldn’t be alone with and the one per-
son his gut wanted solitude with.

The thought of retracting the words never entered

Trenton’s mind.

“What, Mr. Rayner?” the words came out breathy and


Reaching out, Trenton took hold of her arms, he needed

to touch her. “Look, Jolie, for some reason I am having a full-
on amatory attraction and desire for you as I have never had
for another woman.”

“I don’t see how that’s my problem.” She licked her lips.
His hands contracted on her arms; he was close to leaning

in and kissing her, ready to taste the glittery, gold-rush tinted
lip gloss and her to see if it made him rich with lust.


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He could feel the gentle tremors coursing through her

body, her professional veneer gone.

“I know you feel it too.”
When her lips parted, he stopped her. “Don’t deny it. I

haven’t made it to thirty-six not knowing when a woman is
sexually attracted to me.”

She placed her palms against his chest and pushed.

However, he held fast, not willing to budge until they had
come to an agreement.

“I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to,


“Trenton, damn it. My name is Trenton.”
“Well, Trenton, as I was saying—”
“You don’t have to say it again, I’ll tell you.” He dragged

her body against his. “The kind of women I am used to aren’t
only beautiful, but completely aware of their sexuality and en-
joys pleasures of the flesh.” He lowered his voice and pressed
his lips to the shell of her ear. “Are you going to try and con-
vince me, Jolie, while I’m getting drunk off this chocolate
haven of yours that you don’t enjoy sexual pleasure?”

A muffled moan came from her. “Trenton. We see things

of sensual world in two different lights.”

It didn’t escape him she didn’t deny his words. He buried

his nose below her jawline and inhaled, delighted to discover
that she smelled of honeyed oranges instead of chocolate. Her
scent seemed to balance him, a balm to his soul. His mind
would not allow his heart to digest that thought any further, he
just needed to have sex with her and get her out of his system.
Nothing more.


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“Teach me. Show me, Jolie.” He lifted his head and stared

at her.

“How?” Her pink tongue darted out again, this time

brushing her upper lip.

“If you want me to believe all this heart, roses and

chocolate romance then let me in. Make a believer out of me.”

Her eyes shifted from left to right as if she were searching

his soul through his eyes, looking for some kind of answer.
The urge to look away and hide himself blindsided him, but he
didn’t overt his gaze.

“Okay. But it will have to be here and I get to plan the

evening.” She lifted her chin. “I’ve never been a spread ’em-
up-against-the-wall, thank-you-ma’am kind of woman and I
won’t start now.”

His cock twitched with the image she painted and he

knew that if she wanted a quick pounding against anything his
dick was up for it, literally. However, in his gut he knew that
wouldn’t be enough. He’d need hours to fulfill his lust for her.
Hopefully that would purge her from his mind.

“No problem. Just remember one thing.”
“What’s that?” Her fingers flexed against his chest.
“It’s one night. Nothing more.”
A shadow clouded her eyes, but she nodded.
Allowing one side of his mouth to hitch up in a pseudo

smile, he said, “Then let us seal this with a kiss—”

“Sorry about that.” Stiles breezed back into the room.

“We’re in the middle of an acquisitions deal.”

Jolie pushed away from him and moved toward Stiles,

running her hands along her thighs. “Have you seen


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everything you need to, Stiles?” Her voice was elevated, al-
most too loud. “Any questions?”

Trenton turned and saw his brother lifting a single eye-

brow high on his forehead as he pinned him with a question-
ing look, but responded to Jolie. “I’m good. I’ve seen all I
need to.”

“Okay, then,” she rushed on. “Let’s head back to the main

house and we can sign the contract and handle the reservation
and deposit.” She was out of the bedroom as if someone had
just announced that lightening was about to strike the

Stiles turned to leave next, but not before Trenton noted

the smile playing at the corners of his brother’s mouth. He was
positive Stiles had seen him a breath away from kissing Jolie.
There was no telling what fanciful sentiments his brother had
going through his mind.

But Trenton wasn’t going to ask. This situation was

between him and Jolie and they were two adults who had
agreed to a night of mutual lust fulfillment, nothing else, just
as he’d told her. One night. He’d get his fill and walk away
just as easily as he did with all the other women who had
come before her and would come after.


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Chapter 2

“I have to have lost my damn mind.” Jolie stared down at

the card in her hand. Trenton’s business card. “Ring me up,”
he’d said as he got up from the chair across from her desk as
she finished the contract with his brother.

What had possessed her to even consider giving into the

arrogant man? It had to be his British accent. She’d always
been a sucker for a man with European inflections in his
voice—too much late-night BBC television when she was in
college. Flicking her nail along the edge of the card, she de-
bated whether or not to go through with it. Her body screamed

It had been a while since she’d had sex. Two years to be

exact. Her uncle Johnny, her grandmother’s brother, had
owned this property and when he passed away he’d willed it
to her. He’d always told her she was his favorite niece, but she
always thought he told her and her siblings the same thing.
Evidently not, he gave her his business and a substantially
amount of money to transform it to something she wanted.
Ranyer and Meriwether Property Firm still owned the land,
but the business and homes were hers. As long as it continued
to turn a profit, there would be no reason for them to claim the
property back.

All of her time she’d put into the business, first redesign-

ing it then promoting and running it over the last year. She de-
served a little fun. Pleasure. That’s exactly what Trenton’s
body promised. He wasn’t only tall, but had broad shoulders a
woman could curl up against or hold on to. She hadn’t missed

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the hard, sculpted muscles of his chest. She’d pressed her
hands against a warm concrete wall. The urge to slide her
hands down and feel if his abs were just a taut had caused a
shiver to race through her core. Her heels had allowed her to
stare into dark hazel eyes that were a sea green with a brown
ring around the outer edge.

Thick, manly brows the same ebony as his hair that was

tapered in the back but longer in the front. Not that he allowed
it to fall forward, some kind of hair product kept it slicked
back and made it look wet as if he’d just climbed out of the
shower. Hmm, she moaned at the thought of seeing him naked
and wet.

Using the small card to fan herself, she squirmed in her

seat. Since he’d come into her house and met her gaze, mak-
ing her feel as if the wind had been knocked from her lungs
she’d been feeling overheated. She’d chided herself on the de-
cision to wear a sweater dress and tights. She’d been thankful
when they left the house and walked out in the cool February
air. There was no wind out today so the North Carolina air
was crisp, chilly but not cold. However, she wouldn’t have
minded a few snowflakes deciding to fall from the sky and
dropping down the collar of her dress.

That was the reason why she’d agreed to this one night of

lovin’. She had to prove to herself that it was just lust. Nothing
more. Even though no other man had turned her inside out just
by looking at her. Trenton Rayner did.

Her heart reminded her that she was a romantic. A believ-

er of soul mates and midnight moonlight walks holding hands
with the man she loved. She wanted all the things she’d sung
about as a child. “Jolie and some man sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-


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n-g”, love marriage and the baby carriage. But Trenton Rayner
was not that guy, so why risk it, her heart warned.

Stiles, the blond one, thought and believed just like she

did. She could see it in everything he selected for him and his
wife’s anniversary weekend next month. However, Trenton
was the opposite. She’d caught the many times he’d rolled his
eyes or grunted at the different services offered. How could
two men with the same father be so different? She could tell
there was a deep history and story behind them. There was no
mistaking that Stiles was an All-American boy just as easily as
it was to see by Trenton’s accent and reserved manner he was
all European male.

Staring at the rectangle cardstock paper in her hand, she

surmised that he was not the big picture she wanted but he was
definitely the extraordinary frame that sat empty on the shelf
awaiting the picture. Pretty to admire and hope for something

Could I give myself to Trenton and simply walk away?
“Yes.” He would be a memory for her to hold on to until

Mr. Permanent showed up.

She set the card down and reached for the phone to make

the call.

“I’m back, Jolie. I picked you up some Florentine ravioli

from the Italian spot you like beside the mall.” Tasha walked
into the room.

Jolie set the office phone back in the cradle. “Thank you.

You didn’t have to do that.”

Smiling as she pulled the small aluminum bowl out of the

bag and set it on the desk, Tasha said, “It was no problem, I
had to swing by there and check on Ricky and my reservations


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for Tuesday.” She followed up her words with a little happy
dance, a wiggle shaking type movement.

Laughing, Jolie stared at the tall white girl with her long

red hair. Tasha and her husband had been married for eleven
years and they had three boys. Her assistant often said any
time she and her husband had away from the rambunctious
trio was worth a dance or two.

“I still say you two should have let me book one of the

houses for you for a couple days.”

“No need. You know I’m trying to lose ten more pounds,

I’d be eating more of the chocolate than I put on Ricky’s

Tasha always talked about losing weight over the last year

and a half she had worked with her. Even though her assistant
was a little thick she carried it well. Besides, Tasha’s husband
seemed to enjoy every one of her curves. To Jolie that was all
that mattered.

“Ha-ha, so true. It is very tempting. However, you know

we have several products that only have an essence of chocol-
ate so there would be no calories in those.”

Tasha frowned. “What’s the fun in that?”
Shaking her head, Jolie allowed the scent of the cream

sauce, spinach and tomatoes to relax her. The decision regard-
ing Trenton was still playing in the back of her mind and had
her coiled inside tighter than a cobra.

“How did the appointment go? Did Mr. Rayner complete

his reservation?” Tasha folded the now empty carry-out bag.

“He did. Matter fact he went with the ultra deluxe lovers’

packet,” Jolie informed her as she pushed the open folder with
the signed contract across the desk so Tasha could see it.


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“Oh, man, the spa treatment and the catered champagne

dinner. Hot damn! Lucky lady.”

“I know, right.” Jolie pulled the folder back and rose from

the desk. “I’m going to take this to the kitchen and bury my
face in it. Can you call and check that the florist will have the
flowers delivered Sunday for next week. Also contact Renault
at Amoureux au Palais and place the order for the Rayners?
Their dates in March are annotated in the folder. They would
like the meal on Sunday night.”

Rounding the desk Tasha took up the place she’d occu-

pied. “Will do, boss lady.”

Jolie headed out of the reservation room knowing the

booking was in good hands. Tasha was just as efficient as she
was lively. They had become good friends as well as co-

“Um, Jolie, does this business card go with folder?”

Tasha called out.

Jolie’s heart stopped along with her feet. Damn it. Turn-

ing she hustled back to the desk. She could see the confusion
evident on Tasha’s face as she looked from the name on the
card to the name on the folder. Jolie knew they wouldn’t
match, except for the last name.

“Sorry, that’s mine.” Jolie reached across the desk for the


Her assistant, a quick study said, “Another Rayner? Is he

related to the guest?”

Rubbing the side of her neck, Jolie waffled, “Um, yeah,

he is. His brother.”

A wide smile broke out on Tasha’s face. “Awesome. He

planning to book a stay too?”


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“No, no… This is not really his thing.” Jolie could feel

the heat creeping up her neck. “It’s for something else.”

“Oh. What does he do?” Tasha sat there expectantly.
Damn. Jolie wished he was a construction worker. This

would have been a lot easier. She could’ve than simply said he
was going to do some work around the property. Glancing at
the card it said “Corporate Head Hunter”. She only had a
vague understand of what that entailed. “Business stuff. We
were chatting about things. Kind of the business. Not really.
He came with his brother. Stiles Rayner is his brother.” Duh,
her mind screamed. She was talking in circles but couldn’t fig-
ure out what to say, besides the truth.

Tasha was still sitting with her hands folded, clear evid-

ence she wasn’t understand a thing Jolie was babbling about.

Jolie sighed. “Actually, Tasha we sort of talked about

maybe…a date.” Honesty was the best policy. Sort of. There
was no way she was going to confess to arranging a one night

“Oh, that’s great.” Tasha’s face brightened again. “I tell

you all the time you need to get away from this place more
and see about your non-existent love life.”

“I don’t know. This isn’t that serious. It probably won’t

even amount to anything. We see the world from two different
sides of the coin.” Jolie shrugged. For that reason alone she
probably should just stay away from Trenton.

“Well when it comes to love it’s worth a try. I met Ricky

on a blind date, look at us now.”

Love? Yeah right.
“Maybe.” Jolie backed out of the room. “I’m going to go

eat this food while it’s hot.” Turning, she headed to the back


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of the house where the kitchen was before Tasha could stop


“Spill it, Stiles.” Trenton cruised down the back roads

headed toward the interstate that would take them back to City
Center. His brother had been relatively quiet since they left
from the lover’s resort.

“You’re a grown man, Trenton. Far be it for me to put my

two cents into a bank it doesn’t belong.”

Trenton glanced at his brother for a moment then back at

the road. “I know you saw Jolie in my arms and I could tell
that you have been itching to say something. Even now I can
practically hear the wheels in your head turning.”

“Fine.” Stiles hands lifted then dropped. “You’re a love

’em and leave ’em type of guy.”

“I won’t argue with that.”
Stiles’ exhale was loud, filling the car. “I know you’re in-

terested in Jolie. Hell, what man wouldn’t be? She’s hot as

“Your point?” His brother could be downright long-win-

ded at times.

“I don’t think she’s the kind of woman you can toy with

and toss to the side. I don’t know her accept what the reports
say about her business and meeting her now. However, I’d
hate to see her get hurt.”

“Duly noted. However, Jolie is just as much an adult as I

am. You know I don’t mislead women.” Shit. Trenton could
feel himself getting agitated. The last thing he needed was his
brother playing conscience for him. “Look, I left the ball in


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her court. No pressure. If she calls she’ll know what she’s get-
ting into.”

“So, if she decides to get in the tank with a shark she bet-

ter prepare to be eaten?”

“Hell yes! For hours.”
They both started laughing at the double entendre.

Trenton knew his brother was far from a prude. They had
spent many days in their first two years of college in and out
of several co-ed beds before Stiles met Celeste and fell in

As their humor subsided, Trenton said, “I hope you know

I do everything I can to be honest with the women I’m with so
they don’t get hurt.”

Stiles glanced at him. “I know. I guess I just wish to see

my older brother find a special woman and be as happy as I

“No one can be as elated as you.” He purposely stayed

away from the talk of him settling down.

“You may have a point.”
As they continued into the city their conversation turned

to business. Something Trenton was a lot more comfortable
discussing. He would leave matters of the heart to his brother
and the kind of people who stayed at chocolate houses.


“Rayner here.” The husky timber came through the line.
Jolie swallowed. All of a sudden her mouth went dry at

the sound of his English accent. “Hello, Trenton. It’s Jolie

She had debated with herself all day whether to call

Trenton or not. Every time her heart talked herself away from


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calling him, her body countered with images of his body, face
and voice. A man that dark natured had to be wicked and deli-
cious in bed.

“What are you wearing?” he asked.
“Excuse me?” Maybe he had forgotten which woman

he’d given his number today. She didn’t fool herself in believ-
ing she was the only one he was attempting to get with. But
she at least wanted to be remembered.

“I asked what you were wearing. Was that not clear?”
Sitting on her couch in her plush living room with the

fireplace roaring, her shoulders tensed. She was getting pissed.
“I’m sorry, I think you have me mistaken with another

“Jolie Rayner, a beautiful black lady who probably stands

about five-seven if she wasn’t in sexy four-inch heels. Jolie
Rayner, the owner of an ass that should either be thoroughly
licked or fucked. Jolie Rayner, the woman who smells like or-
anges and summertime. Anymore questions about if I know
who I’m talking to?”

Hell, she couldn’t even breathe, let alone think of a ques-

tion. The fire in the room that had originally made it feel
warm and toasty now with her temperature elevated to the
point of boiling her blood, the fire was too much accompanied
with his words. She pulled her large T-shirt away from her
body trying to cool down.

“No,” she croaked, still attempting to get herself together.
“Just because I enjoy having uncomplicated sex with dif-

ferent women, doesn’t mean I just go around handing out my
card every minute of the day.” There was a slight edge to his
voice as if he were aggravated about something.


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She felt like apologizing for offending him, but held her

tongue. He was the one offering a one night of pleasure ar-
rangement, so she wasn’t going to feel bad if people read him

“Back to my original question, Jolie.”
She had to smile at his persistence. “Why do you want to

know how I’m dressed?”

“Or not dressed would be my preference,” he volunteered.

“Normally, when I invite a woman to a rendezvous and they
call me after the dinner hour they usually want me to come

“Maybe it means that they’ve been debating the wisdom

of calling you.”

“If you’re having second thoughts, then why did you


Settling deeper into the couch, she stared through her cur-

tains at the star-speckled sky. With the lights out in her house
the stars were vivid. “I don’t know.”

“Let me help you out, Jolie.”
She heard the sound of a chair squeezing and she

wondered if he was still at work.

“You desire me just as much as I desire you. We are both

clear about that. However, if you don’t want to do this I won’t
make you. Neither will I make this easier for you by telling
you lies to get into your panties.”

She bit down on her bottom lip. What he was saying was

similar to what he’d told her earlier in the day. “I appreciate
that.” Taking a deep breath, she let it out and confessed, “I
want to be with you.”

“Then make us both happy and invite me over.”


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She laughed at his eager boldness. “Oh, no. We’re not go-

ing to make this a late-night booty call. If we’re going to do
this then it will be on my terms. You said you wanted me to
show you the more romantic side of sex. I need time to set it

“Hmm. A woman who takes control of her own sex life.

You are turning me on more, Jolie.” His voice lowered. “How
about if I give you a few days.”

“That’s good. When are you free?”
She heard him flipping through pages as if he were going

through a schedule of some sort. Another hint that he was pos-
sible still at work at seven o’clock at night.

“I have to fly out of town tomorrow afternoon to meet

with a prospective client. I’ll be back late Monday,” he rattled
off. Sounding as if he were speaking more to himself then her.
“How about Tuesday. I could probably get away from work
around three.”

She wondered if he realized that Tuesday was Valentine’s

Day. For a man who didn’t believe in romance, he was truly
setting himself up.

“I have a few things to take care of around here that day.

How about you come by my house around seven thirty?”

“Seven thirty it is,” he confirmed. “You live in the main

house correct?”

“That’s right.” There was nothing left for them to talk

about, but Jolie found herself reluctant to get off the phone.

“Anything else I should know?”
Guard your heart, Jolie girl. “No. I’ll see you then.”


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“Until Tuesday, Jolie. Try not to think about me too much

at night, laying in your bed wear something satin and sexy.”
His voice held a playful tone.

She stared down at herself. “More like a big T-shirt and

toe socks.”

“Ah-ha. I knew I could get you to tell me what you were

wearing,” he chuckled.

Jolie smiled enjoying his deep rumble that came through

the phone. “Good night, Mr. Rayner.”

“She hurts me deep.” She heard him sigh. “Good night,

Jolie.” His voice was low and his accent came across with a
great intensity becoming a caress to her senses.

Inhaling, she pressed the button on her cell phone and

ended the call. The days until she saw him next week would
be long.


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Chapter 3

“Good evening, Mr. Rayner.”
When Jolie opened the door Trenton’s gut clenched and

his cock jumped then began to rise. He had already been
halfway to a full-blown erection all day just counting the
hours until he got to put his hands on Jolie. Now he was
speechless as she stared at her in some kind of black one-
shoulder dress, sheer, sexy and flowing. There was another
layer below the see-through material keeping him from seeing
her body, but his imagination was working overtime detailing
the form possibly hidden beneath. The dress stopped mid-
thigh and she’d done the blessed thing of leaving her legs bare
and sporting sliver slip-on sandals. The single sleeve revealed
her arm as clearly as the one that was left free.

As the man who had the treasure of spending the evening

with her, he was thankful she had chosen something alluring
and easy to remove. His fingers tightened around the stem of
the flower he held.

“If I’d known you would dress like that tonight, I

would’ve never made it through the day.” Pulling his gaze
away from her delectable body, he handed her the single rose
he’d brought her.

“Thank you. Please come in.” She took the flower, en-

sured her fingers didn’t brush his and then stepped deeper into
the foyer.

Her lips, painted with a dark gloss that he could only call

a “please me” red, pulled up high in the corners as she smiled.

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Entering her home with a different frame of mind then the

last time he was there, Trenton noticed the lights were out in
the one room he and Stiles had been in last week. The rest of
the lights were all on low setting. In the sitting room with the
plush carpet he could see the flickering glow of a fire. She had
truly set the stage for romance.

He could have told her that she didn’t need to go to all the

trouble. He needed little encouragement to want her luscious
body beneath his. Then he reminded himself that he was only
here because he told her that he would allow her a chance to
show him the romantic side of sex.

“It smells wonderful in here. Did you cook?” He asked

closing the door behind him. The house was filled with the
smell of food, but he could still detect the hint of her orange

“I did. But, nothing elaborate I must confess. I’m a crock

pot chef.” A small laugh bubbled past her lips.

“I have no clue what that means.”
“Nothing but that I threw a small roast with vegetables to-

gether and slow cooked them all day. I love food, but I cook to
survive.” She led the way to the kitchen.

“Well, you’re two steps ahead of me since I don’t cook at

all. All of my meals are from a restaurant, when I eat.” He fol-
lowed her. He loved to watch the sway of her little black
dress. Without the boots and sweater dress he could see how
toned her legs were as his eyes were trained on the play of the
muscles in her thighs and calves as she walked.

Once in the kitchen, Jolie pointed out the electrical pot on

the counter beside the stove. He also saw another pot on a rear
burner with a little steam coming from underneath the lid even


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though he could see the burner was off. Jolie stooped down
and took a tall glass vase from under the sink. Filling it with
water she placed the long stemmed rose inside and set it on the
center of the island, placing the granite top between them.

“I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s Day until late this

morning when my co-workers’ desks became flooded with
balloons and flowers. If I hear one more singing telegram my
head may explode.”

She laughed. “I guess for someone that isn’t a romantic,

this day can seem silly and a bit much.”

He shrugged. Now that he thought about the fact that

most female’s really believed in this day he realized it was a
little shoddy to just give her one flower. “I probably should
have bought a bouquet or had one sent to you.”

Jolie used the back of her fingers to caress the rose petals.

Her golden brown eyes met his and he had that strange shock
go through him again as if he was being struck by lightning.

“It’s perfect.” It seemed as if she were miles away with

the granite top between them.

“I remember you saying that this was a busy week for

you. That SC has guests all week. Is tonight going to be a
problem for you?” The last thing he wanted was to be buried
balls deep inside of her and have some emergency line ring
and one of her guest needing more bath towels.

She shook her head, causing her side bang to slip over her

eye for a moment. She fingered it back in place. A gesture so
simple and flirtatiously sexy at the same time. Even more so,
because he doubted Jolie was doing anything to make herself
appear sexier, but his body was still reading every breath and
move as an invitation.


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“No, this is perfect.”
“So, how is this supposed to work now?” he asked, wish-

ing she would come closer.

The tip of her tongue came out and licked the center of

her top lip, then disappeared again. “We could start talking
about our day over dinner…if you’re hungry.”

Oh, he was hungry, just not for whatever was simmering

in the pots and pans on her stove. His mouth watered for one
thing and only one thing, Jolie. “I’m not in the mood for food
at this moment. What’s my other choice?”

She lowered her hand from the flower and he noticed it

was trembling. He hoped it was because she was feeling the
same rampant need as he felt, not fear.

“We can eat later and go to my bedroom now.” Her words

came out breathy and seductive.

He realized what she was doing with the counter and

keeping her distance from him since he arrived. She was
nervous. He didn’t know if it was because she’d never had a
one-night stand before or something else. “Come here, Jolie.”

She only hesitated a moment, then she made her way

around the counter to him. His gaze remained fixed on her as
she moved to stand before him, the connection so strong she
was unable to look away. Taking a step closer to her, he nar-
rowed the gap between them to less than a foot. He didn’t
touch her with anything but one hand. Lifting his hand he
lightly brushed along the side of her face. The heat of her
smooth skin greeted him as his finger moved down below her
chin, caressing her neck.

“Do you know what I’ve been thinking about all day?”


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“No. What?” Her eyes darkened. The topaz color ap-

peared more brown then golden and held him transfixed.

“You. I thought about the many ways I was going to join

my body with yours. I wondered about the taste of your lips.”
He stroked the underside of her full bottom lip. “I sat at my
desk and repeatedly attempted to guess at the scent and fla-
vor…” He allowed his words to drift away as he lowered his
hand, grazing her nipple and continued to travel to the narrow
indention of her waist. He paused when he touched her hip
and took hold of her and rested his thumb against the top of
her sex. “Of you.”

Jolie’s breath was entering and exiting her mouth in a

rush, matching the rate of his heartbeat. He’d never desired
another woman as much as he yearned for the one before him.

It was true that he had thought about her in a sexual way

during the day. However, it was her smile, her laugh and her
joy and confidence that surrounded her he couldn’t get off his
mind. He wanted to spend hours between her legs, but he
wanted to talk to her too. And the latter part scared the shit out
of him.

“I’m going to kiss you, Jolie.” It wasn’t in his nature to

warn a woman of his attention. He was used to just taking
command and seizing sexual fulfillment for himself and giv-
ing it to his partner. But with Jolie, for a reason he was not go-
ing to delve into, he wanted her to know he would offer her
tenderness and care this night.

“Okay,” she said, raising her hands and dragging them

around his shoulders.

That’s right hold on, baby.


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Lowering his head, he brought his lips against hers. Feel-

ing her press into him, he licked the seam of her lips and
sighed when she opened to him. Slipping inside, he slid along
her tongue to the deep recess of her mouth. Pulling back he
teased the tip of her tongue with his.

She shivered against him and circled her tongue around


A firestorm ignited between them, the blaze started from

their mouths and continued through their bodies, consuming
them both. His hands circled her waist and moved upward un-
til they pressed the center of her back and brought her breasts
in contact with his chest. He couldn’t get enough of kissing
and touching her.

Jolie was an equal participant. Her hands were cupping

the back of his neck as her fingers buried in his hair.

He growled and fought against the urge to push her back

against the counter or lay her over the table and bury himself
inside her, taking them both to the climax they needed.

Pulling his mouth away, he set his forehead against hers

and breathed deeply as his hands clenched and unclenched in
fists at her back. “Sweetheart, if you have plans for us at this
moment that doesn’t involve me fucking you, you better say

There was no doubt in his mind that his choice of words

may have been a little harsh, but he was about to go out of his
mind with the compulsion to be with her in one basic and ele-
mental way.


Trenton may not be a student of romance, but he had

mastered the art of seduction, Jolie thought. She’d never had a


background image

man turn her on and make her forget everything in the world
but him, with a kiss. But, that’s what Trenton had done, blown
her mind. She was shaking inside with need. If it wasn’t im-
portant for her to show this man that romance could be just as
erotic as the act of sex itself then she would have said forget it
and allowed him to take her right where they stood.

Kissing him gently on the side of his mouth, she took his

hands. “Come with me.”

“Swimming? Cause that’s the only thing that is going to

cool me down.” He walked behind her allowing himself to be

“It’s still winter. I love to swim, but an icy cold dip I can

do without.”

“Speak for yourself.”
She laughed. “Are you sulking, Englishman?”
“But of course.”
She guided him up the wide staircase to her room. The

main house had three bedrooms upstairs. The large master
suite and two others she hoped one day to turn into children’s
rooms. But that was something way off in her future and this
man with her now would be long gone from her life.

She stumbled on the last step and Trenton’s quick hands

caught her around the waist, steadying her.

“Are you okay?” his voice was filled with concern.
“Perfect.” She looked over her shoulder and caressed his

cheek. Why the words to the blues artist, Adele’s, song “One
and Only” went through her mind as she stared into Trenton’s
mystifying hazel eyes, she had no clue. Everything about this
man told her he kept his heart as guarded as the US Mint. She


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had to make sure by the time this night was over her tender
heart didn’t open for him. Protect your heart, Jolie.

Moving out of his arms, she continued their path to her

room and used the couple of minutes to get herself together
and focused. Once in, she faced the man dressed sexy in all
black. Black suit jacket, shirt, pants and shoes made him look
both mysterious and appealing. “Please remove your jacket
and shirt and lay down on the bed.”

“I like this already.” He winked at her.
She smiled. “It’s just a massage.”
“Your hands are going to be on me, it’s good enough for


Moving around the room, she lit the multiple thick white

candles she’d set out earlier. Once they were done, she turned
off the two lamps on the side of her bed.

He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it to a chair on

the side of her king-size bed. Toeing himself out of his shoes,
he said, “Can you help me with my shirt?”

Absolutely. She crossed the room to him.
He dropped his hands to his side and waited.
The first two buttons at his throat had been undone since

he’d arrived at her door, so she began at the third one. Watch-
ing her fingers work one button after another she could feel
the heat of his skin behind the material caressing the back of
her hands. When all of the buttons were loosen to his waist,
she undid the fastening of his pants.

“This just got even more interesting.” He pressed his lips

against her ear. “You don’t have to stop with the button.”


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“Very tempting.” She tugged his shirt from his pants and

released the remaining buttons. Gripping the halves she pulled
it off his shoulders. “Good Lord…”

She didn’t mean for the words to come out, but she

couldn’t help it as she beheld the delicious sculptured frame of
his torso. The man was cut like a Greek god. Well-defined
pecs were accompanied by ripping abs and thick, muscled
arms decorated by cord-like veins.

“You know if you take off your top I wouldn’t feel so

vulnerable.” He wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a cheeky

“Not the same. I’d only be left in my panties and bra.”
“You’ll get no argument from me.”
She rolled her eyes, but didn’t try to hide her grin. “Bed.

On your stomach, please.”

He took a moment to pull off his socks and stuffed them

in his shoes then crossed to the bed. At the foot, he moved up
the center until his head rested on the pillow. “What, no
chocolate candies made into a cute design?”

“This is my house, so I pick and choose what things of the

resort I want.”

Going to the side of the bed, she stepped out of her heels.

Kicking the shoes to the side, she pulled open the top drawer
of her nightstand and removed the sensual oil that was a com-
bination of almond oil, sandalwood, ginger and other stimulat-
ing herbs.

As she climbed on the bed with him, she straddled his


“I can turn over so you are more comfortable.”
“Shh, Mr. Rayner. It’s your job to just relax and enjoy.”


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When he fell silent, she uncapped the bottle and dripped

the light oil onto his back. Closing the top, she dropped it on
the bed and began working his muscles.

He groaned and sighed as her hands pressed firmly into

him. The muscles of his back felt tight. She wondered if it was
just sexual tension or job stress.

She enjoyed the sight of the candle light illuminating his

skin, making it appear more bronze. Unlike most people who
were pale in the winter around the city, his skin held a tan.

“How is it that you’re still walking around with a tan in


“Occupational perk,” he said. “I was in Tucson last and

two weeks ago I was in San Diego.”

“Ahh, warm sunshine. I’m jealous.” The room became

quiet again as Trenton relaxed against her mattress and she
relished in touching him.

Moments later, once she felt the tension release from the

lower part of his back, she instructed him to move down from
the pillow. Once he was in place, it gave her room to settle
above his head. Spreading her knees wide toward his broad
shoulders with his head resting extremely close to the apex of
her thighs, she couldn’t help but note the erotic appeal of their
position. She was supposed to be the one in control, showing
Trenton the pleasure of intimacy. However, the more she
worked to release the tension from his body the more wound
up she became.

She liberated a silent breath then began drizzling oil on

the upper part of his body. She marveled how his back was
just as impressive as his chest. The scent of the enticing oil


background image

was adding fuel to the fire blazing within her. A fire already
started by Trenton’s kiss.

On and on, she kneaded the strong muscles of his

shoulders and slid her fingers through the warm oil along his
back. Touching his skin caused her breasts to feel heavy with
need. Her nipples tightened and a trembling began in her core
and poured heat throughout her body. Leaning over him, she
took her hands up from the small of his back to his sides and
up to the center of his shoulder blades. She didn’t know at
what point Trenton had moved his hands from underneath the
pillow to her thighs.

The feel of his hands caressing the tops and center of her

thighs made her breathing kick up. However, she didn’t stop
touching him and stroking his body.

She realized the moment the power of the session shifted

when his head turned and he began to place light kisses and
gentle licks across the center of her right thigh.

Staring down at him, she watched him bunch the hem of

her dress at her waist revealing the thin swatch of her lacy
black panties. The view was so wickedly delicious, desire sat-
urated her veins like a drug to an addict, making her intoxic-
ated with lust. Her clit began to beat with a tempo of need.

Trenton rested both of his thumbs at the sides of her lace-

covered labia and she wanted to beg him to touch her. When
he turned his face directly before her sex and buried his nose
against her, she almost came at the contact. Using the narrow,
straight nose to bump and circle her clit, she couldn’t help
angling her hips toward him, needing more.


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Taking the hint, he covered her sex with his hot open

mouth. Licking and nibbling, he teased her through the materi-
al. It wasn’t enough.

His hands gripped her thighs, holding her in place as he

sucked at her clit, pulling it against the fabric.

Jolie wanted to scream in frustration as she pressed her

head back against the wall. She couldn’t move, imprisoned in
desire, she was trapped between a headboard and a lust-
hungry man.


Fuck. The spicy scent of her pussy was driving him out of

his mind. The feel of her hands on him had already pushed his
restraint to the edge and nothing but sheer will kept him still
for as long as he could manage it.

The delicate lace of her panties was an annoying barrier

to the treasure he most wanted, craved more than anything.
Leaning his mouth away from her, he looked up into her rap-
turous face. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed and her
mouth slightly parted, she was a beautiful sight.

“I owe you,” he said, her only warning before he slipped

his hand beneath the crotch of panties and ripped them. The
flimsy material fell away and revealed his sexy prize.

“Ahh!” She squeaked in shock as she brought her head

forward and looked down at him.

Pressing her knees wider, he spread her thighs and gave

himself room to take his full pleasure. He could clearly see the
smooth, wet lips of her pussy peeled back and displaying the
swollen flesh of her clit. Her brown lips a perfect frame to the
pink delights of her creamy center.


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Leaning in, he licked her from the opening of her sex to

her clit, collecting her rich essence on his way. The nectar
coating her sex was a blend of sweet and spicy. She brought to
mind the taste of the finest of rum and it was making him just
as drunk.

He groaned in satisfaction as he buried his face against

her pussy. He partook from her like a starving man. Which
was exactly how he felt. Nothing tasted as delicious as Jolie.
Dipping his tongue inside of her, he reached deeper along her
channel and flicked his tongue against the sensitive wall.

“Mmm, ahh…” Jolie grabbed fistfuls of his hair and

thrust her pussy against his mouth.

Loving her response, he withdrew, entered again and

teased her more. Once her thighs began to tremble in his
hands, he moved away. Licking along her slit between her
folds he stroked toward her clit but refrained from touching it,
tempting her with the orgasm soon to come. He drew one labia
into his mouth and then the other and enjoyed the slick flesh
covered with her clear cream.

When her body calmed to soft moans of pleasure, he fo-

cused all of his attention on her clit. Circling it with his
tongue, he stroked the extra sensitive area beside the hood and
she bucked against him, rewarding him. He reveled in her re-
sponsiveness. He began to flick the receptive peak.

It only took a few times for him to touch her before Jolie

was arching against him and crying out her pleasure.

Damn, he loved the sound of her passion. He lapped up

the extra cream flooding her sex. The only thought that went
through his mind was that he wanted more. Hooking his hands


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under her ass, he moved further down the bed and dragged her
with him until she was laying flat against the covers.

Ignoring the surprised look on her face as her body still

worked to recover from the first orgasm, he started in on her
again. Pressing two of his fingers into her pussy, he located
the ridged area along her upper walls and manipulated it as he
suckled her clit.

“Please… please… ohmygod,” she pleaded and begged as

she worked her sex against him.

Trenton gave her no ease and no way to escape the second

round of pleasure he was determined to give her. He used his
shoulders to keep her thighs wide and his free hand on her ass
to keep her against mouth. His fingers and mouth worked in
tandem. He licked, nibbled, circled her and drew on her clit as
he finger fucked her pussy.

The second climax had Jolie thrashing around and grip-

ping the sheets as she cried out.

While her body quieted this time, he pulled away from

her. Working her dress up her body, he helped her remove the
light garment. As the dress floated to the floor he leaned back
on his haunches and demanded, “Show me those breasts,

The strapless bra was the only thing blocking his view

and he wanted it gone.

As she reached behind her back and unhooked her cover-

ing, he pulled a condom out of his pocket. Placing the foiled
package between his teeth, he lowered his zipper and shoved
his pants and boxer briefs to his knees.

He didn’t miss the widening of her eyes as she gazed at

his shaft. Not a shy bone in his body, he fisted his hand around


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his dick and moved it along his length letting her see the full
of him. He was hard and ready for her.

Jolie’s body was as lovely as he had imagined. The soft,

medium brown tone appeared golden in the candle light. Her
breasts were perfect size to fill a man’s hand with their plump
nipples as dark and puckered as large raisins. She had a nar-
row waist that flared out to hips that were full and thighs dis-
played wide, availing, without coyness. This was his fantasy
and once he buried himself inside her it would be a dream
come true.

“You are beautiful.” He rested his body on his forearms,

wanting to extend the anticipation a moment longer.

“You’re not too shabby, either.” She reached up and

caressed his cheek with delicate hands.

Turning his head he kissed her palm as he held his cock

and angled his hips upward. Using the head he stroked
through her wetness, coating himself with her. He ground the
tip against her clit and felt the shiver race through her and he

He was aroused to the point of insanity. He needed her.

Needed to get inside of her more than his lungs wanted anoth-
er breath.

Gliding down her slit he paused at the opening of her sex,

staring at her, he slowly entered her.

The gasp that came from her was music to his ears. It

called to him to press deeper. As he worked his shaft through
her tight walls he felt delirious with pleasure. It took him sev-
eral times to withdraw and push back into her in order seat
himself fully inside of her. Jolie wasn’t idle. She thrust her


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hips up to meet him, assisting in making a place for him in her
warm sex.

She wasn’t a virgin, however, with as many strokes as it

took to fully sit within her pussy he could tell it had been a
while for her.

“Are you okay?” Her nipples poked at his chest as he lay

against her.

“Perfect.” She leaned up and kissed him.
Losing himself for a moment, he just held her as their

mouths feasted on each other.

When the kiss ended, he slipped his hands beneath her

ass. He filled his palms with the firm, round globes and posi-
tioned her exactly where he wanted her. “I cannot promise you
gentleness, Jolie.”

“I never asked for it, Trenton.” She took hold of his

shoulders and gave him a wicked smile.

He kissed her again as he pulled out and thrust forward,

not holding anything back.

She moaned, arched her back and spread her thighs wider,

accommodating herself for more.

My kind of woman.
On and on, the two of them thrashed among the sheets,

giving and taking from each other. Trenton couldn’t get
enough of her. He found himself holding off his climax sever-
al times, not wanting it all to end.

Sooner than he wanted he couldn’t restrain the need any

longer, sliding his hands under her back, he wrapped his fin-
gers around the top of her shoulders and slammed into her
tight pussy with all his might. His release came out of him
with such force he felt as if fire was coming up his shaft, his


background image

balls tight to the point of pain. The feeling stole his breath,
then in an instant, a sensation of euphoric pleasure filled his
body as if he were taking his first breath, pure and sweet.

Long moments passed before he could open his eyes.

Checking to ensure he had not been too rough and Jolie was
all right, everything appeared hazy and shadowed for a
second. He almost expected to hear the angelic choir, an indic-
ation he had died and gone to heaven. When everything
cleared he was glad that wasn’t the case, he wanted more time
with Jolie. A lot more time.

“Wow.” She was running her fingers through his hair, her

voice a low whisper.

“You said it perfectly.” He smiled down at her. Pulling

out, he moved up a little higher on the bed. Bringing, her
along with him, he rolled to his back and settled her against
his side. He cradled her head on his shoulder as his fingers
made lazy designs on her hip.

As they lay there in silence for a moment staring at the

flickering lights as the candles cast odd shapes around the
room, he began to feel relaxed and at peace. It was a feeling
he wasn’t used to after sex with a woman. Normally, when it
was over they both went their separate ways quickly. He
couldn’t recall the last time he’d even stayed the night at a
lover’s place and he never gave the invitation to his executive-
style apartment in one of the city’s affluent high-rises.

Feeling so comfortable with Jolie could be dangerous.

Emotions weren’t something he handled very well outside of
anger, disappointment and pride in his job. Needing to break
up the intimate moment, he asked, “What’s next on your night
of romance schedule.”


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Leaning up and staring down at him. “How about a bath,

then we can go down for dinner.”

“Great idea.” Using the gap in their bodies as an oppor-

tunity to move away, giving his back to her and pushed up
from the bed. There was a small receptacle beside her night-
stand and he tossed his condom and the foil wrapper that had
ended up on the floor into the bin. Pretending he was concen-
trating on getting out of his pants and underwear, he kept his
distance and was happy when she rolled the other direction
and got out of bed.


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Chapter 4

Jolie tried not to feel hurt at the wall Trenton seemed to

be erecting between them. If she were honest with herself it
had probably never really been down since he arrived, even
though the intimacy between them had seemed real, tangible.

In the bathroom, she went to the tub and turned the handle

to fill it. Going to the basket that resembled the one in the con-
dos with soaps, oils, lubes and other lover’s essentials, she re-
moved the chocolate bath salts and dumped the contents from
the packet into the rising water. Dipping her hand under the
stream she tested it. Content it was warm, she grabbed her
robe and went into the room. Trenton had placed all of his
things on the chair and was in the process of hanging up her

“I’m going to get something from downstairs, I’ll be right


“I’ll be here…waiting…naked.” The smile on his face

made him look like a little boy expecting a treat for being

Damn good. She laughed in spite of the warring emotions

going on inside of her. Allowing her gaze to travel the length
of his body, she admired his nakedness. The man was built
well in every area of his body. The size of his penis had been
impressive, making her slightly nervous about taking all of it
inside of her, but it had been a wonderful, filling experience.
Even now the tenderness of her sex didn’t stop her from
aching for more of him, looking forward to the next time she’d
have him inside of her.

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She sighed in satisfaction that all of that manliness was

hers, even if only for one night. She’d ensure she made the
most of her time with him. “I promise not to take long.”

He winked at her and she rushed out of the room.
When she returned, Trenton had already turned the faucet

off and he was easing in the water. His arms were spread out
as he held onto the cream colored porcelain sides. “What is it
with women and making the water so damn hot it takes the
skin off a man’s arse and bollocks?” he roared, his accent

She covered her mouth, not attempted to laugh at his ap-

parent distress. “I’m sorry. Do you want me to add cold water
to it?” Jolie moved closer to him.

Allowing himself to fully submerge in the bath, he said,

“No, what I want is for you to get your sexy ass out of that
robe and into the boiling pot with me.”

“That I can do.” She set the platter of chocolate dipped

raspberries and champagne on the wide, flat edge on the side
of the large tub then untied the sash around her waist. She al-
lowed the terrycloth covering to drop slowly down her arms,
revealing her body to him one inch at a time.

“Now, add a little wiggle to it so I can see those adorable

breasts of yours bounce.” He was lounging back and watching
her with a heated gaze.

“Like this?” Complying she shimmied her shoulders and

even rocked her hips seductively from left to right as she
licked her lips slowly.

“Oh, yes,” he said dragging out the S.
Her own behavior shocked her. She had never acted the

enchantress with any other man, but Trenton made her want to


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be naughty and daring. She was a big romantic, but had al-
ways constrained her adventures. It didn’t stop her from
dreaming about being the occasional freak, but she always
firmly maintained her limits. Trenton made her desire to push
her own boundaries, become a man’s fantasy.

“Come here, darling Jolie.” He beckoned her with a


Crossing the cool tiled floor, she got into the hot water

with him. She sighed loving the intense heat.

“You signaled, Mr. Rayner?” Reaching out, she caressed

his chest, loving the mixture of his robust masculine scent
mingling with the sweet chocolate steam.

“I did.” Lifting her foot onto his thigh he pressed his

thumb to her arch and began to massage it.

“That feels nice. If you’re looking for employment I may

be able to give you a reference to the spa I use for my guests.”

He chuckled. “Getting people employment is what I do.”
“How? Do you work for the Employment Commission?”

She settled deeper into the water allowing it to lap at her

“Hell, no. I’m a head hunter.”
She frowned, not really having a clue what that was.
“When a corporation wants to hire someone, usually man-

agement, VPs or executive positions, they call me. Or com-
panies like mine.”

“I thought they just advertise on their websites or other

online job sites.” She didn’t know anything about high-level
corporate America. Before she owned the business she worked
as an interior designer.


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Trenton let go of one foot and picked up her other one.

“Not when they want to ensure they get the best in the busi-
ness and don’t have time to forage through hundreds of re-
sumes for unqualified people.”

“So they call you.”
“I research perspective clients, or if they’ve heard good

things about someone at another company they are interested
in then I go to that person and attempt to persuade them over.”

“I wouldn’t think that would work very often. Why would

a person leave a place their successful and happy?”

“Let me say I can be very persuasive.” He released her

foot and slipped his hands along the outside of her legs and up
her thighs.

Her desire ignited again by his touch and the intense gaze

in his hazel eyes, now a deep forest green.

“Don’t be so far away, pretty duckie. I am lonely on this

side of the bath.”

“We can’t have that. It means I’m not doing my job.”

With his help she moved to the other side of the tub and was
guided by his strong hands to straddle his lap.

“Much better.” Lifting handfuls of water he poured it over

her breasts, making her nipples bead even more.

“That feels nice.” She closed her eyes at the sensual feel-

ing of rivulets dancing across her breasts.

Trenton’s finger traced the path of water around one of

her nipples. “I must admit, your skin already felt smooth and
supple—” he palmed a breast and flicked his thumb across the
peak, “—but with the chocolate stuff in the water you feel like

His firm touch was wonderful. “Glad you like it.”


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“With you I do.”
She wasn’t expecting a confession like that to come out of

his mouth, so intimate. Opening her eyes she stared at him.
Warning herself again not to give her heart to this man, she
couldn’t deny the connection that seemed to be a constant
presence between them.

His own words must have shocked him as well, because

he glanced away quickly, breaking the invisible bond. “So, are
the champagne and raspberries for eating or some nefarious

“Definitely for eating.” Reaching over, she grabbed the

bowl of berries and held it between them.

“I hope you like raspberries, I dipped them myself.”
“Glad you chose this fruit over strawberries, they’re my

favorite.” The light in his eyes and large smile proved his

“I’m glad. I love pineapples, but it’s hard to find a really

good one out of season.”

“Well, feed away.” He opened his mouth.
Picking up a berry she placed it in his mouth. When she

got to the third one, before she could remove her finger, he
closed his mouth over it. Feeling the pull of his mouth and the
sensual wrapping of his tongue around her digit increased her
arousal. Sliding forward she ground her sex against his hard
length. She let him suck it for a moment and slowly slipped it
out of his mouth.

“Now they are even better,” he whispered his tone husky.
She ate a berry and then placed the bowl back on the plat-

ter and picked up the two glasses of champagne. Passing one
of them to Trenton, she sipped from her glass.


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When she noticed he wasn’t drinking his, she wondered if

she made a faux pas and maybe Trenton didn’t drink. “You
don’t want your drink?”

“Oh, I plan to drink it. I’m just waiting for you to put your

glass down.”

Unsure of why it was important for him that she put hers

down, but she took one more drink and then set it on the side
of the tub. “Okay, now you can dr— Ahh!”

She squealed in shock, not expecting the icy alcohol to be

poured over her breasts.

Now I can partake of the bubbly.” He cupped her breasts

in his hands, bowed his head and began to lick the liquid from
the tops of her skin.

He moved from side to side, doing a thorough job of col-

lecting all the champagne. When his mouth closed around one
breast, suckling hard and pressing her nipple to the rough top
of his mouth, she thought she would explode at the erotic sen-
sation. Her clit throbbed. The building tension was swirling
low in her belly, a hurricane ready to overtake her. She needed
to come, needed release. Inching forward, she pressed against
his hard cock. Reaching down, she closed her hand around the
broad shaft and began squeezing and pumping him.

Trenton groaned, the vibration played against the sensit-

ive tip in his mouth and she shivered.

“Please, Trenton,” she pleaded, not sure if she could take

anymore without feeling him inside of her, easing the ache.

Leaning away, he said, “There better be a condom in that

basket of pleasure.”

“There is,” she confirmed. It took her a few moments be-

fore she could pull herself away enough to reach inside the


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basket and removed the protection she’d placed inside earlier.
With her sex left desolate over the last two years, she’d never
renewed her pills six months ago when she ran out. She’d
grabbed a few condoms from the storage room where she kept
the supplies for the bungalows.

In seconds she had him sheathed. Placing her hands on

the side of his head, she buried her hands in the silky darks
strand and kissed him. Her lips sealed against his, she guided
her tongue into his mouth, tasting berries, chocolate, cham-
pagne and him. Trenton allowed her to keep control of the
kiss, but as her tongue dipped in and out of his mouth he occa-
sionally trapped it between his lips and drew on it. When the
kiss ended, she felt like she was caught up in a cloud of pleas-
ure as the steam continued to rise around them.

Without missing a beat, he bowed his head again and took

hold of her other breast. He began giving it the same treatment
as the other as he gripped her hips lifting her.

He held her effortlessly above his crown, while she still

held his cock and guided it to her sex. Once she placed it
against her opening, he relaxed his hands and she began to
descend along his steel rod.

She whimpered at the stretching of her sore sex, but

didn’t stop. He felt too good gliding deeper. Settling on his
lap, she ground herself against him before she began a rise and
fall rhythm. His hands rested lightly on her hips as he leaned
back and allowed her to control the ride. He may not have
been moving much but the heat coming from his gaze as he
watched her bouncing up and down his cock was just as much
a turn on then if he were pumping his hips.

“Damn, sweet duckie, you make a wonderful sight.”


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Her response was to swivel her hips and produce a growl

from him.

“Fuck, that feels good.” One of his hands slid forward and

his thumb located her clit and pressed into it, manipulating the
tiny nub.

Gripping his shoulders, she tossed her head back and gyr-

ated her hips. She worked her sex along his thick shaft and his
deliciously torturous thumb. It didn’t take long before she was
seeing stars. Her orgasm claimed her like a bull in a crystal
shop, leaving her shattered but amazed.

Trenton began to move, working his length over her sens-

itive walls. Electric sparks seemed to follow his movements,
causing small explosions to go off inside of her.

His other hand moved around the back of her hip. First

one finger slipped inside of her ass, and he pressed and
stroked along the puckered flesh increasing the desire she felt
in a wicked way. When his second finger entered she tried to
shy away, not sure if she could take any more of the intense
pleasure. She had anal sex once in the past, a long time ago
with her last boyfriend, but it had been an awkward and
clumsy experience. There had not been this powerful arousal
she was experiencing just from Trenton’s touch. The strong
feelings the man incited in her made her nervous, frightened to
the core. Not because she thought he would hurt her, but she
was finding it harder and harder to keep her heart disengaged.

“Easy, duckie.” His tongue circled her nipple as the hand

at her hip held her in place and his second digit stretched her
ass even more.

Unable to stop herself, she pushed down on his hand,

sending his fingers further. Lifting his head, he plied her


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mouth with a passionate kiss. Soon he had her dizzy and en-
raptured in a vortex of sensations; his mouth, cock and hand
had her drowning in a sea of lust.

Everything stopped at the same time, causing an empti-

ness to gnaw at her as he removed himself from her and in-
structed her to lean against the side of the tub. There was no
doubt in her mind what was coming. Her conclusion was
made evident when Trenton plucked the small bottle of lubric-
ant from the basket.

Moving in behind her, he fit himself between her splayed

thighs. The cool gel kissed her skin and made her jump as he
coated the primed ring between her cheeks. Glancing over her
shoulder, she saw the concentration shown in his focused gaze
as he applied an ample amount of clear gel over the condom
covering his shaft.

Pressing a hand on her back, he guided her shoulders

down so that her ass lifted high, available to him. The cold
touch of surface of the side of the tub was a direct contrast to
the heat blazing in her sex and the burning of her ass as
Trenton pushed inside of her. Inch by inch, he slipped deeper
inside of her, caressing the sensitive channel as he withdrew
and entered again.

“Sweet Jolie, you’re so fucking tight.” Trenton licked up

her spine.

When he began a gentle rhythm in and out her ass, she

was shocked. Not by the fact she was take his large cock com-
pletely, but by how each of his strokes heightened her arousal.
At the moment, her clit throbbed in time with him and cream
flowed from her sex, pooling between the folds.


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Unable to restrain herself, she brought a hand between her

legs, manipulating her clit. She knew an orgasm was immin-
ent. In the past she’d never even felt the urge to climax during
anal sex, but it was barreling down on her now. She needed
more. “Harder. Please, Trenton…”

Taking her words to heart, he clutched her hips in strong

hands and thrust his cock into her body, his pelvis slamming
into her cheeks.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six thrusts later Jolie found

herself screaming, bucking and clawing at the side of the tub
for purchase. Anything to hold onto and ground herself as her
orgasm rocketed through her body like a tornado collecting
everything in its path; her heart and soul with it.

Her clit continued to jerk reflexively against her fingers as

Trenton held her pressed to him and came with a loud groan,
shuddering behind her.

Her breathing returned to a normal beating as he placed

light kisses along her shoulders and spine.

“I could easily become addicted to you, Jolie.”


Forty-five minutes later, he and Jolie found themselves

bathed and sitting on a blanket in the living room with dinner
on a large plate between them. Downstairs before the fire with
a glass of wine in his hand, he was still questioning his own
intelligence. Why he’d told her that he could become addicted
to her still threw him for a loop. It wasn’t that it hadn’t been a
thought for the last few hours, but not something he would’ve
ever said. Words that carried weight and promises were dan-
gerous. Addiction was something people couldn’t live
without. This was one night. Tonight. After this he’d have to


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resign himself to the fact she would not be in his life anymore.
It was one of his personal rules and, like the wearing of a con-
dom, it was something he never went against. Never desired to
push it aside.

It was time to get on more neutral ground.
“Tell me, was this something you’d always wanted to

do?” he asked, placing his red wine on the coffee table on the
other side of them.

“Sensual Chocolate?”
When he nodded, she continued.
“Oh, no. I was an interior designer and I enjoyed my job.

When I inherited all of this—” her hand spread out wide, mak-
ing her robe gap giving him a flash of the swell of her breasts,
“—I felt as if I would be dishonoring my uncle’s memory and
faith in me if I didn’t take it.”

The firelight played in the water at the rim of her lower


“You must have loved him a lot, to put your life aside and

take on a family fishing residence.” He ate while he listened to
her talk. The roast before him was delicious and could rival
any other from a fine restaurant. Even though Jolie said she
was a simple cook, she was a good one.

“I did. He was funny and caring. He loved people and

making them happy. His wife passed away a few years after
they married and he never married again. Uncle Johnny didn’t
have any kids so he poured out everything on me and my sib-
lings. He’d bring us here the week after school ended every
year and we’d have a family week of fun. Aunts, uncles, cous-
ins…we flooded the place.” She drank some of her own wine.

“How many siblings do you have?”


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“There are seven of us. Four boys and three girls. I’m the


“No, shit?” He couldn’t understand being from a family

so large. It was him and his mom. His mother had been her
parents’ only child and he was hers.

“No, shit.” She smiled at his shock and took a few bite of

her food.

“I would think with so many of you all, you wouldn’t be


“Not so. We are extremely close.” She unfolded her legs

and pushed her feet closer to the fire, wiggling her toes.

For a moment he had an image of how she looked as a

little girl, pretty and full of life.

“Are they in North Carolina too?”
“Nope, scattered all over the US now. We traditionally

get together at my parents’ house in Maryland every

She continued for a few minutes about the last get togeth-

er and how many nieces and nephews she had and still getting
most of the teasing from her siblings. Pushing his plate aside,
he leaned back on one of his forearms and listened to her. He
loved hearing her talk. It wasn’t just what she was saying that
captivated him, but the sound of her voice, smooth and com-
forting as warm honey, drew him in.

“Your turn. Tell me about your family.” Her bright topaz

gaze was fixed on him, her face clear and expectant.

Shit. This was why he avoided doing more with a woman

he was interested in besides sex. It got sticky, complicated.
The sharing of the feelings and life stories made him uncom-
fortable. Drawing a leg up, he rested a forearm on his pant-


background image

covered knees. His slacks were his only apparel, at first he’d
felt comfortable sitting bare-chested before the roaring fire
with Jolie, now he felt naked. Revealed.

Not wanting to appear like a jerk, he tried to keep his

comment light. He stared at the flickering flames instead of
her. “It was just my mom and I for the most part. No family

“Do you mind if I ask why your father wasn’t in your


Yes. He sighed, trying to think of a way out of the conver-

sation, but unable to come up with anything. “He was until I
was around thirteen.”

“Did he pass away?” Her tone dropped to that kind of low

octave that people used when they believed something would
make a person sad.

“Eventually.” Dragging his hands through his hair, he

thought about telling her to piss off. It wouldn’t be the gentle-
manly thing to say, but he wasn’t feeling like a kind man now.
Emotions he’d spent most of his life keeping buried were be-
ginning to rise to the surface and boil over, spewing all over
his soul.

He made the mistake of looking at Jolie. If there was ever

an example of someone’s heart being in their eyes, it would be
her, at this moment. Her eyes looked more golden then brown,
intense yet soft, as if any moment she’d wrap her arms around
him and embrace him.

You’re too old for a hug, Trenton, his mind screamed. He

didn’t ask for an embrace, but he began to talk. “I thought my
life was perfect when I was a child.” Scooting down, he lay on
his back and stared at the ceiling, feeling too raw to face her.


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“My dad seemed bigger than life. He taught me how to play
cricket, came to all my games after I made the team. Spent
time with me and Mum. Their relationship, to me, was perfect.
I frequently caught them snogging or sitting on the couch
laughing with each other when Dad was home. I used to think
to myself ‘I want that’.”

He paused and slipped a hand beneath his head. “When I

was thirteen I learned that fairytales were for children. The
reality of life and relationships were a bitch. People put up
smoke screens.” He fell silent.

The time must have stretched on too long, because Jolie

asked, “What happened?”

“On the day after my thirteenth birthday we got a call

from a co-worker who went to my father’s hotel room when
Dad didn’t show for the shuttle to the airport. My father had
had a massive heart attack that morning. They got him to the
hospital in New York. My father was a pilot, so his company
arranged for us to get out of England immediately. By the time
we got there my father had already had emergency surgery. A
nurse directed us to his room. When we walked in there were
a woman and boy standing beside his bed.” He swallowed at-
tempting to relieve the tension building in his throat in remem-
brance of that day.

It took all of his will to continued, but he did. “The wo-

man was holding one hand and the boy the other.”

“Stiles and his mother?” she surmised.
He rolled his head to the side and looked at Jolie, who

was staring at him. “You see, my father had two wives. As an
international pilot he flew from Europe to the states on a regu-
lar. He and my mother had been married for seventeen years.


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At some point he met and married Marsha, Stiles’s mother,
before Stiles was born. So there I was staring at a boy who
looked nothing like me, but was my brother. The other son of
my father.”

“What happened next?”
“The usual explosion of emotions. My father with nothing

but a lot of empty words about being in love with two women
and not intending it to happen. I vividly recall nurses and doc-
tors escorting two furious women out of the room because my
father was too fragile.” He humphed. “Too weak to deal with
his own mess.”

He let out a burst of air, trying to find relief. “My mom,

who I love dearly, divorced my father. Amazingly Marsha and
my mom bonded in some weird way that day. My mom did
not think my father’s philandering should keep two brothers
from knowing each other. Stiles’s mom helped my mother
find a job and relocate to America. I will admit it was tough.
Stiles and I had a hard time for a few months, but once I
stopped blaming him for getting half of my father’s time we
became the best of friends. We made a choice to attend the
same college and our friendship became stronger.”

“Did you still communicate with your father during that


“No. At first I did, but it hurt my mother so much to hear

about him, I stopped returning his calls. He died during our
freshman year in college, alone in England, of a second heart

Trenton knew that a part of him always desired a relation-

ship with his father, but as he got older he understood the ma-
jor error in judgment and moral code his father had made, so


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never revealed that to his mom. Not knowing what else to say,
he just laid there, listening to the hissing of the gas fire. He
wanted to conjure up something witty and funny to break the
tension. To bring back the passion of the night; a place he felt
more comfortable. His mind was blank.

Circumventing the platters and bottle of wine, Jolie

crawled over the blanket until she was beside him. Then,
without saying a word, she aligned her body against his side,
wrapped her arm around his waist and cradled her head on his
chest. Laying with him, she lent him her strength.

He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that until Jolie’s

voice broke the silence. “That explains a lot.”

At first he frowned, thinking that she was talking about

his aversion to intimacy and questioned her, “Explains what?”

She balanced her head up on his chest by her chin. “Why

it is you use more American terms than British, until your
balls are being scalded in hot water.” She winked at him.

“That’ll do it.” He appreciated her giving him a little hu-

mor, just enough to make breathing a little easier for him.

They were quiet again and she rested her head back on his

chest. He wrapped his arms around her and gave himself per-
mission to hold her. It was that moment he dreaded the dawn-
ing of the new day.


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Chapter 5

Jolie slipped out of her bed, doing her best not to disturb

the sleeping man, and snuck off to the bathroom. Last night
had been wild, amazing and more emotional than she’d
planned for. A night that was supposed to be filled with ro-
mance and sex had turned out to be something incredible.

Closing the door, her mind played back on everything

from the moment Trenton arrived at her house with the single
red rose, to confessions he’d made about his father, and every
bout of sex in between. And after, her body reminded her.
After over an hour of just holding each other before the fire
he’d carried her upstairs and made love to her. Those were the
only words that fit the slow, gentle rhythm he gave her as he
laid his body on hers and whispered endearments in her ear
until she came. She was glad it had been dark in the room and
he couldn’t see the tears that rolled from her eyes as her

Now she had to put distance between them. Allowing him

a chance to awaken and leave without the messy entanglement
of telling her it was a nice night, but he had to go. Women al-
ways considered it a bad thing for men to sneak out, and in
any other circumstances she would agree. However, she
couldn’t take saying good-bye to him this morning and know-
ing this was it.

Turning on the shower beside the tub, she climbed in.

She’d been a fool to agree to the night, she’d done exactly
what she’d warned herself not to do, opened her heart to
Trenton Rayner. If he were any other man she would have

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been happy to discover the morning after that she had fallen
for him, but he wasn’t another man. He was the one-night guy
who had been hurt and disillusioned when he was younger
about commitment and relationships and didn’t believe in

A sound from the room reached her ears, and an image of

Trenton getting up, looking irresistible filled her mind. She
buried her face under the vigorous spray, muddling the sound.
By the time she got out he’d be gone. Case closed.


Until this moment, until Jolie, Trenton felt as if he’d nev-

er lived. As if in some way before now his life had been in-
complete. The thought rattled him. Shook the very foundation
of his beliefs. Sex was sex, nothing more, had been what he’d
told himself countless times since entering puberty, and now
those words seemed empty and insufficient. Last night he had
broken his cardinal rule and opened up to a woman about his
past. It was a no-no for this reason.

He couldn’t stay. He had to leave. Flee, his mind

screamed. However, he didn’t know where he could go and be
away from himself and his traitorous thoughts. Dropping his
pants back on the chair, he told himself he just had to see her
one more time. Just one more kiss on those sweet full lips, he
told himself.

The compulsion propelled him forward, he found himself

opening the bathroom door. The sound of the shower echoed
off the tile of the smoked glass enclosure where he could
make out Jolie’s form inside. She was under the water, pos-
sibly washing her hair or face. It didn’t matter, he needed her.


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Pulling the shower door open, he stepped inside. It took

her a moment to turn around and realize she wasn’t alone.
When she glanced over her shoulder, he could see the aston-
ishment in her gaze.

“Trenton,” came the sultry whisper. “I thought you’d be

gone by now.”

“Not without my good-bye kiss.” He dragged her in his

arms. “You wouldn’t deny me of such a simple pleasure,
darling Jolie?”

Shaking her head, she leaned into him. His lips met hers.

As if the sun and earth collided everything ignited inside of
him. He couldn’t get enough of her. Moving his hands all over
her wet body, he held her waist, feeling the heat of her slim
form against him. He caressed her breasts and the taut peaks
stabbed the center of his palm.

Jolie sighed in his mouth as he pinched each nipple.

When his hands moved to her ass, cupping each plump cheek,
she grounded her slick pussy against his dick. Feeling like a
Neanderthal, he wanted to claim his woman, mark her as his.
Lifting her up, he turned and took the steps needed to reach
his destination.

She spread her legs wide and wrapped them around his

waist as he pressed her up against the shower wall. He was
hard and ready for her. He couldn’t think straight, the only
thing he knew was that he wanted to be inside Jolie, now.

Reaching underneath her ass he took hold of his cock and

set it at the mouth of heaven, and with one hard thrust he em-
bedded himself inside of her. Hot, tight, wet satin was how her
pussy felt around him.


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She cried out at his rough entry but still locked her thighs

firm around him, her heels digging into his ass. His body
would have loved to call the pounding he gave her fucking.
That he’d swiveled with Jolie in the morning light and fucked
her good before he left. But no matter how hard he was giving
it to her, or how rigid his dick was as it piston through her
walls “just fucking” wasn’t it. It didn’t describe the pumping
of her hips against his or the sweet sound she made as she
moaned and sighed, whispering his name as her pussy milked
his shaft as she came.

And it sure as hell wasn’t a good explanation on why it

felt as if the earth had dropped away from his feet when he cli-
maxed. No, nothing got fucked this morning but his mind.

The water continued to rain down on them and their la-

borious breathing had barely calmed when he heard her say,
“Thank you for a wonderful night, Mr. Rayner.”

It was just what he needed to hear to remind him that this

had been an arrangement. The morning was here and it was
time for him to go. Time to get back to life as he knew it.

Easing her body away from his, he gave her one of his

half smiles, the false smile he used to keep women at a dis-
tance. “Alright then, crumpet. It was a lovely evening, but all
good things must come to an end.”

He stepped back, seeing the wounded look in her eyes a

second before she exhaled a breath and flashed him a bright
smile. “Well, drive safe. I’m going to finish my shower before
my assistant gets here.”

There wasn’t much else for him to say. He couldn’t make

promises to her. Hell he hadn’t made promises to her. The


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best thing for them both was for him to do what he should’ve
done when he awakened, leave.

“I’ll see you around.”
“Probably not, but that’s how it’s supposed to be, right?”

She turned away and grabbed the purple puff from the shower

“Right.” He couldn’t deny it. Opening the shower door,

he exited. Closing it behind him, sealing her in, he grabbed a
towel from the rack and walked away.


“Okay, Jolie, we have the Rayners who should be check-

ing in this morning. The McCalls who will come sometime
before three and…” Tasha stood at the bottom of the stairs and
continued to rattle off the list of clients expected in that day.

It was the last weekend of March and every bungalow

was reserved. Business had been booming for the last six and
a half weeks. Three different honeymooners had paid extra to
stay five days instead of the normal three full days. Word of
mouth must have gotten around because when she didn’t have
clients in residence she had been doing multiple back-to-back
tours. She hardly had a moment to catch her breath. She had to
admit to herself she was glad for the diversion, it kept her
mind off Trenton during the day. The nights were another
matter all together. She frequently caught herself staring at her
phone as if she expected it to ring. But he wasn’t going to call.
She was sure it wasn’t his M.O.

In a month, she would be looking towards hiring a second

assistant, especially before summer arrived.


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This morning she had called Tasha and asked her to come

in earlier, her body needed sleep. Over the last two weeks she
had felt exhausted to the point of sickness each morning.

Jolie descended the last few remaining steps. “Thanks for

coming in and getting everything moving this morning.”

Smiling, Tasha waved her hand away. “I didn’t mind I

was already up.”

“Have the Middleton’s checked out yet?” She led the way

into the office, she wanted to get something to eat this morn-
ing but her stomach was doing the weird flip again. She
quickly made it to the chair behind the desk and sat.

“Yes, their keys were in the front box when I got here.”

Tasha had her head tilted to the side and was staring at her.

“Great. I’ll go investigate the bungalow. Once I’ve

checked that everything is in order I’ll give Dusting Diva’s a
call to come out to clean and flip it.” Her assistant was still
giving her a strange look. “What? Have I grown a second

“No. You just look as if you’ve eaten a slug.”
Just the thought of a slimy bug in her mouth made her ill,

causing her stomach to churn even more. “I think I’m coming
down with a late winter virus. Weather changing too fast. I
just need some fresh air.”

“Okay. I’ll make you some tea. See if that helps.”
“Thanks.” Opening the drawer she pulled out a box and

removed the master key ring. She stood, gripping the corner of
the desk for a moment until she was steady. “I’m headed to
bungalow three. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.”

“Okay. I’ll get started on cataloging the storage room so

you can do the ordering later.”


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“Perfect.” Jolie hustled out the back door as quick as she

could. Outside she stood on the back porch and inhaled the
fresh, crisp air. Once she felt more balanced and at ease she
continued on her way.

Entering the house, the cloying, saccharin scent of

chocolate hit her in the face like the stench from a dump truck.
The vegetable soup she’d had late last night began to make a
return visit. She rushed back out the door, perplexed at how
the heavy aroma of chocolate that in the past was like a pleas-
ant and warm blanket now turned her inside out. Not in a good

Stumbling and weaving she hurried to her house. She

didn’t want to get sick by the pool and risk one of the guests
still occupying two of the bungalows to see her.

Bursting into the house she ran toward the stairs and


“Hello, Jolie, it’s good to see you again. This is my wife,

Celeste.” Stiles Rayner stood before her with a woman who
was blonde and as pretty as a doll. Together they looked like
Ken and Barbie.

“I’ve heard great things about this place. Nice to meet

you.” Celeste stepped forward to shake her hand.

I’m going to be sick. “I’m sorry, but I need to—”
She’d have to pay Tasha a big bonus next Christmas for

fast thinking. In a second, her assistant had the trashcan from
the office within reach. It was too late to get away, Jolie real-
ized. Snatching the bin she turned and dropped to her knees,
emptying her stomach of its contents onto crumpled pink mes-
sage sheets and order forms.


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Someone was rubbing her back. When Jolie finally came

up for air, Stiles was stooped down beside her with a handker-
chief held out to her.

“It’s okay. We all have to toss our cookies every now and

then.” Stiles gave her a gentle smile.

Taking the thin white material she wiped her mouth and

chin, then she started to cry. She wasn’t sure where the emo-
tions came from. Maybe it was because she really wasn’t feel-
ing well. Or the fact that Stiles, Trenton’s brother, was beside
her rubbing her back, while Trenton was not. She couldn’t be
mad or upset at his disappearing act, she knew what to expect
but her heart still missed him and her body wanted him.

Tasha claimed the can as Stiles helped her rise.
Embarrassed, Jolie said, “Please forgive me, I can under-

stand if you and your wife don’t wish to stay.”

“Nonsense,” Stiles declared.
“We’re not going anywhere,” Celeste chimed in.
“I’m going to get Jolie settled upstairs and I’ll be back to

get you all to your bungalow.” Tasha took a firm hold of
Jolie’s arm and led her up the steps as if she expected her to
fall or get sick again.

Two hours later, Jolie was awakened by a gentle hand on

her shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” Tasha asked.
Pushing herself to a seated position, Jolie gave her friend

a weak smile. “Better. I think I have to concede I have the flu
or something. I’m going to make an appointment to see my

Tasha stood over her. “I think that would be wise.” Shift-

ing from one foot to the other, Tasha assessed her.


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“What, Tasha?”
Her assistant shook her head. “This may not be any of my

business, but I’ve had three boys…”

“And?” Jolie folded her hands beneath her breast.
“You’re tired all the time. Getting sick. Aversion to

smells and food.” Inhaling, Tasha blurted out, “Are you

“What?” That was absurd. “How can I be pregnant?

You’ve seen my dating schedule. In the last two years I’ve
only been with one—”

As if everything came pouring back into her memory like

a bucket of ice water dumped on her head, Jolie knew there
was a big possibility. Not because of the multiple times she
and Trenton had sex on Valentine’s night, but the one time
they hadn’t used a condom. She also realized that in the last
six weeks her “Aunt Flow” hadn’t made an appearance.

Glancing over at her nightstand, she saw the wilted, dried

and blackened single rose Trenton had given her. A brittle
symbol of love from a man who didn’t believe in it.

It was clear that her life was about to change in a major



He’d dreamed of her for days that turned into weeks.

Most nights he found himself awakening in the middle of the
night sweating and hard, wanting a taste of her. Needing to
feel her by his side and in his arms. Dreaming of reasons he
could call her on the phone and just listen to her talk or laugh.
He’d give his right kidney to see her smile one more time.

However, it wasn’t in the cards for him. He was a loner

who didn’t even want to be one anymore. He just didn’t know


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how to go about changing his life. It didn’t help that his broth-
er had come to see him last week after his stay at Sensual
Chocolate and told him that Jolie was sick. He wanted to go to
her and lend her the same comfort she had given to him when
he talked about his father.

Sighing, he stared down at the folder before him, compar-

ing three possible contacts with a client’s requirements and
wish list. He heard the elevator ding in the distance but he ig-
nored it. It was thirty minutes until the end of the work day on
a Friday most people where leaving to start their weekend.

The unexpected tap on the door grabbed his attention.

Glancing up, he couldn’t believe who stood there clothed in
another sweater dress. This one striped with a wide belt and a
different pair of sexy-as-hell boots.

“Jolie.” He stood. She looked like an angel who’d walked

out of his dreams.

“Hi, Trenton. I hope I’m not disturbing you.” Her hand

fiddled with the edge of the clutch purse under her arm.

Crossing the room he went to her. He wanted to pull her

in his arms, but restrained himself. “No. Come in. Have a

Once she’d moved out of the door and headed to one of

the chairs across from his desk, he closed the door. Few
people were still here, but he was a private man.

“I’m sorry to show up unannounced.”
He sat on the corner of his desk. “It’s fine.” God he

missed her. He wondered if she had been feeling out of sorts
as he had since their night together. “You are looking well.”

“Thanks, I think.”


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He noted the frown on her face. “Stiles told me he saw

you and that you were under the weather.”

The small lines between her brows deepened. “I made a

fool of myself in front of him and Celeste.”

Stiles hadn’t given him details. He wondered if there was

something more. “Well, it appears you’ve bounced back.”

“Sometimes it just takes the right vitamins to get a girl on

her feet again.” She licked her lips, a sign of nerves, then
glanced out of his window and sat silent for a moment.

He waited as he wondered what could be so arduous to

get out.

Jolie lowered her gaze to her hands folded on her purse,

then her topaz eyes rested on him. “I’m pregnant.”

If someone had walked in the door and struck him over

the head with a croquet mallet he couldn’t have been more

“Are you sure?”
“I confirmed it with my doctor yesterday.”
If it had been any other woman he would have asked if it

was supposed to be his, but not with Jolie. However, even
with it being this woman who he’d thought about for weeks he
still couldn’t help feeling the manacles of fear surrounding his

“I don’t understand how it happened.”
She tilted her head. “I never figured I’d have to give you

the birds and bees speech.”

He lifted an eyebrow at her. “That’s not what I meant. We

were careful.”

“Not every time.”


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It was on the tip of his tongue to contradict her and then

he recalled the morning he couldn’t force himself to leave.
The shower. Shit, he should have left. “Aren’t you on a pill,
ring, IUD or something as a back up against slip-ups?”

She made a disgusted sound. “If I had been having any

kind of normal sex life before…” Her hand waved back and
forth between them. “I would’ve been. You’re Mr. Sexually
Sophisticate, I would’ve thought suiting up was second nature
to you.”

It always had been until her. However he didn’t say that.

Rising he moved to the window beside his desk and stared out
at the skyline. The bands around him tightened even more and
he fought against them, lashing out at Jolie. “So, what is it that
you expect from me?” Allowing his accent to drip heavily
from every word, he continued, “Happily ever after and the
white picket fence? Is not that the American dream? Trust me;
other women have tried to get me to offer the same thing
without the baby.”

He knew he was being a complete git but he couldn’t stop


Her gasp drew his gaze back to her. Pushing herself up to

her feet, Jolie stood before the chair one hand holding her
purse and the other clenched at her side.

Despite her apparent anger her voice was low. “Let’s

make one thing clear, Mr. Rayner. I can take care of myself
and any child. I don’t need you for anything.” She closed her
eyes and inhaled, then exhaled loudly. When she opened them
they were filled with pain and sadness. “I just thought that for
once in your life you wanted to put aside your hurt and anger
and really live.”


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Trenton didn’t know what to say as he stood there taking

the set down she was giving him. He knew what she wanted
from him, but he wasn’t sure if it was even in him to give.

Shoving his hands deep in his pocket he watched her

reach inside her purse.

“Whenever you decide you’re ready to be a father.

Whether that means once a month or never—” she tossed a
small card on top of the paperwork he had been reviewing on
his desk, “—ring me. The ball is in your court.”

Pivoting in her sexy boots, she strutted to his door and

walked out.

She’d pulled one of his tricks on him. One of many things

he did to keep a woman off balance and make her come to
him, a way of showing her that he was confident enough to
wait her out. It was what he had done to Jolie even, played her
like any common bird. However he’d been the one flummoxed
when it was over.

Stepping to his desk, he picked up the brown card with

gold script embossed on it.

He was the one who had pined for her like a love-sick

bloke, no matter how he tried to deny it. At this moment, he
was allowing her to leave his life, carrying his child. All be-
cause of the choices his father had made to ruin his own mar-
riage. Now, he was going to sit back and let Atherton Rayner
ruin his life even more.

Trenton thought about his child in some activity, staring

into the crowd, searching for a father who would never come.

The dinging of the elevator was like a wakeup call.

Pulling himself together, he dashed out of his office and down
the hall. A few people milled around chatting, but Trenton


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didn’t care. His only focus was the woman who was about to
get inside the elevator and leave him for good.

“Jolie!” He called to her loud, to stop her. When it didn’t

appear that she would heed him, he shouted her name again.

Trenton thought he wouldn’t make it before the doors

closed, but suddenly he saw one knee-high black boot step
out. Finally, he made to the elevator as Jolie’s beautiful curva-
ceous body exited it. Not pausing to consider his co-workers
and what they would think of the man that never showed emo-
tions and never dated the same woman twice, he pulled Jolie
into his arms and kissed her.

Initially, he could feel her resistance then she melted into

him and allowed him to deepen the kiss. Cheers went up
around them and still Trenton ignored the onlookers.

When it ended, he said, “I want to be a father. I need to be

a father.”

“You didn’t have to kiss me for that,” she grinned.
He noticed the tears running down her cheeks. She’d put

on a strong front, but he’d hurt her. Lifting his hand he swiped
the water away with his thumb. “I know. But the baby isn’t the
only person that I want.”

“Me?” she whispered as if afraid to hope.
“You.” He rubbed her back, still holding her. “I thought

I’d erected enough stone around myself to keep from feeling,
from falling, but you chiseled right through it. I couldn’t get
you off my mind and you made your way into my heart.”

Her arms slid around his neck. “I knew the moment I met

you, you were a man I could easily fall in love with. No matter
how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop it from happening. I love


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His heart swells and warmth flooded his body at her con-

fession. “Oh, sweet duckie. I love you.” He cupped her face.
“I cannot promise to get this ‘feeling thing’ right every time.”

“I’m not expecting perfection, just commitment to me and

our baby.”

“I definitely can promise that.” He scooped her up and

carried her back to his office. “I’ll need your word that we’ll
have many more sensual chocolate nights.”

He noticed her features took on a weird look and her nose

scrunched up. “That may have to wait until after the baby is
born and I can take the smell of chocolate again.”

He kicked the door to his office closed behind them. “You

got it, my love.”


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About the Author

Yvette loves romance and writing it is one of her greatest and
guiltiest pleasures. She enjoys creating happily ever after stor-
ies with lots of HEAT. The hotter the better! Life is busy. It
would be great to have a chance to sit down and enjoy a long
read. Since that is often not the case, she brings you Short and
Sexy, Sensual Erotica. Just long enough to help you meet the
need. She was talking about your reading needs—where’s
your mind? As an erotic romance author, she tries to show that
every woman, no matter color, age, shape or size, deserves a
high level of passion in their life. Whether you like to see
them spanked, tangled in a menage or simply falling in love,
she’s got it. So, if you like diversity and a good read, check
out one of her books.

For more information on other books by Yvette, visit the au-
thor’s official website:

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Also by This Author

A Piece of Me, Romance Management, Inc
A Gentle Christmas, Tease Publishing, LLC
Holiday Fantasy, Tease Publishing, LLC
The Club, Total-e-Bound

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@Created by

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