Abigail Roux Cut&Run 5 5 Dine & Dash

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Zane stepped out of the bathroom, toweling his hair dry and yawning wide. The night had
passed slowly and he’d slept fitfully, par for the course when Ty wasn’t there with him. He
wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out to the bedroom, where the glowing face
of his phone on the bedside table caught his attention.
He threw his towel in the hamper and picked up the phone, grinning. He only got text
messages from one person: Ty.
I’m going to need a baseball game and adult supervision by 7.
Zane chuckled. Ty had been loaned out to a task force for a sting three days ago, and Zane
hadn’t seen him since.
Does that mean you’ll be home by then? he replied.
The response came back almost immediately.
Zane snorted at the disappointment that caused. He typed out a reply as he headed for the
closet to get dressed. You know how much longer you’ll be there?
Ty’s next response was longer in coming, which meant he was doing something else as he
tried to tap out the words on his phone. Zane was almost fully dressed when the message
I’m about to be arrested. Come with bail money!
Zane stared at the screen for a moment before cursing, then shoving the phone into his suit
pocket. Leave it to Ty to get arrested while undercover.
He grabbed his shoes and headed down the steps, jogging to the back door and snatching up
his truck keys along the way. When he threw the door open, though, Ty was standing on the
stoop, looking at him expectantly. One eyebrow was raised and he was fighting a smile like
he always did when he was trying to look serious.
Zane nearly barreled into him. The only thing that kept either of them from rolling down the
steps was his grip on the doorknob.
“You’re such a dick!” Zane shouted. He smacked Ty in the chest with his shoes. Then did it
again for good measure.
Ty began laughing as he flinched away from the attack.
“I should kick your ass.”
“I’ll try anything once,” Ty said wryly as he stepped into the row house, close enough that
his canvas jacket brushed against Zane’s chest. Zane smelled a stale mixture of Old Spice,
sweat, and takeout that was evidence of Ty’s past few days. He hadn’t shaved since Zane
had last seen him.
“You look rough,” Zane said as he pushed the door shut and relocked it. He turned to get Ty
something to drink, but Ty put out a hand and stopped him. He pushed him until Zane’s
back hit the door, crowding him against it with one step. He had to drop his duffel bag to
slide his other hand around Zane’s waist.
“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked in a low voice.
Zane smiled and shook his head as he dragged his hands under Ty’s jacket to set one on each
hip. “Not one bit.”

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Ty pressed his lips to Zane’s. “I missed you,” he purred into the kiss. He was smiling as if
his whole morning had been one big joke.
Zane laughed and pulled Ty closer, wrapping his arms around Ty’s waist. After a long, deep
kiss that left Zane breathless, he pulled back with a gasp. His heart thumped a little harder as
he laid his palm against Ty’s cheek and brushed his thumb over Ty’s lower lip. “I missed
you too.” It wasn’t rare that Ty said something like that now, but it still caught Zane off-
For once Ty was silent. When he did let go, he looked Zane up and down critically and then
nodded. “You’ll do,” he said. Then he yanked Zane to him and kissed him while dragging
him toward the steps. Zane smiled against Ty’s lips and pushed Ty’s jacket off his shoulders.
When they finally separated, it was only to gasp for breath.
“I smell like undercover,” Ty warned as he shrugged out of the jacket, as if Zane didn’t
already know that.
Zane started walking backward, drawing Ty along with him. “It’s been three days, Ty. I
really don’t care as long we’re both naked.”
Ty laughed, a clear, boyish sound that seemed so at odds with Ty’s outward appearance.
Zane pulled Ty’s shirt out of his waistband, backing up the stairs toward the bedroom and
drawing Ty with him. Ty was a step below him, looking up at him with eyes that were
trending toward brown in the morning light. Zane ran his hand through Ty’s unruly hair.
“It’s okay. The smell of undercover Ty turns me on.”
Ty grinned. He paused to pull his shirt over his head and toss it on the steps, but he didn’t
give Zane a chance to work on his belt before he was shoving Zane the last few steps toward
the bedroom.
Zane stumbled back with a breathless laugh. He shrugged out of his dress shirt and popped
the button on his trousers, still while walking backward to the bedroom door. “C’mon, doll,”
he invited, using the one word he knew would incite Ty to action. Zane wanted his lover all
over him.
Ty prowled toward him, the roll of his bare shoulders stirring butterflies in Zane’s stomach.
Zane managed to toss his shirt away and push his dress pants down before Ty shoved him
onto the bed. Ty crawled up beside him even as he was still bouncing on the mattress, held
Zane down by his elbows, and kissed him hungrily. Ty’s unbuckled belt dragged against
Zane’s bare skin, the denim of his jeans rough against Zane’s thighs.
The phone in Ty’s pocket began to ring just as Ty’s hand worked its way between their
bodies. He growled in frustration.
Zane had to laugh. “Where are you supposed to be right now?”
“Not here screwing you,” Ty said as he sat back, straddling Zane’s hips as he dug for his
phone. “I haven’t checked in yet.”
Zane smacked the side of Ty’s thigh. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“I was thinking if I caught you before you left for work, then I wouldn’t have to wait for
tonight to get you naked.”
“Little head, Ty.”
“I maintain it was the right decision.” Ty looked at his phone display, then at Zane and

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grinned mischievously.
Zane narrowed his eyes. “I don’t like that look. Who is it?”
Ty tossed the phone over his shoulder to land on the floor with a thud, then rose up and
pushed his jeans down to his thighs, but didn’t bother taking them all the way off. “Someone
who can wait.”
Zane’s mumbled words of gratitude were cut off by Ty’s demanding mouth. Zane didn’t
care. This was what he’d wanted for days. He slid his hands up Ty’s back, feeling the
muscles there working as Ty geared up to give Zane a real ride.
The phone on the floor had different ideas, though, and it began an ear-piercing trill, more
an alarm than a ring.
Ty cursed. Zane sighed and let his head fall back onto the mattress, his fingers trailing over
Ty’s skin as Ty got up. He practically pounced on the phone and snapped it open.
“Special Agent Grady,” he answered, his voice clipped and professional. He turned away
from Zane, running one hand through his hair as he listened. The play of his muscles was as
fascinating as ever, marred only by a purpling bruise low on his back that looked alarmingly
like a boot print. Zane reached out and ghosted his fingers over it with a frown.
“Yes, sir, I was just … feeling out the situation before I reported in,” Ty said, turning to
Zane and winking. Zane gave him a small smile and rolled his eyes. He was convinced that
Ty wasn’t having fun unless he was breaking a rule or being beaten up. Zane smoothed one
hand down his own body and pushed his boxers down, kicking out of them. Then he
wrapped his hand around his erection, tugging at it while Ty watched.
Ty’s hazel eyes clouded over and he kicked at Zane’s leg, shaking his head. Whoever was
speaking to him was important enough that Ty was calling him “sir” with respect and had
squared his shoulders, as if standing at attention, even while talking to him on the phone. He
watched Zane for another second, then kicked out of his jeans and grabbed Zane’s wrist,
putting one knee on the bed so he could loom over Zane and pin his hand to the mattress.
Zane bit his lip against a smile and tried to pull his hand out from under Ty’s while he
reached out with his free hand and slid it into Ty’s briefs.
Ty closed his eyes and cocked his head to the side, obviously trying to concentrate on the
phone and not what Zane was doing. “Yes, sir, I’ll be there,” he said into the phone. His
voice was lower than it had been. He looked down at Zane, his expression dark. “I just have
one … problem to take care of first.”
Zane lifted his hips to rub against Ty’s leg as he wrapped his fingers around Ty’s cock. Ty’s
entire body shuddered at Zane’s touch. With any luck, Ty’d toss the phone and fuck him into
the mattress.
“Yes, sir,” he managed to grind out before he snapped the phone closed and let it drop. He
shoved at his briefs, freeing himself and Zane’s stroking hand, then crawled on top of Zane
and forced himself between Zane’s legs. Zane spread them to make room and groaned as he
manipulated his cock along with Ty’s, stroking them in tandem.
Ty kissed him briefly and dragged him further up the bed. “Hope you don’t mind, but we
have to make this quick.”
“Not at all.” Zane scooted as well as he could while trying to hold onto Ty and kiss
whatever skin he could reach. He groped for a small bottle on the bedside table. He hadn’t

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bothered to put it away; he’d wanted Ty to know what he’d been doing when he got home.
Ty pushed up so Zane had room to move under him, but as soon as Zane turned to reach for
the table, Ty pushed him against the bed again, belly to the mattress this time, and lay on top
of him. He kissed the back of Zane’s shoulder, and his hand slid up Zane’s arm to take the
bottle out of his hand.
“That’s better,” he growled against Zane’s ear.
Zane groaned and lifted his ass up to grind against Ty’s groin.
Ty gripped Zane’s hair hard, almost tugging at it but not quite that rough. He pulled Zane’s
head to the side and kissed him, seemingly heedless of how they had to stretch and strain to
reach each other.
The lubricant lid snapped when Ty thumbed it open. Zane curled his hands into the rumpled
sheet underneath him.
Ty’s grip on his hair loosened, but he only rose up enough to fit his hand between their
bodies. He rested his forehead against Zane’s shoulder, his breaths harsh against Zane’s
skin. Zane could feel Ty’s hand between them, spreading the cold lubricant over his cock.
Then Ty’s hand was sliding along Zane’s hip, fingers digging into his skin. He didn’t even
ask Zane if he was ready; he knew better after all this time. It would be a rough push in, but
Zane would savor every bit of it after three nights without. He was aching for it already.
“Ty,” he pleaded.
Ty grunted, but Zane couldn’t understand the words. He tugged at Zane’s hip, his hands
spreading Zane apart, the head of his cock demanding entrance. Ty breathed out sharply, a
gust of air that carried Zane’s name with it, and pushed in hard.
It hurt, oh God, for a few seconds it hurt, but Zane forced himself to relax and let Ty’s cock
into him.
“Yes,” Zane hissed. “Goddammit, move. Move!”
Ty did, flexing his hips and starting an easy rhythm as he held onto Zane’s hip with one
hand. The other slid up Zane’s back and found his shoulder, using it for leverage as he
thrust. His hips pressed against Zane’s ass, his cock driving deeper. He groaned in relief and
laid his body out flat against Zane’s.
“Jesus, Zane,” he gasped, and his teeth dragged against Zane’s back.
Zane grunted and pushed back against Ty the little bit he could with Ty’s weight holding
him down.
“Yeah,” Ty breathed as soon as Zane started moving. He tugged at Zane’s hip, wanting him
to move more. His quickened his thrusts, turning what had started out as a slow and steady
rhythm into a more brutal one. Zane laid his forearms on the bed and pushed himself up
enough to pull one knee under him, giving him the leverage to move against the pounding
thrusts. It made every thud of their bodies together that much harder, and Zane let out a long
moan of encouragement. He could feel a shudder run through Ty’s body.
Ty ground out a warning that he wouldn’t last much longer, the words sounding tortured as
he worked to keep up the pace of his thrusts. His weight slowly forced Zane to flatten out
again, but Ty no longer seemed concerned with their position.
Zane growled in frustration. Every thrust Ty made sent sparks across Zane’s nerves, but it

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wasn’t quite enough. “Ty,” he panted, almost a whine.
Ty’s face was buried against Zane’s shoulder blade, his hands gripping Zane so hard it was
nearly painful. He called out suddenly, a short, sharp bark as his hips stuttered to a stop.
Zane breathed harshly and reached behind himself to grip Ty’s thigh with one hand as Ty
trembled with the climax. Just the thought of it, of Ty coming inside him … Zane thudded
his forehead against the mattress.
Ty finally collapsed against him, panting. He took mere seconds to catch his breath, then
pulled out of Zane and tugged at his shoulder. Zane rolled over at Ty’s urging, shifting to his
Ty spared a moment for a heated, sloppy kiss, delving his tongue into Zane’s mouth with the
same urgency as his thrusts. Then he pulled away and scooted down the bed, his hands and
lips all over Zane’s body, kissing his chest and belly as he went lower. Zane shivered hard
and carded his fingers through Ty’s hair, something he knew Ty secretly loved to feel when
he went down on Zane.
It did the trick, convincing Ty to leave off the nipping at Zane’s hip in favor of licking the
head of Zane’s cock and sucking it into his mouth. Zane called out wordlessly, his free hand
slapping the mattress, the other urging Ty to move his head. Zane couldn’t keep his hips
still. It felt too Goddamn good. Ty raised his head to look at him as he settled on his side.
“Come on,” Ty whispered. He tugged at Zane’s hip, then licked at him again. He wanted
Zane to do the work this time.
Zane gasped for air as the swollen head of his cock glanced off Ty’s wet lips. He watched
the shaft slide into Ty’s mouth, then he shifted his hips, pushing in, pulling out. His eyelids
fluttered as a wash of heat flooded over him. Ty’s hand spread across his lower back, his
tongue working, doing things Zane couldn’t fathom.
Ty yanked his head back and looked up at Zane again. “You can do better than that,” he
prodded, his voice heated, his eyes dark and sparkling. He licked his lips and then ducked
his head again, letting Zane’s cock force its way past his pressed lips. Pushing past the tight
heat felt incredible. After one more steadying breath, Zane spread his fingers to cup the back
of Ty’s skull and hold it in place, and rolled until he was straddling Ty’s shoulders. He thrust
forward, then again, then again, faster, harder, forcing himself to keep his eyes open and
watch as he fucked Ty’s mouth.
Ty hummed his approval, since he couldn’t manage anything else. He opened wide, tilting
his head back so Zane could get a full view of what he was doing. His hand stayed at the
base of Zane’s cock, his thumb massaging Zane’s balls as he did everything he could to
make it feel amazing. His other hand was dragging down Zane’s hip.
“Oh fuck, Ty,” Zane huffed. “Watching you take that …” He moaned and bucked hard twice
more before a full-body shudder wracked through him and forced a long, low groan out as
he thrust into climax. His cock pulsed between Ty’s lips, and the orgasm seemed to go on
forever as Ty sucked and swallowed him through it.
Zane hung his head and finally rolled to his back again, his vision sparkling. Soon Ty was
kissing at his hip, up his belly, and laying out over him to kiss him deeply. Zane was so
blitzed he didn’t even mind the taste of himself on Ty’s tongue. If anything, it sent another
bolt of sensation through him, and he twitched hard, moaning into Ty’s mouth.
Ty rolled to his back and flopped, boneless, trying to catch his breath. Zane wasn’t in any

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shape to do differently, but he did grope around to find Ty’s hand and lace their fingers
together. They lay there for a few minutes, enjoying just being in the same room again.
“Yeah,” Ty grunted finally. He squeezed Zane’s hand, then sat up. “Okay, I have to go.”
“Is that what they call a dine and dash?” Zane asked, grinning.
“Uncalled-for pun penalty,” Ty muttered, though Zane could hear the smile in his voice.
“You going to be at work today?” Zane asked, cracking open one eye to watch Ty crawl out
of bed.
“Should be. I have to debrief first, report some things.”
Zane hummed, not ready to move yet. A glance at the alarm clock told him he was already
going to be late for work. “Maybe we can get some lunch, then.”
Ty nodded as he gathered his clothes off the floor. “I’ll call you,” he said, then bent to give
Zane a quick kiss before ducking out of the room and into the bathroom to clean up.
Zane rolled to his belly and buried his face in his pillow, grinning.


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