Super Reserve Program

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Getting more than you need is the first step to sustainable success. Wise people have a reserve of
things—such as time, money, supplies, capacity, love, people, opportunities, and so on. But a re-
ally wise person builds a super reserve of such things. What’s the difference between a reserve and
a super reserve? With a super reserve you don’t just have more than enough

you have more than

enough to free your mind up to focus on more creative and productive pursuits than mere survival.
Remember, we are all programmed first and foremost to survive

not to prosper. So the Super Re-

serve process is more than conspicuous consumption or a Fort Knox type of stockpiling. Rather, it
is the responsible, wise thing to do if you want to make the most of what you have. An inordinate
amount of our personal energy or bandwidth is spent being concerned about surviving. A super
reserve quiets that fear and provides us with enough resources to be our best.

The Super Reserve program consists of 100 items that, when achieved, give you the freedom you
want because you then will have much more than you need, personally and professionally.

The program is designed to be used in conjunction with the Reserve program or with your profes-
sional coach.


On the lines provided, jot down specific benefits, results, and shifts that happened in your life be-
cause you handled an item in the Super Reserve program.










Super Reserve Program

Copyright © 2005 by Coach U. Inc.

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There are four steps to completing the Super Reserve program.

Step 1: Answer each question.

If true, check the circle. Be rigorous; be a hard grader. If the statement is sometimes or usually true,
please do not check the circle until the statement is virtually always true for you; you get no credit
until it is really true. If the statement does not apply to you, check the circle. If the statement will
never be true for you, check the circle. You get credit for it because it does not apply or will never
happen. You may also change any statement to fit your situation better.

Step 2: Summarize each section.

Add up the number of checked circles for each of the ten sections and write those amounts where

Step 3: Color in the checklist provided.

If you have nine checks in the Home and Comfort section, for example, color in the bottom nine
boxes of column 1, and so on. Always work from the bottom up. The goal is to have all sections
filled in. In the meantime, you have a current picture of how you are doing in each of the ten ar-

Step 5: Keep playing until all boxes are filled in.

You can do it! This process may take 30 or 360 days, but you can achieve a perfect score on the Re-
serve Index. Use your coach to assist you. And check back once a year for maintenance.

Copyright © 2005 by Coach U. Inc.

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Progress Chart


Points (+/–)


Reserve Index Program 100-Point Checklist

























Give yourself credit as you get points on the 100-point program. Fill in columns from the bot-
tom up.

Copyright © 2005 by Coach U. Inc.

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1. Home and Comfort

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

2. Car and Vehicles

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

My home has plenty of extra room.

I have high-quality jumper cables.

I have two times as much storage as I


I have AAA-Plus or a similar service.

I do not run out of clean clothes.

I have a cell phone handy if necessary.

I have cozy sheets and bedding.

I have $100 hidden in my car.

I receive plenty of physical touch.

I fill up before reaching a quarter tank.

My home is always clean and orderly.

My car’s battery is super-strong.

My home has plenty of heat and/or air


My car accelerates quickly when neces-


I have plenty of eating and kitchen


My car has antilock brakes and/or


I have a special place to curl up.

My car is rated safe in collisions.

I like every room in my house.

I have flares, a blanket, water, and a

spare tire in my car.

3. Financial

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

4. Safety and Care

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

I have $25,000 in savings or a money

market account.

I know what to do if I am mugged.

I pay my bills early.

I stay away from places that scare me.

Most of my bills are paid electronically.

I avoid people who will drain me.

I can do wire transfer by phone or per-

sonal computer.

I have plenty of smoke detectors.

I have $500 in extra cash at home.

I always use seat belts.

I have no credit card debt.

My home has deadbolts and an alarm.

I invest 5 percent per year to develop


My car has a remote entry system or

remote key fob.

25 percent of my income is passive.

My investments don’t worry me.

I am properly compensated at work.

I practice safe sex (or I am monoga-


I am on a clear financial independence


I am aware who is around me at all


Copyright © 2005 by Coach U. Inc.

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5. Energy and Vitality

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

6. Opportunity and Skills

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

My cholesterol count is healthy.

I am online (have web access).

I am not tired; I get plenty of sleep.

I have my own web page or web site.

I eat very healthful, fresh foods.

I am extremely confident, with no fear.

I drink eight glasses of water daily.

I have 203 years’ worth of interesting

work or projects lined up.

I exercise three times per week.

I ask for more than I need at work.

I have eliminated stress.

I have incredibly good judgment.

I take at least four vacations a year.

I have developed a special skill set or

knowledge that is in high demand.

I have something to look forward to

each morning.

I am part of a successful network.

I have something to look forward to

each evening.

I invest in my skills and network.

I don’t use caffeine or drugs.

I can take an idea and leverage it.

7. Space and Time

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

8. Calamity Protection

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

I am always 10 minutes early.

I have a 12-volt flashlight plugged in the


I underpromise, always.

I back up my computer weekly.

I easily say no, even if tempted.

I store backups offsite, monthly.

I end the day quietly, with no TV.

I have a second internet service provider

when needed.

I always let cars squeeze in.

I have a list of my credit cards and ac-

count numbers.

I have an assistant to handle personal

or business stuff I’d rather not deal


I have photocopies of my driver’s li-

cense, passport, social security card,

and birth certificate.

I don’t speed when driving.

My will is current and accessible.

I always keep one to two free hours a


I have ample medical insurance.

Nothing in life is draining me.

I have ample car, home, and liability


I don’t jump at every opportunity.

If I die, my family will be financially


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9. Supplies and Equipment

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

10. Relationships

Number of circles checked
(10 max) _____

I have a six-month supply of toilet


My children show their love.

I have a one-year supply of postage.

My spouse shows his or her love.

I have a one-year supply of detergents.

My attorney is super-sharp.

I have a two-year supply of vacuum


I treat everyone with great respect.

I have a one-month supply of under-


I have no bad relationships.

I have 56K, ISDN, or cable internet ac-


I know who to call for any problem.

My computer has a minimum of five

gigs of storage.

I have someone I can share anything

with and ask for personal help.

My computer is faster than I need.

I know five very successful people.

My tools are of the best quality

My emotional needs are fully met.

I use an ergonomic keyboard.

I have a relationship with God/a higher


Copyright © 2005 by Coach U. Inc.


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