Przykładowy test poziom rozszerzony

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Zadanie 1 (6 punktów)


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Pytania od 1.1–1.3 odnoszą się do pierwszego tekstu,

a pytania od 1.4–1.6 – do drugiego. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu odpowiedz na
te pytania. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

Tekst 1


On Saturday mornings Tessa

A plays basketball.
B has dancing lessons.
C goes swimming.


What does Tessa do to relax?

A She watches TV.
B She goes to the youth club.
C She goes to the cinema.


Tessa does a lot of sport because

A she wants a career in sport.
B she relaxes in this way.
C she wants to keep fit.

Tekst 2


Paula first met Gina

A a few years ago.
B last holidays.
C in primary school.


Which is true about Gina?

A She has some problems with her
B She is not doing well at school.
C She asked Paula to help her.


Paula is calling to

A complain about Gina.
B describe Gina.

C ask for advice

Liczba punktów: ___/6

Zadanie 2 (4 punkty)


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat świąt. Na podstawie informacji zawartych

w nagraniu, dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1–2.4) odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz
właściwe litery w kratki (2.1–2.4). Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej


A The person enjoys preparing food for Christmas.


B The person loves the atmosphere of Christmas.


C The person spends Christmas at the seaside.


D The person doesn’t believe in people’s good intentions.

E The person likes buying gifts.

Liczba punktów: ___/4

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Zadanie 3 (3 punkty)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie do każdego akapitu (3.1–3.3) dopasuj nagłówek A–D, wpisując
odpowiednią literę w kratkę. Jeden podtytuł został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego

Life in Australia and New Zealand


In both Australia and New Zealand the cities are not crowded. The weather is warm, so naturally
people spend a lot of time outside. Although there are flats in cities, most people like to live in a
house with a garden.


Playing and watching sport is a very important part of life in both countries. Water sports are
especially popular. Most cities in Australia and New Zealand are close to the sea, so almost everyone
learns to swim. Surfing and sailing are also popular.


In both countries you can find a mixture of English, Maori and Aboriginal cultures, and this often
seems funny or surprising to visitors. English is the main language in both countries, although in
New Zealand Maori is an official language, too.

A Favourite pastime
B Climate
C Living conditions
D Different nations

Liczba punktów: ___/3

Zadanie 4 (4 punkty)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki (4.1–4.4) zdaniami
poniżej (A–E) tak, aby tekst był spójny i logiczny. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie
pasuje do żadnej luki.

Jack decided to spend a day in the newly
opened shopping centre near his house. He
asked his parents to give him some money
and went out. On the way he met Monica, his
schoolmate, and she joined him. 4.1 _____ It
was a huge five-floor building. They didn’t
have enough money to do any shopping so
they just looked at some window displays and
decided to go to the cinema. It was on the
fifth floor next to a Mexican restaurant.
4.2 _____ There was no better way to reach

the top of the building. They went into the lift,
the door closed and they went up very fast.
Suddenly, they heard a strange noise, and the
lift stopped between two floors. 4.3 _____
They were trapped and a little frightened.
Luckily, the security guards called for help. It
took the mechanics about an hour to repair
the lift. It was too late for the film by then but
the owner of the shopping centre wanted to
apologise to them. 4.4 _____ They had a
delicious Mexican meal.

A To get up there you could take an amazing lift that looked like a glass pipe.
B He invited them to a restaurant instead.
C He got angry and asked them to leave the shopping centre.
D They got to the centre and were surprised at its size.
E Jack pushed the buttons but it didn’t help.

Liczba punktów: ___/4

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Zadanie 5 (3 punkty)

Przeczytaj informacje o trzech osobach (5.1–5.3) oraz cztery oferty pracy sezonowej (A–D).
Następnie do każdej osoby dopasuj ofertę, która najbardziej by jej odpowiadała. Wpisz właściwe
litery w kratki (5.1–5.3). Jedna oferta została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.


Mark likes sport and he’s happy in the company of other people but he’s not fond of children. He
dreams of meeting well-known sportsmen. He needs a summer job but he can’t work at weekends.


Sue is a sociable person who is interested in sport. She worked in a sports shop last year and wants
to earn some money this year too but this time she wants to try something else. She’s got four
younger brothers so she knows how to take care of kids.


Pat wants a summer job and she is free every day of the week. She wouldn’t like to take care of
people but she’s an outgoing and responsible person. She’s not fond of sport and she doesn’t know
much about sports equipment. She doesn’t mind working outside.

Liczba punktów: ___/3

If you are free every week in
July from Monday to Saturday
you can earn some money
distributing leaflets to passers-
by in front of a sports shop. You
don’t have to be interested in
sport but you have to be

Do you like tennis? We need
three people from Monday 16th
July to Friday 20th July. Your
job is to collect tennis balls from
the court during the tournament
in our town. You will have a
chance to meet famous tennis

Two young people are needed in
the sports shop on all the
Saturdays in the summer to help
the shop assistants. If you are an
outgoing person and know about
sports equipment, this is the job
for you.

If you are a responsible person,
there is a summer job for you at
a camp for 7–9-year-old
children. Duties include looking
after the children and
organising sports activities for
them. Some experience with
children needed.





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Zadanie 6 (5 punktów)

Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij go, wpisując w każdą lukę (6.1–6.5) jeden wyraz z ramki
w odpowiedniej formie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.







Liczba punktów: ___/5

Zadanie 7 (5 punktów)

Uzupełnij zdania 7.1–7.5 Wykorzystaj podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie
zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów i dodaj inne niezbędne wyrazy, aby otrzymać logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W każdym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech wyrazów,
wliczając w to wyrazy już podane. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych


These are Mike’s books. Could you give (they / he), please?
These are Mike’s books. Could you give ______________________________, please?


Pete (break / arm) while he was skiing.
Pete ______________________________ while he was skiing.


(you / go) the cinema yesterday?
______________________________ the cinema yesterday?


John’s brother is (old / than / he) cousin.
John’s brother is ______________________________ cousin.


I will take the dog for a walk when it (stop / rain).
I will take the dog for a walk when it ______________________________.

Liczba punktów: ___/5

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Zadanie 8 (10 punktów)

Jesteś na obozie językowym. W e-mailu do kolegi z zagranicy

napisz, dlaczego pojechałeś/pojechałaś na ten obóz;

opisz typowy dzień na obozie;

opowiedz o ciekawej znajomości, którą tam zawarłeś/zawarłaś.

Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, pamiętając, że długość
e-maila powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność przekazania informacji, spójność
i logika wypowiedzi oraz zakres i poprawność środków językowych.


Liczba punktów: ___/10


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