Apress Pro Zend Framework Techniques (09 2009) (ATTiCA) Errata

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Author's Response

Chapter 7 - pg 121 - Typo in middle of paragraph
following Listing 7-15 "...edit, open and delete
linksand a ..." - "links and" need a space between

that is correct

Chapter 6 - pg.107 - Listing 6-18. Last line: $this-
>view->recentPages = $null; Shouldn't that be null
instead of $null?

that is correct. nice catch!

Chapter 5 - pg.84 - Updating Existing Pages. Next
to Listing 5-7 it says the updatePage() is in ...
models/ContentNode.php file. Shouldn't
updatePage.php be in ...models/Page.php instead?

that is correct.

HTML and CSS from pages 23 - 25 does not
render image 2-4 on page 26. It renders image 2-3
on page 22. The images on figure 2-4 are nowhere
to be found. As of right now I have no idea how to
render figure 2-4 displayed on page 26. The
images cannot be found on the source code archive

this is correct. the image for figure 2-6 was used
for 2-4, while the layout should actually look like
figure 2-5 with dummy content.


2:17-2nd paragraph under View Helpers: "...and
then runs the method that is relates to the helper
class name..." Should is be it? Should relates be

3:47-Listing 3-16: Form_BugReport() should be
Form_BugReportForm(). Also, $frmBugReport
(4x) should be $bugReportForm to match Listing

4:58-Listing 4-5: 2nd to last line, _db-
>lastInsertId() always returns 0. Probably a version
difference. Zend Server 5.0 (ZF 1.10) sets $row-
>id automatically on $row->save. So, last line
should be return $row->id.

4:59-Paragraph under Listing 4-7:
.../scripts/bug/confirmation.phtml should be

4:63-Listing 4-15: Comment "add the sort field is
it is set" should be "if it is set."

4:65-Listing 4-19: First line of function:
$ListToolsForm should be $listToolsForm.

4:71-Listing 4-28: 9th line of function:
$frmBugReport should be $bugReportForm.

5:83-Listing 5-6: 2nd to last line, _db-
>lastInsertId() always returns 0. Probably a version


2:17-2nd paragraph under View Helpers: "...and
then runs the method that is relates to the helper
class name..." Should is be it? Should relates be

This may be a better question for the editor.

3:47-Listing 3-16: Form_BugReport() should be
Form_BugReportForm(). Also, $frmBugReport
(4x) should be $bugReportForm to match Listing

that is correct.

4:58-Listing 4-5: 2nd to last line, _db-
>lastInsertId() always returns 0. Probably a version
difference. Zend Server 5.0 (ZF 1.10) sets $row-
>id automatically on $row->save. So, last line
should be return $row->id.

That is a nice feature in the newer versions of the

4:59-Paragraph under Listing 4-7:
.../scripts/bug/confirmation.phtml should be

that is correct.

4:63-Listing 4-15: Comment "add the sort field is
it is set" should be "if it is set."

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difference. Zend Server 5.0 (ZF 1.10) sets $row-
>id automatically on $row->save. So, last line
should be return $row->id.

5:85-Paragraph under "The ContentNode to Page
Relationship", 2nd sentence: parent_id should be

5:86-Listing 5-12: Will findParentRow work when
'parent_id' is 'page_id'? Does the argument have an
extra space: ' Model_Page'?

5:88-Listing 5-13: new Page() should be new

5:89-Listing 5-18: $this->getInnerRow should be

6:97-Listing 6-3: Paragraph before listing says file
name is Page.php. Caption for listing says name is
PageForm.php, class name is
Form_PageFormForm. All three should agree,
probably PageForm.

6:103-Paragraph after Listing 6-11: "User" should
be "Page" and "user admin controller" should
probably be "page controller."

7:114-Listing 7-3: $_referenceMap should not be
defined (copy and paste error).

7:122-2nd sentence, top of page: Extra 'f' in text.

7:125-Listing 7-21: Last '}' is wrong font, should
be at left margin.

7:127-2nd paragraph under "Listing the Menu
Items." "...open the menu model..." should be
"open the menu item model...". New method
should be "getItemsByMenu," not getItems.

7:135-Paragraph under "Updating Menu Items":
"updateAction" should be "editAction."

7:136-Last paragraph: "updateAction" should be

7:139-Table 7-1 lists the admin menu items. There
is no corresponding table for main menu items
(Home, Getting Started).

7:139-GUID stands for globally-unique identifier.
Since we're only talking about Menus table-unique
ids, this should be just ID.

7:140-Listing 7-50. Code assumes row 1 and 2 for

that is correct

4:65-Listing 4-19: First line of function:
$ListToolsForm should be $listToolsForm.

that is correct

4:71-Listing 4-28: 9th line of function:
$frmBugReport should be $bugReportForm.

that is correct.

5:83-Listing 5-6: 2nd to last line, _db-
>lastInsertId() always returns 0. Probably a version
difference. Zend Server 5.0 (ZF 1.10) sets $row-
>id automatically on $row->save. So, last line
should be return $row->id.

this is the version difference

5:85-Paragraph under "The ContentNode to Page
Relationship", 2nd sentence: parent_id should be

that is correct

5:86-Listing 5-12: Will findParentRow work when
'parent_id' is 'page_id'? Does the argument have an
extra space: ' Model_Page'?

that whitespace was a typo

5:88-Listing 5-13: new Page() should be new

that is correct

5:89-Listing 5-18: $this->getInnerRow should be

that is correct

6:97-Listing 6-3: Paragraph before listing says file
name is Page.php. Caption for listing says name is
PageForm.php, class name is
Form_PageFormForm. All three should agree,
probably PageForm.

the filename should be PageForm.php and
classname should be Form_PageForm.

6:103-Paragraph after Listing 6-11: "User" should
be "Page" and "user admin controller" should
probably be "page controller."

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the menus, but this is not true if other menus were
created for testing. Text should probably mention
TRUNCATE TABLE `Menus`; before "Creating
the Main Site Menus" (p.139).

That is correct

7:114-Listing 7-3: $_referenceMap should not be
defined (copy and paste error).

this was going to be another feature, but you are
correct that it is not necessary and slipped through
the cracks.

7:122-2nd sentence, top of page: Extra 'f' in text.

that is right.

7:125-Listing 7-21: Last '}' is wrong font, should
be at left margin.


7:127-2nd paragraph under "Listing the Menu
Items." "...open the menu model..." should be
"open the menu item model...". New method
should be "getItemsByMenu," not getItems.

that is correct.

7:135-Paragraph under "Updating Menu Items":
"updateAction" should be "editAction."

that is correct

7:136-Last paragraph: "updateAction" should be


7:139-Table 7-1 lists the admin menu items. There
is no corresponding table for main menu items
(Home, Getting Started).

i'm not sure i understand the question here.

7:139-GUID stands for globally-unique identifier.
Since we're only talking about Menus table-unique
ids, this should be just ID.

that is correct

7:140-Listing 7-50. Code assumes row 1 and 2 for
the menus, but this is not true if other menus were
created for testing. Text should probably mention
TRUNCATE TABLE `Menus`; before "Creating
the Main Site Menus" (p.139).

The paragraph prior to this listing explains other

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Thanks a lot for taking the time to submit these
issues. You should be a tech editor!

Also, FYI, when I say 'that is correct' i mean your
statement is correct.

Chapter 4 - page 68
Rendering the Bug Reports Using the Paginator

When using the paginator option ->
click edit from a bug ->
save bug and hover a paginator link ->
submitted fields from the bug update are now
inserted in the link.

What would be the best way to resolve this issue,
in the addressbar we do have /bug/edit, it seems to
me this should be /bug/list

Best regards,

Robert van Kemenade

this could be handled with a redirect back to the

Chapter 4. Page 74 deleteAction listing:


doesn't send you to /bug/list as intended but leaves
you in /bug/delete/id/5(the number is an example).
When you want to go to (let's say) the third page of
results the url reads like this:


Changig the code to:
"return $this->_redirect('/bug/list');"

sends you to the right url.

i would agree in this case that a clean redirect is

On page 151

Listing 8-10. Getting the Users from

should be
Listing 8-10. Getting the Users from

Listing 8-10. Getting the Users from

on 146

Listing 8-2. The User Model Class in

should be

Listing 8-2. The User Model Class in

This is correct:

Listing 8-2. The User Model Class in


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