Jaci Burton A Little Tickle

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A Little Tickle

A Round Robin by select Ellora’s Cave Authors

Check out all the participating authors at www.ellorascave.com

(story idea by Tielle St. Clare)

Chapter One

By Jaci Burton

(with contribution by Tielle St. Clare)

“You have to tell him.”

Keenan winced at her sister’s logical pronouncement. Damn it. If only she wasn’t right. But

this was not going to be an easy conversation.

“What am I supposed to say?” Keenan asked into the phone. “By the way, we’ve been

dating for two months and I need to tell you I’m a shape shifter. Oh and if that isn’t bad

enough, I’m cursed!”

“Well, I’d be a little more circumspect than that but yes, if you really like this guy, you should

tell him. He’s going to find out on his own.”

“I’ve managed to hide it for two months.” Two long, very horny months. Tyler had been very

understanding about her gentle delays in making love with him. It wasn’t that she didn’t want

to. She wanted to—goodness how she wanted to—but what if something happened? What

if she suddenly turned into a lion or tiger or bear? Oh my.

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“Yes, but I hate to tell you this—allergy season is starting.”

Keenan almost dropped the phone. She’d forgotten. She was allergic to almost every

flower known to human kind and it was spring. She’d thought that the stupid wizard who’d

cursed her would have rescinded the damn thing by now. I mean really, she thought. Was it

my fault that his lover was trolling for chicks and I happened to catch his eye? Being caught

naked in the back of a wizard apprentice’s van hadn’t been her finest moment but it had

been All Hallow’s Eve and every magical creature was celebrating. She’d gotten carried

away in the moment. Until the door had flung open and a very pissed off wizard had stood

outside. The wizard’s apprentice (and lover) had immediately blamed her for his seduction.

The wizard had swirled his arms, waved his staff, and poof, she was cursed.

As if being a shape shifter wasn’t enough, now she had to deal with this.

The doorbell rang and Keenan shook herself from the memory. “Uh, he’s here. I’d better


“Tell him!”

“Yeah, sure. Soon. I’ll tell him soon.” She hung up before her sister could catch her in the

lie. After quickly fluffing her hair, Keenan opened the door. Tyler waited with a smile and a

dozen of roses.

“Are those for me?” she asked, her voice squeaking.

He nodded, those beautiful eyes twinkled with sex and pleasure and Keenan felt her sex

respond. She needed to fuck this man. Needed it soon.

Instead he handed her the flowers. “I thought we might try for a little romance tonight.”

She accepted the bundle. The soft scent wafted toward her and felt her nose began to

tickle. Oh no. She was going to sneeze.

“I’ll just put these in some water.” She spun around and raced toward the kitchen. “Wait

here,” she called over her shoulder. She burst through the swinging door, placed the flowers

on the counter and…she sneezed.

Shit. She used her scaly hand to wipe her nose.

Scaly hand? She looked down at her protruding belly, held out her arms to see bluish-green

scales and long claws, and watched her spiked tail sweep crumbs back and forth on the

floor. Hurrying over to glass sliding door, she caught her reflection.

Well, as dragons went, she wasn’t that unattractive. Maybe Tyler went for really long tongues.

And drooling.

Damn, damn, damn! She looked around, trying to figure out how she could hide her current

persona from Tyler. Maybe he wouldn’t notice.

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She laughed, coughed, and burned the flowers to a crisp as a flame shot from her throat.

With a squeal of horror she quickly tossed the flaming bouquet into the sink and doused the


Okay, think logically. Maybe if she found the wizard, she could beg him to undo the spell. He’

d had his fun, and the stars knew she’d suffered for it. It was time to remove the spell.

In the meantime, she had to figure out how to keep Tyler from seeing her.

“Hey, Keenan, how about we…”

Panic forced her to run toward the pantry. Well, more like waddle. She quickly opened the

door to hide from Tyler as he walked in the room.

“Where are you?”

“In the pantry.”

“What the hell happened in here?”

She peeked around the doorway. Tyler faced the sink where the charred remains of the

roses lay.

“A little accident.”

He turned at the sound of her voice and she sank further inside the pantry so he couldn’t see


“What the hell are you doing in there?”

“Inventory. Be right out.” She felt like a child trying to hide from her mother. Her tail swished

anxiously back and forth and she forced it further into the closet.

“Keenan, you’re acting weird.”

She looked even weirder. “Sorry. Just kinda busy here. I’ll be out in a second. Why don’t you

fix us a drink?” Hopefully she wouldn’t need a really long straw to drink it.

Fortunately, she felt the change come upon her. Grateful that this time the shift hadn’t lasted

long, she stepped out of the pantry looking like herself again.

“I had a crisis with my grocery list. All resolved now.”

He looked at her like she was crazy. She wished she could tell him about herself and her

magic, but with this damned curse she couldn’t. Not when she couldn’t control when it would

happen—or what form she’d be shifting into. She had to find the wizard, and soon! Tyler was

a great guy. Hell, he was hot, intelligent, and he really seemed to like her. This one was

worth holding onto, and she’d be damned if some stupid curse would keep her from getting

what she wanted. Namely well and truly laid by the hottest guy she’d ever met.

“So, about that romantic evening?”

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She swallowed hard, trying desperately for an excuse why she couldn’t make love to him,

even though her entire body screamed NOW! “I’m starving. Let’s go out to eat first.”

“Uh, okay, if that’s what you want.”

She literally dragged him out of the house, grateful for the relatively safety of a public


“Is there something you’re not telling me?” he asked as they drove down the dark, deserted


“No. Why would you think that?” Just because she hid in her pantry and torched the flowers?

He pulled over and stopped the car, turning to her. “Do you want to be with me?”

More than she wanted to breathe, dammit. “Yes. Of course I do.”

“There’s something going on and you need to tell me what it is, then. Otherwise, I’m

beginning to think that maybe you’re wanting to be somewhere else.”

If only she could tell him. Hell, maybe he could help her hunt for the wizard. She was tired of

bearing this burden alone, with only her sister knowing what happened. And it wasn’t like

she was much help at all.

Keenan wrinkled her nose, feeling a tickle. She rubbed it, willing the impending sneeze

away. Smiling at Tyler, she said, “Believe me, Tyler, there’s no one I’d rather be with than

you. I just have some…things on my mind and I have to resolve them first.” Reaching for his

hand, she added, “Be patient with me, please?”

He tilted his head. Stars, she loved the way his eyes sparkled. And when he grinned like he

did now, her body fired up hotter than a bonfire on Halloween.

Tyler reached for her hair, threading his fingers through a strand and winding it around his

finger. “You’re worth it, I think. But you know you can tell me anything.”

Not this she couldn’t. “Good, that’s settled. Let’s go eat.” Before I ravage you right here in

the car.

“One thing first. I’ll be right back.”

Before she could ask what he was doing, he stepped out and disappeared into the market

on the corner. Taking the opportunity to fix her lipstick, she flipped down the visor and

applied a new coat of “Magic Pink,” smacking her lips together and hoping that her full

mouth would take his mind off any more questions. When he returned, she offered her

brightest smile, which quickly died as she saw what was in his hands.

He offered the bouquet to her and said, “To replace the ones that you lost earlier.”

Oh holy hell.

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She felt the sneeze coming on…

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Chapter Two

By Elizabeth Jewell

She felt the sneeze coming on…

Keenan grabbed her nose and squeezed it closed. Tightly. She knew this was a bad idea;

her mother had always told her that if you squeezed your nose shut while you were sneezing,

your brains would blow out your ears.

Well, if that happened, maybe it would distract Tyler from the manatee, dinosaur or musk ox

that was about to appear in his car’s front seat.

Could she really turn into a dinosaur? What an odd thought. Odd enough, apparently, to

distract her sneeze reflex, because suddenly the annoying tickle in the back of her nose

subsided. She let go and smiled happily at Tyler.

“Thanks, sweetie,” she said, looking at the flowers. “But I’m allergic to flowers. Really

allergic. They send me into anaphylactic shock. That makes people die.”

Tyler stared blankly at the flowers. “Daisies can kill you?”

Eyes wide, expression utterly sober, Keenan nodded.

“Well, shit, Keenan, why didn’t you tell me that a long time ago?” He looked genuinely

panicked. Quickly, he backed out of the car and headed back toward the corner market.

Keenan wondered if they’d actually give him his money back.

She sneezed.

“Oh, shit!” She grabbed at the dashboard. Her sleek, feline claws ripped parallel stripes in

the leather.

Ugh. The claws were attached to velvety black paws the size of dinner plates. The claws

were long and curved, with perfectly honed tips.

At least she had a decent manicure, she thought vaguely, as her big, awkward body slid

sideways on the front seat of the car. Black panthers apparently couldn’t sit up straight in a

bucket seat.

They could smell pretty damn well, though, and Tyler’s distinct fragrance wafted to her,

followed quickly by the sound of his shoes hitting the sidewalk. He was done in the market,

and was heading back.

“Damn, damn, damn,” she muttered, then added, “Shit,” and “Fuck!” when she discovered

she couldn’t maneuver herself out of the cramped front seat. She was wedged half between

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the seats and half under the dashboard, her big, powerful, leopard shoulders proving more a

hindrance than an asset.

Finally, she wrenched herself loose and flung herself at the door. Big cat-paws, however,

could make nothing of the door handle. She was well and truly stuck. Writhing and

squirming only managed to get her into a worse position, with her big leopard face rammed

up against the passenger window, and one leg stuck between the seats.

And there was Tyler. Only a few steps away, on the sidewalk, carrying a box of chocolates

now instead of the offending flowers.

He saw her. Looked straight at the passenger window of the car, where Keenan was still

trying to wedge her sleek, panther self into something resembling a comfortable position.

He screamed. Like a girl.

Keenan was so startled, she screamed back. Unfortunately, in her current state, it came out

like a crazed roar. Undoubtedly full of sharp, pointy teeth. “Tyler!” she tried, but she doubted

her magical ability to produce words would impress anybody after the screaming growl and

the big teeth. Not in a good way, in any case.

She patted her paw experimentally against the window. The glass cracked. “Oh, shit.” She

turned her paw to look at it—no blood. That was a relief. But now there was a uniformed

policeman heading toward the car, and Tyler was pointing and shouting, something about

how a panther had eaten his girlfriend…

The policeman approached the car cautiously. Nobody seemed to be worried about how a

large panther could have gotten into the car to eat Keenan in the first place, but Keenan was

actually relieved by that. If they didn’t think too hard, they were less likely to stumble on the


Right. Like they were likely to stumble upon the truth…

The policeman apparently hadn’t spent much time dealing with large panthers, because he

slipped cautiously up to the car and jerked the door open, pointing his gun.

Had Keenan been an actual panther, instead of a person-panther, she would have leapt into

the policeman’s face and probably ripped him to shreds. Instead, she jumped out of the car,

onto the sidewalk, and ran as fast as she could into the field behind the row of stores. As

she disappeared into the high grass, she heard Tyler sobbing, “Where’s Keenan? Where’s


* * * * *

Simon had been watching her. He’d cursed her—and for damned good reason—

and he wanted to see what pain and torture the curse caused her. Watching in the black

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surface of his scrying mirror, he saw her stymied in her plans to copulate with the overly

solicitous young man she was apparently dating, and this amused him.

The young man had a nice ass, though, Simon had to admit.

He shook the thought off . . . then shook it back again. Perhaps it would be an even

greater act of revenge to steal the little tart’s boyfriend . . . He thought about it for a time,

smiling smugly to himself.

Behind him, Rafael made an “umpfing” noise. Simon turned around. His wayward

lover was tied to a framework behind him, naked and spread-eagled, gagged and tied up.

Mostly for punishment, but also because Simon just liked looking at him that way.

“Yes,” he said, in response to the plea in Rafael’s eyes. “Maybe I’ll let you go later.”

“Muh ahffa ee,” Rafael mumpfed past his gag.


“Muh ahffa ee!!”

Simon waved it off. “You can pee later. “ He turned back to his mirror, ignoring the

continued, muffled protests from behind him.

* * * * *

Tyler was kissing Keenan, all over her face, his kisses deep and wet and . . . wet . . .

Maybe if she closed her eyes and relaxed, he would stop kissing her so much and start

touching her, the way she wanted him to, his hands all over her body, fingers exploring the

heat and folds of her pussy—God, she wanted that so badly. Stupid lameass sorcerer


Why was he still kissing her that way? Why was it so wet?

She opened her eyes.

She lay on her back in the middle of the field, human again. When had that happened? The

sun was up, and warm on her face.

Tyler was still kissing her. And it was still really, really wet. And he was a big, brown, stray

dog with floppy ears, and he was licking her all over her face.

“Eww! Eww!” Keenan sat up, scrubbing doggy drool off her face. How long had she been

here? Were people out looking for her? What had happened to Tyler? She sighed. She

really had to tell him. Maybe he’d be relieved enough to find out she hadn’t been eaten by a

panther that discovering she was a shapeshifter wouldn’t be such a big deal.

Looking around, all she could see was a seemingly endless stretch of field. Full of grass

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and weeds and flowers and pollen. Resigned, she began to trudge back toward town.

She had walked no more than a dozen paces when she sneezed . . .

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Chapter Three

by Jodi Lynn Copeland

Tyler crossed the extensive stretch of field behind the corner market yet again. Keenan had

to be out here, damn it! The policeman had been no help whatsoever. Acted as though Tyler

was loco when he claimed to have had a girl in the car. “Wouldn’t be room enough for a girl

and a panther in a car that size,” the stupid shit had said, then added on a grimmer note,

“Probably got ate.”

Keenan hadn’t been eaten. At first when he’d emerged from the market to see the

hellaciously huge panther tearing up his car, the idea had gone through Tyler’s mind. But

then the shock had passed and he’d considered the short amount of time he’d been in the

store and the lack of remains. Keenan hadn’t been eaten. She’d run.

“Where the hell to—“

Tyler stopped off short, spotting a large, floppy-eared dog in the distance. He appeared to

be having breakfast. Only breakfast didn’t sound any too pleased about being had.

Recognizing Keenan’s wails of displeasure, Tyler quickly took care of his appearance—no

way in hell could she see him looking this way, it would take the odds of moving their

relationship to the next level from a-chance-in-hell to not-gonna-happen-ever—and started

over to the dog.

“Get out of here, you mangy thing,” Tyler shouted when he was almost to the grungy looking

canine. The dog turned back and flared his nostrils. Aware Keenan was still flat on her belly

and unable to see him, Tyler flared his own nostrils right back, adding a little of his special

abilities for effect.

That did it.

The dog whimpered like a newborn pup and shot off to parts unknown.

Keenan pushed up on her elbows then rolled over and sat. She flashed a grateful smile.

“Thanks. That damn beast was trying to eat me, I swear. I managed to push him off once, but

the next thing I knew he was right back on me, slobbering away.”

Tyler forced his own smile while inside his guts turned over. If she thought the dog was a

beast, then what the fuck was she going to say when she learned the truth about him?

Somehow nice tail just didn’t seem to be the answer that sprung to mind.

* * * * *

Keenan had to get out of this field and fast.

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She had no idea how Tyler had tracked her here or why he was roaming around with so little

on—a pair of black shorts that looked more like boxers and showed off his powerful

masculine physique to perfection. Not to mention every other part of his finely-honed


As if he was aware her gaze was deadlocked on his groin, his cock expanded beneath the

thin shorts and she could all but imagine that mighty shaft filling her palm, her mouth, her


God, how she wanted to sink her nails into his sun glistening flesh and never let go. Wanted

to shred those shorts right off his fine ass and ride him hard. She wanted to…to…to sneeze.


Don’t sneeze. Don’t sneeze. Don’t sneeze. Keenan repeated the silent litany until the urge

passed. It was only momentary though. Any second now and the dang thing would be out

and she would be a turtle or a hare or a freaking giraffe!

Or a dog.

It was bad enough waking up to find she was being mauled by a mutt with a head bigger

than most her body, but then she’d had to sneeze and shift in to a dog herself. She’d

escaped getting it doggie style literally by heart-pounding seconds.

She shivered with the thought. “We need to get out of here, now.”

“Allergies acting up?” Tyler asked.

“Yes.” And thank God she’d thought of that excuse last night. Right before she’d morphed in

to a panther. Why hadn’t he mentioned that yet? “Um…about last night.”

“Pretty messed up, huh? I mean who would ever think a panther would be roaming about that

time of night?”

That time of night? What the hell kinda thing was that to say? What about the fact the panther

had been roaming about at all? What about her? Why wasn’t he worried about her? “I’m

okay. She didn’t eat me or anything.”

“Figured as much, since you’re standing here. What makes you think it was a she?”

Keenan stopped walking to gape at him. “Huh?”

“You said the panther was a she. Before you ran off, did you stop and take the time for an

anatomy lesson or how could you tell?”

Why was he looking at her so pointedly? The eyes she’d always loved, made her so hot and

bothered she wanted to sink into them and never return, were looking at her with accusation.

Did he think he knew something? Oh, hell, had he somehow found out her secret? She had

to change the subject and fast.

“I don’t know if it was a she. I just said that. I call all cats “shes,” even big ones.” Keenan

started walking again. “I wish I could finish last night’s date now, but I need to get home and

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to work. I’m already late. I think. What time is it?”

Tyler fell into step beside her and took her hand, squeezing until she looked over at him.

Gone was the question from his gaze. Now it was just dark, potent. Full of hunger. “Time for

you to take a day off to spend with me. I know we said we wanted to take thing slow, but it’s

been over two months, sweetie. Every time we’re together, it gets a little more difficult for me

to stop at touching you. Every time we kiss, I get so damned hard I want to throw you back

and fuck you until it’s all you can do not to tear my flesh to shreds. I know that’s what you

want to, so why are we are not getting any farther? Why don’t we take advantage of this field

right now?”

Because something told her he’d never screwed a goat before and doing so now probably

wouldn’t go over so well. “I do want that, Ty. I want you so badly, you have no idea. But I can’t

now. I have to get to work. Tonight, okay?”

Tonight. That gave Keenan almost half a day to deliberate how to best break the news to

him. That is if her nose would stop its damned twitching. The sneeze she’d managed to

waylay was back in full force, making her eyes itch and her throat swell.

Don’t sneeze. Don’t sneeze. Don’t sneeze.


Oh, shit…

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A Little Tickle

Chapter Four

By Tielle St. Clare

Keenan slowly drifted back to awareness—and became instantly aware that her body

ached. Damn, it felt like she’d been twisted like a pretzel. Without moving, she tried to call

up her last memory. Walking across the field with Tyler, sneezing and…oh shit.

She opened her eyes.

And he was waiting. Arms folded across that massive chest she’d yet to explore, fingers

tapping on his elbow.

“Uh-uh…” she stuttered. Not an auspicious start to the conversation.

“When were you going to tell me?” he asked before she could think of some clever


“Tonight?” she offered with a hopeful smile. He glowered back. She pushed herself up to

sitting and looked around. She was no longer in the field. She was in what appeared to be

a bunker—well appointed and comfortable but it definitely had the feeling of being below

ground. She looked at the carpet beneath her hips. Thankfully when out the change, she

returned to her previous state—clothed. “I really was going to tell you tonight,” she said

brushing her hair out of her face. “I didn’t want you to find out this way. The truth is…I’m


She gave a brief explanation of the wizard and his boyfriend then waited for Tyler to speak.

“I’m assuming you weren’t scamming for other men while we’ve been dating…” The chill

hadn’t left his voice. She shook her head. It was bad enough she was a cursed shape

shifter; she didn’t want him to think she was a slut. “This has been going on for two months

and you never told me.”

“It’s a little difficult to explain.”

Then reality hit her. He wasn’t freaked out about this. He should be freaked out about this.

“Why aren’t you freaked out about this?”

“We’ll deal with that later. Strip.” He reached for the buttons of his shirt.


“Strip. I’m assuming this is the reason you haven’t let me take you to bed.”

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“Well, yes, it didn’t seem right. What if I changed during…you know.”

“Feel like sneezing?”

She shook her head.

“Good, then strip. I’ve waited two long months to have you. I’m not waiting a moment

longer.” He finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it open.

Keenan’s mind filled with questions. Why wasn’t he concerned about her being a

shapeshifter? Or that she was cursed? What if she sneezed?

But none of them mattered. There was his chest and that oh-so-interesting bulge in his


She would deal with the questions later.

She rolled over and tried to stand. Groaning, she slowly unbent herself. Tyler was there,

helping her up, rubbing her back, warming the tight muscles.

“Man, what did I turn into?” She rolled her spine, trying to work out the kinks.

“A chair.”

She spun out of his arms—leaping three feet away—and stared at him. “I turned into a chair



How embarrassing. She’d turned into an inanimate object. “Was I at least a nice wing back

with lovely upholstery?” she asked hopefully.

“Uh, no. Metal. Folding.”

“I was a folding chair?”

“Yes.” A hint of laughter wandered through the word. “Be glad. It was fairly easy to get you

home. I folded you up and carried you back to my car. Trust me, it was easier to deal with

than the panther…I’m assuming that panther was you?”

“Yes.” She slapped her hand across her back. “You folded me? No wonder my back hurts.”

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Tyler shrugged and his shirt fell to the ground. Keenan’s eyes immediately fell to his chest.

And then up to his shoulders.

Oh man, she had to get her hands on him. Soon.

More movement drew her eyes back downward as he reached for the button of his khakis.

“Too sore to fuck?” he asked casually—and with the arrogance of a man who knows his

woman wants him.

Keenan folded her arms across her chest—a mimic of the pose he’d held when she’d

awoken. “Maybe. Let’s see if you’re worth the effort.”

Instead of dropping his pants, he lowered his eyes, directing his stare toward her pussy.

And licked his lips. “I’ll make it worth your time.” He looked up. “Now strip and get on the

bed.” He tipped his head toward the corner---and a bed she hadn’t noticed.

Letting her body take control, she started walking, pulling off her blouse and reaching for the

waistband of her skirt. As her knees struck the mattress, she realized how wildly unromantic

it was for their first time together.

“Wait. Shouldn’t there be more seduction? I mean, this is going to be our first time together


Tyler wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her hard against his chest. She had

enough time to gasp—and acknowledge the heat of his skin—before his mouth covered

hers. His tongue plunged inside, not waiting for an invitation—conquering, commanding.

Her body melted and sang and she wrapped her arms around his neck losing herself in the

demanding kiss.

Long moments later, she drew back, panting to gather enough air. Tyler nipped at her throat

and whispered, “We don’t need seduction. These past two months have been nothing but

extended, frustrating foreplay.” He gripped her hips and rubbed against her, insinuating the

bulge of his erection into the crease of her thighs. “And sweetie, I need you so badly, I’m not

sure I can make this slow and sweet.”

The hunger in his voice and the slight pressure of his contained cock against her sex sent

new warmth into her pussy. She smiled into his eyes and stroked her finger across the

corner of his mouth. “Slow and sweet later. Let’s try fast and hard this time.”

He nodded. As a unit, they tore off the rest of their clothes and stumbled to the bed.

Keenan rolled immediately onto her back, expecting Tyler to follow. She spread her legs,

waiting for him to climb between them.

He pulled back, staring down at her bared flesh.

“Uh, Tyler? Fast and hard, remember?” Her body was primed and ready to go and dang it,

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she felt a sneeze lurking. She needed this now. “I think I’m going to sneeze,” she warned.

“Fight it,” he said casually, crawling onto the bed, but instead of shoving his cock into her, he

slipped downward until he was kneeling between her ankles. If he leaned forward his mouth

would be right at her…

“Tyler?” she squeaked.

“I said I would make this worth your while.”

“Yes, but, my sneeze. Fast and hard. Remember?” The word turned into a gurgle as he

placed his mouth against her sex, delicately licking as if greeting her pussy. She knew she

was wet—just being around Tyler made her wet—and he seemed to love it. He plunged in

—commanding her response as he’d controlled their kiss. He tickled each bit of flesh,

tasting her, lapping at her skin like she was the finest cream and he was a huge powerful

cat. With each stroke, she squirmed, trying to push her sex up. She’d been primed for hard

and fast and he was giving her slow and leisurely.

“Tyler, please.”

“I just wanted to get you ready.” His words brushed across her skin moments before he

opened his lips and gently sucked her clit, pulling in long delicate draws. Two months of

need erupted in her body. He rubbed his tongue across the tight nub, working one side until

she thought her eyes would explode. Keenan punched her hips up, rocking with each

stroke. “That’s it, sweetie, come for me.”

Her body seemed tuned to his instruction and the pressure released sending heat into the

core of her body. She arched her back and let the pleasure take her.

* * * * *

For the second time this evening, she let her eyes drift open and looked up at Tyler. This

time she smiled. “I think we’ve found a cure for sneezes,” she announced triumphantly.


“We’ll have to experiment,” he agreed.

She felt the distinct prodding of his cock against her opening and widened her legs. She

smiled, ready for more, ready to feel him inside her.

Pounding filled her head. She stopped. No, it was coming from outside her head.

Tyler sighed.

“What is that?” she asked.

“The front door. I have to get it.”

“Now?” She pumped her hips upward, trying to encourage him to stay.

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He groaned and threw himself off the bed. “I have to. It could be an emergency. My family

tends to have them. I’ll come right back.” He pulled on his trousers and headed out the

door. Keenan waited for a moment, then grabbed his shirt and followed him.

She reached the top of the stairs. The front door closed with a snap. She wandered down

the empty hall. Where the hell was Tyler? Had he gone out? Half dressed and decidedly


As she reached for the door handle, she realized he had lilies in his entryway.

“Oh shit,” she said as the sneeze overtook her.

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A Little Tickle:

Chapter Five

By Alicia Sparks

Tyler gripped the stair’s railing, hoping he could regain control of his body. He had been so

desperate to have her, so filled with longing, he didn’t think. Shit, now he was going to pay

the price for it. But if anyone would understand, he knew Keenan would.

He let the night’s air brush across his naked chest as he stepped out into the street. His kid

sister always seemed to be having some sort of crisis or other lately, and she refused to set

foot in his apartment for reasons he couldn’t understand.

“You there, Gina?” he called into the night, the aching in his groin subsiding a bit. There was

no answer, not even the cry of stray cats. “Are you there?” He rounded the corner, heading to

their usual meeting place in the alley behind the apartment. She was so superstitious, and

on a night like tonight, he knew all her fears would be creeping up on her, leaving her

defenseless against the change.

“There is no Gina here.” The man who stood before him wasn’t a big man, but the look in his

eyes was one that made Tyler’s skin crawl. Every hair pricked on the back of his neck and

his cat-like instincts warned him to turn around and go back to Keenan. Now.

“Sorry, man. I was looking for my sister.”

“Strange place for a sister to be found on such a night, no?”

“Wrong turn.” Tyler shrugged and turned on his heels.

“I have taken wrong turns before, and have seen them taken. You are on the hunt, and I think I

know what you need.” The man suddenly appeared before him, only strengthening Tyler's


“Sorry, I’m not into this whatever you’re implying.”

“You’d rather fuck a cat? Or a dog? Or whatever your little girlfriend becomes next?”

“What do you know about Keenan?” Fire rose in his chest. If Keenan had been reluctant to

tell him about her condition, then how could this man know? Unless…

“I know all about your little witch. And now I have a proposition for you.”

Tyler folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at the man. He was a wizard of some sort,

obviously. Well, obviously now that Tyler had seen him appear out of thin air, standing right

in front of him. “I don’t need anything you have to offer.”

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“Oh, but you do. Or rather, she does. Tell me, do you love this girl?”

It wasn’t something he had considered. Love? They had been together for two months. He

had just found out she could change form. He swallowed hard. He still hadn’t told her about

his…condition. “What does it matter?” Safe answer.

“It matters because you know her situation. And I can help you remedy it, but there will be a

price, of course.”

Of course. In the fairy tales, there was always a price. The first born child, the keys to the

kingdom, the young maiden’s hand in marriage, something, and Tyler wasn’t sure if the

remedy would be worth the price. “I’m listening.”

“I can help your friend. I can remove her curse, but you must give me something in return.”

The sinister look in the man’s eyes warned of hidden dangers, of secret rituals and all kinds

of other things Tyler imagined a wizard capable of.

“What do you want?”

“It’s simple, really. You have to agree never to see her again.”

He let the words wash over him. Never see her again? But they had only been together for

two months. He wasn’t even sure yet if…he hadn’t even told her yet that…No, he couldn’t

even consider it. His thoughts raced back up to his apartment, and to the girl who he had left

on his bed, the girl who thought he had simply gone to answer the door.

“Never see her again?”

“Yes. A small price for her freedom.”

“Her freedom?” If the guy was offering freedom, could he possibly have something to do with

the curse? And if it was true that this was just a curse and not a permanent state, what would

she think of him if she knew his situation?

“Yes. Her freedom. But you must agree.”

“I need time to think.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, his chest aching at the thought

of not seeing her again.

“Tomorrow night. I need your answer then. You shall find me here. At midnight, the deal is off,

so think quickly.”

He disappeared into a puff of smoke. Shit. Midnight tomorrow. Keenan’s freedom. It

sounded simple enough. He cared for her. This little sacrifice of his could give her the

freedom she needed to have a normal life. God knew she couldn’t have one with him. He

would never be normal. But he could give her something no one else could.

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He walked slowly to his apartment, hoping she was still there, hoping he could control his

own animal instincts, hoping to subdue his beast.

Keenan high-tailed it back up to Tyler’s apartment. Her stomach felt weak. God, she was

going to puke up her dinner. What would he decide? She never imagined he would go out

into the night, and never, ever dreamed Simon would confront him in the alleyway and offer

him her freedom. But there was a price. She could be free of the blasted curse, but only if

Tyler agreed never to see her again.

Her heart sank at the thought, and tears stung the backs of her eyes. She didn’t love him, so

it would be no real sacrifice on either of their parts. He likely didn’t love her, either. It would

be a simple thing for him to agree to Simon’s silly desire and then all would be well with the

world. But why was her heart aching so much at the thought? Tyler was the only person

outside her family who knew about her condition. She had never told any of the other guys

she had dated, and there had to be a reason for that.

Emotions swirled in her head. She didn’t love Tyler, but why was it so difficult for her to think

about life without him? They had only known each other for two months, not enough time to

form a bond even.

Her hand closed over the doorknob as the tears threatening to spill out pounded in her ears,

making her unaware of anything, including Tyler coming up behind her. The man must move

on cat feet because one minute she was standing alone and the next his hand was closing

over hers, aiding her in opening the door.

His face was an unreadable mask as his chest came into contact with her back and

propelled her into his apartment. “My shirt looks good on you.” His smile didn’t go all the way

to his worried eyes.

“Thanks,” she managed, still fighting the tears.

“How much did you hear?”

“Most of it.”

“I see.”

“Well, what are you going to do?” The first of the tears finally spilled down her cheeks as she

lost her battle of will.

“I don’t see where I have much choice.”

“I see,” she repeated his words.

“I mean, it’s not like we’ve known each other for very long. None of it makes sense.” He

raked a hand through his hair as he stepped away from her.

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“Yeah, you’re right.”

“I wish I could make sense of it. I mean, when he offered to set you free, a million emotions

came on me at once, and I…Shit.”

He wouldn’t even look at her now. What had been acceptance earlier seemed to be disgust

now. They had made love, sort of, he’d left in the middle with no explanation and now this.

She bit her bottom lip, hoping to quiet the tears and still her pounding heart.

“Well, are you going to do it?”

“Is that what you want?”

Yes, she wanted her freedom, but she also wanted the man standing in front of her. But

Simon had made everything sound like a curse. What if Tyler thought the shape shifting was

part of the curse? She hadn’t exactly explained the conditions of the curse. Would he


“Tyler, I…”

“Wait. Don’t say anything yet. I want you to sit down. There’s something I need to tell you,

something important.” He guided her to the sofa, his hands gentle on her arms.

She sank against the leather and looked up into his eyes. Something new was in there.

Worry, for one, but something else. And she knew in that moment, seeing the sadness there,

sensing the gloom washing over him. Tyler loved her, and God help her, but she loved him,

too. And if he loved, her, he would get rid of her. Wouldn’t he? Isn’t that what you did when

you loved people? You wanted them to be happy, to be free of their curses?

“What is it you want to tell me?”

“It’s about me.”

The clock interrupted them, chiming as old grandfather clocks were wont to do. It was

midnight, so they now had less than twenty-four hours together.

“Shit, Keenan. I can’t…I have to tell you…fuck…”

As the clock chimed the last time, Tyler’s eyes widened in horror. Keenan clutched the

leather sofa and all but laughed out loud when she saw what was taking place. The slight

roar that resounded through the apartment broke the silence created by the end of the clock’

s announcement.

If there was one thing Keenan was more allergic to than flowers, it was cats. Even large

cats. She was surprised her time as a panther hadn’t rendered her unable to breathe. Trying

to hold her nose, trying to fight off the sneeze she knew was coming, she focused on Tyler,

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closed her eyes and hoped she didn’t turn into a predator.

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A Little Tickle:

Chapter Six

By M elani Blazer


Tyler eyed the tiny chipmunk sitting on the couch and smiled. Well, tried to, anyway. When

Keenan squeaked and leapt two feet straight up before she scampered under the recliner,

he realized baring his teeth wasn't such a good idea.

Damnit, he couldn't even call out and reassure her that he meant her no harm.

Tyler lifted a golden paw and licked, then rubbed his ear. Dratted claws, couldn't even

scratch an itch.

Sitting back on his haunches, he waited it out.

Ten minutes, tops, and Keenan would knock the chair over as she morphed back to her

normal size. Unless he could lure her out of there first.

The back door slammed. Great. "Tyler?" Gina called. Gina, who under any other

circumstances wouldn't set foot in his house decides to come in…now. At least she was

in…scratch that. His sister dropped to all fours and stretched, her tail lifted high, maintaining

her haughtiness even in altered shape.

"Don't you have some hunting to do?" He demanded, intentionally stretching out along the

base of the chair.

"I'm staying here until this is over. Think I'm going into heat. I won't be able to keep those

bastards off my tail."

Tyler groaned and covered his face with his paws. Why, why did his sister have to give him

such a visual?

"Hey. What's that smell?" She leaned over and sniffed him, then wrinkled her nose, her

whiskers vibrating. "What are you hiding under there?"

"Nothing," he said, snapping his tail and baring his teeth. Hurry up, Keenan. Change back!

"I don't think it's nothing. Smells like…squirrel."

"Don't be ridiculous."

Shit. A bit of brown fluff stuck out of the corner of the chair. He smacked his paw over it

immediately. "Go see if there's any mice in the cellar."

"What was that?" Gina narrowed her yellow eyes.

Tyler hissed and arched his back as he got to his feet. "I said it was nothing."

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* * * * *

Yeow!!!!! Keenan just knew she'd left half her tail behind as she bolted from the edge of the

recliner and up the back. Once there, she saw the error of her ways. Not one. No-o, not just

Tyler the mountain lion out there ready to have her for lunch. There were two mountain lions

squaring off to fight over who was to have her for lunch.

Sorry, guys, I'm outta here.

She took a running jump for the computer desk that lined one wall. The second drawer was

partly open. She could hide there until…


There was nothing—nothing more frightening than counting the teeth of a hungry cat up

close, especially while in mid-air. It was almost too late when she remembered she had

claws too, and started madly flailing about, hoping to stop, hurt, distract—hell, she didn't

care at this point, just someone let her out of this body!

She hit the runner as the cat did. It bunched up and slid toward the television. Horrifying,

seeing her reflection in the gray screen with a golden predator hot on her ass, er, tail.

She veered to the left and beneath the legs of a folding table. The cat followed, resulting in a

giant crash and screech. Obviously, the two lions clashed as Keenan eyed an escape route.

Her heart was ready to explode as she dashed from her hiding place and climbed the

curtain. Half way up, she heard it tear, and felt herself falling toward the ground.


Beneath her, the cats were tangled in a mess of flying claws and flashing teeth, and she was

headed straight into it.

She closed her eyes and held her breath.

And changed back into human form.

Keenan finally dared to breath. She flexed her major muscle groups and felt only minor

discomfort. Nothing broken. Thank God she'd landed on something soft.

Her fingers snaked out to touch what had cushioned her plunge to what should have been

unforgiving hardwood. She expected fur. In fact, she was surprised she wasn't being mauled

in an attempt to get out from beneath her.

It wasn't fur.

"Tyler?" she whispered, recognizing the firmness of his upper arm immediately.

"Mmmm. Don't move. I'm in the middle of a great daydream. If only you didn't have clothes


At least she hadn't killed him. Just turned him on. She felt it now, a firm lump just beneath her

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left thigh. If she shifted just a little—

His lips grazed the side of her neck, sending a shiver through her. "Tyler, I-I-I thought—"

"Don't think. Kiss me, dammit."

She didn't hesitate to prop herself up on her elbows and help herself to the eager mouth

beneath hers.

"For Chrissake, get a room!"

Keenan rolled off Tyler and backed up against the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Who are you?"

Tyler moaned and rolled over. "Gina? Get the fuck out of my house. You tried to eat my


"Looks like she was intending to eat you. Right here in front of me, even."

"Out. You don't have anything to worry about now, you've changed back. Now, if you'll excuse

me, I was in the middle of a date."

Gina snorted. "Your girlfriend is a were-squirrel? You of all people I'd expect to at least date

within your species. Besides," she said with a flip of her hair. "How was I supposed to know

who she was, anyway?"

Keenan ignored Gina's sarcastic purr and watched Tyler stretch and walk over to the door.

He opened it and pointed. "Out. Now."

Half of her felt sorry for Gina, being so abruptly dismissed from Tyler's house. The other half

was happy to see her leave. Obviously her presence upset him, and they did have some

things to cover.

The door slammed shut and Tyler turned to Keenan and pulled her to her feet. Instead of

speaking, he pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She felt his erection

growing against her lower belly. "Now, where were we?"

"Mmm," she purred as he pressed his lips to the nape of her neck and started working his

way up. "I thought you had something to tell me."

"I changed my mind. That can wait. I've got something to show you instead."

Keenan knew exactly what he referred to, and couldn't help but think that grand admission—

obviously an explanation of why he and his sister turned into mountain lions at the stroke of

midnight—could wait until after sex.

"So, show me then, Mr. Pussycat." She grinned against his lips as they descended on hers.

The half-growl in his throat sent her blood racing.

Tyler reached over and pushed the heavy door closed, then pulled her down to the floor.

"We'll get to the bed later. I want you here. Now. Before we have any more interruptions."

She nodded, already peeling off the shirt she wore, then started on Tyler's clothes. Two

months. They'd wasted two months because she'd been a goon and too frightened to admit

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she was…not normal and the man she loved was a shapeshifter. Well, he was right.


It didn't surprise her in the least when he rolled her over and pulled her ass in the air, then

mounted her from behind. It was damn sexy. Primal. Animalistic, even. Her pussy trembled,

flooded and waiting for his cock to fill her.

She didn't have to wait long. A long moan tore from her as he held her hips and thrust

deeply, touching her in ways she didn't think possible. Her body shuddered around him.

Her passion quickly built, her body responded to the way his fingers dug into her skin as

easily as she did to the sound of his ragged breath. There'd be time for slow and easy later.

This was about quenching a thirst.

Keenan pushed back against him, reaching up to cup her own breast. She gasped through

the last few strokes, the waves of complete surrender overcoming her body and sending her

to the edge. Tyler followed, his body tensing, his wide cock pulsating within her as came.

"Finally," he said, dropping a kiss to her shoulder blade.

She rolled over and pulled him down on top of her, her eyes searching his for the answer

that she needed to hear. She wanted to be with Tyler. There had to be another way to get rid

of the damn curse.

"About tomorrow—" she started. Then took a deep breath. No. No, Keenan. Think through

it. You're not going to sneeze. You're not going to…

Oh Shit.

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By Anya Bast

She rolled over and pulled him down on top of her, her eyes searching his for the answer

that she needed to hear. She wanted to be with Tyler. There had to be another way to get rid

of the damn curse.

"About tomorrow—" she started. Then took a deep breath. No. No, Keenan. Think through it.

You're not going to sneeze. You're not going to...

Oh Shit.

"Yabbah! Boogah!" Tyler yelled.

Startled, Keenan forgot her sneeze. She stared up at Tyler as though he'd grown another

head. "What the hell, Tyler?"

"I scared the sneeze out of you. It worked, didn't it?"

Her nose tickled. Crap. Not really. "Ah...Ah....Achooo!"

The blur that always accompanied a shift clouded her mind. Suddenly she was floating

somewhere near the ceiling.

The ceiling? Huh?

And where was Tyler? She called his name out of pure reflex and an elephant's trumpet

bellowed through the room, making every piece of furniture vibrate.

Oh shit.

Something on her back tickled her. She moved to the side to scratch it and some of the

plaster from the ceiling she'd apparently crushed rained down.

"Suff…suffocating!" Tyler's gasping, muffled plea reached her enormous ears.

Ack. He'd been on her when she'd shifted. Now he was the filling in a ceiling and elephant

sandwich. Inwardly, she sighed. As post-coitus enjoyment went, she'd really prefer a

cigarette to this. She bent her knees so her boyfriend could breathe.

Tyler took a strangled gasp of air from atop her back. "Don't move," he wheezed. Using her

ear, he slid off her. "Damn, elephants are prickly against bare skin," he mumbled as he

gathered his clothes and dressed. "That's knowledge I really didn't need to have."

She trumpeted in agreement.

Once dressed he ran to her, kissed her trunk and said, "Don't move because you're about to

destroy my house." He ran to the front door, but paused before leaving. "Uh, don't make any

more noise either, okay, hon? It's really early in the morning, and the whole neighborhood is

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asleep." He paused. "Well…maybe not anymore." He shut the door behind him.

Where was he rushing off? Had she scared him away for good this time? She couldn't really

blame him for running. She was cursed mess. Stifling a morose trumpet, she stepped to the

side and heard a crash of splintering wood as she crushed the coffee table.

* * *

Simon stared into his scrying mirror and watched the circus in Tyler's living room. He threw

his head back and let out the evil laugh he'd been practicing for years. "Muhahahahaha!"

Hmmm. He'd give that one a nine on a scale of ten. He almost had it perfected.

An annoying knocking sound came from his left. He looked over at Rafael, whom he'd tied

naked to a wooden straight-back chair and ball-gagged. Rafael was rocking the chair back

and forth, looking desperate. "Eeeee! Eeeee!"

Good god. Did the man have to pee again? "I really have to remember to stop letting you

drink so much water." Simon let his laugh loose once more since it seemed appropriate.


Rafael rolled his eyes.

Eye rolling? Now, that just couldn't go unpunished. Simon stalked over and viciously

tweaked one of his nipples. Rafael whimpered. God, he loved that sound. Eyeing Rafael's

flaccid cock, he contemplated ways to arouse him. But no. There was no time for diversions,

as pleasurable as they might be. He had nefarious plans in play and he wanted to watch

them unfold.

Turning his back on his lover, Simon returned to the mirror to watch Keenan smash a small

pedestal and vase against the wall with her elephantine ass.

He sighed. Ahhh…this was so satisfying. Not even the annoying sound of the intensified

rocking of Rafael's chair could destroy it.

Simon would be even further satisfied tonight at midnight when Tyler agreed never to see

Keenan again. After all, what else was there for them to do? The little bitch couldn't spend

her life morphing into some strange beast or inanimate object every time she sneezed. Tyler

really cared for the stupid, man-stealing little idiot, so he'd do it because he was concerned

for her happiness and well being. He was just the type, Simon sneered. Ready to sacrifice

himself for a lover.

Tonight, Simon would finally have his revenge. An evil laugh bubbled up from his throat, but

the sound of a splintering chair from his left cut it off. He snapped his attention to Rafael just

in time to see his fine bare ass running away. The damnable man had fallen back, broken

the chair and freed himself!

Listlessly, Simon waved his hand to stop him, but the bolt of magic he'd sent hit the wall and

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singed it just as Rafael cleared the doorway and fled down the hallway crying, "Eeeee!

Eeeee!" with the ball-gag still in his mouth.

Oh, whatever. He could get another boy-toy. The torture had been enjoyable, but he'd been

growing somewhat bored with it.

Simon turned his attention back to the mirror. Keenan had morphed back into naked human

female. Yeeech!

* * *

Keenan sat on the floor in the middle of the mostly destroyed living room, surveying the

damage she'd done. She'd found her clothes, dressed and now waited for Tyler to come


That was, if Tyler was even coming back. Maybe he was simply waiting for her to leave his

house so he wouldn't have to tell her to her face that he never wanted to see her again. The

up on that would be the curse would be broken. The down would be…well, the down was

obvious. The thought that he'd left her for good made her chest constrict painfully. It made

her breath come short and clogged her throat with sorrow.

Maybe she really did love him. Could it be? Could she really have fallen for a guy that fast?

Although, she mused, considering the little transformation he'd made at midnight, they did

seem pretty well suited for each other.

The door opened and relief flooded through her so hard she almost gasped. Yeah…she

probably did love the guy.

Tyler's face went white as he stepped through the doorway, but he quickly masked his

dismay at the wreck of his living room and came toward her with a small white bag in his


She stood and went to him. He hugged her. "I can't keep doing this," she whispered into his

neck. She was close to tears, but she swallowed them down. What if they'd been in a car

when she'd morphed into an elephant? She would've killed Tyler! Death by shape shifter


He rubbed her back and sighed. "I know. Here, this might help. I woke my pharmacist up to

get this," he said as he handed her the bag.

She opened it up and took out a small bottle. "Allergy pills?"

He nodded. "The best money can buy. They should at least cut down on the sneezing, if not

eliminate it."

"Thanks." She pulled him down for a kiss.

Tyler wrapped his arms around her and deepened it. After he'd kissed her so long and good

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that she could barely stand up straight, he pulled away a little and set his forehead to hers.

"Damn it, Keenan, we've only dated for two months but the thought of never seeing you

again makes every part of my body hurt."

Ah. That had been exactly what she'd wanted to hear from him. It meant she wasn't alone in

her feelings. She kissed him. "It's the same for me, Tyler. I think you and I might have a

chance at a future together. I don't want to let this stupid wizard win and take that away from


He pulled away and pushed a hand through his hair. "There has to be another way to defeat

this guy. I just wish we could figure out what it was." Tyler went into the kitchen to get her

glass of water.

"I know, but I'm out of my depth with this stuff. I don't know about magic or wizards or shape

shifting." Keenan sat down on the couch—the one piece of furniture she'd managed not to

destroy—and shook out a tablet from the bottle into her palm. "What about you," she called

after Tyler. "You obviously have some experience with this stuff considering what you and

your sister did not too long ago."

"It's true that Gina and I come from a magical family, but mostly we're shape shifters," he

called back. Tyler returned from the kitchen and pressed the full glass into her hand. "Our

uncle is a wizard. Unfortunately, he lives in Fiji where he makes his living as a witchdoctor.

Uncle Mike doesn't have a phone."

"Damn." Keenan popped the pill into her mouth and took a drink to wash it down, wishing it

were something stiffer than water.

Tyler sank down on the couch next to her. He took the glass from her and set it on the floor,

since the coffee table was history. "I think we just need to face the cold, hard facts. I love


Her attention snapped to his face. "What?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I know, you're surprised. I am, too. I mean, we've only dated a little while,

but that's only explanation for how I feel about you and for what I'm about to do."

Apprehension filled her stomach with a sick feeling. "What are you about to do?"

He sighed. "I'm going to tell Simon I'll never see you again. It's the only way to break the

curse. I'm going to do it because I love you, Keenan, because I want you to be able to live a

normal life and be happy."

"That really sucks, Tyler, because I think I love you, too."



Together, they stared sullenly at the devastated room. A piece of the ceiling collapsed in

front of them, sending up a cloud of plaster dust. Her nose tickled.

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Oh no.

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A Little Tickle

Chapter 8

by Liddy Midnight

Simon edged along the crowd. The mall always afforded good pickings when he needed

a new boytoy, but he’d never seen it this crowded. He should have known the place would

be mobbed when he saw the sign proclaiming a modeling contest. Actually, that might work

in his favor. More people packed together would help him blend in. Maybe there would be

handsome young men in the pageant, perhaps one gullible for him to lead astray. His pulse

quickened at the thought.

Damn that Keenan – if not for her, he’s still have his apprentice to kick around and he

wouldn’t be in this pickle.

He found a spot near one of the TV cameras, in front of a sporting goods store. A

commotion inside the store made him turn—and stare right into Raphael’s horrified eyes.

Not good. He did not need to lull a security guard’s suspicions, not when Raphael’s

accusations would have the ring of truth, and certainly not while he was seeking another


Simon turned to lose himself in the crowd, but a small, screeching woman blocked his

way. She swung an aluminum baseball bat. Just before it struck him, he realized she looked

a lot like Raphael.

“Whew. This is much better. You’re less likely to sneeze here than you would in what’s left

of my apartment.” Tyler unhooked Keenan’s talons from his jacket. “I’m just glad we got here

without anyone seeing us. I probably need a permit to keep an eagle.”

He put her on the arm of the couch, where she spread her wings once and began to

preen her ruffled feathers while he took off his jacket. When he turned back from hanging it

over a chair, Keenan was herself, sprawled across the sofa.

“I don’t want to do that again. I never realized just how strong eagles are,” Tyler told her as

he sat down and took her in his arms. “You really, really wanted to take off, and I just knew

what would happen if you shifted back in a treetop, or in flight. I think no one saw us.”

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Keenan sniffed into his shoulder. “Yeah. Thanks.”

“Are you all right now?” Tyler stroked her hair.

“I’m just really thirsty, for some reason.” He was so nice about this, keeping her safe and

not being confused or frightened by her situation. Of course, given his own shape-shifting

abilities, he would hardly be skeeved out by her turning into a variety of animals. Or things,

she amended, remembering the folding chair incident. “I’ve sneezed and shifted enough that

it doesn’t freak me out so much anymore.”

“That’s a small blessing. Now, honey, if you’re sure you’re fine and you don’t mind, I’d like

to catch the end of the game.”

Keenan pressed her mouth to his in a quick kiss. “No problem. We’ve got all night, don’t

we? You should stay over, since your apartment’s a mess. I’ll nuke some popcorn. Soda?”

“Sure. Do you mind if I go ahead and watch?”

“No, tune it in. I won’t be a moment.”

Keenan hummed while she rummaged in her cupboard, in her dust-free kitchen. Tyler

was warming up her seat in her dust-free living room. She really didn’t mind watching the

game. She grinned in anticipation. She could start warming him up during the commercial


With a smile, she tossed the pouch of popcorn into the microwave, hit the Popcorn button

– gee, modern technology was terrific – and pulled two cans of soda from the fridge.

“Oh my God, Keenan, come in here! You’ve got to see this1” Tyler’s voice held an

unsettling mixture of horror and glee.

She rushed in, to see the screen filled with a crowd at what looked like the mall, with the

banner ‘Breaking News – Attack at Miss Fall Fashion Pageant’ across the bottom.

The perfectly-made-up plastic face of a blonde filled the screen. “Our cameras are there

live. We take you to our man at the mall, Matthew Blanc. What have you got for us, Matt?”

You gotta love local television broadcasts, Keenan thought as she perched on the edge

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of the sofa. She waited for the Matt’s take on the action, certain he would speak in more

colorful terms than a network reporter.

“Hi there, Connie, as you said, moments ago, an apparently unprovoked attack by a

woman has put a man down for the count. I noticed him earlier, hanging out by one of our

camera units, watching the pageant. Right after that, there was a shriek from inside the

sporting goods store, and this little Hispanic spitfire comes literally screaming out of the

store, waving an aluminum baseball bat. The store alarms go off and she starts whaling on

this guy. Here’s the footage we have of the attack.”

Matthew Blanc’s face was replaced by a scene of carnage. Parents and teens backed a

respectable distance away from the combatants, or rather the attacker and her victim. The

petite, dark-haired woman held the big end of the bat, and she put dent after dent in this guy.

Although he was more than a head taller, he crumpled under the second blow.

Tyler howled with laughter. “What a wuss, letting that tiny mama put him down.”

Keenan gasped. “He never had a chance!”

The camera pulled in for a tighter shot of the man’s face and both Tyler and Keenan

gasped at the sight of the wizard who’d cursed her. There was no doubt about it. They

watched in astonishment as Simon lay in a heap on the floor. The woman kept right on

hitting him.

A wave of pain shafted through Keenan. “Oh, Tyler, it’s hurting me! Damn.” She doubled

over as agony ripped through her chest.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed. “We’ll get through this, Keenan, we’ll manage.”

She wailed, “What if he dies? What happens to the curse?”

“Damn, I wish we could ask Uncle Mike. I don’t know much about how this wizardry stuff


Keenan’s vision blurred. When she could see again, she was looking at Tyler’s shoes.

Did he know he had stepped in some gum? At least it was hard and not sticking to her


Oh, shit. She hadn’t even sneezed and she’d turned into a mouse! She hadn’t been a

mouse since the first day of the curse. Oh, well, she was probably due for it again. She’d

been pretty much everything she think of turning into.

Tyler picked her up by the tail.

“Ow! That hurts!”

By the way he was still holding her by the tail and peering at her, she figured he didn’t

understand what her squeaking meant.

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Her vision blurred again. This time she was looking at his knee and slithering down his

arm. Oh, great, now she was a snake. Hadn’t been one of those in a while, either.

A horrible realization hit her. She hadn’t turned back into herself in between! Was the

curse running amok?

The third shift took her into a large spider. Ewwwww! Tyler moved his hand away and she

hoped he wasn’t going to swat her. She’d been alone that time, thank goodness.

Then she was a dragon, squashing him into the cushions and knocking over a lamp with

her tail.

The shifts were coming faster.

She was only the panther for a flash, before she turned into a dog. She blacked out for a

moment, which must have been the folding chair form.

Oh, dear heavens, what happened if she turned into an elephant again, here in her own

apartment and ON TYLER’S LAP?

She had to tell him to take her outside before that happened. She screamed and it came

out as a chatter of teeth. Great. He’d never understand squirrel-talk!

What was wrong? She’d been able to talk before. She was sure she’d spoken to him

when she shifted into a dragon and had to hide in the pantry.

She began to scream, “Outside! Outside! Outside” Her only hope was that he would hear

her in between shapes.

He didn’t understand dolphin-speak, although he did hold her so she didn’t roll off the


Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew the game came back on. Tyler, bless him,

didn’t so much as glance at the screen. She had his total and undivided attention. Yeah, he

was probably watching for her to turn into something deadly. Like an elephant.

Think, Tyler, Think. She willed him to anticipate instead of react.

Suddenly, she was sitting on Tyler’s lap and someone was screaming loud enough to hurt

her ears. Cripes, it was her!

“Hush, hush, honey, it’s all right.”

She blinked at him.

“Look.” He pointed at the television.

A news flash had come across the crawl on the bottom of the screen. The man attacked

at the mall had died on the way to the hospital.

“I think that put an end to the curse.”

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“In a rather spectacular way.” She rubbed her sore throat. “I was revisiting all the shapes I’

d taken during the curse. I wanted you to take me outside before I turned into an elephant


He frowned. “I never thought of that. I didn’t realize what was happening. I guess I hadn’t

seen enough of your shifts to put it together.” He stopped frowning and a tender

determination crept into his expression. “Clearly, we’ll have to spend a lot more time

together, just in case you’re ever cursed again.”

“No!” She held up a hand. “Don’t even think it! No more curses for me! Although I like the

sound of spending more time together.”

Tyler bent his head so close his words feathered across her cheek. “And for once, I can

be myself with a girl. You aren’t weirded out by me being a shifter. Although I kinda liked you

as a panther.” He moved a little and waited, his mouth a scant inch from hers.

“You don’t know the half of it.” Wait until she told him she could be that panther any time

he wanted!

“And I’ve got better things to do now than talk.”

“Okay, later.” She reached out and kissed him.

It was like someone had turned on a switch. Heat flooded through her from the touch of

his lips. She melted against him.

Tyler made a growling sound and turned to sweep her under him on the sofa. Hovering

over her, still locked in the kiss, he somehow managed to free her shirt from her jeans.

Sliding his warm hand up her skin, he drew in a sharp breath when he encountered no bra,

no barrier between his fingers and her breast.

Keenan growled when he feathered a touch across her nipple. Oh, man, this was good. It

was going to be even better, ‘cause she no longer had to worry about turning into an

alligator or a toaster oven.

He tore his mouth from hers. “Oh, Keenan, you feel incredible.” Pushing her shirt up, he

reared back and stared. “You’re so beautiful. Just the perfect size.”

She smiled and palmed his hard cock through his chinos. “So are you.”

He grinned back. “Then let’s see how we fit together, shall we?”

She moved as if to get up but he stopped her. “Slow down, Keenan. We have all night,

and no interruptions. I’m going to savor you.” He wouldn’t let her help, taking his time

removing her clothes, kissing each inch of skin as it came into view.

Tyler pulled her to the edge of the cushion, spread her knees and knelt between them. “I

want to see if you taste as good as you smell. I’m betting you do.”

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The television blared a cheer from the stadium crowd. Without even glancing at the

screen, Tyler grabbed the remote and thumbed it off.

Oh, he was a keeper, all right.

As he bent his head to bathe her thighs in his hot breath, she shivered in anticipation. He

ran a finger lightly through her pubic curls, a little tickle that coaxed forth a flood of moisture

to ease his way. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the delicious sensations of

Tyler’s talented mouth and fingers.

Now, that was definitely the right kind of tickle.

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