konkurs j angielskiego 2008 2009

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Grudzień 2008

A. Grammar

Zakreśl jedną właściwą odpowiedź:

1. A: They didn’t go on holiday this year.
B: Nor ………. we.
a) have b) did c) had

2. The ticket inspector made him ……….. the bus because he didn’t have a ticket.
a) getting off b) to get off c) get off

3. You ………. to go to the electricity company. I’ll pay the bill at lunchtime.
a) don’t need b) didn’t have c) can’t

4. It was …………. beautiful old building that I decided to take a picture of it.
a) such b) so c) such a

5. This bookshop specializes in ……….Architecture and Engineering books.
a) both b) also c) not only

6. That green dress ……… Marie perfectly.
a) fits b) fitting c) is fitting

7. We …………. plans for our trip to Australia when you called last night.
a) had made b) were making c) made

8. How long ago did she ………… work for that company ?
a) used to b) use c) use to

9. Tommy ……….. his toys on the stairs; he’s very naughty.
a) is always leaving b) has always left c) had always left

10. I wish I ……….. the aerobics class. I’ve heard it’s terrific.
a) join b) had joined c) would have joined

11. Whenever I ………… to the supermarket, I only buy fresh vegetables.
a) go b) will go c) am going

12. You must ……….. your hair cut. It’s falling in your face.
a) had b) have c) have had

13. More and more people ……….. computers in the future.
a) have used b) will be using c) are getting used

14………… living in a big city is exciting, it can be tiring and stressful to travel from one part of the
city to another.
a) Although b) However c) Moreover

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15. He said that he …………. call me the next day.
a) will b) would c) is going to

16. I work ………..a photographer for Elegance magazine.
a) such b) like c) as

17. Pat suggested ………… to the cinema on Saturday
a) going b) go c) to go

18. If only I ……….. where he works.
a) knew b) have known c) know

19. I am clever, …………. ?
a) was I b) aren’t I c) are I

20. I really regret ………… my car.
a) selling b) to sell c) sell

21. I can’t pick you up. My car ……….. .
a). is being repaired b) is repaired c) is repairing

22.They rarely go out any more, ……….. ?
a) do they b) does they c) didn’t they

23. I saw her ……….. the road.
a) cross b) to cross c) to crossing

24. I’ve got ………… apples. I think I’ll make an apple pie.
a) few b) a few c) a little

25. I ………… go to the beach than to the mountains.
a) would rather b) would prefer c) prefer

26. He is said ………… very busy these days.
a) to have been b) to be c) having been

27. He ………… a doctor. He didn’t go to medical school.
a) must be b) might be c) can’t be

28. We are having our offices ………. this month.
a) redecorated b) redecorating c) to be redecorated

29. ………… going ice skating tomorrow ?
a) How about b) Let’s c) Why don’t we

30. The older he gets, the …….. friendly he becomes.
a) more b) most c) least

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Grudzień 2008

B. Vocabulary

Zakreśl jedną właściwą odpowiedź:

1. I’ve been ………… such a house for years.
a) seeking b) searching c) looking

2. In my family my father decides which channel we’re watching so he’s the one who is holding
a(n)………… control while sitting in front of TV.
a) automatic b) distant c) remote

3. Last summer I learnt to ………… a tent.
a) put up b) put off c) take up

4. I don’t like pushing a……….. in the supermarket when it’s full of goods.
a) basket b) trolley c) checkout

5. She used to be blond but two weeks ago she ……….. her hair.
a) dyed b) died c) coloured

6. I’m afraid you’ll have to ………. the exam, Jack.
a) correct b) retake c) rewrite

7. Have you ever ………. truant ?
a) played b) done c) made

8. She ………. a nurse for the party.
a) dressed up as b) wore a dress as c) was dressed for

9. I’m a …………. although I don’t look so old.
a) retirement b) pensioner c) employer

10. Could you ……….. me a lift to the nearest city ?
a) give b) throw c) do

11. Fasten your seatbelts, please. We’re going to …………. off in a few minutes.
a) make b) take c) go

12. If both teams score the same number of points, this is called a ………. .
a) draw b) game c) knock

13. They ……….. a discovery which is very important so they may win the Nobel Prize.
a) made b) did c) carried out

14. To save our planet …………. petrol should be used.
a) leaded b) wasted c) unleaded

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15. I’m afraid she’ll have to stay in bed as she’s ………… a cold
a) caught b) touched c) thrown

16. A …………. barks each time I throw a stone.
a) kitten b) puppy c) pony

17. It hasn’t been raining for weeks so there is ………… in the whole area.
a) drought b) avalanche c) flood

18. If you have hiccups, put a paper bag over your mouth and ……….into it slowly.
a) hold b) breath c) breathe

19. I’ve twisted my ………… .
a) ankle b) eye c) stomach

20. Would you like us to ………a flight for you, Madam ?
a) take b) book c) give

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Data: ……………………… Kod:………………………Wynik………………..



Przed przystąpieniem do rozwiązania zadań przeczytaj dokładnie polecenia. Na
rozwiązanie testu masz 60 minut. Za wykonanie całego testu możesz uzyskać 35
punktów. Jeśli uzyskasz co najmniej 30 punktów, zostaniesz zakwalifikowany
do etapu ustnego.

yczymy powodzenia.

I. READING pkt……… / 7

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie zaznacz w tabelce, które z
podanych zda
ń są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE).

My neighbours laughed when I sprayed my grass with beer…but now I have the best lawn
around !Yes, I do spray my grass with beer and I also use garlic, instant tea and mouthwash to
grow succulent vegetables and excellent blooms. You’ll discover over 200 miracle lawn and
garden tonics that you can prepare at home for pennies in my new book ‘Garden Magic’.
These mixtures will protect your plants from attack by insects, animals and disease, and
promote fast healthy growth. Find out how to:

use eggs to frighten away unwanted animals

protect your garden from insects with garlic

get rid of moles with castor oil

fight lawn disease with mouthwash

eliminate thick lawn with beer

apply ashes to leaves for greener greens

apply a daily drink for more tasty tomatoes

and much, much more Three free bonus gifts…..

Buy ‘Garden Magic’ now and you will also receive two extra books. ‘Grandma’s Garden
Secrets’ and ‘Dig Free Gardening’ plus ₤8 worth of seeds completely free of charge.
‘Garden Magic’ - ₤9.95
Get up to 50% discount on this book ! Order more than one book and SAVE ₤₤₤s !
Any TWO books only ₤14.95 – SAVE ₤6.90
Any THREE books only ₤19.95 – SAVE ₤13.80
Additional books just ₤4.95 each.



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The author of ‘Garden Magic’ uses unusual ways to get best gardening


If you use the solutions from ‘Garden Magic’, you will spend more money on
your garden care.


‘Garden Magic’ contains recipes for substances that will help you in the


‘Garden Magic’ is for grandmothers only.


If you pay

8 more you will get some seeds with the book.


You get the best deal if you buy two books.


The text was written in order to present the facts from the author’s life

II. VOCABULARY pkt …../ 8

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz i zaznacz jedną właściwą. Za każdą
ą odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. After the accident, John can ………move his right leg. He uses crutches.
a) almost b) hardly c) no d) shortly

2. Uncle Joe, my father’s brother, ……..a living as a chimney sweeper.
a) works b) does c) runs d) makes

3. I will lend you my credit card so that you can……..some money from my account.
a) withdraw b) withhold c) withstand d) wither

4. It’s no ……..telling her about our problems. She will not help us.
a) use b) necessity c) reason d) point

5. If Mr Hoskins hadn’t ………us a lift, we’d have missed our plane to Boston.
a) given b) driven c) picked d) made

6. Are you trying to say that I was …….. of the accident ?
a) blamed b) faulty c) guilty d) wrong

7. The minister’s refusal to answer the questions was nothing……of ignorance.
a) like b) little c)short d) less

8. The brave man who rescues the drowning child certainly ………an award.
a) deserves b) gains c) desires d) calls

9. What you say……..quite interesting, but how will I know that it’s true ?
a) hears b) sounds c) voices d) expresses

10. After the tornado, many people moved to areas where no……..disasters occur.
a) nature b) naturalistic c) natural d) native

11. Though he learned hard, Mickey wasn’t………in passing the maths exam.
a) lucky b) fortunate c) successful d) victorious

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12. Although the experiment was carefully prepared, it just didn’t…….Later, it turned out the
researchers had made a small mistake in their calculations.
a) run down b) pay back c) come off d) make out

13. After only three months of studying, our son……..out of university.
a) dropped b) failed c) left d) retired

14. You have missed ten lessons. Somehow, you will have to………up for it.
a) do b) catch c) work d) make

15. It was my mother who……..me to take part in the competition.
a) insisted b) persuaded c) pleased d) made

16. I will tell you what I know provided you keep it…….. .
a) mystery b) silence c) private d) secret

III. GRAMMAR pkt……../ 10

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz I zaznacz jedn
ą właściwą. Za każdą
ą odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. You……..everyday. Twice a week is enough.
a) needn’t practise b) don’t need practise
c) need not to practise d) have not to practise

2. If……..any message for me just fax it, please.
a) will there be b) it comes
c) there is d) there will be

3. Mike seems to prefer……..what to do.
a) telling to being told b) to tell to be told
c) to tell to being told d) telling to

4. It is the first time I……….an amazing sculpture like this.
a) saw b) have seen
c) am seeing d) am seen

5. This is a secret message. On no account……..to anyone.
a) it mustn’t tell b) may it be told
c) you needn’t tell d) you are allowed to tell it.

6. You’ve soaked to the skin. Immediately you……..home, change your clothes.
a) arrive b) will arrive
b) are arriving d) arrived

7. ……….surprise the policemen the most was the correct behaviour of the fans.
a) Which b) That

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c) What d) Who

8. It’s a pity we couldn’t dance. The party……….more enjoyable then.
a) might be b) could be
c) would have been d) was able to be

9. The boy is sure………the window. I saw it.
a) for breaking b) broke
c) break d) to have broken

10. You shouldn’t be interested in what we’re saying. It’s……….of your business.
a) not b) been
c) no d) none

11. There……..too many complaints. That’s why the factory was closed.
a) had been b) have been
c) were being d) was

12. Why did the artists object to……..live on stage ?
a) performing b) perform
c) be performed d) being performed

13. There’s no……….what might happen if you touched the wire.
a) to say b) say
c) saying d) said

14. Everything………by the time our mother comes back from the shops.
a) will clean up b) will be cleaned up
c) has cleaned up d) will have been cleaned up

15. Tom was occupied when I arrived. He………for his exams since morning.
a) had been prepared b) was preparing
c) had been preparing d) prepared

16. Even though the area looked deserted, someone might…….the crime.
a) being witnessing b) have witnessed
c) witnessed d) be witnessing

17. They took me on because they didn’t mind……..for the rival company before.
a) to my having worked b) me working
c) at me working d) my having worked

18. I……….wear any dressing ever since my wounds healed.
a) haven’t had to b) haven’t to
c) don’t have to d) hadn’t had to

19. I get terribly bored checking the accounts. I’d prefer…….a more exciting job.
a) doing b) to do
c) do d) did

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20. Our parents were enquired at the border,…….. .
a) and we were so b) so were we
c) so did we too d) and nor did we

IV. CULTURE pkt……/ 5

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz i zaznacz jedn
ą właściwą. Za każdą
ą odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. Margaret Thatcher was elected Prime Minister in……. .
a) 1960 b) 1979
c) 1892 d) 1998

2. Blarney Stone in Blarney Castle is traditionally believed to give whoever kisses it the gift
a) eloquent speech b) unusual beauty
c) richness d) excellent health

3. Dunnottar Castle is in……
a) Ireland b) USA
c) Scotland d) Canada

4. The Grand Canyon is in……
a) Ohio b) Alaska
c) Nebraska d) Arizona

5. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of……
a) Jane Austen b) William Shakespeare
c) Arthur Conan Doyle d) Charles Dickens

6. The Great Fire of London took place in…….
a) September, 1666 b) September, 1809
c) February, 1665 d) February, 1985

7. The Tower of London has……..towers.
a) 7 b) 23
c) 19 d) 110

8. Martin Luther King was……
a) assassinated b) poisoned
c) drowned d) strangled

9. The American National Anthem is entitled ….. .
a) America, the Beautiful b) Yankee Doodle
c) Over the River and Through the Woods d) The Star-Spangled Banner

10. On Queen Victoria’s death in 1901, her son……. Succeeded to the throne.
a) Henry IX b) Edward VII

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b) Edward III d) Henry VII

V. WRITING pkt……./5

Napisz list do studenta / studentki z Nowej Zelandii, który / która za miesiąc po raz pierwszy
w życiu odwiedzi nasz kraj. W liście:

poinformuj go / ją, że odbierzesz go / ją z lotniska i zapytaj o datę i godzinę przyjazdu,

opisz krótko swój wygląd i napisz, jak będziesz ubrany / ubrana,

doradź mu / jej, co ma ze sobą zabrać, i poinformuj go / ją, jakiej pogody należy się

zaproponuj miejsce, które moglibyście wspólnie odwiedzić, i poproś o szybką

Pamiętaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy i stylu listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Długość listu
powinna wynosi
ć od 120 do 150 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji, forma oraz poprawność i bogactwo

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02 kwietnia 2009







Przed przystąpieniem do rozwiązania zadań przeczytaj dokładnie polecenia.
Na rozwiązanie testu masz 60 minut. Za wykonanie całego testu możesz
uzyskać 35 punktów. Jeśli uzyskasz co najmniej 30 punkty, zostaniesz
zakwalifikowany do etapu ustnego.

śyczymy powodzenia.



____/4 pkt.

Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie tekstu a następnie zaznacz w tabelce, które z podanych zdań
(1 – 4) są ‘prawdziwe’ (TRUE), a które ‘fałszywe’ (FALSE).



Dorian arrived home at midnight.


The picture looked different when he came back.


Dorian wished he could grow old and ugly.


He wanted to look at the picture one more time.

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____/5 pkt.

Przeczytaj uważnie tekst, a następnie dopasuj brakujące zdania do luk w tekście.

Dwa zdania są zbędne

. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

It all started when I got the job at Repsom museum. I was sixteen years old and a student.

I was studying history at school, but it was the summer holiday.1)……… But I wanted to earn
some money, so I got the job at the museum. It was only for six weeks.

2)……… It’s where I live. There is a new part, with tall white buildings and modern

offices. Then there is the old part of the town, with narrow streets and tiny shops. The
museum is in the old part.

I was pleased to get the job because I have always been interested in

history.3)……That holiday, I was going to work with Anna Wain, a young woman about five
years older than me. That was another thing that pleased me about the job !

‘We’ll be working in the new part of the museum, Paul,’ Anna told me. ’ 4)……We’ll

be making displays, showing things that happened in Repsom in the past.’

I knew it was going to be an interesting job, and I was certain I was going to like

working with Anna. I thought she was very pretty and friendly.

‘We have six weeks to finish the work,’ she said. ‘Then the new part of the museum

will be opened by a man called Patrick Yardley. He’s an important businessman in Repsom.
You’ll meet him before the opening day because he likes to come and see how we’re getting

The Gilbertson necklace arrived at the museum the same day that I started work. It

was a very old necklace and belonged to the Gilbertson family. 5)………..

A. Mr Balfour said it’s insured for a hundred thousand pounds.
B. At first, eight weeks without having to study seemed wonderful.
C. The Gilbertsons were a well-known Repsom family, although there was only one member
alive now – Mrs Eve Gilbertson.
D. It’s not open yet.
E. In fact, I wanted to work at the museum when I left school.
F. Repsom is a large town, by the sea.
G. Derek Halliday, one of the museum attendants, was looking at it through the glass.


____/7 pkt.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz i zaznacz jedną właściwą. Za każdą poprawną
odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. Tom was really hungry. No wonder the cakes on display made his……..water.
a/ throat b/ mouth c/ tongue d/ teeth

2. Once, I ………a risk of betting a lump sum of money on a horse. Later, I wished I hadn’t.
a/ took b/ went c/ played d/ did

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3. Flats are much cheaper here in……….with those in the city centre.
a/ comparison b/ similarity c/ confrontation d/ difference

4. ‘How many points do I need to………to qualify?’ ’At least one hundred.’
a/ master b/ result c/ score d/ succeed

5. Does it make much……..to you if I paint the railings yellow ?
a/ variety b/ difference c/ alternative d/ distinction

6. Where did the last battle of the campaign……..place ? Was it in Stalingrad ?
a/ have b/ occupy c/ take d/ find

7. Most of our students are given well-paid jobs after they………from the school.
a/ complete b/ promote c/ end d/ graduate

8. Let’s hurry up. We don’t have much time to……… .
a/ exhaust b/ spare c/ utilize d/ handle

9. Don’t look at me so suspiciously. I have nothing to ………..with the mess.
a/ matter b/ do c/ relate d/ connect

10. This is a very difficult question. I haven’t got a……..how to answer it.
a/ point b/ solution c/ notion d/ clue

11. I got really scared when the car in front started……..on the slippery road.
a/ skipping b/ skating c/ skidding d/ skimming

12. It’s reported that the dangerous criminal is still at…….. .
a/ huge b/ space c/ large d/ width

13. You look exhausted. A few days off would ……..you good.
a/ make b/ fit c/ work d/ do

14. I’m sorry sir, but we can’t let you through the border. Your passport is……… .
a/ invalid b/ futile c/ unfeasible d/ vain



____/7 pkt.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wykorzystując podane słowo w niezmienionej formie tak,
aby znaczenie uzupełnianych zdań było takie samo jak zdań poprzedzających.
Możesz wpisać od 2 do 5 słów. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. You don’t seem to realize the risk involved. AWARE
You don’t seem to…………………….. the risk involved

2.He didn’t go to university because he was never given the chance. BEEN
Had he….……………………………he would have gone to university.

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3. I’m sure he knew all the details. KNOWN
He………………………………………..all the details.

4. It was such an exciting film that we saw it twice. SO
The………………………………………. we saw it twice.

5. Appearing in public is natural to him. USED
He…………………………………….in public.

6. People say that China is a beautiful country. SAID
China…………………………………. a beautiful country.

7. He started painting last Tuesday and has not finished yet. SINCE
He……………………………………….last Tuesday

8. John doesn’t like eating fish and Jenny doesn’t either. NOR
Neither……………………………………...eating fish.

9.’I’m sorry I forgot the money,’ said Bea. APOLOGISED
Bea………………………………….the money.

10. I don’t want to lend him any money. RATHER
I ……………………………………………him any money.

11. She has never before heard such beautiful music. HAS
Never before………………………………such beautiful music.

12. I have nothing against your playing in my garden. MIND
I …………………………………………..in my garden.

13. The guards made me empty my pockets. TO
I …………………………….my pockets by the guards.

14. I shouldn’t have revealed the whole truth to anyone. WISH
I…………………………….the whole truth to anyone.



____/4 pkt.

Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz i zaznacz jedną właściwą. Za każdą poprawną
odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.


How many wives did Henry VIII have?

a/ 6 b/ 8
c/ 2 d/ 4

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2. Who wrote ‘Pride and Prejudice’ ?
a/ Agatha Christie b/ Arthur Conan Doyle
c/ Charles Dickens d/ Jane Austen

3. In Britain petrol stations show you the price of petrol in litres and….
a/ kilograms b/ pints
c/ gallons d/ grams

4. What type of music does The Sex Pistols make ?
a/ pop b/ rock
c/ classical d/ folk

5. What is England’s national food ?
a/ Yorkshire Pudding b/ cheese
c/ fish and chips d/ paella

6.Who are Prince Charles’ sons ?
a/ Samuel and Arthur b/ Peter and Zara
c/ William and Henry d/William and Arthur

7.Who wrote Sherlock Homes ?
a/ Agatha Christie b/Arthur Conan Doyle
c/ Charles Dickens d/ Jane Austen

8.How many °C are 32°F ?
a/ 0° b/ - 24°
c/ 30° d/ 15°



____/8 pkt.

Napisz list do wybranego uniwersytetu w Wielkiej Brytanii, uzasadniający wybór tej
uczelni na miejsce studiów. W liście:

przedstaw się i napisz, skąd pochodzisz,

napisz, że będziesz dobrym studentem i dodaj, dlaczego tak

opisz, co chciałbyś / chciałabyś robić w przyszłości i wyjaśnij

Pamiętaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy i stylu listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów. Podpisz się jako
XYZ. Długość listu powinna wynosić od 120 do 150 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania
informacji, forma oraz poprawność i bogactwo językowe.

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