db finland

# HoI - Finland Events
# written by Henrik Fåhraeus

# The Winter War
event = {
id = 3200
random = no
country = FIN

# Triggered by SOV 2620

name = "EVT_3200_NAME"
desc = "EVT_3200_DESC"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME3200A" # Let them come if they dare!
command = { type = trigger which = 2621 } #SOV
command = { type = alignment which = fascist value = 100 }
command = { type = chiefofstaff which = 29104 }
command = { type = chiefofarmy which = 29105 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME3200B" # Fold to Russian Pressure
command = { type = secedeprovince which = SOV value = 787 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = SOV value = 803 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = SOV value = 821 }
command = { type = trigger which = 2622 } #SOV
command = { type = alignment which = fascist value = 100 }

# Swedish Material Aid
event = {
id = 3201
random = no
country = FIN

# Triggered by SWE 3300 or 3301

name = "EVT_3201_NAME"
desc = "EVT_3201_DESC"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "OK" # Thanks for nothing!
command = { type = add_division which = infantry }
command = { type = supplies value = 1000 }
# Swedish Intervention
event = {
id = 3202
random = no
country = FIN

# Triggered by SWE 3300 or 3301

name = "EVT_3202_NAME"
desc = "EVT_3202_DESC"
style = 0

action_a = {
name = "OK" # Perhaps there is hope after all...
command = { type = access which = SWE }
command = { type = alignment which = fascist value = -50 }
command = { type = alignment which = democratic value = 50 }


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