Training Lab Week 4

Lesson #4
Vocal Power Part 2
Day Time Approaching (MP3)
Day Time Approaching (MP3)
Bobby Rio
Social Training Lab
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
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©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 2
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
We are going to pick up right where we left off last week, but I want to say a quick word
about voice tonality. Improving your voice tonality can only be done by PRACTICE.
Some lessons you will be able read, get some theory and understanding, and have that
theory and understanding translate into reality&
This is not one of those lessons. This is a lesson that is crucial that you take the time
each day to practice.
Note: Download links for previous lessons will be at the close of each PDF file in case
you missed or misplaced an earlier edition.
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 3
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Previously in weekly lesson number Eight I addressed the issue of voice tone. I also
gave you some homework and exercise to help you with your voice projection.
Judging from the amount of guys who indicated they were still having trouble with voice
tone, and its ability to hinder their conversations and kill their confidence- I thought I
would go over some more tips and techniques for better voice tone and vocal power.
In part one we discussed the five building blocks of voice:
1. Volume - We all should be speaking louder than we do
2. Melody - Do not be boring and monotone
3. Pitch - How low or high the voice is
4. Tone - How airy or edgy you are
5. Pace - How fast or slow you speak
These are the main elements that you need to be practicing if you are serious about
improving your voice projection/tonality.
I would suggest reviewing lesson eight if you are still having trouble.
Here are some more ways to help improve upon these areas and more:
Most of the time our voices get so fucked up and awkward sounding in field is because
we become overcome with fear and our nervousness wreaks havoc on our vocal tone.
Here are two techniques to control nervousness- and let your voice calm out more
natural sounding&
Breathing by numbers:
Take a breath in through your nose, and count to 10 on that one breath.
Then do it again.
This is immediately calming, and allows your body to get used to how much air is
coming in and out. This slows you down.
This kills your being nervous.
The Sound Wave:
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 4
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
I cannot explain this to you. It just something to do to get your body into action,
something you attach to sound. Imagine it as sort of an "anchoring" technique.
Do a" Lets GOOOOOOOOO"& and go from very low to very high, using all 3 voices
(head, chest, middle)
The action is like a jumping jacks followed with a clap. The primary focus of this is to
align your energy levels and voice tone. It is a way to get your entire body congruent.
This is something that you can do if you're feeling "down" or not motivated to have a
conversation with a woman.
Facial and Body Movements to Project for Better Tonality
Body Movement
Parallel Gestures - Right side of brain, controls left side of body, and reverse.
The brain does not tell your hands to do the same thing at the same time.
Don't try and do this, it makes you look silly. It can be close, but make sure your hands
are doing something different. As you talk the way you are expressing yourself with
your body will reflect on the way you sound& (And more importantly the way you come
across to the person you are talking to)
The more awkward you look- the more awkward you are going to sound.
Mouth Position
Some people smile while they speak. This forces your mouth into a wide angel, and
speaking wide makes you sound nasal.
Smiling is fine, but not the whole time you are speaking.
Keep the corners of your mouth in, and drop your jaws more when you speak.
Drop your jaw more than you think you should. This gives you a rich and resonate
Exercise - Use a mirror and watch yourself say the letters of the alphabet.
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 5
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
If you go wide on E, notice, then put your fingers on the corner of your mouth and do
the same alphabet, and you will do fine.
Drinking Do's and Dont's for Voice Projection
(This is only for people with serious tonality issues to really pay attention to.)
The #1 thing you can do for your voice to keep it healthy is water.
You need to drink about 1/2 a gallon to a gallon a day for your body to have enough
water to get to all vital organs, and enough left over for talking.
Your voice glands are at the end of the list in terms of what gets water first. so make
sure you have enough
Dairy helps create what you DO NOT want. Helps make your voice ICKY.
Caffeine- speeds up metabolism, and speeds up your phlegm production. You do not
want this. Drink herbal tee, and eliminate as much caffeine as possible.
Smoking - dries out your vocal chords, instantly.
The Dreaded Voice Mail
Tips to record your message&
Position: Get distance between your mouth and mouth piece, about 5 inches
It is not an intimate conversation. You need to be loud, and have melody. Sound
interesting. Watch how fast you speak, do not rush around. Tone, do not be airy.
(michael jackson)
Be louder than you think, not airy, slower than normal, with a great melody, and a deep
voice, thick and strong.
What you say on the message?!?!?!& . Ah that's a completely different lesson lol
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 6
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Highly recommended:
Last week I advised purchasing a voice recorder. I am once again going to advise that
you go out and purchase one. As the lessons progress I am going to be recommending
bringing the recorder out into bars, clubs, and social gatherings with you. This will be
the best way for you to learn.
This will not only give you a fair idea of how your voice comes across to other people,
but it will also give you a chance to see how you people are reacting to you. Sometimes
as it is going on we are not paying close attention to the signals people are sending us.
This is why sometimes it is important to go back and really study our interactions and
find mistakes we are making that we may have overlooked.
Here are 2 pieces of equipment that I recommend for this:
Basic recorder:
Microphone (needed when using at bar or club when you must keep it hidden)
Telephone recording device (in case you want to record phone calls)
Remember, in some states it is not legal to record phone calls. So check the internet for
laws in your state (or just be smart about it and don't use the recording for anything
other than your personal learning.
This Week's Audio Class
Weekly Schedule of Activities
1. Use voice recorder (can even be a computer mic) to record your voice. Record
yourself reading from a book. Practice the different range of emotions. Listen to
your voice and carefully notice the areas that need work.
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 7
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
2. Re-read this lesson. Do all exercises contained within this lesson.
3. If you have a mini-voice recorder bring it out with you and record yourself
interacting with other people. This is the true test of how you sound in-field.
4. Listen to this week's audio lesson
5. Practice Speers WWWH method for keeping a conversation flowing- Nail this
down until it becomes natural for you
Additional Resources
Learn more about Dave Wygant
Coming Up Next&
Lesson #05: "Become a Leader"
How to become to the sort of guy who "makes things happen." People crave this type of
guy& and when you become him& you have people in the palm of your friends& . Here's
Audio Class #05: "Making Friends"
Brent Smith joins me for this audio class to talk about creating a lifestyle that has
women around you in abundance. Brent is an international Playboy& and lives the life
to the fullest& and he shares many of his tips and tricks for creating your own Jet Setter
Previous Lessons 
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
©2010 Bobby Rio- All Rights Reserved Page 8


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