social training lab 5

Lesson 5
"The Inner Game Workshop"
"The Inner Game Workshop"
Bobby Rio
©2010 Bobby Rio  all rights reserved Page 1
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RECOMMENDED: Print this week's PDF out and do exercises along with
As your coming into the second month of the Social Training Lab& I wanted to provide
you with something that will propel you forward.
This program is meant to be done once daily for a week. There are seven exercises and
should be completed one per day. Each day will be about a 15 minute audio- followed by
some journaling and workbook exercises.
The goal of this program is to dig out some of your negative beliefs, help you find some
stuff to be confident about, create some goals, and some plans for achieving those goals.
Before we start this, I want to stress something that I've talked a little bit about in one of
the previous lessons and that is the concept of integrity.
I really believe integrity is crucial.
Only you can make the change. I can sit here till I'm blue in the face telling you what
you need to do.. But only you have the power to do it.
Integrity means doing what you say you're going to do... most importantly what you tell
yourself you're going to do...
The more and more you fail to follow through- the less and less you begin to believe in
yourself and count on yourself...
In the beginning of this mentorship I gave you questions to fill out- one of those
questions was "what is the first step you know you have to begin right now?"
Some of you wrote- begin initiating more conversations, some wrote about improving
your physical appearance, some of you wrote that you need to stop seeking other
people's approval...
Well, just about finished with this 24 week mentorship- you need to be honest with
yourself and ask yourself "Did I take action on that very first step I know I needed to
If the answer is no- then it's time to figure out why... Over the next 7 days I'm going to
help you figure out why.. but you need to make a promise to me, and to yourself.... you
will listen to each day's audio... and you will do the exercises- no matter how
insignificant they seem.
©2010 Bobby Rio  all rights reserved Page 3
What You Should Get Out of This
Getting better with woman starts with you. There is nothing that you can say or do that
will let you skip over this fact. Too many gurus have tried to sell the magic potion,
magic opener, or magic routine that is fail proof for getting women. But the fact is, even
if someone created the perfect tool for attracting women& you still need to be able to
keep them interested. And this comes down to you.
This workshop we want to help you develop a rock solid attitude. We want to help you
develop an inner knowing that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. We
want you to eliminate your fears of approaching women. We want you to eliminate your
scarcity mentality when it comes to the women in your life. We want you to get
passionate about your life and go back home and invite people to join in with you.
Pickup is not about  smoke and mirrors. You can t fool yourself. And as long as you
have a nagging voice inside your head that says  I m not good enough, or  I m too shy,
or  too fat or  too ugly or  too inexperienced or  too nice or  too lazy or  too poor
or  too uptight or any of the other hundred put downs you continually tell yourself; you
will be unable to make lasting change.
Lasting change comes from your attitude and state. During these three days we want to
help you develop the attitude and state you need to eliminate the negative self talk, and
make that lasting change.
How to Cultivate and Grow Your Inner Game
Your inner game grows through practice and familiarity. The more comfortable you feel
within a given situation the more confident you will be.
This does not happen overnight. But it has a compounding affect. This means that an
action you take tonight will directly affect how you feel tomorrow. An action you take
tomorrow will directly affect the way you feel next week. Which basically means that
from here on out you must be conscious of cultivating and growing your inner game.
The best way to use this book is as a work book, reference guide, and a frame work for a
journal. In the next session I will give you several exercises to complete. These
exercises will help you explore what beliefs, habits, actions, and ideas are holding you
back from the success you desire. This section will also help you create new beliefs,
habits, and actions that you can replace the limiting ones with.
The entire purpose of these exercises is to create the foundation for lasting change.
Ultimately it is only you who can make that change.
We suggest that you follow the instructions in each of these new exercises. After
completing them we hope that you will continue to review them and hold yourself
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accountable for every action you take from here on out. Remember, inner game is based
on compounding success. Each day you have a choice& you can choose the action that
will lead to success& or you can choose the action that will keep you right where you are.
It s your choice.
Results Workshop
The Purpose of this program is to Get Results!
Below is a seven step plan for getting what you want out of life. This workshop is based on
lessons I learned from a Tony Robbins course I took many years ago, hundreds of other books
and CDs on personal development, and my own personal experience.
This workshop can be used for achieving any goal you want out of life, but I found it particularly
helpful for boosting my inner game and leading me to massive success with women.
I am going to go through this workshop with you guys here today. I suggest using this step by
step plan throughout your life to get results in any area that you like.
7 Steps to Getting the Results you Want
1. Decide exactly what it is that you want
2. Get disturbed about not having it
3. Create a plan to achieve it
4. Think about the limited beliefs that are holding you
5. Replace them with new positive beliefs
6. Find a way to enjoy the process of getting there
7. Take an immediate step to getting there
©2010 Bobby Rio  all rights reserved Page 5
Step 1: Goal Setting Workshop
A huge part of inner game is having a clear focus about where you want to go in life. A major
source of our confidence is the attainment of goals that we have set for ourselves. These goals
give our lives direction, meaning, and purpose.
These goals give us clear picture of what we want and enable us to create exciting pictures of our
future. Do you schedule time regularly to think about your better future?
A goal is the ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until accomplished
This means that this achieving your goals is a process. This process will take you through plenty
of hurdles and obstacles. If your goal is worthwhile, you will endure these tough times, and do
whatever it takes to reach the completion of your goal.
Setting and achieving goals is one of the best ways to measure your life s progress and create
unusual clarity.
One of my favorite author s Jack Canfield laid out a great top 10 goal checklist.
1. Your most important goals must be yours.
2. Your goals must be meaningful.
3. Your goals must be specific and measurable.
4. Your goals must flexible.
5. Your goals must be challenging and exciting.
6. Your goals must be in alignment with your values.
7. Your goals must be well balanced.
8. Your goals must be realistic.
9. Your goals must include contribution.
10. Your goals need to be supported.
Although the focus of this weekend is building inner game in relation to meeting, attracting,
and dating more women; I want us all to think about all of our most important goals. Why?
Because achieving setting and achieving goals your inner game will sky rocket and your success
with women will follow.
Remember our saying  Build it and they will come.
In your quest to get better with women it is crucially important that you continue building all
areas of your life. You will find that the accomplishment of each of these individual goals will
have synergy with one another and ultimately lead to a feeling of much greater self confidence.
Dating Goals
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That being said, it is also equally important to set goals for yourself in relation to women. You
need to know where you stand now, and exactly where you want to stand six months from now.
What do you want this area of your life to look like? This is critically important. Do you want
to be sleeping with a new girl every night? Do you want a girlfriend? Do you want several
girlfriends? Do you just want to be going on some dates? WHAT DO YOU WANT?
I stress that last question because many of us fall into the trap of thinking we want something
just because that is what everybody else says they want. One of the biggest reasons I find most
guys fail in this area of their life is because their actions are not congruent with their desires.
What does this mean?
It means that many guys, who ve never even had a girlfriend, read a book like  The Game and
decide that they want to be pickup artists. Most of these guys get caught up in the emotion of
the book and never stop to think if that is what they really want. Because what most of these
guys actually want is girlfriends that they can get close to, and feel a real connection with.
What do you want? If you don t know& you re going to keep running yourself in circles.
The object of this workshop is to create 10 meaningful goals for you. You should follow the
guidelines discussed above.
These goals should encompass all areas of your life. There should also be a goal for where you
want to be in terms of your dating/relationship area.
These goals should be as specific as possible.
Top 10 Goals
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Relationship Goal
In this space below describe in detail the girl that you want to meet and have a relationship with.
Talk about every aspect of her from her looks to her personality, her sense of humor, her values
and beliefs, how she acts, what her interests are&
Be as specific as possible.
My Ideal Girl:
The Self I need to be to get her
Below write down exactly what kind of guy you need to be to get this girl. Include how you need
to look, act, think. Include what kind of values you need to have& what kind goals you need&
and include where you have to go to meet this person.
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My Ideal Self:
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Step 2: Stop the Excuses and Get
The biggest enemy to getting what we want is being content with what we have. As human
beings we get very good at making excuses for not going after what we truly want.
We get good at rationalizing our failures.
If you are not where you want to be in terms of your dating life, there is only one reason for that.
That reason is that it has been more convenient for you to delay making the change. It has been
easier, less risky, and more comfortable for you to go about your daily life without achieving
success in this area.
There are a million other things to occupy our minds with. Maybe you ve taken comfort in
hanging out with your close male friends, religiously follow sports, are wrapped up in your job,
your fantasy football league, your Xbox tournaments, your Star Trek conventions, your quest to
retire at forty, your porn collection, your music library, or your college classes& .
But the fact is, even if these other areas of bringing you some personal satisfaction; if you re
unsatisfied with your love life than you re only making excuses for yourself.
We all make excuses for not having what we want. I went through a period two years ago where
I was in a transition period in my life and was going through a horrible slump with women.
Here are some of the excuses I made for not being where I wanted to be with women.
1. I m too old to go to bars and clubs anymore
2. My job doesn t give me the opportunity to meet women
3. The girls in NJ suck
4. I m too out of shape to attract girls& I ll wait till I start working out again
5. I m too broke. I can t afford to take a girl somewhere nice anyway
As you can see, these were all just excuses to justify to myself why I was going through life void
of what I wanted.
I used the time to build my business, eventually get back in shape, and travel. These were my
crutches. These were the things that took my mind off the fact I wasn t getting laid by the kind
of women I wanted to be getting laid by.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months& . I was content.
But as comfortable as I was, there was always that nagging feeling at the end of the night when I
was jerking off or day dreaming about my one of my ex girlfriends& that I was letting my life slip
by without having what I really wanted& a fun beautiful girl to share my days with.
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In the last section we wrote down the various goals that we wanted to achieve. Because this
weekend is about reaching peak inner game in regards to women& take one of your
dating/relationship goals and spend the next five minutes writing down all the excuses you
make for yourself for not being where you want to be. If you re already where you want to be in
your dating life, pick one of your goals in regards to finance, health, spirituality, or education.
I also suggest doing this exercise for all the different goals you set for yourself in the first section.
Excuses I Make for Not Having What I Want
Get in the habit of telling the truth to yourself.
Winning and losing in life is an internal game.
Remember, only you will know if you really won or lost.
Now You Need to Get Disturbed
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You probably had some nice little excuses and rationalizations. What you re really doing is lying
to yourself.
All of the excuses listed above served one purpose& to help you avoid the pain of not having
what you want.
It s like learning a foreign language. You can spend a couple years trying to learn a new
language in classrooms or home study. But in those settings you don t really need to learn the
language, do you? So it s easy to make the excuses to yourself.  I m not good with that part of
my brain. Or  I don t really need to know Spanish anyway. Or  The teacher is no good. So
you practice for a bit, but never really learn the language.
But now imagine you were transferred to live in Spain. Imagine that everywhere you went
people were speaking Spanish. Imagine not being able to order food at a restaurant, or watch
television, or ask directions, or just have a plain old good conversation.
With that pain, how long do you think it would take you to learn Spanish?
You need to create that same kind of leverage to getting better with women, or any other goal
you set for self.
Tony Robbins has a saying,  If you can t, you must. And if you must, you can.
You need to make the pain of not having what you want, so bad& that you must change.
In the section below I want you to really think about what is missing from your life. If you re
missing a certain kind of relationship you re seeking I want you to really think about the pain its
causing you. Get very specific about it. List the way you feel when you hear stories of your
friend s success and you have nothing to contribute& or how it feels spending another Christmas
alone. Think about that disgust you feel after jerking off too porn again.
If you
What am I missing out on?
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Once you ve associated enough pain to not having it, you need to associate massive pleasure to
finally achieving it.
Being content with our current situation derives from both lack of enough pain, or not enough
promise of pleasure.
In order to take the action needed to change your situation the reward has to be worth the effort.
You ve got know that the reward of going after what you want, is going to far exceed the effort it
takes to get there.
You ve already listed the pain associated with nothing having what you want. Now it s time to
get excited about going after what you want.
Be specific. If you re looking for a relationship write down all the things you can t wait to do
with a girl& like taking a vacation with her, having steamy sex, bragging to your friends&
What Can I Look Forward to?
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Get Confident
Now that you ve determined what you want, and have built up enough leverage to realize it is
time to go for it. You need to get confident in your ability to achieve it.
Before you design a plan for getting there it is important that you truly to believe that you have
the capability to achieve your goal.
In all of our pasts we have different obstacles that we ve overcome. Many of these obstacles
might have seemed insurmountable at the time.
It is important to remember that even things that once seemed impossible, we were able to
achieve. If we could do it then, we can do it now.
Below are examples of some the things I think about when I think about a how impossible a goal
I m striving for now seems.
1. I was a virgin till I was 18. It seemed I would never get laid. I thought I would never
find a girl to sleep with me. I thought I would never feel the warmth of a pussy. I lost my
virginity and since have gone on to sleep with more women than I can remember.
2. When I started college I got intimidated by the amount of work presented. Half of my
friends dropped out. I graduated.
3. The first 5 times I tried to drive stick shift I began to think it wasn t worth the effort to
learn. The sixth time I tried I got it perfectly and have been driving stick since.
4. The thought of leaving the country was intimidating to me. Last year I went to Brazil for
10 days completely alone.
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5. I had a female friend that I had a crush on for five years. I thought I would never have
the experience of kissing her. Five and a half years after meeting her we wound up in
bed together.
Now it s your turn. I don t care how little or insignificant the successes seem
now& if it was a big success for you at the time& write it down.
Things I ve Succeeded at in the Past
If you can t, you must& and if you must, you can!
And if you did before& you will again!
But you ve got to be willing to pay the price.
A great exercise is to take a challenge and put it all on the line. Make a public announcement
that you will achieve your goal by a certain date. Make a bet with a friend. Put some pressure
on yourself.
One of the greatest one night stands I ever had came after I started the site The Seduction Bible.
One of my friends was questioning my ability to give pickup advice. While this friend had
known me to have some really hot girlfriend, he didn t have faith in my ability to pick random
girls up at bars.
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Defending myself I argued myself into a corner. He finally said,  You can talk the talk& let s see
if you can walk the walk. That night we went out together to a local bar. Long story short& I
opened several sets and wound up taking an extremely attractive girl home and got her into bed.
That friend, not only admitted he was wrong, but now is a regular reader of the site.
Step 3: Create a Plan to Achieve It
So far you ve decided exactly what goal you want to achieve. Then you created some good
leverage for attaining that goal. You ve made it a must that you achieve the goal. You ve decided
that you absolutely have to make this happen. The next step is to create a plan for achieving it.
Having a goal is meaningless if you don t draw out a way of getting there. Without a concrete
plan you will find yourself going in circles for years.
Very often we decide that we want something. We think about how nice it will be to have it, yet
never take action to move closer towards it.
It is easy to say  I want to be more successful with women, or  I want to be more confident.
But until you create a plan for achieving these things they are simply wishes. You are basically
saying  These things would be nice to have& but unless someone comes and hands me them I ll
never have them.
A good plan consists of both acquiring the knowledge to make its achievement possible, and
mapping out the action steps needed to get there.
Let s create a plan for building inner game.
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If you ve decided that building rock solid inner game is a goal you must achieve, where would
you begin?
Obviously you are already had designed some plan& or else you wouldn t be here right now.
This weekend is part of the acquiring knowledge phase of your plan. In the back of this book I
reprinted some of the best articles I found on inner game. Between this weekend and those
articles you should have amassed quite a bit of knowledge on the subject.
So what action steps are you going to take now?
Have you decided to implement visualizations and affirmations to your daily regimen?
Have you decided that you need a workout plan for creating a better body and more energy?
Do you need to work on your posture and physiology?
Do you need to go to Toastmasters to break a fear of public speaking?
Are you going to join a club or class to further explore your passion?
Are you going to consciously make an effort to end negative self talk?
Are you going to eliminate negative people from your life?
Are you going to burn your ships/drop your crutches?
Make a habit of listening to inspirational material?
Make a habit of pushing yourself past your comfort zone daily?
Below I want you to write out your plan for achieving your goal. If you already feel your inner
game is at its peak& then pick one of your other goals. Write down a detailed plan for achieving
it. At the end, initial this plan, and set a date for its achievement.
My Plan for Achieving My Goal
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(My Plan Continued)
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Step 4: Eliminate Negative Beliefs
Once you have created a plan& the first person to try to stop you from achieving it will be
yourself. The self doubt will kick in and you will begin to question your ability to achieve your
More than anything in life, we are held back by what we believe is either possible or impossible
for us to achieve.
Many of these beliefs were formed during our childhood and adolescence. At a very young age I
developed a belief that there was fundamentally something wrong with me. I was shyer than all
of my classmates. The thought of speaking to one of pretty girls in my class was unheard of. If
they ever talked to me my voice would crack, I d sweat, and generally say something pretty
Throughout high school I carried the belief that I was never going to kiss a girl. And throughout
high school that belief held true. I took that belief with me into college. The first semester in
college I was the only guy in my fraternity not getting laid (not even hooking up?) This further
increased this deep held belief that I had.
It was until the winter break going into the Spring Semester of freshman year at college that I
decided I had to do something about it. I realized that while I was at college with my new
friends, my confidence tended to be higher, as these friends saw me in a more positive light. It
was when I visited my friends from high school that all of the old feelings and beliefs came
roaring their ugly heads. These high school friends were quick to remind me of my horrible
track record with women.
I finally decided that I had to distance myself from them.
It was only then that I really began to slowly transform the belief that weighed me down for so
It is these beliefs that we must first recognize and then overcome before we can fully realize our
Some of the other self limiting beliefs I have held over the years that have dragged
me down:
1. I just have a bad metabolism. It s impossible for me to lose weight.
2. I was born introverted. I can t change how God made me.
3. You have to come from money& to make money.
4. I need alcohol to be social.
5. I m not capable of having a one night stand.
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What are some of your beliefs that have held you back?
Changing a Limited Belief Exercise
(The exercise below, I found on Hypnotica s Ultimate Inner Game DVD.)
Purpose: To show you how these beliefs will impact your future.
1. Pick one of the most powerful negative beliefs that you have listed above.
Sit back and relax
Close your eyes and think about this belief.
Notice how it has affected your life up until this point in time. Notice some of the things you
haven t done. Notice some of the opportunities you haven t acted on. And how does that make
you feel? Is it a good energy? A bad energy? Do you feel stuck?
Now take this belief and move six months into the future. Six more months of carrying this
belief. Six months of taking with you all the bullshit, all the indecision, all the lack of progress,
all the lack of movement, all the excuses. Six more months of not doing the things you want.
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Notice how you go through this& six months of carrying with you this extra weight. Six months
in the future how does it feel carrying this all with you? Now, still six months in the future, look
in a mirror. How do you look? Do you look more alive? Do you less alive? Look at yourself and
notice the energy that comes with still having that belief.
Now take this belief and move one year into the future. One more year of carrying this belief
with you so that it s controlling and regulating your reality. One year of taking with you all the
baggage, the burden, all the opportunities lost. Taking with you the energy of all the
disappointments, the pain of beating yourself up. A year from now, what do other people say
when you start talking about your dreams but you have this. Look in the mirror now. Look
better? More alive? Less alive?
Now take this belief and imagine five years into the future. Five years of taking with you lost
opportunities, five years of taking with you all the self doubt, the negative energy, the excuses,
five years of not doing the things you want, of being trapped in that small world. How does that
feel? Are you proud of yourself? Do you feel good about yourself? Notice where in your body
you feel that energy. Look in the mirror now, five years after carrying all these burdens. Do you
look happier? Do you look more alive? What are people saying about you now? What do you
say about yourself now?
Now I want you to move twenty years into the future. Twenty years& this is who you are. These
are the beliefs you had. Twenty years of dragging with you disappointment, doubt, excuses,
dragging the energy of not doing what you want to do. Twenty years. Really feel how that feels.
Look in the mirror now. Who are you? Look back over the twenty years. Look at that tiny belief
that you made way back when& and how it affected your life. Look in the mirror. Do you look
more alive or less alive? How do you feel? What excuses do you have now?
And take that belief to the moment before your death and look back on that belief. Look at all
the life that little belief has stolen from you. Look at yourself once last time before you die and
ask yourself how you feel? Feel that energy.
Realize how that little belief has this effect. Really understand that future begins with a lack of
movement, a lack of behavior, a lack of belief in you. Really feel that. Like a snowball through
the years getting bigger and heavier.
Now go back in time. All the way back in time. Until you come back to this present moment.
Now realize that every belief has an effect on the rest of your life.
Now be happy that this future hasn t occurred yet. You have the choice to change that future.
You have a choice to change these limited beliefs that are holding you back.
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Step 5: Install a Positive New Belief
Have you ever heard the saying, what we believe& we achieve?
Well, it s true. If it s a fact they we are held back by our negative beliefs then wouldn t it make
sense that we can be propelled forward by our positive beliefs.
Haven t you met someone who had no reason to believe they would succeed& believed it
anyway& and succeeded.
The key is to take one of the beliefs that are holding you back and change it to empower you.
For instance, if you have the belief that you re not good looking enough to get women& change
the belief to  Since women aren t distracted by looks& they can focus on my charming
Seems corny right? But how much more attractive do you think you would be if you truly deeply
believed something like.
One of the beliefs that held me back my entire life was my belief that rejection from a girl was
the ultimate humiliation and embarrassment.
The story below is an example of how changing a belief changed my life:
Changing the Frame of Rejection
Growing up I was deathly afraid of rejection. In sixth grade I got my first girlfriend. I took her
to movies& and was too scared to my arm around her. In eighth grade I had a girl tell me she
wanted to suck my dick, but I was still too scared to go in for the initial kiss. My freshman year
of college it took me three dates with a girl to finally make a move.
I just give these examples to show my fear of rejection. I probably had a bigger fear than anyone
I knew.
By my sophomore year of college my friends and I had established ourselves as the rock stars of
the campus.
Because of this we had an inflated sense of worth. Our inner game was artificially sky high!
I remember a moment that changed my life.
One night I was at a bar. It was college night and most of my school was there. I began talking
with this girl Michelle. Michelle was president of the hottest sorority on campus. She and I had
a friendly relationship and we always took the time to chat when we saw each other.
That night we danced for a little bit. Although I was never super attracted to Michelle, that night
I found myself turned on to her. I must have misread some signals, and right on the dance floor,
in front of everyone, I went for a kiss. She turned her cheek. Neither of us acknowledged the
moment& and soon I was bouncing around the bar again.
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The next morning when I woke up and realized what had happened the night before& for a
minute I was petrified. The next minute I started laughing.
I went to my roommates and told them the entire story laughing the whole time.
We were on such a high back then that rejection couldn t affect us.
It got to the point where we loved telling our funny rejection stories. They were probably more
fun to tell then our countless success stories.
Since that day, I have learned to laugh at rejection. I laugh at the way I misread a signal.
Did you ever try to laugh at your failures? At your rejections?
It is pretty contagious.
Where I used to have a strong belief that rejection was ultimate embarrassment and pain& I
now believe that it is something hysterically funny.
Some other examples of positive beliefs that have helped me achieve some of my
1. It is easy to lose weight once I get focused and decide to make the change.
2. Once I plan a trip& the money to afford it will come to me.
3. Whenever I quit a job or get fired a better job will show up.
4. The end of any relationship means the beginning of a new one.
What are some new beliefs that could positively benefit
your future?
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Installing a Positive Belief Exercise
(The exercise below, I found on Hypnotica s Ultimate Inner Game DVD.)
Purpose: To show you how these beliefs will impact your future.
1. Pick a positive belief opposite of the negative belief you used in previous
State the belief in the positive. For example,  I meet women in my daily life.
Close your eyes. Think about this new empowering belief. Notice where in your body you feel it.
Notice now as you begin to accept this belief in your mind, notice how it begins to open up new
doorways, notice how it begins to open up new possibilities, new behavior. If you were to
imagine this were to be your belief right now. How would you look at the world differently?
Imagine one month in the future. One month of the new opportunities. One month of new
experiences. One month of new behavior. One month of doing things differently. Your mind
can even see new possibilities as you begin to do things you avoided before. Notice how many
more opportunities you have. What behaviors are you surprising yourself with now that you re
beginning to see the world differently? Imagine the mirror and look inside it& now look at it.
Look at yourself having been acting this way for a month. How does your energy feel? Are you
aware of how people are noticing you differently?
Now imagine yourself one year in the future. Notice all the new changes that you ve done. All
the new possibilities you ve thought about. All the new resources you ve developed. The new
sense of self of who you are. Each month of compounding successes. Each month of noticing
that you re making a difference. Notice all the opportunities that are opening up to you. Notice
everything everyone is saying about you. Gather all that strength, all the successes, all the
positive vibes. Now look at yourself in the mirror. A year of being this new person. Do you look
more alive? How is your energy? Is it beginning to grow and look more powerful? One year of
making changes that created this amazing sense of strength within you. As you re looking at
that mirror& how much healthier do you feel? Notice how differently your body feels?
Now imagine living two years in the future. Two years of carrying this positive belief, two years
of becoming more and more the person you ve always wanted to be. Now notice the energy in
your body. Does it feel more alive? More powerful? Look back at all the successes you ve had.
All the opportunities that opened up to you. Notice how those attitudes and behavior have
affected you. Two years of that energy. Two years of those successes. Two years of this positive
energy. Two years bringing with you success after success. Now look in the mirror. Notice what
you see. Do you look more alive? Do you feel and have more energy? And look back at how
easy it was to get to this point now. As time moved on you began to become more powerful.
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Now move five years into the future. Now this is who you are. This belief is part of your being.
Notice how you re reacting to people. Notice how the situations in the past that used to bother
you mean nothing. Notice how more powerful you are& how you re presenting yourself to the
world. Look at other people who used to have the same problem you did. What do you say to
them? Look in the mirror. Is this the person that you want to be? Do you look younger? Do you
feel more vibrant?
Now imagine 20 years of bringing with you these successes. 20 years of bringing with you this
sense of power. This personal power. Taking control of your life. Choosing your destiny.
Separating yourself from most people. What are you teaching the rest of the world through your
actions? What has this belief contributed to your overall sense of being?
20 years into the future having all this personal power... become patterned in. 20 years of
bringing with you this energy that just builds and builds. Now look in the mirror. Is this the
person you re proud to be?
Now look back over your life and think about this belief. Was it worth it? Is this the life you
wanted? Notice how you brought this all upon yourself through this belief. Notice how
powerful your energy is. You are a model for all of these people.
Take 5 deep breaths and breathe this energy in. Breathe it in so it begins to course through your
veins. Bring a smile out and feel good about it. Take a couple more deep breaths and bring this
energy and power into you. Now take five more deep breaths and really feel that energy. Now
imagine a sphere forming around you that capsulate the energy with you. Allowing you to take
that energy with you out of this room.
Now only come back to reality as fast as you realize that this energy can stay with you.
Step 6: Learn to Enjoy the Process of
Getting There
If you don t like it& learn to love it
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Even after we change some of the beliefs that we held in regard to achieving our goal& there are
still some obstacles that we will face.
One of the greatest obstacles that keep people from their goals is simply that they don t enjoy the
process of getting there.
If you re goal is to be a competent social artist, you are going to have to enjoy going out to social
situations to achieve it. If you re goal is to get in shape, you are going to have spend time
exercising to get there.
Hopefully by having changed some of your internal beliefs you ll begin to enjoy things you didn t
But the key to permanent and everlasting change is find something that your passionate about
and incorporate it into everything that you do.
Discovering Your Passion Workshop
Our passions are what fuel us in life. If goals are what get us out of bed, passion is what keeps us
going throughout the day.
The first time I heard that phrase it was from an Anthony Robbins CD. At the time, although I
found it motivating, I didn t truly grasp the concept of living with passion.
At first I tried to artificially create a sense of passion in my life. I used body language,
physiology, and voice tonality to present a passionate looking man to the world. And as
Sebastian Drake talked about in our recent interview with him, improving these things will
create a sense of  passive value for you& and eventually you might even begin to feel a bit more
passionate in your day to day activities.
While improving areas of your non verbal communication may make you look and feel like a
more passionate person, and are an excellent place to start& ultimately you still won t be living
with passion.
You may be asking;  what does living with passion have to do with improving my skills at
attracting women?
My answer is; Everything.
The greatest pickup artists in the world usually have a passion in their life greater than seducing
For Mystery it is his love of magic and showmanship, for Neil Strauss it s his love of journalism,
for Cajun and Mehow its theatre, for Tyler Durden its adventure, for Christian Hudson its
entrepreneurship, for Extramask its comedy&
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What living with a higher passion does for each of these PUAs is it gives them a reason to exist
other than picking up women. It gives them something to get excited about every morning. It
gives them something fascinating to talk to about. It gives them something to strive for,
something that gives meaning to their existence.
Six years ago I headed down to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a couple weeks to visit a friend. That
trip ignited a passion in me that burns strongly to this day. Bobby Rio s passion in life is
traveling the world. My desire to see the world is stronger than my desire for any girl or to
make any amount of money. In fact, it defines a lot of my criteria for jobs and relationships. I
will never work a job that does not give me the flexibility to travel often (2 weeks vacation a year
won t cut it) nor will I date a girl who won t just get up and go on a wild adventure with me.
How this relates to pickup and seduction
Since no one can ever take my love of travel away from me& I never attach excess meaning to
winning or losing with a particular girl. My happiness is never defined by how many notches I ve
added to my belt. I live with a willingness to walk away from any girl&
And like Life Coach Justin says in his  Build it and they will Come article,  this will help you
have a strong basis for your self-esteem outside of your success with women, and that, ironically,
this will attract women.
I think that the first step in cultivating your passion is to ask yourself,  If money wasn t an issue,
what would I be doing with my life?
Really taking time to think about this question will begin to give you a deeper understanding
into what internally drives you.
Below I want you to list all things that you absolutely love doing. These should be things that
inspire you, things you love talking about, and things you couldn t live without. There can be as
few or as many as you want.
My Passions
What are some ways I can further develop my passion?
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How Can I tie in my passion with my other goals?
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Step 7: Take an Immediate Action
Toward Getting There
Talk is cheap. If you want change& you need to walk the walk
At this point; you have a goal, you have some motivation for achieving it, you ve got a plan,
you ve replaced some limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and you ve found a way to
incorporate your passion into achieving it.
Now it s time to take action.
Right now, before moving on to the next exercise, I want all of you to write down 2 actions you
are going to take this weekend to get you toward your goal.
I don t get what your goal is; I am sure you can find two things you can do right now. If you
want to lose weight& go for a run on the beach. If you want to get better talking to girls& you
know what you have to do. Even if you re goal is to make a million dollars& I m sure there is an
email you can send& or something you can do right now.
2 Action Steps I am Going to Take This Weekend
Although we are going to push ourselves this weekend to take action towards our goal, it is
important to understand that obtaining this goal is going to involve creating new habits.
Changing Bad Habits Workshop
What is a habit?
Simply stated, a habit is something that we do so often it becomes easy. It is a behavior that you
keep repeating. If you persist at developing new behavior eventually it becomes automatic.
For many of us, our failure with women is simply because we ve formed poor habits over the
years. Some of these bad habits were formed because we were never taught correctly at a young
age. No one ever told not to  put the pussy on a pedestal. We watched actors in our favorite
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movies winning over the lead actress with flowers, poems, and declarations of love& and we
incorrectly modeled ourselves after them.
Some of our other bad habits with women developed simply because it was easy. It was easier
not to talk to a woman in a bar than to risk rejection. It was easier to not ask for the phone
number, it was easier to not attempt to physically escalate the encounter. It was easier to not go
to the gym to improve our physical appearance. It was easier to not spend some time to learn
about fashion, or body language, or proper use of tonality. Over time, we just began to accept
these habits as our reality. These habits began to define who we were.
 I m not the kind of guy who hits on girls in a bar.
 I m not the kind of guy who has one night stands.
 I m not the kind of guy who goes to the gym.
 I m not the kind of guy who is knowledgeable about fashion.
 I just have bad posture.
If you had formed different habits earlier on in your life, you may just as easily be saying:
 I always hit on girls in the bar
 I m constantly sleeping with new girls
 I ve always been in shape.
Do get where I m going with this?
If you want to be successful with women doesn t it make sense to follow the habits of the guys
who are successful?
Isn t it time that you drop the habits that are holding you back from what you truly want?
This relates to all areas of your life. Let s say you want to be financially independent. Doesn t it
make sense to check your money-making habits? Do you consistently save and invest at least 10
percent of your income? The answer is either  yes or  no. Immediately you can see if you re
moving in the right direction. The key word here is consistent. That means every month. And
every month is a good habit. Most people dabble when it comes to growing their money. They
are very inconsistent.
Your habits determine your future. Negative habits breed negative consequences.
Successful habits breed positive rewards. That is just the way life is.
Many of our habits, patterns, idiosyncrasies and quirks are invisible. This means we need to
really look closely at the habits that are holding us back.
Below are some habits that tend to result in the loss of self esteem or failure with
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" Not staying in shape.
" Not grooming well enough
" Poor posture
" Talking instead of listening
" Procrastinating everything from opening a girl to doing your taxes
" Keeping your house and car clean.
" Eating unhealthy
" Drinking too much when you go out
" Negative self talk
" Jerking off too much
" Deciding you  want a girl before getting to know her
" Talking yourself out of action with lame excuses
" Playing video games or watching TV instead of socializing
These were some of the common habits that guys share who are lacking the inner game that they
Below is a formula I got from a book called  The Power of Focus. I found that this formula is
remarkable for changing bad habits.
The Successful Habits Formula
1. Clearly Identify Your Bad or Unproductive Habits.
2. Define Your New Successful Habit
3. Create a Three Part Action Plan
An Example
1. My posture is horrible. I often appear slouched over, and withdrawn. I don t have a
confident walk.
2. I walk with poise and confidence. My posture is that of a confident man.
3. First I will read some articles on proper posture and practice emulating the pictures.
Next I will have a friend who is aware of my plan and ready to point out my bad posture
whenever he notices it. Finally I will tie a string around my finger to continually remind
myself to be aware of my posture.
Your turn
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Use the space below to write down as many of your unsuccessful habits. Rather than just being
aware of these negative habits, decide what you want your new habit to be, and create an action
plan for getting there.
I ve left space for 10 habits. If you run out of habits directly related to inner game include other
habits that you might want to change like quit smoking, saving money, or spending less time on
the phone.
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Learn to Control Your Emotions
Inner game is not about succeeding any time. In order to be as good a baseball player as Alex
Rodriguez, I think we would all agree he must have rock solid inner game.
Alex Rodriguez does not get a hit every time he goes up to the plate. In fact, there are times the
bases are loaded, the game is on the line& and he strikes out. He does this in front of 50,000
people live, and millions of people watching on television. He does this knowing that journalists
around the country are going to talk about it, and fans are going to discuss it, and the manager,
teammates, and owners are going to have their opinion.
Can you imagine any more possible pressure?
My point is you re not good or bad based on one experience. Or even a collection of experiences.
Alex Rodriguez is as good as he is because he is able to learn to master his emotions. If he went
up to the plate every time knowing how much pressure is on him... how would ever possibly hit
the ball?
If every time he struck out or grounded into a double play he dwelled in the emotion of
frustration or disappointment& how would he ever gather the courage to walk back up to the
He is as good as he is because he is able to acknowledge the emotion of disappointment or
frustration. He then looks for the lesson that was offered from the situation. Maybe he is
swinging for fences instead of just trying to make contact, maybe he took his eye off the ball for a
split second too long, or maybe the pitcher was just having a damn good day.
Once he realizes what action causes the frustration he can move on. He can move on because he
knows that in the past he s overcome slumps. So there is no reason he can t overcome them in
the future. Once he knows that he is certain of his ability to overcome it again, he goes and
works with the hitting coach to fix the flaw in his artillery.
6 Steps for taking control of your emotions
1. Identify the emotion
2. Acknowledge and appreciate what it is offering you
3. Get curious about what the emotion is offering
4. Reassure yourself about it by thinking how you overcame it in the past.
5. Get certain about your ability to overcome this in the future
6. Take Action
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Cultivate these emotions to make your inner game grow
1. Love/Warmth
2. Thankfulness
3. Curious
4. Excited and Passionate
5. Determination
6. Flexibility
7. Confidence/Faith
8. Cheerful
9. Healthy/Energetic
10. Sense of Contribution
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My Success Page
In the section below I want you to write down all of the successes that you have had in your life.
Include any successes that you had this weekend. From here on out& write down every success
that you have to remind yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals.
My Success List
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Coming Up Next&
Lesson #06: How to Get People to Like You (part 1)
The secrets to being liked. This really is POWERFUL stuff we will be going over next
It will really blow your mind when you see just how we make our decisions as to who we
are going to like.
Audio Class #06: Building the Lifestyle
If you've heard of Brent Smith, then you know THIS GUY LIVES THE DREAM. Brent is
an international playboy, known for mingling with societies elite, and throwing some
world class parties.
In this training session Brent and I are going to show you how to build the lifestyle of a
Previous Lessons 
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
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More Inner Game Notes
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