A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Lesson #6
How to Be Liked (part 1)
Building the Lifestyle MP3
Building the Lifestyle MP3
Bobby Rio
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
For our more experienced members who may find some of this information "basic" and are
looking for more advanced stuff& you will be happy to know that the lessons progress in
"complexity" as you go along.
However, I do want to say that these lessons are EXTREMELY important. As these lessons will
not only get you more women& they will affect your entire life in a positive way.
I have tried to balance the weekly lessons and the weekly Audio Classes so that you are
receiving a wide range of knowledge& in bite-sized chunks so that you can go out and practice
implementing this stuff immediately.
Note: Download links for previous lessons will be at the close of each PDF file in
case you missed or misplaced an earlier edition.
©2010 Bobby Rio- all rights reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members Page 3
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
This is the first of a two part lesson on "how to be liked." In all of the hoopla
surrounding the "how to pick up women" world& they seem to forget to teach the
average guy how to fit in and make friends with people (men and women)
Making friends& will POINT BLANK get you more women.
How to Be Liked (part 1)
Everything you learned in The Howitzer Method and the "Confidential Social
Manuscript" is dependent on one thing:
Your ability to get people to like you.
In fact, if there is one trait that will take you further in life than any other, it is the trait
Likeability gets you invited to parties.
Likeability gets you promotions.
Likeability gets you contacts, women, and opportunities you never dreamed of.
And the best part is&
Likeability is something that you can create.
In today's lesson I am going to teach you the 8 ways to get people to like you.
After reading through the various answers I received from all of the apprentices in this
program& it became abundantly clear that in order to effectively implement The
Howitzer' it will be important that we go over some solid foundations for conversation
skills. The more confident you become in your ability to hold a conversation' the more
likely you will be to get off your ass and use this stuff.
But this week, I want to get you focused on the idea of becoming likeable. This is a long
lesson and I am going to separate it into two weeks.
So let's get started'
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
The 8 Ways to Get People to Like You:
Part 1: Rules One to Four
Rule 1:
Back in college there was this guy in my fraternity, Dave, who I just couldn't stand. I just
found him annoying, and tried to avoid him as much as possible. He quickly realized
that I wasn't fond of him, and began resenting me to the point our relationship turned
Although we both tried to avoid each other, circumstance found us together where we
often got into fierce arguments' and we even came to blows on one occasion.
Although many of our friends tried to unite us, pretty much nothing could stop the
animosity that had built up between us&
Nothing except "KILL A KEG"
Kill a Keg is a drinking competition held between the various fraternities at Montclair
State University every year.
Each frat forms a team of seven members, and then competes to see who can finish a
quarter keg in the quickest time.
The competition has always been taken pretty seriously on Montclair's campus. Our
fraternity had won the "Golden Keg" 18 out of 20 years.
This year, however, we were facing stiff competition from a frat that had just pledged in
a ton of big hardcore drinking guys.
We were scared.
The entire time my generation was in the frat we had never lost. Our older alumni would
come every year to watch' which added additional pressure.
The other frat, Delta Chi, had been talking a lot of shit around campus. They were
hungry for the "Golden Keg" and openly admitted that they had been practicing for the
A few days before the event we decided to choose this year's team.
We had a quick drink off, with the last seven men standing declared this year's
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Needless to say, both Dave and I made the final cut.
I dreaded having to share the same team as Dave. I started having this sinking feeling
that Dave and I would erupt into an argument in the heat of battle' and blow the whole
thing for our team.
But when the big day came' we put on our game faces and strolled onto the field.
And a miracle occurred.
Not only did our team win the competition'. But we finished the entire keg in 26 minutes
-breaking the 17 year old record of 42 minutes.
The second place team, Delta Chi, finished more than 10 minutes after us.
It was pandemonium on the field.
And an odd thing happened.
Dave and I were suddenly in the middle of field slapping hands and hugging each other.
That night, we threw a 400+ person Victory Party where we paraded our golden keg
around the house.
And Dave and I spent the entire party drinking together, laughing, and just genuinely
enjoying each other's company.
I learned a valuable lesson that night.
It is impossible not to like someone when you're feeling extremely good.
Have you ever been watching your favorite sports team win a championship game?
Or sit in amazement as your favorite band plows through an unbelievable set at a
Or just found out you got a promotion?
If you have, you probably noticed something' you seemed to like those people around
you just a tad bit more.
Yes, the first factor of liking is Association: This means that you pair yourself with
pleasurable stimuli.
If you are close to someone when their favorite team wins the Super Bowl they will feel
liking toward you. If you are near someone when they find out they just aced a test&
they will feel liking toward you. If you meet someone who is happily enjoying their
vacation' they will feel like toward you.
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Like Factor 1: Association with pleasurable stimuli.
Rule 2:
Take a moment and think about your best friends. Think about the guys and girls that
you like the most.
How did you become friends with them?
If you're like most people, you made friends with the people that you spent the most
time around.
Maybe you had a class with them and slowly over the course of the class the two of you
became friends.
Or maybe they were on your little league team growing up.
Here is another example:
Take a look at most of married people that you know. Ask them the story of how they
What you're most likely going to hear is a story about how they worked together. Or they
shared a mutual friend and ran into each other a lot.
This brings us into the second factor of liking, repeat exposure: This says that the more
we are around someone the more we begin to like them.
I remember a couple years ago I had a trip planned to Brazil with my friend Bill and my
brother. Brazil had always been our place, and I was looking forward to the three of us
heading back down there to delve into some debauchery.
And then Bill unexpectedly invited two more guys to come down to Rio de Janeiro with
us. These two guys, who I had only met once before, would be sharing an apartment
with us for 10 days.
I was not looking forward to it.
But, by the end of second day, everything changed.
By being forced to spend basically 48 straight hours together we quickly gelled and it felt
as if I knew these two strangers for years.
Add on top of that the association of pleasurable stimuli' I began to really like these two
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Like Factor 2: Repeat Exposure
Rule 3:
The other night my girlfriend and a group of our friends went out to celebrate her
My girlfriend had a friend with her, Lina, who I chatted with casually throughout the
course of the night. Lina is only mildly attractive, and the conversation that we had was
not memorable in my eyes.
A couple days after we went out my girlfriend was on the phone talking enthusiastically
in Spanish to someone.
When she hung up the phone, she smiled brightly at me and said, "You made a pretty
big impression on Lina' she really likes you, and couldn't stop talking about how much
fun she had the other night."
And suddenly I liked Lina.
I mean how could I not?
She appreciated what a cool, fun, charming guy I am.
Of course I like her.
In fact, I encouraged my girlfriend to invite Lina to come down the beach with us next
Everyone enjoys being liked' and wants to be around those that like us. Even yours
Which brings us to the third factor of liking, the law of reciprocal affection: We like
those who like us.
We all have a soft spot in our hearts for those who like us.
And if you can let other people know that you like them' they will most often reciprocate
the affection.
There is one trick to this. It is best to express your liking through a third party. It seems
much more genuine this way.
The same way Lina expressed her liking toward me to my girlfriend, you should express
your liking towards someone to a third party who is likely to repeat your declaration to
the intended recipient.
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
Like Factor 3: The Law of Reciprocal Affection
Rule 4:
A few years back there was a long drawn out trial held for a man indicted on multiple
cases of fraud. He had apparently swindled many people out of a great fortune and he
was facing up to 20 years in prison.
The prosecutors viewed the case an open and closed case. The evidence against him was
So everyone was extremely surprised when it was announced that there was a hung jury.
The jury had voted guilty 11-1. But that lone holdout kept this man out of jail. As much
as they tried they just could not get that last woman to vote guilty.
After the proceedings she was hounded by reporters wanting to know her feelings on the
And she only wanted to talk about one thing' the defendant's harelip.
Yes the defendant suffered from a harelip.
And apparently so did the woman's only child.
This woman viewed this man as being so similar to her child because they both suffered
from a harelip, that she could not bring herself to send him to jail.
Which introduces us to the fourth factor of liking, similarity: We like those that are
similar to us.
Many people often ask me "Why did you decide to pledge the fraternity you did?"
And my answer never changes, "Because those were the guys most like me."
It is human nature to like those similar to us.
This is why black guys generally make friends with black guys. Indians hang out with
Indians. Asians with Asians. Rich people with rich people. And Athletes with Athletes.
We like those who are most similar to us.
If you want someone to like you, share a similarity with them. It can be something as
basic as the fact that the two of you have harelips, like the example earlier. Or it can be
the fact that you're both recovering alcoholics. Or you both strongly value religion. Or
you both pee a lot.
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A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
I remember a few years back, I was going through a period where I was having trouble
getting erections during sex. It was a psychological problem. But nonetheless, it bugged
and embarrassed the hell out of me.
At the time, my brother told me one of his good friends was having the same problem&
I instantly liked this guy.
Why? Because I felt similar to him.
Like Factor 4: Similarity
Next week I will list the next four factors of likeability.
See you in 7 days
Bobby Rio
Publisher, Social Training Lab
This Week's Audio Class Download
Week 6 Audio: Building the Lifestyle with Brent Smith
If any of you have ever seen Brent's Facebook profile& . You know that this guys LIVES
THE LIFE. He travels the world, parties with Supermodels, and is known for his
Champaign parties wherever he goes.
This Week's Bonus Report (mailed yesterday)
Weekly Schedule of Activities
1. Review this lesson
2. Listen to the audio class and take notes
©2010 Bobby Rio- all rights reserved http://www.socialtraininglab.com/members Page 10
A Social Training Lab Lesson: "Six Months to Mastery"
3. Make list of all the ways you can potentially use these first four rules to infiltrate a
social circle.
4. Pick a date to start planning a party (SPEED OF IMPLEMENTATION, BABY)
When I sent you the questions to answer one of the questions was "Write down the first
steps you need to take"
All of you were pretty clear about the first steps you need to take are.
Have you taken them yet?
If not, take at least one of the first steps you wrote down.
If you are unsure of how' then write me with specific questions about your situation
Coming Up Next&
Lesson #07: "How to be Liked" (part 2)
We continue with more of the critical factors that make people like us.
Audio Class #07: Social Circle Game
This is one of the most enlightening classes on social circle game you will ever find.
Braddock, of Love Systems, joins me to discuss topics such as how to build, maintain,
and attract girls from within a social circle.
Previous Lessons
Previous Lessons
Week 1: http://www.greatseducer.com/Mentorship/Week-1.zip
Week 2: http://www.greatseducer.com/Mentorship/Week-2.zip
Week 3: http://www.greatseducer.com/Mentorship/Week-3.zip
Week 4: http://www.greatseducer.com/Mentorship/Week-4.zip
Week 5: http://www.greatseducer.com/Mentorship/Week-5.zip
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