exam & skills test 9&10b nowy

9&10 Exam & Skills Test Student B

Słuchanie (10 marks)

Exam task

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwie rozmowy. Zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

CD Track 11

1 Jessica can go to Tom's party. ______

2 Jessica failed her Maths exam. ______

3 Jessica's parents aren't worried. ______

4 Simon didn't study for his exam. ______

5 Johny wants Simon to study at his house for the exam. ______


2 Posłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i uzupełnij luki jednym słowem.

CD Track 11

1 Jessica can't go to the ______________ on Friday.

2 Her parents are really______________ .

3 Simon's teacher isn't very ______________ .

4 Simon went to the ______________ every evening.

5 There's an ______________ exam next Tuesday.


Funkcje językowe i Środki językowe (10 marks)

Exam task

3 Przeczytaj poniższe wypowiedzi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą reakcję.

1 A: - Where did you stay?

B: _______________________

a) - It was a bit boring.

b) - We sunbathed every day.

c) - On a campsite.

2 A: - What's the matter?

B: _______________________

a) - Never mind.

b) - I failed the English test.

c) - They are very popular in Spain.

3 A: - How do you get to school?

B: _______________________

a) - I didn't take a bus.

b) - I usually go by car.

c) - I hate tests and exams.

4 A: - What was the weather like?

B: _______________________

  1. - I was on holiday in France.

  2. - It was foggy and cold.

  3. - We were bored all the time.

5 A: How was your holiday?

B: _______________________

  1. - It was great!

  2. - My parents have got a new house.

  3. - It was late.

  4. 5

    Exam task

    4 Przeczytaj poniższy dialog. Uzupełnij luki 1-5, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a, b lub c.

    Pete: Hi, George! Where were you last week? I didn't 1 _________ you at the basketball game on Monday.

    George: No, I didn't go.I 2 _________a really busy week. I was busy every evening after school.

    Pete: Every evening?

    George: Well … On Monday I stayed at home. It was my brother's birthday - he's twelve - and on Thursday I didn't go out. I was tired so I watchedTV.

    Pete: Where did you go on Tuesday?

    George: I went skateboarding with Angela.

    Pete: Really?

    George: Yes … On Wednesday I was 3 _________ Sarah's house, we finished our History homework.

    Pete: Did you 4 _________ to the school concert on Friday?

    George: No, I didn't. I went swimming with Katie on Friday.

    Pete: Oh! How was your weekend?

    George: It was fun! I 5 _________ to a Maroon 5 concert on Saturday night with Lisa, it was great. On Sunday I went to the cinema with Mary.

    Pete: George, who are these girls?

    George: Pete, they're my cousins!

    1 a) saw b) see c) to see

    2 a) had b) have c) has

    3 a) in b) to c) at

    4 a) went b) go c) goes

    5 a) to go b) go c) went


    Czytanie (10 marks)

    Exam task

    5 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań są godne zgodne z jego treścią (T) , a które nie (F).

    Hi! My name's Luke and I'm 26 years old. I'm from Australia. I love skiing, snowboarding and climbing.

    Four years ago I climbed Mount Everest with my Argentinian friend, Marcelo. We started our journey in April. There were 25 people in our climbing team. We arrived at Start camp in June but stayed there for three days because there was lots of snow and it was very windy. We started the climb to the top on the 24th June. On the morning of the 25th June we reached the top. It was amazing!

    We were tired but very happy. We stayed at the top of the mountain for just 15 minutes. We took lots of photos for our friends and families. Two years ago I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It was a fantastic climb but my trip to Mount Everest is a trip I can never forget.

    1 Luke likes snowboarding. ______

    2 He climbed Mount Everest in April. ______

    3 Luke reached the top of Mount Everest on 24th June. ______

    4 Luke climbed Mount Kilimanjaro two years ago. ______

    5 Luke didn't like the trip to Mount Everest. ______


    6 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania.

    0 What does Luke love doing?
    He loves skiing, snowboarding and climbing. .

    1 Which country is Marcelo from?


    2 How many people were in the climbing team?


    3 When did they arrive at Start camp?


    4 How long did they stay at Start camp?


    5 How long did they stay at the top?



    Pisanie (10 marks)

    7 Napisz pocztówkę do przyjaciela, wykorzystując informacje poniżej. Użyj około 50-60 słów.

    Place: France

    With: parents and cousin


    Hotel Chateau Francais


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    Mountain biking

    Dear _____________________________________________

    We had a great time in …

    See you soon,





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    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT






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    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT



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