4)12 09 Great britain vocabulary VIa

Lesson plan

Teacher's name: Janusz Rybski

Date: 12th September, 2012

Class: IVa - elementary school

Number of students 17

Level of the class Elementary

Topic: Great Britain-vocabulary


Groupings: - Whole class and work in pairs

Students can: -pronounce vocabulary connected with Great Britain

Student know: - vocabulary connected with Great Britain

Teaching aids: - blackboard, pictures, colored cards

Language items to be taught:

Lexical: - vocabulary from the lesson

Functional: - creating dialogues

Anticipated problems: -Students may have problems with the discipline

-Students may have problems with pronounciation

Sugested solution: -Give the troublesome student a yelow card

-Correct them after speech





T elicits from Ss two common phrases for introducing themselves. T tells the students that they are going to listen to different children introducing themselves and their friends, and giving their ages. T plays the recording and Ss need to fill the missing information.

- introduce themselves and their friends
- give their and their friends ages




T asks Ss to complete the speech bubbles for the girl and the boy. T reminds them to follow the pattern from the previous activity. T plays the recording twice.

- complete the missing information




T tells Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined letters. T plays the recording twice. Ss repeat each word carefully.

- pronounce the /t/ sound in different words correctly



T asks Ss to read the sentences in pairs. T plays the track twice. Then , T asks them to practise reading the sentences and then T asks them to repeat the sentences chorally out loud.

- guess the name of a job on the basis of the picture connected to it




Then, T gets Ss into small groups and try to come up with similar sentences that are full of /t/ sound.

- write sentences with /t/ sound




T asks Ss to read the sentences out loud and prizes the correct ones with pluses.

- fill the missing phrases from the cartoon




Student's signature Supervisor's signature

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