Lesson Plan 1 y7

LESSON PLAN NAME: Urszula Cienin

Subject: ICT

Date: 13/11/2013

Period: 5

Class: Year 9

Mixed Ability or Set? Mixed

Ability Range: Mixed



Creating tables

Sequence of


Learning Objectives:

  • To recognise an area of development when creating a website

  • To carry out self -assessments

Prior Learning & Context for Lesson

Students have learnt the basic HTML structure.

Future Learning - what this lesson leads towards?

Students will be confident in building their website.

Targeting the following students:

XX - Step by step guide and support will be given

Stage of Lesson

Teaching and Learning Activities

& Use of Additional Adult if A

Formative Assessment of Learning

Other AfL

Progress Indicators / Success Criteria


(4 min)


(3 mins)

(3 mins)

(10 mins)

(7 mins)

(10 mins)

(18 mins)


(5 mins)

Class Discussion

Introduction to expectation from students. Rules at the class room.

What we have learnt on the last lesson and what we are going to learn today.


Class Demonstration

  • Basic website page sketch will be drawn on the board

  • Students will be asked to give me a code I should write to start to code my web page

Expected answer will be: <html><body></body></html>


Class Discussion

What is table? The rows and columns.

Do you know how to use tables in Microsoft Word?

What you can insert into the tables?


Class Demonstration

Basic table will be drawn on the board with text indicating what can be included in this section.


Name of the website or banner



Content of our website

Now I will demonstrate how to write a code for this table. Full explanation will be given.

Questions will be asked:

How many columns we've got? 2

How many rows we've got? 2

<table border=””5px>






Name of the website or banner





Navigation Links



Content of our website





Student Task 1

Students will be asked to type the code for table into Notepad.


Class Demonstration

A table will be drawn:





Students will play a role of the teacher and will tell me what I should write to code my table.

How many columns and rows is here? Students will answer that 2. This will be the wrong answer as there are 3 columns.

Students will be explained why they see 2 columns and we have 3 columns.

Colspan attribute, width and height will be introduced.

Colspan spans two columns (merge them).

The code for that web page should look like that:

<table width="960" height="500" border="5px">


<td width="200">



<td colspan="2">





<td colspan="2">



<td width="400">





Student Task 1

Two website page sketches will be prepared. Every second student will get the same sketch.

Students will be asked to write a code for that sketch.

Asses' knowledge and understanding of students.

Sketch 1.

My banner


Navigation links



Sketch 2

Banner with logo


Navigation links



What <table> stands for?

What <tr> stands for?

What <td> stands for?

What <td colspan> stands for?

How we can change dimensions of our table, rows and/or columns?

Have you identified what level you are on? What are you going to do to improve this?

All Students

Will be able to code html table structure

Some Students

Will be able to create an action plan on how to improve their level.

Step by step guide on how to code html table for those who are less able.

Outcome of tasks through Q&A.

Formative assessment through probing questions such as “explain”.

Monitor students on task and ask further questions to higher ability and provide further clarification to lower ability.

Observation of tasks.

Interactive Plenary - assessing knowledge gained.

Student Self-Assessment.


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