20 Mymily (moje)

Gymnázium F.X.Š.

Nováková Tereza


My family

My mother

My mother is of medium height and medium-built with slender waist. She has short thick wavy brown hair with a chignon and streaked with red. She has a round face. In the middle of her face there are two small brown eyes with short eyelashes. She must wear reading glasses. Under them there are a small round snub nose and thin lips. She has two small ears with gold earrings. She usually wears some T-shirt and trousers. She loves reading and sometimes she needles. She often cleans our house; she washes, cooks and washes up every day. She is nice, kind, willing, hardworking, attractive, outgoing calm, open, honest and patient person. She is a teacher so she must be patient very much. She is often good tempered and jolly but sometimes she is bad tempered and gloomy. But she is still vital.

Time together

Every of members of our family are too busy and we have not so much time to be together. But sometimes we have time and then we play some games e.g. activity, craps, cards and so on. We usually come together at lunch or dinner so we speak about my and my brother's school, what happened to us, what we are going to do this day and so on. Sometimes we watch television (some good film) together and sometimes we meet our relatives (grandma, grandpas, aunts, uncles).

My ideal husband

My husband should be nice, kind, reliable; he should have a job and earn money but not job for all day. I would like to be at home with him in the afternoon. He should love his children. He should be regardful of me. He needn't be rich but if he was rich I would be satisfied.

Family events

proposing to sb. - požádání o ruku

getting engaged - zasnoubení se

wedding - svatba (wedding dress, wedding ring, wedding card, bunch of flowers, marriage settlement, marriage vow, marriage certificate, wedding gifts, honeymoon)

church wedding - církevní svatba

golden wedding - zlatá svatba

silver wedding - stříbrná svatba

china wedding - porcelánová svatba

diamond wedding - dimantová svatba

tin wedding - cínová svatba

funeral ceremony - pohřeb (coffin, funeral service, wreath and candles, mortuary, cemetery, tomb, bereaved family)

birthday - narozeniny

jubilee - výročí (padesáté výročí)

decennial - desáté výročí

sexennial - šesté výročí

christening party - křtiny

birth - narození dítěte

My daily program

Every working day I wake up early because I must go to school in other town. My town is several kilometres far from the town Liberec where my school is. In the morning I wash my face and clean my teeth with a toothbrush. Then I take a snack and go to the bus station. There I get into the bus and go to Liberec. In the bus I usually sleep but sometimes I learn there. I get of the bus in Liberec at the station named Růžodol I. Sometimes I go by car with my friend. I love it more than the bus because it is more comfortable, faster and my friend brings me to my school. Then I go to the grammar school. There I must learn. My lessons end at 13:50 o'clock every day besides Thursday. On this day I my lessons end at 14:40 o'clock. Then I must go to the bus station, too and then I go home. At home there I have lunch and watch television, read a book, cook something or learn. At about 6 o'clock I have dinner and then I have a shower and clean my teeth. In the evening I usually learn or watch television. At about 10 o'clock I go to sleep.

At the weekend I wake up later. I usually wake up when we have lunch. On these days I have a rest and go out and go to the disco with my friends. On Sunday evening I usually learn for next day.

The course of life

new-born child - novorozeně

baby - dítě

infant - nemluvně

toddler - batole

youth - mládí

teenager - mladistvý

adult - dospělý

senior - starší člověk

retiree - důchodce

What the baby does and needs

nurse - kojit

give a child baby food - dávat dítěti umělou stravu

nappy - plínka

The baby is teething. - Rostou mu zuby.

Take the baby in arms. - Kolébat dítě.

calm down - utišit

rock in a cradle - kolébat v kolébce

cot - dětská postýlka

highchair - dětská židle

baby-walker - chodítko

dummy - dudlík

sing a lullaby - zpívat ukolébavku

baby talk - dětské žvatlání

baby-sitting - hlídání dětí

upbringing, education - výchova

Life of old people

The old people are retired. They usually have no job and they have much time to travel, go on trips and visit their friends and relatives. They draw their pension. They grow weak, turn grey and go bald. Some old people enjoy good health but some other people suffer from various health problems. Some old people live at their own home, some live at their relatives and some live in old people's home.

Problems of young people

Many teens are puzzled, rude and untidy and they feel inferior. They often talk back to their parents and other people. They usually hate them telling them what to do. But some teens have a good relation with their parents and other people. In this period they usually fall in love but in this period sometimes they start taking drugs - soft drugs and hard drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, marihuana, cocaine, heroin and so on)


Although HIV-AIDS emerged late in the last century, more than 42 million individuals have been infected and 25 million have died worldwide, making AIDS, like malaria, a strong selective force for disease-associated genetic factors. Many of the genes that mediate immune response or that are co-opted by HIV for completion of its lifecycle show differences in allele frequencies, as a result of drift, migration or selection. Here we show that the majority of AIDS candidate genes and AIDS restriction genes show significant differences in allele frequencies, possibly the result of historic selective pressures. These genes are undergoing present day natural selection in populations with high AIDS prevalence.

Problems in a family

In some family parents have words with each other, in other family father often goes to pubs and comes back drunken, sometimes parents have hard work and they are not at home so much, sometimes one of parents has a lover. Then parents usually get divorced. All these things have an influence on their children.


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