11 Wire鞰 V20 4 axis profiles & constraints


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Version 20

4 Axis Profiles & Constraints

4-Axis Profiles & Constraints

Things that will be covered in this section.

From the menu select file > Open

Navigate to the following location and open the file - extrusion.wkf

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The file includes 2D geometry in the form of lines and arcs.

Create profiles from this geometry

Open the CAM Navigator, righthand click the Model manager and select Add 4 axis manual feature, the system will request that you first pick the lower profile then the upper profile. Click Ok on the Feature parameters dialog.

From inside the CAM Navigator, righthand click on the 4 axis pocket feature you have just created, select Add operation, choose wire operations, 4-axis and click Ok.

Note:-If you do not have a default machine set, the Project parameters dialog will appear, add Piece material and Wire and click Ok.

The system will now build your toolpath, which will be similar but not necessarily the same as the one below

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The orange coloured lines denote the toolpath that has been generated from the feature, you will see that the toolpath generated is not correctly aligned, there are a number of cross-overs and non-square connections between the two profiles.

To make the feature correctly aligned we must align the start points of each profile then add-in Constraints.

Constraints are manually added lines that connect upper and lower profiles in order to determine the desired shape of the feature, therefore creating the correct toolpath.

To aid clarity we will first clear the toolpath lines, Select Machining > CAM Navigator > Wire tab and un-tick the toolpath.

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Select the Features tab the 4 axis pocket feature, righthand click the 4 axis pocket feature and select Properties,

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The CAM Navigator will be replaced with the Edit feature geometry window.

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Information relating to the feature will be visible here, to change the constraints, select the Add/Edit constraints icon.

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The Edit feature geometry window is now replaced by the Edit constraints window, click the Equalise button to see the default connections between upper and lower profiles

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Click the Change profile start point button, select the outer profile then the desired start point, repeat this for the inner profile making sure the points are aligned near to each other.

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These 2 points should be selected

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The resulting lines should now look like this

Select the Add button, the system then requests that you pick a point on the feature (see bottom lefthand corner of screen)

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Add constraints as shown (green lines) then select the Apply icon twice.

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Select the Wire tab, righthand click on the Wire machining and select Build operation

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This has the effect of tidying the toolpath but there are still some areas that could be better such as the toolpath around the smaller radius shown below.

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Navigate back to the Edit constraints window and select Edit, pick the constraint line near to the outer profile (Fig a) then select a new end point position as shown below (Fig b)

Fig a Fig b

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Some areas have constraints that may not be required, pick the Delete button and select the lines marked below.

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Apply the changes, navigate to the 4 axis machining and build the operation, your part should now look as shown below, the lines are now much more evenly spaced and there are no cross-over areas.

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We will now move the start point for this machining so that the wire threads in the centre of the lefthand circle.

Righthand click on Wire 4 axis and select Edit geometry, righthand click on Profile, you will be presented with markers showing the approach, retract, start and stop for both the upper and lower profiles, these can be selected and moved individually or as a group, select Restore to default then select Start/end points

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The system prompts for you to select an item to edit, pick the approach and move it to the centre of the leftmost circle, click Ok on the Edit geometry dialog.

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Your machining should now look like this.

That concludes this section

Additional Examples - try it out!

Open the file ruled.wkf

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