Projekt Wymiany modzieży 10

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Application form No 1

Please fill in all relevant sections of this application. It is compulsory to annex ALL documents requested in the check list.

Part I. Project identification and summary

Project number

To be filled by the managing institution

Postmark / Date of receipt

Name of Your Organization

Please indicate the name and acronym of Your Organization in Your national language and in English

National language: Kultūros centras „In Actio“

English: Culture center “In Actio”

Title of Your project

Please give a short title to Your project in Your national language and in English

National language: Po 600 metų“

English: After 600 years”

Activities form

Please tick the box corresponding to the activities form

Applicant Organization:
(tick only one cell)

host one group in Lithuania

sends one group to Poland

Duration of Your project

Please indicate the total duration of the project from preparation to evaluation, and also the start and the end dates of the actual Exchange activities.

The project starts:
(date of first cost incurred)

 01/ 03/2010    

The project ends:
(date of last cost incurred)


The activities start:


The activities end:


Venue (s):

Vilnius, Lithuania

General activities financed by the Lithuanian-Polish Youth Exchange Fund

Please tick relevant box.

The project will consist of :

exchange of Polish and Lituanian youth;

sharing good practice between Polish and Lithuanian organisations working with youth and active in the field of youth policy; like seminars and trainings

Summary of Your project

Please give a short description of Your project (approximately 10-15 lines). The summary should be completed in Your national language and in English.

National language:

„Po 600 metų“ - dvišaliai jaunimo mainai, kuriuos organizuosime 2010 metų liepos 8-14 dienomis Vilniuje, Lietuvoje. Pagrindinis šių mainų tikslas - suburti dviejų kaimyninių šalių jaunimą ir fotografijos pagalba aptarti bendrą istoriją bei skatinti glaudesnį lietuvių ir lenkų bendradarbiavimą ateityje.

Ilgus metus būdamos kaimynės, Lietuva ir Lenkija dalijasi bendra istorine patirtimi. Nors neretai yra prisimenami nesutarimai tarp dviejų tautų, mes norėtume pabrėžti tai, ką lietuviai ir lenkai pasiekė kartu. Vienas iš tokių pavyzdžių yra Žalgirio mūšis, vykęs tarp jungtinių Lietuvos ir Lenkijos pajėgų ir Kryžiuočių ordino. Vis dėlto, projekto metu nesieksime dar kartą dalyviams papasakoti mūšio strategijos ir karių išsidėstymo lauke.

20 jaunų žmonių iš Lietuvos ir Lenkijos 7 dienas diskutuos apie bendrą tautų istoriją, jos interpretacijas, o kad viskas neliktų tik kalbomis, dalyviai, fotografijos pagalba, perkels anų metų vaizdus į šiuos laikus. Dalyvių užduotis prieš projektą bus pasidomėti istorija ir atrasti paveikslus, kuriuose vaizduojamas Žalgirio mūšis. Projekto metu, pristatę savo namų darbus, dalyviai išsirinks 3, jų manymu, tinkamiausius paveikslus ir, su profesionalų pagalba, perfotografuos juos pritaikydami šiems laikams. Sakydami „šiems laikams“, turime omenyje, kad kalavijus pakeis kompiuteriai, šarvus - šiandieninė mada, o miškus - dangoraižiai ir asfaltas. Detales paliksime dalyvių vaizduotei ir išradingumui.

Projekte svarbu ne tik rezultatas, bet ir pats veiklos procesas, kurio metu dalyviai išmoks ieškoti kompromisų bei dirbti tarptautinėje grupėje. Jauni žmonės daugiau sužinos apie bendrą šalių istoriją, apie kaimyninių šalių kultūrų panašumus ir skirtumus, bei fotografiją. Siekiant kuo didesnio dalyvių įsitraukimo, veiklą organizuosime remdamiesi neformalaus ugdymo metodais.

English: „After 600 years“ is a bilateral youth exchange that we are going to implement in 8-14 of July 2010. The main aim of this youth exchange is to gather together young people from two neighboring countries and with help of photography to discuss common history and closer partnership of Lithuanians and Polish in the future.

For ages being neighbors, Lithuania and Poland are sharing common history. Even though most of the times what is pointed out are disagreements, we want to emphasize on the good experience what Lithuanians and Polish have reached together. One of such good examples is the Battle of Grunwald.

20 young people from Lithuania and Poland during 7 days will discuss the common history of both nations and it`s interpretations. In order not only to talk, the participants will transfer the images of the past into present with help of photography. We will do that in a few steps. First, the participants will be asked to prepare a presentation about their history and to find the paintings where the Battle of Grunwald is presented. In the project we will have time for homework presentations and after that the participants will choose 3 best paintings of the Battle of Grunwald and with help of the professionals will retake these paintings as pictures adapting to nowadays. While saying “to nowadays” we mean that the sword will be replaced with computer, armor with fashion and forests with skyscrapers and blacktop. This is just an example. All the details will be decided by the participants, their imagination and ingenuity. After the project we will make a poster (a tent) with the best picture made by participants and will incorporate it in the 600 years jubilee of Battle of Grunwald.

We believe that in a project not only the result counts, but what is really important is the process how the result is reached. The process when the participants will learn how to compromise and to work in an international group. Young people will know more about common history of both countries, about the culture of neighbor country, its differences and similarities as well as the photography. In order to make the participants as involved in the project as possible, we are going to organize our activities based on non-formal education methodology.

Part II. Applicant

Details of the applicant organization


Culture center “In Actio”

Street address

Gedimino pr. 28-806






Vilnius district

Registration number




+370 52 123 584


+370 52 123 584

Person authorised to sign the contract on behalf of the applicant (legal representative)

Family Name (Ms/Mr)

Bečys Mr.

First name




Person in charge of the project (contact person)

Family Name (Ms/Mr)

Garbauskaitė Ms.

First name



Board member




Cell phone


Profile of the applicant organization

Activity level






Please give a short description of Your organization (regular activities, member of, etc.) and describe Your capacity and motivation in the field of the project.

Culture center "In Actio" - is a public non-governmental, non-political, non-religious, non-profit organization active in Lithuania for three years and is located in Vilnius. Our goal is human rights education among young people through social and art projects on national and international level. Our key tasks are to develop intercultural learning and non-formal education development in Lithuania as well as to promote culture and intercultural dialogue.

Culture center “In Actio” is based on youth voluntary work in the organization that is managed by president and vice president, which were selected by open conference of center members. At the moment organization has 65 active members and it is still open for new active and young people, especially with less opportunities. With help of board members young people have a possibility to express their selves in different kind of projects not only in Lithuania but also abroad, that we believe promotes mobility within and beyond the EU borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue as well as encourages the inclusion of all young people, regardless of their educational, social and cultural background. Seeking our aims and objectives we organized different kind of projects.

Since 2009 Culture center “In Actio” joined Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures national network.

Has Your organization already received the Fund grant?


Yes, please specify:

  • number of agreement and projects implementation year……………………………………

  • projects title ………………………………………………………………………………………

  • name of partner organization………………………………………………………………….

  • number of participants ………………………………………………………………………….

Part IV. Participants in the project

Information on the YOUNG PEOPLE directly involved in the project

Please give information about the composition of the group of young people by country of residence participating in the project (not including the group leaders)

Country of residence

Total number of young people


Distribution by gender

Distribution by age group









Culture center “In Actio”






Solec Culture Center






Information on the GROUP LEADERS / TUTORS directly involved in the project

Please note, that the group leaders should only be mentioned in this table, not in table A.

Country of residence

Total number of group leaders


Distribution by gender

Distribution by age group




Older than 30



Culture center “In Actio”






Solec Culture Center






TOTAL participants (young people and group leaders)


Not more than 24 people

Part V. Project description

The points below are intended to serve as a guide for your description of the project. The information that is requested will be very important in the evaluation process, and later for the running of the activity.

The context and motivation

Please explain the context of project, it`s motives. How does Your project refers to the Fund goals.

On one hand, the context of the project is historical, on the other - it is all about the future.

Young people, especially those who have already finished the school and history studies are not the torture any more, are expressing the interest to know more about the history and to discuss it with the nations / countries that were also involved in the same processes. They have the interest to discover the history not from the books, but from other people, to go deeper into discussions and different understandings. This will was expressed exactly by the Polish and Lithuanian youth. That is why in cooperation with Polish partners we decided to create a space for young people to share their opinion about various processes that happened in the past and what impact it has on the present and future.

One of the main motives to create this project is to make history more attractive and in some ways to change the attitude that history is boring and to learn something about it is possible only by reading books or listening to the lectures. That is why we want to adapt non-formal methodology and to learn more about common history of both neighboring countries by doing something together, in this case - by re-picturing the paintings that represent common history.

Even though usually only the disagreements between Lithuania and Poland are stressed, we will try to look on the positive side and to discuss the things about that both countries can be proud of. About the historical events where they (we) cooperated. This kind of event is the Grunwald Battle where the Polish and Lithuanian armies went hand in hand and succeeded. 2010 are the proper years to remember what has been good between 2 neighboring countries Poland and Lithuania. Since in this year we are celebrating the 600 anniversary of the victory that we reached together.

This perception will be a motive to look at the bright side and to cooperate in the future, since the cooperation brings good results.

To our mind, these motives basically coincide with the goals of the fund like promotion of intercultural dialogue and positive attitude to common history, especially to the Grunwald Battle.


Please describe process of establishing partnerships in the project:

  • how did You find the partner organization;

  • determination of partner`s involvement in every stage of the project.

The partner organization was found in “Develop2gether - contact making training seminar” that was held in Nasutow / Poland on 9-16 of September 2010. During the “D2G” we didn't developed a clear vision of the follow-up project together with the representative of The Reserve of Culture and Heariness Association, but we discovered that we have similar interests, our organizations do similar activities and we have the right sense of responsibility to work together on creating something new and unusual for and with young people.

As we were taught during the week in Poland, all the responsibilities should be divided and done by both partners. This is what we are going to implement during the project “After 600 years”. The responsibilities are preliminary divided according to our competences, fields of interests and other factors like the country of residence. Final division of the activities coordinated during the implementation of the project will be done during the advance planning visit that is going to be held a month before the activity.

Although we divided the responsibilities regarding the project into two parts, we still have in mind the essence of helping each other as well as monitoring what is done by the other and to check if the decisions that one makes are acceptable by the other.

The aim (-s) of Your project (it has to be clear and concrete, which solves specific problem of youth and it has to be achievable)

The main aim of the project is to foster the dialogue and future cooperation between Lithuanian and Polish youth as well as with help of photography to stress positive common history and its interpretations.

Programme and working methods

Please describe:

  • working methods You intend to use;

  • how the named methods are helping to reach the required results;

  • how the planned activities and working methods will contribute to the process of non-formal education and to the promotion of social and personal development of young people in the project.

Please attach an estimated Timetable of the planned activities - annex number 1

As written before, all the activities will be based on non-formal education methodology and the key issue will be the inclusion of all young people who are taking part in the project in all steps of it.

Remark: on 12th of July we will have the preparation of the website and the public survey. Both activities will last the whole day and young people will have the opportunity to choose in which group they would like to work. In the daily schedule below both activities are separately described as morning activity and afternoon activity.

Daily Schedule


8th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?



Getting to know each other

Since after arrivals young people usually don't know each other, we are aiming to provide them with space and activities that would make it easier to introduce their selves to each other. We are expecting that after these games young people will know each others names, interests, hobbies, etc. Another goal of this activity is to encourage further communication.

Name games, ice breaking games (specific games will be decided during the preparation meeting)


What can we do as a team

Introduction to the week

In this part of the day we are aiming to challenge the group of participants with some team building games that would have several objectives: 1) to foster the communication 2) to provide a space for knowing each other better. These games show who are more active, who prefers to step aside, who is more result oriented, who puts more emphasis on the process, etc.

The result of these games is crucial for both, the organizers and the participants, since the participants will have a chance to see that they as a group are able to do wonderful things that in the beginning seemed impossible. In the meantime the organizers (group leaders) will have the possibility to see what is the composition of the personalities in the group, which are the strengths and the weaknesses of it in order to adapt the working methods and to get better results.

Raising the team spirit.

This activity is needed in order to remind the participants why they are here, what are the aims and objectives of this youth exchange; to know their expectations; to present the final programme of the exchange and to set some rules for the week. Also we are aiming to answer the questions brought by the participants.

Challenging team building games (specifics will be decided during the preparation meeting)

Interactive presentation using “spaces method” when in one room there are different spaces of where “programme flow”, “expectations”, “fears”, “contributions”, “I would like to ask”, “rules” are presented. This way the participants can distribute the time by their selves, it is more flexible.

What is very important that the “rules” list will be filled in by the participants.


Welcome evening

To get the participants together and to promote communication between participants. The result is safer atmosphere, since during the informal time the people become more comfortable with each other which gives better results in the cooperation during the programme activities.

Informal space with music, some games.


9th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?


Homework presentations

We are intending the participants to present what they have discovered about common history of Lithuania and Poland while being at home. Also to present the paintings representing the Grunwald Battle that they have chosen. This way the participants will have the opportunity to see some things from the other side and the discussion will be brought in front.

We are also expecting that this way the participants will have the opportunity to raise their knowledge of English, their public speaking skills and their creativity.

Both national groups will have 1.5 hour to make the presentation of common history of Lithuania and Poland that they discovered while working together before the youth exchange.

The methods of the presentation will be decided by the participants. It can be a game, a video, a Power Point presentation, flipchart presentation, anything. The only requirement will be to fit in the time.


Free time

Workshop on intercultural learning

Free time is very useful for the group dynamics. It stimulates natural group processes as well as the creativity of the participants while deciding what to do during this hour and a half.

The main objective of this activity is to make young people aware of the importance of cultural differences and intercultural dialogue.

No intervention of the group leaders.

A workshop taken from T-Kits No.4


Polish cultural evening

We are intending to add cultural dimension to the project and to provide young Lithuanians with the information about the culture of Poland. This activity will also be of value to the polish participants, since it will encourage the creativeness and skills of cooperation and communication in mother tongue as well as teamwork.

Depends on the will and determination of the participants.


10th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?


Discussion about common history

Guest speaker

We are aiming the participants to reflect on the presentations they made yesterday while presenting their point of view about the common history and to share their opinions, go deeper into the questions that are the most interesting for young people.

With this activity we are seeking to introduce the participants to the opinion of the professional historian about the topic that we are discussing in this youth exchange, putting more emphasis on the Grunwald Battle.

Open, moderated discussion.

Presentation made by the guest speaker and questions and answers afterwards


Workshop on photo shooting

Choosing the paintings

We are aiming to provide young people with some information about photography and how to put the ideas into practice using photography as well as to answer some questions brought by participants.

After the introduction into photo shooting participants will have to decide which paintings that they presented are suitable to be remade as pictures. As an outcome of this activity we will have 5 paintings on which we will work during the following week and to put this painting in an order which day will be devoted to work on witch painting.

Teamwork and work in international group skills will be raised. As well as creativity, negotiation and planning.

Another professional with some information about photo shooting. We will ask the speaker to put more emphasis on the practical side.

Work in small (4-5 persons) international groups with the task to decide on 2 paintings that they would like to remake and prepare a creative presentation with the arguments.


Lithuanian cultural evening

We are intending to add cultural dimension to the project and to provide young Polish with the information about the culture of Lithuania. This activity will also be of value to the Lithuanian participants, since it will encourage the creativeness and skills of cooperation and communication in mother tongue as well as teamwork.

Depends on the will and determination of the participants.


11th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?


Photo shooting

We are expecting to remake one painting into a picture adapted to the realities of these days.

During this activity group work and cooperation will be necessary as well as the creativity. Also we are aiming that working on the historical painting and adapting it to nowadays will bring up discussions about similarities and differences of both countries as well as again the discussions about the history and it's variations.

First there will be preparations, collecting the materials, clothing, etc, needed for the picture. Then the photo shooting with help of the professional photographer.


Photo shooting

We are expecting to remake one painting into a picture adapted to the realities of these days.

During this activity group work and cooperation will be necessary as well as the creativity. Also we are aiming that working on the historical painting and adapting it to nowadays will bring up discussions about similarities and differences of both countries as well as again the discussions about the history and it's variations.

First there will be preparations, collecting the materials, clothing, etc, needed for the picture. Then the photo shooting with help of the professional photographer.


Evening arranged by participants

We are doing this “activity” in order to promote group dynamics and to raise the organizational skills of young people.

If the participants won't organize anything this will also be ok, since the purpose of this activity is purely educational.

The participants will be told that they have to arrange this evening on their own. This is going to be up to the participants what they are going to organize.

We will provide the space and our help and equipment if needed.


12th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?


Photo shooting

We are expecting to remake one painting into a picture adapted to the realities of these days.

During this activity group work and cooperation will be necessary as well as the creativity. Also we are aiming that working on the historical painting and adapting it to nowadays will bring up discussions about similarities and differences of both countries as well as again the discussions about the history and its variations.

First there will be preparations, collecting the materials, clothing, etc, needed for the picture. Then the photo shooting with help of the professional photographer.


Visiting interesting places of Vilnius

With this activity we are seeking to introduce young people with the places that represent common history of Lithuania and Poland. We are expecting the participants not only to talk and to hear about common history, but also to see some of it.

Result: better understanding and deepening of the knowledge.

The visit of the places that are important for both nations


Movie night

In this part of the project we are aiming the participants to relax a bit after a long day of photo shooting, working, planning, discussing.

Watching a historical (not necessarily) movie (chosen by participants) together


13th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?


Preparation of the website

We intend to raise young people technological, organizational and working in international group skills. Also this is a good way to remember what was done during the week and to start to evaluate the project and what young people gained from it. And in the end of this activity we are expecting to have a visible result.

Preparing the materials for the website (writing some texts, choosing pictures) - teamwork.


The public opinion survey

This is the activity with that we are aiming to raise communication skills of the participants as well as work in international group and organizational skills. Not forgetting the inclusion of local community in the project and make the international activity more visible.

Creating the survey

Going to the streets and asking people which one of the remade picture they like the best.



This farewell party will be the first part of the closure of the project.

After the participants have gone almost through all the programme and have reached an outcome - we have one picture that represents the Grunwald Battle in these days. This picture is ready to be made

Open space.


14th of July, 2010

Theme, kind of activities

Which objectives you intend to achieve? What result do you expect?

Methods of work (how the activity will be put into practice)?


Presentation of the Fund

Creating future plans and the presentation of them

To give young people the information about the Fund, its goals, how it works and what are the possibilities to apply for a grant.

As one of the aims of this project is to promote future cooperation, we will have 1 hour to talk about what are we able to do in the future and maybe even to create new project for the forthcoming years (deadlines).

The flipchart presentation

Work in small groups according to the interests of young people.


Presentation of the plans

Final evaluation

After the creation of possible projects, participants will have a space to present their ideas of future cooperation for the rest of the group. This way we are aiming at helping each other with advices and developing these ideas to make it come true.

The purpose of this activity is double: first of all this will be the way for participants to remember what they have done during the week, what they have learned and what experiences they gained. Other goal of this activity is for the group leaders (organizers) to know what was good what was bad and what can be improved next time.


Evaluation forms, creative ways to evaluate the week (theatre, comedy, song, dance, etc), interactive ways of project evaluation.





Intercultural learning

Please indicate if and how Your project reflects the following characteristics:

  • the project increases young people's positive awareness of Lithuanian and Polish cultures;

  • the project develops sense to tolerance and understanding of diversity.

First of all, we will arrange the international (bi-national) rooms, which will help the participants to now each other better and while living the daily life together to see the differences and similarities between the two nations. This living together will also be a good space for informal communication and learning from each other about each others cultural backgrounds, habits, etc. In our mind this helps to raise the positive attitude towards different people.

Furthermore, during the project we will have 2 evenings designed for participants to present their countries and their cultures. Though this won't be enough to raise tolerance between each other, but this will give the participants the knowledge about other country and we believe that knowledge about the country and its culture helps to understand the reasons of some actions or attitudes and this brings more respect for it.

Bearing in mind that just listening to the presentation is not enough and not everyone can understand the message clearly, we organized most of the activities in the way that young people will work in international (bi-national) groups. This way, similarly to the living together, they will have the opportunity to know each other not as representatives of the other country, but as persons who have different competences and with whom we can work together on creating new things.

Spending all of the time together in international (bi-national) group, working together towards common goal, young people will communicate and even make friends. This in our opinion will raise the level of tolerance towards other nation as well as the understanding off diversity, since we are not aiming to erase the differences we are aiming to promote better understanding of them.

Youth participation

Please describe:

  • how are You going to prepare Your group for main activities;

  • how the young people will be actively involved in each stage of the project.

We will work on the group preparation for the project from the very beginning of the time when we will know if our project was approved or not. We will do meetings in national groups in order for the participants to know each other and to be familiar with the projects idea. For the same reason we will create a group on social network Facebook. This will be a good opportunity for the participants from both countries to meet each other for the first time in order to avoid the tension of the first day of the project activities. Also we are including one participant per country to take part in the Advance planning visit in order to represent their needs, ideas and visions and to share the responsibilities.

To get deeper into the topic of the project young people who are going to take part in it are going to have homework to prepare a 1.5 hour presentation of how the common history of Lithuania and Poland is presented in their country. This way, we believe, young people will start to feel the spirit of the forthcoming project.

All the activities that we planned to do during the implementation of the project are designed in the way that young people would be included as much as possible. That is why most of the time we will use the non-formal education methods. Since we are aiming to promote youth participation we are trying to avoid any activities where one speaker talks and the participants listen. Even though we will have two guest speakers they will be asked to make their presentations in the way that young people would have the chance to participate, ask and discuss. Also we have a number of activities which form depends only on the participants so that they could also feel the responsibility for the project.

After the project activities we will try to hold the group together through the most popular and best known social network Facebook and to promote further communication and cooperation. Also young people will be indirectly encouraged to take part in the dissemination of the results of the project. We will provide the participants with the information about forthcoming activities that we plan concerning this project (the start of the demonstration of the poster with the picture that they made during the project, etc.)

Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities:

Does Your project involve people with fewer opportunities (facing situations that make their inclusion in society more difficult, see main difficulty identified here below) and/or special needs (mobility problems, health care, etc)? If so, please describe and motivate

In this youth exchange we are going to involve people with both geographical and economical difficulties. First of all we believe that because of geographical conditions (living in small town we also consider as a geographical condition) young people live in more closed societies and have less opportunities to meet youth from other countries, to see other points of view, to meet people from different backgrounds. This situation it self usually causes having stereotypes and prejudices about other nations. This is why we think it really important to include people from remote areas in the project in order to break the stereotypes and to become more open to the diversity.

Another thing is that the people who are taking part in this project are youth from 18 to 25 years old. And it is regretfully almost a rule that they face economical difficulties. Bearing in mind the economical realities of nowadays when especially young people are facing the unemployment. These people lack possibilities to meet people from different countries, realities and backgrounds, since such things are considered as post material and “less important.” Having in mind the funding conditions of this project, young people won't have to contribute any money that is why we think it is a great opportunity to get involved, to broaden their point of view and to become more positive.

Number of young people with fewer opportunities involved in the project: 10-20

Please tick the situation they face:

Educational difficulties (early school-leavers, etc)

Economic difficulties

Social difficulties (discrimination of any kind, drug problems, broken families, etc.)


Cultural differences

Health problems

Other: please specify::

Geographical difficulties

Advanced Planning Visit

Have You planned an Advanced Planning Visit?

No Yes

If so, please:

  • indicate propose dates, venue;

  • attach an estimated Timetable of the planned activities - annex number 2.

We are proposing to meet in Vilnius, Lithuania, in the place where the implementation of the project will take place. The dates would be 2010 06 12-13.

We plan to meet in the group of 4: group leader + participant from each country. This we are doing to get young people more involved into the project and to share responsibilities not only between the group leaders. Collaborating with the participants from the very beginning will rise the quality of the project because the needs of the young people will be presented better.



Goal (s)

2010 06 12

Seeing the spaces where we will live and work during the activities of the project

Discussion about the responsibilities in the implementation of the project

Visiting tourists' info-centre, getting the information about places that are important for both nations and visiting them.

To evaluate the spaces and to think if all the activities that we planned will be possible in these spaces, to think of the alternatives.

To share the responsibilities thoughtfully according to our competences bearing in mind the balance as well as the inclusion of young people.

To plan ahead our time for the youth exchange - how much time we will need to get to the places worth visiting, how many places are possible to visit, what would be the right order to do that.

2010 06 13

Rethinking the programme and choosing the concrete games and workshops that we will use during the implementation

Discussion about the risk assessment + security questions and the rules for the project

The adjustment of the work with national groups

Since we believe that prior planning prevents poor performances, it will be useful to go through the programme again, detail it and to think what can be improved, changed and how we will organize the work. Also we want to have a clear plan in order to avoid the situation that “we need chairs for this activity and here is not enough of them”. This is why the games and workshops have to be chosen carefully.

To think about all the possibilities what can go wrong and to have plan B,C,D…

We are aiming to prepare both Lithuanian and Polish groups in the same level, that is why we need to agree how will we do that, with what information we will provide them, etc.


Please describe quantitative and qualitative results which You planned.


We will have the presentations about common history of Lithuania and Poland.

We will have a webpage with the description of the whole project and what activities were run. Also we will put all the presentations and other outcomes from the workshops on the internet.

We will have 3 paintings remade, adapted to nowadays and made as pictures.

We will have the opinion of the local community, which one of these pictures (and the original version of the painting) will be put on the big poster (tent) and will be presented in 5 biggest towns of Lithuania and later in Poland.

We will have some future projects developed by the participants during the week and the last day.


Young people will know more about common history between Lithuania and Poland. Young people will have the opportunity to meet the representatives from other country and to break stereotypes about them. Participants will learn to work in international group, will raise their English knowledge. Bearing in mind that we have many creative activities, we are planning that with this project we will encourage young people to be more open, creative and to be not afraid to try new and unusual things.

This breaking of stereotypes, working together towards one goal and communication between the two countries will lead into future communication and collaboration with each other.

Evaluation and impact of the project:

Please describe how do You plan to evaluate the project;

Please explain the expected impact on young participants and the local communities involved in the project;

Please describe how are You going to evaluate the impact on participants and local communities involved in the project.

First of all we will have one 1.5 hour session for the evaluation of the project with the participants. It is described in the programme. This will be very useful for us to know participants opinion what went good and where we could improve. The participants will also get an evaluation form on paper that they will fill during this session, after that we (organizers) will analyze these forms and make conclusions from it. We think these evaluation forms very important since they will be anonymous so that participants could write their real opinion with no group pressure.

The expected impact for the participants is their deepened knowledge about common history of Lithuania and Poland and understanding that cooperation gives better results than competition. Also raised determination to collaborate with youth from neighboring country.

For the local communities the impact would be grabbed attention to the historical facts as well as raised awareness that young people care about history and the future. Also that it is not necessary to stick to one point of view and it is possible to look at the historical events differently which makes it easier to understand and more interesting.

We will think that this project was successful if the participants will continue communicating, creating new networks, new projects, new international activities and will be more active in their societies. Also we will pay attention to the processes that are going on in the project implementation it self and if we will see the fruitful discussion about history of both nations and going of topic to other discussions about similarities and differences between the two nations and talking about improving the relations between them, it will also be considered as success.

During the public survey about the pictures that were made in the project, we will definitely get some feedback from the passers by. It will be harder to evaluate the impact to the local communities that will see the poster with one remade picture. The best evaluation of the impact would be to get the rumor from people who don't know the initiators of this poster that there on the municipality there is an interesting poster hanging and we should go to see it.

Dissemination of results and follow up:

Please describe:

  • how do You plan to show the results of the project to others (other young people, organizations, communities etc.);

  • how do You plan to follow up this project (e.g. new project within this Fund, continuous contact with the partner organization (-s), etc).

As written before, during the project we will create a website with the descriptions of the activities and outcomes of them. We will put the link to this webpage on our organizations websites, Facebook accounts, Twitter, other possible spaces of the internet so that people who were not involved in the project could see what happened during the week and maybe would be inspired.

We will also create a short movie about the project that will be on Youtube and in the websites of our organizations as well as in the website of the project.

We have an agreement with our municipalities that they will provide the space on their buildings for the demonstration of the poster of the remade picture.

We strongly believe that the dissemination of the results will work naturally in soma cases, because after intercultural activities the participants tend to tell their families and friends about the experience that they had, to show what they have done, etc.

We are quite sure that when a group of young people spend a week together working on one goal there are many discussions that are off topic and this way the new and unexpected project ideas arise. We are planning to work further on the ideas brought by the young people and to create new projects. Of course as the partnership is once built and if it is successful we are aiming to work together, to share ideas of future work and to consult with each other.


Apart from the compulsory use of the Fund and Department logo, please describe:

  • how will You ensure the visibility of the project;

  • how will Your project provide clear promotional added value for the Fund.

Since modern technologies are a really big part of today's life, most of the tools that we will use to promote the visibility of the project are through the internet. We will make a webpage for the description of the project with a separate column for the presentation of the Fund. We will also make a promotional short movie (using open source programme) about the project it self and the webpage of the project. Since Facebook, Youtube and Skype are a huge part of youth life, we will promote the webpage and the video of the project though these tools.

Also the project will be visible for the local community since we have and activity of the public survey in which the participants of the project will go to streets and talk to people about the pictures that they made during the project. While they will have the conversations with the passers by, we are quite sure that these people will ask about the project, what are we doing and why. This is how the information about the project and the Fund will be spread.

According to the verbal agreement with our municipalities, we will hand the poster made by participants on the buildings of municipalities. This poster (tent) will be our contribution to the project, since the real costs of producing it doesn't match the funding conditions. Also in Lithuania we will try to add the poster into the programme of the 600 Years Anniversary of Grunwald Battle.

Part VI. Grant request

All items in euros

A. Grant requested from the Lithuanian - Polish Youth Exchange Fund

Amount requested from the Lithuanian- Polish Youth Exchange Fund

Amount granted (to be filled by the managing institution)

Applicant Organization

Travel costs (up to 100%)


Advance planning visit travel costs (up to 100%)


Advance planning visit activity costs (up to 30 euros per participant per day)


Project's preparation and implementation costs (up to 350 euros for each partner country and up to 25 euros per participant per day)


Dissemination costs (up to 5 % of all costs, except travel and advance planning visit costs)


Total Grant for the applicant Organization


B. Co-funding

Other funding for this project (please specify)


C. Detailed calculation of grant request

Travel costs (young people and group leaders)

Travel costs from home to the venue of the project and return. Please note: only cheapest means of transport/fares are subject to reimbursement .


Number of persons



of transport

Total costs (100%)

Solec Culture Center


Solec Kujawski






Advance Planning Visit - travel costs (if applicable)

Travel costs from home to the venue of the Advance planning visit and return. Please note: only cheapest means of transport/fares are subject to reimbursement .


Number of persons



of transport


Solec Culture Center


Solec Kujawski






Advance Planning Visit - activity costs (if applicable). Up to 30 euros per participant per day


Costs (detailed)



Food costs




Local travel costs


Rental of rooms and equipment


Other (like tranlation costs..)





Activity costs (Project's preparation and implementation costs). Up to 350 euros for each partner country and up to 25 euros per participant per day



For partner Organization (-s)




Food costs




Local travel costs


Personnel costs


Rental of rooms and equipment


Translation costs


International transaction costs

Other.. (write)



Dissemination costs. Up to 5 % of Project's preparation and implementation costs









Part VII. Bank details

Please fill in the details needed for the payment to reach the account of the applicant organisation/group.

Bank name


Bank branch

Street address

Vilniaus g. 16







Sort code




Account number


Account holder

Kultūros centras „In Actio“

Part VIII. Signature of the legal representative

The applicant undertakes to inform the managing institution of the Lithuanian - Polish Youth Exchange Fund of all changes affecting the activities as described in this form.

Applicant organisation / group


Culture center “In Actio”

Legal representative

Name in capital letters:








Part IX. Declaration on honour

To be completed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant.

I, the undersigned, certify that all information contained in this application, including project description, is correct to the best of my knowledge and I am aware of the content of the annexes to the application form.

I confirm that my institution has the financial and operational capacity to complete the proposed project.

I take note that, grants may not be awarded to applicants who are in any of the following situations:

(a) if they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

(b) if they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

(c) if they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;

(d) if they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

(e) if they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity

(f) if, in their grant application, they are subject to a conflict of interest;

(g) if, in their grant application, they are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the grant award procedure or fail to supply this information.

I confirm that neither I nor the institution for which I am acting as legal representative are in any of the situations described above, and am aware that the penalties set out in the national law may be applied in the case of a false declaration.

In the event that my grant application is successful, I authorise the National Managing Institution to publish on its internet site or in any other appropriate medium:

  • The name and address of the beneficiary of the grant;

  • The subject of the grant;

  • The amount awarded and the rate of funding of the costs of the approved work programme.



Date (day/month/year):



Stamp of the applicant organisation:

Name in capital letters:



Project coordinator


Name in capital letters:



X dalis. Su projekto paraiška teikiami dokumentai

Eil. Nr.

Dokumento pavadinimas

Lapų skaičius


Oficialus lydraštis (1egz.)



Projekto teikėjo registracijos pažymėjimo kopija su tikrumo žyma, jeigu reikia (1 egz.)



Projekto teikėjo įstatų kopija su tikrumo žyma, jeigu reikia (1 egz.)



Projekto vadovo gyvenimo aprašymas (4 egz.)



Projekto koordinatorės gyvenimo aprašymas (4 egz.)



Projekto finansininko gyvenimo aprašymas (4 egz.)



Bendradarbiavimo sutarties kopija, jeigu yra (4 egz.)



Patvirtintos dokumentų kopijos, įrodančios projekto papildomą finansavimą (jei yra papildomas finansavimas) (4 egz.)


Not earlier than the 1st March 2010

Not later than 30th November 2010

Exactly date of youth exchanges, trainings or seminar

Not more than 10 % of participants can be already participated in the projects, granted by the Fund before.

Euro rate: 1 euro = 3,4528 Lt

Flights are not a subject to reimbursement

Flights are not a subject to reimbursement

Not more than 26 Lt per participant per day

Up to 350 euros

Not more than 26 Lt per participant per day

Not more than 25 % of all costs, except travel and advanced planning visit costs



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