0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

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�� To ensure the neutral current is zero

Question 1

What is the reason for balancing the load across the three phases

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� IL

0x01 graphic
��Question 2

In an RL Parallel circuit what is the lagging component

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� Fit p.f. correction capacitors across the load

0x01 graphic
��Question 3

What can be done to improve the power factor of an industrial installation

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 3488.37 VA

0x01 graphic
��Question 4

If the true power is 3kW and the power factor is 0.86 what is the apparent power.

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 48.81 degrees

0x01 graphic
��Question 5

If R=7 ohms�and Xc=8 ohms what is the phase angle

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 0.919

0x01 graphic
��Question 6

If the phase angle is 23.185 degrees what is the power factor

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 106.10 ohms

0x01 graphic
��Question 7

What is the Ohmic value (or capacitive reactance) of a 30 micro Farad Capacitor

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 25 kVAr

0x01 graphic
��Question 8

If the apparent power is 50 kVA and the phase angle is 30 degrees what is the value of the reactive component

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� IL=Ip

0x01 graphic
��Question 9

In a star connected system what is the relationship between Line Current and Phase Current

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 45 degrees

0x01 graphic
��Question 10

If the true power was 500 watts and the apparent power was 707.106 VA what would the phase angle be

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� V (Volts)

0x01 graphic
��Question 11

In an RLC Parallel circuit which quantitiy remains constant

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� VL

0x01 graphic
��Question 12

In an RL Series circuit what is the lagging component


In an RL Series circuit what is the lagging component

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 0.636

0x01 graphic
��Question 13

If R=7 and Z=11 what is the power factor

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� Ohms

0x01 graphic
��Question 14

0 of 1 points

What does the ratio W/VA produce:

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� To improve the power factor

0x01 graphic
��Question 15

What is the purpose of the capacitor across the terminals of a fluorescent fitting used for:

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 0.707

0x01 graphic
��Question 16

If the true power was 500 watts and the apparent power was 707.106 VA what would the power factor be

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� Unity

0x01 graphic
��Question 17

When W=VA what is the p.f

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 1390 micro farads

0x01 graphic
��Question 18

An RL circuit connected to a 50Hz supply consists of a 5 ohm resistor in series with an inductor of� 7.29mH. What size capacitor would you need to connect across the supply to correct the phase shift

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� VA (Volt Amps)

0x01 graphic
��Question 19

On a power triangle what does the hypotenuse represent:

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 120

0x01 graphic
��Question 20

By how many degrees are the three phases separated

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� One third the power (p/3)

0x01 graphic
��Question 21

What is the relationship between the power dissipated in a star connected system to that of a delta connected system

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� IL>Ip

0x01 graphic
��Question 22

In a delta connected system what is the relationship between Line Current and Phase Current

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 9.42 ohms

0x01 graphic
��Question 23

What is the Ohmic value (or inductive reactance) of a 30 milli Henry (30mH) inductor

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 1

0x01 graphic
��Question 24

When R=Z what is the p.f

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� Z

0x01 graphic
��Question 25

On an impedance triangle what does the hypotenuse represent:

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 54.31 degrees

0x01 graphic
��Question 26

If R=7 and Z=12 what is the phase angle

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� PowerFactor

0x01 graphic
��Question 27

What does the ratio of R/Z produce:

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� XL = 2.29�ohms, p.f. = 0.909,�phase angle = 24.59 degrees

0x01 graphic
��Question 28

An RL circuit connected to a 50Hz supply consists of a 5 ohm resistor in series with an inductor of� 7.29mH.

What is the Ohmic value of the inductor, The power factor and the phase angle

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� 7.3mH

0x01 graphic
��Question 29

In a series RL circuit�the value of R is 4 ohms and the phase angle is 30 degrees what is the� value of the inductor

0x01 graphic

Correct Answer:

0x01 graphic
�� I (Amps)

0x01 graphic
��Question 30

In an RLC Series circuit which quantity remains constant


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