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Test wielokrotnego wyboru - Multiple Choice

Zadanie 1. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Girl talk - it's all in the genes

Scientists have shown that girls are born much (1.1.) talkers than boys. As early as two

years old, girls are outstripping boys as conversationalists. Girls learn more quickly and for the first few years they have a considerably wider vocabulary. This could be, according to recent research,

because there is a natural (1-2.) for speech in girls' genes.

In the study, parents were asked to note down which words from a list of 100 their children could use

by the age of two. Boys used (1-3.) average 44 of the words and girls used 52. There

is this same marked difference even among boy-girl twins (1-4.) were brought up in

the same home. But as children get older the gap grows smaller and in late childhood there is no statistically significant difference.

The findings have (1-5.) scientists to question what are the sex-specific influences on

early language development. The answer it seems could be in the genes. The way genes work for language development is different in boys and girls. One theory is that language development

is (1-6.) by hormones, which are genetically programmed to boost speech in girls more

than in boys. Previous research has already established that there is a strong link between levels of the female hormone oestrogen and fluency of speech. The next step is to collect DNA from people to isolate the genes responsible for speech development.

(adapted from www. macmillandictionary. com)

1.1. A) best

  1. good

  2. well

  3. better

1.4. A) which B) whom C)who D) whose

1.2. A) ability

  1. gift

  2. skill

  3. capability

1.5. A) led

  1. lead

  2. laid

  3. lain

1.3. A) at B)on

C)by D)in

1.6. A) broken

  1. triggered

  2. made

  3. helped

Zadanie 2. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

The world's funniest joke

The world's funniest joke has been revealed by a scientific study in which 30,000 jokes were told

to almost 2 million people. Last year Internet users (2.1.) to submit their favourite

jokes and then rate five others from a database of previous entries. All the jokes were in English. The

winning joke (2.2.) an approval rating of 65%. It did so well because it appealed

(2.3.) both sexes, to all ages and to a range of different nationalities. Many of the jokes

received higher ratings from certain groups of people, but the winning joke had the most universal appeal. The study also revealed distinct national differences. People from Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand preferred puns and wordplay. Most other European countries, particularly northern European countries, liked surrealism and Americans and Canadians tended to go for jokes which are

told at someone's expense and (2.4.) which make light of death and marriage.

Germans, according to the research, are more likely than any other nationality to find a joke funny. In the study, German participants rated more jokes as 'very funny' than any other nationality. Further

research is needed, however, to determine whether this means that the Germans (2.5.)

actually have a better sense of humour than the rest of us. The (2.6.) favourable

response to the jokes was from the Japanese. This is primarily because Japan doesn't have a culture of telling jokes in the way we do and their humour is much more visual.

2.1. A) had asked

  1. were being asked

  2. were asked

  3. have been asked

2.4. A) that

  1. this

  2. ones

  3. those

2.2. A) collected B) won C)succeeded D) scored

2.5. A) did B) does C)do

D) done

2.3. A) to

B) with C)by D)on

2.6. A) most

  1. more

  2. least

  3. less

Zadanie 3. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Noah Webster and American English spelling

Most of the spelling differences between American and British English were made shortly after

American independence in 1776 (3.1.) more recent language reforms, such as

Turkey's alphabet shift and Norway's spelling reform, the American spelling changes were not driven by government, but by textbook writers and dictionary makers, spurred on by the public.

The individual generally regarded as being most (3.2.) for the Americanization of

English spelling was lawyer, linguist and writer Noah Webster (1758-1843). In the late 1700s,
America was a new country and Webster wanted to promote an American (3.3.) of

identity. Among other things, he believed that America should have its own standards of spelling,

vocabulary and grammar and not be so closely tied to the English of the recently departed colonial


Webster argued for many simplifications to the spelling of the English of that period. These

simplifications primarily involved the shortening of words, the (3.4.) of'silent' letters

and making spelling more phonetic. Many of the changes were initiated unilaterally by Webster himself. In 1783, he began publication of his language textbooks, which set the standard for American

spelling and which encouraged Americans (3.5.) of the English language as their

own.Webster's textbooks were used in schools for the next 100 years. New York's first

(3.6.) newspaper was published by Webster in 1793 and in 1828, he published the first American English dictionary. It had taken him 27 years to write and it contained 70,000 entries. His spellings very soon became universally accepted across the United States.

3.1. A) similar

  1. alike

  2. unlike

  3. contrary

3.4. A) replacement

  1. removal

  2. deprivation

  3. loss

3.2. A) blamed

  1. responsible

  2. charged

  3. dependable

3.5. A) thinking

  1. think

  2. to have thought

  3. to think

3.3. A) feeling B)sense

  1. awareness

  2. meaning

3.6. A) daily

  1. day-to-day

  2. everyday D)day

Zadanie 4. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Women in Hollywood

Hollywood remains a boys' club, with women directors and screenwriters hitting a "celluloid ceiling"

and their numbers actually falling, according to a survey. The (4.1.) of women

working as directors, writers and cinematographers was blamed this month (4.2.) a

"fear factor" currently afflicting the entertainment industry. The percentage of women directors dropped from 11% in 2000 to 6% in 2001 in a survey of the top 250 domestic grossing films. Men

directed more than nine (4.3.) ten films released and served as cinematographers on

virtually every film. The representation of women writers fell by 2% to 10% in 2001. Martha Lauzen, who is professor of communication at San Diego State University, says she believes that little

(4.4.) in the past 15 years, despite the emergence of women into some senior positions

in the industry as studio chiefs. In 1987 3% of directors of the top 100 films were women, so the

percentage has barely shifted in that time. "I used (4.5.) that this was an awareness

problem," says Professor Lauzen. "I am coming to believe that the studios are (4.6.)

not interested in changing the status quo."

4.1. A) loss

  1. fall

  2. lack

  3. number

4.4. A) have changed

  1. changed

  2. had changed

  3. has changed

4.2. A) on B)for C)of D)about

4.5. A) believe

  1. to believe

  2. to believing

  3. to have believed

4.3. A) in

B) out of C)for


4.6. A) barely

  1. hardly

  2. merely

  3. simply

Zadanie 5. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Westminster Abbey

An architectural masterpiece of the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries, Westminster Abbey also presents a unique pageant of British history - the Confessor's Shrine, the tombs of Kings and Queens, and

countless (5.1.) to the famous and the great. It (5.2.) the setting for

every Coronation since 1066 and for numerous other Royal occasions. Today it is still a church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the nation. Neither a

cathedral (5.3.) a parish church, Westminster Abbey is a "royal peculiar" under the

jurisdiction of a Dean and Chapter, subject only to the Sovereign. Among the most famous ceremonies that occurred in the Norman Abbey were the coronation of William the Conqueror on Christmas day, 1066, a grim proceeding which taxed all his resources of nerve and endurance and the canonisation of Edward the Confessor in 1161. It was Edward who greatly enlarged a Benedictine monastery on Thorney Island close to his palace of Westminster, which later became the Norman monastery. The Norman Abbey was destined to survive for only two centuries. In the middle of the 13th century,

Henry III decided to pull it (5-4.) and rebuild in a new architectural design. It was a

great age for cathedrals: in France it saw the construction of Amiens, Evreux Chartres, and in England

Canterbury, Winchester and Salisbury, to mention (5.5.). King Henry III briefed his

architect, Henry de Reyns and sent him abroad to study the contemporary developments in architecture.
Under the decree of the King of England, Westminster Abbey was designed to be not only a great abbey
and a place of worship, (5.6.) a place for the coronation and burials of monarchs.

5.1. A) memoirs

  1. souvenirs

  2. memorials

  3. remains

5.4. A) up

  1. aside

  2. away

  3. down

5.2. A) was

  1. has been

  2. had been D)is

5.5. A) a little

  1. a few

  2. a lot

  3. many others

5.3. A) neither




5.6. A) as well as

  1. also as

  2. but also

  3. but as well

Zadanie 6. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, Ć lub D.

One of Sherlock Holmes's defects - if, indeed, one may call it a defect - was that he was exceedingly

loath to communicate his full plans to (6.1.) person until the instant of their fulfilment. Partly

it came no doubt from his own masterful nature, which loved to dominate and surprise those

(6.2.) around him. Partly also from his professional caution, which urged him never to

take any chances. The result, (6.3.) , was very trying for those who were acting as his agents

and assistants. I had often suffered under it, but never more so than during that long drive in the

darkness. The great ordeal was in front of us; (6.4.) we were about to make our final effort,

and yet Holmes had said nothing, and I could only guess what his course of action would be. My nerves thrilled with anticipation when at last the cold wind upon our faces and the dark, void spaces

on either side of the narrow road told me that we were back upon the moor (6.5.) Every

stride of the horses and every turn of the wheels was taking us nearer to our supreme adventure.

Our conversation was hampered by (6.6.) the driver of the hired coach, so that we were

(6.7.) to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation.

It was a relief to me, after that unnatural restraint, when we at last passed Frankland's house and knew

that we (6.8.) near to the Hall and to the scene of action. We did not drive up to the door

but got down near the gate of the avenue. The coach was paid off and ordered to return to Coombe Tracey forthwith, while we started to walk to Merripit House.

6.1. A) any other

  1. different

  2. another else

  3. some other

6.4. A) at least

  1. at the end

  2. at last

  3. lastly

6.7. A) let

  1. made

  2. forced

  3. allowed

6.2. A) whose were

  1. who was

  2. whom they were

  3. who were

6.5. A) too

B) either


D) once again

6.8. A) have been drawing

  1. were drawing

  2. will have been drawing

  3. be drawing

6.3. A) nevertheless

B) however


D) moreover

6.6. A) the presence of

  1. the consciousness of

  2. the present of

  3. the absence of

Zadanie 7. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Dark spruce forest frowned on (7.1.) of the frozen waterway. The trees had been

stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean towards
(7.2.) , black and ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned over the

land. The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of

it was not even that of sadness. There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter (7.3.)

any sadness - a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of the sphinx, a laughter cold as the frost. It

was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom of eternity (7.4.) the futility of life and

the effort of life. It was the Wild, the savage, frozen - hearted Northland Wild.

But there WAS life, abroad in the land and defiant. Down the frozen waterway wandered a string of

wolfish dogs. Their bristly fur was rimed with frost. Their (7.5.) froze in the air as it left

their mouths, spreading in spumes of vapour that settled upon the hair of their bodies and formed into

crystals of frost. Leather harness was on the dogs, and leather traces attached them (7.6.)

which dragged along behind. It was made of stout birch-bark, and its full surface rested on the snow.

The front end of the sledge was turned up, like a scroll, (7.7.) force down and under the

bore of soft snow that surged like a wave before it. On the sledge, securely lashed, was a long and
narrow oblong box. There were other things on the sledge - blankets, an axe, and a coffee-pot and
frying-pan; but prominent, occupying (7.8.) , was the long and narrow oblong box.

7.1. A) either side

  1. the both sides

  2. along its sides

  3. another sides

7.4. A) laughing with

  1. lauthing at

  2. loughing at

  3. laughing at

7.7. A) in purpose of

  1. so that

  2. in order to

  3. with aim of

7.2. A) themselves

  1. each other

  2. itself

  3. both of them

7.5. A) breathe

  1. breath

  2. exhale

  3. outbreath

7.8. A) most of space

  1. the most of the space

  2. the most of space

  3. most of the space

7.3. A) more terribly then

  1. more terrible then

  2. more terrible than

  3. more terribly than

7.6. A) to a sledge

  1. at the sledge

  2. with the sledge

  3. by the sledge

Zadanie 8. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Inishmore or Inishmór (the big island), an island of about sixteen square miles, contains all that is special about the Aran Islands. Beautiful scenery, rich archaeological sites, thousands of miles of stone walls, cliff and coastal walks along the stretches of limestone pavement and a community still

living the Celtic traditions of generations gone by all (8.1.) this a very special place. The

rugged natural beauty is accentuated by the thatched roofs of the traditional Irish stone cottages that

dot the countryside. The Irish language (8.2.) by all of the island's residents, but you will

not have any problems (8.3.) with English.

The island (8.4.) on foot, on bicycles, by pony and car, or by minibus depending on your

taste and the time available. Hospitable bed and breakfasts as well as a number of restaurants

(8.5.) on the island, but reservations should be made before your

arrival to the island because space is limited and some of the owners run a seasonal business. When

on the island you should (8.6.) the world renowned Aran jumpers that are still made in the

traditional way.

The island has many superb sites to visit, the most spectacular of which is Dun Aengus, some of the

other ones (8.7.) are Clochan na Carraige, the last remaining ancient dwelling to be

found on the islands, Teampall Bheanain, (8.8.) the saint with the same name, is probably the

smallest churches in the world measuring only approximately 11 by 7 feet. Dun Dubchathair which is located on the southern cliffs of Inishmore and is probably the oldest of the Aran Island forts. Airkins castle, built during the 16th century, was occupied by Cromwells troops when they arrived on the island. In order to repair the damage to the castle, they used building material from other historical objects nearby.

8.1. A) do

  1. create

  2. make

  3. constitute

8.4. A) should sightsee

  1. ought to travel

  2. must be visited

  3. can be explored

8.7. A) worth having visited

  1. worth to visit

  2. worth visit

  3. worth visiting

8.2. A) is spoken

  1. was used

  2. has been told

  3. is said

8.5. A) are to be found

  1. should be founded

  2. are about to be found

  3. were founded

8.8. A) called after

  1. named after

  2. named for

  3. called for

8.3. A) getting over

  1. getting by

  2. passing on

  3. passing through

8.6. A) look after

  1. look around

  2. look out for

  3. look through

Zadanie 9. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

The history of computer development

The history of computer development is often presented (9.1.) the different generations of

computing devices. Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers operate, resulting in increasingly smaller, cheaper, more powerful and more efficient and reliable devices. The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous,

(9.2.) entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and (9.3.) using a

great deal of electricity generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. Transistors

which replaced vacuum tubes were far superior, (9.4.) computers to become smaller,

faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable. Then computers moved from cryptic machine language to symbolic, or assembly, languages, which enabled programmers to specify instructions in words. These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory, which moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology. The development of the led to further changes. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Now users interacted with computers

through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device

to run many different applications (9.5.) a central program that monitored the memory.

Computers for the first time became (9.6.) a mass audience because they were smaller

and cheaper than their predecessors. What in the first generation filled an entire room could now

(9.7.) the palm of the hand. In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user,

and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop
computers and into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use
microprocessors. As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to
form networks, which (9.8.) led to the development of the Internet.

9.1. A) in order to

  1. in reference to

  2. with addition to

  3. with relation to

9.4. A) making

  1. letting

  2. allowing

  3. forcing

9.7. A) suit with

  1. match up with

  2. go with

  3. fit in

9.2. A) taking up

  1. taking away

  2. filling into

  3. filling inside

9.5. A) meanwhile

  1. at one time with

  2. at the same time

  3. simultaneous

9.8. A) at last

  1. in the end

  2. eventually

  3. lastly

9.3. A) adding up to

  1. in addition to

  2. added to

  3. with addition for

9.6. A) available at

  1. within easy reach for

  2. accessible to

  3. in access of

Zadanie 10. (2 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

RAVEN (Corvus corax)

The last but not least resident in the bird section is the raven, black (10.1.) night.

A regular of the zoo, Jaska can even talk. It says (10.2.) name quite clearly: "Joo, Jaska, joo,

joo!" The ravens are excellent mimics that can easily imitate a dog barking and cuckoo calls.

In the past, ravens lived in the wilderness, but today they have moved closer to human habitation,

being found in rubbish dumps and around abattoirs. In the zoo, there are too many of them (10.3.)

- they eat and foul the foods of (10.4.) animals in the zoo and they often kill

their defenseless newborn. Although cunning, the polar bear or the wolverine will catch and eat them.

10.1. A) like B) as

C) as if D) of

10.2. A) its

  1. it's

  2. it is D) it

10.3. A) sometime

  1. at times

  2. later

  3. lately

10.4. A) some others

  1. others

  2. other

  3. anothers

Zadanie 11. (2 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Adult men and women are roughly an inch taller than they were in 1960, but are nearly 25 pounds

heavier on average as well, (11.1.) a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC). In addition, average BMI (body mass index, a weight-for-height formula used to measure obesity) has increased among adults from approximately 25 in 1960 to 28 in 2002.

The report, "Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States," prepared by CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, shows that the average height of a man

(11.2.) 20-74 years increased from just over 5-8" in 1960 to 5-9" in 2002,

(11.3.) the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly

over 5-3" in 1960 to 5-4" in 2002.

Meanwhile, the average weight for men aged 20-74 years (11.4.) dramatically from

166.3 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002, while the average weight for women the same age increased from 140.2 pounds in 1960 to 164.3 pounds in 2002.

11.1. A) according to

  1. due to

  2. with a view to

  3. so as to

11.3. A) at times

  1. from time to time

  2. while

  3. because

11.2. A) has aged B)aged

  1. ageing

  2. to be aged

11.4. A) has raised

  1. had risen

  2. risen D)rose

Zadanie 12. (2 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

You've been to London and you've heard Big Ben - but you've never seen Big Ben. What you have seen is St. Stephen's Tower, the 400-foot-high, four-sided clock tower rising above Britain's Houses of Parliament, on the banks of the Thames. But Big Ben is inside the tower - it's a 13 ton bell,

designed by the Baron Grimthorpe, cast in 1856, and (12.1.) in honor of Sir Benjamin "Big

Ben" Hall, the Chief Commissioner of Works at the time. Londoners set their watches by the tower's glowing clock faces by day and by night - and until recently, some poor soul frequently had to climb

all 340 steps to the top with replacement bulbs, to keep those clock faces (12.2.) But

that's all over now.

Since the last day of 1994, they have been illuminated (12.3.) 112 bulbs (28 per clock face),

courtesy of Philips QL's induction lighting system. Each 55 watt lamp is guaranteed for an unmatched lifetime of 60, 000 hours. That's 15 years of normal usage - reducing maintenance and energy costs by an estimated 60 per cent.

These QL lights offer not only economy, durability and high luminous efficiency - but, since they are

"solid state" and contain no filaments or electrodes, they are (12.4.) resistant to the mighty

vibrations of Ben's Big Bongs!

12.1. A) has named

  1. has the name

  2. named

  3. name

12.3. A) by means of

  1. because of

  2. due to D)but

12.2. A) glow

  1. to glowing

  2. glowing

  3. glowed

12.4. A) also B)too

  1. rather not

  2. beside

Zadanie 13. (2 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

While many explorers had perished in the harsh conditions of the Arctic, the Inuits lived in harmony

with the barren Arctic lands and weather, (13.1.) to the six month long nights and six month

long days. The men hunted polar bear, musk oxen, caribou, seal and walrus. The Inuit women were adept at making bearskin pants, snowhare stockings, waterproof sealskin boots, deerskin mittens, and fur coats. The Inuits folded the skins inward so the fur was on the inside, and the women spent hours

chewing the edges of the leather to (13.2.) it soft enough to sew. Henson learned (13.3.)

from the Inuit, and Peary learned a lot from Henson. While Peary insisted on traveling on skis, he

soon adopted the Inuits' transportation of choice - the dog sledge. And (13.4.) Peary's first

expedition featured tents, he soon headed to the Inuits' preferred shelter-the igloo.

13.1. A) being adapted

  1. adapting

  2. adaptation

  3. adopting

13.3. A) a great deal of

  1. big thing

  2. a great deal

  3. great

13.2. A) cause B)do

  1. make

  2. made

13.4. A) because of

  1. before

  2. after

  3. while

Zadanie 14. (2 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

Muppets and Muppetry are the strange combination of keen design, googly eyes, lovingly crafted

plastic, foam, rods, fuzzy eyebrows and a funny, unique (14.1.) in puppet form. Jim

Henson's The Muppet Show was a popular television program featuring hundreds of Muppets and, now and then, some humans. The broken-down vaudeville experience usually consisted of a famous

guest star, (14.2.) one musical number, skits and time spent backstage. The CBS show was

a hit and lasted five seasons, a total of 120 episodes, from 1976 to 1981.

Muppets have their (14.3.) in the 1950s. The strange creatures debuted on a local

Washington D.C. morning show and went on to appearances in (14.4.) shows and

commercials. Rowlf the Dog, Cookie Monster and Kermit the Frog all pre-date the 1976 premiere of The Muppet Show. Muppets also make up a substantial percentage of the cast of Sesame Street.

14.1. A) personality

  1. persons

  2. people

  3. human

14.3. A) original

  1. originality

  2. origins

  3. originating

14.2. A) the last

  1. at least

  2. at last

  3. the least

14.4. A) various

  1. variety from

  2. difference

  3. variety

Testy luk - Cloze Tests

Zadanie 1. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższe teksty, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każde wolne miejsce, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Animal Farming

When you think of animal farming, cows, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, chickens and ducks probably

come (1) mind. Most people are aware (2) nowadays many types offish

are also farmed - in Europe at least 15 different types. What is more, so-called "alternative farming"

(3) come to a lot of people's notice recently, and a quick search on the Internet can come

up (4) sites about the farming of ostriches, llamas, deer, kangaroos, bison and

(5) crocodiles. But what about farming lizards? And (6) only for their skins,

to make into shoes or handbags, but for food?

Zadanie 2. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższe teksty, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każde wolne miejsce, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Mobile phones

The modern mobile phone (1) a more complex version of the two-way radio. Traditional

two-way radio was a very limited means of communication. As soon as the users moved

  1. of range of each other's broadcast area, the signal was lost. In the 1940s, researchers

  2. experimenting with the idea of using a number of radio masts located (4) the

countryside to pick up signals from two-way radios. A caller would always be within range of one of

the masts; when he moved too far (5) from one mast, the next mast would pick up the signal.

(Scientists referred to each mast's reception area as being a separate "cell"; this is (6) in

many countries mobile phones are called "cell phones".) However, 1940s technology was still quite

Zadanie 3. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższe teksty, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każde wolne miejsce, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.


This was a few decades ago when there (1) big campaigns to make British people healthier.

We decided to throw out our chip pan (2) we had used until then to make chips every day

for dinner. We replaced our chips (3) boiled potatoes. We (4) started using semi-
skimmed milk instead of whole milk in our cups of tea and bowls of cornflakes. At first I felt like I was

eating my cornflakes in water and my potatoes (5) no taste at all. But after a while

I (6) to like healthier food because I felt stronger and I didn't get sick so often.

Zadanie 4. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższe teksty, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każde wolne miejsce, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

The Japanese and food

Japanese people are reputed to be the healthiest in the world because of the food they eat. The healthiest Japanese people eat rice and fish and vegetables every day. They drink green tea or water

(1) they're thirsty, and snack on dried fish, fruit or gingko nuts. The traditional

Japanese diet is famous (2) helping you to live a longer and healthier life. So we have

proof (3) you become what you eat. Can you tell what your friends eat (4)

by looking at them? When you know (5) effects of different types of food, you

(6) use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become.

Zadanie 5. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższe teksty, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każde wolne miejsce, tak aby otrzy­mać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Urquhart Castle

Located on the shore of Loch Ness, Urquhart Castle is (1) of the most popular Scottish

castles, with visitors combining an exploration of the ruins with a bit of monster spotting

(2) its walls. In 1288 the'Men of Moray'rebelled (3) their king, Alexander II. By 1230,

the king had crushed the uprising and brought in men he (4) trust to control the

rebellious region. One such man was Sir Thomas Durward who was granted the lordship of Urquhart.

It was probably his son, Alan, (5) built the first castle on the banks of Loch Ness. The

natural defences provided by the Loch were supplemented by a rock-cut ditch on the landward side.
When Alan died without a male (6) in 1275, the king granted the estate to John Comyn.

Zadanie 6. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

The real answer to what crashed in Roswell, at least what the government (1) you

to believe, was Project Mogul. Project Mogul was a top secret operation in 1947 that used balloons

equipped (2) various instruments to gather intelligence. The purpose of Mogul was to

spy on the Soviet Union in (3) to determine its nuclear capabilities. Project Mogul

was a highly classified operation, carrying a national security rating of "Top Secret A-l," a rating

equal to that of the Manhattan Project. This high rating would help explain (4) the

government (5) such care in the retrieving of debris at the crash site and why

witnesses were supposedly subject to intimidation. Perhaps the original story of a UFO crashing was to cover-up Project Mogul from the Russians. If the Russians were to get word of Project Mogul,

(6) only would the project be worthless, but it could further sour the already

tumultuous relationship between the two countries.

Zadanie 7. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

The Ouija Board has been around (1) the time of the Roman Emperor Valens in the

fourth century. It is also thought to have (2) used by the Greeks since before the time

of Christ. The modern Ouija Board is the combination of two tools used for scribing. The first is

a wheel (3) up of the letters of the alphabet. The second is a glass, usually a wine glass

which is inverted and placed in the middle.

The letters are usually written on small pieces of paper which are placed in a circle around the table.

It was in 1891 that a patent (4) granted to Elijah J Bond on the first modern Ouija Board.

The following year the rights to the Ouija Board were purchased by William Fuld. The name Ouija

(5) yes-yes. In 1966 the Parker Brothers purchased the rights to the Ouija Board and

shifted its manufacturing facilities to Salem, Massachusetts. The Ouija Board ended (6)

outselling the game of Monopoly in its first full year at Salem. Over two million copies of the Ouija Board were shipped.

Zadanie 8. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of space time from which nothing (1) escape, even light. To see why

this happens, imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air. The harder you throw the tennis ball,

(2) faster it is travelling when it leaves your hand and the higher the ball will go before

turning back. If you throw it hard (3) it will never return, the gravitational attraction will

not be (4) to pull it back down. The velocity the ball must have to escape is known

(5) the escape velocity and for the earth is about 7 miles a second. As a body is crushed

into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational attraction increases, and hence the escape velocity gets bigger. Things have to be thrown harder and harder to escape. Eventually a point is reached when

even light, (6) travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not travelling fast enough to

escape. At this point, nothing can get out as nothing can travel faster than light. This is a black hole.

Zadanie 9. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

Have a white Christmas instantly with our amazing Instant Snow. No, we are not kidding, this stuff

is remarkable. If you (1) seen Harry Potter and the Spanner of Plim, or whatever it is called,

then you've seen this stuff in action. Yup, it's the (2) snow they use in all the movies. Long

gone (3) the days of polystyrene balls and foam, nowadays people want reality, and this is

as close (4) it gets to the real stuff- it looks just like snow and feels wonderful. It's made

(5) a polymer (which comes as a fine white powder, like salt) that when it comes into

contact with water, swells up into fluffy white snow. Already selling like you wouldn't believe in the

States, this Instant Snow is the must have stuff this Christmas. It comes (6) three sizes, the

'Stocking Filler' (15g) which will make about 400g of snow, the 'Shovel' (45g) which makes about 1.2 kilos, and the 'Blizzard' which will make over three kilos of glorious fluffy white snow.

Zadanie 10. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

The Beginnings

The British Broadcasting Company, as the BBC was originally called, (l) formed in October

1922 by a group of leading wireless manufacturers including the great radio pioneer, Guglielmo

Marconi. Daily broadcasting by the BBC began from Marconi's London studio (2)

November 14. This was followed the next day (3) broadcasts from Birmingham and

Manchester, and over the following months the transmitter network spread across the UK. Wireless

quickly caught (4) as a medium of mass communication. By 1925 the BBC could be

heard throughout most of the UK. The biggest influence on the early BBC was its general manager,

John Reith. (5) 33-year-old Scottish engineer. The company had been formed with a

commercial mission - to sell radio sets - but Reith had a higher purpose. He envisaged an independent

British broadcaster able to educate, inform and entertain the whole nation, free (6)

political interference and commercial pressure.

Zadanie \\. (5pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

There was once a woman who wished very much to have a little child, but (1) could not obtain

her wish. At last she went to a fairy, and (2) , "I should so very much like to have a little child;

can you tell me where I can find one?" "Oh, that can be easily managed," said (3) fairy. "Here

is a barleycorn of a different kind to those which grow in the farmer's fields, and which the chickens eat; put it into a flower-pot, and see what will happen." "Thank you," said the woman, and she gave the fairy twelve shillings, which was the price of the barleycorn. Then she went home and planted

(4) , and immediately there grew up a large handsome flower, something (5) a tulip in

appearance, but with its leaves tightly closed as if it were still a bud.

Zadanie 12. (5 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are employed when you use your browser to visit web sites on the (1)

The (2) main browsers, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, both allow the use of

cookies. Cookie files allow a web server to store information about you on your computer, and to

retrieve that information to identify (3) in the future. A cookie is a tiny piece of text that is

placed on your hard drive. (4) job is to record bits of information such as the pages you

(5) visited, items you've put into an online shopping cart, your user name and password.

Zadanie 13. (5 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

Taj Mahal

Many assert that the Taj Mahal is the (1) beautiful structure in the (2) Resting like

a rose and ivory dream on the banks of the River Yamuna, the Taj is a gigantic monument inspired by
love. It (3) built for the Mughal emperor Jehangir, who vowed to create an incomparable

memorial to his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died after (4) had been married for 19


Zadanie 14. (5 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

Since its creation in 1958, NASA has been studying the (1) and its changing environment by

observing the atmosphere, oceans, land, ice, and snow, and their influence on climate and weather. We

now realize (2) the key to gaining a better understanding of the global environment

(3) exploring how the Earth's systems of air, land, water, and life interact with (4)

other. This approach - called Earth System Science - blends together fields (5) meteorology,

oceanography, biology, and atmospheric science.

Zadanie 15. (5 pkt)

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst wpisując jeden wyraz w każdą lukę w tekście, tak aby otrzymać lo­giczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisy­wanych wyrazów.

Laurie Anderson was born in Chicago in 1947. One of eight children, she studied the violin and, while growing up, played in the Chicago Youth Symphony. She graduated in 1969 from Barnard College in

New York, and went on to (1) at Columbia University, working toward a graduate degree in

sculpture. The art scene of the early 1970s fostered an experimental attitude among many young artists in downtown New York that attracted Anderson, and some of her earliest performances as a

young artist took (2) on the street or in informal art spaces. In the most memorable of these,

she stood on a block of ice, playing her violin while wearing her ice skates. When the ice melted, the performance ended. Since that time, Anderson has gone on to create large-scale theatrical works

(3) combine a variety of media - music, video, storytelling, projected imagery, sculpture -

in which she is an electrifying performer. As a visual artist, (4) work has been shown at the

Guggenheim Museum in Soho, New York, as (5) as extensively in Europe, including the

Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. She has also released seven albums for Warner Bros., including Big Science, featuring the song "O Superman," which rose to number two on the British pop charts. In 1999, she staged "Songs and Stories From Moby Dick," an interpretation of Herman Melville's 1851 novel.

Słowotwórstwo - Word Formation

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wpisując w każdą lukę wyraz, który utworzysz od wyrazu podanego obok, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdanie. Wymagana jest pełna po­prawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

W arkuszu maturalnym zadanie tego typu zawiera zwykle 4 zdania. Za każde poprawne roz­wiązanie przyznaje się 0,5 pkt.

1. The boy's imagination was full of figures like Scott of the Antarctic, the Vikings and

Benjamin Franklin. (HISTORY)

  1. In I began a long search for strange and radical ideas. (ADOLESCENT)

  2. He would spend long evenings in learned with clever people. (DISCUSS)

  3. He was ready to impress his peers with his profound of existentialism. (KNOW)

5.I have a pile of nice books by my bed and I'm reading about six


6. Despite its obvious function the castle was successfully captured many times.


  1. The treasure had been in a nearby church. (HID)

  2. After the third attack on her house she knew that it was more than just


9. His injury was a result of the employer's (NEGLECT)

10. The of martial arts films has turned Jackie Chan into an international superstar.


11. Many martial arts play Mortal Combat and Street Fighters in front of TV screen

in their living room. (ENTHUSIASM)

12. The softer disciplines like aikido can help people who are or under a lot of stress.


13. From the , dance like moves of t'ai chi and capoeira to the explosive fighting

styles of kung fu and karate. (GRACE)

  1. The country has faced years of after communism's fall. (AUSTERE)

  2. Their design is based on a fragment found during archeological of the Rose

Theatre in 1989. (EXCAVATE)

  1. The novel's one- characters discouraged me from further reading. (DIMENSION)

  2. Members are not allowed to cross the lines, thus ensuring that debates are kept


  1. Abruptly the ground fell away from our feet, an void opened before us. (AWE)

  2. How much longer can we view animals as mere dumb beasts that we can kill and

at our will? (TREAT)

  1. She still manages to bring a enthusiasm and energy to her work. (YOUTH)

  2. This building needs , it looks very old fashioned. (MODERN)

  3. Take a and wipe off the dust. (CLOTHES)

  4. Considering the quality, this exquisite vase is quite (EXPENSIVE)

  5. Mary never in completing the course. (SUCCESS)

  6. John's arrival was quite I was surprised. (EXPECT)

  1. Tom brought 100 roses, I did not know what to say, he left me (SPEECH)

  2. People say that is a very good exercise. (GARDEN)

  3. It was necessary to follow the carefully. They proved useful. (INSTRUCT)

  4. It came as a surprise, he was welcomed with very warm (RECEIVE)

  5. It is not for Jane to ask for the pay rise. (ADVICE)

  6. This essay gives you a thorough understanding of living conditions in

Dolomia. (DESCRIBE)

  1. Mr. Raiment has no to his article appearing in the magazine. (OBJECT)

  2. Mrs. Lower expressed her for all the help she had received. (GRATEFUL)

  3. You can go on foot, it is within a distance. (WALK)

  4. Her behaviour resulted in her to listen to our advice. (REFUSE)

  5. I was given a very description, so I recognized him at once. (DETAIL)

  6. The weather here is , so take warm clothes, too. (PREDICT)

3 8. There was much after the accident, people did not know what to do. (CONFUSE)

39. His behaviour was , nobody said anything that might have triggered him.


  1. Stop acting , after all you turned 25 last month. (MATURE)

  2. This poor man thanked the millionaire for his (GENEROUS)

  3. Lee looked at her in He couldn't understand why she had done so. (BELIEVE)

  4. Students who leave schools have to decide what career to choose. (SECOND)

  5. The room is 10 m in length and 5 m in (WIDE)

  6. You lead a very lifestyle. Smoking and sitting at home is not good idea.


  1. Mark didn't study enough and that's why his exam ended in (FAIL)

  2. The ZOO finally got the of this rare species of snakes. (SHIP)

  3. The author asked his wife to write an to his autobiography. (INTRODUCE)

  4. The bodyguard gave the thieves a final and asked them to surrender. (WARN)

  5. Aunt Mary was appalled by her nephew's (RUDE).

  6. The teacher condemned students' during the break. (BEHAVE)

  7. The sportsman's ankle hurt so much that he said the pain was (BEAR).

  8. The doctor has blamed for the patient's insomnia. (STRESSFUL)

  9. The media accused the government of and riots in town. (INFORM)

  10. She arrived and we didn't have anything ready for lunch. (EXPECT)

56. Tom apologized to Mary for the and promised it wouldn't happen again.


  1. The boss has fired Lee saying he despises at work. (LOYAL)

  2. Despite his instructions, we managed to get to the center. (MEAN)

  3. Freud wrote a lot about our in reference to our dreams. (CONSCIOUS)

  4. Grandparents are loved for their and experience in many situations. (WISE)

Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań - Translation

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty zdań umieszczone w nawiasach. W podanych czę­ściach angielskich nie należy niczego zmieniać. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna tłumaczonych fragmentów.

W arkuszu maturalnym zadanie tego typu zawiera zwykle 4 zdania. Za każde poprawne roz­wiązanie przyznaje się 0,5 pkt.

I. She gave a (szczegółowy opis) of the trip.

2.1 (nie mam ochoty) like sitting at home all day.

  1. You (przypominasz mi) my classmate at primary school.

  2. (Mówi się, że) he works for National Geographic.

  3. (Pomimo moich starań) I didn't manage to finish the work before the


  1. If you had taken my advice, (nie musielibyśmy) worry about money now.

  2. (Lepiej, żebyś zaczął) working now!

  3. You shouldn't (winić mnie za) the accident.

  4. Mark (nalegał na) taking the children to the cinema.

10. The concert was cancelled (z powodu) to the singer's illness.

II. I'd rather (żebyś nie szedł) to the party.

  1. (Widocznie) , there's a bus strike - that's why the bus hasn't come.

  2. (Żaden z moich przyjaciół) can play bridge.

  3. (Gdyby nie) the strong wind, I would have visited you yesterday.

  4. It's time (żeby on zaczął sam się utrzymywać)

  5. (Powinieneś był dać) her the flowers.

  6. My neighbour, (którego) dog won the competition, is quite wealthy.

  7. I wish I (nie pracuję) in a bank.

  8. Seldom (on ją widuje) these days.

20. Mary is a very hard-working person, (podczas gdy) Jenny enjoys doing


21. She asked me when (zostanie poinformowana) about the exam


  1. John said that it (powinno było zostać zrobione) long ago.

  2. Who (został namalowany) this picture ?

  3. (Gdybym nie zjadł) so much yesterday, I wouldn't be sick now.

  4. By next year he (będzie malował) still nature for 5 years.

  5. If (nie przyjdzie) in one minute, we'll have to go.

  6. A: "I was knocking for so long and there was no answer" B: "John (być może brał prysznic) and that's why he couldn't hear."

  7. Hank's mom (gotowała) for 2 hours when he came home at 8 yesterday.

  8. When (zostanie zabrana) to the hospital?

30. He didn't tell them how long (planują zatrzymać się) in the

Royal Hotel.

31. The children (obiecały nie otwierać) the door to strangers.

32.1 don't think he (da sobie ściąć) his hair next week.

  1. Even if (zostałbym zaproszony) last week I wouldn't have gone.

  2. On no account (on powinen tu przychodzić) , it's dangerous.

  3. When John got to the party, (podawano herbatę)

  4. Mary got up early (żeby nie spóźnić się) for the 6.15 train.

  5. Tom's father (przeprosił za spóźnienie) to the meeting.

  6. The boy (żałował, że rozbił) this valuable vase.

  7. Tom wants to know when (zaczęliście odwiedzać) Jack.

  8. They (zabrakło im cukru) at the party last night.

  9. Why (nie powiedziałeś mi) about his story when I asked you?

  10. This shop (powinien był zostać zamknięty) long time ago.

  11. Do you think we should (dać do naprawy) our old radio ?

  12. John's friend wanted to know (ile lat ma) his sister

  13. His mother (ostrzegła nas, żebyśmy nie dotykali) anything in the living room.

  14. By next month Mary (będzie oszczędzała) money for college for 5 years.

  15. He (rozmawiał) for 10 minutes before he realized it was not the right man.

  16. How long (nie rozmawiacie) to each other?

49. If the present i zostałby dostarczony) on time, we would not be in trouble


  1. Tom would like to know how long (jesteśmy) together.

  2. Unless (nie przestanie padać) , we will have to stay home.

  3. Under no circumstances (nie wolno ci wychodzić) out, it is dangerous.

  4. If you (nie będziesz) a good girl, we will not go to the park.

  5. Dave (pamiętał, że wysłał) this letter to his brother.

  6. Why (nie chciałbyś) you to take part in this meeting?

  7. Did they know when (on wyjechał) for London?

  8. Well, then. Tell me where these pictures (nie mają zostać powieszone)


  1. We do not need (tylu informacji) to complete this project.

  2. Your dad (nie byłby zadowolony) last week if he had heard the


60. I (wolałabym raczej, żeby) Mary (została) at home.


Zadanie 1.

Uzupełnij każde z niedokończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów. Wymagana jest poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych frag­mentów.

W arkuszu maturalnym zadanie tego typu zawiera zwykle 4 zdania. Za każde poprawne roz­wiązanie przyznaje się 0,5 pkt.

1. You are not allowed to come in if you don't have a ticket.


2. He is very proud of his achievements.

He takes

3. I regret not selling the house one year ago.

I wish

4. The man is repairing our roof.

We are

5. I'd like you to keep the windows closed.

I'd rather

6. Mark didn't have much money but he spent a fortune on new clothes.


7. Jim doesn't know the man, and Bob doesn't know him, either.

Neither Jim

8. I think we should start studying hard for the exam.

It's high time

9. It was difficult for me not to laugh when I saw Rob in his new shirt.

I couldn't

10. You shouldn't go there under any circumstances.

Under no

11. They didn't let Harry go out at night.


12. I don't want you to tidy my room every day.

I'd sooner

13. You didn't put your overcoat on; that's why you're all soaked now.

If you

14. He rarely visits us these days.


15. We were able to lift the piano because Harry helped us.

If it hadn't

16. We all believed his story! It wasn't true.

He took

17. It wasn't a good idea to buy such a big car.

You shouldn't

18. I think you need a few days off.

He suggested

19. These two dogs cannot bark.


20. I'm sorry I interrupted you.

I apologise

Zadanie 2.

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedokończonych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów ani formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów.

W arkuszu maturalnym zadanie tego typu zawiera zwykle 4 zdania. Za każde poprawne roz­wiązanie przyznaje się 0,5 pkt.

1. It wasn't neccessary for you to do it. I've already done it.


You it. I've already done it.

2. Do you know why Tom dislikes coffee?


She asked me if coffee.

3. When did you start playing the guitar?


How the guitar?

4. John Brown was probably murdered by this dangerous criminal.


John Brown this dangerous criminal.

5. Ski-jumping doesn't interest John very much.


John ski-jumping.

6. People think that she went to Paris last year.


She to Paris last year.

7. An interior designer is decorating our house.


We by an interior designer.

8. The postman is delivering the letters now.


The letters the postman now.

9. We met Mark in 2000.


We 5 years.

10. He looked guilty so it was probably his fault.


He looked guilty, so it his fault.

11. We found it hard to explain what had happened


We what had happened.

12. I am sure the man in black did it.


The man in black it.

13. It's too hot to go outside.


We could go outside so hot today.

14. "I am sorry I forgot about the meeting", Tom told his girlfriend.


Tom about the meeting.

15. Pete decided not to see his friends and went to the cinema.


Pete went to the cinema friends.

16. Mary has always had good relationship with her sister.


Mary has always her sister.

17. They have made a cake for us.


We for us.

18.Who will take her to Paris?
Who to Paris by?

19.1 am sure I saw the man yesterday.
I the man yesterday.

20.1 can't stand her behaviour.
It's difficult her behaviour.

21. It was necessary to do the cleaning very fast.


The cleaning very fast.

22. He remembered to take everything except his computer.


The only thing which his computer.

23. Do you know realize why Mary likes roses?


He asked me if roses.

24. When did he start playing hockey?


How hockey?

25. Who will paint this picture?


Who by?

26. A mechanic was repairing John's car.


John by the mechanic.

27. The car was probably stolen by the Smiley's gang.


The car the Smiley's gang.

28. Unless you apologize, you cannot go to the party.


You can go the party apologize.

29. People say Mary left her husband.


Mary her husband.

30. Tom didn't write the report, because he didn't know it was urgent.


Tom would have written the report was urgent.

31. Why did they reveal our secret?


Why secret?

32. I did not expect to see you here.


It see you here.

33. John does not drive as fast as Tom.


Tom is John.

34. Dave has not been to the cinema since 2000.


It's in the cinema.

35. The parents are going to organize a meeting about allergies.


A meeting about allergies by the parents.

36. Jane took a car, because she did not want to be late.


Jane took a car late.

37. The students were still writing their essays after three hours.


The students three hours.

38. We regretted coming here.


We here.

39. It was not advisable for us to request a loan.


We a loan.

40. If you are not sure what a word means, check it in the dictionary!


If you are not sure what a word means, in the dictionary.


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