zdania na voc

Making a Plea for Plain Speaking

  1. Making a plea for plain speaking.

Appealing for comprehensive language.

  1. to help them deliver more effective policies.

to provide an assistance in the introduction more beneficial strategies.

  1. What works is what counts.

Only useful solutions are taken into consideration.

  1. Decoding unintelligible prose in academic journals.

Interpreting incomprehensible passages in scholar periodicals.

  1. ...will provide a window at the heart of government for the best new thinking from the academic community.

…introduce a good possibility to the hub of authorities for the best ideas from the scholar circles.

The Science of Laughs

  1. No humanlike laughing, no speaking.

If a creature cannot laugh it won't be able to articulate a word.

  1. Laughter is only rarely a response to jokes.

Giggle is seldom a reaction to puns.

  1. It solidifies relationships and pulls people into the fold.

It cements bonds between people and pushes them into the community.

It not only congeals bonds between people but also unites them into the group.

  1. Evil laughter is no oxymoron.

Malicious giggle exists

  1. And tickling yourself is a non-starter.

Amusing yourself in order to make yourself laughing genuinely is pointless.

Culture Shocked

  1. ...orientation toward given task is stronger that orientation toward people.

they devote more attention to distribution of assignments than to employees.

  1. Their path stretches from the unknown to the well-known Western culture, and it depends how they adapt to it.

Their route comprises both unfamiliarity and knowledge of the European way of life and how they tend to assimilate it individually.

How to use your body effectively

  1. We tend to think of a person's eyes as a window into the real self.

It is said that one's eyes reflect their true nature.

  1. The lack of eye contact suggests that you are putting something over on them.

In you avoid looking into listeners' eyes it may mean that you are trying to deceive them.

  1. if you want to steal a scene from someone

if you wish to attract more attention.

  1. they (movements) should always complement your message rather than distract form it

Your gestures should always harmonise with the information you want to convey, not contradict it.

  1. You may even have a special “good luck” outfit that raises your social confidence

It is useful to owe a unique lucky suit that makes you fell more self-confident.

  1. Did you see how his eyes darted back and forth?

Have you notice how his eyes moved quickly and suddenly backwards and forwards?

  1. One technique you may try is to make a “Z” sweep with your eyes.

One method you may go for is to move your eyes horizontally.

  1. A poker face is an advantage only in a game with deuces wild.

An emotionless expression is an asset only when playing….

The Death of English

  1. The most hotly contested controversy sparked by the text-messaging phenomenon of the past eight years is over truant letters.

The short messages' occurrence of the last eight years, which inspired the mostly heatedly arguable dispute, is missing characters.

  1. Where the naysayers see destruction, Crystal sees growth.

The issues considered by pessimists as calamitous in Crystal's opinion are productive.

  1. Monumental developments interrupt periods of stasis, always as a result of crucial external developments.

Extraordinary improvements obstruct the stagnant time spans and without exception are a consequence of vital extra progress.

  1. That heathen Shakespeare would have been onboard.

The pagan Shakespeare would have been up-to-date

A Fantasy World of False Ears and Forced Smiles

  1. Back stage became an increasingly bitter place: decapitated Mickey's, Snow White dabbing at ruins of her make-up.

Behind the scenes has gradually transformed into a miserable position: beheaded Mickey's, Snow White mopping at remains of her face-paint.

  1. Disney had plain-clothes employees nicknamed „foxes” who monitored staff behaviour, generating a sense of unease.

The members of the staff called „foxes” kept other employees under constant surveillance, which created the feeling of malaise.

  1. Many were trapped, owing money.

Many were in trouble, indebted.

  1. I was utterly drained.

I was completely exhausted.

Children of the Revolution

  1. The brave new world that opened up in 1989 brought many lucrative careers, travel and the chance to shape their lives.

The heroic new reality which begun in 1989 conveyed plenty of profitable occupations, journeys and created a possibility of forming their new existence.

  1. The division between haves and have-nots is often stark.

The distinction between those who possess and who don't is often clear.

  1. The notion of competition was itself new.

The idea of rivalry was pioneering.

  1. For those able to navigate the choppy waters of a post-soviet economy, the world is rich in opportunity.

For those who can easily find themselves in the jungle of the new economic system previously affected by communism, the world if full of lucrative prospects.

  1. Breed largely unheard of a decade ago.

A type of behaviour, which wasn't widely known few years before.

  1. Her generation's reigning state of mind.

Her peer group existing mental shape.

  1. Sadly, the one thing that may unify both wings of Eastern European youth is the vice encouraged by openness.

Immorality stimulated by honesty is the only way of bringing both groups of teenagers from Eastern Europe together.

  1. Theories for the rise vary.

Speculations for the increase differ.

The Polish Plumber

  1. It took more than 40 years of stop-start diplomacy and a final round of cliff-hanger talks.

After 40 years of fruitless negotiations, no compromise was reached, moreover, the discussion spawned more questions than desired answers- it seemed a vicious circle.

  1. The prospect of unfettered immigration spooked many governments, and at the last moment 12 nations exercised their right to keep a battery of restrictions in place for up to seven years.

The authorities of many European countries got scared of the probability of an unrestricted influx of newcomers and prepared a banning legislation ready to be introduced for the following 7 years.

  1. It looks like a win-win deal.

It seems to be a compromise in which both sides benefit equally.

  1. An emblematic job snatcher loomed large in the debate.

An iconic job hunter appeared at the top of agenda and persisted through the negotiations and haunted the conference.

An iconic job hunter dominated the conference.

  1. Is that a trickle could fast become a deluge.

Is that a handful can rapidly turn into a mass invasion.

  1. Poles have reacted with mixed dismay and perplexity.

Polish people responded with an anxiety blended with confusion.

  1. Comments edged with impatience.

Remarks sprinkled over with nervousness.

  1. Rapid economic progress that robs migration of its appeal.

Swift development of the economy that takes the charm form migration.

  1. Besides, the inertia instinct is strong.

What is more, the natural tendency of idleness is irresistible.

  1. They're bringing an entrepreneurial zeal and a robust work ethic.

They are carrying a profit-making enthusiasm and high working standards.

  1. Put another way, they've turned the migrant conventional wisdom on its head: these folks tend to be economic stimulators, not drones, and certainly not leeches on the public weal.

In other words, they have completely changed migrant traditional knowledge: these people seem to be a boost to the economic growth, no a hindrance and surely not parasites feeding on the social welfare.

  1. So, what about the doomsayers' talk of a market - swamping migrant flood?

So what to do with the economic sceptics' complaints about the business-overwhelming influx of newcomers?

  1. Not that hard-headed economists see unfettered migration as panacea for Europe's woes.

Not such realistic financial experts perceive uncontrolled movements of people as a remedy for Europe's troubles.

  1. Thinking ahead, it's easy to imagine today's fears turning into tomorrow's opportunity.

Forecasting in advance, it is quite simple to predict that what today seems terrifying, hopefully will change into future, favourable chance.

Not Made for Walking

  1. The vast majority of the now 18 million jobless Europeans are unlikely to ever look beyond their own backyards for work.

The huge predominance of currently unemployed Europeans are unwilling to even seek job somewhere else than in their vicinity. (closest surroundings)

  1. Referring to the mismatch between jobs and available labour.

Pointing out the disparity between demand and accessible work places.

Pointing out the discrepancy between work places and accessible human factor.

  1. This will be high on their list.

This will be one of the most important issues.

  1. They will have no shortage of discouraging evidence to consider.

There will be plenty of demoralizing data to contemplate.

  1. Indeed, while the EU pays lip service to the importance of labour mobility, many of its members work in countless ways against it.

Whereas the EU claims that it strongly supports and realises the necessity of work movability, a number of its representatives act to hinder it.

  1. The stakes will grow higher with time.

The risk is going to be greater within a period of time.

  1. Thus mobility goes to the core of European identity.

Therefore movability reaches the hub of European individuality.

The New Old Age

  1. But the elderly have numbers on their side.

However those advanced in years are in majority.

  1. Old people are Japan's only growing asset.

The elderly are Japan's unique thriving strength.

  1. This erosion of one of the cornerstones of the good life - relaxed golden years - has not gone unremarked.

This deterioration of one of the essential elements of our fine existence - the calm autumn of our lives - has not passed being unnoticed.

  1. The pod of young job applicants shrinks.

The number of youthful job seekers decreases.

  1. Ripe targets of corporations seeking to pare costs.

Opportune aims for companies trying to reduce expenses.

  1. The surprising news to many younger workers dreaming of a life beyond the rat race is that most seniors are happy to be working.

The startling report for a number of young employees thinking about not participating in unhealthy competition shows that the majority of the elderly take pleasure in being employed.

  1. Happily, few of us today associate work with that kind of bodily strain.

Fortunately not many people nowadays relate their labour to this type of physical exertion.

Hard Word, Hard Times

  1. In Germany, employers exploited such fears to wring unprecedented concessions from unions this summer

In Germany, managers abused this kind of worries to mangle exceptional compromises from trade unions this summertime.

  1. ….outsourcing now tops the list of economic worries.

Subcontracting is currently in the vanguard of financial anxieties.

  1. With an ear for the political groundswell.

Being up-to-the-minute with any political upsurge.

  1. The threat of outsourcing is being misused to make it easier for employers to dip into workers wallets.

The managers took advantage of subcontracting menace to make the employees accept longer working hours for lower wages.

  1. At bottom, the outsourcing controversy is probably hyped.

The subcontracting dispute is blown up by the media on purpose.

Time to Go Back Home

  1. It's all part of a new system that awards marks to prospective newcomers based on their skills or qualifications.

It's all an element of a fresh policy that grants points to would-be outsiders according to their abilities or competence.

  1. As an economy craters, opinion is now hardening.

In tandem with the financial system collapse, the public standpoint in toughening.

  1. They recognise that a nervous public wants action.

They realize that the anxious society demands radical steps to be taken.

  1. Only those we want and no more come here to work.

Only desired ones are allowed to work here legally.

Polish Migrant Workers Feel The Chill

  1. Polish expatriates talk of their hometowns as if they were baggy old overcoats: threadbare but warm and comforting.

Polish temporary migrants regard their native land as a place with visible drawbacks but still worth praising and revisiting.

  1. To many Poles, the UK seems frostily individualistic, confusingly heterogeneous and oddly indifferent to newcomers.

For a number of Polish people, the UK seems to be icily unique, misleadingly diverse and unusually unconcerned to immigrants.

  1. The refrain of comedians parodying a reaction of mingled xenophobia and gratitude.

The catchphrase of comics caricaturing a response to mixed prejudice and gratefulness.

  1. But now Poles are at the bleeding edge of the downturn.

But currently Poles are in dire straits.

  1. Now he is in two minds.

Now he is uncertain.

Seven Steps to Ending Unemployment

    1. What could be done to bring a serious reduction in unemployment?

What measures can be taken to diminish the number of the jobless?

    1. Economic success today depends less on materials in the ground and more on the gold in people's heads.

Nowadays the financial prosperity is based more on the proper education that on the natural resources.

    1. In Scandinavia it was the willingness of citizens to pay higher taxes to soak up jobs displaced elsewhere.

It was the inclination of the Scandinavians to spend more money on social payments in order to tackle the issue of the unemployment.


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