What is the requirement for carrying products with flashpoint less than 60 C ?

+ To be carried in vessels of oil tanker standard

What is the meaning of the abbreviation COF ?

+ certificate of fitness

What is the name of the United Nations organization dealing with maritime matters ?


Chemical tankers constructed on or after 1 July 1986 must comply with the provisions of ?

+ The IBC Code

Enthalpy is an expression for what ?

+ For a substance's internal energy

An atom consists of what ?

+ Protons , neutrons and electrons

What system is built on the principle that the electrons in the outer shell determine the chemical properties of a material ?

+ The periodic system

What is evaporation ?

+ When a liquid change to gas

Which three stages of illness may be distinguished in s typical case of poisoning ?

+ The latent stage , the active stage and the late stage

What is the normal concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in inert gas ?

+ 0.01 %

Which muscle is the most persevering in the body ?

+ The heart

What are organochlorines ?

+ Substances containing chemically combined chlorine and carbon

Which international convention is dealing with pollution prevention on chemical tankers ?

+ MARPOL 73 / 78 , Annex II

Which one of the conventions is dealing with safety and fire prevention ?


Which of the codes applies to chemical vessels constructed after 1 July 1986 ?

+ The IBC Code

What is the minimum speed requirement when discharging substances in Category B into the sea?

+ 7 knots

Are you allowed to carry cargoes subject to the Code in the fore or aft peak tanks ?

+ No

Is it compulsory to have permanent arrangements for hoisting injured persons in the cargo pump-room ?

+ Yes

What is the max design pressure on gravity tank ?

+ Not greater than 0,7 bar

What is the maximum quantity of type 1 chemicals to be transported in each tank ?

+ 1200 m3

What is the “main system” in the cargo handling system ?

+ The piping and valves

The different types of cargo pumps are divided in two main groups , what groups ?

+ Displacement - and kinetic pumps

Which one of the pumps listen below has no self priming capacity ?

+ Centrifugal pump

What is the minimum number of potable vapour (toxic or flammable) detection instruments required on board chemical tankers ?

+ 1

What is the maximum allowable HC content in a cargo tank level before entering ?

+ 1 % LEL

What is the absolutely main purpose with fighting a fire on board ?

+ Rescuing of fire

How many types of foam should be supplied for fire extinguishing on chemical tankers ?

+ Only one type

What is the LEL ?

+ Lower explosive limit

What is the key to an efficient and safe port stay ?

+ The planning

What is the normal filling level on a cargo tank ?

+ 98 %

What is the normal storage time for cargo samples (providing no claims) ?

+ 14 months

All chemicals are divided into groups by USCG - how many groups ?

+ 43

What is normally sufficient temperature on washing water to remove all residues ?

+ 50 C

Where do you find information to perform a prewash ?

+ In the P & A Manual

Where can you find useful tank cleaning information with regards to specific cargoes ?

+ In the tank cleaning manual

Where do you find information regarding minimum quantity of water to be used in a prewash ?

+ In the P & A Manual

Where on board are you allowed to smoke while the vessel is alongside a loading / discharge berth?

+ Only in designated smoking places

What is the requirement regarding minimum number of ships staff staying on board at all times during port stay ?

+ Sufficient number to stay on board in case of emergency operations

What is required to have available near the gangway or other means of access ?

+ A lifebuoy with life line

Who is responsible to ensure the safe control of operation at all times during cargo operation ?

+ Both parties ( shore and ship )

Effective heart compression requires sufficient pressure. How many cm. should the patient's lower sternum be depressed ( in an adult ) ?

+ 4 -5 cm.

In case of heart compression how many times per minute should the sternum be depressed ( two rescuers ) ?

+ 60 times per minute

What is the most important thing to do when the patient is not breathing but the heart has not stopped ?

+ Open airway

In a typical case of poisoning which three stage of illness may be distinguished ?

+ The latent stage, the active stage and the late stage

A dedicated chemical tanker differs from the multipurpose one in the respect that all of the general regulations need not to be fulfilled. What regulations in particular ?

+ Fire protection requirements

What is the meaning of the “expanded” International Bulk Chemical Code ?

+ The International Bulk Chemical Code are marking MARPOL Annex II requirements part of the Code

Plastics are made from simpler chemicals by the process of polymerization, in which single short chain molecules or monomers are combined to form molecules called polymers. What is the two main groups of plastic ?

+ Thermosets and Thermoplastics

What is the lightest fraction obtained from the distillation of coal tar hydrocarbon ?

+ Benzene

Phenol is a key product in the chemical industry. What is the major source of Phenol ?

+ Benzene derivative, Cumene, and Acetone

The periodic system's number is the element's atomic number. The atomic number also indicated?

+ The total number of electrons in the atom

What is the meaning of organic chemistry ?

+ Substance that contains carbon

What is the common expression for materials that have the same molecule formula, but properties (boiling point, density, etc.) are different because the atom structure is different ?

+ Isometric bonding

What is characteristic for alkanes ?

+ Alkanes have only single bonding between the carbon atoms

What will happen if you mix a solvent of bromine and water with saturated oil ?

+ The bromine - coloured water will disappear

Where do you find information about cargo that can be carried in “type 2 ship” ?

+ In the IBC Code chapter 17

What is “padding” ?

+ By filling the cargo tank and associated piping systems with a liquid, gas or vapour which separates the cargo from the air , and maintaining that condition

What is the requirement regarding inert gas pressure ?

+ At least 0,07 bar gauge

Special areas mean a sea area where methods for the prevention of sea pollution by noxious liquid substances are required. What are the special areas with regards to MARPOL 73 / 78 Annex II ?

+ The Baltic sea area, the Black Sea area and the Atlantic area

Whit regard pumping system what is the maximum amount of residue pr. Tank of category B ob a vessel constructed on or after 1 July 1986 ?

+ 0,1 m3

Although it depends upon melting point and ambient temperatures, solidifying substances have, in principle to be heated well above their melting point to remain pumpable. What is the discharging temperature for cargoes with a melting between 0 C and 15 C ?

+ 5 C or more above their melting point

What is the expansion ratio for “low expansion foam” ?

+ From about 3:1 up to about 15: 1

What is the minimum content of air in a self-contained compressed-air-operated apparatus ?

+ 1200 litres

What is the denomination of Specific Gravity (SG) ?

+ SG has no denomination

According to the requirements for discharge category D substances within a Special Area, by how many times their volume of water should the residues be diluted when the vessel is more than 12 miles land and proceeding at a speed of 7 knots or more ?

+ 10 times


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