Assessment 1 handout

Language Learner's Assessment [1] handout

1. Note: The teacher's task is to choose a variation of the assessment technique suitable for his/her particular group of learners [their age and needs]. Most assessment techniques have those possible variations. If teaching is focused on physically engaging, creative, entertaining activities, than these should also be the focus of any assessment which is carried out. Teaching and assessment thus become congruent, not inconsistent.

2. Language Learner's Assessment includes:

3. What assessment should be like ?

-closely related to the learning process (the basic purpose of the assessment ideas is to serve teaching and learning by providing feedback to you and the learners)

-encouraging a positive classroom atmosphere

-promoting and maintaining strong motivation for learning English

What are Evaluation , Assessment & Testing ?

4. Evaluation- the process of gathering information in order to determine the extend to witch a language programme meets its goals. Relevant into can be teachers and parents opinions textbook quality, exam results and children attitude.

-Evaluation tools:

tests; questionnaires; textbook analysis; observation.

5. Assessment- a general term witch includes all methods used to gather information about learners knowledge, ability, understanding, attitudes and motivation.

- Assessment can be carried out thorough various instruments (e.g. tests, self-assessment), and can be formal or informal.

6. Testing- one of the procedures that can be used to assess a learners performance. A test has a certain objective eg. To see to what extent a learner understands a written text. The test than checks if the learner achieved this objective.

- Testing uses tasks or exercises and assigns marks or grades based on quantifiable results.

7. Assessing children - problems

Note: The recognition of that children have special needs has led to the development of effective teaching methodologies that take into account children's creativity and their love to play, songs, rhymes, and role play. As these methodologies have been introduced into class teaching, lessons have become more learner-centered and child-friendly. However Assessment, has not developed in the same way. This problem has long been recognized but only recently addressed. Some Ts resort to external exams under pressure of accountability, tailoring their lessons to train their children for the chosen exam. So, often they miss out on methods appropriate for children.

8. Washback Effect - it is the influence of a test on teaching. It is assumed that teachers teach to the tests.

E.g. if a test checks written abilities, teachers do not teach speaking. Thus we have to be sure that effect does not exist.

9. Children's assessment - hints

The assessment tasks should be closely linked to the classroom practices used today with children. The children will therefore be familiar with the format of the assessment tasks, so they don't see them as something different or alien, and the task don't create anxiety or other negative feelings. On the contrary they can encourage positive attitudes in that they may be seen as a fun thing to do.

10. What the assessment tools should be based on ?

-communicative language learning

-task-based learning

-appropriateness for the given group of learners (eg. According to their age)


-learner training

-learner autonomy

-critical reflection

11. Any kind of assessment and marking should:

- be objective -that the same work/test should be graded in the same way by the same teacher after some time.

- meet the goals and objectives of a foreign language teaching (as stated in the syllabus). A teacher must design such techniques as be able to check and assess all taught skills: listening comprehension, speaking - together with pronunciation and phonetics, reading comprehension and writing.

- be useful didactically; it should provide interesting and valuable lesson activities and tasks. Repetitive and boring control tasks make our learners bored and demotivated.


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