Pytania i odpowiedzi Í 49 Radar Observation & Plotting

Cd.49 Radar Observation & Plotting


  1. What is the radar sweep?

  1. Which radar condition can be expected when stationary warm air is located on top of cold sea?

  1. What is the main function of the antenna?

  1. What is the effect of Sub-reflection?

  1. What is the radar scan?

  1. What is the meaning of “radar range resolution”?

  1. What is the function of the Magnetron?

  1. What is the meaning of “radar bearing resolution”?

  1. Does the number of pulses transmitted per second affect the radar maximum range?

  1. We have normal transmission of radar waves when the radar horizon is?

  1. How does radar antenna height influence on sea clutter?

  1. The reflection of radar pulses is similar to that of?

  1. What is the relation between scanner width (size) and horizontal beam with?

  1. What is the main function of the receiver?

  1. What are two main purposes of marine radar?

  1. The horizontal extension of the target affects the echo pulse?

  1. Does the ships trim affect radar minimum range?


  1. What is the purpose of the Drift controls?

  1. What is the purpose of the VRM control?

  1. Marine radar bearing accuracy is generally?

  1. Which course should be fed in to a stabilized radar picture?

  1. How to reduce beam width distortion?

  1. What is the purpose of the HL-suppress button?

  1. What is the purpose of the Brilliance control?

  1. Marine radar range accuracy is generally?

- High


1. The radar must be able to operate in relative wind speeds up to?

- 100 knots

2. What is the required accuracy of the heading marker?

- +/- 1 deg

3. IMO resolution 477 applies to all ships built after?

- 1984

4. What is the minimum radar display diameter for ships of 10000 tons and upwards?

- 16 inch

5. What is the minimum number if range scales required?

- 5

6. What is the minimum display diameter required on ships bigger than 1600 tons but less than 10000 tons?

- 250mm

7. What is the maximum radar “warm-up” time?

- 4 min

8. It is a requirement to have the HM-suppress button spring loaded?

- Yes, it is a IMO requirement.


  1. When plotting north up, you plot?

- Bearings

2. What is the effect of gyro error?

- All bearings will be wrong.

3. What is the main advantage of true plotting?

- Easy to understand

4. What is the main purpose of plotting?

- Obtain information about weather danger of collision exists, CPA, TCPA, targets course and speed

5. What is the main purpose of Seaspeak?

- Reduce maritime communication problems.

6. What is the effect of error in time between two plots?

- Error in CPA, TCPA and target course.

7. What is the effect of using incorrect bearings in plotting?

- CPA, TCPA, Course and Speed are effected.

8. What is the usual method of deciding whether collision danger exist or not?

- By taking several bearings of the target.


  1. Use of radar to assist in navigation can be divided in?

- 3 groups

2. How is an uncoded racon displayed on the PPI?

- As a line

3. What is the main purpose of the parallel index line?

- Assist the navigator in obtaining a decided CPA to a selected point.

4. What is the purpose of the radar reflector?

- Making small objects better visible

5. What is a coded racon?

- A racon which display a morse code on the radar screen.

6. Radar navigation have X important motion components?

- 3

7. What type of radar can active a racon?

- X-band radar

8. Does the racon show up on a C-band radar?

- No


  1. Does the COLREG give any preference to ships equipped with radar?

- No

2. COLREG no 35 specify?

- Sound signals during reduced visibility.

3. What is the main content of COLREG no 5?

- Proper look out.

4. COLREG no 10 apply to?

- Vessels sailing in separation schemes


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