zadania z listy 1

use northwind

-- zad 1

select contactname, country, city, address, productname, quantity

from customers C join orders O on C.customerid = O.customerid

join [order details] OD on O.orderID = OD.orderID

join Products P on OD.ProductID=P.ProductID

order by contactname

-- zad 2

select contactname, country, city, address from customers

where country='Italy'

-- zad 3

select productID, productname, unitprice from products

order by productID desc

-- zad 4

select country, contactname from customers

order by 1,2

-- zad 5

select top 5 companyname, sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity)

from customers C join orders O on c.customerid=o.customerid

join [order details] OD on O.OrderID=OD.OrderID

group by companyname

order by 2 desc

-- zad 6

select orderid from [order details]

where productid='33'

-- zad 7

select top 10 productname, sum(od.unitprice*quantity) as wartsprz from products P

join [order details] OD on P.productID = OD.productid

group by productname

order by wartsprz asc

-- zad 8

select count(od.orderid) as Zamownienia_z_Londynu from [order details] OD

join orders O on OD.orderid = O.orderID

join customers C on C.customerid= O.customerid

where = 'London'

-- zad 9

select categoryname, productname from categories C join products P

on C.categoryid = p.categoryid

where categoryname = 'dairy products' or categoryname = 'condiments'

order by 1,2

-- zad 10

select o.orderid, c.customerid from orders O join customers C on c.customerid = o.customerid

join [order details] OD on O.orderid=od.orderid join products P on P.productid = OD.productid

where productname in('Chai', 'Filo Mix', 'Konbu')

-- zad 11

select companyname from customers C join orders O on C.customerid=O.customerid

join [order details] OD on O.orderid= OD.orderid join products P on OD.productid=p.productid

join categories CA on CA.categoryid = P.categoryid

where country = 'Denmark' and categoryname = 'seafood'

group by companyname

-- zad 12

select companyname, od.orderid, (quantity*unitprice) as wart_zam from customers C

join orders O on C.customerid=O.customerid

join [order details] OD on O.orderid = OD.orderid

order by 1,2 asc

-- zad 13

select o.orderid, companyname, sum((quantity*unitprice)-discount*(quantity*unitprice)) as netto,

sum(((quantity*unitprice)-discount*(quantity*unitprice))*1.22) as brutto from

customers C join Orders O on C.customerid = O.customerid join [order details] OD

on OD.orderid = o.orderid

group by o.orderid, companyname

-- zad 14

create view srednia_Chai

as select avg(quantity) as srednia from [order details] OD join products P on OD.productid=p.productid

where productname = 'chai'

select companyname , quantity from customers C join orders O on C.customerid=O.customerid

join [order details] OD on O.orderid= OD.orderid join products P on OD.productid=p.productid, srednia_Chai

where productname = 'Chai' and quantity > srednia

-- zad 15

select companyname from customers

where companyname like 'D%'

-- zad 16

select orderid, count(productid) as ilosc_pozycji from [order details] od

group by orderid

-- zad 17

select categoryname, productname, datepart(quarter, orderdate) as kwartał ,

sum(od.unitprice*quantity) as wartosc

from orders O join [order details] OD on O.orderid = od.orderid join products P

on od.productid = p.productid join categories CA on p.categoryid = CA.categoryid

where categoryname in('seafood', 'Beverages') and year(orderdate)= '1997'

group by categoryname, productname, datepart(quarter, orderdate)

-- zad 18

select country, count(customerid) as liczba_klientow from customers

group by country

order by 2 desc

-- zad 19

select companyname, count(orderid) as ilsoc_zamowien from customers C join orders O

on C.customerid = O.customerid

group by companyname

order by 2 desc

-- zad 20

select od.orderid, sum(od.unitprice*od.quantity) as wart_zam from [order details] OD

group by od.orderid

having sum(od.unitprice*od.quantity) > 4000

order by 2 asc

-- zad 21

select sum(od.unitprice*od.quantity) as wart_zam from [order details] OD

where orderid='10469'

-- zad 22

select avg(quantity*unitprice) as srednia_wart_zamowienia from [order details]

-- zad 23

create view avgChang

as select avg(quantity) as wart from [order details] OD join products P on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'chang'

select orderid from [order details] OD join products P on OD.productid= p.productid, avgchang

where productname = 'chang' and quantity > wart

-- zad 24

create view w_fracht as

select avg(freight) as fracht from orders

select orderid from orders, w_fracht

where freight > fracht

-- zad 25

create view srednia_wart

as select avg(unitprice*quantity) as srednia from [order details]

select orderid from [order details], srednia_wart

where (unitprice*quantity) > srednia

-- zad 26

create view klient as

select top 1 companyname as cm, sum(unitprice*quantity) as suma from customers C join

orders o on c.customerid=o.customerid join [order details] od

on o.orderid=od.orderid

group by companyname

order by suma desc

select od.orderid, productname from customers c join orders o on c.customerid = o.customerid join

[order details] od on o.orderid = od.orderid join products p on od.productid = p.productid , klient

where companyname = cm

-- zad 27

create view klienci as

select companyname cn, productname pn from customers c

join orders o on c.customerid=o.customerid join [order details] od on

o.orderid = od.orderid join products p on od.productid = p.productid

group by productname, companyname

create view liczba1 as

select count(productname) as licz_prod from products

select cn [nazwa firmy] from klienci, liczba1

group by cn, licz_prod

having count(pn) = licz_prod

-- zad 28

select categoryname, max(unitprice) as [cena]

from products p join categories c

on p.categoryid= c.categoryid

group by categoryname

-- zad 29

select categoryid from products

group by categoryid

having count(discontinued) > 2

-- zad 30

create view max_cena

as select max(unitprice) as maxi from [order details]

select orderid from [order details], max_cena

where unitprice = maxi

order by orderid

-- zad 31

select productname, categoryname from products p join categories c

on p.categoryid = c.categoryid

order by 2,1

-- zad 32

select companyname, count(od.orderid) as [ilosc zamowien], sum(unitprice*quantity) as[wart zamowien]

from customers c join orders o on c.customerid = o.customerid join [order details] od on

o.orderid = od.orderid

group by companyname

-- zad 33

select firstname, lastname, count(orderid) as [ilosc zamowien] from employees e join

orders o on e.employeeid = o.employeeid

group by firstname, lastname

order by 3 desc

-- zad 34

select o.orderid, orderdate, companyname, productname, od.unitprice, quantity,

od.unitprice*quantity as wartosc_towaru, firstname, lastname from customers c join orders o

on c.customerid = o.customerid join employees e on o.employeeid = e.employeeid join

[order details] od on o.orderid = od.orderid join products p on p.productid = od.productid

where od.orderid = '10255'

-- zad 35

select categoryname, sum(od.unitprice*quantity) as [wartosc sprz] from [order details] od

join products p on od.productid = p.productid join categories c on p.categoryid = c.categoryid

group by categoryname

-- zad 36

select productname from products p join [order details] od on p.productid= od.productid

group by productname

having count(quantity) = 0

-- zad 37

select companyname from customers c join orders o on c.customerid = o.customerid

group by companyname

having count(orderid) = 0

-- zad 38

select lastname, firstname, count(orderid) as [ilosc zamowien] from employees e join

orders o on e.employeeid = o.employeeid

where lastname = 'Fuller'

group by lastname, firstname

-- zad 39

select lastname, firstname, datename(month,(orderdate)) as miesiac, count(orderid) as [ilosc zamowien]

from employees e join orders o on e.employeeid = o.employeeid

where lastname = 'Fuller' and year(orderdate) = '1997'

group by lastname, firstname, datename(month,orderdate),datepart(month, orderdate)

order by datepart(month, orderdate)

-- zad 40

select categoryname, max(productname)as [nazwa produktu], max(unitprice) as [cena]

from products p join categories c on p.categoryid= c.categoryid

group by categoryname

-- zad 41

select lastname, firstname from employees e join orders o on e.employeeid = o.employeeid

where year(orderdate) = '1998'

group by lastname, firstname

having count(orderid) > 50


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