Lekcje Nauka pl LessonC




Positive Negative

I can run quickly I can't run quickly.

He/she can run quickly. He/She can't swim quickly.

We/they can swim quickly. We/You/they can't swim quickly.

Questions Short answers

Can you run quickly? Yes, I can. // No, I can't.

Can he/she run quickly? Yes, he/she can. // Not, he/she can't.

We use can to express ability and permission:

I can eat five hamburgers in one minute (ability - I am able to do this)

Can you eat five hamburgers in one minute? (are you able to do this?)

Can I borrow the car/ Yes, you can. (permission will you let me borrow it?)

UWAGA The past form of can is could, but be careful because we can only use could with general ability, not a specific action:

Right: I could swim very well when I was young. (a general habit)

Wrong: I could eat a whole cake when I was young. (specific action)

Right: I was able to eat a whole cake when I was young.

Practice 1

Use can to respond to these sentences:

  1. Have you got any special talents?


  1. I haven't got a pen.


  1. Can you put your feet behind your ears?


  1. How strong are you?


  1. Did you have any special talents when you were younger?



Use must, have (got) to, should or can to complete these sentences:

  1. You ........................ park cars outside the school. It is forbidden.

  2. I told Hermann that he ............................ smoke. It's very unhealthy.

  3. Maria ................ run 100 meters in 10 seconds.

  4. John ........................... pass his exams with an A if he wants to go to university.

  5. ........................ I go to France or Germany for my holidays?



Practice 1

Look at the following tenses. They show different ways of expressing suggestions, advice or warnings:

  1. Don't put your finger in the fire.

  2. You should help your friend with his homework.

  3. Why not go to Bangladesh for your summer holidays this year?

  4. What/how about eating more healthy food? Then you would lose weight.

  5. You (really) must see that new film; it's great!

  6. We could try singing some songs. That would be fun, wouldn't it!

  7. Let's go to the pub tonight!

  8. I (don't) think your cat likes being in the washing machine.

  9. Shall we go to a restaurant?

The forms are:

Do/don't do (imperative) Eat this cake; it's delicious

Should do/shouldn't do You shouldn't kick your cat

Why not + bare infinitive Why not go to Iran?

What/how about + -ing How about visiting the museum

Must/mustn't You mustn't forget to buy flowers

Could + bare infinitive We could go to a pub

Let's + bare infinitive Let's visit Hermann

I (don't) think I think it's a great idea

Shall + object + bare infinitive Shall we buy present?

Practice 2

Offer some suggestions, advice or a warning in response to these sentences:

  1. "Should I wear the miniskirt or the leather trousers?"


  1. "I'm bored. What can we do?"


  1. "What should I buy for Matt's birthday this year?"


  1. Your friend is trying to decide if he should join a new karate class.


  1. You think it very important that your friend buys a new CD.



Practice 1

Choose a suitable preposition to complete the sentences










  1. I am not very keen ________ tennis. What about you?

  2. Do you ever dream ________ vampires?

  3. I have spent three hours searching _______ my keys. Have you seen them?

  4. This vase is made ________ very fragile glass. Be careful _____ it.

  5. Can I borrow some money ______ you?

  6. How was Brazil? Tell me everything _________ your holiday.

  7. I haven't got the book. I lent it _______ John last week.

  8. He never laughs __________ my jokes. He's got no sense ______ humour.

  9. That smell reminds me ________ my schooldays.

  10. I am not satisfied ______ your work. You must try harder.

Vocabulary from the unit:

ability - umiejętność, zdolność

be able - potrafić, być w stanie

be keen on - przepadać za czymś

borrow - pożyczać od kogoś

forbidden - zabronione

in response to - w odpowiedzi na

kick - kopać

laugh at - śmiać się z

leather - skóra (wyprawiona)

lend - pożyczać komuś

lose weight - chudnąć

permission - pozwolenie

remind of - przypominać o

satisfied with - zadowolony z czegoś

search for - szukać czegoś

specific action - ściśle określony czyn

talent - talent, uzdolnienie

vampire - wampir

warning - ostrzeżenie

LESSON 11 - answer key


Practice 1


  1. Have you got any special talents?

Yes, I can run quickly.

  1. I haven't got a pen.

Can you give me one?

  1. Can you put your feet behind your ears?

Yes, I can.

  1. How strong are you?

I can lift a car.

  1. Did you have any special talents when you were younger?

I could eat 50 cakes.


  1. You mustn't park cars outside the school. It is forbidden.

  2. I told Hermann that he shouldn't smoke. It's very unhealthy.

  3. Maria can run 100 meters in 10 seconds.

  4. John has to/must pass his exams with an A if he wants to go to university.

  5. Should I go to France or Germany for my holidays?



Practice 2


  1. "Should I wear the miniskirt or the leather trousers?"

You should wear the mini.

  1. "I'm bored. What can we do?"

Let's go to the pub.

  1. "What should I buy for Matt's birthday this year?"

Why not buy a car?

  1. Your friend is trying to decide if he should join a new karate class.

I think it's a good idea.

  1. You think it's very important that your friend buys a new CD.

You must buy this new CD.


Practice 1

  1. I am not very keen on tennis. What about you?

  2. Do you ever dream about vampires?

  3. I have spent three hours searching for my keys. Have you seen them?

  4. This vase is made of very fragile glass. Be careful with it.

  5. Can I borrow some money from you?

  6. How was Brazil? Tell me everything about your holiday.

  7. I haven't got the book. I lent it to John last week.

  8. He never laughs at my jokes. He's got no sense of humour.

  9. That smell reminds me of my schooldays.

  10. I am not satisfied with your work. You must try harder.


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