storytelling procedure

Marlena Kowalczyk, group 2




Mr Page's Pet Shop

This is Mr Page's pet shop.

What's in the pet shop?

Oh, there are some cats in the pet shop. Where are the cats?

What does a cat say? It says, `Miaow! Miaow!'

What's in the pet shop?

Oh, there are some frogs in the pet shop. Where are the frogs?

What does a frog say? It says, `Croak! Croak!'

(the same text with different animals -> dogs, `Woof! Woof!'

snakes, `Hiss! Hiss!'

pig, `Grunt! Grunt!')

Now, here's a sausage.

The dogs like it.

They say, `Yum! Yum!'

And Piggy likes it, and he says, `Yum! Yum!'

The snakes don't like it.

They say, `Yuk! Yuk!'

Here's a worm!

The cats and the snakes and Piggy like it.

They say, `Yum! Yum!'

The dogs and the frogs don't like it.

They say, `Yuk! Yuk!'

Here's some chocolate.

Who likes chocolate?

But today is Piggy's birthday.

Piggy, invite the pets to your birthday party!

Now Piggy says, `Help yourselves! There's cheese!'

Here comes Mr Page.

He's walking up the stairs.

One, two, three.

Piggy says, `Quick! Go back to your cages!'

Then Piggy eats up all the food.

Mr Page says, `Good night, animals! Sleep well!'

And all the pets are quiet except for Piggy who says, `Yum! Yum!'


This is a storytelling lesson for 8-year-olds. The teacher tells the story. Students repeat some lines. All the pictures shown are put on the blackboard.


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