neuro 14

1.Why do we use caspacin to lower pain? It depletes presynapse of Substance P

2.Fast pain in transferred with: A delta
3.Postsganglionic sympathetics: C

4.Paralysis of rib cage and abdomen, diaphragm still working, where is lesion of spinal cord?
A. C7
B. Th5
C. Th12

5.Blocking sodium channels with TTX produces what? Paralysis of the body

6.Anxiety is connected with what? Diffuse Serotonine system
7.SSRI does what? Blocks transporter (of uptake of serotonin)

8.Two neurons, A: activates Na/K, B activates: Cl- channels: Firing of Neuron B produces hyperpolarization of neuron C (IPSP)

9Damage to the spinocerebellar tract on the right side leads to: Dysdiadochokinesis on the right side

10What is found in the spinal cord?
A: Oligodendrocytes
B: Schwann Cells

11,What nerve will heal best:
A:transected nerve
B:nerve exposed to compression damage

12The right lateral geniculate nucleus receives information from Righ temporal retina, Left nasal retina

13Guy with narcolepsy, suddenly loosing consciousness: A waves lasting as long as he is passed out

14Patients has episodes of hearing bad, and vertigo, sometimes he will not hear when an attack will take place: Increased endolymph pressure

15Patient deaf on one left ear:
A:Tuning fork applied to his nasal bridge will lateralize to his left ear
B: Tuning fork placed on mastoid will not be heard

16Parasympathetics innervating the heart will synapse at: ganglion near his heart

17Multiple sclerosis: Decreases time constant, decreasing conduction velocity

18Hypersexual guy, damage to limbic system, where: Temporal lobe

19Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area connected through: Arcuate fasiculus

20Old patient with history of paralysis of his lower lip gets hyperressonance and suddenly cant feel taste in anterior two thirds of tongue: Sudden damage to facial nerve travelling through otitis media

21Patient with cotton swab to his eye, one is good the other is bad, Left eye reacts, right one doesn’t react to stimulus: damage to right ophthalmic nerve (Afferent part of reflex)

22Cold stimulation of external auditory meatus: Nystagmus away from the stimulation

23Neurons from cochlear nucleus synapse with: Superior olivary nucleus

24All of the following are cause for increased neurotransmiiter release following more influx of calcium:
A. Increased number of vesicles fuse with membrane
B. Prolonged fusion with membrane
C. A and B
D. Larger vesicles will fuse with membrane
E. all of the above

25Laboratory checking receptors, one receptor only depolarizes after the resting potential is bought to 0mV which receptor? NMDA

26Damage to the 6th cranial nerve will produce: Inability to abduct the eye

27Low frequency sounds will produce action potential/receptor potential where in the cochlea/ where on the basilar membrane: Most away from the oval window, near the helicotrema

28Receptor potential is: Like postsynaptic potential, they work in an analogous way

29Lesion to which part of the hypothalamus will produce weight gain: Ventromedial hypothalamus

30Correct order of transmission from release of Neurotransmiiter to depolarization of postsynaptic membrane:
1. Depolarization of Presynaptic membrane 2. Binding of Neurotransmitter to Acetylcholine receptors 3. Influx of Na+ in postsynaptic membrane

30Blood supply to the eye:
A:All branches are from the middle cerebral artery
B: One branch supplies the lateral part of retina
C. one branch supplies the midial part of the retina

31Taste from the tongue synapse with which nuclei in the brainstem: Nucleus tractus soliterius

32The senses of the face synapse with which part of the thalamus? VPM

33Little kid has dilated colon, and no movement of his descending colon, dilated/enlarged abdomen what is his lesion (Hirschsprungs disease): Postganglionic parasympathetic

34Myasthenia Gravis is due to: Antibodies binding to ligand gated channels on the postsynaptic cell

35When we scratch a place that has pain: Goes to inhibitory interneurons In dorsal horn of spinal cord

36The pain modulation theory: Descending tract that inhibits local neurons in the spinal cord.

37Decreased muscle tone in sleep is due to: Acethylcholine

38The name of the loss of the ability to perform complex motor tasks: Apraxia

39Woman is out on camping and is very cold, cant retain heat. Damage where?: (None of the options were posterior hypothalamus) Damage to the anterior part of hypothalamus

40Man who develops non-communicating hydrocephalus: Cancer of pineal gland

41Patient has dissection of left internal carotid and a hemi…. Of right cerebral cortex will have:
A. Mydriasis of Left eye
B. Mydriasis of Right eye
C. Miosis of Right eye
D. Miosis of Left eye
E. Sweating of forehead

42Internal carotid embolism will result in: ischemia of hypothalamus

43Which of the following is involved in maintaining the blood-brain-barrier: A:Astrocytes,
D:Schwann cells

44Neural crest cells give rise to: Pia mater

45Child which has a dilatation of the lower part of spine, CT is made, only the meninges but no nerves are going out: Meningocele

46Parkinsons disease intracellular inclusions: Alpha- Synlucein

47What is not a negative symptom of Parkinsons: Ballismus

48Huntington’s disease damage to: Putamen and caudate nucleus

49For smell: The stereoform of the molecule matters

50Norepinephrine is labeled in brain, where is it most concentrated? locus coeruleus

51Increased influx of Ca over prolonged time: Neurotoxicity

52Anxiolytics: Serotonine

53Man driving car, lost consciousness after hearing gunshot: Short term neurosis to the stimulus

54Damage to orbitofrontal circuit of limbic system what will we observe in the patient: Apathy

55Glasgow coma scale you check: A. Verbal response, Eye response B. Motor response C. A and B

56Damage to the cerebellum and memory: plays a part in procedural memory

57What is not influenced by damage to the temporal lobe: All the options where about memory, only one answer was about short term memory
A. Long term memory
B. Declarative
C. Short term
D. Episodic

58Spinal shock and upper motor injury: Hyperreflexia

59 Cause of parkinsons:
A. Trauma to head
B. Ischemia
C. ….
D. A and B
E. None of the above

60 Developing drug against seizures,what do we look for in the drug: that it Activates GABA

61: You hit hammer on knee to check reflex, what do you activate? Muscle spindle



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