1. Egressive pulmonic airstream
    an outgoing stream of air produced by the lungs contracting (partially collapsing inwards) and thus pushing the air contained within them outwards.

    This airstream passes through the larynx and along a tube of complex shape formed by the mouth and nose.

    This occurs in sound produce of English and Polish.

  2. Egressive glottalic (Hausa, northern Nigeria):
    ejectives [p’ t’ k’]
    egressive glottalic velar stop [k’]

Stage 1

Back of the tongue is raised to form a velar closure.

Closure of the glottis.

The two actions happen simultaneously.

Stage 2

Closed glottis is raised (about 1 cm).

Stage 3

Air in the pharynx is compressed.

Stage 4

Back of the tongue is lowered, releasing the compressed air.

Stage 5

Glottal closure is released.

  1. Ingressive glottalic: implosives (Sindhi, India) [ɓ ɗ ɠ]

bilabial implosive [ǣ]

Stage 1

Closure of the lips

Stage 2

Downward movement of the vibrating glottis (the larynx is not fully closed)

Stage 3

Little change in the air pressure in the oral vocal tract (because the glottis is not

fully closed and the air continues to flow from the lungs, there is little change in

the air pressure)

Stage 4

Lips come apart

  1. Ingressive velaric : clicks (Zulu, Xhosa) /| ǃ ʘ ‖/ dental, alveolar, bilabial, alveolar


dental click [|]

Stage 1

Back of the tongue is raised to form a velar closure.

Tongue tip is raised to form the front closure.

Stage 2

Both closures are maintained but the body of the tongue is lowered decreasing

the air pressure.

Stage 3

Tongue tip is lowered and the air rushes into the mouth.

Stage 4

Velar closure is released.


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