lit bryt

1485 – 1616 – the Renaissance

The Renaissance poetry before Shakespeare

The first influence In English literature comes from Italy (Francesco Petrarka)

Drama before Shakespeare

There was a group of playwrights called “University Wits” – Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Nashe. The University Wits were a group of very well educated people from universities Oxford and Cambridge. They don’t like Shakespeare who wasn’t educated. He was a simple man.

Christopher Marlowe – was the most famous. He was famous for imitating classical plays. He wrote heroic verses.

Interludes - the morality plays are a type of allegory in which the protagonist is met by personifications of various moral attributes who try to prompt him to choose a godly life over one of evil. The plays were most popular in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Drama before Shakespeare – plays were performed for a very small amount of people – for the elite at courts. Together with the development of theatre was the development of professional actors. The plays were usually performed by amateurs. By the end of 16 century there appeared companies of actors which had the patronage of the wealthy individual. They employed boys who played female roles.

The Renaissance prose

William Shakespeare

He wrote 37 plays within 24 years. He changed Ancient drama. He introduced comic elements into tragedies. He also limited the role of chores. He also wrote historical chronicles and tragicomedies. He was interested in power of the king. He wanted to show, that the king was a simple man.

Historical chronicles was history plays which exploited (wykorzystywać) history and showed different features of characters. This process was called humanizing the hero.

The main subjects of Shakespeare’s plays:

Shakespeare’s characters:

Shakespeare presents psychological portrait of the hero using super natural elements

They became so well known as the function of symbols:



The Tempest


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