Jonagold na 12 podkładkach
PLONY 8. letnie (1996-2001)i WSKAŻNIK PLENNOŚCI
Analysis of Variance for Pppp-Wiosna 2002 [cm2]
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
Podkladka 11662,8 11 1060,26 37,45 0,0000
Residual 2038,57 72 28,3135
Total (corrected) 13701,4 83
Analysis of Variance for Plon 1996-2001 [kg/drzewo]
Podkladka 29484,9 11 2680,44 28,44 0,0000
Residual 6785,63 72 94,2448
Total (corrected) 36270,5 83
Analysis of Variance for Wskaźnik intensywności owocowania (WIO) =
= Stosunek plonu do Pppp [kg/cm2]
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
Podkladka 10,388 11 0,94436 6,33 0,0000
Residual 10,7338 72 0,149081
Total (corrected) 21,1218 83
Analysis of Variance for Plon 1996-2001 [t/ha]
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
Podkladka 46070,1 11 4188,19 28,44 0,0000
Residual 10602,5 72 147,257
Total (corrected) 56672,7 83
PORÓWNANIA ŚREDNICH (Multiplr Range Tests}
- na podstawie testu Newmana Keulsa przy poziomie wiarygodności =0,05)
(prawdopodobieństwo błędu przy wnioskowaniu o istotności różnic 5%]
Multiple Comparisons for Pppp Wiosna 2002 [cm2] by Podkladka
Method: 95,0 percent Student-Newman-Keuls
Podkladka Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
P 22 9 10,2955 a X
PB-4 4 10,6709 a X
B 146 10 19,1187 b X
B 9 8 31,1288 c X
M.9-T337 8 31,4206 c X
M.9-T339 8 32,1637 c X
P 60 6 32,6685 c X
M.9-984 8 33,4963 c X
Nr 47 5 34,4605 c X
M.26 5 34,7917 c X
M.9-EMLA 8 34,8884 c X
M.7 5 61,3021 d X
Multiple Comparisons for Plon 1996-2001 [kg/drzewo] by Podkladka
Method: 95,0 percent Student-Newman-Keuls
Podkladka Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
PB-4 4 26,275 a X
P 22 9 31,7444 a X
B 146 10 44,65 b X
B 9 8 63,05 c X
M.9-984 8 63,9 cd XX
M.9-T337 8 65,3375 cd XX
M.9-EMLA 8 69,05 cd XX
M.9-T339 8 74,7125 cd XX
Nr 47 5 77,5 cd XX
P 60 6 78,05 cd XX
M.26 5 79,9 d X
M.7 5 99,48 E X
Multiple Comparisons for WSKAŹNIKA PLENNOŚCI [kg/cm2] by Podkladka
Method: 95,0 percent Student-Newman-Keuls
Podkladka Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
M.7 5 1,66299 a X
M.9-984 8 1,93317 ab XX
M.9-EMLA 8 2,00193 ab XX
M.9-T337 8 2,11285 ab XX
B 9 8 2,11597 ab XX
Nr 47 5 2,21655 ab XX
M.26 5 2,29581 ab XX
M.9-T339 8 2,35106 b X
B 146 10 2,42077 b X
P 60 6 2,42161 b X
PB-4 4 2,50786 b X
P 22 9 3,08807 c X
Multiple Comparisons for PLONU Z JEDNOSTKI POWIERZCHNI [t/ha] by Podkladka
Method: 95,0 percent Student-Newman-Keuls
Podkladka Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
PB-4 4 32,8438 X
P 22 9 39,6806 X
B 146 10 55,8125 X
B 9 8 78,8125 X
M.9-984 8 79,875 XX
M.9-T337 8 81,6719 XX
M.9-EMLA 8 86,3125 XX
M.9-T339 8 93,3906 XX
Nr 47 5 96,875 XX
P 60 6 97,5625 XX
M.26 5 99,875 X
M.7 5 124,35 X