grid w8


Gridding Report


Thu Jun 06 10:38:51 2013

Elasped time for gridding: 0.05 seconds

Data Source

Source Data File Name: D:\Maciej Hasior\2 B E M(12pon.8.00).xls (sheet 'Arkusz1')

X Column: A

Y Column: B

Z Column: C

Data Counts

Active Data: 704

Original Data: 704

Excluded Data: 0

Deleted Duplicates: 0

Retained Duplicates: 0

Artificial Data: 0

Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering

Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering

Duplicate Points to Keep: First

X Duplicate Tolerance: 0.00043

Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.00028

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering

Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts

Active Data: 704

Univariate Statistics




Count: 704 704 704

1%%-tile: 53370.05 41790.78 4

5%%-tile: 53582.23 42114.97 8.6

10%%-tile: 53771.62 42203.01 15.6

25%%-tile: 54433.5 42410.01 35.5

50%%-tile: 55343.63 42804.92 55.5

75%%-tile: 56080.63 43214.03 77.4

90%%-tile: 56646.76 43484.86 109.8

95%%-tile: 56832.45 43618.31 135.3

99%%-tile: 56965.98 43755.39 189

Minimum: 53321.5 41430.57 1.4

Maximum: 56995.46 43822.53 259.2

Mean: 55258.4431534 42820.6162926 61.5724431818

Median: 55346.125 42806.17 55.7

Geometric Mean: 55249.1392614 42817.8330636 47.9568362645

Harmonic Mean: 55239.8203282 42815.0499946 30.825104464

Root Mean Square: 55267.7303613 42823.3995271 73.5433373705

Trim Mean (10%%): 55262.9162559 42820.2557188 58.124328594

Interquartile Mean: 55296.5128612 42807.8301133 55.3813031161

Midrange: 55158.48 42626.55 130.3

Winsorized Mean: 55259.1640909 42822.6228693 58.2866477273

TriMean: 55300.3475 42808.47 55.975

Variance: 1027939.68994 238706.450728 1619.75750412

Standard Deviation: 1013.87360649 488.575941618 40.246211053

Interquartile Range: 1647.13 804.02 41.9

Range: 3673.96 2391.96 257.8

Mean Difference: 1168.93153732 561.524196908 42.4520860274

Median Abs. Deviation: 826.46 402.555 21.15

Average Abs. Deviation: 857.389232955 414.849105114 28.8326704545

Quartile Dispersion: 0.0149042479907 0.00939011987755 0.371124889283

Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0211538992164 0.0131134076416 0.689465673825

Standard Error: 38.2117992906 18.4138986357 1.51683615109

Coef. of Variation: 0.0183478496431 0.0114098297484 0.653639988495

Skewness: -0.11985139513 0.0185406717226 1.38769329458

Kurtosis: 1.94088124702 2.13289419496 6.01862758002

Sum: 38901943.98 30145713.87 43347

Sum Absolute: 38901943.98 30145713.87 43347

Sum Squares: 2.15038350158e+012 1.29102585713e+012 3807670.22

Mean Square: 3054522019.29 1833843547.06 5408.62247159


Inter-Variable Covariance




X: 1027939.7 -73402.324 -16025.123

Y: -73402.324 238706.45 2650.7785

Z: -16025.123 2650.7785 1619.7575


Inter-Variable Correlation




X: 1.000 -0.148 -0.393

Y: -0.148 1.000 0.135

Z: -0.393 0.135 1.000


Inter-Variable Rank Correlation




X: 1.000 -0.140 -0.328

Y: -0.140 1.000 0.254

Z: -0.328 0.254 1.000


Principal Component Analysis




X: 0.0919247618312 0.0919247618312 0.0151445239119

Y: 0.995753077648 0.995753077648 -0.0064832423321

Z: 0.00506423898778 0.00506423898778 -0.0064832423321

Lambda: 1034962.39173 231943.662704 1359.84373848


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters




Parameter Value: -0.015128789235 0.00645265449463 621.259140923

Standard Error: 0.00138925415691 0.00288292566705 154.73668487


Inter-Parameter Correlations




A: 1.000 0.148 -0.614

B: 0.148 1.000 -0.871

C: -0.614 -0.871 1.000




Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F


Regression: 2 182460.319655 91230.1598276 66.8797205263

Residual: 701 956229.205743 1364.09301818

Total: 703 1138689.5254


Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.160237110806

Nearest Neighbor Statistics


Separation |Delta Z|


1%%-tile: 5.95627400309 0.2

5%%-tile: 21.8071203968 0.8

10%%-tile: 33.116174296 1.7

25%%-tile: 45.8873097926 3.8

50%%-tile: 63.003610214 8.6

75%%-tile: 84.9612158576 18.2

90%%-tile: 95.969628529 34.2

95%%-tile: 98.4727556231 46.3

99%%-tile: 110.534253514 73.7

Minimum: 1.67361883355 0.1

Maximum: 600.42200068 170.2

Mean: 64.7538987679 14.5521306818

Median: 63.0852062063 8.6

Geometric Mean: 57.396145943 7.85931713977

Harmonic Mean: 43.0789242485 2.94438137964

Root Mean Square: 72.6212075602 22.6627337901

Trim Mean (10%%): 64.1153866896 12.133807267

Interquartile Mean: 63.524164901 9.39093484419

Midrange: 301.047809757 85.15

Winsorized Mean: 64.3550812829 12.5326704545

TriMean: 64.2139365196 9.8

Variance: 1082.30975367 302.264348228

Standard Deviation: 32.8984764643 17.3857512989

Interquartile Range: 39.073906065 14.4

Range: 598.748381846 170.1

Mean Difference: 29.9572493138 15.7308600317

Median Abs. Deviation: 18.7222471456 5.7

Average Abs. Deviation: 21.3274251601 10.4904829545

Quartile Dispersion: 0.298619383527 0.654545454545

Relative Mean Diff.: 0.462632364751 1.08100046486

Standard Error: 1.23990798416 0.655250156329

Coef. of Variation: 0.508053987331 1.19472204305

Skewness: 6.45173725512 3.00802572617

Kurtosis: 102.916141026 17.2757739794

Sum: 45586.7447326 10244.7

Sum Absolute: 45586.7447326 10244.7

Sum Squares: 3712783.2104 361574.05

Mean Square: 5273.8397875 513.599502841


Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 8.01095556289e-005

Clark and Evans: 1.15914583481

Skellam: 1868.80411851

Gridding Rules

Gridding Method: Nearest Neighbor

Search Ellipse Radius #1: 4380

Search Ellipse Radius #2: 4380

Search Ellipse Angle: 0

Output Grid

Grid File Name: D:\Maciej Hasior\w8.grd

Grid Size: 122 rows x 201 columns

Total Nodes: 24522

Filled Nodes: 24522

Blanked Nodes: 0

Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 53000

X Maximum: 57000

X Spacing: 20

Y Minimum: 41400

Y Maximum: 43820

Y Spacing: 20

Univariate Grid Statistics




Count: 24522

1%%-tile: 1.4

5%%-tile: 3

10%%-tile: 4.3

25%%-tile: 8.9

50%%-tile: 35.9

75%%-tile: 65.6

90%%-tile: 100.9

95%%-tile: 119.5

99%%-tile: 183.4

Minimum: 1.4

Maximum: 259.2

Mean: 45.7373052769

Median: 35.9

Geometric Mean: 26.318111739

Harmonic Mean: 11.8211497536

Root Mean Square: 61.8353289369

Trim Mean (10%%): 41.7336943224

Interquartile Mean: 37.271095343

Midrange: 130.3

Winsorized Mean: 42.4671437893

TriMean: 36.575

Variance: 1731.77743212

Standard Deviation: 41.6146300251

Interquartile Range: 56.7

Range: 257.8

Mean Difference: 44.0597201862

Median Abs. Deviation: 27.4

Average Abs. Deviation: 31.8518799445

Quartile Dispersion: 0.761073825503

Relative Mean Diff.: 0.963321295809

Standard Error: 0.265746830711

Coef. of Variation: 0.909861868187

Skewness: 1.3910078819

Kurtosis: 5.56602299722

Sum: 1121570.2

Sum Absolute: 1121570.2

Sum Squares: 93762513.04

Mean Square: 3823.60790474



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