angol zadania

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What research permit detect birth defects of the fetus?
2. Who may benefit from the "services" of a surrogate mother?
3. What is Bioethics?
4. What is the main subject of bioethics?
5. What enable the present-day science technology and medicine?

Exercise 2. Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. In the early stages - the development of medicine, the doctor's intervention was effective. ___
2. Today almost every pregnancy can be sustained. ___
3. Medicine in just a hundred years develop vastly. ___
4. Bioethics was created as a result of the ongoing regress of such fields of science as embryology, genetics, biotechnology. ___

Exercise 3. Work in pairs. Discuss the qestions.

1. What do you think about in vitro? Are you supprter or opponent?
2. Do you think that development of medicine threats posed?

Exercise 4. Join these word combinations.

1 the ongoing a birth
2 the mortality b fever
3 a difficult c development
4 a deadly puerperal d mother
5 surrogate e of women
6 the unborn f life
7 artificial g child
8 artificial means of prolonging h insemination

permit - pozwalać
enable - umożliwiać
vastly - znacznie
supporter - zwolennik
opponent - przeciwnik


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