3.Sł Szkoła, 3 Szkoła

3. Szkoła

Ćwiczenie 1.

Listę przedmiotów szkolnych uzupełnij ocenami, które otrzymałeś lub chciałbyś otrzymać w szkole. Czy wpisane oceny odpowiadają Twoim oczekiwaniom lub uzdolnieniom?

6 - excellent 5 - very qood 4 - good 3 - satisfactory 2 - poor 1 - fail

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Other foreign language











Other subjects:

Ćwiczenie 2.

Dopasuj poziom edukacji do typów szkół zamieszczonych poniżej. Wpisz w luki odpo­wiednie litery: P (primary education), S (secondary education) lub H (further or higher education).

comprehensive school -

evening class -

grammar school -

junior high school

(tower secondary school) -

junior school -

play-school -

technical university-

teacher-training college -

technical college-

university -

vocational school -

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Ćwiczenie 3.

Podaj, co oznaczają następujące skróty stopni wykształcenia i w jakim typie szkoły możesz je zdobyć.







Ćwiczenie 4.

Uzupełnij luki rzeczownikami z listy, aby otrzymać poprawne wyrażenia. W niektórych przypadkach istnieje kilka możliwości.

A test

an exam classes

a degree



a subject a course lectures

  1. attend

  2. do

  3. do well/badly in

  4. pass/fail

  5. go to

  6. graduate from

  7. make

  1. mark

  2. revise for

  1. sit/resit

  2. skip

  3. study

  1. take

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Ćwiczenie 5.

Dokończ definicje, dopasowując do wyrazów 1-6 dokończenia zdań a-f.

  1. A head teacher

  2. A lecturer

  3. A pupil

  4. A dean

  5. A tutor

  6. A graduate

is someone who

a. has received a university degree.

b. is being taught at primary school.

c. is in charge of a faculty at university.

d. is in charge of a primary or secondary school.

e. is responsible for a student's personal
or academic development.

f. works at university.

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Ćwiczenie 6.

Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania. Znajdź odpowiednie argumenty przemawiające za oma­wianymi koncepcjami lub przeciw nim.

1. Which type of school is better for young people:

a. a single-sex school or a co-educational school?

b. a day school or a boarding school? Why?

  1. Are written examinations a good way to test knowledge or rather not? Justify your opinion.

  1. Does everyone need private lessons to do well in an exam? Why? / Why not?

  1. Many people think that a good education is extremely important to get a job. Does every­one need a university degree or rather not? Justify your point of view.

Ćwiczenie 7.

Przygotuj się do odegrania w parach (A/B) poniższych sytuacji.

1. You want to attend an English course in Great Britain. Call one school you have selected
and ask for information. Think about the information you need to ask about before you
decide to enrol on (=join) a course.

Person A: call the school and ask for information Person B: answer the phone and give information

2. Tell a friend about a school trip you have attended. Where did your class go? Where was
your hotel located? How did you spend your time there?

Person A: talk about the trip

Person B: keep up the conversation and ask questions

3. You are studying at a university in England. In your opinion, in one case the requirements
are too high, but the level of classes is low. Talk to your tutor about the problem.

Person A(student):talk to your tutor about your problem Person B (tutor): talk to your student and offer a solution


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