Zestawy podstawowy, ZESTAW IV



Przeczytaj uważnie wypowiedzi czterech osób, które
oznaczono literami A-D. Nast
ępnie odpowiedz na pytania
4.1-4.7. W miejsce obok ka
żdego pytania wpisz
ą literę. W przypadku, gdy pytanie wymaga
podania dw
óch odpowiedzi, kolejność wpisywania liter
jest dowolna. Za ka
żde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz
1 pkt.
(7 punktów)

High fliers

Ben Watkins, Marketing Manager

My road to success was not easy. At school I didn't like maths so when I decided to study marketing and mana­gement my parents didn't like the idea. My family is known for their special passion. My grandpa was a doc­tor, my parents are doctors and my sister is a doctor. Somehow everybody expected me to follow in my par­ents' footsteps. I do admire their hard work, but medi­cine was not my cup of tea. At present, I am Marketing Manager in a big multinational company. Next month we are launching a new product on the market so I've got rather a lot to do, which I don't mind because I like working. Actually, I am very busy but I love my job.

Alison Webb, Journalist

Journalism has always appealed to me. But in this pro­fession you have to be persistent and patient. You might have to wait for quite a long time before you can write about things you have always wanted to write. My first job was part-time since I was a student at the time. I must say it taught me a lesson. I worked very hard, writing very short texts about the current events in the capital. I wasn't well-paid, but at that time money was not a problem. I could always rely on my parents, and I will always remember that. Now I am Manager of Fashion Section in Elegance, a monthly magazine for women. One thing hasn't changed, though. I still work very hard.

John Derrick, Student of Economics

Being a student of economics has some advantages. For example, I can understand why the government has to make some unpopular decisions. On the other hand, I can also predict the results of poor co-ordination between our fiscal and monetary policy. Yesterday I opened a newspaper and most of the texts were about the approaching recession. Economists say that the rate of unemployment will be higher and more than 3 mil­lion people will lose their jobs next year. This isn't good news. Well, I hope I'm capable of becoming a good econo­mist. I'd like to work for a big multinational company in the future.

Jane Peterson, Personnel Manager

My parents have always believed in me, so I guess that if not for them, I would never have become Personnel Manager in a big company. But I must admit I was lucky enough to be surrounded by colleagues for whom my sex wasn't an issue. They just needed a co-worker with specific practical skills. They have chosen me because of my professionalism and open-mindedness. I get on very well with our employees and I suppose they

even like me a little. I encourage all girls to have ambi­tious plans. Dreams do come true!

A Ben Watkins B Alison Webb C John Derrick D Jane Peterson


disappointed their parents? (przykład) _ A

is grateful to their parents? 4.1. 4.2.

sees positive aspects of knowing more than others?


is a hard-working person? 4.4. 4.5.

is admired by their professionalism? 4.6.

thinks girls should be ambitious in life? 4.7.


Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Następnie zdecyduj, które ze
ń 5.1-5.9 są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE),
a które fałszywe (FALSE). Swoją odpowiedź zaznacz
w odpowiedniej kratce, tak jak zosta
ło to pokazane
w przyk
ładzie. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie
rzymasz 1 pkt. (9 punktów)

Unusual Christmas

Sarah and Claire decided to go somewhere hot for Christmas. You can imagine the pandemonium when they announced the big news to their parents. For them, Christmas without presents under a Christmas tree, a big turkey dinner, pulling the cracker and eating a fabulous (some people wouldn't share my opinion here!) Christmas pudding or Christmas cake is incomplete. 'Why do they need a change now? Where did we go wrong?' Sarah and Claire's mother kept asking herself. However, the only sensible explanation for this and similar cases is that young people need variety. They value tradition, but they do not feel like being slaves to tradition.

'We are packed, our plane tickets are to be collected on Thursday' says Claire. 'I've celebrated Christmas in the traditional way all my life. And I love the atmos­phere of Christmas at my family home, all the prepara­tion and stuff. But I need a change. I like winter too, but this year Sarah and I wanted to celebrate Christmas alone, far from our family home.'

When asked about the reasons for their decision, they both say that the idea came to them two weeks ago when one of them had seen a documentary about Sydney. 'Claire called me and said we might spend Christmas in Australia this year. I thought she was jok­ing. But when she started listing travel agencies she had already contacted I knew she was not pulling my leg.' 'Actually, I had booked two plane tickets before I phoned her', adds Claire.

My last question was about their parents' attitude towards their plan after a few days had passed. 'Our parents tend not to hide their dissatisfaction with our decision but they have finally accepted it and helped us plan the shopping' says Sarah. 'And I understand their

mixed feelings. I hope they will also understand ours. We are not rebellious teenagers. We are adults who just need some variety in order not to let our family tradi­tions go stale. We will look forward to our next Christmas with our parents and relatives. This year we will spend our Christmas on the beach.'

Sarah and Claire are leaving next weekend. They have already given their Christmas presents to their beloved ones and friends. They like windsurfing a lot and hope to get big waves in Australia this Christmas. As both of them are fond of hitchhiking, they are unlikely to stay in one place for a long time.

Sarah believes that her sister was born to travel. Claire knows that she needs her sister's sensibility and common sense. To cut a long story short, it's good they love travelling together.


Sarah and Claire will stay at home for Christmas.




Their parents didn't like their idea.


Young people are bored with Christmas traditions.


Claire phoned Sarah.


Sarah knew that Claire had bought the tickets.


Their parents gave them a helping hand eventually.


The two girls will think about Christmas presents after they come back home.


Sarah and Claire might do some travelling in Australia.


Both sisters have the same person­ality.


Both girls are looking forward to having a lot of fun in Australia.


Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto 5 zdań. Zdania te oznaczono literami A-F. Dobierz zdania tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każde wolne miejsce wpisz literę, którą oznaczone zostały brakujące zdania. Jedno z podanych zdań nie pasuje do tekstu. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 pkt.

(4 punkty)

What's on in town?

How about an evening with a difference this Bank

Holiday weekend? (przykład) C Fresh from

shows at the Edinburgh Festival and with rave reviews
still ringing in their ears this theatre troupe perform a
mix of staged play, acrobatics and explosive pyrotech­
nics all accompanied by live music. (6.1.)

And what is most important - they promise to give entertainment to all the family. The use of fireworks near the stage may not be ideal for younger audience members, though.

(6.2.) Yes, in Spain! They call them­
selves 'Moth' because their performances are only at
night and take place all over the performance stage, in
amongst the audience as well as on the stage. They have
performed all over Europe. And their new show was
developed after working for two years in Greece.
Members of Moth Theatre Company worked hard on
the performance till they got everything right. As it
soon turned out, the results of their hard work were
superb. (6.3.)

Performances take place Friday through to Monday

and begin at 8p.m. (6.4.) For credit card

booking call 020 3345 6734 or visit the office: 15 Canal Street, Soho.


They use puppets, dance/movement and music to re­tell the Greek myth of Perseus and Cassiopea.


'The performance was positively received in Athens, so it's time we showed it to other people,' says the manager oiMoth Theatre Company.


It may be worth checking out Moth Theatre Company.


Greek people have got the healthiest diet in the world.


Tickets cost £10 for adults and £5 for children (under sixteen) and concessions.


Moth Theatre Company was established in Barcelona in 1988.

Uzyskane punkty

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