Social liberalism, Doktryny Polityczne, PLT

Bartosz Karoń SSP2 gr. IV.

Social liberalism.

Social liberalism is one of the main forms of the liberal outlook. It first occurred in nineteenth century as an effect of downturns in economic growth, poverty, unemployment and the agitation of well-organized labour unions. Then economic situation and rising power of monopolies made much more difficult to become a successful self-made individual taught that by hard work and talent one could obtain every achievement. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the resistance to laissez- faire liberalism leaded a group of British thinkers like Thomas Hill Green and Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse to a conclusion that individual liberty is something achievable only under favorable social and economic circumstances and that it is impossible for freedom and individuality to flourish due to the poverty, squalor, and ignorance in which many people live. They believed in healing by collective, welfare- oriented action coordinated by a strong, active, interventionist state.

Profile of Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse.

Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (08.09.1864- 21.06.1929) was a British liberal politician, philosopher and sociologist, one of the leading proponents of social liberalism, co- author of the New Liberals. He defined liberalism as a freedom, liberating movement. Hobhouse disliked Marxist socialism connecting social issues and state's interventionism with freedom of individuals. He claimed that wealth has a social dimension and it is a collective product. This means that wealthy owe some of their success to society and thus have some obligation to others. Man is a part of a community and who he is and what he possess is owed to the community. Hobhouse emphasized that the society has the right to demand payment for the functions fulfilled. Those who enriched should pay off the debt incurred to society through taxes. He also stated that the purpose of liberty is to enable individuals to develop. He said that coercion should be avoided because of its ineffectiveness at improving peoples' lot. While rejecting the practical doctrines of classical liberalism Hobhouse praised their work in liquidation of an archaic order of society. He believed one of the most significant components of liberalism was its emancipatory character. He noticed various forms of coercion already existing in society and proposed that to promote liberty, the state must soothe every other possible forms of coercion. Freedom, on his point of view, does not mean the right to do whatever you want but the right to liberty same as all the other members of society, which means that he equated freedom and equality. There is no freedom without restrictions made by law. Law and freedom are inextricably linked: on the one hand the law limits the individual in its activities, but on the other hand it limits the others in the name of common good. The law sets the extent of our freedom. We are equal in our freedom.

Main features of social liberalism.

Social liberalism differs from classical liberalism in that it states the vital role of the state includes inspection of the economic and social issues while expanding civil and political rights. It continues classic liberal formula that everyone has a right to use his freedom while the purpose of liberalism is creation of a just society of wealth. There are three main pillars of social liberalism.

1. Social liberalism allows the authorities and government to interfere the economy. Free market in connection with lack of social politics harms the whole society causing social stratification and impoverishment. State's help is acceptable as necessary but not in a constant way. State can not establish rules affecting free market. It is useful only in danger of crisis, to protect the society from being abused and from suffering from debilitating conditions. It is a great states' help to use freedom of one's, especially for people in need- weakest social groups, to provide equal opportunities. Flexible tax system should include changes and differences in society's wealth while fighting unemployment by creating new jobs. Hobhaus introduced progressive taxes saying that the more you have the more you pay.

2. The interference in the economy has a justification out of concern for interests of the society. State, in social liberals opinion, should care for society by providing access to the cultural heritage, health care, free education for all at possibly highest level, developing insurance system, minimum wages, employee's leaves and all the allowances and benefits such as unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, family allowance etc. One of the states' priorities should be codifying law, especially labour law, family law and commercial law to preserve society from abusing and breaking one's law by employers. Social liberals of nineteenth century insisted to codify in Labour Code regulations referred to reducing working hours, child employment while improving safety and hygiene at work, establishing national minimum wages and lawful development of trade unions. The state is treated as a representative of the community (the representative function of the state). For social liberals welfare and fair division of goods are very important social issues, that could not be left without states' care. Quite the opposite, every state have to ensure subsistence level, should commit itself to social policy in accordance with a principle states that good of the community can be achieved by freedom of the individuals. State should ensure fair use of the achievements of the community (fair distribution of wealth).

3. This general principle leads us to the third pillar of social liberalism. Since nineteenth century this element has stayed the most similar to the classic liberalism. Personal liberty is a vital part of social liberalism. State should secure freedom of individuals as the most important component of social life development. People should be able to make their own decisions creating their way to the successful life and welfare. It should manifest itself in freedom of economic and political activity, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of choice, speech, scientific research, freedom of the press, a right to assembly and finally to civil disobedience. State can not interfere in citizens political views and can not punish for having and expressing them. Alike, individuals should be able to be active members of parties, trade unions, organizations, associations or to fulfil their social functions in any different way. Social liberals are in favour of tolerance. They object discrimination and intolerance. Every large society contains minorities and all of them should be protected and supported. State should facilitate their existence and development and in the same time punish xenophobic behaviour creating a way of cooperation. Social liberals concentrate on secularity of the public space. In the social sphere state suspends any action not interfering in private matters of individuals leaving them to their own decision. This third pillar of social liberalism is the most connected with democratic system. Individualism, respect for minorities, freedom of activity and equality of opportunities makes social liberalism inseparable with democracy, mostly thanks to John Stuart Mill and Alexis Tocqueville in the second half of the nineteenth century and then Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse in the early twentieth century.



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